High School Science Priority Expectations Document A Collaboration to Encourage “State of the Art” Practice in Science Education, in an Era of High Stakes Accountability Based on the MDE Science Companion Document Physics Chemistry Biology Earth Science ISD/ESA Collaborative Priority Expectation Partners Allegan AESA Alpena-Montmorency-Alcona ESD Bay-Arenac ISD Branch ISD Calhoun ISD Charlevoix-Emmet ISD Cheboygan-Otsego-Presque Isle ESD Clare-Gladwin RESD Clinton County RESA C.O.O.R. ISD Eaton ISD Genesee ISD Gratiott Isabella RESD Huron ISD Ingham ISD Ionia County ISD Iosco RESA Kalamazoo RESA Kent ISD Lewis Cass ISD Livingston ISD Macomb ISD Manistee ISD Mason-Lake ISD Mecosta-Osceola ISD Midland County ESA Montcalm Area ISD Muskegon Area ISD Newaygo County RESA Oakland Schools Oceana ISD Ottawa Area ISD Saginaw ISD Shiawassee RESD St. Joseph ISD Traverse Bay ISD Van Buren ISD Washtenaw ISD Wayne RESA Wexford-Missaukee ISD ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Science Expectations Introduction | i Table of Contents Overview of the Science Priority Expectations Document Physics Priority Expectations iv 8 The Big Ideas in the Physics Units............................................................................................................................................ 9 Energy Transformations.................................................................................................................................................... 10 Motion.................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Dynamics............................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Momentum........................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Periodic Motion................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Gravity.................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Mechanical Energy............................................................................................................................................................. 22 Mechanical Waves.............................................................................................................................................................. 24 Electromagnetic Waves, Visible Light, and Optics.................................................................................................... 26 Electric Forces...................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Electric Current.................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Nuclear Physics.................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Chemistry Priority Expectations 38 The Big Ideas in the Chemistry Units........................................................................................................................... 39 Atomic Theory..................................................................................................................................................................... 40 Periodic Table....................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Quantum Mechanics......................................................................................................................................................... 44 Introduction to Bonding.................................................................................................................................................. 46 Nomenclature & Formula Stoichiometry.................................................................................................................... 48 Equations & Stoichiometry.............................................................................................................................................. 50 States of Matter................................................................................................................................................................... 52 Advanced Bonding Concepts......................................................................................................................................... 54 Thermochemistry & Solutions........................................................................................................................................ 56 Acid/Base............................................................................................................................................................................... 58 Redox/Equilibrium............................................................................................................................................................. 60 Thermodynamics................................................................................................................................................................ 62 ii | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Science Priority Expectations Introduction Biology Priority Expectations 64 The Big Ideas in the Biology Units................................................................................................................................. 65 Chemistry & Biochemistry............................................................................................................................................... 66 Cells—Structure & Function............................................................................................................................................ 68 Cell Energetics..................................................................................................................................................................... 70 Comparative Structure & Function of Living Things............................................................................................... 72 Human Systems.................................................................................................................................................................. 74 Homeostasis & Health....................................................................................................................................................... 76 Matter & Energy in Ecosystems...................................................................................................................................... 78 Population Ecology & Human Impacts on Ecosystems.......................................................................................... 80 Cell Division.......................................................................................................................................................................... 82 DNA/RNA & Protein Synthesis........................................................................................................................................ 84 Mendelian & Molecular Genetics (includes Biotechnology)................................................................................. 86 Evolution............................................................................................................................................................................... 88 Earth Science Priority Expectations 92 The Big Ideas in the Earth Science Units..................................................................................................................... 93 Organizing Principles of Earth Science........................................................................................................................ 94 Rock Forming Processes................................................................................................................................................... 96 Earthquakes and Earth’s Interior.................................................................................................................................... 98 Plate Tectonics & Volcanoes.......................................................................................................................................... 100 Discerning Earth’s History.............................................................................................................................................. 102 Severe Weather................................................................................................................................................................. 104 Oceans & Climates............................................................................................................................................................ 106 Climate Change................................................................................................................................................................. 108 Hydrogeology.................................................................................................................................................................... 112 Resources & Environment Challenges....................................................................................................................... 114 Cosmology & Earth’s Place in the Universe.............................................................................................................. 116 The Sun & Other Stars..................................................................................................................................................... 118 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Science Expectations Introduction | iii Overview of the Science Priority Expectations Document Why another document about Michigan What principles guided the design of the science standards? priority expectations document? In recent years, Michigan educators of all subjects have been grappling with the challenges of revising district programs in response to new state standards and assessment designs. Despite clear and well supported recommendations to identify and focus deeply on fewer core concepts in science, Michigan’s new standards are numerous and vast in breadth. As a consequence, the imposing enormity of the content expectation obscures critical interrelationships among important core concepts. It promotes an erroneous impression that science literacy is about mastery of a dizzying array of facts and proficiency in discrete skills disconnected from science content. There are exemplary educators, proficient in highly effective instructional practices who are dismayed that they face the difficult trade-off between covering all science content expectations in the standards and teaching in a manner that is known to be effective and inspiring. Also, the incentives that result from common interpretations of our accountability systems (Michigan Merit Exam (MME) and high school graduation requirements) have locked the very aims of our science programs in an outdated mode: emphasizing vast content coverage. In keeping with research, national leadership in science education and modern, high quality curriculum design these documents are meant to encourage a deep treatment of a limited number of important big ideas and core concepts, explored in a manner that promotes an understanding of the nature of science and the proficiencies that are central to the scientific enterprise. It built in large part on the structure of the science companion documents because they are widely disseminated and utilized. To emphasize the critical interrelationships and intended prominence of big ideas, core concepts and student inquiry the actual list of priority expectations are located at the bottom of each unit. The prominent and close positioning of the big ideas, core concepts and student inquiry is meant to bring a teacher’s focus to the intrinsic interrelationship of these elements of our standards. The graphic organizer ties them together in a single display. This approach provides an intellectual organizational structure (or framing) of the standards which provides invaluable guidance in how ideas are related and how to integrate the practices of science with the overriding big ideas and important core concepts. In order to best assure quality educational programming, numerous districts and ISD’s had independently embarked upon efforts to identify the content expectations that are recognized as most important, and therefore deserving of an enhanced focus. Despite the fact that purposes varied to some degree, it was recognized that a collaborative endeavor would be greatly preferable to several efforts that inevitably would produce different lists of expectations to emphasize. Therefore, a statewide ISD collaboration was initiated and has committed to producing this document. The effort has been encouraged by Michigan’s state Superintendent Flanagan who also echoed the sentiments of the ISD collaboration in a June 2009 memo by saying that the high school content expectations… “…should not be viewed as a list of items that must be checked off one by one. With only so many instructional hours available each year, we know that there is no way for schools to cover in depth every HSCE, nor should districts make that attempt.” The criteria to select the priority expectations were developed to serve these principles. Which HSCE’s should be priorities? Those that: • best point to central ideas of the discipline (big ideas and core concepts) • lend themselves to rich student investigations • readily connect to critical societal concerns Which HSCE’s should not be priorities? Those that are: • redundant with other, better worded HSCE’s • arbitrarily, specific tasks (i.e., reads like a NAEP expectation) • not strongly connected to core concepts • overly esoteric, as though part of a bachelor of science program in a science major iv | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Science Priority Expectations Introduction These criteria served the process well and interestingly revealed that many decisions were made on the basis of redundancy where one selected expectation sufficiently captured the essence of others or where the expectation was an application of an understanding or concept. Additionally, in depth study of the recommended priority expectations will result in an understanding of the non priority expectations related to that unit. How should the new high school priority expectations document be used? 1.To assure quality, ‘state-of-the-art’ science curriculum and instruction By focusing on fewer, more important science concepts teachers can afford more time to teach in a manner known to be effective and meaningful for students. Curriculum built to provide students well-structured opportunities to investigate scientific questions and embark on problemsolving endeavors puts core knowledge to use and develops proficiencies central to science. These proficiencies happen to largely overlap with the College Readiness Standards of the ACT and most iterations of currently touted 21st Century Skills necessary for individual success in a globally competitive economy. New insights on learning call for the integration of writing, collaborative discourse and structured activities that reveal frameworks of knowledge and self reflection on thinking. With a limited focus on more important content as suggested in this document, science teachers will be able to utilize the strategies critical for promoting student success and enthusiasm for science. 2.To define course graduation credit in a deliberate and informed way Properly interpreted, Michigan’s high school graduation requirements do not have to thwart ‘state-of-the-art’ instructional practice in science. While legislation directs districts to base high school credit on proficiencies of the high school content expectations, school districts retain the prerogative to make choices on what central ideas in our standards are emphasized and which ones ought to be de-emphasized. Also, districts still possess the authority to determine how proficiency is defined and what proficiencies warrant the granting of credit. Courses defined around proficiencies related to fewer, more important core concepts and skills will more likely meet the aims of their design. Such a basis for district decisions will be a great im- provement over what can be capricious reasons, (such as a surprisingly early arrival of the end of a year). 3.To improve the reliability of assessments The best way to give teachers, students and parents more accurate and actionable feedback is to bear down on a limited set of important core concepts and proficiencies with a number of assessment items of varying difficulty and type. This document can make this possible by providing a foundation for refining the focus of district, building and classroom assessments. Assessments that target the most critical outcomes of a strong science program will encourage instructional decisions that support those aims. Rather than targeting each and every high school content expectation, assessments can focus on those that serve the core concepts and student proficiencies that best support the big idea of each unit. 4. To better prepare students for the MME By far, most points earned on the MME come from the ACT portion. For an individual student, the ACT score is in fact more personally important than the MME score as a whole. Because the ACT is based on College Readiness Standards, students who score well are highly proficient at interpreting scientific data, parsing and evaluating scientific experiments and arguments and reading and interpreting advanced text that describes scientific investigations. The education that prepares students for these challenges is one that involves them both directly and reflectively in scientific investigations. That is exactly the kind of science programming these documents are trying to encourage. By focusing on the fewer more important scientific concepts and big ideas, classroom time can be dedicated to the writing, discussion, analysis and reflection necessary to develop these advanced skills. By suggesting that students engage these ideas through investigation and experimentation these documents encourage a practice that will enable students to draw from more relevant and personal experiences when demonstrating their competencies on the ACT portion of the MME. ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Science Expectations Introduction | v Title The units and their titles are those of the MDE Companion. Unit 5 Discerning Earth’s History Big Picture Graphic: This area depicts the unit content as a concept map with reference to the disciplinary processes and patterns of reasoning used in science. discerning Earth’s history IS ABOUT the application of age-dating techniques TO INFER sequences of geologic events APPLYING relative age dating principles USING APPLYING index fossils to establish stratigraphic correlations Big Idea The application of age dating techniques provides evidence for a 4.6 billion year old Earth and allows for the interpretation of Earth history and biological evolution, which has been the basis of the design and refinement of the geologic time scale. radiometric age dating methods for absolute ages Gradual and catastrophic change has occurred over the vastness of geologic time (and our lifespans). • Relative age dating techniques are used to discern sequencing of geologic events. • Isotopic age dating techniques are used to deduce absolute ages of materials and place them within earth history. the geologic time scale Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: E 1.1C Conduct scientific investigations E 1.1g Critique reasoning based on evidence Students use relative and absolute age dating techniques to construct a well reasoned geologic history of an area. Core Concept • CONSTRUCTING E1.2i Explain progressions of ideas Students explain how the invention and improvement of technology in addition to emerging geologic data aids in the continual refinement of the geologic time scale. E1.2k Analyze how science and society interact Students relate the effects of the discovery that Earth is ancient to the science of biology and major Inquiry, Reflection elements of society. Big Idea and Core Concept: This area describes the central, big ideas and core concepts of 96 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations the unit. They should be learned in depth as the focus of instruction and assessment. and Social Implications: This area identifies the HSCE’s from Standard 1 that are well served by the content of the unit. It includes some excellent suggestions of ways to engage students in the practices of science as they relate to the unit content. The inquiry HSCE’s should be part of the instructional design in all of the units. vi | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Science Priority Expectations Introduction Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) E5.3B Describe the process of radioactive decay and explain how radioactive elements are used to date the rocks that contain them. E5.3C Relate major events in the history of the Earth to the geologic time scale, including formation of the Earth, formation of an oxygen atmosphere, rise of life, Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) and Permian extinctions, and Pleistocene ice age. E5.3D Describe how index fossils can be used to determine time sequence. E5.3e Determine the approximate age of a sample, when given the half-life of a radioactive substance (in graph or tabular form) along with the ratio of daughter to parent substances present in the sample. E5.3f Explain why C-14 can be used to date a 40,000 year old tree but U-Pb cannot. E5.3g Identify a sequence of geologic events using relative-age dating principles. Content Expectations: All of the content expectations of the MDE Companion Document are listed in this area. The “Priority Expectations” are identified by bolding the text. These should be the focus of instruction and assessment, as depicted by the “Big Ideas” and “Core Concepts.” Unit 5 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations | 97 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Science Expectations Introduction | vii Physics Priority Expectations describing motion energy transformations forces and motion mechanical energy momentum periodic motion gravity Note about the sequence and organization of units in this document: The sequence of units in this document is based on the Physics HSCE Companion Document. It has been slightly revised in several ways, to strengthen the overall sequence. The two units in the companion document that addressed motion of objects were combined into one, and a separate unit on gravity was created. The unit on energy transformations, which was placed in the companion document toward the end, was moved to the beginning as an overall introduction, since energy considerations appear everywhere in physics. And the last unit in the companion document, called “Energy and Society,” was streamlined to address the overview of nuclear physics, with other HSCEs about energy transformations moved to appropriate units. The purpose of this document is to help you organize your curriculum based on the big ideas and core concepts of each unit. We hope you find these suggestions helpful. 8 mechanical waves electric forces nuclear physics electromagnetic waves electric circuits Within each unit, Content Expectations are identified as “Priority Expectations” or as supplements to the priority expectations—meaning extensions or applications. The extensions and applications are clustered under the priority expectations, to show how ideas fit together within units. Some of the HSCEs have been slightly reworded, to enhance the clarity of their meaning. A list of reworded HSCEs with their original wording is provided at the end of this document. In the future, we hope to provide web resources to allow teachers to expand on the “Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications” examples provided here, as well as the “Instructional Examples” provided in the Companion Document. Scientific Inquiry, Scientific Reflection and Social Implications The section in each unit on Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications uses abbreviations for those HSCEs. The complete list can be found at the end of the document. | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations The Big Ideas in the Physics Units Energy Transformations Unit 1 Energy is transferred between objects during interactions and frequently transformed from one type to another in mechanical, electrical and natural systems. The total amount of energy remains constant in closed systems. Motion (including Two Dimensional) Unit 2 The motion of an object may be represented using motion diagrams, tables and graphs, and mathematical functions. Solving problems about motion is facilitated by using functions. Dynamics Unit 3 When two objects interact with each other, by direct contact or at a distance, all three of Newton’s Laws describe and explain that interaction. Momentum Unit 4 A moving object has a quantity of motion (momentum) that depends on its velocity and mass. In interactions between objects, the total momentum of the objects does not change. Periodic Motion Unit 5 Periodic motion describes objects that oscillate back and forth or move in a circle. These motions are quantified by their period or frequency. Gravity Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Gravity is one of four fundamental forces of nature, the attractive force between any two masses. It explains why objects fall to the Earth and why planets and satellites stay in their orbits. Mechanical Energy The amount of energy transferred when an object is moved is equal to the work done on the object. Mechanical Waves Mechanical waves are vibrations in a medium that move from source to receiver, conveying energy. Electromagnetic Waves, Visible Light and Optics Unit 9 Electromagnetic waves transfer energy and information from place to place without a material medium, and visible light is a form of electromagnetic radiation. All electromagnetic waves move at the speed of light in a vacuum. Electric Forces Unit 10 Unit 11 All objects are composed of electrical charges. The electric and magnetic forces are the result of the strength and motion of charges. Most interactions in everyday life (other than gravity) are the result of electric and magnetic forces. Electric Current Electric current is used to transfer energy and to do work. Nuclear Physics Unit 12 Radioactive decay is the spontaneous transmutation of one nucleus into another with the release of high energy particles. Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion create new elements and release high energy particles and massive amounts of radiation. ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations | 9 Unit 1 Energy Transformations Energy transformations INVOLVE energy transters into and out of system OCCUR BETWEEN ARE GOVERNED BY law of conservation of energy various forms of energy Big Idea Energy is transferred between objects during interactions and frequently transformed from one type to another in mechanical, electrical and natural systems. The total amount of energy remains constant in closed systems. Core Concepts • Friction in mechanical systems limits the amount of energy that can be converted to useful work. • In most energy transfers, some energy is inadvertently transformed into heat which warms the surroundings. Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: P1.1AGenerate questions for investigations P1.1DRelate patterns in data to theories P1.1EGive evidence to support conclusions Students can generate questions such as “Where did the energy go?” using various phenomena that illustrate energy transfer, like dropping a ball or swinging a pendulum and noticing that they don’t return to their starting point, or shaking a jar of sand with a thermometer inserted; they can then identify patterns in data and describe reasons to support their conclusions. P1.1f Predict results of changes in variables Students can predict what would happen if variables are changed in investigations using various physics simulations such as “Energy Skate Park” at http://phet.colorado.edu. 10 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) P4.3A Identify the form of energy in given situations (e.g., moving objects, stretched springs, rocks on cliffs, energy in food). (i.e. Give examples of KE, GPE, CPE, EPE.) P4.1A Account for and represent energy into and out of systems using energy transfer diagrams. P4.3C Explain why all mechanical systems require an external energy source to maintain their motion. P4.2f Identify and label the energy inputs, transformations, and outputs, using qualitative or quantitative representations, in simple technological systems (e.g., toaster, motor, hair dryer) to show energy conservation. (application) P4.11a Calculate the energy lost to surroundings when water in a home water heater is heated from room temperature to the temperature necessary to use in a dishwasher, given the efficiency of the home hot water heater. (application) P4.11b Calculate the final temperature of two liquids after they are combined, given their initial temperatures and masses (same or different materials). (application) P4.2A Account for and represent energy transfer and transformation in complex processes (interactions). P4.10A Describe the energy transformations when electrical energy is produced and transferred to homes and businesses. (application) P4.10B Identify common household devices that transform electrical energy to other forms of energy, and describe the type of energy transformation. (application) P4.2B Name devices that transform specific types of energy into other types (e.g., a device that transforms electricity into motion). (application) P4.2C Explain energy conservation in common systems (e.g., light incident on a leaf, mechanical energy in a collision). P4.2D Explain why all the stored energy in gasoline does not transform to mechanical energy of a vehicle. (application) Unit 1 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations | 11 Unit 2 Motion Motion can be DESCRIBED BY position over time, velocity, acceleration REPRESENTED BY motion diagrams, tables and graphs, funcations Big Idea The motion of an object may be represented using motion diagrams, tables and graphs, and mathematical functions. Solving problems about motion is facilitated by using functions. Core Concepts • DEPENDS ON Motion is relative to whatever frame of reference is chosen. frame of reference Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: P1.1C Conduct scientific investigations P1.1DRelate patterns in data to theories P1.1f Predict results of changes in variables Students can measure, graph, and analyze motion using photogates, motion detectors, etc. They can predict how a motion graph might change if, for example, velocity changes in a certain way, and test their predictions. P1.2C Access information from multiple sources A great video for illustrating frames of reference is “Virtual Insanity” by Jamiroquai, available on YouTube. 12 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) P2.1A Calculate the average speed of an object using the change of position and elapsed time. P2.1B Represent the velocities for linear and circular motion using motion diagrams (arrows on strobe pictures). P2.1C Create line graphs using measured values of position and elapsed time. P2.1D Describe and analyze the motion that a position-time graph represents, given the graph. P2.1g Solve problems involving average speed and constant acceleration in one dimension. P2.2A Distinguish between the variables of distance, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration. P2.2B Use the change of speed and elapsed time to calculate the average acceleration for linear motion. P2.2C Describe and analyze the motion that a velocity-time graph represents, given the graph. P2.2e Use the area under a velocity-time graph to calculate the distance traveled and the slope to calculate the acceleration. P2.2g Apply the independence of the vertical and horizontal initial velocities to solve projectile motion problems. P2.3a Describe and compare the motion of an object using different reference frames. Unit 2 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations | 13 Unit 3 Dynamics Newton’s laws govern interactions FIRST LAW an object in motion stays in motion... SECOND LAW When two objects interact with each other, by direct contact or at a distance, all three of Newton’s Laws describe and explain that interaction. • Law 1: Unbalanced forces cause changes in motion (speed and/or direction). • Law 2: The size of the change is directly proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. • Law 3: Whenever one object exerts a force on another, a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction is exerted back on it. equal and opposite reaction F=ma Big Idea Core Concepts THIRD LAW Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: P1.1AGenerate questions for investigations P1.1h Design and conduct investigations; draw conclusions P1.1DRelate patterns in data to theories Students can use simple equipment like model cars and rubber bands to develop the relationship between force, mass and acceleration. They can pose and answer the question “How does changing the force affect the acceleration?” They develop ways of measuring acceleration. P1.1f Predict results of changes in variables Students can use dynamics experiments, such as rolling a ball down a ramp and off a table, to make predictions about how changes in variables will affect motion. P1.2f Critique solutions to problems P1.2g Identify tradeoffs in designs The West Point Bridge Designer software (free— Google it) helps students visualize multiple forces. It stimulates good discussions of constraints and tradeoffs in design decisions. 14 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) P3.2A Identify the magnitude and direction of everyday forces (e.g., wind, tension in ropes, pushes and pulls, weight). P3.1A Identify the force(s) acting between objects in “direct contact” or at a distance. P3.1d Identify the basic forces in everyday interactions. P3.2C Calculate the net force acting on an object. P3.2d Calculate all the forces on an object on an inclined plane and describe the object’s motion based on the forces using free-body diagrams. (application) P3.4B Identify forces acting on objects moving with constant velocity (e.g., cars on a highway). P3.3A Identify the action and reaction force from examples of forces in everyday situations (e.g., book on a table, walking across the floor, pushing open a door). P3.4A Predict the change in motion of an object acted on by several forces. P3.4C Solve problems involving force, mass, and acceleration in linear motion (Newton’s second law). P3.4e Solve problems involving force, mass, and acceleration in two-dimensional projectile motion restricted to an initial horizontal velocity with no initial vertical velocity (e.g., a ball rolling off a table). Unit 3 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations | 15 Unit 4 Momentum Collisions between objects CONSERVE IMPART an object in motion stays in motion... F=ma Big Idea A moving object has a quantity of motion (momentum) that depends on its velocity and mass. In interactions between objects, the total momentum of the objects does not change. Core Concept • EQUAL TO equal and opposite reaction Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: P1.1AGenerate questions for investigations P1.1EGive evidence to support conclusions P1.1f Predict results of changes in variables P1.1g Critique reasoning based on evidence Students can investigate P3.4g in many ways: A small force over a long time can produce the same change in momentum as a large force over a short time. (This can be derived from Newton’s Second Law. • • • • • P1.2i Drop a tennis ball and basketball together, tennis ball resting on top of basketball, and observe how the tennis ball rebounds Compare an egg thrown into a sheet vs. thrown into a wall Play catch with water balloons Jump off a table with straight vs. bent knees Bungee jump vs. string jump with a force meter attached to the top of the cord Explain progressions of ideas An understanding of momentum is the basis for understanding advanced scientific research such as collisions in particle accelerators. Students can begin to see how a simple understanding of momentum can be applied in more complex ways to more complex phenomena. 16 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) P3.4f Calculate the changes in velocity of a thrown or hit object during and after the time it is acted on by the force. (application) P3.4g Explain how the time of impact can affect the net force (e.g., air bags in cars, catching a ball). P3.5a Apply conservation of momentum to solve simple collision problems. P3.3b Predict how the change in velocity of a small mass compares to the change in velocity of a large mass when the objects interact (e.g., collide). P3.3c Explain the recoil of a projectile launcher in terms of forces and masses. (application) P3.3d Analyze why seat belts may be more important in autos than in buses. (application) Unit 4 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations | 17 Unit 5 Periodic Motion Periodic Motion may be constant throughout period acceleration points inward bicycle wheel or Earth in orbit SPEED SPEED TYPE TYPE REPRESENTED BY period: time to complete one cycle Big Idea Periodic motion describes objects that oscillate back and forth or move in a circle. These motions are quantified by their period or frequency. Core Concept • changes throughout period Centripetal force is the force holding an object in circular motion; it points radially inward. The force we perceive when riding on an object moving in circular motion that pushes us outward is called centrifugal force, a fictitious force that results from our accelerated frame of reference. In fact, it is a result of our inertia, which tends to move us forward in a straight line, tangential to the circular motion. wing or other pendulum net force on object determines acceleration Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: P1.1AGenerate questions for investigations P1.1DRelate patterns in data to theories P1.1f Predict results of changes in variables P1.1h Design and conduct investigations; draw conclusions Students can experience and investigate acceleration in circular motion on amusement park and playground rides, generating questions, collecting data, predicting results of changes in variables and designing tests of their predictions, relating patterns in data to concepts of acceleration in circular motion. They can do the same as they investigate motion of pendulums and weighted springs. Accurate measurement techniques need to be devised to minimize measurement error. P1.1g Critique reasoning based on evidence P1.2f Critique solutions to problems Use the Projectile Motion simulator at http://phet. colorado.edu to let students investigate changes in speed and direction and critique the reasoning behind these concepts based on their evidence. This is good practice for the citizenship duty of applying evidence and reason to social policy decisions. 18 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) P2.1E Describe and classify various motions in a plane as one dimensional, two dimensional, circular, or periodic. (definition of terms) P2.1h Identify the changes in speed and direction in everyday examples of circular (rotation and revolution), periodic, and projectile motions. P2.1F Distinguish between rotation and revolution and describe and contrast the two speeds of an object like the Earth. (application) P2.2D Explain how uniform circular motion involves acceleration without a change in speed. P2.2f Describe the relationship between changes in position, velocity, and acceleration during periodic motion. P3.4D Identify the force(s) acting on objects moving with uniform circular motion (e.g., a car on a circular track, satellites in orbit). (Links to Unit 6, Gravity) Unit 5 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations | 19 Unit 6 Gravity gravity IS attractive force between two masses OBEYS inverse square law Big Idea Gravity is one of four fundamental forces of nature, the attractive force between any two masses. It explains why objects fall to the Earth and why planets and satellites stay in their orbits. Core Concept • EXPLAINS The force of gravity is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the two bodies and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. FELT AS circular and elliptical orbits weigth of object on Earth Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: P1.1DRelate patterns in data to theories P1.1EGive evidence to support conclusions P1.1f Predict results of changes in variables P1.1g Critique reasoning based on evidence Using the Gravity Force Lab at http://phet.colorado.edu, students can make predictions about what will happen if the masses and/ or distance between objects are changed, relating patterns in the data to the universal law of gravitation. In class discussions, they can give evidence to support their conclusions and critique reasoning based on the evidence. P1.2i Explain progressions of ideas The theory of gravity and solar system explorations are two excellent case studies for looking at the progression of ideas that lead to current scientific knowledge. 20 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) P3.1A Identify the force(s) acting between objects in “direct contact” or at a distance. P3.6B Predict how the gravitational force between objects changes when the distance between them changes. P3.6A Explain earth-moon interactions (orbital motion) in terms of forces. (application) P3.6C Explain how your weight on Earth could be different from your weight on another planet. (application) P3.6d Calculate the force, masses, or distance between two bodies, given any three of these quantities, by applying the Law of Universal Gravitation, given the value of G. P3.6e Draw arrows (vectors) to represent how the direction and magnitude of a force changes on an object in an elliptical orbit. (application) Unit 6 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations | 21 Unit 7 Mechanical Energy Engergy transfer in interactions VARIOUS SITUATIONS Work in sliding an object on the ground: W=Fd Work in moving an object uphill W=mgh Big Idea The amount of energy transferred when an object is moved is equal to the work done on the object. Core Concept • In mechanical systems, W = F d, where d is in the same direction as F. This is a convenient equation when the object is moved against the force of friction, with no acceleration. When the object moves freely, the work done is equal to its change in KE. Work in accelerating an object W=1/2mv2 Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: P1.1AGenerate questions for investigations P1.1DRelate patterns in data to theories P1.1f Predict results of changes in variables Energy Skate Park at http://phet.colorado.edu is good for simulating transformations of GPE to KE. Students can generate questions to investigate, identify patterns in data and analyze them using their knowledge of how to calculate GPE and KE, and make and test predictions. Turn on the pie chart, and set friction >0, to investigation transformations to heat. 22 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) P4.1c Contrast the everyday meaning of “work” with the more precise scientific meaning. (reworded) P4.1d Calculate the amount of work done on an object that is moved from one position to another. P3.2A Compare work done in different situations. (application) P4.1B Explain instances of energy transfer by waves and objects in everyday activities (e.g. why it hurts when you are hit by a baseball). P4.1e Using the formula for work, derive a formula for change in potential energy of an object lifted a distance h. (application) P4.3B Describe the transformation between potential and kinetic energy in simple mechanical systems (e.g., pendulums, roller coasters, ski lifts). P4.3e Calculate the changes in kinetic and potential energy in simple mechanical systems e.g., pendulums, roller coasters, ski lifts, using the formulas for kinetic energy and potential energy. P4.3d Calculate the amount of kinetic energy of everyday examples of moving objects. (revised slightly) (application) P4.2e Explain the energy transformation as an object (e.g., skydiver) falls at a steady velocity. (application related to Unit 1) P4.3f Calculate the impact speed (ignoring air resistance) of an object dropped from a specific height or the maximum height reached by an object (ignoring air resistance), given the initial vertical velocity. Unit 7 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations | 23 Unit 8 Mechanical Waves mechanical waves EXAMPLES water waves, earthquakes, sound TRANSFER AS CHARACTERIZED BY energy, not matter PROPAGATE frequency and wavelength, which are inversely proportional Big Idea Mechanical waves are vibrations in a medium that move from source to receiver, conveying energy. Core Concept • Sound waves are compression waves (longitudinal), while water waves are transverse waves. • Waves can be described by their frequency or wavelength, which are inversely proportional, and by their speed and amplitude. • Waves created by a point source travel outward in all directions, decreasing in intensity with the square of the distance from the source. • Waves can interfere constructively or destructively. through a medium, unlike EM waves RESULTING IN interference patterns Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: P1.1f Predict results of changes in variables P1.2C Access information from multiple sources Students can use Slinkies to study both transverse and compression waves and interference patterns, changing variables and predicting results. There are good wave simulations at http://phet.colorado. edu, including Waves on a String and Wave Interference. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse video dramatically illustrates resonance (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mclp9QmCGs). 24 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) P4.1B Explain instances of energy transfer by waves and objects in everyday activities (e.g., why the ground gets warm during the day, how you hear a distant sound). P4.4A Describe specific mechanical waves (e.g., on a demonstration spring, on the ocean) in terms of wavelength, amplitude, frequency, and speed. P4.4B Identify everyday examples of transverse and compression (longitudinal) waves. (application) P4.4C Compare and contrast transverse and compression (longitudinal) waves in terms of wavelength, amplitude, and frequency. (application) P4.4d Demonstrate that frequency and wavelength of a wave are inversely proportional in a given medium. P4.4e Calculate the amount of energy transferred by transverse or compression waves of different amplitudes and frequencies (e.g., seismic waves). (extension) P4.5A Identify everyday examples of energy transfer by waves and their sources. (application) P4.5B Explain why an object (e.g., fishing bobber) does not move forward as a wave passes under it. (application) P4.5C Provide evidence to support the claim that waves transfer energy, not matter. (slightly revised) (application) P4.5D Explain how waves propagate from vibrating sources and why the intensity decreases with the square of the distance from a point source. P4.5E Explain why everyone in a classroom can hear one person speaking, but why an amplification system is often used in the rear of a large concert auditorium. (application) P4.8c Describe how two wave pulses (e.g. propagated from opposite ends of a demonstration spring) interact as they meet. P4.8d List and analyze everyday examples that demonstrate the interference characteristics of waves (e.g., dead spots in an auditorium, whispering galleries, colors in a CD, beetle wings). (application) Unit 8 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations | 25 Unit 9 Electromagnetic Waves, Visible Light, and Optics electromagnetic waves CHARACTERISTICS frequency, wavelength, speed of light radio, microwave —transmission Big Idea Electromagnetic waves transfer energy and information from place to place without a material medium, and visible light is a form of electromagnetic radiation. All electromagnetic waves move at the speed of light in a vacuum. Core Concept • Light waves reflect, scatter, refract and interfere with each other in ways similar to mechanical waves. • Our perception of color is a result of the color of light incident on an object and the colors that are reflected and absorbed by the object. TYPES AND USES visible light, infrared—optics x-rays—medical uses; safety concerns Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: P1.1AGenerate questions for investigations P1.1DRelate patterns in data to theories P1.1f Predict results of changes in variables Students can generate questions, test predictions, identify patterns and relate them to theoretical models using optics experiments. For example, a laser can be used with various transparent materials to collect data on refraction and test Snell’s law. P1.2j Predict effects of technology Simple communications devices can be constructed in the lab, such as a modulated laser and electronic eye used to transmit voice. This kind of design and building process can give students insight into the use of scientific principles to anticipate effects of technological design decisions. 26 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) P4.6A Identify the different regions on the electromagnetic spectrum and compare them in terms of wavelength, frequency, and energy (recognizing that all EM waves travels at the same speed in a vacuum). P4.6B Explain why radio waves can travel through space, but sound waves cannot. (application) P4.6C Explain why there is a time delay between the time we send a radio message to astronauts on the moon and when they receive it. (application) P4.6D Explain why we see a distant event before we hear it (e.g., lightning before thunder, exploding fireworks before the boom). (application) P4.6e Explain why antennas are needed for radio, television, and cell phone transmission and reception. (application) P4.6f Explain how radio waves are modified to send information in radio and television programs, radiocontrol cars, cell phone conversations, and GPS systems. (extension) P4.6g Explain how different electromagnetic signals (e.g., radio station broadcasts or cell phone conversations) can take place without interfering with each other. (extension) P4.6h Explain the relationship between the frequency of an electromagnetic wave and its technological uses. (extension) P4.9B Explain how various materials reflect, absorb, or transmit light in different ways. P4.9C Explain how scattering accounts for atmospheric phenomena (e.g. blue sky, red sun at sunset). P4.8A Draw ray diagrams to indicate how light reflects off objects or refracts through transparent media. P4.8B Predict the path of reflected light from flat, curved, or rough surfaces (e.g., flat and curved mirrors, painted walls, paper). (application) P4.8e Given an angle of incidence and indices of refraction of two materials, calculate the path of a light ray incident on the boundary (Snell’s Law). P4.8f Explain how Snell’s Law is used to design lenses (e.g., eye glasses, microscopes, telescopes, binoculars). (application) P4.9A Identify the principle involved when you see a transparent object (e.g. a piece of glass) in a clear liquid. (application) Unit 9 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations | 27 Unit 10 Electric Forces electric forces exist between charged objects MAGNITUDE as with gravity, electric forces obey inverse square law INTERACTIONS as with magnetic poles, like charges repel and unlike charges attract charge can be induced on an object Big Idea All objects are composed of electrical charges. The electric and magnetic forces are the result of the strength and motion of charges. Most interactions in everyday life (other than gravity) are the result of electric and magnetic forces. Core Concept • Electric and magnetic forces obey the same inverse square law that governs gravitational interactions. • Positive electric charges are carried by protons, while negative electric charges are carried by electrons. Electrostatic charge on an object, both positive and negative, is the result of the addition or removal of electrons only. some objects can acquire an excess electric charge example: balloon rubbed on a wall Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: P1.1B Evaluate conclusions P1.1EGive evidence to support conclusions Students can investigate static electric charges and the forces between them using a van de Graaf generator, hair, pith balls, electroscopes, balloons, acetate and vinyl strips, etc. Students can use their observations to construct a model of forces on electric charges. P1.2g Identify tradeoffs in designs Students can understand and critique technological solutions to problems involving electric charges, such as the need for computer technicians to ground themselves when working with electrically sensitive computer parts. 28 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) P3.1A Identify the force(s) acting between objects in “direct contact” or at a distance. P3.1b Explain why scientists can ignore the gravitational force when measuring the net force between two electrons. (application) P3.1c Provide examples that illustrate the importance of the electric force in everyday life. (application) P3.7A Predict how the electric force between charged objects varies when the distance between them and/or the magnitude of charges change. (Coulomb’s Law) P3.7B Explain how an object acquires an excess static charge (e.g. how your hair is affected by pulling off a wool cap, touching a Van de Graaff generator, combing it in the winter, etc.) P3.7e Explain why an attractive force results from bringing a charged object near a neutral object. (electrostatic induction) P3.7c Draw the redistribution of electric charges on a neutral object when a charged object is brought near. P3.7d Identify examples of induced static charges. P3.7f Determine the new electric force on charged objects after they touch and are then separated. (conservation of charge) Unit 10 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations | 29 Unit 11 Electric Current electric circuits ARE EXPLAINED BY flow of electric charges in closed circuits ARE MEASURED BY ARE USED TO electric current, voltage and resistance Big Idea Electric current is used to transfer energy and to do work. Core Concept • Electric current is a flow of electric charges; the quantity of electric current (I) is the rate of flow of electric charges. Voltage (V) is the electrical force that drives a current; it is always measured between two points in a circuit. Electrical resistance (R) is a measure of an object’s opposition to a steady current. I = V/R • Electric power (measured in watts) is the rate at which electric energy is transferred through a circuit. Power equals current x voltage. transfer energy energy = power x time power = current x voltage Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: P1.1h Design and conduct investigations; draw conclusions Students can build simple series and parallel circuits to investigate the relationships between voltage, current and resistance. These investigations can begin qualitatively, using light bulbs to estimate quantities, then they can become more quantitative, using meters for more precise measurements (“…using appropriate tools and techniques.”) “Black box” experiments with circuits are also useful for testing their understanding. P1.1f P1.1g P1.2f P1.2g Predict results of changes in variables Critique reasoning based on evidence Critique solutions to problems Identify tradeoffs in designs Building simple electromagnets demonstrates concepts while allowing students to investigate factors related to the magnet’s strength. Students can also build simple electric motors to understand the design solutions behind this ubiquitous technology. 30 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) P3.7g Explain current flow in an electric circuit. (shortened) P4.10e Explain energy transfer in a circuit, using an electrical charge model. P4.10C Identify complete circuits, open circuits, and short circuits and explain the reasons for the classification. (shortened) P4.10h Explain how circuit breakers and fuses protect household appliances. (application) P4.10D Discriminate between voltage, resistance, and current as they apply to an electric circuit. P4.10g Compare the currents, voltages, and power in parallel and series circuits. P4.10f Calculate the amount of work done when a charge moves through a potential difference, V. (application) P4.10j Explain the difference between electric power and electric energy (as used in bills from an electric company). P4.10i Compare the energy used in one day by common household appliances (e.g., refrigerator, lamps, hair dryer, toaster, televisions, music players). (application) P3.8b Explain how the interaction of electric and magnetic forces is the basis for electric motors, generators, and the production of electromagnetic waves. Unit 11 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations | 31 Unit 12 Nuclear Physics nuclear processes infolve changes in the nuclei of atoms RADIOACTIVE DECAY used in medical treatments and research, etc. radioactive isotopes spontaneously decay to lighter elements heavy nuclei like uranium split into lighter nuclei Big Idea Radioactive decay is the spontaneous transmutation of one nucleus into another with the release of high energy particles. Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion create new elements and release high energy particles and massive amounts of radiation. Core Concept • NUCLEAR FUSION NUCLEAR FISSION Einstein’s equation E=mc2 governs the amount of energy released in nuclear reactions. source of energy in nuclear power plants two light nuclei like hydrogen combine to form heavier nuclei source of sun’s energy; possible long-term energy solution Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: P1.2A P1.2B P1.2f Determine scientifically answerable questions Apply science to social issues Critique solutions to problems Students can discuss important social questions like Are the risks worth the benefits—of nuclear energy, irradiated foods, radiation medicine, etc. P1.2C Access information from multiple sources P1.2g Identify tradeoffs in designs Students can discuss the many scientific trade-offs involved in nuclear power, including waste disposal. P1.2E Be aware of careers in science Students can learn about careers in the nuclear medicine, power and research fields. P1.2j Predict effects of technology P1.2k Analyze how science and society interact Students can research and discuss historical, political and social perspectives on nuclear warfare, as well as the development of theories of nuclear fission and fusion. 32 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) P4.12A Describe peaceful technological applications of nuclear fission and radioactive decay. P4.12B Describe possible problems caused by exposure to prolonged radioactive decay. P4.12C Explain how stars, including our Sun, produce huge amounts of energy (e.g., visible, infrared, or ultraviolet light). P4.12d Identify the source of energy in fission and fusion nuclear reactions. Unit 12 Also see the Chemistry HSCEs under Nuclear Stability (C2.5x) and Mass Defect (C3.5x) ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations | 33 P1.1 Scientific Inquiry Science is a way of understanding nature. Scientific research may begin by generating new scientific questions that can be answered through replicable scientific investigations that are logically developed and conducted systematically. Scientific conclusions and explanations result from careful analysis of empirical evidence and the use of logical reasoning. Some questions in science are addressed through indirect rather than direct observation, evaluating the consistency of new evidence with results predicted by models of natural processes. Results from investigations are communicated in reports that are scrutinized through a peer review process. P1.1A Generate new questions that can be investigated in the laboratory or field. P1.1B Evaluate the uncertainties or validity of scientific conclusions using an understanding of sources of measurement error, the challenges of controlling variables, accuracy of data analysis, logic of argument, logic of experimental design, and/or the dependence on underlying assumptions. P1.1C Conduct scientific investigations using appropriate tools and techniques (e.g., selecting an instrument that measures the desired quantity–length, volume, weight, time interval, temperature–with the appropriate level of precision). P1.1D Identify patterns in data and relate them to theoretical models. P1.1E Describe a reason for a given conclusion using evidence from an investigation. P1.1f Predict what would happen if the variables, methods, or timing of an investigation were changed. P1.1g Based on empirical evidence, explain and critique the reasoning used to draw a scientific conclusion or explanation. P1.1h Design and conduct a systematic scientific investigation that tests a hypothesis. Draw conclusions from data presented in charts or tables. P1.1i Distinguish between scientific explanations that are regarded as current scientific consensus and the emerging questions that active researchers investigate. 34 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations P1.2 Scientific Reflection and Social Implications The integrity of the scientific process depends on scientists and citizens understanding and respecting the “Nature of Science.” Openness to new ideas, skepticism, and honesty are attributes required for good scientific practice. Scientists must use logical reasoning during investigation design, analysis, conclusion, and communication. Science can produce critical insights on societal problems from a personal and local scale to a global scale. Science both aids in the development of technology and provides tools for assessing the costs, risks, and benefits of technological systems. Scientific conclusions and arguments play a role in personal choice and public policy decisions. New technology and scientific discoveries have had a major influence in shaping human history. Science and technology continue to offer diverse and significant career opportunities. P1.2A Critique whether or not specific questions can be answered through scientific investigations. P1.2B Identify and critique arguments about personal or societal issues based on scientific evidence. P1.2C Develop an understanding of a scientific concept by accessing information from multiple sources. Evaluate the scientific accuracy and significance of the information. P1.2D Evaluate scientific explanations in a peer review process or discussion format. P1.2E Evaluate the future career and occupational prospects of science fields. P1.2f Critique solutions to problems, given criteria and scientific constraints. P1.2g Identify scientific tradeoffs in design decisions and choose among alternative solutions. P1.2h Describe the distinctions between scientific theories, laws, hypotheses, and observations. P1.2i Explain the progression of ideas and explanations that lead to science theories that are part of the current scientific consensus or core knowledge. P1.2j Apply science principles or scientific data to anticipate effects of technological design decisions. P1.2k Analyze how science and society interact from a historical, political, economic, or social perspective. ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations | 35 Changes from Companion Document: • P4.10A and P4.10B moved to Unit 1 from Unit 10 • P4.3C moved to Unit 1 from Unit 6 • P4.1B moved from Unit 12 to both Unit 7 and Unit 8 • P3.1A added to Unit 9 (not the “direct contact” part)—also appears in Unit 3 • P3.7g and P3.8b moved from Unit 9 to Unit 10 • P4.11b (Unit 1) — Original wording: Calculate the final temperature of two liquids (same or different materials) at the same or different temperatures and masses that are combined. Slightly edited: Calculate the final temperature of two liquids after they are combined, given their initial temperatures and masses (same or different materials). • P4.2C (Unit 1) — Original wording: Explain how energy is conserved in common systems (e.g., light incident on a transparent material, light incident on a leaf, mechanical energy in a collision). Slightly revised: Explain energy conservation in common systems (e.g., light incident on a leaf, mechanical energy in a collision). • P2.2D (Unit 5) — State that Explain how uniform circular motion involves acceleration without a change in speed. • P3.6d (Unit 6) — Calculate the force, masses, or distance between two bodies (added), given any three of these quantities, by applying the Law of Universal Gravitation, given the value of G. • P4.1c (Unit 7) — Original wording: Explain why work has a more precise scientific meaning than the meaning of work in everyday language. Changed to: Contrast the everyday meaning of “work” with the more precise scientific meaning. • P4.3d (Unit 7) — Original wording: Rank the amount of kinetic energy from highest to lowest of everyday examples of moving objects. Changed to: Calculate the amount of kinetic energy of everyday examples of moving objects. • P4.6A (Unit 9) — Identify the different regions on the electromagnetic spectrum and compare them in terms of wavelength, frequency, and energy. Added at end: (recognizing that all EM waves travels at the same speed in a vacuum). Rationale: This was not mentioned anywhere in the HSCEs. • P4.5C (Unit 7) Original wording: Provide evidence to support the claim that sound is energy transferred by a wave, not energy transferred by particles. Changed to: Provide evidence to support the claim that waves transfer energy, not matter. • P4.8c (Unit 7) middle phrase put in parentheses • P4.9C (Unit 8) — Original wording: Explain why the image of the Sun appears reddish at sunrise and sunset. This HSCE was generalized, with examples added in parentheses — New version: Explain how scattering accounts for atmospheric phenomena (e.g. blue sky, red sun at sunset). • P3.7B (Unit 9) — Original wording: Explain why acquiring a large excess static charge (e.g., pulling off a wool cap, touching a Van de Graaff generator, combing) affects your hair. This HSCE was generalized, with examples placed in parentheses: Explain how an object acquires an excess static charge (e.g. how your hair is affected by pulling off a wool cap, touching a Van de Graaff generator, combing it in the winter, etc.) • P3.7g (Unit 10) — Shortened: Propose a mechanism based on electric forces to Explain current flow in an electric circuit. • P4.10C (Unit 11) — Shortened: Given diagrams of many different possible connections of electric circuit elements, Identify complete circuits, open circuits, and short circuits and explain the reasons for the classification. • Some Big Ideas were reworded. 36 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Priority Expectations | 37 Chemistry Priority Expectations advanced bonding (intermolecular forces) INFLUENCES periodic table ALONG WITH TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE DETERMINES bonding IS GRAPHICALLY REPRESENTED BY atomic theory states of matter PREDICTS SYSTEMATICALLY DETERMINES DESCRIBES ENERGY CHANGES IN nomenclature and formulas thermochemistry and solutions ARE USED TO REPRESENT DESCRIBES LOCATION AND BEHAVIOR OF ELECTRONS DESCRIBES ENERGY CHANGES IN equations and stoichiometry (represents chemical reactions and law of conservation of mass) quantum mechanics ARE CLASSIFIED AS acid/base (H+ concentration) 38 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Physics Chemistry Expectations redox (electron transer) equilibrium (reversible reactions) The Big Ideas in the Chemistry Units Atomic Theory Unit 1 Physical, chemical and nuclear changes are explained using the location and properties of subatomic particles. Periodic Table Unit 2 The periodic table organizes all known elements and provides useful information for making predictions in chemistry. Quantum Mechanics Unit 3 Quantum theory provides a foundation for the atomic model and the understanding of electron behavior and arrangement. Introduction to Bonding Unit 4 Unit 5 There are attractions between atoms that increase their stability. (You may consider teaching unit 4 in conjunction with Unit 8.) Nomenclature and Formula Stoichiometry Elements form compounds in predictable ratios that can be named systematically. Equations and Stoichiometry Unit 6 Chemical reactions are described by balanced chemical equations which obey the Law of Conservation of Mass. States of Matter Unit 7 States of matter can be explained by attraction between particles under various conditions of temperature and pressure. Advanced Bonding Concepts Unit 8 Unit 9 Many physical properties of substances can be determined by knowing the type of intermolecular forces that exists between particles. Thermochemistry and Solutions The flow of energy, measured by temperature, influences the behavior of matter. Acid/base Unit 10 Hydrogen ion concentration determines pH of the solution which allows its classification as either acidic, basic, or neutral. Redox/equilibrium Unit 11 Electron transfers as described by redox reactions impacts humans in both positive and negative ways. In a closed system, reversible reactions achieve equilibrium which is dependent on pressure, temperature and concentration conditions. Thermodynamics Unit 12 The spontaneity of a reaction is determined by the change in Gibbs Free Energy which is dependent on temperature and the changes in enthalpy and entropy. *(A thorough treatment of Unit 9 is sufficient. No content expectations in unit 12 are priority expectations) ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations | 39 Unit 1 Atomic Theory atomic theory IS ABOUT subatomic particles DESCRIBED BY models that have changed protons, neutrons, and electrons INCLUDE ARE LOCATED in and around the nucleus Big Idea Physical, chemical and nuclear changes are explained using the location and properties of subatomic particles. Core Concepts • Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. These particles are defined by charge, mass, and location in the atom. • Atoms, ions and isotopes are differentiated by their numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons DESCRIBED BY ARE USED TO relative mass and charge ARE USED TO atoms, ions and isotopes mass number, atomic number and charge Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: Note: Teachers may want to use observations of physical and chemical changes through demonstrations or labs to help students understand the necessity to study atomic structure, i.e., macroscopic to microscopic. C1.2i Explain progression of ideas Students can explore the changing models of the atom to gain a better understanding of the development of the current model and the dynamic nature of science C1.2 DUse peer review to evaluate explanations Students may construct a model or visual representation of an unknown object (within a black box) based upon their data and present/defend their findings to their peers C1.1EGive evidence to support conclusions Students can investigate an unknown 40 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) Unit 1 NOTE: C2.5a, C3.5a and C4.7b are considered to be engaging topics that set the stage for the unit topic of Atomic Theory. C2.5a Determine the age of materials using the ratio of stable and unstable isotopes of a particular type. C3.5a Explain why matter is not conserved in nuclear reactions. C4.7b Compare the density of pure water to that of a sugar solution. C4.8A Identify the location, relative mass, and charge for electrons, protons, and neutrons. C4.8B Describe the atom as mostly empty space with an extremely small, dense nucleus consisting of the protons and neutrons and an electron cloud surrounding the nucleus. C4.8C Recognize that protons repel each other and that a strong force needs to be present to keep the nucleus intact. C4.8D Give the number of electrons and protons present if the fluoride ion has a -1 charge. C4.10A List the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons for any given ion or isotope. C4.10B Recognize that an element always contains the same number of protons. C4.10e Write the symbol for an isotope, XAZ, where Z is the atomic number, A is the mass number, and X is the symbol for the element. C5.2C Draw pictures to distinguish the relationships between atoms in physical and chemical changes. ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations | 41 Unit 2 Periodic Table The Periodic Table CLASSIFIES metals, nonmetals, and metalloids elements, according to similar properties GROUPS PREDICTS trend in ionization energy, atomic radius and electronegativity Big Idea The periodic table organizes all known elements and provides useful information for making predictions in chemistry. Core Concepts • In the periodic table, elements are arranged in order of increasing number of protons. • Vertical groups in the periodic table have similar physical and chemical properties due to the same outer electron configurations (valence electrons). • IS USED TO By understanding valence electrons, the periodic table can be used to predict chemical bonding IS ORGANIZED BY determine compound forumulas and bond type protons and valence electrons Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: C1.2i Explain progressions of ideas Students may explore the historical development and changes in the periodic table C1.1DRelate patterns in data to theories Students can observe and graph trends in the periodic table that can be used to make predictions in chemistry C1.1 g Critique reasoning based upon evidence Using a model, students can determine mass and percent abundance of isotopes to determine the average atomic mass 42 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) Unit 2 C4.9A Identify elements with similar chemical and physical properties using the periodic table. C4.9b Identify metals, non-metals, and metalloids using the periodic table. C4.9c Predict general trends in atomic radius, first ionization energy, and electronegativity of the elements using the periodic table. C4.10c Calculate the average atomic mass of an element given the percent abundance and mass of the individual isotopes. C4.10d Predict which isotope will have the greatest abundance given the possible isotopes for an element and the average atomic mass in the periodic table. C5.2g Calculate the number of atoms present in a given mass of element. C5.5A Predict if the bonding between two atoms of different elements will be primarily ionic or covalent. C5.5B Predict the formula for binary compounds of main group elements. C5.5c Draw Lewis structures for simple compounds. C5.5d Compare the relative melting point, electrical and thermal conductivity, and hardness for ionic, metallic, and covalent compounds. ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations | 43 Unit 3 Quantum Mechanics quantum mechanics IS ABOUT electrons BEHAVIOR AND ARRANGEMENT provide foundation for quantum theory electron clouds ARE LOCATED IN ARE ORGANIZED INTO CAN MOVE BETWEEN energy levels, sublevels, and orbitals an excited state and ground state involving energy transfer C1.2i Core Concepts • Electrons are arranged in main energy levels with sublevels that specify particular shapes and geometry • Evidence for the movement of electrons between different energy levels can be observed through absorption and emission spectra CAN BE USED TO from one substance to another during chemical changes explain neon lights and fireworks Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: Big Idea Quantum theory provides a foundation for the atomic model and the understanding of electron behavior and arrangement. ARE ABLE TO MOVE Explain progressions of ideas Students may explain the evolution of atomic theory. For example students can compare atomic models prior to Rutherford with the Bohr model and electron cloud. C1.1EGive evidence to support conclusions Students can use flame test or emission spectra evidence to relate emissions to quantum theory C1.1i Distinguish between consensus and on-going research Students may examine new research in the field of quantum theory 44 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) C2.4a Describe energy changes in flame tests of common elements in terms of the (characteristic) electron transitions. C2.4b Contrast the mechanism of energy changes and the appearance of absorption and emission spectra. C2.4c Explain why an atom can absorb only certain wavelengths of light. C2.4d Compare various wavelengths of light (visible and nonvisible) in terms of frequency and relative energy. C4.8e Write the complete electron configuration of elements in the first four rows of the periodic table. C4.8f Write kernel structures for main group elements. C4.8g Predict oxidation states and bonding capacity for main group elements using their electron structure. C4.8h Describe the shape and orientation of s and p orbitals. C4.8i Describe the fact that the electron location cannot be exactly determined at any given time. Unit 3 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations | 45 Unit 4 Introduction to Bonding* bonding IS ABOUT forces of attraction BETWEEN atoms as ionic and covalent bonds compounds as intermolecular forces BETWEEN PREDICTED FROM ARE OVERCOME the Periodic Table of Elements Big Idea There are attractions between atoms that increase their stability. *(You may consider teaching Unit 4 in conjunction with Unit 8) Core Concept • A chemical bond is the electrostatic attraction between two or more atoms. Chemical potential energy is stored in chemical bonds • Chemical reactions involve breaking bonds in reactants (endothermic) and forming new bonds in the products (exothermic). • The forces of attraction that occur between molecules (called intermolecular forces) are influenced by molecular polarity. Molecular polarity is dependent on bond polarity (polar or nonpolar) and the shape of the molecule. STORE using energy potential energy as a chemical bond Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: C1.1AGenerate questions for investigations C1.2 A Determine scientifically answerable questions Students may observe a chemical reaction, generate questions that can be investigated and critique those questions to determine if they can be investigated 46 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) C2.1a Explain the changes in potential energy (due to electrostatic interactions) as a chemical bond forms and use this to explain why bond breaking always requires energy. C2.1b Describe energy changes associated with chemical reactions in terms of bonds broken and formed (including intermolecular forces). C3.2b Describe the relative strength of single, double, and triple covalent bonds between nitrogen atoms C3.3c Explain why it is necessary for a molecule to absorb energy in order to break a chemical bond. C4.4a Explain why at room temperature different compounds can exist in different phases. C4.4b Identify if a molecule is polar or nonpolar given a structural formula for the compound. C5.8A Draw structural formulas for up to ten carbon chains of simple hydrocarbons. C5.8B Draw isomers for simple hydrocarbons. C5.8C Recognize that proteins, starches, and other large biological molecules are polymers. Unit 4 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations | 47 Unit 5 Nomenclature & Formula Stoichiometry Nomenclature and Forumula Stoichiometry ARE ABOUT chemical compounds COMPOSED OF two or more elements chemically bonded ionic or covalent CLASSIFIED AS REPRESENTED EXIST IN chemical names and formulas Big Idea Elements form compounds in predictable ratios that can be named systematically. Core Concept • All molecular and ionic compounds have unique names and formulas that are determined systematically. • The mole is the standard unit for counting atomic and molecular particles. Molar mass and Avogadro’s number are used when converting masses of compounds or elements into either moles or representative particles. CAN BE predictable ratios that can be quantified quantitatively measured in terms of particles or moles Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: C1.1DRelate patterns in data to theories Students can determine the chemical formulas and names of ionic compounds C1.1B Evaluate conclusions (sources of error) Students may determine the percent composition of a substance and calculate percent error 48 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) C4.1a Calculate the percent by weight of each element in a compound based on the compound formula. C4.1b Calculate the empirical formula of a compound based on the percent by weight of each element in the compound. C4.1c Use the empirical formula and molecular weight of a compound to determine the molecular formula. C4.2A Name simple binary compounds using their formulae. C4.2B Given the name, write the formula of simple binary compounds. C4.2c Given a formula, name the compound. C4.2d Given the name, write the formula of ionic and molecular compounds. C4.2e Given the formula for a simple hydrocarbon, draw and name the isomers. C4.6a Calculate the number of moles of any compound or element given the mass of the substance. C4.6b Calculate the number of particles of any compound or element given the mass of the substance. Unit 5 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations | 49 Unit 6 Equations & Stoichiometry stoichiometry IS ABOUT balanced chemical equations ALLOW THE CALCULATION OF particles, masses and moles of reactant and products OBEY the Law of Conservation of Mass CAN BE DESCRIBED AS endothermic and exothermic Big Idea Chemical reactions are described by balanced chemical equations which obey the Law of Conservation of Mass. Core Concept • Chemical changes result in the formation of new substances and can be classified based upon the molecular and submolecular changes that occur. • During chemical changes, the number of atoms in the reactants is the same as the number of atoms in the products. • A balanced chemical equation enables the calculation of reaction quantities. PREDICTED USING DESCRIBE specific reactants chemical and physical changes Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: C1.2g Identify tradeoffs in design decisions C1.2j Predict effects of technology Students may examine how stoichiometry is used in industry C1.1E Give evidence to support conclusions Students should predict the products of chemical reactions 50 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) C3.4A Use the terms endothermic and exothermic correctly to describe chemical reactions in the laboratory. C3.4c Write chemical equations including the heat term as a part of equation or using ΔH notation. C5.2A Balance simple chemical equations applying the conservation of matter. C5.2B Distinguish between chemical and physical changes in terms of the properties of the reactants and products. C5.2d Calculate the mass of a particular compound formed from the masses of starting materials. C5.2e Identify the limiting reagent when given the masses of more than one reactant. C5.2f Predict volumes of product gases using initial volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure. C5.6b Predict single replacement reactions. Unit 6 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations | 51 Unit 7 States of Matter states of matter IS ABOUT solids, liquids and gases EXPLAINED BY attraction between particles DETERMINED BY energy of particles HAVE CHARACTERISTIC DISTINGUISED BY particle movement and attraction UNDERGO properties changes of state IN GASES IS AFFECTED BY pressure, temperature and volume conditions Big Idea States of matter can be explained by attraction between particles under various conditions of temperature and pressure. Core Concept • The atoms, molecules and ions that compose matter are in constant motion (kinetic energy). As the average kinetic energy of a substance increases, the temperature also increases . • The properties of solids, liquids, and gases can be explained by the attractions that occur between particles, as affected by kinetic energy. • Particle movement and attraction in gases is affected by pressure, temperature and volume conditions. Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: C1.1f Predict results of changes in variables Students should observe the relationships between pressure, volume, and temperature of gases 52 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) C2.2A Describe conduction in terms of molecules bumping into each other to transfer energy. Explain why there is better conduction in solids and liquids than gases. C2.2B Describe the various states of matter in terms of the motion and arrangement of the molecules (atoms) making up the substance. C2.2c: Explain changes in pressure, volume, and temperature for gases using the kinetic molecular model. C2.2f Compare the average kinetic energy of the molecules in a metal object and a wood object at room temperature. C3.3A Describe how heat is conducted in a solid. C3.3B Describe melting on a molecular level. C4.3A Recognize that substances that are solid at room temperature have stronger attractive forces than liquids at room temperature, which have stronger attractive forces than gases at room temperature. C4.3B Recognize that solids have a more ordered, regular arrangement of their particles than liquids and that liquids are more ordered than gases. C4.5a Provide macroscopic examples, atomic and molecular explanations, and mathematical representations (graphs and equations) for the pressure-volume relationship in gases. C4.5b Provide macroscopic examples, atomic and molecular explanations, and mathematical representations (graphs and equations) for the pressure-temperature relationship in gases. C4.5c Provide macroscopic examples, atomic and molecular explanations, and mathematical representations (graphs and equations) for the temperature-volume relationship in gases. Unit 7 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations | 53 Unit 8 Advanced Bonding Concepts advanced bonding IS ABOUT intermolecular forces INCLUDE dispersion, dipole, and hydrogen bonding AFFECTS state of matter under standard conditions Big Idea Many physical properties of substances can be determined by knowing the type of intermolecular forces that exists between particles. Core Concept • Solids are classified as metallic, ionic, covalent or network covalent based on the forces of attraction that occur between particles • For changes of state to occur, a sufficient amount of energy is required to break the forces of attraction between particles (intermolecular forces) IMPACTS STRENGTH OF ATTRACTION IS INFLUENCED BY various physical properties including melting point and boiling point changes in kinetic energy Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: C1.1C Conduct scientific investigations Students can perform various types of chromatography and explain results using solubility C1.1AGenerate questions for investigations Students can observe the surface tension of different materials and generate questions for differences 54 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) C4.3c Compare the relative strengths of forces between molecules based on the melting point and boiling point of the substances. C4.3d Compare the strength of the forces of attraction between molecules of different elements. (For example, at room temperature, chlorine is a gas and iodine is a solid.) C4.3e Predict whether the forces of attraction in a solid are primarily metallic, covalent, network covalent, or ionic based upon the elements’ location on the periodic table. C4.3f Identify the elements necessary for hydrogen bonding (N, O, F). C4.3g Given the structural formula of a compound, indicate all the intermolecular forces present (dispersion, dipolar, hydrogen bonding). C4.3h Explain properties of various solids such as malleability, conductivity, and melting point in terms of the solid’s structure and bonding. C4.3i Explain why ionic solids have higher melting points than covalent solids. (For example, NaF has a melting point of 995°C while water has a melting point of 0° C.) C5.4c Explain why both the melting point and boiling points for water are significantly higher than other small molecules of comparable mass (e.g., ammonia and methane). C5.4d Explain why freezing is an exothermic change of state. C5.4e Compare the melting point of covalent compounds based on the strength of IMFs (intermolecular forces). Unit 8 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations | 55 Unit 9 Thermochemistry & Solutions thermochemistry and solutions ARE ABOUT energy IS ABSORBED OR RELEASED during phase changes IS ABSORBED OR RELEASED WHEN IS TRANSFERRED AND MEASURED bonds break and form during chemical change between the system and its surroundings or from one substance to another Big Idea The flow of energy, measured by temperature, influences the behavior of matter. Core Concept • All chemical and physical changes involve energy transfer. • The amount of heat transferred in a chemical/physical change can be predicted (calculated) using a balanced chemical equation. It can also be measured quantitatively through experimental means and graphically represented. Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: C1.2f Critique solutions to problems Students may examine the thermochemistry of commercially available products C1.1C Conduct scientific investigations C1.1B Evaluate conclusions (measurement error) Students may perform coffee cup calorimetry 56 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) C2.1c Compare qualitatively the energy changes associated with melting various types of solids in terms of the types of forces between the particles in the solid. C2.2d Explain convection and the difference in transfer of thermal energy for solids, liquids, and gases using evidence that molecules are in constant motion. C3.1c Calculate the ΔH for a chemical reaction using simple coffee cup calorimeter. C3.1d Calculate the amount of heat produced for a given mass of reactant from a balanced chemical equation. C3.4g Explain why gases are less soluble in warm water than cold water. C4.7a Investigate the difference in the boiling point or freezing point of pure water and a salt solution. C5.4A Compare the energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of aluminum and one gram of water the same number of degrees. C5.4B Measure, plot, and interpret the graph of the temperature versus time of an ice-water mixture, under slow heating, through melting and boiling. C5.5e Relate the melting point, hardness, and electrical and thermal conductivity of a substance to its structure. Unit 9 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations | 57 Unit 10 Acid/Base acids and bases HAVE recognizable formulas HAVE HAVE CHARACTERISTIC environmental impact Big Idea Hydrogen ion concentration determines pH of the solution which allows its classification as either acidic, basic, or neutral. Core Concept • Acids and bases are important classes of chemicals that affect the hydrogen ion concentration in a solution. • The amount of the hydrogen ion concentration in a solution is the measure of pH. Determining the pH of a solution can be used to distinguish the solution as acidic, basic or neutral. COMBINE DURING properties and pH ranges neutralization reactions Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: C1.2A Determine scientifically answerable questions Students may observe changes in pH of substances C1.2f Critique solutions to problems Students can examine solutions to the acid rain problem on the environment C1.2k Analyze how science and society interact Students discuss the application of neon lights, fireworks, etc. in terms of atomic theory (quantum) C1.2B Apply science to social issues C1.2k Analyze how science and society interact Students could analyze acid rain data and its effect on the environment 58 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) C5.7A Recognize formulas for common inorganic acids, carboxylic acids, and bases formed from families I and II. C5.7B Predict products of an acid-based neutralization. C5.7C Describe tests that can be used to distinguish an acid from a base. C5.7D Classify various solutions as acidic or basic, given their pH. C5.7E Explain why lakes with limestone or calcium carbonate experience less adverse effects from acid rain than lakes with granite beds. C5.7f Write balanced chemical equations for reactions between acids and bases and perform calculations with balanced equations. C5.7g Calculate the pH from the hydronium ion or hydroxide ion concentration. C5.7h Explain why sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides contribute to acid rain. Unit 10 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations | 59 Unit 11 Redox/Equilibrium ARE INFLUENCED BY temperature, concentration, and pressure redox equilibrium IS ABOUT IS ABOUT reversible reactions electron transfer Electron transfers as described by redox reactions impacts humans in both positive and negative ways. In a closed system, reversible reactions achieve equilibrium which is dependent on pressure, temperature and concentration conditions. Core Concept • Most chemical reactions reach a state of dynamic equilibrium where the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal. This equilibrium, once established, can be altered by changing the conditions of the system. Chemical reactions that involve electron transfer are known as oxidation/reduction (redox). The loss of electrons in a reaction is termed oxidation. Reduction is defined as gaining of electrons. IS FOUNDATION FOR corrosion of metals equilibrium in a closed system Big Idea • CAUSES REACH electrochemical cells Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: C1.2g Identify tradeoffs in design decisions C1.2j Predict effects of technology Students can explore the use of redox reactions in society C1.2k Analyze how science and society interact Students may discuss the application of the breathalyzer on society C1.2E Be aware of careers in science Students can discuss the importance of material science and corrosion technology in future careers C1.1f Predict results of changes in variables Students may describe the shift in equilibrium as different variable change. 60 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) C5.3a Describe equilibrium shifts in a chemical system caused by changing conditions (Le Châtelier’s Principle). C5.3b Predict shifts in a chemical system caused by changing conditions (Le Châtelier’s Principle). C5.3c Predict the extent reactants are converted to products using the value of the equilibrium constant. C5.6a Balance half-reactions and describe them as oxidations or reductions. C5.6c Explain oxidation occurring when two different metals are in contact. C5.6d Calculate the voltage for spontaneous redox reactions from the standard reduction potentials. C5.6e Identify the reactions occurring at the anode and cathode in an electrochemical cell. Unit 11 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations | 61 Unit 12 Thermodynamics* thermodynamics IS ABOUT Gibb’s Free Engergy IS DEPENDENT ON temerpature and changes in enthalpy and entropy Big Idea The spontaneity of a reaction is determined by the change in Gibbs Free Energy which is dependent on temperature and the changes in enthalpy and entropy. CAN PREDICT reaction spontaneity Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: *(A thorough treatment of Unit 9 is sufficient. No content expectations in Unit 12 are priority expectations) Core Concept 62 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) C2.2e Compare the entropy of solids, liquids, and gases. C2.3a Explain how the rate of a given chemical reaction is dependent on the temperature and the activation energy. C2.3b Draw and analyze a diagram to show the activation energy for an exothermic reaction that is very slow at room temperature. C3.1a Calculate the ΔH for a given reaction using Hess’s Law. C3.1b Draw enthalpy diagrams for exothermic and endothermic reactions. C3.2a Describe the energy changes in photosynthesis and in the combustion of sugar in terms of bond breaking and bond making. C3.4B Explain why chemical reactions will either release or absorb energy. C3.4d Draw enthalpy diagrams for reactants and products in endothermic and exothermic reactions. C3.4e Predict if a chemical reaction is spontaneous given the enthalpy (ΔH) and entropy (ΔS) changes for the reaction using Gibb’s Free Energy, ΔG = ΔH - TΔS (Note: mathematical computation of ΔG is not required.) C3.4f Explain why some endothermic reactions are spontaneous at room temperature. Unit 12 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Chemistry Priority Expectations | 63 Biology Priority Expectations Unit 10 RNA Unit 11 Genetics genetic continuity and reproduction Unit 7 Ecosystems Unit 9 Cell Division interactions and interdependence Unit 8 Population Ecology and Human Impacts PASSING OF GENETIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND THE ENVIRONMENT growth, development and differentiation INFLUENCED BY A PLAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT Unit 5 Human Systems BIOLOGY CHANGE THROUGH TIME COMPLEX AND HIGHLY ORGANIZED Unit 4 evolution SYSTEMS ARE STABLE Comparative Structure and Function energy, matter, and organization Unit 12 Evolution Unit 3 Cell Energetics equilibrium Unit 2 Cell Structure and Function Unit 6 Homeostasis and Health Unit 1 Biochemistry Unifying Principles of Biology (Biology Teachers Handbook, NSTA Press) 1. Evolution 4. Growth, Development and Differentiation 2. Equilibrium 5. Genetic Continuity and Reproduction 3. Energy, Matter and Organization 6. Interactions and Interdependence 64 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations The Big Ideas in the Biology Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Chemistry and Biochemistry Living things are energy rich complex chemical structures. Cells – Structure and Function Cells are the unit of structure and function of all living things. Cell Energetics Organisms store, transfer and transform the energy needed to live. Comparative Structure and Function of Living Things Organisms have specialized structures to carry out life functions. Human Systems Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 The functions of the human body rely upon multiple body systems whose functions are interdependent. Homeostasis and Health Organisms maintain an internal balance while the external environment changes. Matter and Energy in Ecosystems Matter and energy are transformed as they are transferred through an ecosystem. Population Ecology and Human Impacts on Ecosystems Unit 8 Ecosystems are characterized by both stability and change on which human populations can have an impact. Cell Division Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Through cell division, mitosis explains growth and specialization while meiosis explains genetic continuity. DNA/RNA and Protein Synthesis DNA carries the coded recipes for building proteins. Mendelian and Molecular Genetics (includes Biotechnology) All cells contain a complete set of genes for the organism but not all genes are expressed in each cell. Evolution Unit 12 Evolution provides a scientific explanation for the history of life on Earth. ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations | 65 Unit 1 Chemistry & Biochemistry biochemistry IS ABOUT the energy-rich, complex chemical structures of things RELATING four types of macromolecules to biochemical structure of organisms CORRELATING DETERMINED BY CALCULATING macromolecular structure to function Big Idea Living things are energy rich complex chemical structures. Core Concepts • Living systems are made up of four major types of organic molecules: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. • Organisms are made up of different arrangements of these molecules, giving all life a biochemical framework. • Carbohydrates and lipids contain many C-H bonds that store energy. energy is stored in compounds Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: B1.1CGenerate questions for investigations B1.1EGive evidence to support conclusions Students measure stored energhy in foods using a calorimeter and use evidence from food labels to reach conclusions about the chemical make-up of foods and diet. B1.2B Apply science to social issues B1.2C Access information from multiple sources Students study the problems of obesity based on scientific evidence and relate information on nutrient intake to weight gain and loss. Students relate information on nutrient deficiencies to their role in defining dietary needs. 66 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) Unit 1 B2.2A Explain how carbon can join to other carbon atoms in chains and rings to form large and complex molecules. B2.2B Recognize the six most common elements in organic molecules (C, H, N, O, P, S). B2.2C Describe the composition of the four major categories of organic molecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids). B2.2D Explain the general structure and primary functions of the major complex organic molecules that compose living organisms. B2.2E Describe how dehydration and hydrolysis relate to organic molecules. B2.2f Explain the role of enzymes and other proteins in biochemical functions (e.g., the protein hemoglobin carries oxygen in some organisms, digestive enzymes, and hormones). B2.4f Recognize and describe that both living and nonliving things are composed of compounds, which are themselves made up of elements joined by energy-containing bonds, such as those in ATP. B2.5A Recognize and explain that macromolecules such as lipids contain high energy bonds ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations | 67 Unit 2 Cells—Structure & Function cell structure and function IS ABOUT cells COMPARING viruses and bacterial, plant and animal cells MODELING cell structure Big Idea Cells are the unit of structure and function of all living things. Core Concepts • • All cells have important similarities, but significant differences in cell structure/function allow for life’s great diversity. Cells combine to form more complex structures. RELATING organelle function to cell function COMPRISE organisms in a variety of ways Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: B1.1E.Give evidence to support conclusions Students observe cell structure to help determine cell function. B1.2E Be aware of careers in science B1.2h Distinguish between theories, hypotheses and observations B1.2i Explain progressions of ideas • Students research the progression of discoveries that led to the cell theory and explain why it is a scientific theory and not a hypothesis or law. • Students evaluate the future career opportunities in cellular biology. 68 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) B2.4g Explain that some structures in the modern eukaryotic cell developed from early prokaryotes, such as mitochondria, and in plants, chloroplasts. B2.4h Describe the structures of viruses and bacteria. B2.4i Recognize that while viruses lack cellular structure, they have the genetic material to invade living cells. B2.5g Compare and contrast plant and animal cells. B2.5h Explain the role of cell membranes as a highly selective barrier (diffusion, osmosis, and active transport). B2.5i Relate cell parts/organelles to their function. Unit 2 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations | 69 Unit 3 Cell Energetics cell energetics IS ABOUT energy conversions STARTING WITH TRANSFORMED BY photosynthesis cellular repiration Big Idea Organisms store, transfer and transform the energy needed to live. Core Concepts • Photosynthesis converts the sun’s energy into the chemical potential energy of food. • Cell respiration converts the chemical potential energy stored in food to the chemical potential energy stored in ATP. • ATP supplies the energy to do cell work. CONVERTED TO ATP for cell usage Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: B1.1C Conduct scientific investigations B 1.1EGive evidence to support conclusions B1.1f Predict results of changes in variables Students conduct scientific investigations using Elodea to compare cellular respiration rates in changing conditions. Students also predict how oxygen production would change if plants were exposed to different levels of light. B1.2k Analyze how science and society interact. Students analyze how changing levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide impact our lives. 70 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) B2.4e Explain how cellular respiration is important for the production of ATP (build on aerobic vs. anaerobic). B2.5D Describe how individual cells break down energy-rich molecules to provide energy for cell functions. B2.5e Explain the interrelated nature of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in terms of ATP synthesis and degradation. B2.5f Relate plant structures and functions to the process of photosynthesis and respiration. B3.1B Illustrate and describe the energy conversions that occur during photosynthesis and respiration. (Also repeated in Unit 8—Ecology) Unit 3 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations | 71 Unit 4 Comparative Structure & Function of Living Things comparative structure and function of living things IS ABOUT biological specialization PRODUCES interdependency of cells OBSERVED BY RESULTS IN integration of systems in an organism Big Idea Organisms have specialized structures to carry out life functions. Core Concept • The same or similar functions are accomplished through different structures in different organisms. • Systems work together physiologically to support the needs of the entire organism and the cells of which it is composed. efficient life functions Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: B1.1C Conduct scientific investigations B1.1EGive evidence to support conclusions Students do comparative scientific investigations of basic life functions (respiration, excretion, food getting, locomotion) as accomplished in different species. B1.2C Access information from multiple sources Develop an understanding of how a given organism is dependent upon all body systems. 72 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) B2.4B Describe how various organisms have developed different specializations to accomplish a particular function and yet the end result is the same (e.g., excreting nitrogenous wastes in animals, obtaining oxygen for respiration. B2.4C Explain how different organisms accomplish the same result using different structural specializations (gills vs. lungs vs. membranes). B2.5B Explain how major systems and processes work together in animals and plants, including relationships between organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms. Relate these to molecular functions. Unit 4 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations | 73 Unit 5 Human Systems human systems ARE ABOUT interdependence RESULTS FROM specialization RESULTS IN PRODUCING systems working together Big Idea The functions of the human body rely upon multiple body systems whose functions are interdependent. healthy bodies Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: B1.1AGenerate questions for investigations B1.1C Conduct scientific investigations Core Concept • Human systems work together to maintain the short and long term health of the organism. B1.1DRelate patterns in data to theories Students generate questions, conduct scientific investigations and identify patterns about how the respiratory, muscular, and circulatory systems interact during exercise (running in place, reaction time, body fitness). B1.2j Predict effects of technology Students relate technological design of exercise equipment to human systems. 74 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) B2.1e Predict what would happen if the cells from one part of a developing embryo were transplanted to another part of the embryo. B2.3d Identify the general functions of the major systems of the human body (digestion, respiration, reproduction, circulation, excretion, protection from disease, and movement, control, and coordination) and describe ways that these systems interact with one another. B2.3g Compare the structure and function of a human body system or subsystem to a nonliving system (e.g., human joints to hinges, enzymes and substrate to interlocking puzzle pieces). Unit 5 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations | 75 Unit 6 Homeostasis & Health homeostasis and health ARE ABOUT maintaining internal balance AS A DYNAMIC PROCESS homeostasis CONTROLLED BY RESULTS IN regulating mechanisms Big Idea Organisms maintain an internal balance while the external environment changes. Core Concept • Body systems function together to maintain homeostasis as conditions inside and outside the body change. • Regulatory mechanisms are responsible for many of the homeostatic control systems in living organisms. • Human body systems work together to maintain human health. healthy organism Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: B1.1C Conduct scientific investigations B1.1h Design and conduct investigations; draw conclusions Students conduct scientific investigations relating exercise to pulse and repiratory rates and draw conclusions from recorded data in charts or tables. B1.2C Access information from multiple sources B1.2DUse peer review to evaluate explanations • Students develop an understanding of the link between obesity and diabetes by accessing information from multiple sources. • In a peer review format, students evaluate a variety of diseases and explain the homeostatic imbalance. 76 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) B2.3A Describe how cells function in a narrow range of physical conditions, such as temperature and pH (acidity) to perform life functions. B2.3B Describe how the maintenance of a relatively stable internal environment is required for the continuation of life. B2.3C Explain how stability is challenged by changing physical, chemical, and environmental conditions, as well as the presence of disease agents. B2.3e Describe how human body systems maintain relatively constant internal conditions (temperature, acidity, and blood sugar). B2.3f Explain how human organ systems help maintain human health. B2.6a Explain that the regulatory and behavioral responses of an organism to external stimuli occur in order to maintain both short– and long–term equilibrium. Unit 6 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations | 77 Unit 7 Matter & Energy in Ecosystems matter and energy in ecosystems IS ABOUT transfer and transformation COMPARING photosynthesis MODELING RELATING respiration Big Idea Matter and energy are transformed as they are transferred through an ecosystem. food webs COMPRISE an organism’s growth and repair Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: B1.1AGenerate questions for investigations B1.1C Conduct scientific investigations Core Concept • Photosynthesis is the process of trapping solar energy in matter that is then transferred and transformed throughout an ecosystem. • Respiration is the core process for energy release in an ecosystem. • Through the transfer of matter, living organisms obtain materials for growth and repair, from living and non-living organisms. B1.1f Predict results of changes in variables • Students generate new questions about food webs that can be investigated in the lab and conduct scientific investigations by constructing a microcosm (terrariums, aquariums, and bottle biology) to model sustainable ecosystems. • Students use snails and elodea in sealed test tubes to predict what would happen when variables are changed. B1.2C Access information from multiple sources B1.2i Explain progressions of ideas • Students watch the “Private Universe” series “From Thin Air” to develop an understanding of the science concept of “where wood comes from”. • Students explain the progression of ideas and explanations, regarding plant growth, from Von Helmont to current understandings. 78 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) B2.1A Explain how cells transform energy (ultimately obtained from the sun) from one form to another through the processes of photosynthesis and respiration. Identify the reactants and products in the general reaction of photosynthesis. B2.1B Compare and contrast the transformations of matter and energy during photosynthesis and respiration. B2.5C Describe how energy is transferred and transformed from the Sun to energy-rich molecules during photosynthesis. B3.1A Describe how organisms acquire energy directly or indirectly from sunlight. B3.1B Illustrate and describe the energy conversions that occur during photosynthesis and respiration. (Repeat from Unit 3) B3.1C Recognize the equations for photosynthesis and respiration and identify the reactants and products for both. (Repeat from Unit 3) B3.1D Explain how living organisms gain and use mass through the processes of photosynthesis and respiration. B3.1e Write the chemical equation for photosynthesis and cellular respiration and explain in words what they mean. B3.2A Identify how energy is stored in an ecosystem. B3.2B Describe energy transfer through an ecosystem, accounting for energy lost to the environment as heat. B3.2C Draw the flow of energy through an ecosystem. Predict changes in the food web when one or more organisms are removed. B3.3A Use a food web to identify and distinguish producers, consumers, and decomposers and explain the transfer of energy through trophic levels. B3.3b Describe environmental processes (e.g., the carbon and nitrogen cycles) and their role in processing matter crucial for sustaining life. Unit 7 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations | 79 Unit 8 Population Ecology & Human Impacts on Ecosystems population ecology IS ABOUT stability and change in ecosystems OBSERVED IN dynamic population equalibrium INFLUENCED IMPACTED BY abiotic and biotic factors Big Idea Ecosystems are characterized by both stability and change on which human populations can have an impact. habitat destruction and invasive species Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: B1.1C Conduct scientific investigations B1.1DRelate patterns in data to theories Core Concept • • • Ecosystems usually establish equilibrium between their biotic inhabitants and abiotic factors. These relationships typically are stable for long periods of time. Unless population growth is disrupted, the growth will follow a predictable pattern. Humans impact populations through habitat destruction, invasive species, greenhouse effect, and global warming. B1.1EGive evidence to support conclusions • Students describe reasons for given conclusions about water quality using evidence from macroinvertebrate stream studies. • Students conduct population studies of protists in classroom microcosms. • Students identify patterns in data and relate them to theoretical models using the “Oh Deer” activity from Project Wild. B1.2B Apply science to social issues Students identify and critique arguments about personal or societal issues based on scientific evidence related to global warming, habitat destruction, invasive species and species extinction. 80 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) B3.4A Describe ecosystem stability. Understand that if a disaster such as flood or fire occurs, the damaged ecosystem is likely to recover in stages of succession that eventually result in a system similar to the original one. B3.4C Examine the negative impact of human activities. B3.4d Describe the greenhouse effect and list possible causes. B3.4e List the possible causes and consequences of global warming. B3.5A Graph changes in population growth, given a data table. B3.5B Explain the influences that affect population growth. B3.5C Predict the consequences of an invading organism on the survival of other organisms. B3.5e Recognize that and describe how the physical or chemical environment may influence the rate, extent, and nature of population dynamics within ecosystems. B3.5f Graph an example of exponential growth. Then show the population leveling off at the carrying capacity of the environment. B3.5g Propose how moving an organism to a new environment may influence its ability to survive and predict the possible impact of this type of transfer. Unit 8 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations | 81 Unit 9 Cell Division cell division IS ABOUT mitosis and meiosis PRODUCING growth and specializaiton (mitosis) Big Idea Through cell division, mitosis explains growth and specialization while meiosis explains genetic continuity. Core Concept • • The process of mitosis produces new cells needed for growth of an organism and these cells differentiate into specific cells with specialized functions. Meiosis ensures genetic continuity, by producing sex cells for sexual reproduction, which passes on genes to the next generation. PRODUCING gamete production (meiosis) Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: B1.1C Conduct scientific investigations Students conduct investigations to determine the duration and sequence of each mitotic stage in onion root tip cells. Students also use pollen grains to compare meiosis to mitosis. B1.2C Access information from multiple sources Students develop an understanding of genetic continuity by accessing scientific information from multiple sources. 82 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) Unit 9 B2.1C Explain cell division, growth, and development as a consequence of an increase in cell number, cell size, and/or cell products. B2.1d Describe how, through cell division, cells can become specialized for specific function. B3.5d Describe different reproductive strategies employed by various organisms and explain their advantages and disadvantages. B4.2A Show that when mutations occur in sex cells, they can be passed on to offspring (inherited mutations), but if they occur in other cells, they can be passed on to descendant cells only (non-inherited mutations). B4.3A Compare and contrast the processes of cell division (mitosis and meiosis), particularly as those processes relate to production of new cells and to passing on genetic information between generations. B4.3B Explain why only mutations occurring in gametes (sex cells) can be passed on to offspring. B4.3C Explain how it might be possible to identify genetic defects from just a karyotype of a few cells. B4.3d Explain that the sorting and recombination of genes in sexual reproduction result in a great variety of possible gene combinations from the offspring of two parents. B4.3e Recognize that genetic variation can occur from such processes as crossing over, jumping genes, and deletion and duplication of genes. B4.3f Predict how mutations may be transferred to progeny. B4.4b Explain that gene mutation in a cell can result in uncontrolled cell division called cancer. Also know that exposure of cells to certain chemicals and radiation increases mutations and thus increases the chance of cancer. B4.3g Explain that cellular differentiation results from gene expression and/or environmental influence (e.g., metamorphosis, nutrition). ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations | 83 Unit 10 DNA/RNA & Protein Synthesis protein synthesis IS ABOUT DNA coded instructions PASSED ON BY replication WRITTEN IN TRANSCRIBED TO triplet base coding Big Idea DNA carries the coded recipes for building proteins. TRANSLATED BY mRNA ERRORS RESULT IN tRNA mutation Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: B1.1C Conduct scientific investigations Core Concept B1.1DRelate patterns in data to theories B1.1EGive evidence to support conclusions • The central dogma of biology states that DNA codes for proteins. Proteins determine the capabilities of the cell and the structure of the cell. • The processes by which proteins are made from DNA are transcription and translation with RNA being the message carrier. • Students identify patterns of amino acid sequence in a protein molecule and determine the DNA codon sequence that produced it. • DNA must replicate itself faithfully in order to pass all genetic information on to descendent cells, including sex cells. • Students view the evidence supporting the triplet code. B1.1g Critique reasoning based on evidence • Students conduct investigations using appropriate tools to extract DNA from human cheek cells. B1.2i Explain progressions of ideas Students explain the progression of ideas that led to the discovery of DNA triplet codes. 84 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) B4.1B Explain that the information passed from parents to offspring is transmitted by means of genes that are coded in DNA molecules. These genes contain the information for the production of proteins. B4.2B Recognize that every species has its own characteristic DNA sequence. B4.2C Describe the structure and function of DNA. B4.2D Predict the consequences that changes in the DNA composition of particular genes may have on an organism (e.g., sickle cell anemia, other). B4.2E Propose possible effects (on the genes) of exposing an organism to radiation and toxic chemicals. B4.2f Demonstrate how the genetic information in DNA molecules provides instructions for assembling protein molecules and that this is virtually the same mechanism for all life forms. B4.2g Describe the processes of replication, transcription, and translation and how they relate to each other in molecular biology. B4.4c Explain how mutations in the DNA sequence of a gene may be silent or result in phenotypic change in an organism and in its offspring. Unit 10 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations | 85 Unit 11 Mendelian & Molecular Genetics (includes Biotechnology) Mendelian genetics IS ABOUT inherited traits PASSED DOWN AS genotype OBSERVED AS phenotype GOVERNED BY ANALYZED BY dominance, segregation, indepenedent assortment Big Idea All cells contain a complete set of genes for the organism but not all genes are expressed in each cell. ALTERED BY Punnet Square, statistics mutation Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: B1.1DRelate patterns in data to theory B1.1EGive evidence to support conclusions Core Concept • Each cell of an organism contains all of the genes of the organism but not all genes are used in all cells. • Traits are gene expressions which may be produced by a single gene pair or more than one gene pair. • Mutations in the DNA code may lead to advantageous or disadvantageous or no noticeable effect. B1.1g Critique reasoning based on evidence Students use Mendel’s pea plants to predict -phenotype, genotype, traits-dominance-recessive-codominant. Using a human karyotype, students identify the sex of the sample, identify the homologous chromosome pairs.Using a Drosophila karyotype, students demonstrate Mendel’s Laws of Segregation and Independent Assortment 86 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) B4.1A Draw and label a homologous chromosome pair with heterozygous alleles highlighting a particular gene location. B4.1c Differentiate between dominant, recessive, co-dominant, polygenic, and sex-linked traits. B4.1d Explain the genetic basis for Mendel’s laws of segregation and independent assortment. B4.1e Determine the genotype and phenotype of monohybrid crosses using a Punnett Square. B4.2h Recognize that genetic engineering techniques provide great potential and responsibilities. B4.4a Describe how inserting, deleting, or substituting DNA segments can alter a gene. Recognize that an altered gene may be passed on to every cell that develops from it and that the resulting features may help, harm, or have little or no effect on the offspring’s success in its environment. Unit 11 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations | 87 Unit 12 Evolution evolution IS ABOUT changes through time AS EVIDENCED BY common characteristics of all organisms AS MEASURED BY OBSERVED THROUGH variation within species natural selection Core Concept • The millions of different species of plants, animals, and microorganisms that live on earth today are related by descent from common ancestors. • Evolution of species is ,in part, the result of the process of natural selection. • Genetic variation is preserved or eliminated from a population through natural selection. survival of the fittest Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: Big Idea Evolution provides a scientific explanation for the history of life on Earth. RESULTING IN B1.1EGive evidence to support conclusions B1.2C Conduct scientific investigations Students investigate fossil evidence to provide evidence for a given conclusion. Students develop an understanding of natural selection by accessing information from multiple sources and evaluate the scientific accuracy and significance of the information. B1.2i Explain progressions of ideas Students explain the progression of ideas and explanations that lead to the theory of natural selection, a part of the current scientific consensus or core knowledge. 88 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) B2.4A Explain that living things can be classified based on structural, embryological, and molecular (relatedness of DNA sequence) evidence. B2.4d Analyze the relationships among organisms based on their shared physical, biochemical, genetic, and cellular characteristics and functional processes. B3.4B Recognize and describe that a great diversity of species increases the chance that at least some living organisms will survive in the face of cataclysmic changes in the environment. B5.1A Summarize the major concepts of natural selection (differential survival and reproduction of chance inherited variants, depending on environmental conditions). B5.1B Describe how natural selection provides a mechanism for evolution. B5.1c Summarize the relationships between present-day organisms and those that inhabited the Earth in the past (e.g., use fossil record, embryonic stages, homologous structures, chemical basis). B5.1d Explain how a new species or variety originates through the evolutionary process of natural selection. B5.1e Explain how natural selection leads to organisms that are well suited for the environment (differential survival and reproduction of chance inherited variants, depending upon environmental conditions). B5.1f Explain, using examples, how the fossil record, comparative anatomy, and other evidence supports the theory of evolution. B5.1g Illustrate how genetic variation is preserved or eliminated from a population through natural selection (evolution) resulting in biodiversity. B5.2a Describe species as reproductively distinct groups of organisms that can be classified based on morphological, behavioral, and molecular structures. B5.2b Explain that the degree of kinship between organisms or species can be estimated from similarity of their DNA and protein sequences. Unit 12 Continued, next page ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations | 89 Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) B5.2c Trace the relationship between environmental changes and changes in the gene pool, such as genetic drift and isolation of subpopulations. B5.3A Explain how natural selection acts on individuals, but it is populations that evolve. Relate genetic mutations and genetic variety produced by sexual reproduction to diversity within a given population. B5.3B Describe the role of geographic isolation in speciation. B5.3C Give examples of ways in which genetic variation and environmental factors are causes of evolution and the diversity of organisms. B5.3d Explain how evolution through natural selection can result in changes in biodiversity. B5.3e Explain how changes at the gene level are the foundation for changes in populations and eventually the formation of a new species. B5.3f Demonstrate and explain how biotechnology can improve a population and species. 90 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Biology Priority Expectations | 91 Earth Science Priority Expectations Unit 1 Organizing Principles of Earth Science earth is a system Unit 2 Rock Forming Processes Unit 12 The Sun and Other Stars Unit 3 solid earth earth in space Unit 11 Cosmology and Earth’s Place in the Universe Earthquakes and Earth’s Interior Unit 4 Plate Tectonics and Volcanoes EARTH SCIENCE Unit 5 Discerning Earth’s History human connections Unit 10 Resources and Environmental Challenges fluid earth Unit 9 Hydrogeology Unit 6 Severe Weather Unit 8 Climate Change Unit 7 Oceans and Climate 92 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations The Big Ideas in the Earth Science Units Organizing Principles of Earth Science Unit 1 Unit 2 Processes, events and features on Earth result from transfer of energy and matter through the interconnected Earth systems. Rock Forming Processes Rock types and formations are studied to discern and interpret Earth processes and Earth history. Earthquakes and Earth’s Interior Unit 3 The accepted model of Earth’s interior is based largely on the behavior of seismic waves, which are recorded by a worldwide network of seismometers. Plate Tectonics and Volcanoes Unit 4 Plate tectonics is the central organizing theory of earth’s geology and explains earthquakes, volcanoes, ocean bathymetry and geomorphology. Discerning Earth’s History Unit 5 The application of age dating techniques provides evidence for a 4.6 billion year old Earth and allows for the interpretation of Earth history and biological evolution, which has been the basis of the design and refinement of the geologic time scale. Severe Weather Unit 6 Protecting human and sensitive ecosystems from severe weather requires an understanding of the various conditions of storm formation and the application of technology for the prediction and monitoring of events. Oceans and Climate Unit 7 Earth’s regional climates are governed by the transference of thermal energy and matter (mainly water) between the ocean and atmosphere. Climate Change Unit 8 Predicting and mitigating the potential impact of global climate change requires an understanding of the mechanisms of Earth’s climate, study of past climates, measurements of current interactions of Earth’s systems and the construction and use of climate change models. Hydrogeology Unit 9 Finding solutions to problems related to water resources requires an understanding of the dynamics and interconnectedness of the components of the hydrosphere and the impact created by human activity. Resources and Environment Challenges Unit 10 Protecting the human interests of health, safety and resources depends upon an understanding of natural hazards and human impact on Earth systems. Cosmology and Earth’s Place in the Universe Unit 11 Unit 12 Extraterrestrial energy and materials influence Earth’s systems and the position and motion of the Earth within an evolving solar system, galaxy, and universe. The Sun and Other Stars Solar energy originates by nuclear fusion in the sun and has profound effects on Earth systems. ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations | 93 Unit 1 Organizing Principles of Earth Science disciplines of geology, meterology, climatology, and biology environmental challenges and resource management CONDUCTED THROUGH THE implications of data on models ADDRESSING QUESTIONS IN THE AREAS OF EVALUATING THE inquiry in the earth sciences TO TEST HYPOTHESES AROUND POTENTIAL IMPACT TO ANALYZING THE movement of matter and energy through the fluid and solid Earth SUCH AS INVESTIGATIONS OF ecology, water resources and air quality coral reef degradation, mining, or climate change Big Idea Processes, events and features on Earth result from transfer of energy and matter through the interconnected Earth systems. Core Concepts • Earth Science is an umbrella term for several academic disciplines such as: geology, hydrogeology, oceanography, meteorology, climatology and (in some circles) astronomy. • Investigations in Earth science use an Earth systems perspective, indirect measures and scientific modeling. • Plate tectonics is the central organizing theory of geology. • As a historical science, change over immense time at variable rates is a central concept. Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: E1.1C Conduct scientific investigations E1.1DRelate patterns in data to theories • Students interpret patterns and trends in Earth Science data and construct explanations that apply concepts central to the Earth systems perspective. • Students build and use scientific models that answer questions or reveal phenomena related to Earth systems. E1.1B Evaluate conclusions E1.2B Apply science to social issues Students defend positions on current societal challenges based on evidence produced from investigations in the Earth Sciences. E1.1B Evaluate conclusions E1.2D Use peer review to evaluate explanations Students evaluate the validity of scientific claims that are produced by other students or outside entities based on evidence and reasoning. 94 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) Unit 1 E2.1B Analyze the interactions between the major systems (geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere) that make up the Earth. E2.1C Explain, using specific examples, how a change in one system affects other Earth systems. E2.3A Explain how carbon exists in different forms such as limestone (rock), carbon dioxide (gas), carbonic acid (water), and animals (life within Earth systems) and how those forms can be beneficial or harmful to humans. E2.3c Explain how the nitrogen cycle is part of the Earth system. E2.3d Explain how carbon moves through the Earth system (including the geosphere) and how it may benefit (e.g., improve soils for agriculture) or harm (e.g., act as a pollutant) society. E3.3B Explain why tectonic plates move using the concept of heat flowing through mantle convection, coupled with the cooling and sinking of aging ocean plates that result from their increased density. ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations | 95 Unit 2 Rock Forming Processes rock forming processes IS ABOUT how common rocks can be used to discern Earth history REQUIRING a basic understanding of rock forming minerals WHICH ARE USED TO STUDIED THROUGH BEST UNDERSTOOD IN A USING observations of texture and composition identify and classify common rocks WHICH REFLECT geologic processes such as those depicted by the rock cycle Rock types and formations are studied to discern and interpret Earth processes and Earth history. Core Concepts • All rock forming processes are influenced by plate tectonics and many are influenced by climate. • Rock types are indicative of conditions and processes of the past which result from plate tectonic history. • The rock cycle is a generalized depiction of the relationship of rock types to Earth processes and implies the immensity of geologic time. plate tectonic context in time and space of specific geologic events rock classification systems Big Idea AND INDICATIVE Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: E 1.1B Evaluate conclusions E 1.1C Conduct scientific investigations • Students explain similarities and differences between closely related rock types. • Students make inferences of possible earth processes from observable features in rocks. 96 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) Unit 2 E3.1A Discriminate between igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks and describe the processes that change one kind of rock into another. E3.1B Explain the relationship between the rock cycle and plate tectonics theory in regard to the origins of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. E3.1c Explain how the size and shape of grains in a sedimentary rock indicate the environment of formation (including climate) and deposition. E3.1d Explain how the crystal sizes of igneous rocks indicate the rate of cooling and whether the rock is extrusive or intrusive. E3.1e Explain how the texture (foliated, non-foliated) of metamorphic rock can indicate whether it has experienced regional or contact metamorphism. ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations | 97 Unit 3 Earthquakes and Earth’s Interior earthquakes and Earth’s interior IS ABOUT the divisions of Earth’s interior THEORIZED AS crust, mantle, inner- and outercore P- and S- wave arrival locations and times USING ANALYSES OF TO BUILD a model of earth structure and internal dynamics Big Idea The accepted model of Earth’s interior is based largely on the behavior of seismic waves, which are recorded by a worldwide network of seismometers. Core Concepts • The transfer of heat from the deep interior towards the surface of the earth is theorized to cause slow movement of Earth’s tectonic plates. • Earth’s interior is divided into concentric layers, differentiated by composition and temperature. CONSISTENT WITH SUPPORTING EXPLANATIONS OF the character of ocean/continental crust SUPPORTED BY THE plate motion driven by mantle convection distribution and composition of volcanic rocks Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: E1.1D Relate patterns in data to theories E1.1g Critique reasoning based on evidence • Students apply a basic knowledge of wave theory and the physical properties of materials to questions about cause and locations of earthquakes. • Students use seismic records to construct a model of Earth’s interior and compare this to a theoretical model base on the assumption that it is a homogeneous sphere. 98 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) Unit 3 E2.2C Describe natural processes in which heat transfer in the Earth occurs by conduction, convection, and radiation. E3.2A Describe the interior of the Earth (in terms of crust, mantle, and inner and outer cores) and where the magnetic field of the Earth is generated. E3.2B Explain how scientists infer that the Earth has internal layers with discernable properties using patterns of primary (P) and secondary (S) seismic wave arrivals. E3.2C Describe the differences between oceanic and continental crust (including density, age, composition). E3.2d Explain the uncertainties associated with models of the interior of the Earth and how these models are validated. E3.3B Explain why tectonic plates move using the concept of heat flowing through mantle convection, coupled with the cooling and sinking of aging ocean plates that result from their increased density. E3.4B Describe how the sizes of earthquakes and volcanoes are measured or characterized. E3.4C Describe the effects of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on humans. E3.4f Explain why fences are offset after an earthquake using the elastic rebound theory. ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations | 99 Unit 4 Plate Tectonics & Volcanoes plate tectonics and volcanoes IS ABOUT plate tectonic theory CORRELATING earthquake sizes, depth and distrubtion to plate boundaries volcanic forms and rock chemistry to plate boundary types CORRELATING CALCULATING average rate of plate motions Big Idea Plate tectonics is the central organizing theory of earth’s geology and explains earthquakes, volcanoes, ocean bathymetry and geomorphology. Core Concept • Plate motions result in potentially catastrophic events (earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, mass wasting) that affect humanity. • Earthquakes are the result of abrupt movements in the Earth’s crust. They generate energy in the form of body and surface seismic waves. • The intensity of volcanic eruptions is controlled by the chemistry and properties of the magma. RELATING ANALYZING HOW rock formation processes of the rock cycles to plate tectonic settings EVALUATING STRATEGIES TO processes of the solid Earth impact other Earth systems reduce risk to human life and structures Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: E 1.1C Conduct scientific investigations E 1.1DRelate patterns in data to theories E 1.1g Critique reasoning based on evidence E1.2DUse peer review to evaluate explanations Students analyze, describe and interpret the distribution patterns and characteristics of geologic features and data in the context of plate tectonic theory. E1.2h Distinguish between theories, laws, hypotheses and observations E1.2i Explain progressions of ideas Students relate developments in technology to key discoveries in plate tectonics from the early twentieth century through present day investigations that use GPS and LIDAR. 100 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) E2.1B Analyze the interactions between the major systems (geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere) that make up the Earth. E2.1C Explain, using specific examples, how a change in one system affects other Earth systems. E2.2A Describe the Earth’s principal sources of internal and external energy (e.g., radioactive decay, gravity, solar energy). E2.2C Describe natural processes in which heat transfer in the Earth occurs by conduction, convection, and radiation. E3.1B Explain the relationship between the rock cycle and plate tectonics theory in regard to the origins of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. E3.3A Explain how plate tectonics accounts for the features and processes (sea floor spreading, mid-ocean ridges, subduction zones, earthquakes and volcanoes, mountain ranges) that occur on or near the Earth’s surface. E3.3B Explain why tectonic plates move using the concept of heat flowing through mantle convection, coupled with the cooling and sinking of aging ocean plates that results from their increased density. E3.3C Describe the motion history of geologic features (e.g., plates, Hawaii) using equations relating rate, time, and distance. E3.3d Distinguish plate boundaries by the pattern of depth and magnitude of earthquakes. E3.4A Use the distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes to locate and determine the types of plate boundaries. E3.4B Describe how the sizes of earthquakes and volcanoes are measured or characterized. E3.4C Describe the effects of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on humans. E3.4d Explain how the chemical composition of magmas relates to plate tectonics and affects the geometry, structure, and explosivity of volcanoes. E3.4e Explain how volcanoes change the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and other Earth systems. Unit 4 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations | 101 Unit 5 Discerning Earth’s History discerning Earth’s history IS ABOUT the application of age-dating techniques TO INFER sequences of geologic events APPLYING relative age dating principles USING APPLYING index fossils to establish stratigraphic correlations radiometric age dating methods for absolute ages E 1.1C Conduct scientific investigations E 1.1g Critique reasoning based on evidence Students use relative and absolute age dating techniques to construct a well reasoned geologic history of an area. E1.2i Explain progressions of ideas Students explain how the invention and improvement of technology in addition to emerging geologic data aids in the continual refinement of the geologic time scale. Core Concept • Gradual and catastrophic change has occurred over the vastness of geologic time (and our lifespans). • Relative age dating techniques are used to discern sequencing of geologic events. • Isotopic age dating techniques are used to deduce absolute ages of materials and place them within earth history. the geologic time scale Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: Big Idea The application of age dating techniques provides evidence for a 4.6 billion year old Earth and allows for the interpretation of Earth history and biological evolution, which has been the basis of the design and refinement of the geologic time scale. CONSTRUCTING E1.2k Analyze how science and society interact Students relate the effects of the discovery that Earth is ancient to the science of biology and major elements of society. 102 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) Unit 5 E5.3B Describe the process of radioactive decay and explain how radioactive elements are used to date the rocks that contain them. E5.3C Relate major events in the history of the Earth to the geologic time scale, including formation of the Earth, formation of an oxygen atmosphere, rise of life, Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) and Permian extinctions, and Pleistocene ice age. E5.3D Describe how index fossils can be used to determine time sequence. E5.3e Determine the approximate age of a sample, when given the half-life of a radioactive substance (in graph or tabular form) along with the ratio of daughter to parent substances present in the sample. E5.3f Explain why C-14 can be used to date a 40,000 year old tree but U-Pb cannot. E5.3g Identify a sequence of geologic events using relative-age dating principles. ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations | 103 Unit 6 Severe Weather severe weather IS ABOUT protecting human interests from severe weather INCLUDING flooding risks and damaging winds associated with storms BY PREDICTING the development of weather fronts Big Idea Protecting human and sensitive ecosystems from severe weather requires an understanding of the various conditions of storm formation and the application of technology for the prediction and monitoring of events. Core Concept • Tornadoes, blizzards, thunderstorms and floods occur due to the dynamics of weather fronts. • Interactions of air masses with different qualities lead to severe weather. • Adiabatic temperature change and humidity account for cloud formation and other atmospheric phenomena. • Severe weather adversely impacts societal interests. USING APPLYING satellite and ground-based instrumentation principles of adiabatic temperature changes and cloud formation Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: E 1.1C Conduct scientific investigations E 1.1DRelate patterns in data to theories E 1.1g Critique reasoning based on evidence • Using atmospheric data, students apply a basic knowledge of gas laws, thermal chemistry and the atmosphere to predict and explain cloud formation and fronts. • Students apply a basic knowledge of air masses and fronts to predict common forms of severe weather. E1.2k Analyze how science and society interact Students analyze and interpret satellite imagery and weather data to evaluate risk of various locations to impending severe weather. 104 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) Unit 6 E2.2A Describe the Earth’s principal sources of internal and external energy (e.g., radioactive decay, gravity, solar energy). E2.2C Describe natural processes in which heat transfer in the Earth occurs by conduction, convection, and radiation. E2.2D Identify the main sources of energy to the climate system. E4.3A Describe the various conditions of formation associated with severe weather (thunderstorms, hurricanes, floods, waves, and drought). E4.3B Describe the damage resulting from and the social impact of thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods. E4.3C Describe severe weather and flood safety and mitigation. E4.3D Describe the seasonal variations in severe weather. E4.3E Describe conditions associated with frontal boundaries that result in severe weather (thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes). E4.3F Describe how mountains, frontal wedging (including dry lines), convection, and convergence form clouds and precipitation. E4.3g Explain the process of adiabatic cooling and adiabatic temperature changes to the formation of clouds. ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations | 105 Unit 7 Oceans & Climates oceans and climates IS ABOUT global climatic patterns EXPLAINED THROUGH energy transference and transformation in the fluid Earth atmospheric circulation and prevailing winds that drive ocean currents DRIVING IMPACTED Earth’s spin and the greenhouse effect Big Idea Earth’s regional climates are governed by the transference of thermal energy and matter (mainly water) between the ocean and atmosphere. Core Concept • The tilt of the earth relative to the sun and the earth’s rotation about the sun cause the seasons and the latitudinal changes in climate. • Energy from the sun drives global atmospheric circulation, a major influence on ocean currents. • ESTABLISHING Global atmospheric circulation and ocean currents control Earth’s regional climates. SUCH AS regional and global climatic patterns continental and maritime climates Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: E 1.1C Conduct scientific investigations E 1.1DRelate patterns in data to theories E 1.1g Critique reasoning based on evidence • Student use an understanding of the characteristics of seasons and global atmospheric and ocean currents to predict and explain regional climatic patterns. • Students map and model global atmospheric circulation using weather data. • Students map and model ocean circulation using data on prevailing winds and seawater density. 106 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) Unit 7 E2.1B Analyze the interactions between the major systems (geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere) that make up the Earth. E2.1C Explain, using specific examples, how a change in one system affects other Earth systems. E2.2C Describe natural processes in which heat transfer in the Earth occurs by conduction, |convection, and radiation. E2.2e Explain how energy changes form through Earth systems. E4.2A Describe the major causes for the ocean’s surface and deep water currents, including the prevailing winds, the Coriolis effect, unequal heating of the Earth, changes in water temperature and salinity in high latitudes, and basin shape. E4.2B Explain how the interactions between the oceans and the atmosphere influence global and regional climate. Include the major concepts of heat transfer by ocean currents, thermohaline circulation, boundary currents, evaporation, precipitation, climatic zones, and the ocean as a major CO2 reservoir. E4.2c Explain the dynamics (including ocean-atmosphere interactions) of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and its effect on continental climates. E4.2d Identify factors affecting seawater density and salinity and describe how density affects oceanic layering and currents. E4.2e Explain the differences between maritime and continental climates with regard to oceanic currents. E4.2f Explain how the Coriolis effect controls oceanic circulation. ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations | 107 Climate Change Unit 8 climate change IS ABOUT climate change research WHICH INVESTIGATES changing biomes and new weather patterns RESULTING FROM increasing average atmostpheric global temperature IMPACTING CORRELATED TO increasing concentrations of greenhouse gasses CAUSING physical characteristics of oceans and aquatic biomes warming oceans and melting glaciers 108 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations PREDICTING MODELED USING insights from paleoclimatology effects on Earth systems Unit 8 Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: Big Idea Predicting and mitigating the potential impact of global climate change requires an understanding of the mechanisms of Earth’s climate, study of past climates, measurements of current interactions of Earth’s systems and the construction and use of climate change models. • E 1.1B Evaluate conclusions E 1.1C Conduct scientific investigations E 1.1DRelate patterns in data to theories E 1.1g Critique reasoning based on evidence Core Concept • The natural heat trapping of several key greenhouse gases cause Earth’s greenhouse effect which is essential to sustaining life as it has evolved on Earth. Students research apparent local or regional environmental changes that may be a result of global climate change. • Students analyze and interpret paleo-climatic data using techniques that enable scientists to build climate change models. • Students analyze and use historical climate data to hypothesize trajectories into the future. • Industrialization has impacted Earth’s climatic system in numerous ways including the addition of tremendous quantities of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. • The movement of matter through biogeochemical cycles and the transference and transformation of energy within and between Earth systems impact global climate. • Climate change models are central tools for making predictions and studying interactions of climatic variables. • Changes in ocean temperature and chemistry are having impacts on marine biomes. E1.2h Distinguish between theories, laws, hypotheses and observations E 1.1i Distinguish between consensus and on-going research Students use an Earth systems perspective to evaluate aspects of models that are used to predict climate change and possible environmental impacts. E1.2DUse peer review to evaluate explanations E1.2k Analyze how science and society interact Students evaluate potential societal responses to climate change in regard to their impact on Earth systems and effectiveness at slowing global warming. ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations | 109 Unit 8 cont. Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) E2.1A Explain why the Earth is essentially a closed system in terms of matter. E2.1B Analyze the interactions between the major systems (geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere) that make up the Earth. E2.1C Explain, using specific examples, how a change in one system affects other Earth systems. E2.2e Explain how energy changes form through Earth systems. E2.2f Explain how elements exist in different compounds and states as they move from one reservoir to another. E2.3A Explain how carbon exists in different forms such as limestone (rock), carbon dioxide (gas), carbonic acid (water), and animals (life within Earth systems and how those forms can be beneficial or harmful to humans. E2.3d Explain how carbon moves through the Earth system (including the geosphere) and how it may benefit (e.g., improve soils for agriculture) or harm (e.g., act as a pollutant) society. E5.4A Explain the natural mechanism of the greenhouse effect including comparisons of the major greenhouse gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone). E5.4B Describe natural mechanisms that could result in significant changes in climate (e.g., major volcanic eruptions, changes in sunlight received by the Earth, meteorite impacts). 110 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations Unit 8 cont. Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) E5.4C Analyze the empirical relationship between the emission of carbon dioxide, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and the average global temperature over the past 150 years. E5.4D Based on evidence of observable changes in recent history and climate change models, explain the consequences of warmer oceans (including the results of increased evaporation, shoreline and estuarine impacts, oceanic algae growth, and coral bleaching) and changing climatic zones (including the adaptive capacity of the biosphere). E5.4e Based on evidence from historical climate research (e.g., fossils, varves, ice core data) and climate change models, explain how the current melting of polar ice caps can impact the climate system. E5.4f Describe geological evidence that implies climates were significantly colder at times in the geologic record (e.g., geomorphology, striations, and fossils). E5.4g Compare and contrast the heat trapping mechanisms of the major greenhouse gases resulting from emissions (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, fluorocarbons) as well as their abundance and heat trapping capacity. ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations | 111 Unit 9 Hydrogeology hydrogeology IS ABOUT quality and quantity of surface and ground water CHARACTERIZED BY the quantity, distribution and sustainability of water resources MODELED ON THE interconnectedness of the hydrosphere INVESTIGATED THROUGH CORRELATED TO parameters of water quality Big Idea Finding solutions to problems related to water resources requires an understanding of the dynamics and interconnectedness of the components of the hydrosphere and the impact created by human activity. Core Concept IMPACTED BY land use practices climate change and human activities Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: E 1.1C Conduct scientific investigations E 1.1DRelate patterns in data to theories E 1.1g Critique reasoning based on evidence • Students analyze water quality data in relation to elements of a watershed, including land use patterns. • The amount of fresh drinkable water on is less than 3% of the total water on Earth. • Students relate specific land use practices to the impact on surface and ground water quality. • There is currently a global water crisis related to water quantity and quality. • Students evaluate the sustainability of a important aquifers. • Elements of the hydrosphere are interconnected. • Many important groundwater reservoirs around the globe are not currently sustainable because recharge does not equal or exceed output. • Population demographics and land use practices have profound impact on water quantity and quality E1.2B Apply science to social issues E1.2DUse peer review to evaluate explanations Students use an understanding of geohydrology to propose and/or evaluate strategies to mitigate against the serious and impending water crisis. 112 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) E2.1C Explain, using specific examples, how a change in one system affects other Earth systems. E2.3b Explain why small amounts of some chemical forms may be beneficial for life but are poisonous in large quantities (e.g., dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico, Lake Nyos in Africa, fluoride in drinking water). E2.3.c Explain how the nitrogen cycle is part of the Earth system. E4.1A Compare and contrast surface water systems (lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands) and groundwater in regard to their relative size as Earth’s freshwater reservoirs and the dynamics of water movement (inputs and outputs, residence times, sustainability). E4.1B Explain the features and processes of groundwater systems and how the sustainability of North American aquifers has changed in recent history (e.g., the past 100 years) qualitatively using the concepts of recharge, residence time, inputs and outputs. E4.1C Explain how water quality in both groundwater and surface systems is impacted by land use decisions. Unit 9 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations | 113 Unit 10 Resources & Environment Challenges resources and environment changes IS ABOUT using Earth’s natural resources CATEGORIZED AS renewable and non-renewable resources causes and solutions to pressing environmental challenges RECOGNIZING USING AN Earth system science perspective Big Idea Protecting the human interests of health, safety and resources depends upon an understanding of natural hazards and human impact on Earth systems. Core Concept • • Policy and investment decisions in resources and energy for human consumption involve tradeoffs between many factors such as cost, access to natural renewable or nonrenewable resources and environmental impact. Addressing many of societies pressing resource and environmental challenges requires the utilization of an Earth systems perspective. ANALYZING ANALYZING trade-offs involved in solutions to resource needs RELATING TO trade-offs involved in solutions to environmental challenges patterns of human resource consumption Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: E1.2B Apply science to social issues E1.2DUse peer review to evaluate explanations E1.2g Identify tradeoffs in designs E1.2j Predict effects of technology E1.2k Analyze how science and society interact • Students use a deep understanding of the science behind pressing environmental or resource issues to propose and/or evaluate potential solutions. • Students compare and evaluate various solutions for pressing environmental or resource issues through a quantitative analysis of a variety of likely trade-offs. 114 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) Unit 10 E2.2B Identify differences in the origin and use of renewable (e.g., solar, wind, water, biomass) and nonrenewable (e.g., fossil fuels, nuclear [U-235]) sources of energy. E2.2C Describe natural processes in which heat transfer in the Earth occurs by conduction, convection, and radiation. E2.2e Explain how energy changes form through Earth systems. E2.2f Explain how elements exist in different compounds and states as they move from one reservoir to another. E2.4A Describe renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy for human consumption (electricity, fuels), compare their effects on the environment, and include overall costs and benefits. E2.4B Explain how the impact of human activities on the environment (e.g., deforestation, air pollution, coral reef destruction) can be understood through the analysis of interactions between the four Earth systems. E2.4c Explain ozone depletion in the stratosphere and methods to slow human activities to reduce ozone depletion. E2.4d Describe the life cycle of a product, including the resources, production, packaging, transportation, disposal, and pollution. ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations | 115 Unit 11 Cosmology & Earth’s Place in the Universe cosmology and Earth’s place in the universe IS ABOUT the history of the universe BEGINNING WITH the “Big Bang” DESCRIBED FROM evidence of expansion and evolution over time REFLECTED IN DISCERNING age, using microwave radiation and modeling the structure of the Milky Way galaxy Big Idea Extraterrestrial energy and materials influence Earth’s systems and the position and motion of the Earth within an evolving solar system, galaxy, and universe. There are many billions of galaxies in the universe. • The Big Bang Theory accounts for the formation of the universe. • The microwave cosmic background radiation is considered a remnant of the Big Bang. • The relative motion of objects in the Universe can be deduced from cosmological redshift. • The chemical composition of our Sun, the solar system and life can be traced to elements that were created by stellar processes. motion from Doppler and cosmological red shifts Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: E 1.1g Critique reasoning based on evidence • Students use and explain the evidence that supports the accepted model for the structure, size and age of the universe. • Students compare the elemental compositions and abundances of the stars, planets and life to those commonly generated through stellar nucleosynthesis. Core Concept • DISCERNING E 1.1i Distinguish between consensus and on-going research E1.2h Distinguish between theories, laws, hypotheses and observations E1.2i Explain progressions of ideas • Students relate technological developments to key discoveries in astronomy and identify potential questions that may be addressed by future research. • Students relate the major discoveries in astronomy (such as the heliocentric solar system) to the impact they had on social and political structures. 116 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) E5.1A Describe the position and motion of our solar system in our galaxy and the overall scale, structure, and age of the universe. E5.1b Describe how the Big Bang theory accounts for the formation of the universe. E5.1c Explain how observations of the cosmic background radiation have helped determine the age of the universe. E5.1d Differentiate between the cosmological and Doppler red shift. E5.3A Explain how the solar system formed from a nebula of dust and gas in a spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy about 4.6 Ga (billion years ago). Unit 11 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations | 117 Unit 12 The Sun & Other Stars the Sun and other stars IS ABOUT the nature and evolution of stars DRIVEN BY nuclear fusion energy and elements PRODUCING OBSERVED THROUGH changes in the physical and chemical properties of a star Big Idea Solar energy originates by nuclear fusion in the sun and has profound effects on Earth systems. CHARACTERIZED BY DEPICTED AND ANALYZED BY star color and size OBSERVABLE AS its position on H-R diagram solar activities with impacts on Earth Inquiry, Reflection and Social Implications: E 1.1C Conduct scientific investigations E 1.1DRelate patterns in data to theories Core Concept • Nuclear fusion involves matter changing into energy and has led to the formation of all chemical elements. • There is a wide range of stars of different sizes, chemistries and temperatures with varying life histories. E 1.1g Critique reasoning based on evidence • Students analyze, interpret and model data on sun spots and relate patterns to processes in the sun. • Students analyze, interpret and model data on past solar activity to predict patterns in the future and potential impacts on Earth. • Students graph and interpret astronomic variables to characterize stars. • Students compare spectra of stars of various masses and in different stages of evolution to understand typical pathways in stellar evolution. 118 | ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations Content Expectations (Priority Expectations are highlighted in gray.) E5.2A Identify patterns in solar activities (sunspot cycle, solar flares, solar wind). E5.2B Relate events on the Sun to phenomena such as auroras, disruption of radio and satellite communications, and power disturbances. E5.2C Describe how nuclear fusion produces energy in the Sun. E5.2D Describe how nuclear fusion and other processes in stars have led to the formation of all the other chemical elements. E5.2e Explain how the Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram can be used to deduce other parameters (distance). E5.2f Explain how you can infer the temperature, life span, and mass of a star from its color. Use the H-R diagram to explain the life cycle of stars. E5.2g Explain how the balance between fusion and gravity controls the evolution of a star (equilibrium). E5.2h Compare the evolution paths of low, moderate and high mass stars using the H-R diagram. Unit 12 ISD/RESA/RESD Collaborative • High School Earth Science Priority Expectations | 119