इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ” “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru IS 8133 (1983): Guidelines for location and operation of operator controls on agricultural tractors and machinery [FAD 11: Agricultural Tractors and Power Tillers] “!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह” है” ह Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” ( Reaffirmed 2004 ) IS:8133 -1983 Indian Standard GUIDELINES FOR LOCATION AND OPERATlON OF OPERATOR CONTROLS ON AGRICULTURAL TRACTORS AND MACHINERY ( First Revision ) Agricultural Tractors and Power Tillers Sectional Committee, AFDC 52 Reprcscnting Chairman Escorts Limited, Faridabad; and Indian Agricultural Engineers, New Delhi PROr &f. ?v’f. hf=HTA Society of Mgmbrrs SHRI A. K. RAXAN ( Alfcrnotr to Prof M. M. Mehta ) DR K. N. SINGE ( Alternate to Prof M. M. Mehta ) DR A. ALAM SHRI A. V. ALEXANDER SHRI K. P. JAIN ( AItrrnatc ) SHRI S. S. BABHULKAR SHRI P. N. BALQUDE ( Alternate SHRI BHUPENDRA Escorts Limited, Faridabad Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers, New Delhi Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi Escorts Tractors Limited, Faridabad Kirloskar Tractors Limited, Nasik ) National Agricultural Co-operative Marketing Federation of India Limited, New Delhi SHRI Y. K. JAIN ( Alternate ) Punjab Tractors Limited, Mohali ( Punjab ) SHRI CHANDRA MOHAN SHRI G. S. RIHAL ( Alternate I ) SHRI_S. S. GREWAL ( Alfnnafr II ) Indian Investment Centre, New Delhi SHRI c. B. CHUQH Tractor Training and Testing Station ( Ministry of SHRI M. R. DEWAN Agriculture ), Budni SEW J. PRASAD ( Alternate I ) SHRI R. S. DASS ( Alternate II ) Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering DIRECTOR ( ICAR ), Bhopal DR R. C. MAHWWARI ( Aftrrnafc ) Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute SHRI K. N. GAUR ( CSIR ). Durgapur State Farms Corporation of India Ltd, New Delhi SHRI R. K. GUPTA SHRI M. L. GARQ ( Altrmalc ) Harsha Tractors Limited, Ghaziabad S-1 S. C. GUPTA SHRI M. S. RAO ( Alternufr ) ( Continued On page 2 ) INDIAN @ Copyright STANDARDS 1984 INSTITUTION This publication is protected under the ZndLn Cojyright Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act. IS:8133--1983 ( Continued from page 1 ) Representing Members Directorate General of Technical Development ( Ministry of Industries ), New Delhi SHRI T. K. B. VARMA ( Alternate ) Gujarat Tractors Corporation Ltd, Vadodara SHRI G. N. MEHTA SllRr G. C. PATEI. ( Atiernate ) Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana DR V. K. MITTAL Dn R. B. RAM ( Alternate ) HMT Limited ( Tractor Division ), Pinjore SHRI J. S. MUDI~AR SHRI G. B. LAL ( Alternate) Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd ( International Tractor SHRI H. M. MUTTA Division ), Bombay SHRI M.V. VENKATESWARAN( Alternate I ) SRL~IA. R. SONALKAW ( Alternate 11 ) VST Tillers Tractors Limited, Bangalore SRRI A. T. N IHENDEII. SHRI V. P. MAAEN~RA ( Alternate ) Bharat Earthmovers Ltd, Bangalore DR S. ‘I’. NAKAYANASWAMY Tractors and Farm Equipment Ltd, Madras DK. V. PANDUI~ANQA SIIRI S. RANGANATHAN ( Alternate ) National Farmers Organization, New Delhi SHRI S. B. P \NDYA Bharat Krishak Samaj. New Delhi SHRI v. v. PATIL Kerala Agro Machinery Corporation Limited, SHEI K. RAMI~U&IAR Ernakulam SRRI M. K. CHANDBAMOHANANNAIR ( Alternate ) Commissioner ( Small Scale Development SERI B. ROY Industries), New Delhi Either Goodearth Limited, New Delhi DR S. SATYAMURTY DX J. BIIATYACIIARYYA ( Alternate ) J. K. Satoh Agricultural Machines Limited, Kanpur SHRI N.C. S ~XFCNA SJ~ILI R. K. BsJPAI ( Alternate ) Ministry of Agriculture ( Department of Agriculture SHRI K. S. YADAv & Co-operation 1, New Delhi Director General, IS1 ( Ex-o&o Member ) SHRI T. PURNAXANDAM, Director ( Agri & Food) SRRI V. K. JAIN Secretary SI~RI R. N. SRARMA Deputy Director ( Agri & Food ), IS1 2 . IS : 8133- 1983 Indian Standard GUIDELINES FOR LOCATION AND -0PERATlON OF OPERATOR CONTROLS ON AGRICULTURAL TRACTORS AND MACHINERY ( First Revision ) c 0. FFlO_RbE Wg,O R D k, 0.1 This Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 30 November 1983, after the draft finalized by the Agricultural Tractors and Power Tillers Sectional Committee had been approved by the Agricultural and Food Products Division Council. 0.2 Agricultural tractors and other farm machinery are being extensively manufactured and used in the country. This standard was first published A need was felt to revise this standard to align it with the in 1976. Actuating forces required to operate corresponding IS0 standard. various controls, which were covered earlier in the standard, have been deleted from this revised version and a separate standard IS : 107031983* has been published on this subject. 0.3 In the preparation the following: of this standard, assistance has been derived from IS0 3789/l-1982 Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment - Location and method of of operator controls - Part 1 Common controls. operation International Organization for Standardization. IS0 3789/2- 1982 Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment - Location and method of operation of operator controls - Part 2 Controls for agricultural International Organization and for tractors machinery. Standardization. *Symbols for operator controls on agricultural 3 tractors and farm machinery. IS : al33 - 1983 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard covers location and method of operation controls on agricultural tractors and other machinery. operator 2. GENERAL 2.1 Symbols for different controls shall be as given in IS : 6283-1971*. 3. LOCATION AND OPERATION OF CONTROLS 3.1 The location and operation of controls for agricultural self-propelled machines are laid down in Table 1. 3.2 The location and operation of controls machines are laid down in Table 2. *Symbols for operator controls on agricultural 4 tractors and for pedestrian-operated tractors and farm machinery. TABLG 1 LOCATION AND OPERATION OF CONTROLS SELF-PROPELLED MA( clausrs SL No. CONTROL (1) (2) i) ON AGRICULT- &UB 3.1 ) &EEATIDN LOCATION . -o&i% (4) (3) Engine Preferably, it should not hepossible to start the engine unless : a) Starting a) the traction transmission is in neutral or park positionor b) thetradon. c) the operator ( station ) 1) Ignition switch ( if separate from starter switch ) Easily accessible operator’s seat from the clutch is d&engaged or is in the operator’s seat Move control to ‘ on ’ position 2) Starter switch ( if separate from ignition switch ) do Move control to start position 3) Starter/ignition switch ( spark ignition ) do Rotate switch in clockwise direction to positive ingnition position. Any auxiliary positions provided shall be located between the ‘ off’ and ignition posrtions 4) Starter switch ( compression ignition ) do Move control to start position. If a rotational switch is provided, rotate clockwise to operate engine starter. If an engine prc-heater circuit is provided, this control shall occur before the startposition or may be activated by rotating the conrrol anti-clockwise. If pull switch is provided, pull out ( &stir& ) w TABLE 1 LOCATION AND OPERATION OF CONTROLS ON AGRICULTURAL SELF-PROPELLED MACHINES - Co& I E % (4) (3) (2) (1) t: i. 00 AND OPERATION LOCATION CONTROL SL No. TRACTORS b) Speed 1) Foot -operated Readily accessible to the operator’s right foot and preferably to the right of the brake pedal(s) Push pedal forward and/or downward increase engine speed to 2) Hand-operated Within easy reach and preferably in front of, or to the right side of the operator Tt;;airection Easily accessible operator’s seat the Rotate starter ignitioh switch anticlockwise to ‘ off’ ( open circuit ) position. In case of pull type, push the device Easily accessible from the operator’s seat. Colour of the control or the position ‘ stop ’ shall contrast with background and any other control Move control to stop position. Control shall automatically remain in the stop position without the application of sustained manual effort of motion of the control operator towards the be ( generally rearward or downward) for increasing the engine speed c) stop 1) Spark ignition 2) Compression ii) Steering ignition Forward from of the operator When a steering wheel control is provided, a clockwise rotation shall effect a right turn and an rinti-clockwise rotation shall effect a left turn When two levers are provided for steering, to achieve a right turn the right-hand lever shall move rearward and for a left turn the left-hand lever shall move rearward When one lever is provided for a lateral motion of the lever to shall effect a right turn and motion to the left shall effect a iii) steering, the right a lateral left turn Brakes a) Service brake 1) Foot-operated The brake pedal(s) shall be located convenient to the operator’s right foot The direction of motion shall be generally forward and/or downward for engagement. Where separate brake pedals are provided on wheeled tractors for the independent right-hand and left-hand brake control, it shall be possible to obtain combined control so that there is no undue deviation from a straight path of travel 2) Hand-operated Convenient Application of pull motion is preferred. Where means are provided for independent right-hand and left-hand operation, it shall be possible to obtain combined control so that there is no undue deviation from a straight path of travel to the operator b) Parking brake 1) Hand-operated do Application of pull motion is preferred. A device shall be provided to retain bralre(s) in the applied position. The device shall not be liable to accidental release 2) Foot-operated do Depress brake pedal and lock in position c) Braking of trailors equipment or towed t: .. 1) Foot-operated Combined with the pedal(s) of service brake Apply pull motion 2) Hand-operated Separate Apply pull motion right-hand lever z E I ( Continued ) G co TABLE z?o. I LOCATION CONTROL . LOCA’JXON TRACTORS fn” AND : OPERATION ti I 6 CQ w (4) (3) (2) (1) iv) AND OPERATION OF CGNTROLS ON AGRICULTURAL SELF-PROPELLED MACHINES - Conid Transmission a) Clutch ( includes combined transmission and power takeoff) ( seealso power take-off control ) 1) Foot-operated Convenient left foot 2) Hand-operated Within convenient the operator to the operator’s reach of Push pedal forward disengagement or downward for disengagement. Move rearward for Positive means shall be provided for holding the clutch control in the disengaged position so that it is incapable of being re-engaged unless manually operated. It is recommended that the clutch be operable only from the operator’s seat b) Combination ground seed and direction ( continuously variable combine control ) 1) Foot-operated ( one control or two controls ) Convenient to the operator’s right foot The control shall have the effect of a pedal being pivoted under the operator’s foot and shall remain at rest in the neutral position. Forward and/or downward motion of the front of the pedal shall cause forward motion and increasing forward speed; downward motion of the rear of the pedal shall cause reverse motion and increasing reverse speed. Where the control can pass directly from forkard to reverse through the netural position, provision shall be made for a secondary motion. A positive ‘ neutral ’ location shall be provided. Convenient 2) Hand-operated to the operator Move control from neutral position forwards and/or upwards for forward motion and increasing forward speed; rearwards and/or downwards for reverse motion and increasing reverse speed. Where the selection control can pass directly from forward to reverse through the neutral position, provision shall be made for a secondary motion. A positive ‘ neutral ’ location shall be provided. c) Gear selection 1) In-line operation operated ) 2) Non-in-line operation ( hand-operated ) (hand- do do From neutral position, move control progressively in an upward and/or forward dIrection to select gears giving increased forward speeds. From neutral position, move control progressively in a rearward and/or downward direction to sblect reverse gears giving increased reverse speeds. Where the selection control can pass directly from forward to reverse through the neutral position, a separate positive ‘ neutral ’ location shall be provided. Provision shall be made for secondary motioh when passing through neutral so as to prevent accidental movement of the control Shifting pattern shall be simple and clearly marked. In particular, the netural position shall be clearly identified and easy to select ( Continued ) 5: .. ce t; w I 5; 8 TABLE 1 LOCATION AND OPERATION OF CONTROLS ON AGRICULTURAL SELF-PROPELLED MACHINES - C&d CONTROL SL No. (2) (1) 4 Direction control ( forwardreverse non-variable speed ) ( hand operated ) LOCATION TRACTORS E u Q) AND ti I c1 OPERATION (4) (3) Convenient to the operator Move control generally forward for forward vehicle motion and move generally rearward for rearward vehicle motion. If a neutral position is provided, provision shall be made to prevent accidental movement of the control from neutral do Movement shall be eenerallv rearward and/or downward ‘for disengagement. Positive means shall be provided for holding the clutch control in the disengaged position so that it is incapable of re-engaged being unless manually operated. The clutch shall be operable only from the operator’s seat e) Master implement, header or gathering unit clutch ( selfpropelled machines ) 1) Hand-operated 2) Foot-operated v) Differential lock Preferably convenient operator’s left foot to the Preferably convenient to the operator’s right foot or right hand Push pedal forward disengagement or downward for for Move forward or downward engagement. There shall be clear indication when differential lock is engaged vi) Pdwer take-off a) Clutch 1) Foot-operated Convenient left foot to the 2) Hand-operated Convenient to the operator b) Power take-off engagement vii) c Implements shaft Convenient operator’s to the operator Push pedal forward and/or downward for disengagement. In the case of a combined traction-drive/power takeoff clutch, the power take-off disengagement shalI be at second stage Move control downward and/or rearward to disengage. Control should be operable only with the operator in the opertor’s station The disengaged position shall be clearly marked and visible from the operator’s seat. Control shall be operable only with the operator in the operator’s station and auxiliaries a) Lift mechanism 1) Hand-operated 2) Foot-operated b) Services Convenient to the operator’s right hand Convenient to the right foot operator’s Move levers upward and/or rearward to raise; downward and/or forward to lower. It shall be possible to lock the control lever(s) or mechanism in position during road transport and servicing or adjusting of implements in the raised position unless other means are provided Downward movement of the forward part of the pedal to lower and downward movement of the rear part to raise selector(s) 1) Hydraulic 2) Electric Optional, but readily visible from the operator’s normal position Optional Clearly marked each position to identify do function in D .. : I G w” TABLE 2 LOCATION AND OPERATION OF CONkROLS ON PEDESTRIAN-OPERATED .3. MACHINES ( Clause 3.2 ) SL CONTROL No. 00 ii I OPERATION LOOATION G (1) i) (2) (4) (3) g Engine a) Starting It shall not be possible to start the engine unless : a) the traction transmission is in neutral or park position or b) the traction clutch is disengaged I) Starter/ignition switch ( spark ignition ) Should be so located that it can be operated only from operating the normal position Rotate switch in a clockwise positive ignition position direction 2) Starter switch ( compression ignition ) Should be so located that it can be operated only from normal operating the position Move control to start position. If a rotational switch is provided, rotate clockwise to operate engine starter. This start position shall always be the final position. If an engine, pre-heater circuit is provided in this shall occur immediately before the start position 3) Recoil type Recoil starter handle should be so located that it cannot be operated from the front of the machine Pull grip 4) Inertia type Should not be operable from the front of the machme Wind handle and release control. be impossible to release the mechanism unless: to It shall inertia a) the traction transmission or park position or b) the traction b) Speed ( hand-operated clutch is disengaged ) 1) Lever 2) Turning is in neutral hahdle Accessible to the operator’s right hand when at normal operating position The direction of motion of the control shall be in a plane parallel to the longitudinal axis of travel of the vehicle. The direction of motion shall be forward and/or upward for increasing engine speed Accessible to right hand .4nti-clockwise the operator’s to accelerate c) stop 1) Spark ignition 2) Compression ii) ignition Control to be forward and within easy reach of the operator in the operator’s position. Colour of the control to contrast with background and any other control Rotate starter ignition switch anticlockwise to ‘off’ (open circuit ) position. With pull switch, pull out and with stop button, press button Control to be forward and within easy reach of the operator in the operator’s position. Colour of the control to contrast with background and any other control Move control to stop position. Control stall remain in the stop position without the application of sustained manual effort Traction-drive a) Clutch 1) Hand-operated [ main transmission excluding (2) below ] Preferably convenient to the operator’s left hand Move rearward upward for disengagement. Posy&e means shall be provided for holding the clutch control in the disengaged position so that it is incapable of being re-engaged, unless manualy operated ( Continued ) t; .. z w” I 5; .01 .. TABLE 2 LOCATION AND OPERATION OF CONTROLS MACHINES - Contd LOCATION CONTROL %O. (1) (3) (2) 2) Hand-operated ( main transmission of the type requiring sustained manual effort ) Preferably convenient to the operator’s left hand t: .. OH PEDESTRIAN-OPERATED 2 OPERATION z I 5: t (4) Move control forward engage clutch or downward to b) Gear selection As near to the centre line of the machine as possible and within easy reach of the operator, and cIearly visible to the operator while the in operator’s zone Shifting pattern should be simple and marked. In particular: the clearly neutral position shall be clearly Identified and easy to select. When a reverse gear is fitted, it shall only engage as a result of the operator applying sustained manual pressure to the control iii) Auxiliary clutch Convenient to the operator’s left hand but mounted to the right of the main transmission clutch control rearward for disengagement. Move Positive means should be provided for holding the control in the disengaged position so that it is incapable of being re-engaged unless manually operated iv) Element machine elements adjustment a) Screw-operated b) Lever-operated Optional do Clockwise rotation should move the components affected upward, rearward or to the right For moving components in any plane, the lever should move in the same general direction as the components AMENDMENT NO. 1 AUGUST 1995 TO IS 8133 : 1983 GUIDELINES FOR LOCATION AND OPERATION OF OPERATOR CONTROLS ON AGR[CULTURqL TRACTORS AND MACHINERY ( First Revision ) (Puge4, chuse 1.1 ) -Substitute the following for the existing clause: ‘1.1 This standard provides guidylines for localiou and method of’ operdtioa of controls on agricultural tpctors and other machinery. [ Puge 7, Tut& 1, Sf No. (iii)(c)(l), downward for engagement’ for (FAJI32) co1 4 1-- Subslilule ‘Ih~h kd~4l lon~d 0f ‘Apply pull m&x’. ---.____ Krprography Iltlit, MS, New Delhi. India r AMENDMENT NO. 2 NOVEMBER 2000 TO 1S 8133:1983 GUIDELINES FOR LOCATION AND OPERATION OF OPERATOR CONTROLS ON AGRICULTURAL TRACTORS AND MACHINERY ( FirstRevMon) [Page 6, Table 1, SINO. l(b) (2),CO14 ) ] — Substitute the following for the existing: ‘Tire direction of motion of the control shall be as indicatedby the manufacturer.’ _— ——......—...—. (FAD32) ReprographyUoiL BIS,lIew Delhi, India !,, IL ,. ‘, [ 4 . .,. . . . .—