Photocatalytic degradation of Reactive Black 8 in UV/TiO2 /H2O2 system: Optimization and modeling using a response surface methodology (RSM) Mitra Mehrabani Zeinabad1, Sayed Javid Royaee2, Morteza Sohrabi3 Centre for Environmental Engineering Research and Education, Civil Engineering Department, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB, Canada T2N 1N4. 2-Refining Technology Development Division, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, Tehran, Iran. 3-Chemical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology, P.O. Box 15875-4413, Tehran, Iran. 1- Degradación fotocatalítica de Reactivo Negro 8 en el sistema UV/TiO2 /H2O2 : optimización y modelización utilizando una metodología de superficie de respuesta (RSM) Degradació fotocatalítica de Reactiu Negre 8 en el sistema UV/TiO2 /H2O2: optimització i modelització utilitzant una metodologia de superfície de resposta (RSM) Recibido: 9 de febrero de 2013; revisado: 8 de mayo de 2013; aceptado: 21 de mayo de 2013 RESUMEN Los colorantes reactivos azo son de los más utilizados en la industria textil. Sin embargo, estos compuestos son ambientalmente peligrosos y difíciles de tratar por métodos clásicos. En el presente estudio un fotoreactor discontinuo agitado y con un nuevo sistema de irradiación se utilizó para la decoloración de un colorante reactivo azo. Se investigaron los efectos de ciertos parámetros sobre la decoloración y la degradación de Reactivo Negro 8 C.I., incluyendo el colorante inicial, concentración de H2O2, cantidad de fotocatalizador y pH inicial en un sistema constituido por UV/TiO2/H2O2. El método Box-Behnken de diseño experimental estadístico, se utilizó para optimizar el proceso de decoloración. La eficiencia en la decoloración aumenta con la disminución de la concentración inicial de colorante, con la adición de H2O2 hasta un valor óptimo, con el aumento de la cantidad de fotocatalizador y con los valores de pH originales (sin adición de productos de ajuste de pH). Los parámetros óptimos obtenidos para la decoloración de Reactivo Negros 8 son los siguientes: TiO2 1.59 g L-1, concentración de Reactivo Negro 8 = 34.65 ppm, pH = 5.5, concentración de H2O2 = 1.82 (relación estequiométrica). Utilizando estos parámetros óptimos se observó el 96.1% de decoloración y el 78.6% de degradación del colorante en solución en los 60 minutos de irradiación. Palabras clave: Fotocatalizador, TiO2, LED-UV, Box-Behnken. SUMMARY Reactive azo dyes are among the most applicable dyes in textile industries. However, these compounds are environmentally hazardous and difficult to treat by classical 212 methods. In the present study a batch stirred photoreactor with a novel irradiating setup was utilized for decolorization of a reactive azo dye. The effects of certain parameters including initial dye, H2O2 concentration, photocatalyst loading and initial pH in a system consisting of UV/TiO2/ H2O2 on the decolorization and degradation of C.I. Reactive Black 8 were investigated. Box-Behnken method, a statistical experimental design method, has been used to optimize the decolorization process. Decolorization efficiency increases with decreasing initial dye concentration, addition of H2O2 up to an optimum value, increasing photocatalyst loading and at original pH values (containing no pH adjusting chemicals). The optimum parameters for decolorization of Reactive Black 8 are obtained as follows: TiO2 = 1.59 g L-1, Reactive Black 8 concentration =34.65 ppm, pH = 5.5, H2O2 concentration = 1.82 (stoichiometric ratio). By use of these optimum parameters 96.1% decolorization and 78.6% degradation of the dye in the solution was observed within 60 minutes irradiation. Keywords: Photocatalyst, TiO2, UV-LED, Box-Behnken. RESUM Els colorants reactius azo són dels més utilitzats en la indústria tèxtil. No obstant això, aquests compostos són ambientalment perillosos i difícils de tractar per mètodes clàssics. En el present estudi un fotoreactor discontinu agitat i amb un nou sistema d’irradiació es va utilitzar per la decoloració d’un colorant reactiu azo. Es van investigar els efectes de certs paràmetres sobre la decoloració i la degradació de Reactiu Negre 8 C.I., incloent el colorant inicial, la concentració d’H2O2, la quantitat de fotocatalitzador i el pH inicial en un sistema constituït per UV/TiO2/ H2O2. El mètode Box-Behnken de disseny experimental Afinidad LXX, 563, Julio - Septiembre 2013 estadístic, es va utilitzar per optimitzar el procés de decoloració. L’eficiència en la decoloració augmenta amb la disminució de la concentració inicial de colorant, amb l’addició d’H2O2 fins a un valor òptim, amb l’augment de la quantitat de fotocatalitzador i amb els valors de pH originals (sense addició de productes d’ajustament de pH). Els paràmetres òptims obtinguts per a la decoloració de Reactiu Negre 8 són els següents: TiO2 =1.59 g L-1, concentració de Reactiu Negre 8 = 34.65 ppm, pH = 5.5, concentració d’H2O2 = 1.82 (relació estequiomètrica). Utilitzant aquests paràmetres òptims es va observar el 96.1% de decoloració i el 78.6% de degradació del colorant en solució en els 60 minuts d’irradiació. lar weight and lmax1,2 of this dye were C19H11ClN8Na2O10S2, 656.9 g/mol and 334, 578 nm, respectively. A gift sample of TiO2 P25 catalyst was received from Degussa (Frankfurt, Germany). TiO2 P25 consists of anatase 80% and rutile 20% with the mean particle size of 20 nm and a BET surface area of 50 m2/g. All other chemicals used in this study were of analytical grades and obtained from Merck Company. De-ionized water was used to prepare necessary solutions. Paraules clau: Fotocatalitzador, TiO2, LED-UV, Box-Behnken. Fig. 1. Chemical structure of Reactive Black 8 1. Introduction Fig. 1. Chemical structure of Reactive Black 8 1,4 Absorbance Textile industry dye pollutants are an important source of 1,2 environmental contamination. A high percent of the dye is released in wastewaters during dyeing processes (Sauer 1 et al., 2002). 0,8 Azo dyes, containing one or more azo bonds, are the most widely used synthetic dyes and are major dye wastewa0,6 ter pollutants. Removing color from wastewater is more 0,4 important than treating other colorless organics, because, presence of only minute amounts of dyes is clearly visible 0,2 and affects the water environment (Wu, 2008). 0 Physical, chemical and biological methods are presently 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 available for treatment of textile wastewater. Biological Wavelength (nm) treatment is a cost effective technology. However, in several studies, the majority of dyes are only adsorbed on Fig. 2. Absorbance spectrum of Reactive Black 8 (Initial dye concentration: 50 ppm, pH 5.5) the sludge without any degradation (Pagga & Taeger, Fig. 2. Absorbance spectrum of Reactive Black 8 1994). From another point of view, conventional biological2.2 Analytical procedure (Initial dye concentration: 50 ppm, pH 5.5) methods are ineffective for degradation due to the aroma-Throughout the experiments, the dye concentration was determined at 578 nm wavelength UV-Vis spectrophotometer (DR 2800 Hach) after calibrating the device with the tic structure and stability of these dyes (Dai et al., 1995).applying a2.2 Analytical procedure TOC of the solutions was measured TOC Cell was Test Method Physical methods including ion-exchange, adsorption anddye. The Throughout the experiments, theusing dye Merck concentration (Spectroquant®). air stripping are also ineffective as they only transfer the determined at 578 nm wavelength applying a UV-Vis specpollutants to another phase rather than degrading them2.3 Devicetrophotometer (DR 2800 Hach) after calibrating the device (Sauer et al., 2002). The advanced oxidation processesAll photocatalytic with theexperiments dye. Thewere TOCconducted of the solutions measured us-cylindrical in a stirred was 500 mL batch Pyrex mLMerck of dye solution wasTest addedMethod to the reactor. The reactor content was stirred with (AOPs) are more efficient methods as they are capable ofreactor. 250 ing TOC Cell (Spectroquant®). mineralizing a wide range of organic pollutants (Muruga-a mechanical stirrer. Six UV-A LED lamps (Edison Co.) were mounted on the stirrer blade so it simultaneously mixed and irradiated the solution. Since by applying the photocatalyst, the nandham & Swaminathan, 2006). AOPs are related to thesolution becomes 2.3 Device blurred and light cannot be distributed well throughout the solution, this generation of hydroxyl radical which is a very powerful andnew designAllwould photocatalytic experiments conducted a stirred provide simultaneous mixing were and irradiation to theinreaction mixture. The is shown in Fig. 3. No heat effect was observed the UV LED non-selective oxidizing agent. Heterogeneous photoca-experimental 500apparatus mL batch Pyrex cylindrical reactor. 250 mL ofdue dyetosothe photoreaction. talysis by irradiation of UV on photocatalyst surface is alamps during lution was added to the reactor. The reactor content was more applicable advanced oxidation process. stirred with a mechanical stirrer. Six UV-A LED lamps (EdiIn the present study, a heterogeneous photocatalytic proson Co.) were mounted on the stirrer blade so it simultanecess UV/TiO2/H2O2 was applied for the decolorization of ously mixed and irradiated the solution. Since by applying the photocatalyst, the solution becomes blurred and light Youhaoreactive Black KBR commercial reactive azo dye cannot be distributed well 3throughout the solution, this solution. In addition, the effect of pertinent system paranew design would provide simultaneous mixing and irradimeters (catalyst loading, initial concentrations of both dye ation to the reaction mixture. The experimental apparatus and H2O2 and solution pH) on the dye decolorization was is shown in Fig. 3. No heat effect was observed due to the examined and decolorization rate was calculated. UV LED lamps during the photoreaction. 2. Experimental 2.1. Materials C.I. Reactive Black 8 with commercial name of Youhaoreactive Black KBR was supplied by Youhao Co. (China) and used without further purification. Fig. 1 shows the chemical structure of Reactive Black 8 and Fig. 2 shows it absorbance spectrum. The chemical formula, molecu- Afinidad LXX, 563, Julio - Septiembre 2013 213 Table 2. Design of experiments table (coded parameters) Parameters in coded levels Run UV-A LED Front view of stirrer blade A B C D TiO2 concentration Initial dye concentration pH H2O2 stochiometric ratio 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 -1 1 0 3 0 0 1 -1 4 0 -1 0 -1 5 0 0 0 0 6 1 -1 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 8 -1 1 0 0 9 0 0 -1 -1 10 -1 0 0 1 11 -1 0 1 0 12 0 1 1 0 branch of response surface methodology (RSM), was used to do the design of experiments (DOE) table by the Design Expert software. 13 0 -1 0 1 3. Results and discussion 14 -1 -1 0 0 15 0 1 -1 0 16 0 0 1 1 17 1 0 -1 0 18 0 0 0 0 19 0 -1 -1 0 20 0 1 0 -1 21 0 0 -1 1 22 1 1 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 24 -1 0 -1 0 25 0 1 0 1 26 1 0 0 -1 27 0 0 0 0 28 -1 0 0 -1 29 1 0 1 0 Edge view of stirrer blade Fig. 3. Photo-Reactor scheme Fig. 3. Photo-Reactor scheme For pH adjustment of the photocatalytic experiments (UV/TiO2/H2O2), dilute sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide solutions were used. For pH adjustment of the photocatalytic experiments (UV/ At regular time intervals, samples of about 3 mL in volume were withdrawn from the reactor, TiO2/H O ), dilute sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide soluand filtered, using 2 a20.22 μm membrane filter. tions were used. 2.4 Experimental design At regular time intervals, samples of about 3 mL in volume In order to find the optimum conditions for the decolorization process, to avoid unnecessary wereand withdrawn from the reactor, filtered, using a 0.22 experiments also regarding economical issues, it isand needed to perform an experimental designμm as amembrane function of thefilter. main factors. Within this study, the Box-Behnken method, a 2.4 Experimental design In order to find the optimum conditions for the decolor3.1 Box-Behnken design ization process, to avoid unnecessary experiments and Four factors (variables) including catalyst loading (A), initial dye concentration (B), pH also regarding economical issues, it is needed to perform (initial pH) (C) and H2O2 concentration (D) in three levels were used in the Box-Behnken anforexperimental as table a function of the main method designing the The designed in coded form consists of 29 factors. experiments shownWithin in Table this 2. It also shouldthe be noted that throughout method, this paper, the stated isof the study, Box-Behnken a pH branch initial pH of the solution. response surface methodology (RSM), was used to do the Table 1. The original and coded levels of the input variables design of experiments (DOE) table by the Design Expert Original factors Coded levels software. 4 3. Results and discussion 3.1 Box-Behnken design Four factors (variables) including catalyst loading (A), initial dye concentration (B), pH (initial pH) (C) and H2O2 concentration (D) in three levels were used in the Box-Behnken method for designing the DOE. The designed table in coded form consists of 29 experiments shown in Table 2. It also should be noted that throughout this paper, the pH stated is the initial pH of the solution. Table 1. The original and coded levels of the input variables Coded levels Original factors 3.2 The quadratic model and analysis of variances (ANOVA) All 29 experimental runs designed by the software were performed according to Table 2 and the response was set as percentage of decolorization after 60 minutes. -1 0 1 TiO2 concentration (g L-1): A 0.50 1.25 2.00 Initial dye concentration (mg L-1): B 30.00 50.00 70.00 pH: C 4.00 C0 5.50 7.00 Table 3. Regression equations derived for decolorization of Reactive Black 8 H2O2 stoichiometric ratio: D 0.50 1.25Regression 2.00 % Decolorization C0 C 100 C0 The regression equations given in Table 3 were derived The regression equations given in Table 3 were derived from C0 the C analysis of variances. from the analysis of variances. % Decolorization 100 Table 3. Regression equations derived for deThe regression equations given in Table 3 were derived from the analysis of variances. equations colorization of Reactive Black 8 Table 3. Regression equations derived for decolorization of Reactive Black 8 Analysis in un-coded parameter (A, B, C, D) Regression equations Y (%) 390.06 16.75 A 0.04 Bparameter 136.21(A, C 187.59 D Regression equations Analysis in un-coded B, C, D) in un-coded parameter (A, B, C, D) 23.79 AAnalysis D 0.89 B D 17.95 C D 11.14 C2 21.96 D2 Y (%) 390.06 16.75 A 0.04 B 136.21 C 187.59 D 23.79 A D 0.89 B D 17.95 C D 11.14 C2 21.96 D2 Table 4 shows the designed table with the actual and predicted values of the response Table showsthe thedesigned designed the actual and preTable 44 shows tabletable with with the actual and predicted values of the response according to the model. dicted values of the response according to the model. according to the model. Table 4. Actual and predicted values for decolorization of Reactive Black 8 after 60 minutes Table 4. Actual and predicted values for decolorization of Reactive Black 8 after 60 minutes 214 Parameters levels in uncoded levels Response Parameters in uncoded Response A C D D % Decolorization A B CB % Decolorization Run Run Afinidad LXX, 563, 2013 TiO Initial dyeJulio - Septiembre H2O2 Actual Predicted TiO2 Initial2dye concentration pHH2O Actual Predicted 2 concentration stochiometric ratio Value Value pH concentration concentration stochiometric ratio Value Value Run A B C TiO2 concentration Initial dye concentration pH Response D % Decolorization H2O2 stochio- Actual Predictmetric ratio Value ed Value 1 2 50 5.5 2 84.72 83.09 2 1.25 30 7 1.25 33.26 42.68 3 1.25 50 7 0.5 28.71 23.15 4 1.25 30 5.5 0.5 29.7 30.69 5 1.25 50 5.5 1.25 54.26 57.88 6 2 30 5.5 1.25 89.05 90.56 7 1.25 50 5.5 1.25 59.9 57.88 8 0.5 70 5.5 1.25 13.25 15.19 9 1.25 50 4 0.5 1.92 1.08 10 0.5 50 5.5 2 35.25 36.84 11 0.5 50 7 1.25 0.001 7.00 12 1.25 70 7 1.25 8.81 3.19 13 1.25 30 5.5 2 93.91 96.24 14 0.5 30 5.5 1.25 88.58 81.08 15 1.25 70 4 1.25 22.29 22.97 16 1.25 50 7 2 3.93 1.64 17 2 50 4 1.25 64.26 65.65 18 1.25 50 5.5 1.25 62.87 57.88 19 1.25 30 4 1.25 73.74 68.85 20 1.25 70 5.5 0.5 23.08 21.49 21 1.25 50 4 2 57.93 68.19 22 2 70 5.5 1.25 31.58 34.69 23 1.25 50 5.5 1.25 64.64 67.88 24 0.5 50 4 1.25 30.61 36.16 25 1.25 70 5.5 2 33.96 33.69 26 2 50 5.5 0.5 24.49 27.45 27 1.25 50 5.5 1.25 67.39 67.88 Table 5. Analysis of variance for response surface model (a) (b) 94 5.5 0.5 28.55 34.73 29 2 50 7 1.25 19.07 19.49 Actual (observed) value versus predicted value plot is shown in Fig. 4. It helps one detect a value, or group of values, that are not easily predicted by the model. It is observed that the fitted regression equation shows a good fit of the model. 94 70.5 70.5 47 23.5 47 23.5 0 0 0.88 1.25 1.63 30.00 2.00 40.00 (c) 50.00 60.00 70.00 B: Colour Con. A: Catalyst Loading (d) 94 94 70.5 70.5 Decolorization (%) 50 p-value 0.0053 0.0566 0.6010 In order to estimate the quantitative effect of each factor, Table 6 presents the F value and associated p-values for Table 6. F value and p-values for total and model parameters the response. Response Response In Relationship general, a term thatFactor has a(Total p-value less (Model than 0.05 would parameters) parameters) p-value value F valuegreater p-value than be considered significant. AF value probability Main effects Linear A 10.63 0.0057 10.72 0.0040 0.10 is generally as not <0.0001 significant. it can be Linear regarded B 58.92 59.39So, <0.0001 Linear C 19.16 0.0006 19.31 0.0003 seen in Table 6 that parameters A,0.0003 B, C, D,23.52 C2, D20.0001 , AD, BD, Linear D 23.34 Pure quadratic effects A2 1.89 0.1906 CDInteractions have significant on the model. -By eliminating 0.16 0.6971 Pure quadratic B2 the not significant parameters, can have our model Pure quadratic C2 41.55we<0.0001 40.75 <0.0001 and Pure quadratic D2 11.03 0.0050 9.90 0.0053 the new F value and p-values also shown 6. Cross product AB 0.74are 0.4029 - in Table product AC 0.50 0.4928 and -optimal - condi3.3 Effect ofCross the significant parameters Cross product AD 6.68 0.0216 6.74 0.0177 Cross product BC 1.70 0.2132 tions Cross product BD 6.63 0.0220 6.69 0.0181 The main effect plotsCD(Fig.15.23 5) show linear0.0009 effect of Cross product 0.0016 the 15.35 changing the level of a single factor. It is constructed by 3.3 Effect of the significant parameters and optimal conditions predicting the responses for the low (-1) and high (+1) levThe main effect plots (Fig. 5) show the linear effect of changing the level of a single factor. It els of a factor. is constructed by predicting the responses for the low (-1) and high (+1) levels of a factor. Decolorization (%) 0.5 F value 19.56 5.55 0.58 Linear Quadratic Cubic 0.50 28 Response Source of variation Decolorization (%) Parameters in uncoded levels The long line is the regression line with regression coefficient R2=0.9081. Each point refers to the experimental number listed in Table 4. A model is considered significant if the p-value is less than 0.1, 0.05 and 0.001, on 10, 5 and 1% significance levels, respectively. From Table 5 it can be concluded that linear and quadratic contribution of the model were significant, whereas for the cubic contribution of the model was insignificant. Decolorization (%) Table 4. Actual and predicted values for decolorization of Reactive Black 8 after 60 minutes 47 23.5 47 23.5 0 0 4.00 4.75 5.50 C: pH 6.25 8 7.00 0.50 0.88 1.25 D: H2O2 1.63 2.00 Fig. 5. Main effect plots for decolorization in un-coded value for t=60 min at center design points Fig. 4. The actual values plotted against the predicted values obtained from the model Afinidad LXX, 563, Julio - Septiembre 2013 effect plots forefficiency decolorization un- TiO2 Data fromFig. Fig. 55. (a)Main reveal that the decolorization is promoted byin increasing loading. It may be caused by increased both active sites for dye adsorption and free hydroxyl coded value for t=60 min at center design points radical generation. In many studies, increasing catalyst loading more than 1 g/l leads to lower decolorization efficiency. Reasons such as, increased light scattering, decreased radiation penetration and Data fromphotocatalyst Fig. 5 (a)particle reveal that thedecreasing decolorization efficiency even possible agglomeration the active catalytic surface, cause this observed behavior (Sauer et al., 2002; Muruganandham & Swaminathan, ismay promoted by increasing TiO loading. It may be caused 2006; Kaur & Singh, 2007). However, with the novel structure of the reactor, decolorization 2 efficiency increases due to penetration light tofor all points the solutions because its by increased both active ofsites dyeofadsorption andoffree simultaneous mixing and radiating structure, causing the renewal of the solution film near the hydroxyl radical generation. lights. Fig. 5 (b) it can be observed that the decolorization efficiency decreases with increasing InFrom studies, increasing catalyst loadingthemore than themany concentration of dye solutions. At higher initial dye concentrations UV photons are 1 absorbed by to the lower dye molecules instead of photocatalyst particles, Reasons resulting in lower g/l leads decolorization efficiency. such decolorization efficiency (Tang & An, 1995; Arslan & Balcioglu, 2001; Muruganandham & Swaminathan, 2004, 2006; et al., 2006). By increasing the initial pendye as, increased light Velegraki scattering, decreased radiation concentration, the photocatalyst surfaces adsorbed additional dye molecules, inhibiting direct etration andtheeven possible photocatalyst agglomcontact between dye molecules and photogenerated holes. This particle could also suppress the generation decreasing of hydroxyl radicals at the photocatalyst surface surface, due to the shielding of the eration the active catalytic may cause catalyst's active sites by dye molecules sites (Sauer et al., 2002). In addition, the intermediates formed during photocatalytic process et mayal., compete with theMurugananddye molecules for this observed behavior (Sauer 2002; the available active sites on the photocatalyst particles (Velegraki et al., 2006). ham & Swaminathan, 2006; Kaur & Singh, 2007). However, pH affects degradation efficiency in many ways such as influencing the surface properties of with the novel structure the reactor, efTiO2, dissociation of dye and formationof of hydroxyl radicals. Indecolorization particular, pH affects the adsorption of dye molecules on TiO2 surface, which is an important step in photodegradation process of dye molecules on TiO2 surface. Adsorption of dye on TiO2 at the initial pH of 5.5 is rather high, but it is lower at acidic pH and very weak at alkaline medium. This fact is due to the electrostatic interaction between the negative charged dye while the catalyst surface is positively charged in acidic conditions and the catalyst surface's zero point charge is at pH=6.6 (Galindo & Jacques, 2000; Arslan et al., 2002; Konstantinou & Albanis, 2004; Muruganandham & Swaminathan, 2004,2006; Habibi et al., 2005). 215 Table 6. F value and p-values for total and model parameters Response (Total parameters) Factor Relationship F value Main effects Interactions Linear Linear Linear Linear Pure quadratic Pure quadratic Pure quadratic Pure quadratic Cross product Cross product Cross product Cross product Cross product Cross product Response (Model parameters) p-value F value p-value A 10.63 0.0057 10.72 0.0040 B 58.92 <0.0001 59.39 <0.0001 C 19.16 0.0006 19.31 0.0003 D 23.34 0.0003 23.52 0.0001 A2 1.89 0.1906 B2 0.16 0.6971 C2 41.55 <0.0001 40.75 <0.0001 D2 11.03 0.0050 9.90 0.0053 AB 0.74 0.4029 AC of H2O2 0.50 The effect shown in Fig.0.4928 5 (d) may be explained by the fact- that hydrogen peroxide AD 6.68 having a 0.0216 6.74 than that0.0177 is an electron acceptor much greater efficiency of oxygen and thus, may BC 1.70 0.2132 improve the generation of hydroxyl ion according to- the following- reactions (Sauer et al., BD 6.63 0.0220 6.69 0.0181 2002; Daneshvar et al., 2004): CD 15.23 0.0016 15.35 0.0009 110 71.25 82.5 47.5 95 D: H2O2 95 23.75 71.25 71.25 71.25 0 47.5 47.5 47.5 0.50 0.88 1.25 1.63 2.00 23.75 23.75 100 0 0.88 0.50 0.88 0.50 0.88 40 100 100 100 10 70 Decolorization (%) Decolorization (%) 0.50 D: H2O2 110 27.5 82.5 82.5 0 55 55 55 D: H2O2 30.00 40.00 27.5 50.00 B: Colour Con. 27.5 60.00 (b) 82.5 0 1.25 1.63 2.00 1.25 1.63 1.25 1.63 70.00 110 27.5 0 0 0 110 82.5 23.75 70 55 110 important to checkhydroxyl the(b)interaction effect. According to Fig in water and produces radical and ion. Hydroxyl radical is by far the most aggressive reactive oxygen radiother parameters. Hydrogen peroxide dissociates in water an cal known. As soon as it is formed it reacts with almost any ion. Hydroxyl radical is by far the most aggressive reactive molecule found in its vicinity with equally high rate. as it is formed it reacts with almost any molecule found in its 30.00 40.00 50.00 2.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 2.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 Colour 0 B: Con. B: Colour Con. B: Colour Con. 60.00 70.00 60.00 70.00 Decolorization (%) 95 which is an important step in photodegradation(a)process of dye molecules on TiO2 surface. Adsorption of dye on TiO2 at the initial pH of 5.5 is rather high, but it is lower at acidic pH and very weak at alkaline medium. This fact is due to the electrostatic interaction between the negative charged dye while the catalyst (a) 95 A: Catalyst Loading surface is positively charged in acidic conditions and the D: H2O2 (c) (Galindo catalyst surface’s zero point charge is at pH=6.6 & Jacques, 2000; Arslan et al., 2002; Konstantinou & Alba71.25 nis, 2004; Muruganandham & Swaminathan, 2004,2006; Habibi et al., 2005). A: Catalyst Loading 47.5 A: Catalyst Loading The effect of H2O2 shown in Fig. 5 (d) may be explained D: H2O2 (c) D: H2O2 A: Catalyst Loading by the fact that hydrogen peroxide is an electron (c) acceptor D: H2O2 (c) havingin a much than by thatthe of fact oxygen ffect of H2O2 shown Fig. 5 greater (d) mayefficiency be explained thatand hydrogen peroxide 23.75 ffect of Hacceptor in Fig. 5 (d) greater may be efficiency explained by the fact hydrogen peroxide thus, may improve the generation of hydroxyl ion accor2O2 shown electron having a much than that ofthat oxygen and thus, may electron acceptor muchiongreater efficiency than of reactions oxygen and thus,etmay dinghaving the afollowing reactions (Sauer al.,that 2002; Danesve the generation ofto hydroxyl according to theet following (Sauer al., ve the generation of hydroxyl ion according to the following reactions (Sauer et al.,0 hvar et al., 2004): Daneshvar et al., 2004): Decolorization Decolorization Decolorization (%) (%)(%) Decolorization (%) 95 Decolorization Decolorization Decolorization (%) (%)(%) Decolorization (%) (1) b OH e explained OH OH 2(d) 2 The effect of H2O2 shown in Fig. H5of may by the5 fact peroxide The effect shown in Fig. (d) that mayhydrogen be explained 2O2 be The effect of H2O2 shown in Fig. 5 H (d)Omay be explained by the fact that hydrogen peroxide 2having OH than (2) is aneffect electron having a much greater efficiency that ofthat oxygen and thus, may 2 hbe is an much efficiency The of Hacceptor inelectron Fig. 5 (d)2acceptor may explained bya the fact hydrogen peroxide 2O2 shown acceptor having a much greater efficiency than that of greater oxygen and thus, may th ficiency increases due to penetration of lightis toanallelectron points according to the improve the generation of hydroxyl ion following reactions (Sauer etmay al., is an electron acceptor having a much greater efficiency than that of oxygen and thus, H O O OH OH O the generation of hydroxyl ion2 accordingof to hydroxyl the following reactions (Sauerto et (3) al., f 2 2 generation 2 improve the according the of the solutions because of its simultaneousimprove mixing and (3) ion 2002; Daneshvar et al., 2004): improve thehydrogen generation of hydroxyl ion according to the following reactions (Sauer et al., 2002; Daneshvar et al., 2004): Addition of peroxide to the heterogeneous system can increase the concentration of 2002; Daneshvar et al., 2004): radiating structure, causing the renewal of the solution film Addition of hydrogen peroxide heterogeneous sys(1) H 2 O 2 recombination e OHtothe OH 2002; Daneshvar et al.,the 2004): OH radical and inhibit electron-hole (Lin & radical Hua, 2010). (1) H 2 Othe e OH OH As it can be seen near the lights. tem can increase of OH and in2 concentration H 2toOa2 critical e OH OH h OH (2) (1) H 2H O O ewith H OH OH in the plot, the degradation increased dosage 22 From Fig. 5 (b) it can be observed that the decolorization hibit the rate electron-hole (Lin & up Hua, 2010). As value. Beyond H 222O 22 recombination h 2O2OH (2) scavenges hydroxyl radicals when O this value, degradation efficiency declines, since H 2 2 hOH degradation OH O 2 rateHincreased (2) efficiency decreases with increasing the concentration it can be seen the (3) H 2 Oin2 Hthe 2 OH O h 2 OH 2O 2plot, 2 2 (3) H 2O O 2 hydroperoxyl OH OH radicals O2 present atthehigh concentrations, yielding having lower oxidation 2 up of dye solutions. At higher initial dye concentrations with H2O2 dosage to a critical value. Beyond this value, Addition of hydrogen peroxide to2 O the heterogeneous system can increase the concentration of (3) H O OH OH O 2 heterogeneous 2 2& Oincrease 2010). O As OH be OH capacity compared todegradation that of hydroxyl radicals (Eq. since (4)) (Tang 1995; Daneshvar et al., Addition of hydrogen peroxide toefficiency the system concentration of O UV photons are absorbed by the dye molecules instead declines, H2H Ocan scavenges hy2An, 2 the 22 Hua, OH radical and inhibit the electron-hole recombination (Lin & it can seen Addition of and hydrogen peroxide to the heterogeneous system can increase theAs concentration of 2003; Konstantinou & 2004; Muruganandham Swaminathan, 2004,2006; OH radical inhibit theAlbanis, electron-hole recombination (Lin &&Hua, 2010). it can be seen of photocatalyst particles, resulting in lower decolorizadroxyl radicals when present at high concentrations, yielin the plot, and the degradation rate of increased with peroxide H2O2 dosage toheterogeneous a critical Addition hydrogen to the system OH radical inhibit thehydroperoxyl electron-hole recombination (Linoxidation &up Hua, Asvalue. it can Beyond be seen Velegraki et the al., degradation 2006). in the plot, rate increased withhaving H2O2lower dosage up to a2010). critical value. Beyond tion efficiency (Tang & An, 1995; Arslan & Balcioglu, 2001; ding radicals capaciradicals when thisthevalue, efficiency declines, since H22O 2 scavenges OH radical and electron-hole recombination (Lin in plot, degradation the degradation rate increased Hthe dosage up (4)) to ahydroxyl critical value. Beyond 2O hydroxyl radicals when this Velegraki value, degradation efficiency declines, since H2O Muruganandham & Swaminathan, 2004, 2006; ty compared to of2hwith hydroxyl (Eq. (Tang &lower 2 scavenges (4) Hyielding O 2 inhibit 2H b O 2 radicals 2that present at high concentrations, hydroperoxyl radicals having oxidation O scavenges hydroxyl radicals when this value, degradation efficiency declines, since H 2 2 present at high concentrations, yielding hydroperoxyl radicals lowerH2oxidation inthat theof plot, the degradation rate increased with O2etdosag et al., 2006). By increasing the initial dye concentration, 1995; Daneshvar et al., 2003; &having Albanis, H 2O OH (Eq. H 2 O(4)) Konstantinou OOH (5) capacity compared toAn, hydroxyl (Tang & An, 1995; Daneshvar al., 2 radicals present at high concentrations, yielding radicals lower oxidation capacity compared to2004; that Muruganandham of hydroxyl radicals (Eq. (4)) (Tang &declines, An,having 1995; al., the photocatalyst surfaces adsorbed additional dye mole&hydroperoxyl Swaminathan, 2004,2006; Vele-Daneshvar O(6) this value, degradation efficiency since H2et 2 sc 2003; Konstantinou & Albanis, 2004; Muruganandham && An, Swaminathan, 2004,2006; OOH OH H O O capacity compared to that of hydroxyl radicals (Eq. (4)) (Tang 1995; Daneshvar et al., 2 2 2003; Konstantinougraki & et Albanis, 2004; Muruganandham & Swaminathan, 2004,2006; cules, inhibiting direct contact between the dye molecules al., 2006). Velegraki et al., 2006). present at high concentrations, hydroperoxyl r 2003; Konstantinou Muruganandham &yielding Swaminathan, 2004,2006; addition the2006). effect&of Albanis, each of the2004; parameters on the decolorization individually, it is also Velegraki ettoal., and photogenerated holes. This could also In suppress the (4) H O 2h O 2H capacity compared to that of hydroxyl radicals (Eq. (4)) (Ta Velegraki et al., 2006). 2 2 b 2 3 importantsurto check the interactionHeffect. According to Fig. 6, H generation of hydroxyl radicals at the photocatalyst (4)2O2 had interaction with(4) 2 O 2 2h b O 2 2H H 2HO22Odissociates 2 OH H& OOH (5) (4) 2h 2H face due to the shielding of the catalyst’s active by other sites parameters. Hydrogen in2OOwater and produces hydroxyl radical and 2003; peroxide Konstantinou Albanis, 2004; Muruganandham b 2 H 2 O 2 OH H 2 O OOH (5) dye molecules sites (Sauer et al., 2002). In ion. addition, the radicalVelegraki (5) radical known. As soon Hydroxyl is by far the most aggressive OH O O 2 oxygen (6) Het O OH H 2HO2reactive OOH (5) al., 2006). 2OOH 2 OOH OH H O O intermediates formed during photocatalytic as process may it reacts with almost any molecule found it is formed in its high rate.(6) 2 2 vicinity with equally In addition to the effect D:ofH2O2 each ofOOH the parameters on the decolorization individually, it is also OH H O O (6) H2O2 H(6)2 O 2 D:individually, 2h b Oit2 is also 2H 2 compete with the dye molecules for the available active In to the effect of each of the parameters(b)on2 the decolorization (a)addition important totocheck the interaction effect. According to decolorization Fig. 6, H2O2 had interactionit with 3 the effect of each of the parameters on the individually, is also sites on the photocatalyst particles (VelegrakiIn etaddition al., 2006). important to check the interaction effect. According to Fig.H6, O H2O2 had interaction with 3 OH H O OOH other parameters. Hydrogen peroxide dissociates in water and produces hydroxyl radical and 2 2 2 important to check the interaction effect. According to Fig. 6, H O had interaction with pH affects degradation efficiency in many ways as In addition to the effect of each of the and parameters the 2 2 onhydroxyl othersuch parameters. Hydrogen peroxide dissociates in water produces radical and3 ion. Hydroxyl radical is by far theindividually, most aggressive reactive radical known. soon other parameters. Hydrogen peroxide dissociates water andoxygen and influencing the surface properties of TiO2, dissociation decolorization it isin also important to check of radical produces OOH hydroxyl the OH radical HAs O2 ion. Hydroxyl is by far the most aggressive reactive oxygen radical known. As soon 2O as it is formed it reacts with almost any molecule found in its vicinity with equally high rate. ion. Hydroxyl radical is by far the most aggressive reactive oxygen radical known. As soon interaction effect. According to Fig. 6, H dye and formation of hydroxyl radicals. In particular, pH O had interaction as it is formed it reacts with vicinity with equally high rate. 2 2 D: H2O2 D: H2O2almost any molecule found in its Inwith addition to effect of each the parameters on the (a)it is (b) D: H2O2 D: formed it reacts almost anythe molecule found inperoxide its of vicinity with equally high rate.dec affects the adsorption of dye molecules on as TiO with 3H2O2 other parameters. Hydrogen dissociates (a) 2 surface, (b) 60.00 70.00 55 27.5 Daneshvar et al., 2004): Decolorization Decolorization Decolorization (%) (%)(%) 70 70 -20 40 0 40 (1) H 2 O 2 e OH OH 0.50 0.88 1.25 1.63 2.00 (1) (1) H 2 O 2 e OH OH C: (2) pH H 2 O 2 h 2 OH H 2 O 2 h 2 OH (2) A: Catalyst Loading (3) H 2 O 2 O 2 OH OH O 2 (2) D: H2O2 (3) H 2 O 2 O 2 OH OH O 2 10 100 (c) of ion of hydrogen peroxide to the heterogeneous system can increase the concentration ion of and hydrogen to the heterogeneous system increase theAs concentration of adical inhibitperoxide the electron-hole recombination (Lin can & Hua, 2010). it can be seen adical and inhibit the electron-hole recombination (Lin & Hua, 2010). As it can be seen C: pH plot, the degradation rate increased with H2O2 dosage up to a critical value. Beyond C: pH70 plot, degradation the degradation rate increased H2O up to a critical value. Beyond 216 efficiency alue, declines,with since H22Odosage 2 scavenges hydroxyl radicals when C: pH Afinidad LXX, 563, Julio - Septiembre 2013 O scavenges hydroxyl radicals when alue, degradation efficiency declines, since H 2 2 radicals having lower oxidation 10 nt at high concentrations, yielding hydroperoxyl 40 4.00 4.75 5.50 6.25 7.00 30.00 10 10 10 -20 -20 4.00 4.75 5.50 6.25 7.00 4.00 4.75 5.50 6.25 7.00 4.00 4.75 5.50 6.25 7.00 (%) -20 10 OOH OH H 2O O 2 (6) H O OOH H 2 O 2 OH (5) 2 of the parameters on the decolorization individually, it is also OOH OH H 2O O 2 (6) on effect. According to Fig. 6, H2O2 had interaction with 3 to the effect of each of radical the parameters on the decolorization individually, it is also Fig. 7. 3D surface and contour plots of decolorization in uncoded values for t=60 min. (a) A (TiO ) and D oxide dissociatesIninaddition water and produces hydroxyl and O ) in fixed B (dye) 50 ppm6, and H C (pH) (b) B (dye) and D (H O with ) in fixed3A (TiO ) at 1.25 g/lit (H important to check the interaction effect. According toatFig. had interaction 2O2at 5.5, he most aggressive reactive oxygen radical known. As soon and C (pH) at 5.5, (c) C (pH) and D (H O ) in fixed A (TiO ) at 1.25 g/lit and B (dye) at 50 ppm. other parameters. Hydrogen peroxide dissociates in water and produces hydroxyl radical and ost any molecule found in its vicinity with equally high rate. The optimization and the modeling of photocatalytic degradation of Reactive Table 7. Comparison of experimental and predicted values Black 8 were ion. Hydroxyl radical isD:by H2O2far the most aggressive reactive oxygen radical known. As soon performed by using The ensuring mathematical model could predict of an theexperimental response at design. the optimal levels predicted by RSM (b) as it is formed it reacts with almost any molecule found in its vicinity with equally high rate. the photocatalytic degradation at any point in the experimental domain as well as the Optimal conditions Stationary Predicted Observed 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 110 (a) D: H2O2 determination of 110the optimal degradationpoint conditions. The(%) high correlation a value value (%) in the model (b) indicates that the A second-order polynomial be used Maximummodel could 96.1 93.1 to optimize the = 1.59 g L-1 photocatalytic degradation of dye. The conditions to get 100% decolorization (optimum B =34.65 ppm condition) and the experimental values are shown in Table 7. D: H2O2 95 82.5 C = 5.5 Table 7. Comparison of experimental D = 1.82 and predicted values of the response at the optimal levels predicted by RSM a 71.25 55 Decolorization (%) Decolorization (%) Decolorization (%) 82.5 47.5 27.5 23.75 0 1.63 2.00 0 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 0.50 0.88 B: Colour 1.25 Con. 1.63 A: Catalyst Loading (c) D: H2O2 100 Decolorization (%) 70 Predicted using analysis of response surface quadratic 55 model. Optimal conditions Stationary Predicted Observed point value (%)a value (%) A = 1.59 g L-1 implicate Maximum 96.1 93.1 a resThese results that the optimization using 27.5 B =34.65 ppm methodology based on the Box-Behnken ponse surface C = 5.5 design can save the time and effort by estimation of the D = 1.82 70.00 optimum conditions of the maximum removal of dye. a 0 Predicted using analysis of response surface quadratic model. By measuring the TOC of the solution before and after de2.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 70.00 These results implicate that the optimization a response surface methodology based on colorization, it was seen thatusing 78.6% of 60.00 the dye was degrathe Box-Behnken canabsorption save the time and effort bythe estimation of the optimum ded. design Also, the spectrum during decolorizaColour Con. conditions of the maximum of dye. tion processremoval is shown in B:Fig. 8. The peak in wavelength of 334 nm has been decreased which that theithydroBy measuring the TOC of the solution before and after shows decolorization, was seen that 78.6% radicalsAlso, have the aromatic rings of the process is of the dye wasxyl degraded. theattacked absorptionand spectrum during the decolorization dye broken of and hasbeen been degraded. shown in Fig. 8. Thehave peakbeen in wavelength 334they nm has decreased whichInshows that the hydroxyl radicals have attacked and theto aromatic rings of in thethe dyeheight have been broken and they addition, with regards the decrease of the has been degraded. to the decrease in the height of the peak at 578 peak In at addition, 578 nm with it canregards be concluded that the chromophore nm it can be concluded thathas thebeen chromophore of the dye broken.of the dye has been broken. 40 0,8 0,7 10 6.25 7.00 -20 4.00 10 4.75 5.50 6.25 7.00 C: pH Absorbance 0,6 0,5 13 ppm 0,4 11 ppm 0,3 4 ppm 0,2 8 ppm 1 ppm 0,1 Fig. 6. Interaction plots for decolorization in uncoded values 10 for t=60 min (a) A (TiO2) and D (H2O2) in fixed B (dye) at 50 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 ppm and C (pH) at 5.5, (b) B (dye) and D (H2O2) in fixed Wavelength (nm) A (TiO2) at 1.25 g/lit and C (pH) at 5.5, (c) C (pH) and D (H2O2) in fixed A (TiO2) at 1.25 g/lit and B (dye) at 50 ppm. Fig. 8. UV-vis absorption of Reactive Black conditions) Fig. 8. UV-vis absorption spectrum of Reactive Black 8spectrum at different time intervals (optimal 8 at different time intervals (optimal conditions) 12 Canonical analysis is a mathematical approach to exam- ine the overall shape of the curve, to locate the stationary point of the response surface, and to decide whether it describes a maximum, minimum or saddle point. The relationship between the dependent and independent variables can be also understood by these plots. The interaction parameters were used to plot the graphs and since the model has more than two factors, two factors were held constant for each diagram. Fig. 7 (a), (b) and (c) all describe a maximum point for % decolorization in graphical 3D and 2D representation of the polynomial obtained. The optimization and the modeling of photocatalytic degradation of Reactive Black 8 were performed by using an experimental design. The ensuring mathematical model could predict the photocatalytic degradation at any point in the experimental domain as well as the determination of the optimal degradation conditions. The high correlation in the model indicates that the second-order polynomial model could be used to optimize the photocatalytic degradation of dye. The conditions to get 100% decolorization (optimum condition) and the experimental values are shown in Table 7. Afinidad LXX, 563, Julio - Septiembre 2013 The power of the UV-A LED lamps have been measured by Digital Lux Light Meter, Lutron, LX – 107 (Taiwan). The power of each one of the LEDs was equal to 84 µW/cm2. The number of photons entering the reactor per second per cm2 of the surface emitted by the UV LEDs is equal to 1.89 × 1014 photons/s.cm2 (Nphotons = Epulse/Ephoton, Ephoton = hc/λ). Conclusion In the present study, decolorization of Reactive Black 8 by use of a novel reactor setup was studied. Effective parameters including dye & H2O2 concentration, catalyst loading and pH were determined and a table of design of experiments was designed based on Box-Behnken method in order to be able to obtain the optimum conditions for decolorization. Some major points derived from this study are as follows, Decolorization efficiency declines with increasing initial dye concentration. Addition of H2O2 up to an optimum value promotes the decolorization rate. 217 Canonical analysis is a mathematical approach to examine the overall shape of the curve, to locate the stationary point of the response surface, and to decide whether it describes a maximum, minimum or saddle point. The relationship between the dependent and independent variables can be also understood by these plots. The interaction parameters were used to plot the graphs and since the model has more than two factors, two factors were held constant for each diagram. Fig. 7 (a), (b) and (c) all describe a maximum point for % decolorization in graphical 3D and 2D representation of the polynomial obtained. ( ) 2.00 (a) 46.0012 84 73.8212 69.75 64.5478 55.5 D: H2O2 Decolorization (%) 1.63 41.25 27 1.25 55.2745 0.88 46.0012 2.00 2.00 36.7278 1.63 1.63 0.88 0.88 D: H2O2 0.50 1.25 1.25 0.50 0.50 A: Catalyst Loading 0.50 0.88 1.63 33.9452 97 83.7807 1.63 78 71.3218 59 D: H2O2 Decolorization (%) 2.00 A: Catalyst Loading ( ) 2.00 (b) 1.25 40 1.25 58.8629 46.404 21 0.88 30.00 33.9452 2.00 40.00 1.63 50.00 B: Colour Con. 0.50 1.25 60.00 0.88 70.00 30.00 D: H2O2 0.50 40.00 2.00 (c) 72 50.00 60.00 B: Colour Con. 70.00 ( ) 1.63 D: H2O2 Decolorization (%) 22.9535 53.5 35 16.5 59.0001 1.25 46.9845 -2 0.88 2.00 4.00 0.50 1.25 5.50 C: pH 0.88 6.25 7.00 34.969 22.9535 10.9379 1.63 4.75 4.00 4.75 5.50 6.25 7.00 D: H2O2 C: pH 0.50 11 in uncoded values for t=60 min. (a) A (TiO2) and Fig. 7. 3D surface and contour plots of decolorization D (H2O2) in fixed B (dye) at 50 ppm and C (pH) at 5.5, (b) B (dye) and D (H2O2) in fixed A (TiO2) at 1.25 g/ lit and C (pH) at 5.5, (c) C (pH) and D (H2O2) in fixed A (TiO2) at 1.25 g/lit and B (dye) at 50 ppm. Decolorization efficiency increases with increasing photocatalyst loading. It should be noted that in comparison to same works, the decolorization efficiency increases due to the novel structure of the reactor, because the renewal of the solution film near the UV-LEDs. The optimum parameters for decolorization of Reactive Black 8 obtained from the software used is as follow, A = 1.59 g L-1, B =34.65 ppm, C = 5.5, D = 1.82 With use of these optimum parameters 96.1% decolorization occurred. 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