METU Three Phase Systems by Prof. Dr. Osman SEVAİOĞLU Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 1 METU Three Phase Systems Why Three Phase ? The reasons for using Three Phase Single Phase Three Phase The main reasons for using three phase systems are; 1. The kVA rating of the three phase equipment (i.e. machinary or transformer) is is 150 % greater than that of a single phase equipment with the same frame structure (weight , size) This part of the metal work is not utilized (wasted) EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 2 METU Three Phase Systems Why Three Phase ? The Reasons for using Three Phase Single Phase Please note that most of the iron part in the stator and rotor are not utilized (wasted) This part of the metal work is not utilized (wasted) EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 3 METU Three Phase Systems Why Three Phase ? The Reasons for using Three Phase Three Phase Please note that most of the iron part in the stator and rotor are now fully utilized (not wasted) This part is now fully utilized (not wasted) EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 4 METU Three Phase Systems Why Three Phase ? The Reasons for using Three Phase The main reasons for using three phase systems are; 2. Conductor volume in a three phase system is about 25-40 % less than that of a single phase two-wire system with the same kVA rating. Current: I = 1.000.000 VA / (34.500 V x 0.85) = 34,10 Amp no. of conductors Cross section = 6 mm2 Cond. volume = 1000 m x 2 x 6 x 10-6 = 0,012 m3 = 1.000.000 VA / ( 3 x 34.500 V x 0.85) = 19,69 Amp no. of conductors Cross section = 2,5 mm2 Cond. volume = 1000 x 3 x 2.5 x 10-6 = 0.0075 m3 Current: I EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 5 Three Phase Systems METU Three Phase Voltages Circuit - a Va(t) = Vmax cos wt Ia(t) = Imax cos( wt - ) Circuit - b Vb(t) = Vmax cos( wt -120o ) Ib(t) = Imax cos( wt -120o- ) Ia + Za = 3 + j4 Va = =Tan-1 ( 4 / 3 ) = 53.13 o Vc(t) = Vmax cos( wt -240o ) Ic(t) = Imax cos( wt -240o- ) Ic Ib + Vb n Za Circuit - c Zb = 3 + j4 + Vc n Zb = = Tan-1 ( 4 / 3 ) = 53.13 o Zc = 3 + j4 n Zc = = Tan-1 ( 4 / 3 ) = 53.13 o EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 6 Three Phase Systems METU Three Phase Voltages Circuit - a Va(t) = Vmax cos wt Ia(t) = Imax cos( wt -53.13o ) Circuit - b Vb(t) = Vmax cos( wt -120o ) Ib(t) = Imaxcos(wt -120o-53.13o) Circuit - c Vc(t) = Vmax cos( wt -240o ) Ic(t) = Imax cos(wt -240o-53.13o) Va(t) 25,0 + Ia(t) Va(t) = Vmax cos wt 20,0 15,0 10,0 5,0 0,0 0 -5,0 -10,0 -15,0 -20,0 2 4 6 8 10 12 20 14 16 18 Time (msec) 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 14 Time (msec) 2 4 6 8 10 12 18 20 14 16 Time (msec) Vb(t) 25,0 + Ib(t) Vb(t) = Vmax cos(wt-120o) 20,0 15,0 10,0 5,0 0,0 0 -5,0 -10,0 -15,0 -20,0 Vc(t) 25,0 + Ic(t) Vc(t) = Vmax cos(wt-240o) 20,0 15,0 10,0 5,0 0,0 0 -5,0 -10,0 -15,0 -20,0 EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 7 Three Phase Systems METU Three Phase Voltages Circuit - a Va(t) = Vmax cos wt Ia(t) = Imax cos( wt -53.13o ) Circuit - b Vb(t) = Vmax cos( wt -120o ) Ib(t) = Imaxcos(wt -120o-53.13o) Circuit - c Vc(t) = Vmax cos( wt -240o ) Ic(t) = Imax cos(wt -240o-53.13o) Va(t) 25,0 20,0 15,0 10,0 5,0 0,0 0 -5,0 -10,0 -15,0 -20,0 ^ V 2 4 6 8 10 12 20 14 16 18 Time (msec) - Vb(t) 25,0 20,0 15,0 10,0 5,0 0,0 0 -5,0 -10,0 -15,0 -20,0 ^ I 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 14 Time (msec) Vc(t) 25,0 20,0 15,0 10,0 5,0 0,0 0 -5,0 -10,0 -15,0 -20,0 ^ I ^ V ^I 2 4 6 8 10 12 18 20 14 16 Time (msec) EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 8 V^ METU Three Phase Systems Connection of Three Phase Voltages Ia(t) a Now, re-draw the above three phase circuits in an alternative form as shown on the RHS + Va(t) = Vmax cos wt Please note that the three circuits are still electrically unconnected Vb(t) = Vmax cos(wt-120o) + Vc(t) = Vmax cos(wt-240o) c Ic(t) + b Ib(t) EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 9 Three Phase Systems METU Connection of Three Phase Voltages Phase Currents (Amp) Ia(t) a Ia(t) + Va(t) = Vmax cos wt 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 18 Time (msec) Ib(t) Vb(t) = Vmax cos(wt-120o) + 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 18 14 Time (msec) Vc(t) = Vmax cos(wt-240o) Ia + Ib + Ic c Ic(t) + b 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Time (msec) 0 2 c b a Ic(t) Ib(t) 4 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 Time (msec) EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 10 Three Phase Systems METU Three Phase Voltage Waveforms Circuit - a Circuit - b Va(t) = Vmax cos wt Circuit - c Vc(t) = Vmax cos( wt -240o ) Vb(t) = Vmax cos( wt -120o ) Phase Voltages (Volts) 25 a c b 20 15 21.2 kV 10 5 0 -5 Time (msec) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 14 16 18 -10 -15 -20 -25 20 / 3 = 6.67 msec 20 msec EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 11 20 Three Phase Systems METU Three Phase Voltage and Current Phasors Three phase voltage and current phasors may be drawn as shown on the RHS Tan-1 ( X/R ) = V – I = -53.13 o ↔ - 53.13 o /360 o x 20 sec. Phase Currents (Amp) 30.0 ^ Vc ^ Ic b c 20.0 10.0 120o ^ Va ^ Ib a Time (msec) 0.0 0,0 ^ Ia 2,0 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 14,0 16,0 18,0 20,0 -10.0 ^ Vb -20.0 -30.0 EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 12 Three Phase Systems METU Balanced Three Phase Circuits ^ Vc ^ Ic Definition 120o Please note that voltage and current phasors for each phase are 120o displaced from each other ^ Ib ^ Ia ^ Vb (a) │Va│ = │Vb│ = │Vc│ (b) Va - Vb = Vb – Vc = Vc - Va = 120o Ia(t) a (c) │Ia│ = │Ib│ = │Ic│ (d) Ia - Ib = Ib – Ic = Ic - ^ Va + Ia = Va(t) = Vmax cos wt 120o or (e) Va + Vb + Vc = 0 (f) Ia + Ib + Ic = 0 Vb(t) = Vmax cos(wt-120o) + Vc(t) = Vmax cos(wt-240o) c Ic(t) + b Ib(t) EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 13 METU Three Phase Systems Balanced Three Phase Circuits Definition ^ Vc ^ Ic A three phase system satisfying the above condition is said to be “balanced” 120o In a balanced three phase system, • sum of phase currents is zero, • sum of phase voltages is zero Va + Vb + Vc = 0 Ia + Ib + Ic = 0 ^ Va ^ Ib ^ Ia ^ Vb EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 14 Three Phase Systems METU Balanced Three Phase Circuits Balance Condition Please note that the central point does not move Va + Vb + Vc = 0 Ia + Ib + Ic = 0 ^ Vc ^ Ic 120o 120o ^ Va ^ Ib ^ Ia ^ Vb EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 15 Three Phase Systems METU Balanced Three Phase Circuits In a balanced three phase system, sum of currents at any instant is always zero, i.e. Ia + Ib + Ic = 0 + Va(t) = Vmax cos wt Ia + Ib + Ic = 0 Tan-1 (X / R) = -53.13 o Vb(t) = Vmax cos(wt-120o) Phase Currents (Amp) 30.0 a Ia(t) a + b Vc(t) = Vmax cos(wt-240o) c c Ic(t) + b Ib(t) 20.0 10.0 0.0 Time (msec) 0,0 2,0 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 14,0 16,0 18,0 20,0 -10.0 -20.0 -30.0 EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 16 Three Phase Systems METU Balanced Three Phase Circuits a In a balanced three phase system, no current will flow if we connect the ground wires of the above three circuits Ia + Ib + Ic = 0 Phase Currents (Amp) 30.0 a Ia(t) + Va(t) = Vmax cos wt Ia(t) + Ib(t) + Ic(t) = 0 Vb(t) = Vmax cos(wt-120o) Ia + Ib + Ic = 0 b c 20.0 Vb(t) = Vmax cos(wt-240o) c 10.0 0.0 + + Ic(t) b Ib(t) Time (msec) 0,0 2,0 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 14,0 16,0 18,0 20,0 -10.0 -20.0 -30.0 EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 17 METU Three Phase Systems Three Phase Measurement-Energy Analzer Three Phase Energy Analyzer Energy analyzer shown on the RHS is capable of reading and recording three phase voltages and currents in rms, peak and time - waveform and transmitting the resulting data to computer EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 18 METU Three Phase Systems Three Phase Measurement-Energy Analzer EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 19 Three Phase Systems METU Three Phase Circuit Breaker Three Phase Circuit Breaker Three phase low voltage circuit breaker is a device that breaks the three phases of power service automatically or manually This dashed line implies that poles operate in “gang” manner a b c a b c “Gang” Mechanism Three Phase Load a b c EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 20 METU Three Phase Systems Three Phase Measurement Three Phase Power Analyzer Device shown on the RHS is capable of reading and recording three phase voltages and currents in rms, peak and timewaveform and transmitting the resulting data to computer Clamp type Current Transformers EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 21 Three Phase Systems METU Three Phase Circuit Phase - a Va(t) = Vmax cos wt Phase - b Vb(t) = Vmax cos( wt -120o ) Ia + Va Phase - c Vc(t) = Vmax cos( wt -240o ) Ic Ib Load-a + Vb Load-b + Vc Load-c n EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 22 Three Phase Systems METU Three Phase Circuit Connection Phase - a Phase - b Va(t) = Vmax cos wt Vb(t) = Vmax cos( wt -120o ) Phase - c Vc(t) = Vmax cos( wt -240o ) Ia Ib Va + Vb + Vc + Ic Loadb Loadc Loada Ia(t) + Ib(t) + Ic(t) = 0 n EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 23 Three Phase Systems METU Three Phase Circuit Connection n1 Basic Diagram a b c a c c b + c + b b n2 a a + Ia(t) + Ib(t) + Ic(t) = 0 n1, n2 EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 24 Three Phase Systems METU Three Phase Cable a Basic Diagram b c n a b c a + c c b + b a + Ia(t) + Ib(t) + Ic(t) = 0 n1, n2 EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 25 METU Three Phase Systems Turkish 380 kV System EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 26 METU Three Phase Systems Part of Turkish 154 kV System EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 27 METU Three Phase Systems Ankara 154 kV Ring Please note that the lines form a closed ring EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 28 METU Three Phase Systems Istanbul Anatolian Side MV System EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 29 Three Phase Systems METU Three Phase Synchronous Generator Phase Voltage (kolts) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 -15 10 -20 5 -5 20 -10 15 0 25 -5 -25 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Time ( msec ) 20 -10 -15 -20 25 -25 Time ( msec ) b a Phase Voltage (kolts) Phase Voltage (kolts) c 20 15 10 5 0 -5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 -10 -15 -20 -25 Time ( msec ) EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 30 Three Phase Systems METU Three Phase Generation System n Three Phase Generator a c c b a a b c b n EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 31 METU Three Phase Systems Karakaya Hydroelectric Plant – 1800 MW EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 32 METU Three Phase Systems Hydroelectric Plant - Sectional View Configuration EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 33 METU Three Phase Systems Hydroelectric Plant - Sectional View Typical Hydoelectric Plant EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 34 METU Three Phase Systems Atatürk Hydroelectric Plant; 8 x 300 = 2400 MW Penstock EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 35 METU Three Phase Systems Hydroelectric Plant - Water Turbine EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 36 METU Three Phase Systems Generation of AC Voltage - Synchronous Generator Bagnell Dam on Ozarks Lake Turbine - Generator Set Water Flow EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 37 METU Three Phase Systems Atatürk Dam Generator Room EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 38 METU Three Phase Systems Itaipu Power Plant - 12500 MW Stator Mounting Ceremony EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 39 METU Three Phase Systems Combined Cycle Power Plant EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 40 METU Three Phase Systems Thermal (Coal) Power Plant EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 41 METU Three Phase Systems Parallel Operation of Plants (Double Bus Configuration) Units Open circuit breaker Main Bus Spare Bus Load and Feeder Group EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 42 Three Phase Systems METU Phase and Line Voltages n1 Definition • Voltage between a phase conductor and ground is called phase voltage, • Voltage between two phase conductors is called line voltage a b c a + + Phase Voltage c b a Line Voltage c c b n2 b a + Ia(t) + Ib(t) + Ic(t) = 0 n EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 43 Three Phase Systems METU Phase and Line Voltages Definition Birds prefer neutral wire since the voltage is zero • Voltage between a phase conductor and ground is called phase voltage, • Voltage between two phase conductors is called line voltage a b c a + c c b + b a + Ia(t) + Ib(t) + Ic(t) = 0 n EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 44 Three Phase Systems METU Phase and Line Voltages Definition Netral wire acts as lightning arrestor • Voltage between a phase conductor and ground is called phase voltage, • Voltage between two phase conductors is called line voltage a b c a + c c b + b a + Ia(t) + Ib(t) + Ic(t) = 0 n EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 45 Three Phase Systems METU Phase and Line Voltages Definition Van = Phase Voltage Vab = Line Voltage a • Voltage between a phase conductor and ground is called phase voltage, • Voltage between two phase conductors is called line voltage b c n2 n1 Van = Phase Voltage c b a a + c c b + b a + Vab = Line Voltage n EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 46 Three Phase Systems METU Relation between Phase and Line Voltages Definition ^ Vc Vab = Va – Vb = Va + ( -Vb ) Van = Phase Voltage ^ -Vb Vab = Line Voltage 30o a ^ Va b c a b + c c + b a ^ Vb + n EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 47 Three Phase Systems METU Relation between Phase and Line Voltages Definition Vab / 2 = Va + (-Vb)/ 2 Vab = Va – Vb = Va + ( -Vb ) ^ Vab -Vb Vab / 2 = Va cos 30 = Va 3 / 2 Vab = Va 3 Line Voltage = 3 ^ Vc x Phase Voltage ^ -Vb 30o 30o ^ Va ^ Va ^ Vb EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 48 Three Phase Systems METU Example - Turkish HV System n1 Example (Turkish HV System) Line Voltage = 3 n2 x Phase Voltage Phase voltage (rms) = 220 kV Line voltage (rms) = 220 x 3 = 380 kV c b a Phase Voltage =220 kV Vab / 2 = Va + (-Vb)/ 2 Vab ^ -Vb 30o Line Voltage = 380 kV ^ Va EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 49 Three Phase Systems METU Star (Y) Connection Definition Alternative Representation Star-connected configuration is the one with all the neutral points are connected to a common ground point Line Voltage = 3 x Phase Voltage c + a b c + c c b a n + + + b Van = Phase Voltage n b + a Vac = Line Voltage a EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 50 Three Phase Systems METU Star (Y) Connected Generator Definition Alternative Representation Star-connected generator is the one with all the generator neutral points are connected to a common ground point Line Voltage = 3 x Phase Voltage c + + c Vac = Line Voltage Van = Phase Voltage c n + a a b + + + b b a EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 51 n Three Phase Systems METU Delta () Connected Generator Definition Configuration Line Voltage = Phase Voltage Delta-connected generator is the one with the generator terminals are so connected that they form a triangle (delta)-configuration c c Vac = Line Voltage Phase Voltage + c + + + b + + a a a b b EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 52 b Three Phase Systems METU Currents in a Delta () Connected Generator Definition Configuration Ic Ia = Ica – Iab Ib = Iab – Ibc Ic = Ibc – Ica c c Ibc + Ica = Phase Current Ica + b Ia = Line Current Ia + a Iab a Ib b EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 53 Three Phase Systems METU Currents in a Delta () Connected Generator Relation between Line and Phase Currents Ia Ia = Ica + ( – Iab ) Ia = Line Current Iba = Phase Current Ic c c Ibc ^ Ica ^ - Iab ^ Vab + ^ Ibc + Ica + b ^ Vca Iab a Ia Ib a ^ Vbc ^ Iab b EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 54 METU Three Phase Systems Currents in a Delta () Connected Generator Definition Ia = Ica + ( – Iab ) Relation between Line and Phase Currents ^ Ia ^ ^ ^ Iline = Iba - Iac ^ Iline / 2 Iline / 2 = I phase x cos 30o = / phase x 3 / 2 Line Current = 3 x Phase Current ^ Vca ^ Ica ^ - Iab ^ Vab ^ Ibc ^ Vbc ^ Iab EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 55 Three Phase Systems METU Summary Star (Y) Connected System Line Voltage = 3 x Phase Voltage Line Current = Phase Current Delta () Connected System Line Voltage = Phase Voltage Line Current = 3 x Phase Current Ia = Line Current Iba = Phase Current b + Ic c c Vab = Line Voltage Ibc b Van = Phase Voltage + + + n + Ica + a b Iab a Ia Ib a b EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 56 Three Phase Systems METU Star-Star (Y-Y) Connected Systems Definition Configuration A star-star connected system is the one with both ends are star connected Please note that neutral wire does not carry any current for a balanced Y-Y Syatem Ic c + + c Please note that the neutral wire is not really essential, since it carries no current. Hence it can be placed. b + a Ia Ib b + n + + n a EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 57 Three Phase Systems METU Star-Delta (Y- ) Connected Systems Definition A star-delta connected system is the one with the source is star and load is delta connected Configuration Please note that neutral wire does not exist in a system with one or both ends delta c c + Ibc Ica + n b b + + + + Iab a a EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 58 Three Phase Systems METU Delta-Star ( -Y) Connected Systems Definition A delta-star connected system is the one with the source is delta and load is star connected Configuration Please note that neutral wire does not exist in a system with one or both ends delta Ic c + c + + Iab b n Ica a Ib b + + + Ibc a Ia EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 59 Three Phase Systems METU Three Phase Power in Star Connected Loads Line Voltage = 3 x Phase Voltage Line Current = Phase Current Power Per Phase c + Sph = Pph + j Qph = Vph Iph* Vac = Line Voltage Since we have three phases with identical power consumption, total power consumption becomes + S3-ph = 3 x Sph = 3 Vph Iph* = 3 (Vline / 3 ) Iline Van = Phase Voltage n b + Star (Y) Connected System a S3-ph = 3 Vline Iline EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 60 METU Three Phase Systems Three Phase Active Power in Star Connected Loads Line Voltage = 3 x Phase Voltage Line Current = Phase Current Remember that; c + Pph = Sph cos Since we have three phases with identical power consumption, total power consumption becomes Vac = Line Voltage P3-ph = 3 x Sph cos = 3 Vph Iph cos = 3 (Vline / 3 ) Iline cos P3-ph = 3 Vline Iline cos Van = Phase Voltage + n b + Star (Y) Connected System a EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 61 METU Three Phase Systems Three Phase Reactive Power in Star Connected Loads Star (Y) Connected System Line Voltage = 3 x Phase Voltage Line Current = Phase Current Remember that; c + Qph = Sph sin Since we have three phases with identical power consumption, total power consumption becomes Vac = Line Voltage Q3-ph = 3 x Sph sin = 3 Vph Iph sin = 3 (Vline / 3 ) Iline sin b + + Q3-ph = 3 Vline Iline sin Van = Phase Voltage n a EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 62 METU Three Phase Systems Three Phase Reactor Three Phase Reactor Line Voltage = 3 x Phase Voltage Line Current = Phase Current Remember that; Q3-ph = 3 x Sph sin = 3 Vph Iph sin = 3 (Vline / 3 ) Iline sin Phase - a Q3-ph = 3 Vline Iline sin Phase - b Phase - c EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 63 METU Three Phase Systems Three Phase Reactor Small-Size Three Phase Reactor Remember that; Line Voltage = 3 x Phase Voltage Line Current = Phase Current Phase - a Phase - b Phase - c Q3-ph = 3 x Sph sin = 3 Vph Iph sin = 3 ( Vline / 3 ) Iline sin Q3-ph = 3 Vline Iline sin EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 64 METU Three Phase Systems Three Phase Transformer Primary Side (Delta) Secondary Side (Star) Primary Side Phase - a Secondary Side Phase - a Primary Side Phase - b Secondary Side Phase - b Primary Side Phase - c Secondary Side Phase - c Voltages Primary Side Vline = 34500 Volts Vphase = Vline = 34500 Volt Secondary Side Vline = 380 Volts Vphase = 380 / √ 3 = 220 Volts EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 65 Three Phase Systems METU Three Phase Transformer Secondary Side (Star) Primary Side (Delta) Primary Side Phase - a Secondary Side Phase - a Primary Side Phase - b Secondary Side Phase - b Primary Side Phase - c Secondary Side Phase - c Please note that almost all distribution transformers are deltastar connected c Isec.-a Ic Vsec.-a c Ica Ibc Vsec.-a + n b Ib a Ia Iab Vsec.-b a b Vsec.-c EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 66 METU Three Phase Systems Three Phase Transformer Three-Phase Power (Overview) Pprim. - a = Va Ia cos Pprim. - b = Vb Ib cos Pprim. - c = Vc Ic cos + Pprim. - Total = Va Ia cos + Vb Ib cos + Vc Ic cos = 3 Vphase Iphase cos = 3 V line Iline / √3 cos = √3 V line Iline cos EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 67 METU Three Phase Systems Three Phase Transformer Three-Phase Power (Overview) Power on the Primary Side PPrim. - Total = √ 3 V Prim.- line IPrim.-line cos QPrim. - Total = √ 3 V Prim.- line IPrim.-line sin SPrim. - Total = √ 3 V Prim.- line IPrim.-line Power on the Secondary Side PSec. - Total = √ 3 V Sec.- line ISec.-line cos QSec. - Total = √ 3 V Sec.- line ISec.-line sin SSec. - Total = √ 3 V Sec.- line Isec.-line EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 68 Three Phase Systems METU Example: Star (Y) Connected Load Line Voltage = 3 x Phase Voltage Line Current = Phase Current 135 MVA shunt reactor delivered to Nevada Power Company by VA TECH ELIN Line Voltage + c Vac = Line Voltage Van = Phase Voltage b + + n a Phase Voltage EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 69 METU Three Phase Systems You do not seem to understand the line voltage in a Y- Connected Load ... EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 70 Three Phase Systems METU Three Phase Power in Delta Connected Loads Delta () Connected System Power Per Phase Sph = Pph + j Qph = Vph Iph* Line Voltage = Phase Voltage Line Current = 3 x Phase Current Ia = Line Current c Since we have three phases with identical power consumptions, three phase (total) power consumption becomes S3-ph = 3 x Sph = 3 Vph Iph* = 3 Vline (Iline / 3 ) b S3-ph = 3 Vline Iline a Iba = Phase Current c Ic Ibc Ica Ib Ia b Iab EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 71 a Three Phase Systems METU Three Phase Power in Delta Connected Loads Delta () Connected System Power Per Phase Pph = Vph Iph cos Line Voltage = Phase Voltage Line Current = 3 x Phase Current Ia = Line Current c Since we have three phases with identical power consumptions, three phase (total) power consumption becomes P3-ph = 3 x Pph = 3 Vph Iph cos = 3 Vline ( Iline / 3 ) cos P3-ph = 3 Vline Iline cos Iba = Phase Current c Ic Ibc Icb Ib b Ia b Iab a EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 72 a Three Phase Systems METU Three Phase Power in Delta Connected Loads Delta () Connected System Power Per Phase Qph = Vph Iph sin Line Voltage = Phase Voltage Line Current = 3 x Phase Current Ia = Line Current c Since we have three phases with identical power consumptions, three phase (total) power consumption becomes Q3-ph = 3 x Qph = 3 Vph Iph sin = 3 Vline ( Iline / 3 ) sin Q3-ph = 3 Vline Iline sin Iba = Phase Current c Ic Ibc Ica Ib b Ia b Iab a EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 73 a Three Phase Systems METU Three Phase Power - Summary Star (Y) Connected System Delta () Connected System Three phase power expressions are identical for star and delta connections S3-ph = 3 Vline Iline P3-ph = 3 Vline Iline cos c + c n b + + b a a Q3-ph = 3 Vline Iline sin c Ic Ibc Ica Ib Ia b Iab a EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 74 Three Phase Systems METU Star - Delta Conversion Formulation zab = ( za zb + zb zc + zc za ) / zc A star connected load can be converted to a delta connected load as follows c zca = ( za zb + zb zc + zc za ) / zb zbc = ( za zb + zb zc + zc za ) / za c c Zc c Please note that the neutral node is now eliminated Zbc Zca n Za Zb b a b b b a Zab a EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 75 Three Phase Systems METU Star - Delta Conversion If all impedances of star are identical, then the formula reduces to the following simple form Simplification z = ( zY2 + zY2 + zY2 ) / zY = 3 zY Please note that the neutral node is eliminated by transformation, i.e. no. of nodes is reduced by one. c c c c ZY 3ZY 3ZY ZY a b ZY a b a b 3ZY b EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 76 Three Phase Systems METU Delta - Star Conversion Formulation za = zba zac / ( zba + zac + zcb ) A delta connected load can be converted to a star connected load as follows zb = zcb zba / ( zba + zac + zcb ) zc = zac zcb / ( zba + zac + zcb ) c c c c Zc Zac Zcb n a Za a b Zba b a Zb a b EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 77 b Three Phase Systems METU Delta - Star Conversion If all impedances of delta are identical, then the formula reduces to the following special simple form c c Z/3 Z a Z/3 b Z b zY = z 2 / ( z + z + z ) = z / 3 c c Z a Simplification a a Z/3 b b EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 78 METU Three Phase Systems Solution Procedure for Three Phase Problems Procedure 1. First convert all the -connected loads, if any, to Y- connected loads by employing the Delta - Star Conversion Technique given in the previous section, 2. Find the source voltages / phase by dividing all the line voltages of the sources by 3 for the Y-connected sources 3. Decompose the given three phase system into three independent (electrically unconnected) single phase systems Phase Voltage =220 kV Line Voltage = 380 kV EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 79 METU Three Phase Systems Solution Procedure for Three Phase Problems Procedure (Continued) 4. Then solve one of these single phase systems, i.e. in particular, the one which corresponds to phase-a, 5. Calculate active and reactive powers and power losses per phase, Phase Voltage =220 kV Line Voltage = 380 kV 6. Finally, multiply; a) all these active and reactive powers by three in order to find the three phase powers, b) all voltages by 3 in order to find the resulting line voltages EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 80 Three Phase Systems METU Example Problem Solve the following three phase system for line currents and line losses c r + j x = 1+j 2 IL = Line current Phase Voltage =220 kV c Line Voltage = 380 kV n Vs(line) = 6.3 kV (rms) b b r + j x = 9 +j 12 a a EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 81 Three Phase Systems METU Example 1. First convert all the -connected loads to Y- connected loads, if any, by employing the Delta - Star Conversion Technique given in the previous section Z a Z/3 Z/3 b a c b c Z Z b c c c n n Solution a Z/3 a b b Z / 3 = (9 + j 12) / 3 = 3 + j 4 EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 82 Three Phase Systems METU Example Problem Solve the following three phase system for line currents and line losses c IL = Line current r +jx=1+j2 Phase Voltage =220 kV Z/3 = 3 + j 4 Line Voltage = 380 kV c Neutral Wire Vs(line) = 6.3 kV (rms) n a + b + n a b EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 83 Three Phase Systems METU Example Solution 2. find the source voltages / phase 3. Divide all the line voltages by 3 for Yconnected sources in order to c Vs phase = Vs line / 3 = 6300 / 1.732 = 3637.41 Volts (rms) + c b c b a + Vs(line) = 6.3 kV + n n n a EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 84 Three Phase Systems METU Example n n Solution 3. Decompose the given three phase system into three independent (electrically unconnected) single phase systems c a b a Ia(t) + Va(t) = Vmax cos wt Vb(t) = Vmax cos(wt-120o) + Vc(t) = Vmax cos(wt-240o) c Ic(t) + Ib(t) b EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 85 Three Phase Systems METU Example 4. Then, solve one of the resulting three single phase systems, i.e. in particular, the one which corresponds to phase-a, with zero phase angle, due to its simplicity Ia + n n Solution c b a r +jx=1+j2 Va = 3637.41 0o Volts Z / 3 = 3 + j 4 Iline = Va - phase / Z tot = 3637.41 0o / ( 1 + j2 ) + ( 3 + j4 ) = 3637.41 0o / (4 + j6) = 3637.41 0o / 8.9442 56.31o = 406.67 -56.31o Amp EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 86 Three Phase Systems METU Example n n Solution 5. Now, calculate; a) Active and reactive power losses r + jx = 1 + j2 c Ia = 406.67 -56.31o Amp b a + Va = 3637.41 0o Volts Z / 3 = 3 + j 4 Line Losses; rline I2 = 1 x 406.67 2 = 165380 Watts / phase = 165.38 kWs / phase xline I2 = 2 x 406.67 2 = 330760 Vars / phase = 330.76 kVARs / phase EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 87 Three Phase Systems METU Example Solution n 6. Finally, multiply; a) Active and reactive power losses by three in order to find the three phase power losses Ia = 406.67 -56.31o Amp n r + jx = 1 + j2 b + Va = 3637.41 0o Volts Z / 3 = 3 + j 4 a c Three phase power losses; Active power loss = 3 x active power loss /phase = 3 x 165.38 = 496.14 kWs Reactive Power loss = 3 x 330.76 = 992.28 kVARs EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 88 Three Phase Systems METU Example n n Solution 7. Now, calculate the active and reactive powers consumed by the load; Ia = 406.67 -56.31o Amp c r + jx = 1 + j2 + Va = 3637.41 0o Volts b a Z / 3 = 3 + j 4 Active and reactive power consumptions; rload I2 = 3 x 406.67 2 = 496140 Watts / phase = 496.14 kWs / phase xload I2 = 4 x 406.67 2 = 661520 Vars / phase = 661.52 kVARs / phase EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 89 METU Three Phase Systems Example Solution 8. Now, calculate the three phase active and reactive powers consumed by the load; a b Ia = 406.67 -56.31o Amp r + jx = 1 + j2 + Va = 3637.41 0o Volts Z / 3 = 3 + j 4 c Three phase active and reactive power consumptions; 3 x rload I2 = 3 x 496.14 = 1488.42 kWs 3 x xload I2 = 3 x 661.52 = 1984.56 kVARs EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 90 METU Three Phase Systems Example Solution 9. Now, calculate the load voltage / phase Ia = 406.67 -56.31o Amp r + jx = 1 + j2 Ia = 406.67 -56.31o Amp a b + Va = 3637.41 0o Volts Vload / phase Z / 3 = 3 + j 4 c Load Voltage/phase (Y-connected load) V Load/phase = Z / 3 x Ia = (3 + j4) x 406.67 -56.31o = 5 53.13o x 406.67 -56.31o = 2033.35 -3.18o Volts/phase EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 91 Three Phase Systems METU Example Solution Vab = r + jx = 1 + j2 Ia = 406.67 -56.31o Amp + 30o ^ -Vb 10. Now, calculate the load voltage / line Ia = 406.67 -56.31o Amp Va 30o Vab ^ Va + Va = 3637.41 0o Volts Vload / phase Z / 3 = 3 + j 4 Load Voltage / line (Y-connected load) V Load/line = 3 x 2033.35 -3.18o + 30o = 3521.76 26.82o Volts / line EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 92 Three Phase Systems METU Example Solution Please note that phase voltage across the delta is the same as line voltage, i.e. c Vload / line = 3521.76 26.82o Volts b a c Z Z b a Z Load Voltage / line (Y-connected load) V Load/line = V Load / phase = 3521.76 26.82o Volts/line EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 93 METU Three Phase Systems Did eveybody understand three phase systems ? EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. O. SEVAİOĞLU, Page 94