Full or Associate Professor in Design Research

 The Faculty of Design and Art of the Free University of Bolzano/Bozen is seeking excellent candidates to fill the fol-
lowing academic position
Full or Associate Professor
in Design Research
(08/C1 – ICAR/13)
with a focus on eco-social transformation
The candidate should have:
- PhD title or equivalent in Design Theory, or Design Research, or Design, or Media Sciences, or Social Sciences.
- Experience in basic and applied design research projects
- Professional experience outside of academia
The position offered is at the Full or Associate Professor level (Professore Ordinario o Associato) in Design (ICAR/13),
with a focus on design research.
This is a tenured full-time position. The normal teaching load for Full/Associate Professors is 120 hours/year.
The salary is competitive with that of other European universities.
Approximate starting date: March 2016
For more information, please contact recruitment-design@unibz.it
According to Italian legislation, only candidates already holding an equivalent academic position (associate professor or full professor) at their current foreign university are qualifying for a “direct call”. The Faculty is
particularly interested in applicants who will substantially contribute to its transdisciplinary research, as well as to its
project-oriented teaching culture. Furthermore, applicants need to meet the following conditions:
a) record of excellence in scholarship at the international level, demonstrated by an appropriate publication record;
b) evidence of high-quality teaching and mentoring, in particular in project-oriented teaching and other ways of teaching that integrates theory and practice;
c) strong experience in transdisciplinary collaborations (e.g. in the context of: eco-social design / social design / participatory design / sustainable development / community development / commons / economy of common good / sustainable regional development / areas of eco-social transformation;
d) willingness to invest in the co-development of a distinct profile in design research of the Faculty of Design and Art,
with a focus on research for society and sustainability;
e) excellent “soft skills”: enjoyment of teamwork, in particular in multidisciplinary projects that bridge theory and practice;
f) track record of winning funding applications
g) significant level of service to the department, the university, the regional area, and the profession;
h) knowledge of at least two of the three official teaching languages at the Faculty of Design and Art (German, Italian,
English) is required.
About the Faculty
The Faculty of Design and Art currently offers a degree course (BA) in Design, from the academic year 2015/16 a MA
(laurea magistrale) in Eco-Social Design as well as a degree course in Art (BA) are set to begin in the near future.
Teaching at our faculty follows an interdisciplinary project-based model where product design and communication design are supported by a strong complement of comprehensive theoretical subjects and intensive practical experience in
workshops. The projects are organised by a team composed of teaching staff from practical and theoretical disciplines.
The complex problems tackled by the teaching staff require strong analytical skills, stimulating research and the indi-
vidual creation of new solutions. The projects are conceived with the aim of encouraging the acquisition of skills related
to the work carried out and favoring the gradual development of a personal working method.
Teaching languages used at the Faculty are English, Italian and German.
More information is available on the Faculty’s website: https://www.unibz.it/en/design-art/welcome/default.html Application procedure
Please send your expression of interest, together with a short profile, a detailed curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a
short description of your focus and your vision of future engagement (2 pages A4 / freestyle use of text, graphics, images), a short description of most important teaching experiences, teaching evaluations (if available) , as well as a
statement of current academic position. We recommend the use of the form “Attachment A – University Academic CV” available on the following website:
https://www.unibz.it/en/organisation/vacancies/tenuredprofessors/calls/default.html Your application, duly signed and dated on the last page, must be sent to Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Faculty of
Design and Art, attn. Mrs. Elena Ghizzo, Universitätsplatz 1, 39100 Bozen, e-mail: recruitment-design@unibz.it Expressions of interest will be accepted until August 31, 2015. Short-listed candidates will be invited to an interview. 