JDYX2.E19180 - Fuses, Supplemental - Component Page 1 of 4 JDYX2.E19180 Fuses, Supplemental - Component Page Bottom Fuses, Supplemental - Component See General Information for Fuses, Supplemental - Component COOPER BUSSMANN INC E19180 114 OLD STATE RD ELLISVILLE, MO 63021 USA With pigtail leads. Micro, Cat. No. GFA, 1/200-5A, 125 v. Miscellaneous , Type ABC-V-R rated 18A, 125/250 V ac and 30A, 125 V ac, 75 V dc, 125 V dc; Type ABC-V-A-R rated 20A, 125/250 V ac, 125 V dc and 25A, 125 V ac, 75 V dc, 125 V dc. For printed wiring board mounting. Micro, Cat. Nos. PCB, PCC, PCF, PCH, PCK, 0.5-2.5A, 250 V ac, 450 V dc; Cat. Nos. PCB, PCC, PCF, PCH, PCK, 2.6-3A, 250 V ac, 350 V dc; Cat. Nos. PCD, PCE, PCI, 0.5-2.5A, 125 V ac, 450 V dc; Cat. Nos. PCD, PCE, PCI, 2.6-3A, 125 V ac, 350 V dc; Cat. Nos. PCD, PCE, PCG, PCI, PCL, 3.15A, 125 V ac, 250 V dc; Cat. No. PCJ, 1A, may be followed by -R, 250 V ac, 750 V dc. Cat. No. 6125T, 625mA, 125 V ac, 60 V dc. Cat. No. 6125TD, 6125TDxxx-R, 1/2-5, 7A, 10A, 12A, 15A, 125 V ac, 60 V dc. Cat. No. 6125TD5A-T, 5A, 125 V ac, 60 v dc. Cat. Nos. 1025FA, 1025FAxxx-R, 1/4A-5A, 250 V ac, 125 V dc., 7A-15A 250 V ac, 60 V dc. Cat. Nos. 1025TD, 1025TDxxx-R, 1/4A-5A, 250 V ac, 125 V dc. Cat. No. PC06F, 0-5A, 32 V ac, 32 V dc. Cat. No. PC04F, 0-2A, 32 Vac, 32 V dc. Cat. No. PC06HV, 0.25-0.375A, 50 V ac, 50 V dc. Cat. No. PC06HV, 0.500A, 50V ac, 50V dc. Cat. No. 3216TD may be followed by -R, 0.5-1A, 63 Vac, 32 Vdc; 1.5-7A, 32 Vac/dc; 8-12A, 32Vac, 32Vdc. Cat. No. 6125FF-15-R rated 250mA - 15A rated 125Vac, 72Vdc, 32Vdc. For use with fuse holders Micro, Cat. No. GMW, 0-5A, 125 v. Type 74 followed by A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, 1.25-20, 60 V dc. Cat. No. GLD/GBA, 6A, 125 V ac; Cat. No. GLD/GBA, 8-15A, 50, .V ac and dc. Cat. Nos. 3216FF, 3216FF-T, 1/4-3A, 32 V ac, 63 V dc; Cat Nos. 3216FF, 3216FFxxx-R, 3216FF-T, 4-7.5A, V ac/dc; Cat. Nos. 3216LV, 3216LVxxxR, 0-1.5A, 125 V ac/dc; Cat. No. 1206FA, 1206FA-T, rated 0.2-1A, 63 V dc; 1.1-2A, 48 V dc; 2.1-4A , 48 V dc; 4.1-7A, 32 V dc; Cat. No. 3216171J0369, rated 17A, 13.8 V dc. http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/showpage.html?name=JD... 4/2/2008 JDYX.E19180 - Fuses, Supplemental Page 1 of 3 JDYX.E19180 Fuses, Supplemental Page Bottom Fuses, Supplemental See General Information for Fuses, Supplemental COOPER BUSSMANN INC E19180 114 OLD STATE RD ELLISVILLE, MO 63021 USA Trademark and/or Tradename: "Brush" Type or Cat. No. Size Amps V AC Miscellaneous, cartridge enclosed, nonrenewable: Cat. No. KTK 13/32 X 1-1/2 in. 0-30 600 Cat. No. BBS 13/32 X 1-3/8 in. 0-5 600 Cat. No. BBS 13/32 X 1-1/2 in. 6-10 250 Cat. No. FNM 13/32 X 1-1/2 in. 0-10 250 Cat. No. FNM 13/32 X 1-1/2 in. 12-30 250 Cat. No. FNM-xxxPPL 13/32 X 1-1/2 in. 1.8-9 125/250 Cat. Nos. MIC, MIJ 13/32 X 1-1/2 in. 0-15 250 Cat. No. ADL 13/32 X 1-1/2 in. 0-15 250 Cat. No. FNQ 13/32 X 1-1/2 in. 0-30 500 Cat. No. FNA 12/32 X 1-1/2 in. 0.1-6 250 Cat. No. FNA 13/32 X 1-1/2 in. 6.3-15 125 Cat. No. BAF 13/32 X 1-1/2 in 0-15 250 Cat. No. DCM 13/32 X 1-1/2 in. 1/10-30 600 Cat. No. DCM 13/32 X 1-1/2 in. 1/10-30 600dc Types MDL+, MDL-V+, MDL-R+, MDL-V-R+ 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 1/16-8 250 Types MDL+, MDL-R+. 1/4 X 1-1/4 0.2-10 250 Type MDV+ 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 1/16-8 250 Type MDX+ 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 1/16-8 250 Types MDQ+, MDQ-V+, MDQ-V-R+ 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 1/16-7 250 Type MDQ-V+ 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 1/16-7 250 Type GBA 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 0.5-5 125 Type GLD 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 0.5-5 125 Miniature, cartridge enclosed, nonrenewable: with or without suffix RAD http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/showpage.html?name=JD... 4/2/2008 JDYX.E19180 - Fuses, Supplemental Page 2 of 3 Type AGA+ 1/4 X 5/8 in. 0 - 1-1/2 125 Type GKN 1/4 X 5/8 in. 0 - 1-1/2 125 Type MKB 1/4 X 1- in. 1/8, 1/16 250 Type AGC+, AGC-R+ 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 1/500-10 250 Types AGC+, AGC-R+. 1/4 X 1-1/4 0.01-10 250 Types ABC+, ABC-R+, ABC-V+, ABC-V-R+, GLW+ 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 0-15 250 Types ABC+, ABC-R+, ABC-V+, ABC-V-R+, GLW+ 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 0-15 125dc Types ABC+, ABC-R+. 6.35 X 32 mm 0.01-15 250 ac/dc Cat. No. WP-91768L 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 0-15 250 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 0-15 125dc Type GLR 5/8 X 2-1/32 in. 0-15 300 Type GLQ 5/8 X 2-1/32 in. 0-10 300 Type GRR 5/8 X 2-1/32 in. 10.1-15 125 Type GMF 5/8 X 1-7/8 in. 1/4-10 300 Type GMQ 5/8 X 1-7/8 in. 1/4-6-1/4 300 Type GRF 5/8 X 1-7/8 in. 7-10 300 Type C 1/4 X 1-1/16 in. 1/64-31/2 250 Type C 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 4-10 250 Type N 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 1/100-11/4 250 Type N 1/4 X 1-7/16 in. 11/2-7 125 Type B 1/4 X 1-7/16 in. 3-2/10 125 Types AGX, AGX-V, AGX-V-R 1/4 X 1- in. 0-2 250 Types AGX, AGX-V, AGX-V-R 1/4 X 1- in. 2.1-5 125 Type MBK 1/4 X 13/16 in. 0-3 250 Type GLH+ 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 7-10 125 Type MSL+ 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 1/10-8 250 Type MSV with or 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 1/10-8 250 Types GMD, GMD-V 5 X 20 mm 0.1-3 125/250 Types AGA-V, AGA-V-R 1/4 X 5/8 in. 0-5 125 Types AGC-V+, AGC-V-R+ 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 0-10 250 Types MDA, MDA-R+, MDA-V+, MDA-V-R+ 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 0-15, 20 125, 250ac Types MDA+, MDW+ 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 20 250dc Types MDA+, MDA-R+, MDA-V+, MDW+, MDA-V-R+ 1/4 X 1-1/4 in. 20 125dc MRCHV (Note 1) 2.42X7.1mm 0.100-0.315 120 followed by 101 thru 116; Cat. No. WP-91768L followed by 1 thru 16 Cat. No. WP-91768L followed by 1 thru 16 without suffix RAD 0.375-3.0 MCRF (Note 1) 2.42X7.1mm 0.100-3.0 125 Vac http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/showpage.html?name=JD... 4/2/2008 JDYX.E19180 - Fuses, Supplemental Page 3 of 3 MRCHV (Note 1) 2.42X7.1mm 0.375-3.0 250Vac GMA, GMA-xxx-R, GMA-V 5 x 20mm 3.1-6 125 GMA, GMA-xxx-R, GMA-V 5 x 20mm 0.05-3 125/250 GMD, GMD-V 5 x 20mm 0.1-3 125/250 GMB 5 x 20mm 1-3.15 250 GMB 5 x 20mm 1-3.15 125 GMC, GMC-V 5 x 20mm 0.05-3.15 125/250 GMC, GMC-V 5 x 20mm 3.5-6.3 125 TDC515, C515 5.5 x 15.2mm 0.125-3 125/250 C519 5 x 14.5mm 0.125-3 125/250 TDC517, TDC517-R, C517, C517-R 5.2 x 15.2mm 2-5 125/250 TDC518, C518 5.48 x 15.0mm 0.1-0.75 125/250 TDC518, C518 5.5 x 15.2mm 1.5 - 5 A 125/250 TDC520, C520 5.2 x 14.28mm 0.1-0.75 125/250 TDC520, C520 5.2 x 14.2mm 1.5-0.5 125/250 TDC520 5.22 x 15mm 4-5 125/250 TDC520 5.22 x 15mm 6-10 125 C520B, C520B-R 4.5 x 14.5mm 0.1-0.75 125/250 6125FA 0.1-12 125ac/86dc 6125FA 0.1-7 125ac dc Micro, nonrenewable: Note (1) - Non time delay. +These fuses may be provided with the suffix letter "B" after the Cat. No. and before amp ratings. Last Updated on 2008-03-18 Questions? Notice of Disclaimer Page Top Copyright © 2008 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® The appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL's Follow-Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Listed and covered under UL's Follow-Up Service. Always look for the Mark on the product. UL permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Designs and/or Listings (files) must be presented in their entirety and in a non-misleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 2. The statement "Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from Underwriters Laboratories Inc." must appear adjacent to the extracted material. In addition, the reprinted material must include a copyright notice in the following format: "Copyright © 2008 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.®" http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/showpage.html?name=JD... 4/2/2008 JDYX2.E19180 - Fuses, Supplemental - Component Page 2 of 4 Cat. Nos. CC12MxxA, 3216FFxx-R, 10-20A, 24 V dc. Cat. No. CC12PDxxx, may be followed by -R, rated at ¼-3A, 32 Vac, 63 Vdc and rated at 4-7A, 32 Vac/dc. Cat. Nos. 0603FA, 0603FAxxx-R, 0603FA-T, 0.25-0.375A, 50 V dc, 0.0.500-5A, 32 V ac/dc . Cat. No. MCRHVg, 0.1A-10A, 250 V ac. Cat. No. EFF, 0.05-6.3A, 250 V ac. Cat. No. TEL, 350 MA, 600 V dc. Type MCRS, 0.05-7 amp, 125 v ac/dc; Type MCRW, 0.05-15 amp, 125 v ac/dc; Type 6125FA, 15A, 86 V dc; Type EFF-(XXX)A, rated 50 mA-6.3A, 250 V ac; Type ETF-(XXX)A, rated 40 mA-6.3A, 250 V ac. Miniature, Cat. No. MKC, 1/16A, 125 v. Cat. No. AGC+, AGC-R+, 11-45A, 32 V ac; Cat. No. AGC-V+, 35-45A, 32 V ac; Cat. No. AGC-CW+, 3.5-7.5A, 32 V ac. Cat. No. AGA, 5.1-12A, 32 v. Cat. Nos. AGA, GKN, 2-5A, 125 V ac Cat. No. ABC+, ABC-R+, -18, 20A, 125/250 vac, -25, 30A, 125 vac; Cat. No. ABC+, ABC-R+, 25-30A, 125vdc; Cat. No. WP-91768L followed by 117-119 incl.; Cat. No. GLW+, 20A, 250 v, 25A, 125 v. Cat. No. MDL+, MDL-R+, 20-30A, 32 v; Cat. No. MDV, 8.1-20A, 32 v; Cat. No. MDL+, MDL-R+, 9-20A, 32 V ac; Cat. No. MDQ, 7.1-30A, 32 v; Cat. No. 1A6267, 7.1-30A, 32 v. Cat. Nos. MDL+, MDL-R+, 9-20A, 32V ac. Cat. No. AGX, 5.1-7A, 125 v; 7.1-30A, 32 v. Cat. No. AGD, 3-12A, 32 v. Cat. No. ABS, 5-20A, 250 v, 25-30, 125 v. Cat. No. ABS, 0-4A, 250 V ac. Cat. No. ABC-V+, 25A, 125 v, 20A, 250 v; Cat No. ABC-V+, 18A, 250 v, 30A, 125 v; Cat. No. WP-91768L followed by 17-19 incl.; Cat. No. MDLV+, 8.1-30A, 32 v; Cat. No. AGC-V+, 11-30A, 32 v; Cat. No. AGA-V, 5.1-12A, 32 v; Cat. No. AGX-V, 5.1-20A, 32 v; Cat. No. MDQ-V, 8.1-30A, 32 v. All Cat. Nos. may be followed by -R. Cat. No. MDA-A, 25-30A, 125/250 V ac, 125 V dc. Cat. No. MDA-V-A, 25-30A, 125/250 V ac, 125 V dc. Cat. Nos. MDA-V+, MDA-V-R, 25-30A, 125/250 V ac, 125 V dc, followed by XXA, where XX is 25 or 30 rated 125/250 V ac, 125 V dc. Cat. Nos. MDA+, MDA-R+, 25-30A, 125/250 V ac , 125 V dc, followed by XXA, where XX is 25 or 30, rated 125/250 V ac, 125 V dc. Cat. Nos. GMA, GMA-xxx-R, GMA-V, GMA-V-xxx-R, 7-15A, 125 V ac. Cat. Nos. GMC, GMC-xxx-R, GMC-V, GMC-V-xxx-R, GMB-xxx-R, 6.4-10 A, 125 V ac. Cat. Nos. GMD, GMD-xxx-R, GMD-V, GMD-V-xxx-R, 3.1-4A, 250 V ac. Cat. Nos. GDB, GDB-xxx-R, GDB-V, GDB-V-xxx-R, S500, S500-xxx-R, S500-V, S500-V-xxx-R, TDS500, 0.032-10A, 250 V ac . Cat. Nos. GDA, GDA-xxx-R, GDA-V, GDA-V-xxx-R, S501, S501-V, S501-xxx-R, S501-V-xxx-R, TDS501, 0.05A-10A, 250 V, ac, 2-6.3A, 300V. Cat. Nos. GDC, GDC-xxx-R, GDC-V, GDC-V-xxx-R, S506, S506-R, S506-V-xxx-R, 0.032-04A, 250 V, ac. Cat. Nos. GDC, GDC-xxx-R, GDC-V, GDC-V-xxx-R, 0.5-10A, 250 V, ac. Cat. Nos. S506, S506-xxx-R, S506-V, D506-V-xxx-R, TDS506, 0.5-15A, 250 V, ac. http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/showpage.html?name=JD... 4/2/2008 JDYX2.E19180 - Fuses, Supplemental - Component Page 3 of 4 Cat. Nos. C515, C515-xxx-R, C519, C519-xxx-R, TDC515, 0.35A, 600 V, ac. Cat. Nos. C515, C515-xxx-R, C519, C519-xxx-R, TDC515, 3.5-7A, 125 V, ac. Cat. Nos. S505, S505-xxx-R, S505-V, S505-V-xxx-R, TDS505, TDS505-V, 8A, 10A, 12 A, 250 V, ac. Cat. Nos. S505, S505-xxx-R, S505-V, S505-V-xxx-R, TDS505, TDS505-V, 0.500-6.3 A, 250 V ac. Cat. Nos. TDC600, TDC600-R 2 and 10A, 600 V, ac. Cat. No. C517, C517-xxx-R or TDC517, TDC517-R, 2-3A, 350 V, ac. Cat. Nos. TDC518, C518, C518-xxx-R, C520, C520-xxx-R, rated 0.1-0.75, 1.5-3.5, and 4-5 A, 250 V ac. Cat. Nos. S508, S508-V, TDS508, TDS508-V, 1-3.15A, 250 V, ac. Type AGC-R. Miscellaneous, Cat. No. KTQ, 4-5A, 600 v. Cat. No. DMM, rated 44/100 and 11A, 1000 V ac and dc; Cat. Nos. DMM-B-11, DMM-B-44/100, 1000 V ac and dc; Cat. Nos. DMM-11A, DMM-B11A, rated 11 amps, 1000 V ac and dc. Cat. No. OW2237, rated 0.75A, 600vdc, 50kA. Types ABC, ABC-R rated 18A, 125/250 V ac and 30A, 125 V ac, 75 V dc, 125 V dc; Types ABC-A, ABC-A-R rated 20A, 125/250 V ac, 125 V dc and 25A, 125 V ac, 75 V dc, 125 V dc. Alarm indicator fuses, Series 70, followed by A-H incl., I, J, K, L, M, N, P, R or X, followed by 1/10-10 incl. Type GKB, followed by 10. Type 80, followed by additional suffixes, 0-5A; Type 81 followed by additional suffixes, 0-12A; Type 80M, 1 1/3A. Circuit protectors, Cat. No. 3216CP-R, 1/4-5A, 24 V dc, 4-5A, 32 V ac, 32 dc; Cat. No. ETF, 0.080-6.3A, 250 or 277 V ac. Telecom circuit protectors, Cat. No. TCP, rated 500 mA-1.25A, 250 V ac 600 V ac; Cat. No. TCP2A, rated 2A, 250V ac, 600V ac. Model No./Cat. No. MRCHV MCRT Amps V 3.15A-10A 30A, 125 V ac/250 V ac 100mA-315mA 30A, 250 V ac 12A-15A 30A, 72 V ac 100mA-7A 125/250 V ac +These fuses may be provided with the suffix letter "B" after the catalog number and before the amp rating. Marking: Company name or trademark "Buss", rating and catalog or type designation on smallest shipping container. Last Updated on 2008-04-01 Questions? Notice of Disclaimer Page Top Copyright © 2008 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® The appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL's Follow-Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Listed and covered under UL's Follow-Up Service. Always look for the Mark on the product. UL permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Designs and/or Listings (files) must be presented in their entirety and in a non-misleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 2. The statement "Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from Underwriters Laboratories Inc." must appear adjacent to the extracted material. In addition, the reprinted material must include a copyright notice in the following format: "Copyright © 2008 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.®" http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/showpage.html?name=JD... 4/2/2008 JDYX2.E19180 - Fuses, Supplemental - Component Page 4 of 4 http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/showpage.html?name=JD... 4/2/2008