PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 47, Number 1, January 1975 SOMELINEAR SUBORDINATIONRESULTS FOR CLASSES OF UNIVALENT FUNCTIONS ROBERT B. BYERS tions ABSTRACT. In this on complex numbers to f(z) — z + a z 2 note we determine A and necessary p. such that ... + ... for all functions and sufficient Az/(1 — pa / in certain condi- z) is subordinate classes of univalent functions. 1. Introduction. analytic Let and univalent is analytic the class in the unit disk in F with to be subordinate S denote g(0) = 0 and of functions fiz) - z + a.z +... F = \z : \z\ < 1 \. If / is in S and g(F) to /, and / is called is a subset of /(F), a univalent then g g is said majorant oí g. We express subclasses, respectively, this by writing giz) -< f(z). Let K and S denote of S. The well-known the convex result and starlike that for each {z : \z\ < Y2\ is equivalent to the statement "]4 theorem" < f(z) implies and F. R. Keogh numbers z/A [1] examined À and p such in K. Keogh [A] also that / in K, f(E) z/2 for all examined and sufficient < Xz + ¡ia z the question the disk Similarly, / in S. T. Basgoze, necessary z/2 contains ■< f(z). the Koebe J. L. Frank, conditions -< f(z) on complex for f(z) = z + a z +... of z/A -< kz + pa z -< f(z) for / in S*. In this paper for functions we answer similar of the form \z/(l \z/(l — paz) map tions obtained are equivalent questions - pa z). Since F onto open disks in the classes the functions (or half planes), to covering theorems K, S , and z/A, z/2, the various for functions S and subordina- in the clas- ses involved. 2. Convex functions, functions. we present Lemma 1. For all Before by the editors Key words and phrases. the theorem for the class necessary for its proof. + • • • in K, f(E) contains of convex the disk \a2\2). July 14, 1973 and, in revised AMS (MOS) subject classifications starlike, lemma f(z) = z + a2z \w-3ä2/2(A-\a2\2)\<3/(AReceived stating the following form, November 19, 1973- (1970). Primary 30A26; Secondary 30A32. Subordination, covering theorem, univalent function, convex. Copyright © 1975. American Mathematical Society License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see 143 144 R. B. BYERS Proof. value If the function of /(F), then f(z) = z + a z + ... [3] the inequality (1) |z7.2+ l/c| of /(F), c is an omitted the function is in S. This implies If the function is in S, and f(z) = z + a z < 2. + ... is in K, and c is an omitted value then the function (2) g(z) = f(z)_ll(l> =z+(a is in S [5], and c/2 value tain < 2. The function |íz quality + 3/2c| is sharp. Theorem is an omitted The 1. Let ±)z2 + ... of g(F). f(z) = z/(l Applying — z) shows (1) to (2), we obthat the above ine- lemma now follows. A and p be complex numbers. Then z/2 < Xz/(l - pa2z) < f(z) for all f(z) = z + a2z + ... Proof. function A/(l Without z/(l - z). loss in K if and only if À = lA+ Vip, 0 < \p\ < lA. of generality, The function we can assume |Az/(l + \p\) on |z| = 1. If the subordinations - pz)\ \ > 0. Let has a minimum hold, we then have f(z) value be the of A/(l + \p\) > Yt. Also for real x, —I < x < 0, x/(l Allowing x to approach -1, - x) < Ax/|l - px\ < x/2. we obtain A/|l + p\ = Vi. This implies A = Vi+ Vip and p= \p\> 0. If the function . p, / is in K, then so is the function fl(z + Q/il+c!z)]-f(t) g(z,<f)=-.-= /'(¿)U-|f|2) z + Az 2 +..., Ç <1, 2 where The the original author wishes to thank the referree for suggesting proof. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see this simplification of SUBORDINATION RESULTS FOR UNIVALENT FUNCTIONS 145 a =A(i_i£i2)-ë. 2/' Ü) fí fiz) = tan~lz tions and 0<£<1, hold for all then A 2 = -2<f/(l + £2). If the subordina- / in K, we then have z (H+ M<x)z 2 1 + 2&z/(l + Î2) where «(*,£) =-75 If z is real, tan 1-—J- g(z, £) is an increasing function -tan of z. »M. Letting z = 1, we obtain the inequality i< *»*■ <iil7;-,.-fVy 2 -l*2f^(l+f2)-l-f2V From this we obtain the inequality ft|(l-e2)-2f(5 For 0 <£ -2tan-1e)]<(l+e2)(^ < 1, (1 — £ )- 2<f(77/2 - 2 tan- - 2 tan"1 f) -(1-f2). rf) is greater than zero. Thus we have < (l+^2)(77/2-2tan-1cf)-(l-c;2) 1 -¿f2-77<f+ 4^tan-1 Ç Letting ff approach For the remainder 1, we obtain p < Á- of the proof we may assume without loss of generality that <?- > 0. For a < 1, 0< /i< 1, the images of E under (l+p)z/(2-2pn ate nested. Thus completes only show that 3^/(4 — 2aJz) -< f(z). Lemma 1 the proof. 3. Starlike Bernardi we need z) and univalent [2] is used Lemma Theorem functions. in the proof of the theorem 2. // f(z) - z + a z 2. Let The following A and + ... for the univalent is in S, then p be complex lemma due to S. D. numbers. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see z/(2 Then - a2z) case. -< f(z). 146 R. B. BYERS z/A < Az/(l - pa2z) < f(z) for all f(z) = z + a2z2 + ... Proof. all Without loss f(z) = z + a z be the Koebe in S if and only if A = Va+ Vip, 0 < \p\ < Vi• of generality we can assume + . . . in S we have function z/(l z/A A > 0. Suppose -< Az/(1 - z) . As in the proof that - pa z) -< f(z). of Theorem for Let f(z) 1, we obtain A = Va+ Vip and p. = \p\> 0. Next let /(z) be the function z/(l - z ) = z + z3 + • • . . Letting z = ¿y, 0 < y < 1, we have y/4<iy4+ Letting y approach lAp)y<y/(l 1, we obtain For the remainder + y2). p<Vi. of the proof we may assume without loss of generality that a > 0. For a < 2, 0 < ß < Vi, the images of E under (l + 2/¿)z/(4-4iia2z) are nested. Lemma Since cannot 2 completes the functions be improved z/(l the proof. - z)2 for the class and z/(l - z2) are starlike, Theorem 2 S . REFERENCES 1. T. Basgoze, J. L. Frank and F. R. Keogh, Cañad. J. Math. 22 (1970), 123-127. 2. S. D- Bernardi, 32 (1965), 23-36. Circular On convex univalent regions covered by schlicht functions, 3. W. K. Hayman, 4 F. R. Keogh, Math. Multivalent A strengthened Essays Dedicated Ohio, 1970, pp. 201-211. 5. G. Sansone plex variable. II: Duke Math. MR 30 #2135. functions, Cambridge Tracts Phys., no. 48, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1958, p. 3. functions, functions, MR 41 #1983. Ohio and Math. for starlike Univ. Press, univalent Athens, MR 43 # 496. and J. Gerretsen, Geometric form of the % theorem to A. J. Maclntyre, in Math, MR 21 #7302. theory, Lectures on the theory Wolters-Noordhoff, of functions Groningen, of a com- 1969, p. 198. MR 41 #3714. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, MANSFIELD, OHIO 44906 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see J.