Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Theses and Dissertations Thesis and Dissertation Collection 1989-12 Investigation of a heat driven thermoacoustic prime mover. Lin, Hsiao-Tseng Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School » NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey , California THESIS Investigation of a Heat Driven The rmoacoustic Prime Mover by Lin, Hsiao-Tseng * * December 1989 Thesis Advisor: Co-ad visor Approved - A. A. Atchley T. J. Hofler for public release; distribution unlimited. T2472?4 Unclassified Security Classification of this pape REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE la Report Security Classification Unclassified lb Restrictive Markings Security Classification Authority la Approved Declassification/Downgrading Schedule 2b Performing Organization Report Number(s) 4 Name of Performing Organization Naval Postgraduate School Address 6c (city, state, Name 8a (If Applicable) Address 8c ( city, stale, 7 b Address (cify, state, Monterey, 8b Office Symbol Procurement Instrument Identification Number 9 Source of Funding Numbers 1 Program Elemeni Number 1 1 and ZIP code) CA 93943-5000 Applicable) and ZIP code) Title (Include Security Classification) unlimited. Name of Monitoring Organization Naval Postgraduate School and ZIP code) (If is 7a 61 CA 93943-5000 of Funding/Sponsoring Organization for public release; distribution Monitoring Organization Report Number(s) 5 6b Office Symbol 6a Monterey, Distribution Availability of Report 3 | Project No | Tuk. No | Work Unit Accession No INVESTIGATION OF A HEAT DRIVEN THERMOACOUST1C PRIME MOVER 1 Personal Author(s) 2 13a Type of Report Master's Thesis Lin, Hsiao-Tseng 13b Time Covered From To 14 Date of Report (year, 1 December 1989 75 1 6 Supplementary Notation The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. 1 Cosati Codes 7 Group Field 1 1 Subject Terms (continue on reverse if Page Count reflect the official necessary and identify by block number) Acoustics, Thermoacoustics, Thermoacoustic Heat Transport Subgroup Abstract (continue on reverse 9 8 do not 5 if necessary and identify by block number) work output of a heat driven thermoacoustic prime mover. The experimental approach was to measure the frequency response of both a simple resonant tube and a prime mover for a variety of values of mean gas pressure and applied temperature difference across the prime mover stack. A least squares fit to the frequency response yields the quality factor which can be compared to predictions based on a short stack, boundary layer approximation theory by Swift [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 84, 1145-1180 (1988)]. The results are reported of measurements made on the lowest three modes of the prime mover in helium for mean gas pressures between approximately 170 kPa and 500 kPa and the applied temperature differences between zero and onset. The signal waveforms of the sound generated by the prime mover above onset at a mean gas pressure of 308 kPa are also reported. Results for the resonant tube have at most 3% difference with theory. For the prime mover, the measurements generally agree with predictions for the fundamental mode except close to onset. This agreement between measured and predicted results worsens with decreasing mean gas pressure. Agreement is poor for the second and third modes for all pressures used. Finally, the sound generated by the prime mover above onset is highly distorted, and the distortion becomes more serve as the temperature difference increases. The peak positive pressure amplitude of this signal at temperature difference of 325 °C, 368 °C and 453 °C are 1.1%, 4.4% and 7.9% of mean gas pressure, respectively. The goal of 20 | this thesis is to investigate the Distribution/Availability of Abstract X| 22a unclassified/unlimited Name ! same 2 DTIC as report 1473, 84 MAR Abstract Security Classification Unclassified users 22b Telephone (Include Area code) (408) 646-2848 of Responsible Individual Anthony A. Atchley DDFORM 1 83 APR edition may be used until exhausted All other editions are obsolete 22c Office Symbol 61 Ay security classification of this page Unclassified Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Investigation of a Heat Driven Thermoacoustic Prime Mover by Lin, Hsiao-Tseng Captain, Taiwan B.S., Chung Cheng Submitted Institute of Army Technology in Taiwan, 1984 of the requirements for the degree of in partial fulfillment MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING ACOUSTICS from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL December 1989 ABSTRACT The goal of this thesis is to investigate the thermoacoustic prime mover. work output of The experimental approach was a heat driven to measure the frequency response of both a simple resonant tube and a prime mover for a variety of values of the prime mover quality factor mean gas stack. A pressure and applied temperature difference across least squares which can be compared to the fit to predictions boundary layer approximation theory by Swift 1180 (1988)]. three modes of The results are reported of the prime mover frequency response yields the [J. based on a short stack, Acoust. Soc. Am. 84, 1145- measurements made on the lowest helium for mean gas pressures between in approximately 170 kPa and 500 kPa and the applied temperature differences between zero and onset. prime mover above onset The at a signal waveforms of the sound generated by mean gas pressure of 308 kPa Results for the resonant tube have at most 3% the are also reported. For the difference with theory. prime mover, the measurements generally agree with predictions for the fundamental mode except close to onset. This agreement between measured and predicted results worsens with decreasing for the second and third modes for mean all generated by the prime mover above onset becomes more serve gas pressure. pressures used. is Agreement is poor Finally, the sound highly distorted, and the distortion as the temperature difference increases. The peak positive pressure amplitude of this signal at temperature difference of 325 °C, 368 °C and 453 °C are 1.1%, 4.4% and 7.9% of mean gas pressure, respectively. in CI TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. THEORY 4 III. EXPERIMENT APPARATUS AND PROCEDURE A. B. C. D. IV. V. THE RESONANT TUBE 13 13 1. The Tube 13 2. Driver and Microphone 15 THE HEAT DRIVEN PRIME MOVER 15 1. The Heater Section and Hot Heat Exchanger 16 2. The Ambient Heat Exchanger 16 3. The Prime Mover Stack 16 TEMPERATURE CONTROL EQUIPMENT INSTRUMENTATION AND PROCEDURE 19 21 1. The Empty Resonant Tube 21 2. The Prime Mover below Onset 23 3. The Prime Mover above Onset 23 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A. THE EMPTY RESONANT TUBE B. THE PRIME MOVER BELOW ONSET C. THE PRIME MOVER ABOVE ONSET 27 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 58 27 28 31 A. SUMMARY 58 B. CONCLUSIONS 59 C. RECOMMENDATIONS 59 IV APPENDIX A. PARTIAL LISTING OF THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF HELIUM 60 APPENDIX B. LISTING OF THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS FOR THE PRIME MOVER STACK AND HEAT EXCHANGERS APPENDIX C. 61 LISTING OF THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE COMPOMENTS AND GEOMETRICAL PARAMETERS OF THE PRIME MOVER LIST OF REFERENCES INITIAL DISTRIBUTION 62 63 LIST 64 LIST OF SYMBOLS c sound speed Cp isobaric heat capacity per unit E dissipated acoustic power e dissipated acoustic power per f frequency fo measured resonance frequency k complex wave number, k = k L resonator length / plate half-thickness Pa peak acoustic pressure amplitude P complex acoustic pressure Q quality factor Re real part of S cross section area Sd surface area of driver T temperature UD volume velocity of driver Vd volume displaced by driver w generated acoustic power X position along tube axis mass unit area a - i VI LIST OF SYMBOLS (CONTINUED) y plate half-gap Z mo complex mechanical impedance, a absorption coefficient P thermal expansion coefficient Ax plate length 5S thermal penetration depth in the solid plate 8K thermal penetration depth in the gas &U viscous penetration depth in the gas £s plate heat capacity ratio r normalized temperature gradient y ratio of isobaric to isochoric specific heats n perimeter pm mean gas ps density of solid a Prandtl £d displacement of driver Z mo = R mo + Zm density number vu i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First and foremost, I would like to thank the so much, not just about acoustics, but Lord who allowed me more importantly, about how to learn to believe and count on Him. I want to express my sincere appreciation to my advisors, Dr. Anthony Atchley and Dr. Thomas Hofler for their encouragement, words of wisdom and infinite patience. Next I thank George Jaksha and Steven Blankschein of the physics machine shop for their help David Pierce and to help me in my in writing Finally, I conducting my experiment. sponsor Michael Weisskopf and typing I who also thank classmate spent a great deal of time skills. reserve special thanks for the support from though they are far away overseas. May my the Lord bless them vni all. my family, even INTRODUCTION I. There are two basic classes of thermoacoustic engines: heat pumps and prime movers [Refs. 1-3]. standing wave A to transport (or pump) uses a high amplitude acoustic heat along, for example, the boundary of a This acoustically generated heat flow results plate situated in the standing wave. in a pump thermoacoustic heat thermal gradient being established across the plate. In other words, acoustic energy is converted into stored thermal energy, which in turn can be used in a number of practical applications. Thermoacoustic prime movers, on the other hand, convert stored thermal energy into useful work in the form of sound. Such a device is the subject of this thesis. Referring to Figure 1, a typical stack of plates, called the prime prime mover configuration consists of mover stack (or, simply, the stack), which a is in thermal contact with two heat exchangers. In this thesis, the two heat exchangers will be called the hot mover held at and ambient heat exchangers, because one end of the prime stack will be held at elevated temperatures while the other end will be ambient (room) temperature. However, the important quantity temperature difference across the prime mover stack, not the temperatures of either end. Hence, if (what held at ambient temperature, and (what we we called) the hot end is the absolute were to be called) the ambient end held at temperatures below ambient, the process described in this thesis would fundamentally be the same. An example of an ambient/cold prime mover so called, "Hofler tube", described elsewhere [Refs. 3-4]. Figure 1, the prime mover As is the, also indicated in stack and heat exchangers are housed within an The prime mover acoustic resonator. stack/heat exchanger/resonator assembly is called a (thermoacoustic) prime mover. Thermal energy stored in the prime is mover by imposing a temperature difference across the stack, the two quantities being proportional. the prime mover produce net positive work, to amount of stored energy converted to i.e. to In order for produce audible sound, the sound must exceed the amount of acoustic energy dissipated by losses in the prime mover. The dominant loss mechanism and frequencies of interest here are thermal and viscous for the type of gases exchanger surfaces. losses at the resonator walls and the stack and heat prime mover is said to have reached "onset" across the stack is sufficient for the detectable levels of sound. imply that The use of when the temperature difference prime mover the to generate and sustain word "detectable" that onset is a subtle question of detection thresholds. when onset is is not meant to Our experience reached, the observer (and everyone else in the room) it. The Ambient Heat Exchanger The Hot Heat Exchanger The Ambient End The Prime Mover Stack Figure 1 - A typical The The Hot End prime mover configuration is knows The investigation of a prime below and above onset. approach will be to mover is conveniently divided into two parts: The main goal of this paper onset of a thermoacoustic prime mover. made of above onset. the behavior number of added complications above As investigate the However, brief mention will be discussed, there are a onset. work output of In order to investigate the is to made a prime mover, use will be of the fact that the temperature difference across the stack affects the net absorption in the prime mover. zero to its value at onset, the in turn, the temperature difference increases net absorption decreases to zero. coefficient can be determined mover, which, As by measuring the quality factor The absorption Q of the prime can be related to the acoustic power dissipated The power can be calculated using equations derived by Swift from in the tube. [Ref. 1], which express the acoustic power output of a thermoacoustic engine as a function of the applied temperature difference across the stack. Swift presents a detailed theoretical development in his review article. However, as he shows, the theory results in relatively simple expressions if the short stack and boundary layer approximation are made. The theoretical predictions presented in this thesis are based on this approximate theory, in order to test the ranges of its validity. THEORY II. The measurements performed in the is The dependence of power the net acoustic The relationship between these two its Q as a function of However, the quantity most conveniently the applied temperature difference. computed from theory prime mover yield quantities dissipated by the prime mover. derived in this chapter. is the acoustic pressure with distance for a plane L and closed, rigid, cylindrical tube of length cross section area S is wave in a given by [Ref. 5 Equation (9.26)] cos[k(L-x)] P(x,t)-P A where k = k at x = is - ia. cosRL , The input mechanical impedance presented (1) to a driver located therefore given by Z mo =-iP m In steady state, the driver, icot e which is power dissipated by CO ScotkL -k the tube is - (2) equal to that delivered by the given by 2 . E= PA S 2 R m0 2 2Z ' (3) where R mo = Re{Z mo } and rigid tube, sin kL = 0, Zm0 = Z m0 I pi i E=y mode is coefficient of the tube by for a Equation 3 reduces to • The absorption Under conditions of resonance I. a= a SaL . (4) can be related to the quality factor Qn of the n th (Dn/2Q n c. (The subscript n will be dropped unless there potential for confusion). Substituting this relationship into Equation 4 and solving for 1/Q gives 2 , 1 v As indicated in Figure 1, 4p c PlcoLS a prime mover hot end, the hot heat exchanger, the prime exchanger, and the ambient end. mover can be separated comprised of five mover stack, the parts: the ambient heat Accordingly, the power dissipated by the prime into five parts as E = Eamb+ Eamb + E stack + E end where is htex the five terms represent the hot htex + Ehot end power dissipated by ,, ' ^ ' the ambient end, the ambient heat exchanger, the prime mover stack, the hot heat exchanger, and the hot end, respectively. — Using results for the five terms from Swift's review article [Ref. 1], expressions can be found on the right-hand side of Equation We 6. begin with Swift's expression for the acoustic power generated by a short thermoacoustic engine [Ref. 1 Equation 80] W = | Itf 2 Axco cos (kx) — ' Pm C (7) > G-0 1+ ( \ o+//y y -1 Ol 5K (lW^)(l-8 v /y 0+ 5*/2y* where e s = p m cp 8K / p s cp 8 S , J (l-5 v /y T = VT / VT cril VT =AT Ax = / , tan (kx) +5'/2y' (T hol - T amb )/Ax, and T{3 „_ = — VT cnt - coc crit cot . assumed the radian 5v, »6 y this and / (8) . in deriving this expression that the stack is short wavelength (Ax K kx l+//y cP It is . »5 S) is « compared X/2k), the boundary layer approximation (y valid and that AT equation differs from Swift's in that « T. It to >> should be pointed out that we assume the pressure to vary as cos(kx), rather than sin(kx). Two before it modifications, involving conventions, must be can be applied to our problem. W in Equation 7 is made to positive Equation 7 when power is generated. power is However, the convention dissipated. Hence, E = - W. in Equation 5 E is that is Finally, the sign convention of reversed relative to Swift's convention because we this AT must be measure x from the will ambient end, whereas Swift measures x from the hot end. accommodate when positive order to In change, a minus sign will be introduced in front of I\ With we these conventions in mind, arrive at an expression for the acoustic power dissipated by a short thermoacoustic engine 1 -n5 K Axco E= 4 2 ——cos p (kx) Pn/ (9) 2 A Cr-0, ( 1 + Ol + , (lW^)(l-6 v /y 0+ 5-/2y') sv 5 I Again following Swift, the contribution * : to * (l + //y o) ^ The justification for letting T= these parts of the prime mover. //y ) The term accounts for the increase If there is no stack then assumes the role of y mean is that this in the term 0, / = that the 0, power the temperature Equation 9 by the is absence of the stack. «y - uniform throughout / = is that volume velocity upon entering in unnecessary. dissipated and assuming that 5 V justification for setting in (kx) Equation 6 from the ambient per unit area e of the resonator can be found by dividing r= 2 - S v /y +5*/2y*) and hot ends of the resonator can be found by realizing surface area of the engine IlAx, setting ^tan tan the (1 + the stack. Finally, the tube radius R For the frequencies, gases, pressures, and tube radius of interest, 6\-/R in on the order of 10" 2 to 10" 3 . These modifications to Equation 9 yield, for the power dissipated per unit area of the resonator € = — 6^.0) VJ[ cos (kx) 2 4 ( 1 ^ + ^(l + // yoJ +e sJ (10) tan'(kx) K Integration of this expression over the surface area of the ambient and hot ends of the resonator yields expressions for E*jJ and Eamb = P A 0)LS8 K (y-l) 2 end 4p m c x amb L R (1+C,)L Pa coLSS. + f x amb Ejjjj in ( 2kx amb) kL (11) 6k sin(2kx amb ) 1) L (l+ej kL 4p m cR (T- and Ehot = end P A coLS8 K (y-i) 2 (l+e s H 4p m c R + L-x hol P A coLS5 v L - x hot 2 4P m ^ kL (12) sin(2kx hol ) kL R The thermophysical + 5 k (Y-l) L (1+eJ properties are to be evaluated for either the ambient or hot end, depending on which term The sin(2kx hot ) is to be computed. contributions to Equation 6 from the ambient and hot heat exchangers found by setting T= in Equation 9 (because the temperature is assumed to is be uniform across the heat exchangers) and substituting the result into Equation The 5. result is Eamb/hot= P A con5 K Ax (Y-l) 2 COS (kx) htex ' (l 4 Pm C + O + 8v (i + '/y„)' tan (kx) 5 (13) <(l-8 v /y 0+ V2^ where the geometrical properties of the exchangers and the thermophysical properties are to be evaluated for either the ambient or hot heat exchangers, depending on which terms are The to stack's contribution to be computed. Equation 6 is found by substituting Equation 9 directly into Equation 5 to give P A con5 K Ax 2 cos (kx) 'stack ' 4 Pm C X (14) (y-0 1+ ( hl OI( W^)(l-8 1 Because, as discussed measuring the Q Vjv 8k v /yo+ 5jy2y^) ; later the initial O+'fro)' l-5 v /y 0+ V2yJ phases of this experiment consist of of an empty, rigidly terminated, cylindrical resonator, an expression for the Q of such a system. The tan (kx) losses in the we give empty resonator can be found by integrating Equation 10 over the surface area of the entire resonator. Substitution of the result into Equation 5 yields 1 Qempty 5 K (Y-l) SV RfJ+e) R where identical to Swift's result [Ref. is In order to obtain the in the s J v tube Q 25 K (Y-D L (l + e)' s' ^^ v 1 Equation 91]. of the prime mover, will be driven at frequencies it neighborhood of a resonance with a high impedance source and measure the amplitude of the output of a high impedance receiver. Both the source and receiver are located at the rigid end of the ambient section of the prime mover, i.e. at x = 0. The fitting function is found by considering the acoustic impedance The driver used seen by the driver. measurements in these transducer, which acts as a constant displacement source, constant. The volume velocity of the driver Ud is if is an electret the driving voltage given by U D =^ D S D co=V D co, (16) where ^d and Sd are the displacement and surface area of the respectively. is Vd is, therefore, the volume displaced by equal to the product of the acoustic impedance acoustic impedance is Z and at x = the driver. the volume driver, The pressure velocity. The impedance by Z = Z m /S 2 related to the mechanical Therefore, the complex pressure amplitude is is - given by 2 p(0) = ^E^-cotkL, where use has been made of Equation 2. 10 (17) The magnitude of = the pressure at x pm p = |p(0)| = Using the relation k= to co and Q co/c, thus is LV D 2 kL kL cot -^V-^ koL= n and Q=C0o/2ac, (18) the factor kL can be related by kL=7C ,i^__L co By further defining A = pm Vd L of the three parameters A, Q, and co 2 / S, co A Equation 19 can be expressed in terms as cot p= (19) 2QJ J- «U" CO (20) CO, 71 I" «o A three parameter, least squares to obtain Q and co 1 , of this function to the measured data arise as to the validity of using the is used assumptions associated in particular, that the losses, represented of the complex propagation constant (k = k along the length of the tube. The answer 2/ for the analysis discussed below. The question may with Equation fit 'I 2< Such lies in the fact that the is - by the imaginary part ia), are distributed uniformly certainly not the case in the prime mover. quantity of interest 11 is the frequency response of the prime mover, not the variation of the acoustic pressure with distance, or even the absolute acoustic pressure in the prime mover. Over a small band of frequencies, the pressure amplitude at a particular point should depend only on the total attenuation in the tube, not on of the relation to a= co/2Qc, a its spatial distribution. we use is made represents the effective absorption coefficient due uniformly distributed losses that would give the same measured. As long as When Q as the one actually limit ourselves to finding the frequency response, the formalism associated with Equation 1 is valid. 12 EXPERIMENT APPARATUS AND PROCEDURE III. The primary goals mover below onset are to measure the quality factor of the heat driven prime as a function of the mean gas pressure and the applied temperature difference, and the waveform of the sound generated above onset. In order to gain confidence in our ability to measured the Figure 2. Q factor, of a simple configuration called the resonant tube, shown we in This resonant tube was then modified by adding the ambient heat exchanger and changing the upper portion stack and the hot heat exchanger. driven prime mover. above onset. A to one consisting of the prime mover This configuration (Figure 3) final configuration This configuration mover, except transducer. measure the quality is was built to resonant tube. (B) is called the heat observe the behavior virtually identical to the heat driven that the electret driver is replaced This chapter is prime by a high intensity pressure divided into four sections as follows: (A) The The heat driven prime mover. (C) Temperature control equipment. (D) Instrumentation and procedure. A. THE RESONANT TUBE 1. The Tube The tube is made from two 3.82 cm ID copper brass ambient heat exchanger container. 11.4 cm and 88.1 cm long. The two The other end of the tubes, separated by a sections of copper tube are two sections are fitted with flanges which allow them to be soldered to the ambient heat exchanger container. The total length of the resonator, including the heat exchanger container, 13 is L= 1.02 m cm ID = 3.82 Gosed Cap It*- haaa p Tnhp iudc Microphone ^"PPcr Figure 2 - '^ < 1 Ambient Heat Exchanger Container Copper Tube The resonant tube configuration L= 1.00 m ID = 3.82 cm "I Prime Mover Stack Ambient Heat Exchanger feh : *$ 7 Thermocouple Hot Heat Exchanger Figure 3 - The Heat Driven Prime Mover 14 1.02m (internal dimensions). section, forming a closed, However, The driver and is this is soldered to the end of the shorter There also a copper end cap for is cap houses an electret driver and a tiny is epoxied connected to a gas handling system, through a valve evacuated the resonator before In order to sense the OMEGA gauge and an to the 2. fill A with helium. filling mean pressure The in the ambient A vacuum pump system vent is also inside the tube, a dial pressure Model PX304-150AV pressure transducer are connected line. Driver and Microphone It is desired that the impedance of the end cap containing the driver and microphone be large compared to the highest acoustic impedance of the standing wave. This requirement can be accomplished by using electret designs. cm in the to the section of tube. heat exchanger container, to allow pressurization with helium. provided. electret microphone are flush mounted and sealed The end cap end cap with epoxy. resonator copper cap rigid, termination. the longer section. microphone. A electret transducer signal is provided was constructed for use as the acoustic driver. An The input by a Hewlett Packard Model 8904A Multifunction Synthesizer and amplified by a Techron Model 7520 power amplifier. A tiny, 0.594 diameter, Panasonic electret microphone was used to sense the response. output signal B. is 1.9 cm The amplified by a signal amplifier with an open loop gain of 100. THE HEAT DRIVEN PRIME MOVER As explained in the previous chapter, the heat driven prime of hot and ambient heat exchangers and a prime described in this section. 15 mover stack. mover consists These devices are The Heater Section and Hot Heat Exchanger 1. The purpose of mover As shown stack. a nickel heater section 3.82 to cm ID, 5.00 accommodate cm supply heat to the prime Figure 4, the hot end of the prime mover consists of in The heater and a heat exchanger. long, nickel tube. One end section consists of a of the tube is capped and drilled other end of the heater section contains the heat exchanger consisting of 25, 0.051 cm thick, 0.762 each pair of adjacent plates cm long nickel plates. The gap between Between each 0.102 cm. is stainless steel spacers with a length of 0.102 cm 304 plates there is a and a diameter of 0.031 cm. The Ambient Heat Exchanger 2. impose In order to stack, an ambient heat exchanger is employed to maintain one end of the stack The construction of similar to the hot heat exchanger, except it stacks separated by a 0.15 cm gap as shown this heat exchanger has a length of 1.02 The ambient heat exchanger copper plates. prime mover a temperature gradient across the a constant ambient temperature. 25 is to a thermocouple probe, used to sense the hot heat exchanger The temperature. the hot heat exchanger in cm very and contains actually consists of Figure is two such 5. The Prime Mover Stack 3. This stack is the heart of the heat driven prime mover. A temperature gradient will be established across this stack to supply the required heat flux. shown at in Figure 6, the prime mover stack consists of a cylindrical stainless shell containing 35, 0.25 by 0.079 cm A cm thick 304 stainless steel plates 3.42 cm As steel long spaced . complete prime mover stack is listing of the specifications of the heat exchangers and the provided in Appendix C. 16 The Hot Heat Exchanger nAx Figure 4 - = 0.0113 m2 The Nickel Heater Section 17 0.15 T 1 cm T 2.19 cm U 3.82 cm 1.02 cm FIAx = 0.017 m' Figure 5 - The Ambient Heat Exchanger B3 E= T 3.42 i cm i I~LAx Figure 6 - = 0.072 m' Prime Mover Stack Container 18 C. TEMPERATURE CONTROL EQUIPMENT Control of the temperature gradient across the prime mover stack OMEGA by an Model 9151 miniature microprocessor temperature is achieved controller, a HBA Model 202040 heater and a Neslab Model RET-110 constant temperature bath. The heater was mounted in Figure 7, to surround the nickle heater section. As shown output of the temperature controller was fed to a voltage divider and then connected to the Amplitude Modulation input of the function generator. Output from the function generator power amplifier. through Water water jacket a is then connected to the heater through a circulated by the is temperature constant which surrounds the ambient heat exchanger. bath The water pipe was also wrapped around the long section of the prime mover maintain a uniform temperature. A type K thermocouple is soldered to the hot heat exchanger to sense the temperature of the hot end. thermocouples were glued the prime mover to the top, to sense the the resistance of a thermistor difficult for Three type is The reference found by using a 4-wire method to measure mounted on an isothermal aluminum block. It is an operator to monitor temperature using these thermocouples because their outputs give voltages rather than actual temperature. order to monitor actual temperature directly, two type thermometers were glued on bottom of the prime mover. maximum E middle, and bottom of the long section of temperature along that section. temperature for the whole system to to the With Therefore in E thermocouples ambient heat exchanger container and the this temperature control equipment, the deviation of the applied temperature difference 19 is 1 °C. a: - E c ft. < <u E a '5 a* o w ft. PC os pa -. e j < p2 O o c c o B s 2 1 Z uJ o U H u 3 4—1 — £ >4-J 3 CD 20 D. INSTRUMENTATION AND PROCEDURE As discussed at the beginning of this chapter, the primary goal the quality factor of the prime mover. was prime mover to drive the frequency near resonance and measure the at a steady state frequency response was obtained. fit measure The measurement technique employed steady state amplitude of the microphone output signal. squares is to The Q is In this manner, the determined by a least of the ideal response to this data. The measurements consisted of measuring the Q three phases. of the empty resonant tube. Q of the prime difference below onset. waveform of The mover third and first phase consisted of The purpose of give confidence in the measurement technique. measuring the The this phase was to The second phase consisted of as a function of applied temperature final the acoustic signal produced phase consisted of measuring by the prime mover above onset. the The instrumentation and procedure was for each of these three phases are discussed in this section. 1. The Empty Resonant Tube The experimental setup performed by an PC AT is shown through a HP 3457A GPIB the controlling program, a source signal the electret driver. custom-made 3457A Figure compatible computer. with the SR-530 lock-in amplifier, the multifunction synthesizer in is 8. The data acquisition The computer communicated multimeter and the interface. Through HP 8904A the execution of supplied by the function generator to The output voltage from the microphone was amplified by signal amplifier. All data signals of interest were fed to a multimeter. The output of the HP 3457A was 21 is used as the data input a HP to the A KIKUSUI COS6100A computer. oscilloscope signal to the electret and the output signal Before the data acquisition opened and the system is was used from the signal amplifier. the valve connected to the tube is started, pumped down and refilled When is ASM An Model 110 then used to ensure no leakage exists. the automatic data acquisition begins, the voltages from the is with helium to the desired pressure three times in order to purge undesired gases. turbo helium leak detector monitor the input to program PX-304 pressure transducer and converts initially takes to actual pressure. Next, the approximate resonance frequency and the half power bandwidth are entered into the computer, which then determines the start and stop frequencies and the frequency increment. After the valve turned on and the data acquisition is is started. closed the function generator The program frequency and measures temperatures, frequency, imaginary part of the signal amplitude). It and repeats the process. The time required X and sets Y is the driving (the real and also calculates frequency increment to measure the frequency response is approximately 5 minutes. As discussed frequency is earlier, the resonance behavior of the tube as a function of given by 2 p= where P is cot (kL) Mh the acoustic pressure of the tube, kL=7i[co/(Ou+i/(2Q)]. A (21) kL least squares fit is A performed 22 is a scaling constant, and to obtain fo, Q, and A. 2. The Prime Mover below Onset The setup shown is shown in Figure 7 (the same portion with Figure 8 The measurement was performed here). measurement performed follows: earlier with the simple resonant tube After that measurement, the heater and then encased as was mounted around in insulating material. is First, not the was repeated. the nickel heater section The temperature controller and the constant temperature bath were turned on and set with a specific temperature. After thermal equilibrium magnitude of the input is achieved, the data acquisition started. The power was determined by taking the product of electrical the voltage and current. is The current was measured through a Tektronix Model P6021 current probe. Since the quality factor increases with temperature, the synthesizer was replaced by a frequency resolution. This HP 3325A HP 8904 function generator to get better measurement was repeated with increasing temperature until sound was generated. 3. The Prime Mover above Onset This configuration (Figure 9) was built to observe the behavior of the sound generated above onset. The long section of the prime mover was replaced by a different section of identical length which has an 5 piezoresistive pressure transducer The transducer is A back volume to eliminate Model 8510B- screwed through the center of the end cap. housed within another cap which brass flange. ENDEVCO high impedance leak is is bolted to the end cap with provided between the resonator and the dc pressure difference with pressure differences. 23 little effect on acoustic In this phase of the experiment, state electrical (1) the power input HP 3314A time. , set to 900 °C to After reaching heat equilibrium the data acquisition HP Tektronix Model to measure the steady This task was accomplished as follows: is started. ensure the heater was turned on i.e. the temperature of hot The output pressure transducer was amplified by an connected to a was desired function generator was set up with a small constant voltage. was (2) the controller to the heater. it 3457 A Multimeter and a 2445A oscilloscope AM signal 502 to constant differential amplifier and signal analyzer. A monitor the output signal and the dc voltage supplied to the differential amplifier. 24 is from the piezoresistive HP 3561 Dynamic was used end the all o =3 C 5 o O v_y Z < 2 < ?as e - ^^? ir C sio a . 3 E- D o C ho -6 JO -e o £ © *© I© 1© I© i© V^ \J c o < o X f <E ^ 0* u u Mo © ^ O b as c 2 £ c c E C 3D0 ir, 25 O € oc o C o o ir. > O 3 — c o 3 o o u 3 26 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS IV. The results of the three phases of the The discussed in this chapter. presented first, results for the experiment will be presented and results for the empty resonator tube will be followed by those for the prime mover below onset. Finally, the prime mover above onset will be presented. Investigation of the empty resonator tube and the prime mover below onset both involve determining the resonance frequency and the quality factor from the measured frequency response. shown in Figure 10, which the electret microphone particular data set across the stack, The frequency and from Although this as a function of drive frequency. mover with °C temperature difference a 198 representative of the data obtained under in the figure are the Q is a graph of the amplitude of the voltage output for the prime it is of the frequency response data solid curve represents the ideal response based Also indicated A. is is An example on the fit all to conditions. Equation 21. estimated errors of the fitted resonance values. THE EMPTY RESONANT TUBE The Q's of mean gas modes of the first three pressure ranging from approximately 170 to 500 kPa. plotted in Figure 11, gas pressure. which is a graph of The square root of the Q represent the theoretical is Q as Q <*1 / 6V <* P m 1/2 The 27 is . 16. for results are versus the square root of the computed from Equation quite good, although there The mean gas pressure was chosen abscissa because, as seen from Equation 16, agreement empty resonator were measured the mean as the solid lines In general the a tendency to slightly over predict the Q, indicating the presence of unaccounted losses. each pressure. In at The estimated Two measurements were made but a few cases the two results all error of the fit is fall on top of one another. no larger than the size of the symbols representing data points. An indication of terminated tube the measured 0.01 m. As c empty resonator behaves all % this to an ideal, rigidly graph the ratio of is resonance frequency to the ideal frequency = 1008 ms* 1 seen, approximately 0.4 closely the given in Figure 12. The ordinate of (fitted) computed using ± is how (the sound speed of helium of the values are within 2 to 3% at f 20 °C) and of 1.00. An = nc/2L, L= error of can be attributed to the fact that the actual temperature of An resonator during the measurements was closer to 18 °C than 20 °C. additional source of error was 1.02 may be due to the fact that the total length of 1 .02 m arrived at by adding the individual lengths of the ambient end, the ambient heat exchanger container, and the hot end measured separately before the resonator was assembly by soldering the three parts together. did not fit together exactly, the actual length of the resonator may have been unassembled length. slightly longer than the B. If the three parts THE PRIME MOVER BELOW ONSET The results of the mode below measurements of the onset for five different 13 through 17, which across the stack. The show 1/Q mean Q of the prime mover's fundamental gas pressures are presented in Figures as a function of the temperature difference solid line represents the theoretical prediction using Equation 6 and 11 through 14, which are based on the boundary layer The calculation of assumption and the short stack approximation. contributions from the ambient and hot end 28 is straightforward. the The thermophysical properties of the gas are computed using either the ambient or hot end temperature, whichever In order to calculate the appropriate. is contributions from the heat exchangers, x in Equation 13 is set equal to the location of the center of the heat exchanger, and again the thermophysical properties of the gas are temperature, whichever from the stack. stack, x in was computed using In order to appropriate. Equation 14 is set compute the contribution the stack is accounted for in the Other than the propagation constant, the only temperature dependent quantities depths. end equal to the location of the entrance to the The temperature gradient across following manner. either the ambient or hot in Equation 14 are the thermal and viscous penetration In order to account for their temperature converted into a differential by replacing Ax by dependency, Equation 14 dx. By assuming is a linear temperature gradient across the stack, the temperature dependence of the penetration depths can be converted into an x dependence. Q computed by numerically is integrating the differential The reciprocal of the form of Equation with x-dependent penetration depths, along the length of the stack. 14, The interpretation of this computation is that, in the short stack limit, the acoustic parameters in the stack are determined by their values only modification necessary the stack is at the stack entrance. presence of to adjust the particle velocity for the and the viscous boundary layer. Before the integration of the penetration depth can be accomplished, necessary to determine performing a from an its temperature dependence. This dependence least squares fit to viscosity NBS table [Ref. 6]. penetration depths in helium The is that The 5 T 29 is found by and thermal conductivity data obtained result for both the thermal «= is it - 85 . and viscous There are several important features evident overall agreement decreasing is mean gas the losses at in Figures 13 to 17. The good, through the quality of the agreement diminished with pressure. In each case, there is a tendency to over predict low temperature difference. pressure, the data tend to tail Finally, at the lower values of gas off near onset, a feature not predicted by the theory. In order to understand the discrepancies discussed above, the validity of the approximations must be investigated. For the fundamental mode, the short stack approximation is only about 10 well satisfied because the length of the prime % As of the radian wavelength. mover boundary layer approximation high mean is valid. and starts to fail when the If is plotted as y /5 K ^1.5 the For the viscous penetration depth, gas pressure the boundary layer assumption assumption 18. mean gas is is at well satisfied, but this pressure decreases. layer assumption for the thermal penetration depth is boundary layer for the assumption, the penetration depth for the average stack temperature a function of the temperature difference in Figures 17 stack The boundary not satisfied very well at any pressure. In order to determine if there is any connection between the failure of the boundary layer approximation and the tailing off of the data at pressures, the 1/Q data are replotted in Figures 20 through 24. these figures represent a linear least squares data, where the viscous the 500, 376, and fit to the The low gas solid lines in low temperature difference boundary layer approximation is valid. These lines fit 308 kPa data well over the entire range of temperature differences, as might be expected from the fact that the boundary layer approximation is valid in these cases at almost 30 all temperature differences below onset. at However, the 239 and 170 kPa data begin to depart from the straight lines an approximate temperature difference of 200 and 100 °C, respectively. Referring to Figure 18, these are the same points where the approximation begins to The fail. results for the second and third modes of the prime mover are given in Figure 25 through 28 with two different pressures of 308 kPa and 170 kPa. The agreement is not very good, probably because the short stack approximation violated at high modes. % 20 and 30 In the second and third of the radian wavelength. modes the prime mover stack Although the quantitative agreement poor, the theory does predict the correct dependence of 1/Q at AT = AT and is is is at onset. THE PRIME MOVER ABOVE ONSET C. This final series of data contains the results above onset for the prime mover. Figures 29 and 30 show the waveform and the spectrum of the sound generated by the prime mover above onset. The mean gas pressure temperature difference across the stack is 325 °C which is is The 307 kPa. slightly above onset. The signal exhibits slight distortion, particularly in the positive cycle (Figure 29). Figure 30 shows that the difference in spectrum level between the modes is larger than 15 dB. difference of 368 °C. The Figures 31 and 32 signal is show first results for a temperature distorted even further and there energy stored in (Figure 33) distorted sharply in both positive and negative half-cycles. 34 is high modes. illustrates the between for the At a temperature difference of 453 °C, spectrum for the same signal. The difference first few modes has decreased further energy has been spread to higher modes. 31 few in to less than is more the signal Figure spectrum levels 6 dB and more The signals shown in these figures have very high amplitude. The peak positive pressure in Figures 29, 31, and 33 are approximately 3.3, 13.5, and 24.2 kPa, respectively. 7.9% of mean gas These amplitudes correspond pressure. 32 to approximately 1.1, 4.4 and — c Z5 CD CO cn IT) cn CD O ID in ,/T CD rr in CTi »-» m CD OJ ID II n 13 _-0 r>j -- CD CO < o S in cu =3 CU c_ m 13 m to o If) IT) Xi cn in CD o in \ o \ in ————— ——— r~-in«jDininin"vinminoj i i i i i i i i to W in cr> i h s oJ a> cn o > e *—' a. cn 03 ex Figure 10 - A t> pica] least squares r 33 fit of Q T 160 o 140 n 120 - 100 - 80 - 60 - • • Fundamental Second mode Third mode Q 40 400 P Figure 11 700 600 500 - 2 m ( Pa2 ) Resonant tube with helium 34 800 l.UU o r" —I ' 1 1 Fundamental 0.99 o • Second mode D 0.98 D Third mode • D • D • D • D 8 • 0.97 0.96 n qc; 400 i i 1 1 P^ Figure 12 - i 700 600 500 1 l (Pa J) Resonant tube with helium 35 800 0.03 0.02 - 1 ^ Q 0.01 - 0.00 - -0.01 200 100 300 DeliaT (°C) Figure 13 - Prime mover with helium at 500 kPa (the fundamental mode) 36 400 0.03 0.02 - 0.01 - Q 0.00 - -0.01 200 100 300 DeltaT(°C) Figure 14 - Prime mover with helium at 376 kPa (the fundamental mode) 37 400 0.04 0.03 - 0.02 - Q 0.01 - 0.00 - -0.01 200 100 400 300 DeltaT (°C) Prime mover with helium 308 kPa (the fundamental mode) Figure 15 - 38 at 0.04 i L » i ' - 0.03 0.02 _ 0.01 - ~ <fr\ Q • 0.00 - -0.01 xj^ « -0.02 i 200 100 i i i 300 400 DeltaT (°C) Prime mover with helium 238 kPa (the fundamental mode) Figure 16 - 39 at 0.05 Q -0.01 - -0.02 200 100 400 300 DeliaT (°C) Figure 17 - Prime mover with helium 170 kPa (the fundamental mode) 40 at I 3.0 2.0 X D O A h°v L' Do oo, D *X A A, 1.0 'Oo o to. 'MB, .X K 5.. kPa kPa kPa kPa 500 kPa 170 238 308 376 xy *x °oo 0( ooo " Aaaa >w«r*^aa XX XXXxx xxxxx^xx EDQD ^ *xxxx x - 0.0 200 100 Delta 300 400 T (°C) Figure 18 - Ratio of the plate half-gap to the viscous penetration depth Vs. temperature difference 41 X A o oo yo XX 8„ 1 170 kPa 238 kPa 308 kPa 376 kPa 500 kPa Oo o °D D Xx xxx oooi AAAa - XXXxx xxxx 200 100 Delta 300 BDrt xxxjc 400 T (°C) Figure 19 - Ratio of the plate half-gap to the thermal penetration depth Vs. temperature difference 42 0.03 0.02 - 0.01 - Q 0.00 - -0.01 400 Figure 20 - Prime mover with helium at 500 kPa (the fundamental mode) 43 7" 0.03 1 ' 1 1 l 8s. 0.02 • - ^vO • - h 01h CL^ 0.00 - 0.01 i 1 200 100 Delta I 300 T (°C) Figure 21 - Prime mover with helium at 376 kPa (the fundamental mode) 44 400 0.04 0.03 0.02 - Q 0.01 - 0.00 - 0.01 200 100 Delta 300 T(°C) Figure 22 - Prime mover with helium at 308 kPa (the fundamental mode) 45 400 0.04 0.03 - Q 0.02 - 0.01 - 0.00 - 0.01 - 0.02 200 100 Delta T(°C) Figure 23 - Prime mover with helium 238 kPa (the fundamental mode) 46 400 300 at 0.06 -0.02 200 100 400 300 Delta T(°C) Figure 24 - Prime mover with helium 170 kPa (the fundamental mode) 47 at 0.03 T i i o 0.02 - i o ^***^»„^ " 8 o Q 0.01 - 0.00 - -0.01 1,1, 1 200 100 400 300 DeltaT (°C) Figure 25 - Prime mover with helium 308 kPa (the second mode) 48 at 0.03 0.02 - 0.01 - Q 0.00 - 0.01 400 Figure 26 - Prime mover with helium 308 kPa (the third mode) 49 at 0.04 1 1 1 - I ' 1 0.03 sO 0.02 - I" V 1 fc Q 0.01 1 o - o • j , 1 -0.01 1 1 200 100 400 300 DeltaT (°C) Figure 27 - Prime mover with helium 170 kPa (the second mode) 50 at -»- 0.04 1 1 ">-T '~^f—, I o o 0.03 o 0.02 Q 0.01 - "\° ° - X; » 0.00 - 0.01 ' 1 1 1 200 100 1 300 DeltaT (°C) Figure 28 - Prime mover with helium at 170 kPa (the third mode) 51 400 O UD -p in r-l O > > E E Figure 29 - Waveform > n h \ of the sound generated by the prime temperature difference of 325 °C 52 O d < OJ in x CD II-.. mover at a m x Figure 30 - Spectrum of the sound generated by the prime mover temperature difference of 325 °C 53 at a i o E ID <e-l > (J E o c\j o o 4-J > i— »— i C\J > e Figure 31 O ro c < n e - Waveform of the sound generated by the prime temperature difference of 368 °C 54 mover at — N O Z .. LT o i- ro n ^ < hCD X K-t . i Figure 32 - ovei Spectrum of the sound generated by the prime mover • temperature difference of 368 °C 55 at a . 01 Figure 33 - Waveform of the sound generated by the prime mover temperature difference of 453 °C 56 X at a C/D Figure 34 - Spectrum of the sound generated by the prime mover temperature difference of 453 °C 57 at a X SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS V. A. SUMMARY The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the work output of The experimental approach was thermoacoustic prime mover. a heat driven to measure the frequency response of both a simple resonant tube and a prime mover for a variety of values for across the prime mean mover yield the quality factor stack, least squares which can be compared results are reported of the prime to A stack. fit to a the frequency response to predictions based on a short boundary layer approximation theory. The kPa gas pressure and applied temperature difference mover in measurements made on the lowest three modes of helium for mean gas pressures between approximately 170 500 kPa and the applied temperatures between zero and waveform of the sound generated onset. by the prime mover above onset The at a signal mean gas pressure of 307 kPa are also reported. The overall results can be tube have at most 3% summarized difference Results of the resonant as follows. with theory. measurements generally agree with predictions For the prime mover, the for the fundamental mode except close to onset where the boundary layer approximation is not satisfied very well. This agreement between measured and predicted results worsens with decreasing mean gas pressure. Agreement is poor for the second and pressures used, the source of the discrepancy short stack assumption at higher modes. 58 may arise Finally, the third modes for all from the violation of the sound generated by the prime mover above onset has been noticeably distorted. The distortion becomes more severe as the temperature difference increases. CONCLUSIONS B. Several conclusions can be drawn from our results. that the method used to Q determine the The first conclusion is works well judging by the close agreement between theory and measurement for the simple resonant tube. The second conclusion is boundary layer theory describes the that short stack, fundamental mode of the prime mover below onset fairly well. There is generally good agreement with theory for low temperature differences, although the agreement worsens worsen as mean gas somewhat as onset is approached. The agreement pressure decreases, probably due to the break viscous boundary layer approximation. A down also of the third conclusion is that the short stack theory does not adequately describe higher modes, although the theory shows the same qualitative features as measurement. The final conclusion is that the sound generated by the prime mover above onset exhibits a great deal of nonlinear distortion. Reasons for this are not fully understood. RECOMMENDATIONS C. In order to gain better understanding of the thermoacoustic process and to determine the source of discrepancy, particularly for higher modes and the region close to onset, several recommendations are proposed as follows: • Use • Determine whether the nonlinear distortion seen above onset is primarily due to the presence of high amplitude waves in the resonator, independent of the presence of the stack, or if the stack is the dominant source of the theory not approximations. a limited by short distortion, or if both play equal roles. 59 stack and boundary layer APPENDIX PARTIAL LISTING OF THE PHYSICAL A. PROPERTIES OF HELIUM TABLE p T MPA K 0.170 0.238 0.308 0.376 0.507 293 293 293 293 293 1: PHYSICAL PREPERTIES OF HELIUM DEN KG/M 3 Cv 0.280 0.392 0.504 0.616 0.833 3123 3123 3123 3123 3123 Cp C M/S J/KG-K 5197 5197 5197 5197 5197 60 1008 1008 1009 1009 1009 [Ref. 6] vise PA-S*E+6 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 COND MW/M-K 152.4 152.4 152.5 152.5 152.6 APPENDIX B. LISTING OF THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS FOR THE PRIME MOVER STACK AND HEAT EXCHANGERS TABLE 2: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS MATERIAL AISI304 DEn(|^) SPECIFIC HEAt(——- ) 3 [Ref. 7-8] COND (^^) 8027 451.9 16.3 8890 8900 443.8 384.0 350.0 STAINLESS STEEL NICKEL COPPER 61 89.9 APPENDIX C. LISTING OF THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE COMPOMENTS AND GEOMETRICAL PARAMETERS OF THE PRIME MOVER TABLE 3: SPECIFICATIONS OF THE COMPONENTS AND GEOMETRICAL PARAMETERS OF THE PRIME MOVER •PRIME MOVER STACK n= n 205.8 cm Ax = 3.50 cm = 148.3 cm TI= 83.7 = 0.950 x hol x stack L= cm m = 0.925m 1.0 cm •HOT HEAT EXCHANGER = 0.0255 cm Ax = 0.762 cm •AMBIENT HEAT EXCHANGER = 0.0254 cm Ax = 2.032 cm •PARAMETERS OF PRIME MOVER / = 0.0125 m 62 = 0.0395 cm / y = 0.051 / y m x aSb = 0.894 m x amb = 0.883 y x hot R= cm = 0.051 cm = 0.946 0.0191 m m LIST OF REFERENCES 1. 2. G. W. Swift, "Thermoacoustic engines," 1145-1180(1988). heat engines," 3. Acoust. Soc. Am Vol. 84, . W. Swift and A. Migliori, "Understanding simple phenomena in thermoacoustics with applications to acoustical John Wheatley, T. Hofler, G. some J. Am. J. Phvs 53, 147-162 (1985). . John Wheatly, T. Hofler, G. W. Swift and A. Migliori, "An instrinsically Vol 74, J. Acoust. Soc. Am irreversible thermoacoustic heat engine," . 153-170(1983). 4. John Wheatley, G. W. Swift and A. Migliori, Los Alamos Science, Fall 1986. 5. L. " " The Natural Heat Engine ." A. R. Frey, A. B. Coppens, and J. V. Sanders, Fundamental of Acoustics ." Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., E. Kinsler, 1982. 6. Helium-4 from 2-1500 K with Pressure to 1000 Atmospheres Washington D. C., NBS Technical Note 631, National Bureau of Standards, 1972. McCarty R. D.. Thermodvnamical Properties of . 7. Allegheny Ludlum Steel corporation, Stainless Steel Handbook Allegheny . Ludlum 8. Steel Corporation, 1956. Weast, Robert C, ed., CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 61 st Boca Raton, Flordia: CRC Press Inc., 1980. . 63 ed., INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST No. Copies 1. Library, Code 0142 2 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA, 93943-5100 3. Prof. A. Atchley, Code 61Ay 5 Department of Physics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA, 93943 4. Dr. T. J. Hofler, Code 61Hf 1 Department of Physics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA, 93943 5. Dr. G. W. Swift 1 Condensed Matter & Thermal Physics Los Alamos National Lab Los Alamos, NM, 87545 6. Henry E. Bass Department of Physics Dr. 1 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA, 93943 7. Prof. S. Baker, Code 61 Ba 1 Department of Physics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA, 93943 8. Prof. S. Garrett, Code 61Gx 1 Department of Physics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA, 93943 64 9. Library of Chung Cheng Institute of Technology Ta-Shih, Tao-Yuan, 33500 Taiwan, R. O. C. 10 Library of Chung San Institute of Science and Technology P.O. Box 1, Lung-Tan, Tao-Yuan, 33500 Taiwan, R. O. C. 11. Dr. Kuo, Shou-Shi Chairman of Department of Vehicle Engineering Institute of Technology Ta-Shih, Tao-Yuan, 33500 Chung Cheng Taiwan, R. O. C. 12. Lieutenant Richard Volkert Naval Underwater System Center Newport, RI, 02841 13. Captain Michael Muzzerall 301 Daniel Place Victoria, British Canada 14. Columbia V9C1W2 LCDRM. D. Kite 709 Bruce Court Herndon, VA, 22070 15. Ao, Chia-Ning 25 Woon-Woo Rd. Tai-Chung, 40403 Taiwan, R. O. C. 16. Captain Lin, Hsiao-Tseng Department of Vehicle Engineering Chung Cheng Institute of Technology Ta-Shih, Tao-Yuan, 33500 Taiwan, R. O. C. 17. LCDR Liu, Wei-Hsin SMC # 2636, Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA, 93943 65 18. LCDR Chen, Chih-Lyeu SMC #1275, Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA, 93943 19. Defense Technical Information Center Cameron Station Alexandria, VA, 22304-6145 5S7 66 GAYLORD S