SAS Curriculum Pathways 7th grade

SAS Curriculum - 7th Grade Social Studies Activities by Strand
Strand - History
Essential Standard 7.H.1
Use historical thinking to analyze various modern societies.
Clarifying Objective 7.H.1.1
Construct charts, graphs, and historical narratives to explain particular events or issues over time.
Columbus and the New World , Interactive Tool 1376
Exploring Renaissance Humanists, Tool-based Lesson 1115
French Revolution Timeline, Web Lesson 1119
Clarifying Objective 7.H.1.2
Summarize the literal meaning of historical documents in order to establish context.
William Penn and the Middle Colonies , Interactive Tool 1264
The Trial of Anne Hutchinson, Interactive Tool 29
Ottoman Empire: Sultan Suleyman, Inquiry 183
Scientific Revolution: Galileo on Trial, Web Lesson 386
The Stamp Act, Interactive Tool 30
Renaissance Man: Leonardo, Interactive Tool 1355
Clarifying Objective 7.H.1.3
Use primary and secondary sources to interpret various historical perspectives.
William Penn and the Middle Colonies , Interactive Tool 1264
The Trial of Anne Hutchinson, Interactive Tool 29
Enlightenment Philosophers, Interactive Tool 885
Enlightened Monarchs, Inquiry 188
The Jamestown Colony, Inquiry 201
The Stamp Act, Interactive Tool 30
Renaissance Man: Leonardo, Interactive Tool 1355
Essential Standard 7.H.2
Understand the implications of global interactions.
Clarifying Objective 7.H.2.1
Analyze the effects of social, economic, military and political conflict among nations, regions, and
groups (e.g. war, genocide, imperialism and colonization).
World War II: The Holocaust and Hiroshima, Web Lesson 393
U.S. Territorial Growth to 1853, Tool-based Lesson 1546
Apartheid in South Africa, Inquiry 198
Czar Nicholas II, Tutorial 1294
Imperialism: Creating Maps of Asia and Africa, Tool-based Lesson 1122
Adolf Hitler, Tutorial 1295
Johnson and the Vietnam War, Interactive Tool 38
Australia , Tutorial 1377
Winston Churchill, Tutorial 1296
Imperialism: Scramble for Africa, Interactive Tool 932
Imperialism: The Opium Wars, Inquiry 192
World War II: Japanese Internment, Interactive Tool 37
Gandhi and the Partition of India, Interactive Tool 937
The Mexican American War, Interactive Tool 32
Clarifying Objective 7.H.2.2
Evaluate the effectiveness of cooperative efforts and consensus building among nations, regions,
and groups (e.g. Humanitarian efforts, United Nations, World Health Organization, Non
Governmental Organizations, European Union and Organization of American States).
The Munich Crisis, Interactive Tool 935
NGOs and Humanitarian Relief, Web Lesson 415
European Union: Create a Map and Timeline, Tool-based Lesson 1528
Mapping the Trans-African Highway Network, Tool-based Lesson 1489
The World Trade Organization, Inquiry 217
The Middle East: Suez Crisis, Interactive Tool 938
Clarifying Objective 7.H.2.3
Explain how increased global interaction accelerates the pace of innovation in modern societies (e.g.
advancements in transportation, communication networks and business practices).
Queen Victoria, Tutorial 1293
NAFTA: Free Trade and the American Economy, Interactive Tool 1187
Australia , Tutorial 1377
The Japanese Economic Miracle, Tutorial 1298
Mapping the Trans-African Highway Network, Tool-based Lesson 1489
OPEC Oil Embargo, Tutorial 1299
Clarifying Objective 7.H.2.4
Analyze the economic, political, and social impacts of disease (e.g. smallpox, malaria, bubonic
plague, AIDS and avian flu) in modern societies.
Evaluating Cuban Communism , Inquiry 199
NGOs and Humanitarian Relief, Web Lesson 415
Age of Exploration: Spain in the New World, Interactive Tool 883
Medieval Europe: Bubonic Plague, Inquiry 184
Strand - Geography and Environmental Literacy
Essential Standard 7.G.1
Understand how geography, demographic trends, and environmental conditions shape modern
societies and regions.
Australia , Tutorial 1377
Mapping the Trans-African Highway Network, Tool-based Lesson 1489
Clarifying Objective 7.G.1.1
Explain how environmental conditions and human response to those conditions influence modern
societies and regions (e.g. natural barriers, scarcity of resources and factors that influence
Islands of Oceania, Tutorial 1379
Australia , Tutorial 1377
New Zealand, Tutorial 1378
America: World Power, Interactive Tool 1263
The Amazon Rainforest, Tutorial 1300
Mapping the Trans-African Highway Network, Tool-based Lesson 1489
Sahara Desert, Tutorial 1344
Nile Kingdoms, Interactive Tool 1373
Clarifying Objective 7.G.1.2
Explain how demographic trends (e.g. population growth and decline, push/pull factors and
urbanization) lead to conflict, negotiation, and compromise in modern societies and regions.
End of the Cold War, Tutorial 1297
South America Language Map, Tool-based Lesson 1487
OPEC Oil Embargo, Tutorial 1299
Mapping the Trans-African Highway Network, Tool-based Lesson 1489
The Middle East: Suez Crisis, Interactive Tool 938
South American GDP/Life Expectancy Map, Tool-based Lesson 1488
African GDP/Life Expectancy Map , Tool-based Lesson 1499
Nile Kingdoms, Interactive Tool 1373
Clarifying Objective 7.G.1.3
Explain how natural disasters (e.g. flooding, earthquakes, monsoons and tsunamis), preservation
efforts and human modification of the environment (e.g. recycling, planting trees, deforestation,
pollution, irrigation systems and climate change) affect modern societies and regions.
Islands of Oceania, Tutorial 1379
New Zealand, Tutorial 1378
The Amazon Rainforest, Tutorial 1300
Sahara Desert, Tutorial 1344
Nile Kingdoms, Interactive Tool 1373
Essential Standard 7.G.2
Apply the tools of a geographer to understand modern societies and regions.
Clarifying Objective 7.G.2.1
Construct maps, charts, and graphs to explain data about geographic phenomena (e.g. migration
patterns and population and resource distribution patterns).
Reconstruction Era Sharecropping, Tool-based Lesson 1514
Battles of the War of 1812, Tool-based Lesson 1491
Imperialism: Creating Maps of Asia and Africa, Tool-based Lesson 1122
Mapping the Trans-African Highway Network, Tool-based Lesson 1489
African GDP/Life Expectancy Map , Tool-based Lesson 1499
Interactive Atlas, Interactive Tool 2000
Three Routes to the Gold Rush, Tool-based Lesson 1495
Western European Monarchies Map, Tool-based Lesson 1485
A Modern Map of Africa, Tool-based Lesson 1128
Lewis and Clark Go West, Tool-based Lesson 1493
Southeast Asia and South Pacific Monarchies Map, Tool-based Lesson 1486
South American GDP/Life Expectancy Map, Tool-based Lesson 1488
Mapping the Cold War, Web Lesson 1126
Middle Eastern Monarchies Map, Tool-based Lesson 1484
Clarifying Objective 7.G.2.2
Use maps, charts, graphs, geographic data and available technology tools (i.e. GPS and GIS
software) to interpret and draw conclusions about social, economic, and environmental issues in
modern societies and regions.
Islands of Oceania, Tutorial 1379
World War II: Yalta and Poland, Inquiry 195
The Amazon Rainforest, Tutorial 1300
Imperialism: Creating Maps of Asia and Africa, Tool-based Lesson 1122
European Union: Create a Map and Timeline, Tool-based Lesson 1528
Mapping the Trans-African Highway Network, Tool-based Lesson 1489
African GDP/Life Expectancy Map , Tool-based Lesson 1499
Interactive Atlas, Interactive Tool 2000
Australia , Tutorial 1377
New Zealand, Tutorial 1378
A Modern Map of Africa, Tool-based Lesson 1128
OPEC Oil Embargo, Tutorial 1299
Nationalism: The Unification of Italy, Inquiry 191
Middle Eastern Monarchies Map, Tool-based Lesson 1484
Nile Kingdoms, Interactive Tool 1373
Mapping the Cold War, Web Lesson 1126
Strand - Economics and Financial Literacy
Essential Standard 7.E.1
Understand the economic activities of modern societies and regions.
Clarifying Objective 7.E.1.1
Explain how competition for resources affects the economic relationship among nations (e.g.
colonialism, imperialism, globalization and interdependence).
The Amazon Rainforest, Tutorial 1300
Mapping the Trans-African Highway Network, Tool-based Lesson 1489
OPEC Oil Embargo, Tutorial 1299
Clarifying Objective 7.E.1.2
Explain the implications of economic decisions in national and international affairs (e.g. OPEC,
NAFTA, G20, WTO, EU and economic alliances).
NAFTA: Free Trade and the American Economy, Interactive Tool 1187
Economic Systems, Tutorial 1513
Mapping the Trans-African Highway Network, Tool-based Lesson 1489
OPEC Oil Embargo, Tutorial 1299
Supply and Demand Curves for Jelly Donuts, Web Lesson 1145
Clarifying Objective 7.E.1.3
Summarize the main characteristics of various economic systems (e.g. capitalism, socialism,
communism; market, mixed, command and traditional economies).
Marxism: The Communist Manifesto, Web Lesson 597
Economic Systems, Tutorial 1513
19th-Century Political and Intellectual Movements, Web Lesson 389
Evaluating Cuban Communism , Inquiry 199
Elizabethan Exploration: One of Many Accomplishments , Tool-based Lesson 1544
Industrial Revolution: Debating Adam Smith and Child Labor, Web Lesson 596
Clarifying Objective 7.E.1.4
Explain how personal financial decision-making impacts quality of life (e.g. credit, savings, investing,
borrowing and giving).
Mapping the Trans-African Highway Network, Tool-based Lesson 1489
South American GDP/Life Expectancy Map, Tool-based Lesson 1488
African GDP/Life Expectancy Map , Tool-based Lesson 1499
Income Taxes and Fairness, Interactive Tool 1185
Strand - Civics and Governance
Essential Standard 7.C&G.1
Understand the development of government in modern societies and regions.
Clarifying Objective 7.C&G.1.1
Summarize the ideas that have shaped political thought in various societies and regions (e.g.
Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution, democracy, communism and socialism).
End of the Cold War, Tutorial 1297
The Declaration of Independence: Analyzing Grievances, Inquiry 210
Civil Constitution of the Clergy, Interactive Tool 886
Enlightenment Philosophers, Interactive Tool 885
Marxism: The Communist Manifesto, Web Lesson 597
19th-Century Political and Intellectual Movements, Web Lesson 389
Evaluating Cuban Communism , Inquiry 199
Trotsky and Stalin: Communism in the Soviet Union, Interactive Tool 934
Middle Eastern Monarchies Map, Tool-based Lesson 1484
Clarifying Objective 7.C&G.1.2
Evaluate how the Western concept of democracy has influenced the political ideas of modern
NAFTA: Free Trade and the American Economy, Interactive Tool 1187
Western European Monarchies Map, Tool-based Lesson 1485
Southeast Asia and South Pacific Monarchies Map, Tool-based Lesson 1486
Middle Eastern Monarchies Map, Tool-based Lesson 1484
Clarifying Objective 7.C&G.1.3
Compare the requirements for (e.g. age. gender, legal and economic status) and responsibilities of
citizenship under various governments in modern societies (e.g. voting, taxes and military service).
French Revolution: The Third Estate, Inquiry 189
The Emperor in Modern Japan, Inquiry 197
Middle Eastern Monarchies Map, Tool-based Lesson 1484
Income Taxes and Fairness, Interactive Tool 1185
Clarifying Objective 7.C&G.1.4
Compare the sources of power and governmental authority in various societies (e.g. monarchs,
dictators, elected officials, anti-governmental groups and religious, political factions).
Ottoman Empire: Sultan Suleyman, Inquiry 183
Perónism in Argentina, 1946-55, Interactive Tool 939
French Revolution: The Third Estate, Inquiry 189
Reformation: Luther's Challenge to the Church, Interactive Tool 882
Ancient China: Great Wall, Interactive Tool 1340
Peter the Great, Tutorial 1343
Czar Nicholas II, Tutorial 1294
Ancient Egypt: Famous Pharaohs, Tool-based Lesson 579
Trade Restrictions: Creating an Embargoed Countries Map, Tool-based Lesson 1529
The Stamp Act, Interactive Tool 30
Adolf Hitler, Tutorial 1295
The Absolute Monarchy of Louis XIV, Tutorial 1512
Civil Constitution of the Clergy, Interactive Tool 886
Western European Monarchies Map, Tool-based Lesson 1485
Winston Churchill, Tutorial 1296
Evaluating Cuban Communism , Inquiry 199
Trotsky and Stalin: Communism in the Soviet Union, Interactive Tool 934
Southeast Asia and South Pacific Monarchies Map, Tool-based Lesson 1486
Middle Eastern Monarchies Map, Tool-based Lesson 1484
Strand - Culture
Essential Standard 7.C.1
Understand how cultural values influence relationships between individuals, groups and political
entities in modern societies and regions.
Islands of Oceania, Tutorial 1379
Australia , Tutorial 1377
Middle Eastern Monarchies Map, Tool-based Lesson 1484
Clarifying Objective 7.C.1.1
Explain how culture unites and divides modern societies and regions (e.g. enslavement of various
peoples, caste system, religious conflict and Social Darwinism).
Queen Victoria, Tutorial 1293
Islands of Oceania, Tutorial 1379
Asian Empires Art Exhibit, Web Lesson 1111
Traditional Art of the Asian Empires, Web Lesson 379
New Zealand, Tutorial 1378
The Chinese Cultural Revolution, Web Lesson 603
Industrial Revolution: Life in Victorian England, Web Lesson 388
Early Islamic Civilizations, Interactive Tool 1223
Middle Eastern Monarchies Map, Tool-based Lesson 1484
Clarifying Objective 7.C.1.2
Explain how cultural expressions (e.g. art, literature, architecture and music) influence modern
Islands of Oceania, Tutorial 1379
Absolute Monarchs: Palaces and Portraits, Web Lesson 385
African Kingdoms: Nok, Benin, and Yoruba Art, Web Lesson 586
The Chinese Cultural Revolution, Web Lesson 603
Industrial Revolution: Life in Victorian England, Web Lesson 388
Queen Victoria, Tutorial 1293
Asian Empires Art Exhibit, Web Lesson 1111
Ancient Middle East: Exploring Monuments, Web Lesson 580
Icons in Byzantine Art, Web Lesson 380
Prehistoric Cave Art, Web Lesson 578
Traditional Art of the Asian Empires, Web Lesson 379
Early Islamic Civilizations, Interactive Tool 1223
Renaissance Man: Leonardo, Interactive Tool 1355