Forces and Magnets - Education Umbrella

Forces and Magnets: Magnets
Understand what a magnetic material is
Describe how magnets attract or repel each other
Learn the properties of different types of magnet
Discussion: how might you move a metal ball from one end of a table to the other without touching it?
Students are likely to suggest; tilt the table, blow on the ball, use a magnet. Blowing on the ball is an
acceptable answer but not an example of a non-contact force because air is used to push the ball.
Magnetic materials
Explain that the metal ball can be moved with the magnet because it is magnetic. These materials are
attracted to magnets (affected by the magnetic force of a magnet).
Pupils must note:
A magnetic material is attracted to magnets.
Pupils test whether various materials are magnetic and record their results in worksheet 1. Include
different metals e.g.: iron, steel, aluminium, as well as graphite, wood, plastic and glass. Pupils should
notice that all magnetic materials are metal but not all metals are attracted to magnets.
Pupils may note:
All magnetic materials are metal but not all metals are magnetic. Iron is a magnetic material.
Magnetic Poles
Using a diagram, explain that in a magnet, you can find a North pole and South pole. Pupils may
make a connection with the North and South Poles of the Earth; explain that the North pole of the
magnet points to the North Pole of the Earth. This is how a compass works. (Pupils are not required to
learn the points of the compass.)
EXPERIMENT: Explain that when magnets are put together, we can see new pushing and pulling
forces. Using worksheet 2 for guidance, pupils test bar magnets and record whether they push apart or
pull together. When the experiment is complete, compare results as a class.
Explain that when two different poles are pulled together, this is called attraction. When two of the
same poles are pushed apart, this is called repulsion.
Pupils must note:
Magnets have two poles: North and South. When different poles are put together they are
attracted. When the same poles are put together they are repelled.
Types of magnet (non-statutory)
Just like people, magnets can come in different shapes, sizes and strengths. Pupils will have
experimented with a bar magnet. Split pupils into groups and give each group a bar magnet with its
poles labelled and a new kind of magnet: a horseshoe magnet, a ring magnet or a neodymium magnet.
Allow pupils to experiment with the new magnets and then present their findings to the rest of the
class. They may describe:
Shape and size of the magnet.
Strength of the magnet.
What the poles are/where the poles are
The major findings should be: a ring magnet has one pole on top and another pole on the bottom, a
horseshoe magnet has one pole on each end, a neodymium magnet is very strong.
Explain that the neodymium magnet is the strongest magnet on Earth. Challenge students to pull two
neodymium magnets apart. Neodymium magnets are used in microphones, computers and aircraft.
They have also been used in the Mars Rovers to collect space dust.
Possible extra-curricular questions
How do non-contact forces work?
Magnetic, electrostatic and gravitational forces are all non-contact and are caused by a
field. A field is a region of space in which objects are affected by a force. A magnetic field is
caused by a magnetic dipole (a magnet) while a gravitational field is caused by a mass and
an electrostatic field is caused by a charge.
Can you make things levitate using magnets?
Yes. Neodymium magnets are strong enough to cause levitation if arranged correctly. Other things,
including animals can be made to levitate using superconductivity: this requires very low
temperatures. The Shanghai Maglev Train uses magnetic levitation and is the fastest commercial
train in the world (because it is not affected by friction between the train and the rail).
Why are some magnets stronger than others?
A horseshoe magnet is very strong because the magnetic poles are very close. This creates a stronger
magnetic field/force. Neodymium makes strong magnets because it has a structure that makes
demagnetisation unlikely and has the ability to store large amounts of magnetic energy.