Truck and Coach

Truck and Coach Technician Level 1 Program
TRCK 1010 - Trade Practices
Dem onstrate a basic working knowledge of recom m ended trade work
practices; construction, operating principles, testing and servicing of
tools and equipm ent, bearings, seals and sealants, fasteners,
precision m easuring equipm ent, personal safety and legalities, setup
and safety for oxy-acetylene cutting and heating .
TRCK 1020 - Fluid Power System s
Dem onstrate a basic knowledge of fluid power fundam entals,
com ponents, graphic sym bols and principles of operation.
Dem onstrate a basic knowledge of fluids, filters, conductors and
connectors and setting up a proper m aintenance schedule.
TRCK 1030 - Engine System s
Dem onstrate a basic knowledge of the construction, engine types and
com ponents, operation principles, testing and servicing of diesel
com bustion engine assem blies, cylinder heads and valve trains,
lubrication system s, cooling system s, intake and exhaust sytem s.
TRCK 1040 - Electrical System s
Dem onstrate a basic working knowledge of the principles of electrical
theory and laws, and use of electrical test equipm ent. Dem onstrate an
ability to trace, test and repair electrical circuits and com ponents.
Dem onstrate a basic knowledge of electrom agnetic devices and test
and service batteries.
TRCK 1050 - Fuel System s
Dem onstrate a basic knowledge of diesel fuel and sytem s, injection
principles, injection sub-system s and hydraulic injection system s.
TRCK 1060 - Drive Train System s
Dem onstrate a basic knowledge of the construction, operating
principles; testing and servicing of power train clutch assem blies,
gearing fundam entals, countershaft m anual transm issions, driveshafts,
PTO’s, universal joints and single drive axle assem blies.
TRCK 1075 - W heel End Assem blies and Brake System s
Dem onstrate a basic working knowledge of the construction, operating
principles, testing and servicing of hydraulic brake and air brake
system s, and wheel end assem blies.
Semester 2
OYAP Dual Credit
Truck and Coach
Apprenticeship Program
Conestoga College - Guelph Campus
This is a program for students who plan to follow the
Apprenticeship Pathway in the Motive Power Sector.
The program operates in partnership with Conestoga College, the
Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) and six
local school boards
In this four credit program, secondary school students will:
Truck and Coach
earn two high school credits by completing the Truck
and Coach Level 1 Apprenticeship Curriculum at
Conestoga College
earn two Secondary Co-op/OYAP credits under the
supervision of a secondary school co-op teacher
receive support from a secondary school teacher in the
transition to apprenticeship
have an early and clear orientation to college life and
Students must:
select Dual Credit program and co-op at course selection
have 26 secondary school credits with all compulsory
credits completed by the end of semester 1 of Grade 12
have the prerequisite of Gr. 12 Transportation Technology,
and Grade 11 College Math
Overview of the OYAP Dual Credit
attend an Information Session at Conestoga College and
participate in a competitive interview with Conestoga
College faculty and Dual Credit staff members
be registered as an apprentice to an employer sponsor
who is a licensed tradesperson in Truck & Coach, Heavy
Equipment, Agricultural Equipment or Powered Lift Truck
earn a mark of at least 70% at Conestoga College to earn
their high school credits and to be credited for Level 1
theory of the trade
arrange their own transportation to the Guelph Campus
Apprenticeship Program
The program combines a co-operative education course with
Level 1 Apprenticeship training at the Guelph Campus of
Conestoga College.
Course Code
# hours/credits
Determined by school
Co-op/OYAP credits
Level 1 Apprenticeship
220 hours/2 credits
240 hours/2 credits
Co-op hours are completed before the college component begins.
Benefits after Secondary School Graduation:
C after the completion of Level 1, students may have the
opportunity to move into the following Motive Power
trades: Agricultural Equipment, Heavy Duty Equipment,
Powered Lift Truck or remain in the Truck and Coach
Technician Program
eases the transition from school to college to work
students will have completed Level 1 apprenticeship (trade
school) and will be registered apprentices which is an
advantage when seeking employment
Cost of this Program:
C OYAP students are exempt from Conestoga College
tuition fees. The cost of text books will be covered.
student expenses may include personal protective
equipment (safety boots, glasses, gloves, etc.)
students will receive reimbursement for transportation
costs to Conestoga College based on funding and
distance traveled at the end of June
For more information contact a Co-op teacher or Guidance
Counsellor at your school
July 3, 2014