KENTUCKY ELECTRONICS EDUCATION PROJECT (KEEP): PILOT TEACHER BASELINE QUESTIONNAIRE You are being asked to complete a survey in which you will respond to questions about your math or science class. The survey asks about you, circuit building activities, and your classroom. Your opinions are very important. Please fill in each appropriate box. Thank you. DEMOGRAPHICS My school operates on a: Traditional Schedule Alternative Block Schedule Traditional Block Schedule Other: _______________ Please select your gender: Female Male My current position is: Full-time teacher Substitute Teacher Part-time teacher Other __________ What grade(s) do you currently teach? Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Other ___________ What subject(s) do you currently teach? Math Science English History Technology Other ___________ What is the highest level of formal education you have completed? B.A. B.S. Master's Including the current year, how many years have you taught? Ed. D. / Ph. D. Other _________ Including the current year, how many years have you taught at this school? In what area(s) do you hold a teaching certification (or endorsement)? Page 1 Booklet 1 eListen Deployment INQ-20050706153451-104326489 EXPERIENCE WITH CIRCUIT TYPE ACTIVITIES The following are topics that will be addressed in this workshop. For each one please indicate: i) Your current level of understanding of the topic; and ii) How important it is for you to understand this topic in order to adequately teach the circuit building concepts you address in your science or math class(es)? Current Level of Understanding None Minimal Average Extensive Is this topic important in your classes? A. Structure and Properties of Matter A. Structure and Properties of Matter i. solids i. solids ii. conductors ii. conductors iii. non-conductors iii. non-conductors iv. semiconductors iv. semiconductors v. mixtures v. mixtures vi. solutions vi. solutions B. Chemical Reactions B. Chemical Reactions C. Technology C. Technology D. Geometry D. Geometry E. Measurement E. Measurement F. Probability F. Probability G. Statistics G. Statistics Page 2 Booklet 1 Yes No eListen Deployment INQ-20050706153451-104326489 EXPERIENCE WITH CIRCUIT TYPE ACTIVITIES CONT. The following steps are components of KEEP training. Please rate your current comfort level in each area: Difficult Feasible Easy 1. Copper Cleaning - Preparing the surface 2. Ironing the Pattern onto the Circuit Board 3. Etching the Copper - Creating Black Patterned Lines 4. Drilling Holes 5. Removing Toner 6. Inserting Components 7. Soldering What other training or professional development activities have you completed this year or the previous school year? TEACHING STYLE Please describe your teaching style: Please rate the following in terms of the amount of emphasis you give in the science or math classes you teach: Not important Somewhat Important Very important Writing about science or math Scientific or math reasoning, analyzing data Using hands-on activities Learning through discovery/inquiry Connections to real world & careers Using performance tasks for assessment Page 3 Booklet 1 eListen Deployment INQ-20050706153451-104326489 TEACHING STYLE CONT. Please rate the following in terms of the amount of emphasis you give in the science or math classes you teach: Not Important Somewhat Important Very Important Using multiple strategies for students with different interests/abilities Giving clear instructions to the class Offering help to a student when a concept or problem is difficult Expressing appreciation of each student's work Please rate each of the following in terms of the amount of emphasis you give in the scienceprogress or math on classes you teach: Monitoring individual a daily basis Walking around the room to provide close proximity to each student State your agreement with the following statements: Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Hands-on activities are helpful, but the real learning comes from reading and discussing the material in the textbook. Students should learn basic facts and skills before working on broader concepts. Cooperative group work makes it easier for students to learn. Encouraging student questions is more important than eliciting correct answers. It is up to the teacher to introduce or demonstrate the content that students should learn. Concepts are learned better when they arise from students' experiences. After an activity, the teacher should explain how the students should have done it and what they should have learned. Students learn better when they read about a concept first, learn the vocabulary, then apply their knowledge in an activity. Page 4 Booklet 1 eListen Deployment INQ-20050706153451-104326489 TEACHING STYLE CONT. Strongly Disagree State your agreement with the following statements: Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Teachers should focus more on portfolios, journals, and open-ended problems to assess student learning rather than traditional tests. Logical reasoning and positive attitudes are as important to learn as specific facts and skills. Teaching works best with an emphasis on open-ended inquiry by students. Due to the required curriculum and time constraints, I am unable to allow students to explore personal interests. Due to the required curriculum and time constraints, I do not have time to allow for alternative teaching strategies. External tests play a major role in determining what I teach. Since I have to cover all the topics students will be tested on, I have little time to include additional topics. My teaching style has a strong impact on student learning. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Please describe the ideal learning environment for your students: Please answer the following questions regarding your classroom: Yes No Does your classroom have lab workstations? Does your classroom have electrical outlets at each workstation? Is there a sink in your classroom? Is your classroom well lit? Page 5 Booklet 1 eListen Deployment INQ-20050706153451-104326489 LEARNING ENVIRONMENT CONT. Strongly Disagree State your agreement with the following statements: Disagree Agree Strongly Agree I like my teaching environment. I enjoy what I teach. Learning environment impacts academic achievement. My classroom environment encourages cultural diversity. The seating arrangement in my classroom is organized so students can collaborate. Technology is used to assist learning in my classroom. I have resources available to incorporate technology in my classroom. I have easy access to technology to assist learning in my classroom. My students are encouraged to discuss how their experiences relate to the daily lesson. Group work is implemented on a regular basis in my classroom. My classroom environment is viewed positively by the students. Seats in my classroom are arranged in traditional lecture format (desks are in rows). Most students in my classroom perceive class assignments as meaningful. My classroom is student directed. My classroom utilizes inquiry-based learning. Page 6 Booklet 1 eListen Deployment INQ-20050706153451-104326489