SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE SECTION 462-260-201SW Issue B, December, 1987 PRACTICE SWBT Standard * DROP AND BLOCK ~?IRING AT AERIAL CABLE TERMINALS PAGE CONTENTS —— GENERAL 2. SAFETY 3. STRAND-MOUNTED ....................................................... 4 ............................................................... 4 .............................................................. 7 TERMINALS 61-TYPE TERMINALS ..................................................... 8 ................................................................ 10 104- OR 105-TYPE TERMINALS N-TYPE TERMINAL POLE-MOUNTED ......................................................... 12 ............................................................... 12 TERMINALS N-TYPE TERMINALS ........................................ 13 ......................................................... 22 POLE MOUNTED CROSS-CONNECTING TERMINALS TERMINALS !5. WALL-MOUNTED 6. BINDING POST CAPS AND INSULATORS 1. 3 ......................................................................... 49-TYPE TERM1NAL 4. 1. ........................................................................ 1. ............................................... 28 PLACING BINDING POST CAPS ...................................................... 29 PLACING BINDING POST INSULATORS 31 ................................................ GENERAL l.Oi This section covers drop and block wire runs at aerial cable terminals. Its purpose is to provide a guide for the neat and orderly placement of wire rings for the support of drop and block wire. PROPRIETARY Not for use or disclosure outside Southwestern Be] 1 Telephone Company except under written agreement. Page 1 462-260-201SW 1.02 This section is reissued to add procedures binding posts and the use of gel-filled 1.03 for the proper method of cleaning or water proof caps, if applicable. The B drive tie (Fig. 1) is intended for holding cable or wire on wood surfaces. The B drive tie is a l-piece black-plastic flathead nail protruding tie with a number four galvanized Installation is by driving through a tab at one end. the nail into a wood surface or a plastic anchor. The B drive tie will hold wire or cable up to 1-1/8 inches in diameter. #4 NAIL / Fig. 1 - B Drive Tie 1.04 The Drive Ring surfaces. (Fig. 2) is intended for holding drop wire on wood or concrete steel and it consists of a horse The drive ring is made of galvanized shoe section equipped with a nail. Installation is made by 3riving the nail portion into a wood surface or a D drive anchor. DANGER : Due to the possibility of injury, DO NOT PLACE 3rive rings in the area from ground level to a height of six (6) feet. use either bridle rings or B drive ties to complete the wire runs on pole or building applications. Fig. 2 - Drive Ring Page 2 462-260-201sw 1.05 Whenever the B drive tie is mentioned, it is also intended that the drive ring may also be used, except where it presents a safety hazard as outlined in paragraph ‘1.04. 1.06 When local requirements indicate the necessity for using guard arms, refer to Section 462-300-200. 1.07 Information covering the various cable terminals referred to in this practice may be found in the following sections as needed. TITLE SECTION 462-030-100 Drop, Block, and Cross-Connect Wiring-Insulated Wire 462-300-200 Drop and Block Wiring Pole, Strand, and Tree Attachments Climbing Space 462-400-211 Drop and Block Wiring, Pole-to-Building and Pole-to-Pole Runs 620-216-013 1.08 Clearances on Jointly Used Poles. At each visit to the terminal location, perform the following: - Fingertighten the nuts on all unused binding posts to keep all contact areas as clean as possible. - Brush the faceplate with a water tool brush to remove any dirt that may have accumulated. DANGER : When cutting the ends of wire terminated on binding posts, wear eye protection and place the free hand over the binding post before cutting the wires. - Trim frayed ends of wires which might cause leakaqe to adjacent wires or binding posts. 1.09 No more than two conductors additional bridging 2. shall be bridged on each binding post. is necessary, wire terminals Where should be used. SAFETY 2.01 Safety, quality, and quantity (in that order) are three very important to consider in the performar,ce of any telephone factors job. Page 3 462-260-201SW 2.02 All employees engaged in working on poles should be familiar with the following practices: TITLE SECTION 188A Test Set 081-705-102 Precautions 620-131-010 (Stop Lite) - Description and Use To Be Taken Before Climbing Poles or Working From Strand- or Pole- Supported Equipment Buried Service Wire Terminations. 629-720-200 3. STRAND-MOUNTED 3.01 TERMINALS Run drop wires to the terminal from the adjacent pole they distribute from a cable extension (Fig. 2), except where arm or from a span clamp. from a span clamp should be run directly A drop wire from the span clamp to the terminal when the span clamp is adjacent to the terminal. 3.02 Route the drop or block wire through the three hangers below the terminal, around the hanger at the far end, and below the terminal to the proper wire entrance holes of the assigned binding posts. 3.03 3.04 Cut wire to the proper length for terminating. Remove the required amount of insulation from the wire to terminate on the binding post. 3.05 Using long-nose pliers or other suitable tool, break through the wire entrance hole adjacent to or below the proper pair of binding posts. 3.06 Insert the wire through the wire entrance hole and terminate post so the end of the insulation it on the binding is about 1/8 inch from the washers. 49-TYPE TERMINAL 3.07 Refer to Fig. 3, 4, and 5 for typical arrangements 49-type terminals on aerial cable. access 49-type terminals to eight Page 4 of drop wires terminated Limit the number of drop wires in ready (8). in 462-260-201SW 3.08 When placing new connections, the wire should be run through all the hangers below the terminal to provide enough slack to enable any wire to reach any pair ~larning: of binding posts in the event of changes in cable pair assignments. Wire should be loosely placed to avoid sharp bends at the B ties which may cause damage to the wire insulation. — DROP TO STATION 49.TYPE TERMINA1 I \ DROP TO SPAN CLAMP DROP ;0 SPAN CLAMP III HANGERS NOTE. To be placed at the same level as termmal hangers Fig. 3 - Running Drop Wire to 49-Type Terminal at Pole — Page 5 I 462-260-201SW u~ ‘ LOCATE B DRIVE TIE OR DRIVE RINGS SO wIRE RUN TO TERMINAL WILL BE IN LINE WITH WIRING HANGARS Fig. 4 - Running Drop Mires to 49-Type Terminal From Guard Arm Page 6 I . 462-260-201sW ,! ~ 4,’ 1( — / IN 5 B DRIVE TIES OR DRIVE RINGS Fig. 5 - Running Drop Wires to 49-Type Terminal From Cable Extension Arm 61-TYPE TERMINALS 3.09 Refer to Fig. 6 for a typical arrangement of drop wires at a 61-type terminal. Page 7 462-260-201SW rl — TO STATION / TO STATION B ORPJE TIE OR DRIVE RINGS 8 IN. TO NEXT POLE ~ OR SPAN CLAMP B DRIVE TIE OR OR DRIVE RINGS TO NEXT POLE OR SPAN CLAMP LOCATE B DRIVE TIE OR ORIVE RING SO WIRE RUN TO TERMINAL — wlLL BE IN LINE WITH TERMINAL WIRING RINGS Fig. 6 - Running Drop Wires to 61-Type Terminal 104- OR 105-TYPE TERMINALS 3.10 Refer to Fig. 7, 8, and 9 for typical arrangements of drop wires at 104- or 105-type cable terminals on aerial cable. I !*I NOTE: To&placWatthesame level asterm,nal hangers. Fig. 7 - Running Drop Wires to 104-105-Type Terminal at Pole Page 8 . 462-260-201SW P .- (7I I I [ I 00 _lg o ======*:+~*,1-_-=-= ----- Glala fi” ) II I LOCATE B DRIVE TIE OR ORIVE RING SO WIRE RUN TO TERMINAL WILL BE IN LINE WITH TERMINAL WIRING RINGS 1-! Fig. 8 - Running Drop Wires to 104 or 105-Type Terminal From Guard Arm Page 9 462-260-201SVi I J, I , ~,! 1, B DRIVE TIES OR DRIVE RINGS %-,:?’ 1 : Fig. 9 - Running Drop Wires to 104- or 105-Type Cable Terminal From Cable Extension Arm N-TYPE TERMINAL 3.11 Refer to Fiq. 10, 11, and 12 for typical arrangements terminals. Note that the arrangements strsnd-mounted Page 10 cable terminals. of drop wires at N-type of wires are similar at all 462-260 -201SW SPAN TO I m ~ ~ SPAN TO BUILDING - DO NOT PULL WIRES TIGHTLY AROUND RING i, LOCATE B DRIVE TIE OR’DRiVE RING SO WIRE RUN TO TERMINAL LOCATE DRIVE HOOK APPROX 31N. BELOW BOTTOM OF TERMINAL HOUSING WILL BE IN LINE WITH TERMINAL RINGS FRONT VIEW REAR VIEW Fig. 10 - Running Drop Wire to N-Type Cable Terminal From Pole m LOCATE B DRIVE TIE OR DRIVE RING SO WIRES WILL BE IN LINE WITH TERMINAL RUN WIRES BEHIND TERMINAL AND THROUGH DO NOT PULL WIRES TIGHTLY AR~UND WIRING RINGS WIRING RINGS WIRING RING Fig. 11 - Running Drop Wire to N-Type Cable Terminal From Guard Arm Fig. 12 - Running Drop Wire to N-Type Cable Terminal From Cable Extension Arm Page 11 462-260-201SW 4. POLE-MOUNTED 4.01 TERMINALS All vertical drop and block wire runs on poles should be secured by B drive ties or drive rings and should be spaced in a straight line, approximately apart. 24 inches This line of B drive ties should be about 45 degrees around the pole from the face or side of the pole on which the terminal is mounted. 4.02 Wires should be routed through the drive tie and then to the terminal entrance hole. 4.03 Cut the wire to the proper length for terminating. 4.04 Remove the required amount of insulation from the wire to terminate on the binding post. 4.05 Insert the wire through the wire entrance hole and terminate posts so the end of the insulation it on the binding is about l/8-inch from the washers on the binding post. ‘2 ‘“A ‘‘ ‘n”“’n’=Y--=-””oT””+“ RUN WIRES a.. ..,4 -,.- 3+ r.—A.,-- ~\ LOCATE B DRIVE TIE OR DRIVE RING SO WIRES WILL BE IN LINE WITH TERMINAL BEHIND TERMINAL AND THROUGH DO NOT PULL WIRES TIGHTLY AR~UND WIRING RINGS WIRING RINGS WIRING RING Fig. 11 - Running Drop Wire to N-Type Cable Terminal From Guard Arm Fig. 12 - Running Drop Wire to N-Type Cable Terminal From Cable Extension Arm Page 11 462-260-201SW 4. POLE-MOUNTED 4.01 TERMINALS All vertical drop and block wire runs on poles should be secured by B drive ties or drive rings and should be spaced in a straight line, approximately apart. 24 inches This line of B drive ties should be about 45 degrees around the pole from the face or side of the pole on which the terminal is mounted. 4.02 Wires should be routed through the drive tie and then to the terminal entrance hole. 4.03 Cut the wire to the proper length for terminating. 4.04 Remove the required amount of insulation from the wire to terminate on the binding post. 4.05 Insert the wire through the wire entrance hole and terminate posts so the end of the insulation it on the binding is about l/8-inch from the washers on the binding post. N-TYPE TERMINALS 4.06 Refer to Fig. 13 and 14 for typical arrangements terminals which are mounted on poles. Page 12 of drop wires at N-type I 462-260-201SW 1] II ~ TERMINAL STUB i 1. POSITION OF ORIVE TIES FOR WIRE RUNS ON P RIGHT SIDE OF POLE i: Ii’ USE B DRIVE TIE OR ORIVE RINGS 1 ,, — .:.. 1’ ,:,.. , ,..:. 1 N-TYPE TERMINAL ,25 PAIR SIZE N.TYPE T 100R 16 G I [1 ’:- ‘1’ 8 IN ~: & !i :5-- “ “ “c: L’ ---4 l“ RUN FOR WIRES TERMINATING ? ON RIGHT SIOE OF TERMINAL RUN FOR WIRES TERMINATING ON LEFT SIDE c . . . . . . . .7, ,,: . :: :: ,, ~ p, ,, ,i ,, ;, ALIGN B DRIVE TIES ~ OR ORIVE RINGS WITH SIDES OF TERMINAL I RUN WIRE CONNECTIONS THROUGH TWO DRIVE TIES WHEN TOO SHORT FOR THREE DRIVE TIES OR DRIVE B DRIVE TIES OR DRIVE RINGS WITH SIDES OF TERMINAL RINGS 12 IN ~ ‘\ PLACE WIRES SLACK TO AVOID SHARP BENDS AT ORIVE TIES Fig. 13 - Running Drop Wire to 10 L RUN WIRE CONNECTIONS THROUGH TWO B DRIVE TIES WHEN TOO SHORT FOR THREE BORIVE TIES \ PLACE WIRE SLACK TO AVOIO SHARP BENDS Fig. 14 - Running Drop Wire to 25 Pair or 16 Pair N-Type Cable N-Type Cable Terminal Mounted Terminal Mounted on Pole on Pole POLE-MOUNTED 4.07 TO OPEN TERMINAL PULL OUT COVER BY THE BOTTOM LIP AND LOWER F \ CROSS-CONNECTING TERMINALS Install drop wire in accordance with the following procedure: (1) Place B drive ties on the pole as shown in Fig. 15 Page 13 I 462-260-201SW INGS USE TH ENTERI OF TER DRIVE LEFT DROP WIRE ; L, 3 IN, - ‘. :.ill “ B DROP WIRE 1! CENTER DRIVE TIES OR ORIVE RINGS BELOW WIRE ENTRANCE HOLES ill~ Fig. 15 - Running Drop Wire at Cross-Connecting (2) Where a drop wire is to be terminated Terminal on the right side of the terminal chamber, run the wire down the right side of the pole behind the terminal, through the two drive ties below the terminal, and into the wire entrance holes on the bottom left of the terminal box. Where the drop wire is to be terminated. on the left side of the terminal chamber, run the wire down the left side fif the pole behind the terminal, through the two drive ties below the terminal, and into the wire entrance holes cm the bottom right of the terminal hex. (3) Install cross-connecting wire between the feeder pair binding posts and a vacant drop wire binding post. Fig. 16 and 17. Page 14 Then terminate the drop wire as shown in 462-260-201SW DISTRIBUTING RINGS -CROSS CO NNEC :TING WIRES CROSS CONNE WIRE CON N E(’”1‘ING F3-OCK DROP ANC BLOCK WIRE ENTERING BOTTOh4 OF CABINET 4 Fig. 16 - Terminating =%/ DROP AND ENTRANCE BLOCK WIRE HOLES Drop Wire - 101-Type Cable Terminal Page 15 462-260-201SW @D@ $—’ -+ ) > \ > - WIRING HOLES CROSSCONNECTING WIRE DROP ANO BLOCK WIRE ENTRANCE HOLES , ++ ++ 00 00 00 Oo 00 00 Oo ++++ 4 *4*+*4.++ ++ + + + *,, ++,++.,+ +4++++ eealera a(pamweaw 4+++ woe eeeoeeee eeeeeoeameo 00900Q.Q.g OooOOOOOOOm eoeeo00e990ee0ma9w eeOeeOee OeO.geawmeO ee9clwJam seem aooaalealst amme aeoo 00000000 Qooo - Ofaaeoaeemo GUARO FOR CROSSCONNECTING WIRES i — BINDING POSTS OROP Fig. 17 - Terminating 4.08 DROP WIRE drop wire are not provided on the superseded BD Drop wires are installed in these terminals as follows: (1) Proceed as in paragraph Page 16 u Drop Wire - B-Type Cable Terminals Binding posts for terminating and BE terminals. FOR WIRES 4.07(1) and (2). 462-260-201sW (2) Run the drop wire upward in the wiring channel behind the faceplate extension on the side of the chamber opposite is to be terminated, then over the top wiring shelf or the two rings located at the top of the housing, and downward routing of wires entering illustrated the binding posts on which it in Fig. 18. to the proper wiring hole. the terminal on the left and right sides is Terminate drop wire between washers on the binding posts of the feeder pair unless two wires are already terminated posts. The Where one of these two wires is a cross-connecting the second drop wire on the distribution on these wire, terminate cable pair, but not more than two wires should be bridged on the binding posts of the distribution cable pair. Where more than two wires are to be bridged to the ‘same cable pair, install a 400-2000A wire terminal on the pole outside the terminal, and bridge the new drop and one of the existing drops in the wire terminal. (3) Insert the wire ir]to the proper wiring hole, cut the wire to the proper length, and terminate on the binding post with the tracer conductor right. to the Place the wire under the lower washer unless the space is occupied by an existing wire; in which case, place the second wire between washers. Page 17 462-260-201SW DROP WIRE [., — 14!1 ..’ DROP WIRE DROP WIRE M’DROpw’RE “!?!3 . —— *+.. r ;: I \@ / DROP WIRE @ , I .11111 .%,, i 1 - d. me- .-..+ !W:::: (y .-..+ 1‘ +....+.. +.-...+. w–-–––. ● a e @ e e WIRE SHELF -DROP WIRE ● * 9 I 9 e e ● B DRIVE TIES OR DRIVE RINGS w II es IIf es \ Il!T I!!!,, NOTE: CROSS CONNECTING WIRES OMITTED FOR CLARI TY, “: “L .! Fig. 18 - Terminating Page 18 DRIVE RINGS Drop Wire - Superseded BD and BE Cable Terminals 462-260-201SW 4.09 When slack is required in connection with transferring a drop to another cable a wire, reroute the drop around the bottom of the chamber in a terminal equipped with wiring shelf or remove from the M rings at the top pair or reinstalling of the terminal. Where still more slack is needed, splice wire inside the terminal and run the spliced wire over the top as in the case of a new connection. 4.10 Install cross-connecting wires in accordance with the following procedures: (1) Insert one end of the wire through the proper wiring hole for the binding posts of distribution cable pair. For binding posts to the right of the wiring holes, select a hole immediately above the line of binding posts; for those to the left of the wiring holes, select a hole immediately line of binding posts. below the Select the inner of the two wiring holes of the 300-, 400-, and 600-pair terminals for wires to be terminated on the nearest two pairs of binding posts, and the outer hole for connections to the farthest binding posts. (2) Terminate the cross-connecting posts of a distribution right-hand wire under the lower washers on the binding cable pair. Connect the tracer conductor to the post. (3) When cross-connection is to be made on the same side of the chamber, run the wire in the wiring channel behind the faceplate extension and through the proper wiring hole for the binding posts of the cable pair. (4) When cross-connection is to be made between opposite sides of the chamber, process as follows: (a) In 100-, 200-, 300-, and 400-pair terminals equipped with wiring shelves, route cross-connecting wire terminating on the top third of the feeder cable pairs over the wiring shelf as illustrated cross-connecting remaining wires in Fig. 19. by Run cross-connecting wire to the feeder cable pairs around the bottom of the chamber behind the wire guards. In the case of the 600-pair terminal, route cross-connecting wires over any of the three wiring shelves in the back of the chamber or around the bottom of the chamber, whichever provides the shortest routing. (b) In terminals not equipped with wiring wire around the bottom of the chamber. shelves, route cross-connecting Do not run cross-connecting wires through the M bridle rings provided at the top of the terminal housing. These rings are intended for drop wire connections. Page 19 462-260-201SW (5) Allow about 2 inches of slack in each cross-connecting wire. Where, on a subsequent line change, a wire is found to be too short, run a new connection rather than splicing out the short one. (6) Where it is necessary line, cross-connect to assign two distribution both distribution Terminate one cross-connecting cable pairs to form a party cable pairs to the feeder cable pair. wire under the lower washer and the other wire between washers on binding posts of the feeder pairs. two distribution cable pairs are required first two distribution outlined. cross-connect bridges are connected one to each of the cable pairs. Terminate one wire under the lower washer and the other wire between washers on the binding posts of the distribution Page 20 pair. the cable pairs to the feeder cable pair as previously The additional associated distribution for bridging, When more than 46p-2fjo-2olsw I 1 c= 1 WIRE SHELF Q loo~ BINDING POST COUNT ++ +00 0010 10 ++++++++++++ [ ?OUTE WIRES ro TOP /3 OF FEEDER :ABLE 00+++++++++++++ PAIRS )VER THE #lRE SHELF 0000 0020 Ic. ++++++++ 10 0 10 0 0++++++++++++ w:: +++++ @,+++++++++++ +’+++++++ 0050 00 0 OC3 0++++++++++++++ ++”+ 0++++++++++++ +++++++ ““”@++++++++++++&: @++++++++++++ +++++++ @++++++++++++ +++++++ +@oo O(J 1 00 00 00 00 00 @+++++++++++ ++++++++ 00 00 @++++++++++++ . + + 00 / e (’ r= / +++++++ 00 ++++++++++++ ++ 00 ++++ o?> 00 0++++++++++++ + @++++++++++++ +++++++ 00. 00 @+++++++++++++ F :?++ IOUTE WIRES rO BOTTOM ?/3 OF FEEDER :ABLE PAIRS AROUND THE 30TTOM OF rHE CHAMBER ++++++ ++++ 00 ++++ 00 ++~o 0++++++++++++ +++++++ 0++++++++++++ +++++++ 00 00 00 o 0++++++++++++ +++++++ 0++++++++++++ +++++++ @J++++++++++++ +++++++ 00 00 *OO Ocl 00 :F+++++ ++++ 00 00 +++ O&<%$o @Y++++++++++++ +++++++ 0++++++++++++ +++++++ 0++++++++++++ +++++++ 00 00 00 00 0+++++++++++++ 00 ++++++ 0+++++++++++ 10 0 110 0 00 ++++++++ 0 0?9 0+++++++++++ w 0 : 088s00s c300Qoc3t3QQfJ @ @ @@@ : — b Iwl Q o Fig. 19 - Running Cross-Connecting Wire Page 21 462-260-201SW 5. WALL-MOUNTED 5.01 TERMINALS The wiring arrangements arrangements at wall-mou~ted at strand- and pole-mounted a neat and orderly fashion. block wires at wall-mounted Page 22 terminals is very much like the terminals, and should always be done in Refer to Fig. 20 through 25 for arranging drop and terminals. 462-260-201SW n I SPACE RINGS 2 FT APART SPACE RINGS 2 FT APART I 7/8 IN DRIVE RING J Ill 1111 N-TYPE TERMINAL 100R 16 PAIR SIZE $ ALIGN RINGS WITH SIDES OF TERMINAL 7F J’_ r. “,NwlREcoNNEcTloN’~.i. ~. * T — R%W’%F7NGSWHE” id+ I* 12;” __JL____ Fig. 20 - Wall-Mounted 10- or 16- Pair Cable Terminal =—[-’ Fig. 21 - Wall-Mounted 10- or 16- Pair Cable Terminal With Stub at Bottom Page 23 462-260-201SW —.-.-IL 7/8 IN. ORIVE RINGS — .-. ‘-”””- [.,[_ .1 I -ii+ Fig. 22 - Horizontal-Mounted Cable Terminal With Stub Turned Up Page 24 11 34 ——.=-_ N-TYPE TERMINAL IO OR16 PAIR SIZE ,, Fig. 23 - Horizontal-Mounted -— ~ “_r Cable Terminal With Stub Turned Down 462-260-201SW I .— JLI[+J APPROX 2 FT. ]~~ ‘NEW Jr_. +fz‘ x“, 7+1=1- ‘akia — ‘ &E_____ 8 1-1/4 IN. ORIVE RINGS =11-—b==~ II Ill (n----a “ 1111 ~-.. “ lt= IN. 311N. 1-114 IN DRIVE ‘ ‘ !21NCQ ““””’--=t=t B II 6----- RING RUN FOR WIRES TERMINATING diil !5--: ~-u . 31– — ——— —— — . EEis ~~~ L-Ml &mR’1’E ~ ~“ f“”-”--”” 11 AH-E OF TERMINAL —.— -hi N-TYPE 1“”””--$ “l’-TERM’NAL 7 ULSLIL25PAIRSIZE or TO OPEN TERMINAL PULL OUT COVER BY THE BOTTOM LID AND LOWER ~; :~oM ,,//’/ _J - PLACE WIRES SLACK Y :z~A’TJ!u TO AVOID SHARP BENOS AT RINGS &TuRnlGH i ar ~ _w RUN WIRE CONNECTIONS ]r RIN;;;HEN”;OO SHORT FOR THREE RINGS Fig. 24 - Wall Mounted 25-Pair Cable Terminal With Stub at Top Fig. 25 - Wall Mounted 25-Pair Cable Terminal With Stub at Bottom Page 25 462-260-201SW 5.02 See Section SW 462-240-900 for a description of 400-2000A wire terminal. The 400-2000A wire terminal supersedes the 101A, 101B, 101B2 and 101C wire It is used for making party line taps in drop and block wire runs, terminals. in distributing links . drops from cable and open wire lines, and in placing fusible The 400-2000A wire terminal should be mounted on poles on walls as shown on Fig. 26, 27, 28 and 29. fl TO BTATION P DRIVE TIE B’, OR ORIVE RING 12 PLACE IN LINE WITH OFIIVE TIE A,, ORIVE RING OR PLACE BLOCK WIRE BETWEEN TERMINALs ,J \ ., –-1..:;!;,. .,.. ;-;,. , 1, ~-.. t ~._> ,;’ :., I 3 IN. :: q~ ~’..., ..* - UP TO FOUR DROP WIRES IN 400-20WA-TYPE WIRE TERMINAL 1 6 IN +% 7 TERMINATE UP TO FOUR OROP WIRES IN400.20soA.TYPE WIRE TERMINAL ..[.– PLACE 4 IN LINE WITH DRIVE TIE A,, ORIVE RING ,, ‘# oR k Flg. 26 - Wiring 400-2000A-Type Terminal at Pole Mounted Cable ‘i’erminal Paqe 26 ~ ‘~!v Fiq. 27 - Wiring 400-2000A-Type at Strand-Mounted Terminal Cable Terminal I 462-260-201SW ATTACH 400-2CQOA-TYPE TER. MINAL TO MASONRY WALL WITH TW051161N x 1 IN EXPANSION SHIELDS ANO TO WOoo WALL WITH TWO NO. 10x1 IN LONG R.H. GALV. WOOD SCREWS. N-TYPE TERMINAL 10 OR 16 PAIR SIZE NOTE, PLACE ADDITIONAL 4C0-2000A-TYPE WIRE TERMINAL AT LEAST 3-1/2 IN. APART, Fig .29- Wiring 400-2000A-Type Terminal with Horizontal Wall-Mounted Cable Terminal - Fig. 28 - Wiring .._JL 400-2000A-Type Vertical Wall-Mounted Terminal with Cable Terminal Page 27 . 462-260-201SW 6. , BINDING POST CAPS AND INSULATORS 6.01 These instructions insulators cover the placing of binding post caps and binding post in cable and wire terminals as protection against accidental on special service lines and as a means of minimizing contacts faceplate leakage. Table A Binding post caps and insulators may also be used to prevent corrosion. lists the binding post caps and usage. NOTE : Special service lines cover such circuits as program supply, radio and television network services, picture transmission, teletypewriter, fire, police, power remote control, burglar alarm, etc. TABLE A BINDING POST CAPS BINDING POST CAP B COLOR Red or Black USAGE On nonworking posts of N, T, and 61-type cable terminals c Red or Black On working posts of N, T, and 61-type cable terminals D Red or Black On 7A fuses installed E Red or Black On 49--type cable terminals F Red or Black On B buried cable terminals and connecting in L type fuse chambers blocks equipped with insulation crushing washers - 30-2, 57B, and 57A types G Red or Black On 30-type connecting blocks — H 6.02 On 31-type connecting blocks The B binding post cap is a molded neoprene cap which completely nonworking 6.03 Red or Black covers binding posts in N, T, and 61-type cable terminals. The C, E, F, G, and H binding post caps are similar to the B cap in design, except they have a hole and slit on the side to permit their installation wires terminated on binding posts. Page 28 over I 462-260-201SW 6.04 The D binding post cap is similar to the B cap except it has a small opening at one end. This cap is designed to fit over the end of a 7A fuse installed in L-type fuse chambers. 6.05 .Binding post caps are supplied in red and black colors as a means of identifying the types of circuits on which they are being used. use on special service lines as protection black for minimizing 6.06 is a phencl fiber sleeve, open at both ends and to admit wire termination insulators have a red enamel finish. 6.07 contacts and the faceplate leakage and other purposes. The binding post insulator slotted lengthwise The red cap is intended for against accidental on the binding post. Binding post insulators are intended as protection against accidental terminated in terminals not suited to the use of binding post caps. Particular care shall be exercised not to dislodge binding post insulators These contacts for special service lines which are the red binding post caps or associated with special service lines while working in terminals, nor should they be moved without proper authorization. PLACI~JG BINDING POST CAPS 6.08 Terminal blocks and binding posts which show evidence of corrosion, residue or other foreign deposits equivalent) , as shown in Section 644-203-1O1. after all moisture 6.09 (or Install the B bincling post caps is removed from around the bi~ding posts. More effective protection against corrosion, provided with the use of a gel-filled be cleaned and moisture 6.10 insect should be cleaned with Freon MS-181 insect residue, etc., may be binding post cap. removed as previously mentioned The binding posts must in paragraph 6.08, prior to installation of the gel-filled When inst~lling the B binding post caps, first turn down the nut of the binding post fingertight. caps. Force the cap over the binding post, without twisting, until the skirt of the cap is in good contact with the faceplate. If the cap is twisted while being forced over the binding post, the skirt of the cap may fold under ‘instead of seating squarely on the faceplate as desired. Figure 30 shows a Properly placed binding post cap. 6.11 Binding post caps come in seven sizes znd are used as listed in Table A. 6.12 Prepare the binding posts for the placing of C, E, F, G, and H binding post caps as indicated 6.13 in paraqraph 6.08 for the B caps. Place the caps over the binding post with the slit in the line with the terminated wire. Force the cap down over the binding post with terminated wire in the slit until the skirt of the cap is in good cc~fitactwith the faceplate. Adjust the terminated wire so that it is positioned inside the hole of the cap as indicated in Fig. 31. Page 29 I 462-260-201SW / FORCE B BIN DiNG POST CAPS OVER BINOING POSTS wITHOUT TWISTING UNTIL CAP SKIRT IS IN GOOD CONTACT WITI{ FACE PLATE CLEAN 81~JDl NG POSTS ANO FACE PLATE ANO TIGHTEN TOP NUTS BEFORE PLACING B BIN OING POST CAPS Fig. 30 - Placing B Binding Post Caps Pac3e30 =FoRCE C BINDING POST CAPS OVER BINOING POSTS WITHOUT TWISTING UNTIL CAP SKIRT IS IN GOOD CONTACT WITH FACE PLATE Fig. 31 - Placing C Binding Post Caps I 462-260-201sw 6.14 The C binding post caps are shown in Fig. 31. The E, F, G, and H binding post caps are installed in the same general manner. Figure 32 illustrates an E binding post cap placed inside a 49-type terminal. \ FORCE E BINDING POST CAP OVER EINOING POST WITHOUT TWISTING UNTIL CAP SKIRT IS Id GoOD CONTACT WITH FACE PLATE Fig. 32 - E Binding Post Caps Placed in 49-Type Cable Terminal 6.15 To place the D binding post cap in 7A fuses installed in L-type fuse chambers, force the cap down over the end of fuse until properly seated. PLACING BINDING POST INSULATORS 6.16 Install binding post insulators snugly over binding posts. Where the insulator fits loosely, place a piece of tape around the binding post inside the insulator to obtain a snug fit. 6.17 Binding post insulators come in four sizes and are used as listed in Table B. TABLE B BINDING POST INSULATORS COLOR BINDING POST INSULATOR NO. USAGE Red 1 On binding posts having 3/8-inch nuts and also the 7T fuse Red 2 On binding posts having 7/16-inch nuts and also the 7A fuse Red 3 On screw-type binding posts of BD terminals Red 6 On termination of alarm and contractor circuits in T pressure contactor-terminals and 3-pair gastight terminals Page 31 31 Paqes