Creating Results: Data Tables and Graphs Directions for Google

Creating Results: Data Tables and Graphs
Directions for Google Drive Documents
Creating a Data Table in Google Document
1) Open Google Drive
2) Select “Create”
3) Select “Document”
4) Name your document before you start so you will be able to find it later! Of course, you are
welcome to simple ADD to the “Methods” document that you have already created
5) In the body of your document, title this section “Results”. Add a Title for your first Data
Note: Titles for Data Tables and Graphs should be descriptive! Do not simply title your
Data Table “Date Table 1”!
6) Insert a table by selecting “Insert  Table”. You can select the size of your table by
highlighting the number of cells in the menu that displays. Don’t worry, if you need more or
less columns/rows later, you can always add/delete!
7) Your Document should look like this:
8) Type the titles of your data into the first rows of cells.
Note: Make sure that you include the measurement and the unit in the title. As you type the
measurements, you may need to adjust the size of the columns. To do this: Hover your
cursor over the column break until double arrows display – then, drag your column break to
the desired width.
Creating a Graph in Google Spreadsheet
9) Open Google Drive
10) Select “Create”
11) Select “Spreadsheet”
12) Title your Spreadsheet
13) Type your data into columns A and B.
Column A: Independent Variable (This Lab: Molarity of Solution)
Column B: Dependent Variable (This Lab: Percent Change of Mass)
14) Highlight your data (both columns) and select “Insert Chart”
15) Select “Charts” on the Screen that displays
16) Select “Scatter” as the graph that you would like to display. You will want the FIRST Scatter
Plot choice.
17) Select “Insert” – This will insert your Graph into your Spreadsheet.
18) Your Spreadsheet will look like this:
If your graph is covering your data table, simply click on it to drag it where you want it to be.
19) Title your Graph: Highlight “Chart Title” – and a Box will appear above it that allows you
to type in it. Your title should describe what is in your graph. Note: It should not be “Graph
20) To further edit your graph, select “Advanced Edit”
21) Select “Customize” Here, you can also change the title of your graph and create titles for
your axis.
22) You will need to create titles for each axis. Scroll until you see “Axis Horizontal”
This is the x-axis. Add a title for your x-axis here that includes units. Example:
Concentration of Sucrose Solution (M)
23) You will do the same for your Vertical Axis (y-axis). Select “Vertical” from the Drop Down
Menu that currently says “Horizontal”
24) Your Graph should look like this:
25) Here’s the FUN part! Let’s insert your newly created graph into your Results Page (The
Google Document that we started earlier).
Select “Copy Chart”
26) Open your Google Document “Results”. Move your curser to the location that you would
like to place your graph. Paste your graph (I pasted by using CTRL-V on my keypad.)
Your Document should look like this now:
27) Repeat these steps for the second data table and the second graph.
28) Notes for THIS lab:
a. You will have TWO data tables.
Data Table 1: YOUR individual data.
Data Table 2: The CLASS data.
b. You will have TWO graphs.
Data Table 1: YOUR individual data.
Date Table 2: The CLASS Averages.