MANN+HUMMEL Requirements regarding BMEcat format for eCatalog Suppliers Date: April 2013 1 Introduction MANN+HUMMEL GMBH makes great demands with regard to the quality of its suppliers. This also applies to the quality of the electronic product catalogs. To be as accommodating as possible towards the suppliers, MANN+HUMMEL does not intend to define its own solutions and has decided instead to use a common standard for electronic purchasing using a central catalog system. For this reason, the BMEcat Standard 1.2 is being used for integrating electronic supplier catalogs into the internal catalog solution. It is used for exchanging catalog data between the supplier and MANN+HUMMEL. Another requirement is that the suppliers have classified all articles according to the classification standard eCl@ss 6.1 and have filled out the appropriate feature bars. Applied standards: • BMEcat, Version 1.2 • eCl@ss, Version 6.1 • UNECE Recommendation N°. 20 (Order and quantity unit) The current specifications and further information on the BMEcat can be found in the download section of the BME homepage at Information on eCl@ss can be found at The current standards and additional information you will find on the following web sites: BMEcat: Homepage of the BME at „Download“ UNECE: at the Recommendation N° .20 Content Delivery Please send your BMEcat as well as images and additional documents via email to Requirements regarding BMEcat format Page 2 2 Basics of the BMEcat Standard „BME“ stands for the German Association of Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics (AMMPL) (German: “Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik e.V.“) and „cat“ for „catalog“. The specification of the AMMPL aims to standardize the presentation of electronic catalogs. Catalogs which meet these standards can be imported into catalog systems. The BMEcat supports following mode for the transfer of catalog information: T_NEW_CATALOG: A complete catalog The BMEcat format is based on XML. A BMEcat catalog is structured into four sections: 1. Catalog Header Data (see 3.1) There is the general information to the catalog. With these information it is possible to identify the catalog exactly by for example the buyer, supplier or the catalog ID. 2. Catalog Structure (see 3.2) The catalog structure is the structure the supplier has defined for grouping his products. The catalog structure is mandatory (CATALOG_GROUP_SYSTEM). Every article has to be related to minimum one node in the structure. Please do not confound the catalog structure with the classification system. A classification system is a standardized structure. They have been developed for example by the eCl@ss. 3. Article Details (see 3.3) In this section the details of the articles are defined. For example the suppliers item number, the order unit and the price. 4. Mapping of the Articles to the Catalog Structure (see 3.4) Here the item numbers are mapped to the catalog structure. The following chapters of this document are sorted in these four sections and are describing the included fields in detail. Requirements regarding BMEcat format Page 3 3 Requirements regarding supplier catalogs All mandatory fields of BMEcat specification are also a MUST field at MANN+HUMMEL The following fields are in the search engine involved: Article-Number, short description, manufacturer, manufacturer article number, keywords, long description BMEcat • Catalog data standard: BMEcat, Version 1.2 • Classification standard: eCl@ss, Version 6.1 • Use the encoding which is named e.g. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> in the first line of the BMEcat Catalog: • Be sure to have the following second line in the BMEcat Catalog: <!DOCTYPE BMECAT SYSTEM "bmecat_new_catalog_1_2.dtd"> • Avoid empty fields and blanks at the beginning and the end of fields. E.g.: False: <KEYWORD> Screw </KEYWORD> Correct: <KEYWORD>Screw</KEYWORD> The following chapters are sorted like the sections of the BMEcat catalog, described in the basics of BMEcat: Header Data, Catalog Structure, Article Details, Mapping of the articles to the catalog structure. Each chapter is followed by a description of the most important fields. To guarantee consistent and high-quality data in the supplier catalogs, it must be ensured that a supplier is able to provide the necessary “content quality”. The required criteria are listed below. 3.1 Catalog Header Data The supplier must fill certain BMEcat fields with a predefined content. These fields are listed below. They must be transferred unchanged to the catalog. The italicized data need to be defined individually for each supplier by the MANN+HUMMEL purchaser. BMEcat Element LANGUAGE CATALOG_ID CATALOG_VERSION CATALOG_NAME TERRITORY CURRENCY BUYER_ID Content ces / deu / eng / esl / fra / scr /por Supplier Name_Supplier No._Country (abbreviation) (max. 20 figures!) 001.001 Product range_supplier name CZ, FR, GB, DE, ES, BA, BR EUR/GBP/CZK/BAM/BRL MH_001 (DE) / MH_002 (CZ) / MH_003 (GB) / MH_004 (BA) / MH_005 (FR) / MH_006 (ES) / MH_007 (BR) MH_001 (DE) / MH_002 (CZ) / MH_003 (GB) / MH_004 (BA) / MH_005 (FR) / MH_006 (ES) / MH_007 (BR) BUYER_NAME SUPPLIER_ID type="buyer_specific" Supplier No. of SAP SUPPLIER_NAME Supplier Name Requirements regarding BMEcat format Page 4 Additional Hints Header Data: Catalog version The version number consists of a Master_ID and a Sub_ID in the format xxx.yyy (Versioning according to BMEcat). Each new supplier starts with 001.001. The Master_ID is increased by 1 for each complete update. Sub_ID is not considered by MANN+HUMMEL CATALOG_ID It is very important to use the same CATALOG_ID for every catalog update, so the existing catalog is replaced or updated. Always use the CATALOG_ID assigned by MANN+HUMMEL. LANGUAGE & TERRITORY The visibility of catalogs is navigated by the fields LANGUAGE and TERRITORY. Example: A Catalog with Territory DE is for an English user not visible. The visibility of the product range depends on the log-in language. 3.2 Fields for the Catalog Structure The catalog structure is the structure the supplier has defined for grouping his products. The Catalog Structure is independent, without using a classification standard. This catalog structure is to distinguish from standardized classification systems like eCl@ss. The catalog structure (CATALOG_GROUP_SYSTEM) is necessary. Every article has to be assigned to a catalog group with the type leaf. The mapping of the articles is done at the fields mentioned at the chapter 3.4. Used / required fields for catalog structure Field / Label Description BMEcat field Field Mandatory/ length Optional Specification of the catalog structure (CATALOG_GROUP_SYSTEM) Catalog system ID Identification of the catalog group system Catalog system name Name of the catalog group system Description Description of the catalog group system Catalog structure Designation of the individual catalog groups as specified below. root node leaf Group No. Unique designator which identifies the group Name of the catalog group, which is displayed in the catalog system Brief description of the respective group GROUP_ID of the higher-level catalog group Sequence for catalog groups Supplementary multimedia information Keyword for the group Group name Group description Parent group Sequence MIME information Keyword Requirements regarding BMEcat format GROUP_SYSTEM_ID GROUP_SYSTEM_NAME GROUP_SYSTEM_ DESCRIPTION CATALOG_STRUCTURE type = ... 50 50 250 Optional Optional Optional 4 Mandatory GROUP_ID 50 Mandatory GROUP_NAME 50 Mandatory GROUP_DESCRIPTION PARENT_ID 250 50 Optional Mandatory GROUP_ORDER MIME_INFO (see above) KEYWORD - Optional Optional Optional 50 Page 5 3.3 Fields to Specify the Article Details We use the following fields of BMEcat 1.2 for displaying your catalog and product data in our target system. Depending on the type of field, the field is either optional or mandatory. The field length value indicates the maximum field length. Note: Certain fields are defined as mandatory fields contrary to the BMEcat specifications. These are indicated as follows: *Mandatory*. Field / Description BMEcat field Label Specification of data fields which identify and verbally describe an article (ARTICLE_DETAILS) – Mandatory Article Mode in which articles are read in ARTICLE mode=new Supplier article No. Article number from the supplier SUPPLIER_AID Short description Brief and concise description of the DESCRIPTION_SHORT article Long description Detailed description of the article DESCRIPTION_LONG Alternative article No. Further article ID from the supplier SUPPLIER_ALT_ID Article No. from buyer “type" defines the type of article number. BUYER_AID type = … type = "Standard range": value = S Field length Mandatory/ Optional 6 32 80 Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory 64000 50 50 Mandatory type = "SAP_MATNR": value = SAP material number REQUIREMENT from MANN+HUMMEL for field type = “SAP_MATNR”: please do NOT fill in MANN+HUMMEL SAP material number (10-digit-number) Manufacturer article No. Manufacturer ERP product group of buying company Optional Mandatory for type “standard range” Part number from the manufacturer MANUFACTURER_AID 50 Optional Name of the manufacturer Material group or category of the article in the ERP system of the buying company MANUFACTURER_NAME ERP_GROUP_BUYER 50 10 *Mandatory* *Mandatory* DELIVERY_TIME 6 *Mandatory* SPECIAL_TREATMENT_CLASS type =… KEYWORD 20 Optional 50 *Mandatory* REMARKS ARTICLE_STATUS type = … 64000 250 Optional Optional REFERENCE_FEATURE_ SYSTEM_NAME 50 *Mandatory* REFERENCE_FEATURE_ GROUP_ID 60 *Mandatory* FNAME 60 Mandatory FUNIT FDESCR FVALUE 20 250 60 Optional Optional Mandatory Specification from MANN+HUMMEL: eCl@ss number of the article without "-", i.e. 24240100 for e.g. pencil Planned delivery time Time in working days that the supplier requires for delivery. 0 is not allowed. Special treatment Additional classification of the article class (hazardous goods). Here "type" defines the special treatment regulation. Keyword Keyword which makes finding the article easier Remarks Additional remarks from the supplier Special article features Assignment of additional special attributes. Here "type" specifies the special feature. Classification of articles (ARTICLE_FEATURES) – *Mandatory* Classification and feature group system Classification and feature group system Specification from MANN+HUMMEL: Group ID Feature name Feature unit Feature description Feature value ECL@SS-6.1 ID of the referenced group within the classification and feature group system, eCl@ss Number from eCl@ss Version 6.1 e.g. 24240100 Unique name of the feature to be described Measurement unit of the feature Additional description of the feature Prominence of the referenced feature Requirements regarding BMEcat format Page 6 Specification of ordering conditions and packaging arrangements (ARTICLE_ORDER_DETAILS) See also the paragraph "Order and quantity units" Order unit Unit in which the article can be orORDER_UNIT dered Content unit Unit used for the article within an CONTENT_UNIT order unit Package quantity Number of content units per order NO_CU_PER_OU unit of the article Price quantity A multiple or fraction of the order PRICE_QUANTITY unit indicating the quantity to which all specified prices relate Minimum order quanti- Minimum order quantity of the article QUANTITY_MIN 3 Mandatory 3 *Mandatory* - *Mandatory* - *Mandatory* - Mandatory Number indicating the multiples in QUANTITY_INTERVAL which the article can be ordered Specification of price data (ARTICLE_PRICE_DETAILS) Valid as of Date from which the article prices DATETIME become valid type=“valid_start_date” Valid until Date after which the article prices DATETIME are no longer valid type=“valid_end_date” Attention: At end of valid date, article is no longer visible! Daily price Daily price identifier DAILY_PRICE Price type Attribute which specifies the price ARTICLE_PRICE type Specification from MANN+HUMMEL: ARTICLE_PRICE price_type=“net_customer“, NOT: net_list Price Price amount PRICE_AMOUNT Lower graduated price Lower quantity limit for graduated LOWER_BOUND limit prices VAT Vat tax percentage for the item, e.g. VAT 0.20 (please do NOT write 20%) References to supplementary multimedia data (MIME_INFO) See also the paragraph "Images and supplementary documents" - Optional - Optional - Optional - Optional Mandatory 20 Mandatory - Mandatory Optional Mime type MIME_TYPE 30 Optional MIME_SOURCE 250 Mandatory MIME_DESCR MIME_ALT 250 50 Optional Optional MIME_PURPOSE 20 *Mandatory* ty Quantity interval Source Description Alternative text Purpose Type of supplementary document JPEG image/jpeg PDF application/pdf HTML Document text/html URL to the internet url Relative path and file name or URL address e.g. Picture.jpg or datasheet.pdf Attention: in Mime-file must be the same path Description of the supplementary file Alternative text in case, for example, the file cannot be reproduced by the browser on the target system Desired purpose of the MIME document on the target system “normal” for pictures “detail” for detail pictures “data_sheet” for PDF files “others” for other files Mandatory Specification from MANN+HUMMEL: At least one image must be supplied as MIME_PURPOSE = "normal" Requirements regarding BMEcat format Page 7 Note: If a catalog is also provided in another language, the values must be left unchanged in the MIME_SOURCE (Source) element. Optional: References to other articles (ARTICLE_REFERENCE) Reference type Number Reference article Product catalog Version Describes how the two articles are related - sparepart - similar - followup - mandatory - select - accessories - consists of - others Indicates the number of articles being referred to Unique article number which is to be referred to Unique CATALOG_ID if the reference article is not listed in the same catalog Version of the referenced product catalog ARTICLE_REFERENCE type = ... 20 Mandatory ARTICLE_REFERENCE quantity = … ART_ID_TO - Optional 32 Mandatory CATALOG_ID 20 Optional CATALOG_VERSION 7 Optional Additional Hints Article Details: Short Description Please be sure to insert a specific detail of the article into the first 40 characters of the short description (DESCRIPTION_SHORT). So the item will be easier to find for the users. The short description is limited to 80 characters. Example: Screw Cross Recess 6x40mm Features MANN+HUMMEL wants to have features, because they are helping to differentiate articles which are sorted into the same catalog structure or classification group. So the users are able to choose articles more easy. The fields FNAME and FVALUE are defined as MUST fields, if features are used. It is possible to define features attached or as independent from the classification system. Prices and Tax Use a dot as a decimal separator for all numeric values in BMEcat catalogs. E.g. in the field PRICE_AMOUNT a dot “.” has to be used and NOT a comma “,” as decimal separator, 3.12 instead of 3,12. The same is true for the VAT in the field TAX. Insert 0.19 instead of 0,19 for example. Do not specify values greater than 1 for the tax field. A maximum of 2 decimal places is allowed. Order and quantity units The order and quantity units used in the BMEcat must comply with UN/ECE Recommendation 20. The units of quantity and measurement are entered in the CONTENT_UNIT field in the BMEcat. Possible units of measurement are, for example, m (metres) or kg (kilograms). The order units must be entered in the ORDER_UNIT field. The correct quantity unit for e.g. piece is not piece or PCE but rather C62. The specifications of UN/ECE Recommendation 20 can be found at: Example The article "cola bottle" which can only be purchased in a crate of ten bottles at a price of € 1.00 per bottle can be presented in the following way in the BMEcat. Requirements regarding BMEcat format Page 8 Case 1: Presentation of price per bottle ORDER_UNIT = CS (case) CONTENT_UNIT = BO (Bottle) NO_CU_PER_OU = 10 PRICE_QUANTITY = 0.1 (1/10) QUANTITY_MIN = 1 QUANTITY_INTERVAL = 1 PRICE_AMOUNT = 1 Case 2: Presentation of price per crate ORDER_UNIT = CS (Crate) CONTENT_UNIT = Bottle NO_CU_PER_OU = 10 PRICE_QUANTITY = 1 QUANTITY_MIN = 1 QUANTITY_INTERVAL = 1 PRICE_AMOUNT = 10 Example for Units Unit Piece Meter Centimeter Cubikmeter Liter Kilogram Package Palette Case Bottle Bag Carton Unit UNECE C62 MTR CMT D90 LTR KGM PA PF CS BO BG CT Images and supplementary documents To be able to display images and supplementary documents correctly in the catalog system, the BMEcat fields MIME_TYPE, MIME_SOURCE and MIME_PURPOSE must be filled out. The JPEG or GIF format is always used to display images. Other MIME_TYPEs can be, for example, HTML documents, PDF documents or URLs. BMEcat Field Description The catalog system uses the attribute “normal” in the field MIME_PURPOSE for displaying the picture in the list or detail view of the items. Use “detail” for additional larger pictures. Attention: Only one picture (image/jpeg) per item is allowed to be declared as “normal”. If pictures are used, one has to be declared as “normal”. MIME_PURPOSE Use “data_sheet” for an additional instructions in the PDF file format. Examples: - “normal” for pictures - “detail” for detail pictures - “data_sheet” for PDF files - “others” for other files & URLs All possibilities of the BMEcat specification are possible. Examples: MIME_TYPE MIME_SOURCE JPEG image/jpeg PDF application/pdf URL url HTML Document text/html Source and name of the file If you insert file directories for picture files in the MIME_SOURCE field, be sure to file the files in these directories (e.g. in the zip file or at the CD), otherwise they are not displayed. The standard item picture (purpose=normal) is scaled down to a maximum size of 300 pixel height and 400 pixel width. Any lager image is a waste of space. Example MIME_SOURCE: <MIME_SOURCE>datasheets/987262.pdf</MIME_SOURCE> Picture-ZIP file or CD: datasheets/987262.pdf Requirements regarding BMEcat format Page 9 Please pay attention to the case sensitivity and to use no special characters like \ / : * ? „ < > | . Compared to the example mentioned above, a MIME_SOURCE with MIME_SOURCE>DataSheet/98726*2.PDF</MIME_SOURCE> will not work. References to other Articles It is possible to refer to another article in the detail view of an article, to point the user for example to a necessary additional article or an accessory. Important is to use the correspondent type of reference. Example <ARTICLE_REFERENCE type=“mandatory“> <ART_ID_TO>123456</ART_ID_TO> </ARTICLE_REFERENCE> Possible Field Types: - sparepart - similar - followup - mandatory - select - accessories - consists of - others 3.4 Fields for the Mapping of Articles to the Catalog Structure Every article have to be linked to the catalog structure, otherwise the article is not visible in a folder. At end of the file, this have to be done for all articles. Every article needs a entry as following: Required fields for the mapping of articles to the Catalog Structure: Field / Label Description BMEcat field Field Mandatory/ length Optional Specification for mapping the articles to the catalog structure (ARTICLE_TO_CATALOG_GROUP_MAP) Article No. Catalog group Article sequence Unique number identifying the article (SUPPLIER_AID) Unique ID identifying the catalog group (GROUP_ID) Sequence in which articles are placed in a catalog group in the target system ART_ID 32 Mandatory CATALOG_GROUP_ID 50 Mandatory ARTICLE_TO_CATALOG_ GROUP_MAP_ORDER - Optional This is an independent catalog structure, without using a classification standard. This catalog structure is to distinguish from standardized classification systems like eCl@ss or UNSPSC. The catalog structure (CATALOG_GROUP_SYSTEM) is necessary for MANN+HUMMEL. It allows the user to drill down into your items. Use a hierarchical structure that helps finding things easier or is similar to your printed catalog. Every article has to be assigned to a catalog group with the type leaf. The definition of the catalog structure is done in the fields mentioned at the chapter 3.2. Note: The following fields are used for searching in the catalogs: DESCRIPTION_SHORT, MANUFACTURER_NAME, MANUFACTURER_AID, SUPPLIER_AID Requirements regarding BMEcat format Page 10