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Preparation for the Summer GCSE DT: Graphic Products Exam:
The first question in the exam (Section A) will be a design task on the theme
given in the ‘Preliminary Materials’ information issued by AQA in March.
The rest of the exam (Section B) will have questions relating to general subject
theory. The purpose of this presentation is to help you revise the things that
you are likely to need to know.
To be confirmed.
Highly recommended additional revision resource on the web:
Alberto Alessi
Product Design
Harry Beck
Schematic maps/
Wally Olins
Corporate identity/
The Five Designers
you need to know about
Robert Sabuda
Paper engineering
Jock Kinnear
& Margaret Calvert
Typography and road signs
Rendering, Tone & Texture
Scale – how sizes are expressed using ratios
If we have a box that is
80mm x 20mm
If the box is drawn exactly
the same size it is said to
be at a ratio of 1:1
If we draw at half
The size it will be at
A ratio of 1:2
If we reproduce it twice
the size it will be at a
ratio of 2:1
Exploded Drawings
One Point Perspective
Two Point Perspective
Third Angle Orthographic Projection
Orthographic Projection Lines:
Four Colour Print Process (CMYK)
In printing, there are four process colours:
Yellow (Y)
Magenta (M)
Cyan (C)
Black (K)
Quality Control of Printed Products
Functions of Packaging
Five main reasons for packaging:
1. Storage.
2. Promote – i.e. be eyecatching, have a clear brand style (i.e. ‘Tesco
3. Protect – i.e. containing a product safely to prevent
4. Preserve – i.e. airtight sealed packets to keep food stuffs fresh.
5. Inform – i.e. printed information giving product details (e.g. weight,
ingredients, instructions for use, etc.).
Symbols are used instead of words because:
•They communicate information quickly and effectively.
•There are no language barriers.
•They are instantly recognisable.
Bar codes are vertical bars in different groups that can be read by an optical
scanner. They provide a unique code for a product, so it can be identified
quickly and easily at the point of sale. They also assist stock control. They are
printed on packaging for almost anything that is sold to consumers.
Surface Developments (Nets)
A surface development - also called a net - is a shape cut from sheet material
to make a 3D form. Developments can be used for any shape: cube, cuboid,
prism, pyramid, cylinder or cone. The diagram below shows the development for
a cuboid.
If the 3D form is made from
board, tags have to be added
to show where it will be
glued together.
'Tuck Ins'
Automatic Bases/Crash Locks
Types of Paper & Cardboard
Plastic Packaging
Modern Materials
Moral & Cultural Issues
Sustainable Design
Taking into consideration the impact on the environment – trying to
preserve resources:
•The ‘6 Rs’ – ‘rethink, refuse, reduce, re-use, repair and recycle’.
•Using recycled and recyclable materials.
•Designing packaging to use less materials.
•Using materials that biodegrade (rot) easily to ease burden on landfill.
acetate [PVA]
General-purpose glue
Mainly for wood, but also
paper, card, foam board
Adhesive in an aerosol can
Large areas of paper and card
Hot-melt glues
Adhesive comes in stick or
pellet form for use in a glue
Joining different materials
Glue sticks
(Pritt Stick™)
A solid stick of PVA-based
adhesive in a tube
General purpose
Adhesive tape
Single and double-sided
tape on a roll
Double-sided is useful for
mounting work
Masking tape
Paper-based low-tack tape
on a roll
Temporary fixing
Flow charts
Diagrams that show a designing and making process from
start to finish. They use different shapes to display
different actions:
Q. C.
‘Feedback Loop’
for showing
Quality Control
Glossary of Important DT – Graphic Products Words & Terms:
Alignment of text – where text is positioned within a column.
Anthropometrics – data relating to measurements of the human body.
Batch production – a limited number of products produced at any one time.
Biodegradable – organic substances that break down naturally over time.
Brand Name – name of a product/company/organisation.
Carbon Fibre – a very strong and light material used to reinforce.
Color Separation – method of separating out four process colours prior to printing.
Comb Binding – method used to bind pages into a book using plastic spines.
Complementary Colours – colours that balance well, e.g. purple and orange.
Constructions Lines – fine lines that usually provide a grid for drawings.
Contrast – when one colour stands out against another e.g. black and white.
Copyright – the right of companies to control the reproduction of their designs.
Corporate Identity –visual representation of company/organisation, usually a logo.
Corrugation – flat layers of outer material sandwiching an inner rippled material
Crash Lock – carton that can be assembled and collapsed using‘tuck in’ feature.
Crating – construction lines forming a box to help sketch a 3D object.
Creasing Bar – a metal bar on a machine which creates a fold in the material.
Cultures – society, traditions and customs of people.
Die Cutter – metal cutter, like a pastry cutter, that cuts the outline of a shape.
Dimensions – measurements, e.g. length, width, height.
Disassembly – analysing each part of a product.
Eco-footprint – a measure of human demand on Earth’s natural resources.
Elevation – a plan, side or front view on a drawing.
Ellipse – a shape representing an oval.
Embossing – raises or indents selected areas of a design.
Emulsion – a water-based paint that usually has a matt finish.
Encapsulation – to enclose something completely in two layers of plastic film.
Environment – our surroundings, all the external factors influencing life.
EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) – a computer system that scans bar codes.
Ergonomics – use of scientific information to design products that ‘fit’ intended user
Exploded View – a drawing showing separate parts of an object.
Flow chart – a series of tasks shown in different action boxes to plan work.
Font – a designed set of lettering.
French Curve – designed to help drawing curves.
Function – the need and end use of a product.
Fusion – where dots and colour blend together to appear another colour.
Gantt chart – a chart that helps plan tasks and deadline dates.
Geometric – shape with sides of equal angles.
Graphite – lead in pencils.
Hexagon – geometric shape with six sides.
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) – hard plastic used for buckets, pipes, etc.
Holographic – layers of metallic foil showing a 3D pattern effect.
Horizon – where the sky meets the ground in the distance.
Hue – the tone/shade of a colour.
Ideogram – a symbol or graphical character used to represent an idea or thing.
Injection Moulding – how plastics are injected into a mould to make a shape.
Isometric Projection – 30 degree angled, scaled 3D drawing.
Justified Text – text that is spaced so that it is aligned with both margins.
Kerning – spacing of letters to make them more evenly spread.
Kitemark – issued by British Standards Institute as symbol of quality.
Lamination – bonding together thin layers of materials to form composite material.
Laser Cutter – computer controlled device that cuts material using a laser beam.
Linear – movement in one direction.
Lithography – four colour printing process.
Logo – symbol, sign or emblem which identifies and promote a company/organisation.
Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) – soft plastic used for carrier bags, film, etc.
Mass Production – manufacturing products in large quantities.
Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF) – hard board made of compressed wood fibres.
Non-Biodegradable – items that don’t rot, break down, decompose naturally.
Non-Renewable Energy – fossil fuels, e.g. oil, gas, that don’t regenerate.
Octagon – geometric shape with eight sides.
Parallelogram – a slanting rectangle/oblong, also known as a rhombus.
Patent – legal right to make a product that no one else can copy.
Pentagon – five-sided geometric shape.
Perspective – 3D drawing with vanishing points.
Phosphorescent – a ‘glow in the dark’ fluorescent material.
Photochromic – material that changes colour in response to light intensity.
Pigments – colour added to plastic.
Planometric – 3D drawing at 45 degree angles.
Polygon – geometric shape with three or more sides.
Polypropylene (PP) – commonly used plastic used for household products.
Polystyrene (PS) – low density plastic used for absorbing shock in packaging.
Poly-Vinyl Acetate (PVA) – white adhesive suitable for wood and card.
Poly-Vinyl Chloride (PVC) – plastics used for bottles and blister packs.
Primary Colours – colours that can’t be made from others – red, yellow, blue.
ProDesktop – 3D drawing software application.
Propelling Pencil – mechanical lead pencil.
Proportion – to keep shape in proportion means not distorting it.
Prototype – model made to test, find faults and amend before production starts.
Protractor – used to measure angles.
Ratio – mathematical term for scale.
Recyclable – product that can be reused as it is or regenerated in some other form.
Rendering – use tone and colour to create a realistic drawing of an object.
Renewable energy – will not run out.
Sans Serif – letters without extra strokes on the ends of stems.
Schematic Map – shows directions using graphic symbols.
Secondary Colours – produced by mixing two primary colours.
Set Square – used for drawing isometric drawing.
SMART Materials – respond to changes in their environment.
Solar – using the sun’s radiation as a source of energy.
Specification – detailed description of design requirements for a product.
Styrofoam – light foam material suitable for modelling and packaging.
Sustainability – meeting human needs without depleting natural resources.
Target Market – who the product is being designed for.
Texture – surface pattern or decoration.
Thermochromic – materials that change colour according to temperature.
Thermoplastics – can be reheated and remoulded.
Thermosetting Plastics – can’t be reheated and moulded.
Three Dimensions (3D) – showing three sides of an object in a drawing.
Tone – shown using shading to describe areas of light, dark and inbetween.
Trademark – brand name or symbol used by a product/service.
Transparent – clear/see-through material.
Tuck-In – a tab on box used to hold lid shut.
Typesetting – arranging text for printing either mechanically or electronically.
Typography – the art of letterform/font design.
UV Varnishing – high gloss finish applied to a selected printed area (the ‘spot’).
Vacuum Forming – heating plastic to stretch over mould, using vacuum to remove air.
Virtual Reality – an electronically generated life-like model of objects.
Working Drawing – 2D scaled drawing, also known as orthographic projection.