Journal Name International Journal of Civil Aviation ISSN 1943-3433 2009, Vol. 1, No. 1: E3 Compressor Effects on Specific Fuel Consumption of Kerosene-fueled Civil Turbofans Onder Turan (Corresponding author) Aircraft Propulsion &Structure Maintenance Department, School of Civil Aviation, Anadolu University, PO Box 26470, Eskisehir, Turkey Tel: +90-222-323-2722 E-mail: T. Hikmet Karakoc Aircraft Propulsion &Structure Maintenance Department, School of Civil Aviation, Anadolu University PO Box 26470, Eskisehir, Turkey Tel: +90-222-323-2722 E-mail: Abstract All gas turbine propulsion must have a compressor component that develops the pressure rise specified by the cycle. The main objective of the present study is to perform axial compressor pressure ratio effects on the specific fuel consumption of civil turbofans in both ideal and real cycles. At the beginning of this study, ideal and real cycle curves were drawn individually to explain the compressor pressure ratio behavior on the specific fuel consumption in excel and visual programming languages, respectively. At the second step, three dimensional response surfaces of the specific fuel consumption had been drawn according to the compressor pressure ratio. At the end of the study, real engines compressor data were marked on these curves and compared with results obtained in this paper. Keywords: Turbofan, Compressor, Bypass ratio, Cycle analysis 39 Journal Name International Journal of Civil Aviation ISSN 1943-3433 2009, Vol. 1, No. 1: E3 1. Introduction Cycle analysis studies the thermodynamic changes of the working fluid (air and products of combustion in most cases) as it flows through the engine. The object of cycle analysis is to obtain estimates of the performance parameters (primarily thrust and specific fuel consumption) in terms of design limitations (such as maximum allowable turbine temperature and attainable component efficiencies), the flight conditions (the ambient pressure, temperature, and Mach number), and design choices (such as compressor pressure ratio, fan pressure ratio, bypass ratio, as soon) (Mattingly, 2002). The engine design starts with the on-design (or design point) analysis, which presumes that all design choices are still under control, and that the size of the engine has yet to be chosen. The value of parametric cycle analysis depends directly on the realism with the engine components are characterized. For example, the compressor is described by a total pressure ratio and the isentropic efficiency, and if the analysis purpose claims to select the best total pressure ratio for a particular mission, then the choice may determined by the pressure ratio on the variation of efficiency with total pressure ratio must be comprised in the analysis. In off-design performance analysis no component performances are available so that the component efficiencies as functions of operating conditions must be estimated. Final choice of an engine is based on its off-design performance over the entire aircraft mission. In both forms of analysis, the components of an engine are characterized by the change in properties they produce On-design cycle analysis curves are very important for the cycle analysis of objective engine research. Because it is easy to see effect of the independent design parameters of the engine such as fan pressure ratio and bypass ratio on the dependent parameters such as the specific thrust and specific fuel consumption instead of numerical values (Mattingly, 2002; Oates, 1997). In this paper, on design analysis of civil turbofan engines with separate flow and non afterburning used in commercial aircraft were analyzed and then effects of compressor pressure ratio on specific fuel consumption for ideal and real cycle analysis for different bypass ratios. Then specific fuel consumption points were evaluated on compressor pressure ratiobypass ratiospecific fuel consumption response surfaces. New software programs had been developed for this purpose in visual and excel programming language for real and ideal cycles, and MATLAB language for three dimensional cycle curves by Turan (2007). Ideal and real cycle steady state performance prediction of high bypass turbofan was investigated in Excel (Mert, 2008) and Visual Basic program languages (Turan, 2000) respectively. Compressor pressure ratio effects on specific fuel consumption with different bypass ratios can be easily analyzed in these programs. 40 Journal Name International Journal of Civil Aviation ISSN 1943-3433 2009, Vol. 1, No. 1: E3 2. Compressor Design Parameters for Parametric Study Figure 1 shows both the ideal and actual compression processes for a given compressor pressure ratio on a T-s diagram. Pt3 Pt2 (a) Pressure drop during heat addition 3 3i Pressure drop during heat rejection 2 Compressor process (b) Figure 1. a) A modern axial flow compressor (Geae, 2008) b) actual (3) and ideal (3i) compressor processes in T-s diagram (Çengel, 2008) 41 Journal Name International Journal of Civil Aviation ISSN 1943-3433 2009, Vol. 1, No. 1: E3 Compressors are, to a high degree of approximation, adiabatic. To overall efficiency used to measure a compressor’s performance is the isentropic efficiency ηc, defined by ideal work of compressio n for given pressure ratio actual work of compressio n for given pressure ratio ηc = (1) The actual work per unit mass wc is ht3- ht2 [=Cp(Tt3-Tt2)] and the ideal work per unit mass wci=ht3i- ht2 [=Cp(Tt3i-Tt2)]. Here, ht3i is the isentropic compressor leaving total enthalpy. Compressor isentropic efficiency can be written as follows: ηc = wci ht 3i − ht 2 = wc ht 3 − ht 2 (2) For a calorifically perfect gas, it can be written as Equation (3); ηc = wci C p (Tt 3i − Tt 2 ) τ ci − 1 = = wc Tt 3 − Tt 2 τc − 1 (3) In Equation (3) τci is the ideal compressor temperature ratio which is related to the compressor pressure ratio by the isentropic relationship (γ −1) / γ = π (γ −1) / γ c τ ci = π ci (4) Thus we have π (γ −1) / γ − 1 ηc = c τc −1 (5) 2. Compressor Pressure Ratio Effects on the Specific Fuel Consumption for Ideal and Real Cycles The station numbering of a commercial turbofan can be shown engine in Figure 1. Station numbering is most important for thermodynamic study and energy analysis of air breathing engines. Ideal and real cycle equations were given in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2, respectively. Compressor pressure ratio effects on the specific fuel consumption of commercial turbofans for ideal and real cycles can be easily shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. Figure 1. Station numbering of commercial turbofan (Borguet, 2006) 42 Journal Name International Journal of Civil Aviation ISSN 1943-3433 2009, Vol. 1, No. 1: E3 α: bypass ratio 28 Specific fuel consum ption (g/ 26 24 α=0,5 α=1 α=1,5 22 α=2 α=3 α=4 α=5 α=8 20 α=12 18 16 14 V2500 CFM56-7B GE90-92B 12 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 Compressor pressure ratio Figure 2. Specific fuel consumption variation with compressor pressure for ideal cycle 18 Specific fuel consumption [g/(kN.s)] 17 x: bypass ratio 16 x=0.5 x=1 x=2 x=5 15 V2500 CFM56-7B 14 GE90-92B 13 12 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Compressor pressure ratio Figure 3. Specific fuel consumption variation with compressor pressure for real cycle It can be observed in Figure 2 and Figure 3 that while the compressor pressure ratio increases, the specific fuel consumption decreases in ideal and real cycles. V2500, CFM56-7B and GE90-92B engines value are also shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. 43 Journal Name International Journal of Civil Aviation ISSN 1943-3433 2009, Vol. 1, No. 1: E3 3. Compressor Pressure RatioBypass RatioSpecific Fuel Consumption Response Surfaces Compressor pressure ratiobypass ratiospecific fuel consumption response surfaces were developed by Turan (2008) in MATLAB programming environment. Parametric calculation can be implemented for observing specific fuel consumption variation according to the compressor pressure ratio and the bypass ratio as a three dimensional and color scaled plots. Specific fuel consumption variation with bypass ratio and compressor pressure ratio can be easily shown in Figure 4 coupled with input parameters in Table 1. Table 1. On-design parameters for compressor pressure ratiobypass ratiospecific fuel consumption plots M0 T 0 (K) hPR (kJ/kg) 43100 πf T 4(K) 0.8 220 1.5 1500 pt 4 / pt 3 p t19 / p t13 ec ef et 0.99 0.99 0.90 0.89 0.89 Cpc kJ/(kg.K) 1.00488 Cpt kJ/(kg.K) 1.147 γc γt 1.4 1.33 ηb 0.99 ηm 0.99 p0 / p 9 0.90 p0 / p19 0.90 V2500 CFM56-7B Specific fuel consumption (g7kN.s) GE90-92B Bypass ratio Compressor pressure ratio Figure 4. (a) 44 Journal Name International Journal of Civil Aviation ISSN 1943-3433 2009, Vol. 1, No. 1: E3 Specific fuel consumption surface GE90-92B V2500 CFM56-7B Bypass ratio Compressor pressure ratio (b) Figure 4. Specific fuel consumption color-scaled surface according to bypass ratio and compressor pressure ratio a) sideview b) upper view 4. Conclusions In this study, firstly new computer software were developed for ideal and real cycle analysis of a turbofan engine and then compressor pressure ratiobypass ratiospecific fuel consumption response surfaces of high bypass turbofan engine in the conceptual design phase in MATLAB environment. In this regard, three different software programs were developed. It can be seen that three color scaled surface performance plots of a high bypass turbofan engine are easy to evaluate compressor effects on specific fuel consumption. Then, additional effects, such as the weight, noise, exergy efficiency and thrust of the commercial engine or its pollutant emissions should be introduced in the model to define new figures of merit. References Mattingly J. (2002), Heiser H., Daley H., Aircraft Engine Design , AIAA Education Series, USA. Oates G. (1997), Aerothermodynamics of Gas Turbine and Rocket Propulsion, AIAA Education Series, USA. Geae (2008), [Online] Available http://www. (September 2, 2008) Çengel Y., Boles M.A. (2006), Thermodynamics : an engineering approach (5th ed.), McGraw-Hill Higher Education, USA. 45 Journal Name International Journal of Civil Aviation ISSN 1943-3433 2009, Vol. 1, No. 1: E3 Borguet S., Kelner V., L´eonard O. (2006), Cycle Optimization of a Turbine Engine: an Approach Based on Genetic Algorithms, [Online] Available http:// NCTAM2006.pdf (September 13, 2008) Mert M. (2008), Ideal cycle analysis of turbofan engines with excel program, Bachelor of Science Thesis, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey. Turan O. (2000), Performance analysis and evaluation program of gas turbine engines, Master of Science Thesis, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey. Turan O. (2008), Elitism-based genetic algorithm of turbofan engines, PhD thesis, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey. Nomenclature a Cp Cv e f F FR F/ m& gc hPR m& M P R SFC T V α w Speed of sound, m/s Specific heat at constant pressure, kJ/(kg-K) Specific heat at constant volume, kJ/(kg-K) Politropic efficiency Fuel –air ratio Thrust, kN Thrust ratio 0 Specific thrust, N.s/kg Newton’s constant Fuel heating value, kJ/kg Mass flow rate, kg/s Mach number Pressure, Pa Universal gas constant, m2/(s2-K) Specific fuel consumption, g/(kN.s) Temperature, K Velocity, m/s Bypass ratio specific work Greek Letters η γ π τ τλ Efficiency Specific heat ratio Pressure ratio Temperature ratio Enthalpy ratio of combustion chamber Subcripts and supercripts b Burner 46 Journal Name International Journal of Civil Aviation ISSN 1943-3433 2009, Vol. 1, No. 1: E3 c d e fn i DB O P t TH Compressor Diffuser Exit Fan nozzle Isentropic Duct bypass Overall Propulsive Total Thermal Appendix Appendix 1. Ideal cycle parametric equations for separate flow and no afterburning turbofan Table E1. Input and output parameters for ideal parametric cycle Input parameters M0, T0, γ , cp, hPR, Tt4, πc, πf, α Output parameters F / m& 0 ƒ, SFC, ηTH, ηP, ηO,FR Table E2. Ideal parametric cycle equations Equation R = γ −1 γ No (e.1) Cp a 0 = γ g R T0 τr = 1+ τλ = γ -1 2 M 02 C p Tt 4 Equation a0 F = m& 0 (1 + α )g c f = ( γ -1) / γ (e.5) τc = πc ( γ -1) / γ τf =πf h PR η P = 2M 0 (e.11) f (1 + α )(F / m& 0 ) 1 τr τc (e.12) V9 / a 0 − M 0 + α (V19 / a 0 − M 0 ) (e.13) ηTH = 1 − C p T0 (e.10) C p T 0 (τ λ − τ r τ c ) SFC = (e.4) (e.9) V9 V − M 0 + α 19 − M 0 V a 0 0 (e.2) (e.3) No ( 2 V92 / a 02 − M 02 + α V19 / a 02 − M 02 ) η 0 = ηTH η P (e.6) 47 (e.14) Journal Name International Journal of Civil Aviation ISSN 1943-3433 2009, Vol. 1, No. 1: E3 V9 = a0 (e.7) τλ 2 τ λ − τ r τ c − 1 + α τ f − 1 − γ -1 τrτc [ V19 = a0 )] ( V9 / a 0 − M 0 V19 / a 0 − M 0 (e.15) (e.8) 2 τ r τ f −1 γ -1 { FR = } Appendix 2. Real cycle parametric equations for separate flow and no afterburning turbofan Table E3. Input and output parameters for real parametric cycle Input parameters M0, T0, γ c, Cpc, γ t, cpt, hPR, πdmax, πb, πfn πn, πfn, ec, ef, et, ηb, ηm, P0/P9, P0/P19, Tt4, πc, πf, α Output parameters F / m& 0 ƒ, SFC, ηTH, ηP, ηO Table E4. Real parametric cycle equations Equation Rc = Rt = No γc − 1 C pc γc (e.16) γt − 1 C pt γt (e.17) a 0 = γ c g c Rc T0 V0 = a 0 M 0 τr = 1+ γc - 1 2 M0 2 π r = τ rγc /( γ c -1) π d = π d max ηr Equation ηc = No (e.25) π (c γc -1)/γc - 1 τ c -1 (e.26) ( γc -1) /( γc e f ) τf =πf (e.18) ( γc -1)/γc ηf = (e.19) f = (e.20) πf (e.27) -1 τ f -1 (e.28) τ λ - τr τc h PR ηb /( C pc T0 ) - τ λ τ t = 1- τ r [τ c - 1 + α(τ f − 1)] (e.29) ηm τ λ ( 1 + f ) pt 9 / p0 = ( p 0 / p9 )π r π d π c π b π t π n (e.21) (e.22) M9 = 48 ( γt -1) 2 p t 9 γt ( ) - 1 γt - 1 p0 (e.30) (e.31) Journal Name International Journal of Civil Aviation ISSN 1943-3433 2009, Vol. 1, No. 1: E3 τλ = C pcTt 4 p t 9 / p19 = ( p 0 / p19 )π r π d π f π fn γc -1 2 p t19 γc ( ) - 1 γc -1 p0 τλτ f T19 = T0 ( p t19 / p19 )( γc -1)/γc V19 T = M 19 19 V0 T0 (e.24) (e.34) (e.32) τ λ τ t C pc T9 = T0 ( p t 9 / p 9 )( γt -1)/γt C pt C pcT0 τ c = π c( γc -1) /( γcec ) M 19 = (e.23) (e.33) V9 γ RT = M9 t t 9 V0 γ c R c T0 a0 V9 R T / T 0 1 − P0 / P9 F = − M 0 + (1 + f ) t 9 (1 + f ) + & m 0 (1 + α )g c V0 R c V9 / V0 γc V19 αa 0 T / T 0 1 − P0 / P19 − M 0 + 19 V19 / V 0 γc (1 + α )g c V 0 (e.35) SFC = (e.36) (1 + f ) FR = (e.37) ηP = η TH (e.39) f (1 + α )(F / m& 0 ) (e.40) V9 R T / T 1 − P0 / P9 − M 0 + (1 + f ) t 9 0 V0 Rc V9 / V0 γc V19 T19 / T0 1 − P0 / P19 −M0 + V0 V19 / V0 γc (e.41) 2 M 0 [(1 + f )V 9 / a 0 + α V19 / a 0 − (1 + α )M 0 ] [(1 + f )(V 9 / a 0 )2 + α (V19 / a 0 )2 − (1 + α )M 02 [ ] a 2 (1 + f )(V 9 / a 0 )2 + α (V 19 / a 0 )2 − (1 + α )M = 0 2 h PR ( f + f AB + α f DB ) 2 0 ] η0 = ηTH η P 49 (e.38) (e.42) (e.43)