Ekkurthi.Sreenivasa Rao et al. / International Journal of Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology (IJAEST) Realization of cascadable electro-optical hybrid RS flip flop using hybrid NAND gates Ekkurthi.Sreenivasa Rao E.C.E Department,Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, e.sreenivasarao@staff.vce.ac.in M.Satyam, Professor of E.C.E (Retd.), IIIT, Hyderabad, satyam@iiit.ac.in K.Lal Kishore, Professor of E.C.E (Retd.), J.N.T.University, Hyderabad, lalkishorek@yahoo.com Abstract - An Electro-Optical Hybrid Flip Flop is defined as a sequential circuit which accept electrical and/or optical signals and produces both electrical and optical signals. The basic building blocks for developing large and complex sequential circuits and systems are flip flops. This paper reports the feasibility of developing cascadable electro-optical hybrid RS flip flop. The realization of the basic hybrid RS flip flop using hybrid NAND gates has been discussed and its functionality is demonstrated. The circuit is found to be working satisfactorily. Key words: Hybrid Circuits, Hybrid Flip Flops, Hybrid Logic Gates, Optoelectronics, Hybrid Optoelectronics, Electro-Optical Logic Gates, Electro-Optical Hybrid Flip Flops. I. INTRODUCTION Flip flops are the basic building blocks for developing large and complex sequential circuits and systems. Several research groups have reported different types of optical flip flops. Chang-Hee Lee et al realized an optical flip flop [1] with a very simple structure based on optoelectronic feedback using discrete components. T. Chino et al reported an integrated optoelectronic RS flip flop [2] based on optically coupled inverters. K. Matsuda et al reported optoelectronic bitable switches and latching device [3-4]. X.An et al demonstrated optical set-reset memory pixel [5]. The need for optically controlled bistable, astable and tristable devices is amply explained by S.Noda et al from the point of optical computing [6]. M.K.Ravishankar and M.Satyam reported a bitable multivibrator [7] which can be triggered optically/electrically. In general, latches and flip flops are realized using universal logic gates like NOR/NAND. Most of the research groups have reported latches/flip flops, which responds to only one stimulus namely either electrical or optical signals and most of them are not cascadable. This paper presents the feasibility of developing cascadable electro-optical hybrid RS flip flop using universal hybrid NAND gates. Universal electro-optical hybrid logic gates [8] have already been published by the authors of this paper. The electro-optical hybrid RS flip flop presented in this paper is intended to demonstrate the functionality of the flip flop. In the first instance, the definition of electrical and optical logic levels of hybrid NAND gate are presented and thereafter, realization of hybrid RS flip flop is discussed. II. DEFINITION OF ELECTRICAL AND OPTICAL LOGIC LEVELS The basic hybrid RS flip flop has been realized using well known concept i.e., by cross coupling two hybrid NAND gates and the coupling can be either electrical or optical in nature. As the flip flops are used in building large and complex sequential circuits and systems, it is necessary for each flip flop to have the capacity to drive the output stage(s) in the system. It means that they must be cascadable. The requirement for achieving cascadability is that the input logic levels and the output logic levels of the flip flop should be almost the same or at least they should be within tolerable logic levels, so that there is no degradation in the cascaded system. Electrical and optical logic levels are defined as per the noise margin criteria for digital logic circuits [9] using the universal electro-optical hybrid NAND gate and are explained below. Ideally, electrical LOW input/output logic level is defined as 0V and 5V as electrical HIGH input/output logic level. The tolerable input voltages VIL and VIH are measured using the points at which the slope of the Voltage Transfer Characteristics (VTC) of hybrid NAND gate shown in Fig.1 equals −1, where, VIL is the maximum ISSN : 2249-913X Vol. 2 No. 3 Aug-Oct 2012 219 Ekkurthi.Sreenivasa Rao et al. / International Journal of Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology (IJAEST) input voltage that will be recognized as tolerable LOW input logic level and VIH is the minimum input voltage that will be recognized as tolerable electrical input logic level HIGH. Voltages below VIL are reliably recognized as electrical logic level LOW at the input of a logic gate, and voltages above VIH are recognized reliably as electrical logic level HIGH at the input. Voltages corresponding to the region between VIL and VIH do not represent valid logic input levels and generate logically undefined output voltages. The voltages labeled as VOL and VOH represent the tolerable electrical output voltages at the −1 slope points corresponding to input levels of VIH and VIL respectively. Fig.1. Voltage transfer characteristics of hybrid NAND gate. There is no access to measure the light intensity of Light Emitting Diode (LED) in the optocoupler. Therefore, current flowing through the LED has been used to represent the optical logic. A measure of light intensity can be obtained by noting the current flowing through the LED from the characteristics. From the transfer characteristics of optocoupler, it is found that when a forward current flowing through LED is 0mA, there is no light output from the LED and in this case the phototransistor is OFF. When a forward current flowing through LED is 10mA, the LED produces sufficient high light output and in this case the phototransistor is ON. Therefore ideally, optical LOW input/output logic level is defined as 0mA and 10mA as optical HIGH input/output logic level. Similarly, tolerable optical logic levels are defined in terms of currents from the Current Transfer Characteristics (CTC) of hybrid NAND gate shown in Fig.2. The tolerable input currents IIL and IIH are measured using the points at which the slope of the CTC equals −1, where, IIL is the maximum input current flowing through source LED that will be recognized as tolerable optical input logic level LOW and IIH is the minimum input current flowing through source LED that will be recognized as tolerable optical input logic HIGH. Currents below IIL are reliably recognized as tolerable optical logic LOW at the input of a logic gate, and currents above IIH are recognized reliably as optical logic level HIGH at the input. Currents corresponding to the region between IIL and IIH do not represent valid optical input logic levels and generate logically undefined output currents. The tolerable currents labeled as IOL and IOH represent the gate output currents at the −1 slope points corresponding to optical input logic levels of IIH and IIL respectively. The summary of definition of electrical and optical logic levels of hybrid NAND gate are given in Table.1. ISSN : 2249-913X Vol. 2 No. 3 Aug-Oct 2012 220 Ekkurthi.Sreenivasa Rao et al. / International Journal of Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology (IJAEST) Fig.2. Current transfer characteristics of hybrid NAND gate. Table.1 Definition of electrical and optical logic levels of hybrid NAND gate Ideal case electrical logic levels (V) Input LOW Input HIGH Output LOW Output HIGH 0 5 0 5 Tolerable electrical logic levels (V) VIL VIH VOL VOH 0.733 0.976 0.044 4.483 Ideal case optical logic levels (mA) Input LOW Input HIGH Output LOW Output HIGH 0 10 0 10 Tolerable optical logic levels (mA) IIL IIH IOL IOH 5.812 7.975 0.000 9.265 III. REALIZATION OF HYBRID RS FLIP FLOP The basic hybrid RS flip flop has been realized using well known concept i.e., by cross coupling two hybrid NAND gates [8] and the coupling can be either electrical or optical in nature. The circuit diagram of electrooptical hybrid RS flip flop using universal hybrid NAND gates is shown in Fig.3. The first hybrid NAND gate consists of two phototransistors (PT1 and PT2), which are connected in series. The load of NAND gate consists of a Load LED1 to provide optical output and a series resistor RL1 across which the electrical output is taken. ISSN : 2249-913X Vol. 2 No. 3 Aug-Oct 2012 221 Ekkurthi.Sreenivasa Rao et al. / International Journal of Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology (IJAEST) Similarly, the second hybrid NAND gate consists of two phototransistors (PT3 and PT4), which are connected in series. The load consists of a Load LED2 to provide optical output and a series resistor RL2 across which the electrical output is taken. The phototransistors are used as switches, which can be operated with either electrical or optical input signals. To realize the electro-optical hybrid RS flip flop, Light Emitting Diode (LED) which can give optical output and phototransistor which can respond to electrical/optical signals are used. Since alignment of light source and photo detectors are involved in realizing hybrid RS flip flop, it is proposed to use optocouplers as they are available with perfectly aligned LED and the phototransistor in a single IC package. Hence, optocouplers (4N32) have been used for implementing and verifying the functionality of hybrid RS flip flop. The current source is implemented using BC558A transistor. + VEE + VEE Current Source2 Current Source1 87KΩ 87KΩ I = 10mA I = 10mA + VD2 + VD1 Ii1 386Ω Load LED1 Light Output1 Io1 Source PT1 LED1 R Vo1 Vi1 RL1 386Ω Light Output2 Io2 Source Q 200KΩ Ii2 Load LED2 Q PT3 LED2 Vo2 200KΩ S 500Ω Vi2 RL2 500Ω PT4 PT2 200KΩ 200KΩ Fig. 3 Circuit diagram of hybrid RS flip flop using hybrid NAND gates. The RS flip flop has two inputs, and the inputs are generally designated "S" and "R" for "Set" and "Reset" respectively. The RS inputs can be either electrical inputs or optical inputs. The S input is used to set the flip flop. When the flip flop is set, it is said to store a binary bit 1. The R input resets the flip flop and when it is reset, it is said to store a binary bit 0. The RS flip flop has two outputs, normal output (Q) and complement output (Q) which are always in complementary state relative to one another. If the logic level of the Q output is HIGH, the flip flop is set and if it is LOW, it is reset. The hybrid RS flip flop produces both electrical and optical outputs. In this circuit, RS inputs for the hybrid flip flop are either electrical inputs (Vi1 and Vi2) and/or optical inputs Ii1 and Ii2 (current through source LED’s). Vo1/Io1 is the normal electrical/optical output (Q) and Vo2/Io2 is complement electrical/optical output (Q) of the hybrid RS flip flop. The dotted lines in the circuit diagram indicates the feed back path between the NAND gates which is either electrical or optical. In this circuit, the electrical feed back is used. IV. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION OF HYBRID RS FLIP FLOP The operation of hybrid RS flip flop can be explained by considering the operating modes of the four phototransistors (PT1, PT2, PT3 and PT4) shown in Fig.3. If both RS inputs of the hybrid flip flop are equal to electrical and/or optical logic LOW, PT1 of first NAND gate and PT3 of second NAND gate does not conduct. Hence, most of the current from the current source1 flows through Load LED1 and produces electrical logic ISSN : 2249-913X Vol. 2 No. 3 Aug-Oct 2012 222 Ekkurthi.Sreenivasa Rao et al. / International Journal of Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology (IJAEST) HIGH and optical logic HIGH as normal output (Q). Similarly, most of the current from current source2 flows through Load LED2 producing electrical HIGH and optical HIGH as complementary output ( Q ). Thus, the application of electrical and/or optical logic LOW to both of the RS inputs will produce electrical logic HIGH and optical logic HIGH as normal (Q) and complementary ( Q ) outputs. This contradicts the assumption that Q and Q must be complementary. This condition where both the inputs of RS flip flop are electrical/optical logic LOW is Not Allowed (NA). When R input is electrical/optical logic LOW, and S input is electrical/optical logic HIGH, the PT1 of first NAND gate is turned OFF and most of the current from the current source1 flows through the Load LED1. Hence, the hybrid RS flip flop produces optical HIGH and electrical HIGH as normal output (Q). Since, this normal output (Q) is fed back to the base input of PT4 of second NAND gate, PT3 and PT4 are turned ON and most of the current from the current source2 flows through them and very negligible amount of current flows through Load LED2. Hence, hybrid RS flip flop produces optical logic LOW and electrical logic LOW as complement output ( Q ). Thus, when R input is electrical/optical logic LOW and S input is either electrical/optical logic HIGH, the hybrid RS flip flop produces electrical logic HIGH and optical logic HIGH as normal output (Q) and electrical LOW and optical LOW as complementary output ( Q ). When the R input is electrical/optical logic HIGH, and the S input is electrical/optical logic LOW, the PT3 of second NAND gate is turned OFF and most of the current from the current source2 flows through the Load LED2. Hence, the hybrid RS flip flop produces optical HIGH and electrical HIGH as complement output ( Q ). Since, this complement output ( Q ) is fed back to the base input of PT2 of first NAND gate, PT1 and PT2 will conduct and most of the current from the current source1 flows through them and very negligible amount of current flows through Load LED1. Hence, the hybrid RS flip flop produces optical logic LOW and electrical logic LOW as normal output (Q). Thus, when R input is either electrical or optical logic HIGH and S input is either electrical or optical logic LOW, the hybrid RS flip flop produces electrical logic LOW and optical logic LOW as normal output (Q) and electrical HIGH and optical HIGH as complementary output ( Q ). If both the RS inputs of the hybrid latch are equal to electrical and/or optical logic HIGH, the output state of hybrid RS latch does not change. V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In order to verify the functionality, the hybrid RS flip flop is implemented with a current source of 10mA. The collector of BC558A transistor behaves as current source, when connected to a power supply. To generate 10mA of current through the current source, a power supply supply voltage (VEE) of 6.2V with a base resistance of 87KΩ is used. The voltage drop across the source LED/Load LED is around 1.15V, when current of 10mA flowing through the LED. The value of current limiting resistor is selected as 386Ω to provide an input current of 10mA through source LED. To produce electrical logic HIGH corresponding to a voltage of 5V, a series load resistor of value 500Ω is connected to the Load LED. This circuit thus satisfies the conditions that input logic levels and output logic levels are almost the same and can be used for building cascadable hybrid sequential circuits and systems. To verify the functionality of hybrid RS flip flop shown in Fig.3, the experiment is performed for different electrical and/or optical RS input logic level values. The experimental results of hybrid RS flip flop realized using NAND gates is shown in Table.2. The experimental results of hybrid RS flip flop using hybrid NAND gates are discussed in the following section. ISSN : 2249-913X Vol. 2 No. 3 Aug-Oct 2012 223 Ekkurthi.Sreenivasa Rao et al. / International Journal of Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology (IJAEST) Table.2 Experimental results of hybrid RS flip flop Electrical inputs Optical output Io (mA) S Vi1(V) R Vi2(V) Qn+1 Vo1(V) Qn+1 Vo2(V) Qn+1 Io1(mA) Qn+1 Io2(mA) 0 0 4.8 4.8 9.6 0 5 0 4.8 0 9.6 9.6 5 0 4.8 0 9.6 0 5 5 Qn Qn Qn Qn Optical inputs (Current through source LEDs) S Ii1(mA) R Ii2(mA) Electrical output Vo (V) Optical output Io (mA) Qn+1 Vo1(V) Qn+1 Vo2(V) Qn+1 Io1(mA) Qn+1 Io2(mA) 4.8 4.8 9.6 0 10 0 4.8 0 9.6 9.6 10 0 4.8 0 9.6 0 10 10 Qn Qn Qn Qn 0 0 Hybrid inputs (Optical and Electrical inputs) VI. Electrical output Vo (V) Electrical output Vo (V) Optical output Io (mA) S Ii1(mA) R Vi2(V) Qn+1 Vo1(V) Qn+1 Vo2(V) Qn+1 Io1(mA) Qn+1 Io2(mA) 0 0 4.8 4.8 9.6 4.8 0 9.6 9.6 0 9.6 0 Qn Qn Qn 0 5 0 10 0 4.8 10 5 Qn DISCUSSION OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS If both the RS inputs are equal to electrical logic LOW (0V), the hybrid RS flip flop produces electrical output of 4.8V and optical output of 9.6mA for both normal (Qn+1) and complement ( Q n+1) outputs. This contradicts our assumption that Qn+1 and Q n+1 must be complementary. This condition where both the inputs of hybrid RS flip flop are electrical logic LOW is Not Allowed (NA). When R input is electrical logic LOW (0V) and S input is electrical logic HIGH (5V), the hybrid RS flip flop produces electrical output (Vo1) of 4.8V and optical output (Io1) of 9.6mA as normal output (Qn). In this case, the hybrid RS flip flop is said to be in set state. When R input is electrical logic HIGH (5V) and S input is electrical logic LOW (0V), the hybrid RS flip flop produces electrical output (Vo1) of 0V and optical output (Io1) of 0mA as normal output (Qn). In this case, the hybrid RS flip flop is said to be reset. If both RS inputs are equal to electrical logic HIGH (5V), the hybrid RS flip flop does not change output state. Similar is the case with different combinations of optical input logic level values or hybrid input logic level values as shown in Table2. Thus, the functionality of hybrid RS flip flop has been demonstrated. VII. CONCLUSION The basic building block for a sequential circuit is a flip flop. This paper demonstrated the cascadable electro-optical hybrid RS flip flop which accept either electrical or optical signals and produce both electrical and optical signals. The circuit is implemented using universal hybrid NAND logic gates. The hybrid RS flip flop may be used to construct large and complex hierarchical hybrid memory circuits like registers and counters. The electro-optical hybrid logic gates have been reported earlier and hybrid RS flip flop in this paper. These hybrid logic circuits may be used in building cascadable, hierarchical circuits and systems as the input and output logic levels are almost the same and within the tolerable logic levels. It is felt that this effort would pave the way for developing new branch of Hybrid Optoelectronic Circuits and Systems which will involve both electrical and optical signals and have advantages of both the systems. ISSN : 2249-913X Vol. 2 No. 3 Aug-Oct 2012 224 Ekkurthi.Sreenivasa Rao et al. / International Journal of Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology (IJAEST) REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] Chang-Hee Lee et al, “Optical flip flop using discrete components”, Applied Optics, 25, pp 14, 1986. T. 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