EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE HOSPITAL Rohini, Sector-15, New Delhi – 110089 Website: www.esic.nic.in F. No. 115/U/16/30/C-Arm./2013 Ph . 27860004 Fax. 27553098 Dated 05.11.15 Fax: 27553098 M/S._____________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ (To be returned on or before from the date of opening till 1:00 P.M. otherwise tender shall not be accepted) Medical Superintendent, ESI Hospital, Rohini, Delhi invites tender under two bid system for the equipments as per specifications and terms & conditions enclosed. Interested firms are requested to collect Tender form with terms & conditions from DMS Office, ESIC Hospital, Rohini, on any working day from 10.00 AM to 3.00 PM and on Saturday from 10.00 AM to 12 noon at the cost of Rs. 500/- (Five Hundred) in the form of Demand Draft /Banker cheque(Nonrefundable) in favour of ” ESIC FUND ACCOUNT NO. 1”. Tender document can also be downloaded from ESIC website www.esic.nic.in in that case DD/Banker Cheque for the cost of tender is to be enclosed with Tender. Tender should be submitted in sealed envelope & super-scribed as ““Tender for Equipment (Name of equipment)” in the office of M.S. ESI Hospital, Rohini, Delhi in the tender box placed in the chamber of Dy. Medical Superintendent on due date of opening up to 1.00 P.M. In case the Tender is sent by post it must reach in the Office of M.S. by up to 1.00 P.M. Proof of postage won’t be considered as a claim for timely submission of tender. The tender shall be opened on the due date of opening at 2.30 P.M. in DMS room in presence of bidders or their representative, who wish to be present. In case due date of opening is declared holiday, bids will be received and opened on next working day at the same time and venue. Medical Superintendent EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE HOSPITAL Rohini, Sector-15, New Delhi – 110089 Ph . 27860004 Fax. 27553098 Website: www.esic.nic.in F. No.:115/U//16/30/C-Arm/2013 Dated : 05/10/2015 Fax: Rohini27553098 Sealed tenders are invited by Medical Superintendent ESI Hospital Sector-15, 110089 for the supply of following items:S.No. 1 2 3 4 Name equipment of C-Arm Image Intensifier Supply of Medical Gases Operating Microscope (Eye) Nd -Yag Laser Total Qty. AMC CMC 01 Yes Yes Tender Cost (Rs.) 500/- ---- ------ ----- 500/- 01 Yes Yes 500/- 01 Yes Yes 500/- in Place supply of ESI Hospital Rohini Delhi ESI Hospital Rohini Delhi ESI Hospital Rohini Delhi ESI Hospital Rohini Delhi Earnest Money in (Rs.) 1,00,000/- Bid System Date of bid’s Opening Two Bid 03/11/2015 15,000/- Two Bid 03/11/2015 50,000/- Two Bid 04/11/2015 30,000/- Two Bid 04/11/2015 Interested firms are requested to collect Tender form with terms & conditions from DMS Office ESIC Hospital Rohini, on any working day from 10.00 AM to 3.00 PM and on Saturday from 10.00 AM to 12 noon at the cost of Rs. 500/- (Five Hundred) in the form of Demand Draft /Banker cheque(Nonrefundable) in favour of “ ESIC FUND ACCOUNT NO. 1” Tender document can also be downloaded from ESIC website www.esic.nic.in in that case DD/Banker Cheque for the cost of tender is to be enclosed with Tender. Tenders complete in all respect, must be deposited in the office of the Medical Superintendent, ESI Hospital, Rohini, Sector 15, Delhi-110089 on or before from the date of opening up to 1.00 P.M. The tenders will be opened on the same day in the chamber of Dy. Medical Superintendent at 2.30 P.M. in the presence of tenderers or their representatives who may like to be present on that day. In case due date of opening of tender is declared as holiday, tenders shall be received and opened on next working day as per the above mentioned schedule. Tenderers are to submit two sealed bids Viz. Techno-commercial Bid and Price Bid separately super-scribing as “Techno-commercial Bid” for Equipment (Name of equipment) due on…………., on first envelope and “Price Bid” for Equipment (Name of equipment) due on ……….. on the second envelope. Both the envelopes should have name of the company quoting the tender, Each and every page of the quotation should be separately numbered and duly signed. Both the envelopes are again to be put and sealed in a single envelope Super-scribing name of equipment and name of company last date of submission of tender addressed to the Medical Superintendent, ESI Hospital, Rohini, sector 15, Delhi-110089 as follows: The tender/s(Technical bid and price bid envelops) should be put in sealed envelope addressed to the Medical Superintendent, ESI Hospital, Rohini, sector 15, Delhi-110089. The envelope should be super-scribed as “Tender for Equipment (Name of equipment) due on ……….. . The contents of Techno Commercial Bid should include following items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Covering letter indicating the list of enclosures. EMD in accordance with instructions as above. Name and detailed specifications of the quoted Equipment with price Blanked. Name and detailed specifications of essential accessories if any with price Blanked. Name and detailed specifications of optional accessories if any with price Blanked. Warranty minimum for Two Years. Rates of AMC and CAMC minimum for 5 years after expiry of warranty. Users List along with performance certificate from installations done in Delhi /NCR Statement of deviation parameter wise from specifications if any. Copy of PAN & latest I.T.R. Statement of deviation parameter wise from tendered conditions, if any. Authority letter from manufacturer/ authorized distributor/ stockiest if applicable. Name and address of nearest authorized service center. Catalogue of the equipment showing the make/model no. and specifications. Declaration/ undertaking on stamp paper as per the Performa enclosed. The contents of price Bid should include following items: The information given at Techno commercial bid should be reproduced in price bid with prices indicated. Rates/Price should preferably be typed both in words as well as in figures, free from erasing, cutting and over-writing. Price quoted should match with the items quoted in technical bid. Each and every page of the quotation be separately numbered and duly signed. Only Techno-commercial bid (Un-Priced bid) will be opened first and shall be referred for the Technical Evaluation. The price bid of only those tenderers whose technical bid is found acceptable by the competent authority will be opened for further action. In case the price quoted cannot be matched with the item/s quoted in technical bid the bid shall be liable to be rejected Rates/Price and S.T./ VAT must be quoted separately .The price should be all inclusive lump sum price offered for each item including cost of the equipment, freight, insurance, transit insurance, packing forwarding etc. and including charges for installation and commissioning with all the men and material required for the same and for the quoted warranty period. The price should be on F.O.R. ESI Hospital Rohini Sector-15 Delhi basis. No other charges in addition will be payable on any account over and above the lump sum price quoted in the price bid except S.T/VAT. The rates quoted in ambiguous terms such as “Freight on actual basis” or “Taxes as applicable extra” or “Packing forwarding extra” will render the bid liable to rejection. The price should be quoted in I.N.R. TERMS AND CONDITIONS GOVERNING CONTRACT 1. The Tenderer must enclose a demand draft/banker Cheque only for a sum of rupees mentioned against each items as earnest money drawn in the favor of ESI Fund A/C No.1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 EMD Deposited with earlier tender if any or in any other form as given, will not be adjusted/accepted against this tender. Tender without EMD or tender cost will not be accepted in any case. Tenderer will have to demonstrate the quoted item if required to Technical Evaluation Committee within the stipulated time frame as and when asked for or as has been mentioned in the tender. The tender shall be liable to be cancelled on non-compliance of this clause. EMD will be released after finalization of tender to unsuccessful bidder/s. Successful bidder has to deposit 10% of the total cost of equipment as performance security with the Medical Superintendent in the form of Demand Draft/ Banker’s Cheque/ Bank guarantee else 10% of the payment due (Rounded-up) shall be with-held which will be released on satisfactory performance of the equipment after expiry of warranty period. Either the authorized Indian agent on behalf of the principal/OEM or principal/OEM itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item/product in the same tender. If an agent submits bid on behalf of one principal/OEM, the same agent shall not submit a bid on behalf of another principal/OEM in the same tender for same item/product. The company will get only one chance for demo. In case the company fails to arrange the demo, the tender shall liable to be cancelled. The date for demonstration shall be fixed with mutual consent on telephone & e-mail the same shall be confirmed in writing and by fax/ e-mail. In any case not more than two weeks time shall be given to arrange for demo. In case demo of the equipment is required the same has to be arranged at Delhi or NCR. Only the item/s of manufacturers or their authorized distributor/stockiest would be considered. Tenderer must provide the telephone no., fax no. and e-mail with tender for all correspondence. The equipment should be guaranteed /warranted for a minimum period of two years or as mentioned in specifications from the date of satisfactory installation, inspection and commissioning. Delivery schedule: - Within 45 days after placement of supply order. If the supplier fails to deliver the goods within the time frame, the consignee shall, without prejudice, deduct from the contract price, a sum equivalent to 0.5% per week of delay or part thereof, subject to a maximum of 10% of the contract price. Once the maximum is reached, the EMD may be forfeited. 16 Firm should undertake to enter into Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) / Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) for equipment as well as for accessories attached for minimum period of five years after completion of warranty period and accordingly quote the rates of AMC/CMC for five years. The rates quoted should be both for Comprehensive (CMC) as well Non Comprehensive (AMC) for five years. Firm should undertake to keep the equipment in running order throughout the year and in case of equipment going out of order during Warranty/AMC or CMC the fault will be attended within 24 hours and rectified within 7days of lodging the complaint. Failure to rectify the fault would entail downtime penalty @ 0.25% of basic cost of equipment per week. 17 Payment of equipment will be made within two weeks after the successful installation, commissioning and training to user department and satisfactory inspection of the equipment. 18 For the equipment where reagents, cartridge, consumables, etc. are required. The price bid must include: A) Rate list indicating the prices and packing prevalent on date of tendering, B) List indicating cost and life of consumables. 19 Photocopy of latest I.T.R. & PAN No. Should be enclosed with the completed tender. 20 Tenderer if not a manufacturer, has to submit manufacturer’s valid authorization certificate. 21 The validity of tender will be for a period of six months from the date of opening. 22 If any accessories like voltage stabilizer/ UPS, water filtration/ purifier/ soften plant etc. are required with the equipment must be quoted with the equipment itself. 23 Rates of spares chargeable may be indicated with the tender. 24 The Medical Superintendent has the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason(s) thereof. 25 The Tenderer is required to submit undertakings as per the Performa enclosed on a nonjudicial stamp paper of Rs.10/-. 26 If the equipment needs calibration, the firm shall be responsible for calibration as part of CMC. 27 Amount of AMC/CMC as the case may be, shall also be considered for arriving at the lowest cost. 28 The firm should undertake that the rates quoted are not the higher than quoted for any other govt. Institution / hospital in Delhi/ NCR. Medical Superintendent UNDERTAKING: (To be submitted in non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10/=) 1 I/We … (Name of authorized Signatory) the undersigned hereby declare and affirm that I/We have gone through the terms and conditions governing the tender and undertake to comply with all terms and conditions. 2 That the rates quoted by me are valid and binding upon me for the period of validity of tender. 3 That the earnest money of Rs._________________ deposited by me/us vide Banker Cheque/Demand Draft no.___________ Dt.__________drawn on………….. (Name of the Bank) is attached herewith. 4 That I/We authorize Medical superintendent to forfeit the earnest money deposited by me/us in case of any delay or failure to supply the article within the stipulated time and the items of desired/quoted quality. 5 That I/We will be in the position to provide Annual Maintenance Contract/Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (AMC/CMC), spare parts, accessories attached and its consumables from the date of satisfactory installation of the equipment till the AMC/CMC period is over. 6 That there is no vigilance/CBI case or court case pending against the firm, debarring my firm to supply of items quoted. 7 That I/We hereby undertake to supply the items as per directions given in supply order within stipulated period. 8 That I/We undertake to maintain the equipment to the satisfaction of user during the period of warranty and guarantee. 9 I/We have been informed that the Medical Superintendent has the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. 10 We (Name of firm) undertake that we will provide 4 (Four) preventive service on quarterly basis during the warranty and AMC/CMC period as offered in our tender and any no. of break down calls shall also be attended within 24 hrs. I also agree that the payment of AMC/CMC shall be made to me on quarterly basis after satisfactory preventive service. 11 I/We agree to deposit 10% amount of cost of equipment in the form D.D. / Bank guarantee towards performance security for the warranty period. 12 The rates quoted are not the higher than quoted for any other govt. Institution / hospital in India. Signature and address of the Tenderer CHECK LIST S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 14. 15. 16. 17. Specifications Authority letter from manufacturer/ authorized distributor/ stockiest Declaration/ undertaking on stamp paper as per Performa enclosed Copy of PAN No. & Latest I.T.R. Whether the equipment quoted meets all specifications or not Any deviation from tendered specifications Additional features if any Nearest place for availability of after sales service User list/List of the installations & performance certificate Relevant catalogues enclosed or not Any deviation from terms and conditions of tender Validity of tender (six months) Total cost of equipment including essential Prices to be accessories blanked in techno commercial bid Rates of sales tax/ VAT etc. --do-Warranty offered (minimum 24 months after --do-successful installation and satisfactory inspection) Rate of AMC year wise minimum for five years --do-after expiry of warranty. Rate of CMC year wise minimum for five years --do-after expiry of warranty. Name of manufacturer and model quoted Prices to be indicated only in price bid --do---do-- --do---do-- Specifications of Operating Microscope (Eye) 1. Continuous motorized zoom operated through foot switch. 2. Control of X-Y movement through foot pedal. 3. Inclinable (Tilt able) binocular surgeon’s tube 4. Motorized foot control for fine focusing. 5. Eye piece(10-12.5 X) 6. Facility for IPD adjustment. 7. Focal Length of objective lens/ working distance should be 175-200mm. 8. Halogen reflector lamp / LED illumination. 9. Protective filters should be present. 10. Excellent resolution/ stereopsis and contrast of the Image 11. Binocular Co-axial assistant microscope. 12. Foot controlled illumination. 13. Maximum arm extension of at least 1200mm. 14. Mounted on mobile Floor Stand with width/ diameter of base not exceeding 850mm. 15. Make-Imported. Specification of Nd-Yag Laser:1. Nd-Yag Laser for Ophthalmic use. 2. Wavelength: 1064 nm. 3. With aiming diode laser 4. Mode: Fundamental/ Fundamental Q Switch/ Q Switch 5. Energy: Range from 0.5 to 10mJ should be available. 6. Spot size: 10micro meter or less 7. Burst mode: 2 to 3 pulses per burst should be available 8. Pulse width/ duration/length: 4 nano second or less 9. Repetition rate: 2 Hz or more 10.Cone angle: 16 degrees 11.Slit lamp for delivery should have 3 to 5 step magnification/ continuously variable magnification 12.CE/FDA certified 13.With electrically / Hydraulically operated motorized table Essential accessories:1.With suitable CVT 2.With imported Abraham lens/lenses for capsulotomy and iridectomy/ iridotomy Specifications of C- Arm Image Intensifier. Mobile image intensifier system with true counter balanced c – arm for fluoroscopy and x- ray operation . High frequency generator. C- Arm unit Orbital movement : 110 degree or more Angulation : + 90 to - 25 degree Imersion depth : 60 cm or more Free space : minimum 75cm or more Source to II : 100cm or more . Power requirement : 220 v/ 240 v +- 10% 50hz . Single phase . System should be EUROPEAN CE , US FDA, AERB approved. should be pest and dust proof sealed unit. Monitor trolley for 2 TFT monitors of size at least 18” or more . X- ray high voltage generator 1.4 KW or more A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J) K) Electrical up & down vertical movement : 45 cm or more Horizontal movement : 20 cm or more Swivel movement : +/- 10deg or more Rotation of C-Arm : 120 deg or more KV range : 40 kv to 110 kv or more Fluoroscopy / mA range : 0.2 to 7 ma or more Fluoroscopy / Radiographic KV range : 40 – 110KV Digital Radiography : 0.2 to 12 mA Pulse Fluoroscopy function radiographic mAs range : 60 mAS or more X- Ray tube should be fit for continuous fluoroscopy for 10 minutes or more. L) Anatomical programme memory M) LED readout for parameter display . N) High capacity stationary anode tube with anode heat capacity 40 KHU or more. O) Small focal spot size: 06.mm P) collimation : iris type with parallel and rotation compensation filters. Q) Beam hardening filter to cut soft x- rays. R) Radiation safety indicator and machine should stop after certain exposure. S) Exposure using hand and foot switch, for radiography and fluoroscopy . T) Radiation on warning light on both C-Arm console and trolley. U) x- ray image intensifier with 9” dual field with grid PB 8/40 V) Laser targeting device. W) TV camera matrix 1024 x 1024 (1kz) X) 2 TFT monitors of at least 18” size medical grade with minimum resolution 1024 X 1024 pixels. Y) Digital image rotation should be possible without x- ray radiation Z) Digital memory should be at least for 200 images and the same should be transferable to the CD in DICOM format . The memory unit should integrated with system / trolley . Accessories - Extra light weight aprons - LEAD .5 mm ,qty – 10 nos Thyroid cover , lead goggles , gonodal shield - 5 each Hangers for 10 aprons. CVT/ Servo controlled stabilizer 5 kva. Spare set of fuses . Operating and service manuals . Storage covers -2 sets . Image testing boards -2pc. Thermal printer with 10 rolls of thermal paper . Cassette holder – 2 no. 2 year warranty followed by CMC for 5 years . All the major components like generator, tube , collimator etc. Should be from the same manufacture . EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE HOSPITAL Rohini, Sector-15, New Delhi – 110089 ` Website: www.esic.nic.in F.No DM(RH)U-16/19/2/ Med. Gases/2003 Fax: 27553098 Dt. 05.10.2015 Cost of Tender: Rs. 500/= Date of Closing of Tender: 03.11.2015 Time of Closing of Tender: 1.00 P.M. Date of Opening of Tender: 03.11.2015 Time of Opening of Tender: 2.30 P.M. TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF LIQUID MEDICAL OXYGEN & GROUP MEDICAL GASES. Medical Superintendent, ESI Hospital Rohini, Sector-15, New Delhi-15. invites sealed bids for the supply of medical gases i, e. Oxygen, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, Nitrogen & Compressed Air etc. in this hospital. Interested firms are requested to download the tender documents from our website www.esic.nic.in.Tender form complete in all respects along with Tender cost of RS. 500/- & EMD of Rs. 15,000/- in the form of DD/ Banker’s Cheque in favour of ESI fund A/c no. 1 must be dropped in the tender box kept in Dy. Medical Superintendent room up to 1.00 P.M. by 03.11.2015. The tender will be opened on the same day i.e. 03.11.2015 at 2.30 P.M. in Dy. Medical Superintendent room. If any representative of the tenderer wishes to be present at the time of opening, he can do so. Tender received late will not be entertained. In case due date of opening is declared as holiday tenders shall be received and opened on next working day as per the above mentioned schedule The tender/s should be submitted in sealed envelope addressed to the Medical Superintendent, ESI Hospital, Rohini, sector 15, Delhi-110089, The envelope should be super-scribed as“Tender for supply of Medical Gases” due on ……….. for ESI Hospital, Rohini, sector 15, Delhi110089.” Tenderers are to submit two bids Viz. Techno-commercial Bid and Price Bid separately superscribing as “Techno-commercial Bid” for supply of Medical Gases DUE ON 03.11.2015 on first envelope and “Price Bid” for supply of Medical Gases due on 03.11.2015 on the second envelope. Both the envelopes should have name of the company quoting the tender, Each and every page of the quotation should be separately numbered and duly signed. Both the envelopes are again to be sealed and put in a single envelope Super-scribing Tender for supply of Medical Gases, name of company and last date of submission of tender (as described on first para above) addressed to the Medical Superintendent, ESI Hospital, Rohini, sector 15, Delhi-110089 Terms and conditions of the contract is enclosed as annexure A & B and specifications at Annexure-C. Prospective interested firms are advised to inspect or visit the site for LMO/VIE, manifold room on any working day i.e. 9 AM to 1 PM till the last date of submission of tenders. Medical Superintendent reserves the right to reject any tender or all without assigning any reason there of Medical Superintendent Annexure-A Terms and Conditions:1. The contract will be valid for 2 years from the date of finalization of tender and same can be extended by the Medical Superintendent on mutual agreement on same terms and conditions till the finalization of next tender or fresh arrangement. Med. Superintendent. reserves the right to terminate contract at any stage if supplies and performance found unsatisfactorily on observation of user department. 2. Earnest money amounting to Rs. 15,000/- must be deposited along with tender form either through Banker’s cheque or Demand Draft in favour of ESIC Fund Account No. 1 payable at Delhi. 3. In the event of withdrawal/ revocation of the tender before the date of acceptance the earnest money will be forfeited. 4. The earnest money will however be returned without interest to the tenderer, where tender is not accepted. 5. The tenderers are advised to submit pre-receipt along with application for refund of EMD, which will be released as soon as tender is finalized. 6. Medical Superintendent reserves the right to cancel the tender at any time without assigning any reason therefore. 7. The place of delivery will be Manifold room (Ground floor) ESI hospital, sector 15 Rohini, Delhi. 8. Any freight and cartage charges will be borne by the contractor for delivering the items. 9. On acceptance of tender, the contractor/supplier shall deposit a sum of Rs. 80,000/-(Rs. Eighty thousand only) as security money for Liquid Medical Oxygen +/ - Group Medical Gases or Rs. 20,000/-(Rs. Twenty Thousand only) for Group Medical gases for fulfillment of the terms and conditions for the contract. The security will be deposited in the form of Demand Draft / banker’s cheque in favour of “ESIC A/c No.1”. & on due satisfactory performance and completion of the contract in all respects, the security money will be refunded to the firm without any interest. 10. Failure or delay in supply of life saving medical gases shall result in financial penalty and any other levies as decided by Medical Superintendent. 11. The tenderer should give an undertaking that if he fails to maintain standards of tank and cylinders, gases and if some mishap occurs, the supplier company shall be responsible for the same. 12. Firm must give an undertaking to the hospital that they will provide uninterrupted supplies as per demand of the hospital. 13. Firm can quote for all or selected gases /LMO for supply. 14. The hospital reserves the right to make an alternative arrangement at risk and cost of the firm if it fails to oblige. 15. The rejected supply if any should be taken and replaced by the supplier within 24 hrs., without causing any interruption to the hospital services. 16. Supply has to be made available between 10.00 AM to 6.00 PM only. 17. In case supply is not received till 6.00 PM the hospital authorities will have the right to purchase Medical Gases from the open market and extra money spent due to rate difference plus cartage charges will be deducted from the performance security and/ or EMD of the supplier. 18. The details of enclosures should be numbered and total pages should be mentioned in the forwarding/ offer letter. 19. Supplier /Manufacturer can visit the available site of existing manifold / LMO Tank in the hospital . 20. Successful bidders would be bound to supply the gases even after completion of tenure on tender rates, terms & conditions till the next tender/fresh arrangement is finalized. 21. In case of disputes, the same shall be referred to any arbitrator appointed by the medical superintendent and the decision the arbitrator will be final and binding to both the parties. The venue of the arbitrator shall be Delhi. Annexure-B Special conditions:1. The firm must be manufacturer/ authorized distributor of medical gases i.e. medical oxygen, nitrous oxide and Medical air and the firm should hold valid manufacturing license for medical gases from the state drug controller as per the provision of drugs and cosmetic act 1940 and rules there under. 2. Firm, should have a valid license for storage, filling and cylinder testing license and other requisite license if any issued by CCE Nagpur as statutory requirement. 3. The tenderer has to ensure compliance of Rule 3 of the gas cylinder rules, 2004 and timely obtain necessary filling permission from the chief controller of explosives under Rule 45 while supplying the cylinders for filling of compressed cryogenic gases, if required. 4. Should have reputation and experience of over last 5 years as Medical Gas manufacturer/ authorized supplier to at least three reputed hospitals of more than 100 bedded, out of which two should be Govt. institute/ hospital supported with certificate issued by the user deptt. along with copy of supply order. 5. Should have provision of full facility for testing and logging for impurities in each batch of manufactured gas. 6. All cylinders should be tested and specified for filling of medical gases by CCE approved test shop. 7. In house facility for regular testing & certification of cylinder/LMO for tare weight Hydraulic pressure tests etc. as per norms for compressed gas cylinders under explosives Act 1981, expenditure will be borne by the supplying company. 8. The firm should have adequate & efficient safe transport along with a depot in Delhi/ NCR region in order to ensure timely supply of medical gases. 9. Vendor supplying liquid medical oxygen should provide 20 medical oxygen bulk ‘D’ type cylinders for the matrix of the manifold as a standby arrangement. 10. The firm should take responsibility to maintain color code of all medical gases cylinders & LMO including those belonging to the hospital. 11. The firm shouldn’t demand separate security, caution money & rent/ maintenance charge, transport charges and holding charges on LMO tank & gas cylinders. 12. The firm should install the LMO tank/vessel & Connect to the manifold pipe line. No installation and uprooting charges will be paid. 13. The firm will be responsible for routine check, maintenance at no extra cost. 14. The installation of LMO vessel will be done on turnkey basis including requisite licenses; it should be procured by supplier on behalf of Medical Superintendent as per applicable rules. 15. The firm should ensure for refilling and supply of all sizes of cylinders for the qualified medical gases (O2, N2O, CO2, Medical Air and Nitrogen) i.e. in A, B,D/Bulk AA bottle type etc. 16. Tenderer are bound to supply the store/ manifold room during the validity of tender at the approved rates. The validity of the tender will be for the period of Two years from the date of finalization of the tender. The rates quoted should be certified as the lowest quoted for any institution in Delhi/NCR in the last 2 years. If the price of any item is reduced due to any reasons during the validity of the tender he will intimate to this office the reduced rates immediately. 17. The vessel should be maintained in such a way to keep natural evaporation rate less than 2%. 18. The firm must provide the authenticated conversion table for its contents (Liquid oxygen) of LMO. 19. MS reserves the right to select different vendors for different gases at most suitable conditions among qualified bidder. 20. Cylinder should have company monogram & to be compliance with CGC rules. Mode of measurement 1. a) Liquid Oxygen will only be received after weighing the tanker before supply at mutually consented Dharam Kanta (Nearest to hospital) along with the receipt. The tanker will be sent again to the same Dharam Kanta on the same day for weighing after refilling the tank in the hospital campus to be installed by the company & Net weight of the Liquid Medical Oxygen supplied to the hospital shall be determined (on production of both receipt duly signed) by subtracting the “weight after supply” from the “weight before supply” on the same day. b) Representative from the hospital may visit the Dharam Kanta from time to time for inspection of gross weight, tare weight and net weight of the Oxygen tanker. Firm will provide necessary cooperation in this matter, no additional charges will be payable from hospital. Medical Superintendent Check List:1. Valid manufacturing licenses for Medical Oxygen (Liquid & Gas) and nitrous oxide (Attested copies) 2. Valid license for storage, filling and testing of cylinders (Attested copies) 3. A CCE approved test shop certificate.(Attested copies ) 4 Experience certificate of 3 reputed hospitals 5 Lowest rate certificate in last 2 years, certifying that the rate quoted are not higher than quoted elsewhere. 6 Non black listing certificate. Certificate stating that the firm has not being black listed in the past and no vigilance or other enquiries pending. 7 Undertaking that uninterrupted supply of gases will be maintained or else alternative arrangement will be made at own risk of the firm. 8 Certificate mentioning total number of vehicles of liquid oxygen transport tank in possession and permission to ply on roads all time. 9 Certificate stating that all term and conditions of tender are acceptable. 10 Catalogue / Complete literature indicating detailed specifications of LMO vessel and cylinders. 11 Performance Report from competent authority of hospital stating uninterrupted supply of Medical gases. Annexure-C Technical Specifications for Medical Gases 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. - Compressed Medical Oxygen. Medical grade I.P. 1996/Latest IP 2010 Certified safe for human use. Purity more than 99.8 % Carbon monoxide less than 5 PPM Carbon-di-oxide not more than 300 PPM Free from halogen, polymer & oxidizing substance & moisture. Should not cause any damage to the materials of cylinders, Gas pipeline, Anesthesia machine and ventilators. Liquid Medical Oxygen :- As per IP 1996/ latest 2010 Should provide safety feature in the line with Global safety as a part of installation Vessel should be of standard material and technology keeping in view of safety & International standard. Vessel Capacity : 2.0 KL- 6.0 KL Approx. water capacity (Single tank) Configuration- Vertical preferred Operating working pressure 10 to 15 kg/cm2 (approx.). Should have compact unit including vessel, vaporizer, & incorporated with audio visual alarm for low content and pressure. Dimension of Vessel-Vendors are requested to visit/Inspect the site so that the tank of requisite dimension can be provided by them to meet our requirement. Consumption approximately 18- 20 D type cylinders / day. Purity- more than 99.8 % Medical grade I.P. Certified safe for human use. Should not cause any damage to gas pipeline, anesthesia machine and ventilators. Should have content indicator and preferably low liquid level alarm with safety system in case of emergency/un-natural calamities. Nitrous Oxide. Medical grade I.P. 1996/Latest IP 2010 Certified safe for human use. Purity 99% in liquefied form. Humidity and other impurities zero percent free from hydrogen sulphide. Free of all forms of reducing and oxidizing substances. Should not cause any damage to the materials of cylinders, Gas pipeline, Anesthesia machine and ventilators. Each batch must have passed tests for alkalinity, arsenic, phosphate and ammonia. Carbon dioxide Medical use & Should not damage any instrument / equipment. Certified safe for human use. Compressed Air Certified safe for human use. Medical grade. Moisture/ oil/ dust free Should not damage any instrument used with it Nitrogen Certified safe for pneumatically powered surgical instruments. Water pump dry nitrogen. Purity 99.97% PRICE BID Performa for inviting tenders & Rates particulars of medical gases. A. Liquid Medical Oxygen 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. LMO (Liquid Medical Oxygen) Tank Capacity ( Weight and Volume ) Evaporation Rate for Maintenance Liquid Medical Oxygen Rate/kg Any Taxes Statutorily Applicable Number of Cylinders provided as backup arrangement B. Medical Gas Cylinders S. No. 1. 2. 3 Compressed Medical Gases Oxygen Cylinders Nitrous Oxide Cylinders A Typ e A Type B Type D Type D Type Carbon Dioxide Cylinders A Type AA Typ e Bottl e Type Compresse d Medical Air D/Bulk Nitroge n Basic Price Per Cubic Meter Rate/kg Any other charges to be specified Note: Rates must be written in figures & words. 1. Net rate to be quoted in the grand total inclusive of all charges. 2. Installation and commissioning of Liquid Medical Oxygen clarification regarding installation of vessels for Liquid oxygen with its capacity with Certificate of the Vessel. 3. The rates at which the cylinder will be delivered in the hospital must be quoted both in the words and figures per cylinder. 4. There should be no revision of rate during contract period except changes in taxes whenever notified by govt. THE ABOVE PERFORMA SHOULD BE FILLED UP DULY SIGNED & TO BE ENCLOSED ALONG WITH THE FINANCIAL BID ONLY AND NOT WITH THE TECHNICAL BID, FAILING WHICH YOUR OFFER WILL BE SUMMARILY REJECTED. Name and Signature of Authorized Signatory with Seal D/Bulk