Parametric Equations Polar, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates Parametric Equations Polar, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordina References I George B. Thomas, Maurice D. Weir and Joel Hass, Thomas’ Calculus, Addison Wesley, 12th Edition, 2009 I James Stewart, Calculus, 7th edition, 2011 Parametric Equations Polar, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordina Parametric Equations I Usually functions are described using cartesian coordinates, also referred to as rectangular coordinates, and cartesian equations in the form y = f (x). I Sometimes it is more convenient and concise to describe functions in a different way, where both x and y are described in terms of another, third variable, e.g. t, x = f (t) and y = f (t). I In this case t is called a parameter and x(t) and y (t) are parametric equations. In general t represents an arbitrary parameter, and not time (although it can be time). I Other commonly used parameters are s, u, v . I If parameters are angles θ (theta) φ or ϕ (both phi), ψ (psi) or α (alpha), β (beta), γ (gamma) might be used. Parametric Equations Polar, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordina Parametric Equation Examples I Example: line y = 2x + 3 x(t) = t (1) y (t) = 2t + 3 (2) or more succinctly I x = t (3) y = 2t + 3 (4) Example: circle x 2 + y 2 = r 2 x = r cos t (5) y = r sin t (6) x = r cos θ (7) y = r sin θ (8) or using θ as the parameter Parametric Equations Polar, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordina Cartesian Coordinates I The cartesian coordinate system specifies points in the plane by ordered pairs (x, y ) which are the distances from two perpendicular axes. 3 2 (1, 2) 1 0 -3 -2 -1 -1 0 1 2 3 -2 -3 I Similarly in 3D ordered triples (x, y , z) are used Parametric Equations Polar, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordina Polar Coordinates I The cartesian coordinate system specifies points in the plane by ordered pairs (x, y ) which are the distances from two perpendicular axes. I Polar coordinates are another way to describe points in the plane, using (r , θ) ordered pairs. I The origin O in polar coordinates is called the pole and a ray starting at O is called the polar axis. The distance r is the length OP and the angle θ is measured counter clockwise from the polar axis. P(r, θ) r O θ polar axis Parametric Equations Polar, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordina Polar Coordinates (cont) I Example: (2, π/6) (2, π/6) 0 1 2 3 Parametric Equations Polar, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordina Polar Coordinates (cont) I In polar coordinates functions are specified as r = f (θ). I Example: r = a is a circle of radius a centred at the pole. I Example: θ = θ0 is a straight line which makes an angle θ0 with the polar axis. I r = cos θ is a unit circle centred at (0.5, 0). Parametric Equations Polar, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordina Polar Coordinates (cont) I Polar coordinates can be converted to cartesian coordinates x = r cos θ (9) y = r sin θ (10) I These are basically parametric equations, where x and y are given in terms of parameters r and θ. I This assumes the pole is at the origin and the polar axis is aligned with the x axis. I And rectangular coordinates can be converted to polar coordinates p x2 + y2 r = x θ = tan−1 y (11) (12) Parametric Equations Polar, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordina Cylindrical Coordinates I Cylindrical polar coordinates, or just cylindrical coordinates, are 3D coordinates formed by adding to polar coordinates a third coordinate z along the longitudinal axis to give (ρ, θ, z) z (r, θ, z) z θ r y x To convert from cylindrical to cartesian coordinates x = r cos θ (13) y = r sin θ (14) z = z (15) Parametric Equations Polar, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordina Spherical Coordinates I Spherical polar coordinates, or just spherical coordinates, are also 3D coordinates given by ordered triples (ρ, θ, φ). z (r, θ, ϕ) ϕ θ r z y x I Again there is a pole or origin O. The radial distance of OP is given by r (or ρ). There are two angles, the azimuthal angle θ which measures the angle of the projection of OP onto the xy plane from the x axis and the polar angle or inclination angle φ which measures the angle of OP from the z axis or zenith direction. Parametric Equations Polar, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordina Spherical Coordinates (cont) I I To convert from spherical coordinates to cartesian/rectangular coordinates x = ρ sin φ cos θ (19) y = ρ sin φ sin θ (20) z = ρ cos φ (21) Again these are essentially parametric equations. Instead of using θ and φ, more general parameters e.g. u and v might be used, and instead of ρ use r , which gives x = r sin v cos u (22) y = r sin v sin u (23) z = r cos v (24) Parametric Equations Polar, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordina Torus I A torus can be similarly be specified using parametric equations with two angles and two radii. Using u and v for the angles, instead of θ and φ (which could equally be used) and R and r for the major and minor radii: x = (R + r cos v ) cos u (25) y = (R + r cos v ) sin u (26) z = r sin v (27) z R r x u y v Parametric Equations Polar, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordina Torus Tangents and Normals A normal vector N on a 2D surface can be calculated as the cross product of two tangent vectors. Tangent vectors may be calculated using partial derivatives in u and v : Pu = ∂P/∂u = ((R + rcosv )sinu, (R + rcosv )cosu, 0) |Pu | = ((R + rcosv )2 sin2 u + (R + rcosv )2 cos 2 u)1/2 = (R + rcosv ) Pu /|Pu | = (−sinu, cosu, 0) Similarly Pv /|Pv | = (−cos u sin v , −sin u cos v , −sin v ) And N = Pu /|Pu | × Pv /|Pv | = (cos u cos v , sin u cos v , sin v ) Parametric Equations Polar, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordina