[Unique Reference Number] Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of current national, regional and local transport policies Overview This unit is about the policy and administrative framework within which transport planners work and which they need to understand. The unit consists of one element: 1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of current national, regional and local transport policies This unit is for those working in transport planning technical support roles. [URN NOS Title] 1 [Unique Reference Number] Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of current national, regional and local transport policies Performance criteria You must be able to: [URN NOS Title] Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of current national, regional and local transport policies P1 describe the key principles of national, regional and local transport policies that are relevant to planning a transport policy, plan, scheme or service in which you are directly involved P2 work with others in ensuring that a transport policy, plan, scheme or service in which you are directly involved complies with the requirements of national, regional and local transport policies P3 work within your own organisation's rules and practices in the application of national, regional and local policies P4 work within the ethics of both your own organisation and those of any professional institute of which you are a member or aspire to become a member 2 [Unique Reference Number] Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of current national, regional and local transport policies Knowledge and understanding You need to know and understand: [URN NOS Title] Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of current national, regional and local transport policies K1 the principal national, regional and local policies for Transport Systems and the Policy Contexts K2 the main objectives of the principal national, regional and local policies K3 the structure of central, devolved or regional, and local government relating to the development and implementation of transport policies, plans and schemes, the management of transport systems and the delivery of transport services, as well as the principal responsibilities of each of the different elements of the structure K4 the procedures for achieving planning consent for new developments, and the possible transport related requirements K5 current relevant statutory and regulatory requirements and guidance and best practice relating to transport policies, plans and schemes K6 how to keep up to date with changing legislation, policies and practices that relate to the preparation of transport policies, plans and schemes of relevance to your work 3 [Unique Reference Number] Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of current national, regional and local transport policies Additional Information Glossary A project is a piece of transport planning work: 1. with a well defined deliverable, which can form part of a larger project 2. to be completed within a defined timescale and resources, and to defined quality standards 3. that involves a number of both sequential and parallel activities as well as a number of different players, all of whose work requires scheduling and coordination It can be transport planning work undertaken as a contractor for a third party client, internally (within your own organisation) or for your own organisation in collaboration with others A work plan is the document setting out how a project is to be undertaken. It may include task definitions, work allocation, work scheduling and budgeting A transport scheme is a proposed or implemented arrangement for a transport system or services including changes to existing arrangements. the term includes planning and feasibility studies The UK country in which you mainly work means that country – England, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales – in which most of the work you either do or have done in gaining experience relates A transport policy is a document setting out policy related to the provision, management or operation of transport systems or services Transport systems are systems enabling transport by road or rail for people and/or freight. The term is in this unit refers to systems such as: 1. integrated transport 2. non-motorised modes 3. highways and traffic 4. buses and intermediate modes 5. voluntary and community transport 6. light rail 7. rail 8. freight 9. airports 10. ports [URN NOS Title] 4 [Unique Reference Number] Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of current national, regional and local transport policies Developed by People 1st Version number 1 Date approved June 2007 Indicative review date June 2012 Validity Current Status Original Originating organisation GoSkills Original URN GSKTPTS04 Relevant occupations Transport Associate Professionals Suite Transport Planning Technical Support Key words Knowledge, understanding, transport planning, policy [URN NOS Title] 5