Fused Disconnect Shaftway walls by others Shaftway walls by others Lower and upper Landing Shaftway Length UPPer Landing Mast Electrical access to either side of mast; supplied by others Shaftway walls by others Shaftway Length Mast Electrical access to either side of mast; supplied by others Shaftway Length Mast Electrical access to either side of mast; supplied by others Fused Disconnect Shaftway Width UPPer Landing Lower Landing Shaftway Width Lower Landing Shaftway Width gENESIS SHAFTWAY Fused Disconnect The Genesis Enclosure model is a complete, self-contained vertical access solution. It is similar to the Shaftway Model except it includes a pre-fabricated enclosure and integrated doors or gates. The enclosure can be built full height and fitted with a Plexiglas dome for weather protection, or can be left open at the top. Base Width PLATFORM Length Base Length Mast Electrical access to either side of mast; supplied by others UPPER Landing Lower Landing PLATFORM Width Lower Landing PLATFORM Width Lower and upper Landing PLATFORM Width Base Length Mast PLATFORM Length Base Width Upper Landing Mast PLATFORM Length Base Length Base Width