GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE POSTS OF LOWER DIVISION CLERK (LDC) (candidates are advised to go through the instructions thoroughly before filling the application form) 1. Age Limit: a) The age should be between 18 years to 27 years as on 08.03.2016 which is the closing date of receipt of application. b) The maximum age limit for Council’s employees will be relaxable upto 45 years. c) The above age limit prescribed above will be relaxable:(i) Upto a maximum of five years if a candidate belongs to SC or ST. (ii) Upto a maximum of three years in respect of candidates belonging to Other Backward Classes. (iii) For Persons with Disability candidates, the upper age limit will be relaxable upto a maximum of 10 years. Candidates belonging to SC, ST and OBC who are also covered under the Physically Handicapped category will be eligible for grant of cumulative age relaxation under both the categories. (iv)To other bonafide displaced persons/repatriates of Indian origin /Defence Services Personnel /Border Security Force personnel etc. as per the existing instructions of the Government of India on the subject. d) The crucial date for determining the age limit and qualification in each case will be the closing date i.e. 08.03.2016 for receipt of applications from candidates. 2. The prescribed essential qualifications are minimum and enhanced qualification does not entail candidates to be called for written test/typing test. Where the number of applications received in response to the advt. are large and it will not be convenient or possible for the Institute to call all those candidates for written test/typing test, the Director, IVRI, Izatnagar reserves the right to fix the criteria for calling the candidates on the basis of qualification, experience etc. After screening the applications, the candidates will be called for written test/typing test. 3. These posts are non-government under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, which will be governed by New Pension Scheme 2004 introduced by the Government of India with other service conditions mutatismutandis and as amended from time to time. 4. All posts are temporary but likely to continue. Candidates must ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions for these posts with regard to qualifications and age. 5. Persons already in employment should route their application through proper channel. 6. No correspondence will be entertained from any candidate for selection/test appointment. Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification. 7. Candidates are advised to send attested copies of each certificate or any other authentic document in support of their age, qualification and caste certificates etc. with their applications. 8. Application must be accompanied by the Application fee of Rs. 200/- (Rs. Two Hundred Only), which is non-refundable, deposited through SB-Collect link provided, at the Institute website. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/Female candidate & PWD are not required to pay any fee. No fee exemption is, however, allowed to the OBC candidates. Application Proforma and instructions for depositing fee is attached below, which may be downloaded. 9. The application should be arranged in the chronological order 1) Application form 2) Date of Birth Certificate 3)Educational qualification 4)Caste Certificate(if any) 5)Printout of Fee Challan 6)Admit card. 10. The application should be submitted to the Asstt. Adm. Officer, MRDPC, Indian Veterinary Research Institute (ICAR), Izatnagar-243 122 (UP) within the due date of closing, i.e. 08.03.2016 in the Prescribed Type-written Proforma accompanied by a latest passport size photograph alongwith the requisite documents viz. date of birth, educational qualification, caste certificate(if any) and copy of branch cash challan/online payment printout as the case may be. The closing date from the candidates of Assam, Arunanchal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Laddakh Division of J & K, Lahul & Spiti District and Pangi Sub Division of Chamba district of H.P. and Andaman and Nicobar Islands & Lakhsdeep will be 15.03.2016 11. The envelope containing the application form should be super-scribed in bold letters as “Application for the post of ____________Sl. no._________” as the case may be. Separate application should be submitted for each post. 12. Application not accompanied by the prescribed fee or deposited after the due date or incomplete or defective or unsigned declaration or without certified copies of their certificates i.e. without proof of qualification, age, caste certificate etc. shall be summarily rejected. No representation or correspondence regarding such rejection shall be entertained under any circumstances. 13. All candidates in Indian Council of Agricultural Research Service/Govt. Service, whether in a permanent or in temporary capacity or as work-charged employees, other than casual or daily rated employees, will be required to submit an undertaking that they have informed in writing, their Head of Office/Department that they have applied for the examination. 14. The decision of the ICAR/Institutes as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the examination shall be final. 15. After the written examination, the candidates who obtain such minimum qualifying marks as may be fixed by ICAR/Institutes at their discretion shall be summoned for Skill Test. 16. Appointment will be made by the ICAR/Institutes initially on probation for a period of two years. The period of probation may be extended, if considered necessary. 17. A candidate must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient discharge of his duties as an officer of the service. A candidate who after such medical examination, as may be prescribed by the competent authority is found not to satisfy these requirements will not be appointed. Only such candidates as are likely to be considered for appointment will be medically examined. 18. Success at the examination confers no right to appointment, unless the Council is satisfied, after such enquiry as may be considered necessary, that the candidate having regard to this character and antecedents is suitable in all respects for appointment to the post. 19. No TA/DA will be paid for attending written test. 20. THE APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED BY POST ONLY. BY HAND APPICATIONS WILL NOT BE RECEIVED. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTER DUE DATE FOR ANY REASON INCLUDING POSTAL DELAY WILL BE SUMMARILY REJECTED. 21. The Director, IVRI reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of vacancies, change any of the conditions, change the dates of test and rejects any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof, whatsoever. 22. All the dispute/litigation, if any, will be subject to Bareilly (Uttar Pradesh) jurisdiction only *** SCHEME OF EXAMINATION FOR LOWER DIVISION CLERKS PART-I SCHEME OF EXAMINATION: The examination will consist of a written examination and Typing Test for the post of Lower Division Clerks. (A) SCHEME OF THE WRITTEN EXAMINATION AND SYLLABUS The written examination will consist of one objective type paper as shown below: Part Subject Maximum Marks I General Intelligence (50 questions) English Language (basic Knowledge) (50 questions) Numerical Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill) (50 questions) General Awareness (50 questions) 50 II III IV Total duration/Timing for General candidates Total duration/Timing for Visually Handicapped candidates 50 50 2 Hours 10.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon 2 Hours 20 mins 10.00 A.M. to 12.20 P.M. 50 NOTE-I: The paper will consist of Objective Type-Multiple Choice questions only. The question will be set both in English & Hindi. NOTE-II:There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer. Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep this in mind while answering the questions. SYLLABUS General Intelligence: It would include question of both verbal and non-verbal type. The test will include questions on analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discriminating observation, relationship concepts, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series, non-verbal series etc. etc. The test will also include questions designed to test the candidates abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationship, arithmetical computation and other analytical functions. English Language:In addition to the testing of candidates understanding of the English Language, its vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms and its correct usage, etc. his/her writing ability would also be tested. Numerical Aptitude: This paper will include questions on problems relating to number Systems, Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals and Fractions and relationship between Numbers, Fundamental Arithmetical operations, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, use of Tables and Graphs, Mensuration, Time and Distance, Ratio and Time, Time & Work, etc. General Awarness: Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person. The test will also include relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to Sports. History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity including Indian Constitution, and Scientific Research etc. These questions will be such that they do not require a special study of any discipline. NOTE: For VH candidates of 40% and above visual disability and opting for SCRIBE there will be no component of Maps/Graphs/Diagrams/Statistical Data in the General Intelligence & Reasoning/General Awareness Paper. (B) Skill test for LDCs: (Skill Test will be taken on Computer) Typing Test will be of Qualifying in nature. English Typing @35 w.p.m. (Time allowed 10 minutes) (30 minutes for VH candidates) Hindi Typing @30 w.p.m. (Time allowed 10 minutes) (30 minutes for VH candidates) (35 w.p.m. and 30 w.p.m. corresponds to 1050 Key Depressions per Hour/9000 Key Depressions per Hour on and average of 5 Key depressions for each word) (Typing Test will be conducted later for those candidates who qualify in the Written Examination. Such Typing Test will be conducted only in English or Hindi and candidates while applying for the Examination will have to indicate his/her choice/option for Skill Test Medium separately in the Application Form.) x------------------------x----------------x--------------------x INSTRUCTIONS FOR DEPOSITING THE APPLICATION FEE 1.Candidates are required to visit the link of SB-Collect provided at the Institute Website for depositing the Application Fee. 2. Applications will be accepted only when fee is deposited in the Bank upto prescribed last date for fee deposition. If the fee is deposited in bank after the last date prescribed for fee deposition, the application of the candidate will not be accepted and the fee deposited in the bank will not be refunded in any condition. It will be responsibility of the candidates to deposit fee in the bank upto last date prescribed for fee deposition and ‘submit’ the application upto last date prescribed for submission of applications. 3. There shall be two options for depositing the fees which are (i)online through SB-collect by using (a)SBI internet banking(b) Other Bank’s internet banking (c) State Bank Debit Card (ii) Branch Cash deposit through Challan generated by SB-Collect, which can be deposited in any branch of State Bank of India. 4. Candidates are required to fill the mandatory fields in the SB-Collect viz. Name of the post, Name of the Candidate, Father’s Name, Date of Birth and Mobile No., etc. 5. After filling the mandatory field, click ‘submit’ which will take you to the next screen where options of online payment through above mentioned modes shall be displayed. 6. Choose the mode you like for payment and take print of the payment slip. 7. The candidates choosing Branch cash/Cheque Challan will have to go with Branch Cash/cheque Challan, after printing it from SB-Collect, to any branch of the SBI and deposit the fee in form of cash/cheque and take one copy of the Challan after depositing the fee. 8. Mention Journal No./Transaction ID and date of deposit in the application form, in relevant column, from the copy of Challan given by the Bank or from the printout of online payment. 9. ATTACH ONE COPY OF THE CHALLAN/PRINTOUT OF ONLINE PAYMENT ALONG WITH THE APPLICATION FORM. 10. NO OTHER MODE OF PAYMENT (DD, APPLICATION FEE SHALL BE ACCEPTED. BANKER’S CHEQUE ETC.) FOR 11. Application fee is excluding bank’s charges and Service Tax which shall be borne by the candidate. 12. The last date of deposit of Application Fee shall be 05.03.2016 (23.45 p.m.) ***** INDIAN VETERINARY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (I.C.A.R.) IZATNAGAR-243 122 (UP) APPLICATION FORMAT Advt. No.1/2016/MRDPC 1. Application for the post of : ____________________ 2. Sl. no. of the Post : ____________________ 3. Name (in BLOCK letters) : ____________________ 4. Father’s/Husband’s name : ____________________ 5. Nationality : ____________________ 6. Place & Date of Birth : ____________________ 7. Age as on closing date of Advt. : ____________________ 8. Sex (Male/Female) : ____________________ ______________________________________________ : _____________________________________________ Address for correspondence (with pin code) Affix latest coloured Passport size signed photograph ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 9. Permanent Address (with pin code) : ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 10. Category (SC/ST/OBC/PH/Ex.SM) : ______________________________________________ 11.a)Name of Employment Exchange if registered: ____________________________________ b)Registration No. & Valid upto : ______________________________________________ 12. Educational Qualification: Sl. Name of Exam. Board/ No. University Year of Passing Grade/ Div. & % of marks in aggregate (Signature of candidate) Subjects passed 13. Details of Application fees: Name & Branch Code Date of Deposit of SBI Branch in case of Branch Cash/cheque Option 14. Medium of typing test :(English or Hindi) Transaction ID/Journal No. Amount (Rs.) _______________________________________________________ 15. Declaration stating whether he/she is related to any employee of the Institute OR the ICAR and if so, name of the person (s) and describe the nature of his/her relationship.:__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 16. Any other information the candidate may like to add: _________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 17. Declaration: I do hereby declare that all the statement made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand and agree that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect/incomplete or ineligibility being detected at any time before or after the selection, my candidature is liable to be rejected. I shall be bound by the decision of the Employer. (_______________________) Signature of candidate Full Name of the candidate:_____________________ Place: Date: ADMIT CARD NAME OF THE CANDIDATE : ________________________ DATE OF BIRTH :_________________________ POST APPLIED FOR : _________________________ FATHER’S NAME :__________________________ Affix latest coloured Passport size(identical) signed photograph ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: _______________________ (with pin code) _______________________ ________________________ (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) REGISTRATION NO./ROLL NO. :_______________________ DATE OF EXAM : _______________________ REPORTING TIME : _______________________ EXAMINATION CENTRE . (Signature of the issuing authority) : _______________________ (Signature of the Invigilator)