THE CHURCH OF SAINT T SAVIOR IN PRIZREN (KOSOVO): (KOSOVO) ( ) A DOU UBLE CHURCH. CHURCH Sim Si mona Sajeva S j St di Sa Studio Sajeva j - Palermo P l - Italy It l This p poster p presents a hypothetical yp reconstrucction of the historical building g phases for the double church, church which anticipa ates the conservation project. project Results will be published at a later date. date Subdivision of the principal stages of the consstruction – Hypothesis •The Th Medieval M di l Church Ch h dated d t d from f XIV°C t y The XIV°Century: Th Chapel.(stages Ch p l ( t g 1 to t 7)) •The The Church built in 1836: The annex Church. Church (stages 2 to 5) •The Church dated from the second half of the 19th century: The Church or the large Church. Church (stages 3 to 7) Th chronology The h l gy p presented t d here h gathers g th and d syn ynthesizes th i th research the h data d t up p until September p 2009 2009. © MP D De esig gn an nd Co onsstrruc ction n Lim.. C Com mp p. ©M MP De esiign na and d Con C nsttru ucttion Lim L m. Co omp. Project Title: Restoration of the Church o of Saint-Sauveur in Prizren Late Byzantine architecture and mediaev val Serbian fresco paintings Stage 1: Documentation and Technical Analyses Country: Kosovo Municipaliity: Prizren, Prizren 22 City: Prizren District: N Nënkalaja/Podkalaja Unesco’ss Agency: Venice office – BRESCE Unesco Project Coordinator : Patrimoine sans frontièress (Psf) N N.G.O. G O – Paris Institute in charge: Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments- Prizren – Kosovo Calendar: July July-September September 2009 Architectural Study y Team Civil Engineering Manager Manager-Architectural Architectural Experts T Team Coordinator : Ing Simona Sajeva - Studio Sajeva - Palermo – Italy Ing. Architectural lists: MP Design and Construction Lim. Lim Comp -Istambul Istambul, Turkey Field Characteristics Characteristics’ Study: G&G Group Tirana – Albania The church of St. St Savior in Prizren is a double e church, church composed of two major architectural campaigns. campaigns The older of which dates from the 14th century. The e later building phase remained unfinished and is comprised of a more recentt annex dating d ti g from f th 19th centu the tury. y It incorporates i p t a larger l g stone t church h h with ith an accompanying p yi g belfry The high walls have remained around the belfry. e churchyard, churchyard together with the belfry. belfry The monument was set on fire in 1999 and in 2004, fire, 2004 leaving it badly dama aged The church continued to be used until 1999, aged. 1999 after which it was then abandoned. The co The conservation se vatio p project oject j started sta ted d in i July J l 2009 009 9 w with ith a mission issio w which hich was devoted d d to: tthe he research esea ch a and d tthe he analysis y of existing g documentation, documentation, the underttakingg of an architectural and topographical p g p surveyy, the analysis survey, y and understanding of structural elements, elements the geological, geological geotechnical and hydro geological survey and finally to the archaeological investigations. investigations Each actio on was carried out under the supervision of the Institute for the P Protection i off Cultural C l l Monuments M off Prizren Pi Prizren’s ’s Municipality. M i i li Th exchange The h off information i f i and d the h interaction i i between the experts, experts p , concerning g the differentt elements of the p project project, j , has enabled them to achieve a g global understanding of the structure, structure of its actual con ndition and of the risks for its safeguard. safeguard sim m.ssajevva@ @viisio nfo o 1 2 3 4 5 10 mm