Merged Committee Briefing Paper_28 October rev 0

Briefing Paper for Orica Botany Community Meeting
28 October 2014
This Briefing Paper aims to provide an update on the following items:
1. Orica’s Botany Groundwater Cleanup (BGC) Project
2. The Former ChlorAlkali Plant (FCAP) Mercury Remediation Project
3. The Southlands Development Project
4. Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Stored Waste
5. Car Park Waste Encapsulation (CPWE) Remediation Project
6. Community Communications
7. Community Investment
8. Committee Terms of Reference
Voluntary Management Proposal (VMP) Progress Report No. 16
Progress Report No. 16 for the Botany Groundwater VMP was submitted to the NSW Environment
Protection Authority (EPA) on 29 August 2014 and has been posted on the Orica website. This
report shares the results of the June 2014 quarterly monitoring event. The Executive Summary of
the Progress Report is included as Attachment A to this Briefing Paper.
There are no additional data presented in the June 2014 monitoring round that affect the
conclusions of the 2010 Consolidated Human Health Risk Assessment (CHHRA).
Groundwater Treatment Plant (GTP)
The approximate total volume of groundwater treated since pump and treat activities commenced
in 2005 up to 30 June 2014 is 15,060 ML. The estimated total mass of chlorinated hydrocarbons
destroyed in the thermal oxidiser for the same period is 1,190 tonnes.
The GTP continues to operate effectively. There have been no GTP non-compliances this quarter
and effective hydraulic containment continues to be achieved.
IMC Replacement Hydrogeologist
In March 2014 the Community Liaison Committee requested that Prof Acworth recommend a
replacement hydrogeologist for the Independent Monitoring Committee (IMC).
Orica has also approached Sydney University and the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) to
see whether there are other local academic hydrogeologists to consider for the role.
The following experts have been recommended and have expressed an interest in the role:
Associate Professor Denis O’Carroll from the University of Western Ontario, Canada. He
will be an ARC Future Fellow at the University of NSW from mid 2015 - recommended by
Prof Acworth;
Bryce Kelly, Associate Professor, Connected Waters Initiative, National Centre for
Groundwater Research and Training School of Biological, Earth and Environmental
Sciences, UNSW - recommended by the Associate Professor Hydrology and Catchment
Management at Sydney University. Bryce is happy to be considered but has also
recommended Denis O’Carroll. They will work at the same Centre at UNSW; and
Doctor William Milne-Home, Casual Academic, UTS – recommended by Associate
Professor James Ball, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UTS.
CV’s for these three experts have been distributed with this Briefing Paper for consideration by the
Committee. Some time has been allocated on the upcoming agenda to consider these experts and
agree next steps.
Briefing Paper for 28 October 2014 community meeting
Orica is undertaking the following work to remediate mercury contaminated soil at the site of the
FCAP at the Botany Industrial Park (BIP):
Stage 1 - Blocks A & M excavation and reinstatement – completed November 2013;
Stage 2 - Block G targeted excavation and reinstatement – completed December 2013;
Stage 3 - Decontamination and site preparation and removal of the Temporary Emissions
Control Enclosure (TECE) and associated Emission Control Systems (ECSs); and
Stage 4 - Construction of cut-off wall and installation of capping system.
Stage 3 works have progressed well and are planned to be completed early next month. The
TECE has been completely removed.
Orica plans to commence Stage 4 works in early 2015. This final stage will take approximately one
year to complete. The following images show the machinery and approach to be used for
installation of the cut-off wall:
Cutter Soil Mixing machine – basically a 30
m high pile driving machine fitted with two
1.5 m diameter rotating cutting wheels that
cut into and mix the soil. Cement, bentonite
(a clay-like material) and water are injected
through the cutter head to mix with the soil
and create a cut-off wall.
The CSM machine cuts a series of 2 m wide
overlapping panels around the 400 m long
perimeter of the Block G area about 25 m
down into bedrock or clay overlying the
bedrock. The work will take about three
months. On-board computers monitor soil
profile, mix quality and panel alignment.
All ambient air monitoring results at the BIP boundary continue to be well below the conservative
EPA action levels.
The EPA’s Management Order for the FCAP Project is to be amended to reflect updated project
Briefing Paper for 28 October 2014 community meeting
Project Approval to subdivide and develop the Southlands site for industrial warehousing was
granted by the NSW Government in 2012 (and then modified for updated site plans in 2013).
Works at the site are to be conducted in accordance with the comprehensive Conditions of
Approval and overseen by a Principal Certifying Authority and the NSW EPA-accredited site
auditor, Mr Chris Jewell.
As previously advised, Orica has sold 13 hectares of the Southlands property to Goodman.
Site establishment works commenced in May this year and bulk earthworks followed.
Upgrade works to the intersection of Hills Street and Botany Road will commence in mid October
and will be completed in late November. These works include:
extension of the existing right-turn bay by 20 m. The right-turn bay shall be at least 3.2 m
construction of a 900 mm wide central median adjacent to and for the full length of the rightturn bay, to the satisfaction of the NSW Roads and Maritime Services; and
installation of signage on Botany Road (eastbound) to prevent trucks longer than 12.5 m
turning left into Hills Street.
The improvements will result in safer intersections and better traffic flow.
All works will be completed by March 2015 and the site will be handed over to Goodman.
As readers may be aware, in May this year, Orica lodged an application to export 132 tonnes of
HCB waste currently stockpiled at Botany to France for safe and permanent destruction by
international company Tredi SA at a licensed High Temperature Incineration (HTI) facility.
There is not yet an outcome for the French application and it could take some time before an
outcome is known. Orica is providing further information to the French and Australian governments
and remains focussed on the current application. Destruction by Tredi presents the only available
safe and environmentally sound solution, as there is no treatment option available in Australia.
The waste remains safely stored on the BIP. Orica conducts proactive inspections and has a good
knowledge of drum contents and condition.
As advised at the August meeting, Mr Chris Jewell, the NSW EPA-accredited Site Auditor for the
CPWE Project has issued a Part B Site Audit Statement confirming that the CPWE site will be
suitable for commercial industrial use following implementation of a vapour barrier, as outlined in
an additional Remediation Action Plan (RAP) prepared by Environmental Risk Sciences.
As noted previously, a Part A Site Audit Statement, which confirms the site is fit for occupation, can
be issued upon confirmation that the passive vapour mitigation design has been installed.
Orica has Development Approval to subdivide the former CPWE area and adjacent lands from the
BIP and intends to sell this land for future commercial or industrial use. Orica has no further works
to complete on this project and will advise the Committee once a sale is confirmed.
The first meeting of the merged committee was held on 12 August 2014. Orica Botany community
communications since that time include a column in the Southern Courier at the end of August and
one in the Southern Courier and the St George Leader at the end of September. A Newsletter
covering all Botany Transformation Projects is being delivered to properties around the BIP in mid
Orica also held a site visit of the GTP and ChlorAlkalai Plant in August for Year 12 chemistry
students from John Edmondson High School, South Western Sydney and has profiled those plants
in a number of BIP tours for UNSW over the last quarter.
Briefing Paper for 28 October 2014 community meeting
A community Orica Botany site tour is scheduled for Thursday 23 October from 5.30 -7.00 pm. We
will follow the site tour with finger food from 7.00-7.30 pm to celebrate completion of the CPWE
Remediation Project. Please RSVP by email to if you are interested in
Orica is delighted to have selected the following two successful recipients in Round 2 of the 2014
Botany Community Investment Program:
$5,000 toward furniture for Junior Golf Clinics at the Botany Golf Club; and
$3,500 toward the expansion of Chifley Public School’s Environmental Garden.
An updated draft Terms of Reference (ToR) for the merged committee was distributed by email on
14 August and no further feedback has been received. The current draft has been circulated with
this Briefing Paper. Our agenda for the upcoming meeting includes finalisation of the ToR.
Briefing Paper for 28 October 2014 community meeting
Attachment A
Executive Summary of VMP Progress Report No. 16