A starting point for justice in Guatemala

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Home > A starting point for justice in Guatemala
A high-level international delegation of trade union leaders has gained a commitment from
Guatemala?s President that he will publicly speak out about the need to respect and protect
the lives of union members and to recognize the crucial role of public service workers in
forming a democratic society.
President Otto Pérez Molina acknowledged that, ?It is very shameful for us that our country is
the most dangerous country in the world for trade unionists today.?
Rosa Pavanelli, leader of the global union federation Public Services International which
organized the mission, told the President and his Labour, Health and Interior Ministers that,
?Defending the rights of our affiliate trade union members in Guatemala is our top priority ?
and it will remain so until the situation for trade unionists and workers in this country improves.
More must be done. Not a single person has yet been sentenced in any of the cases of the 58
trade union leaders who have been murdered in recent years.?
Pavanelli said, ?We have to underline the total absence of the rule of law, which means that in
a power relation the worker always loses. The state fails to provide protection and support to
its citizens and as a result is an accomplice of the crimes that are committed every day. The
denial of justice is a crime against humanity.?
Download and read the full press release [2] (PDF)
Presentación al Presidente de Guatemala: http://www.world-psi.org/es/ponencia-antepresidente-guatemala [3]
PSI presentation to Guatemala?s President: http://www.world-psi.org/en/presentationpresident-guatemala [4]
Fotos/Photos: www.flickr.com/photos/psi_isp_iska/sets/ [5]
Video: www.youtube.com/user/PSIglobalunion [6]
RadioLabour interview with SNTSG member Melvy Lizeth Camey Rojas, who survived
an assassination attempt in August 2012 (EN): www.radiolabour.net/rojas-130813.htm [7]
FNL-SNTSG radio: http://fnl.org.gt/radio [8]
Radio Emisoras Unidas - en línea desde Guatemala: preocupa-muerte-sindicalistasinternacional-servicios-publicos [9]
La coburta de noticias:
Prensalibre.com: Alarman muertes en el país [10]
AGN: Presidente de Guatemala ratifica ante ISP apoyo a libertad sindical [11]
La Hora: Sindicalistas extranjeros demandarán respuestas a Otto ... [12]
Diario el Comercial: delegacion sindical mundial visita guatemala en mision de paz [13]
El mensajero Diario: Misión de paz a Guatemala [14]
Emisoras Unidas: Preocupa muerte de sindicalistas a Internacional de Servicios ... [9]
Terra Argentina: delegacion sindical mundial visita guatemala en mision de... [15]
Comunicarte: Basta de Impunidad: La federación sindical Internacional de ... [16]
AGN: Delegación sindical mundial visita Guatemala en misión de paz [17]
Terra Argentina: Sindicalistas piden cese de la violencia laboral en Guatemala ... [18]
Prensa Latina: Expresan preocupación por muerte de sindicalistas en Guatemala [19]
cb24.tv: Sindicalistas-piden-cese-de-la-violencia-laboral-en-guatemala/ [20]
ARGENPRESS.info: expresan-preocupacion-por-la-muerte-de.html [21]
La Hora: sindicalistas-extranjeros-demandaran-respuestas-a-otto-perez [12]
El Sindical: Guatemala:Asesinan a 58 sindicalistas [22]
Alianza Sindical Independiente: delegacion sindical mundial visita guatemala [23]
Agencia CTA - Argentina: Yabkowski en Guatemala [24]
CSPB - Brasil: Mauro Zica representa o Brasil em missão de ... [25]
Mundo Gremial: Guatemala: 58 sindicalistas muertos y una misión de pacificación
sindical [26]
News coverage:
Guardian World News: Guatemala urged to investigate trade unionist murders [27]
Silobreaker.com: Guatemala urged to investigate trade unionist murders [28]
EPSU: Direct from PSI Mission in Guatemala: report from the EPSU ... [29]
In These Times: Unions under siege in Guatemala [30]
Equal Times: Workers in Guatemala must be protected when they speak out [31]
Inter-Americas [32]
Guatemala [33]
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Public Services International is a global trade union federation representing 20 million
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Source URL: http://www.world-psi.org/en/starting-point-justice-guatemala
[1] http://www.worldpsi.org/sites/default/files/attachment/media/en_psi_guatemala_mission_conclusion_webversion.pdf
[2] http://www.worldpsi.org/sites/default/files/attachment/media/en_psi_guatemala_mission_conclusion_webversion_0.pdf
[3] http://www.world-psi.org/es/ponencia-ante-presidente-guatemala
[4] http://www.world-psi.org/en/presentation-president-guatemala
[5] http://www.flickr.com/photos/psi_isp_iska/sets/
[6] http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTth89T4iWwyTxOixSx5hr4U-z2zRQlib
[7] http://www.radiolabour.net/rojas-130813.htm
[8] http://fnl.org.gt/radio
[9] http://noticias.emisorasunidas.com/noticias/nacionales/preocupa-muerte-sindicalistas-internacionalservicios-publicos
[10] http://www.world-psi.org/en/Alarman%2520muertes%2520en%2520el%2520pa%C3%ADs
[11] http://www.agn.com.gt/index.php/world/politics/item/7495-presidente-de-guatemala-ratifica-ante-ispapoyo-a-libertad-sindical
[12] http://www.lahora.com.gt/index.php/nacional/guatemala/actualidad/182185-actualizacion-sindicalistasextranjeros-demandaran-respuestas-a-otto-perez
[15] http://noticias.terra.com.ar/internacionales/delegacion-sindical-mundial-visita-guatemala-en-misionde-paz%2c261220dfefd60410VgnCLD2000000dc6eb0aRCRD.html
[16] http://noticiascomunicarte.blogspot.com/2013/08/basta-de-impunidad-la-federacion.html
[17] http://www.agn.com.gt/index.php/component/k2/item/7429-delegaci%C3%B3n-sindical-mundial-visitaguatemala-en-misi%C3%B3n-de-paz
[18] http://noticias.terra.com.ar/internacionales/sindicalistas-piden-cese-de-la-violencia-laboral-enguatemala%2c8b8a19fd65870410VgnCLD2000000ec6eb0aRCRD.html
[19] http://www.prensalatina.cu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&idioma=1&id=1768461&Itemid=1
[20] http://cb24.tv/sindicalistas-piden-cese-de-la-violencia-laboral-en-guatemala/
[21] http://www.argenpress.info/2013/08/expresan-preocupacion-por-la-muerte-de.html
[22] http://www.elsindical.com.ar/notas/guatemalaasesinan-a-58-sindicalistas/
[26] http://mundogremial.com/informacion-general/guatemala-58-sindicalistas-muertos-y-una-mision-depacificacion-sindical-3973
[27] http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/14/guatemala-trade-unionist-murders
[28] http://news.silobreaker.com/guatemala-urged-to-investigate-trade-unionist-murders5_2267031235521937548
[30] http://inthesetimes.com/working/entry/15504/unions_under_siege_in_guatemala/
[31] http://www.equaltimes.org/blogs/workers-in-guatemala-must-be-protected-when-they-speak-out
[32] http://www.world-psi.org/en/country/inter-americas
[33] http://www.world-psi.org/en/country/guatemala
[34] http://www.world-psi.org/en/topic/solidarity-guatemala
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[41] http://www.world-
[42] http://www.worldpsi.org/sites/default/files/attachment/media/fr_psi_guatemala_mission_conclusion_webversion_0.pdf
[43] http://www.worldpsi.org/sites/default/files/attachment/media/de_psi_guatemala_mission_conclusion_webversion_0.pdf
[44] http://www.worldpsi.org/sites/default/files/attachment/media/sv_psi_guatemala_mission_conclusion_webversion.pdf
[45] http://www.world-psi.org/en/issue/gender-equality
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