WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 1 RPC Pipe Systems Pty Ltd PRODUCT APPRAISAL REPORT 12/11 FLOWTITE™ Filament Wound Glass Reinforced Plastic Pipe System AS 3571.1 – Plastics piping systems – Glass reinforced thermoplastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin. Part 1: Pressure and non-pressure drainage and sewerage (ISO 10467:2004, MOD) AS 3571.2 – Plastics piping systems – Glass reinforced thermoplastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin. Part 1: Pressure and non-pressure water supply (ISO 10639:2004, MOD) Publication Date : 11 June 2013 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 2 Document History The following information indicates the changes made to this document. Date Version File Location 8 April 2013 Client Review U:\PP1 Industry Performance and Regulation\PP1-012 Product Appraisals\Civil Asset Infrastructure\2012\PA 1211-2 RPC Pipe System Pty Ltd Water Supply Applications\PA 1211 RPC Flowtite (1) 150220122032013.docx 12 April 2013 Peer Review Draft U:\PP1 Industry Performance and Regulation\PP1-012 Product Appraisals\Civil Asset Infrastructure\2012\PA 1211-2 RPC Pipe System Pty Ltd Water Supply Applications\PA 1211 RPC Flowtite (1) 150220122032013.docx 11 June 2013 Publication Version U:\PP1 Industry Performance and Regulation\PP1-012 Product Appraisals\Civil Asset Infrastructure\2012\PA 1211-2 RPC Pipe System Pty Ltd Water Supply Applications\PA 1211 RPC Flowtite Published Version 11062013.docx Peer Reviewers Name/Title Organisation Date Carl Radford, Product Appraisal Manager WSAA 08/04/2013 Dayong Li, Senior Engineer Standards Queensland Urban Utilities 08/05/2013 Mohamed Yoosuf, Senior Engineer, Standards City West Water 24/05/2013 Adam Glasson Technical Officer Goulburn Valley Water 1/05/2013 Colin Paxman - Manager Products and Standards South East Water Ltd 11/06/2013 Name/Title Signature Date Carl Radford, Product Appraisal Manager Carl Radford 11/06/2013 Approvals COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 3 Overview of WSAA In Australia, water and sewage services, vital not only to people and households but also to industry and commercial enterprises, are provided by Government regulated water utilities. The Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) is the peak industry bod y that brings together and supports this Australian urban water industry. Members provide water and sewage services to over 16 million Australians. They also provide services to many of Australia’s largest industries and commercial enterprises. As the peak body representing the nation’s urban water industry, WSAA acts on behalf of all members, providing a strong, national voice for the sector and taking a leading role in influencing urban water policy development. To support members in their engagement with customers, stakeholders and the community, WSAA regularly assesses and reports on the performance of the industry. Through the Association, member groups and interested parties can meet to discuss common issues and express concerns, as well as share information, research findings and developments. This collaboration and unity empowers WSAA to advocate on behalf of members for strong industry positions, and for regulation that is transparent, and based on solid evidence. The Association, formed in 1998, regularly engages with and supports members, fostering and contributing to development of the whole sector, including educating the community on behalf of the industry. WSAA enables collaboration and coordination, conducts research, and provides consultation—maintaining strong contacts with policy makers, legislative bodies, and their influencers, to monitor important issues as they emerge. When developing strategic directions for the water industry, decision makers regularly consult with WSAA, and seek input. Executive represent the industry at seminars and forums, and the Association regularly organises industry events and seminars to bring together the industry, levels of government, and the community. In consultation with members, the Association analyses policy and develops programs; and is instrumental in developing industry standards and processes. Copyright This document is copyrighted. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of the Water Services Association of Australia Limited. © Copyright 2012 by WATER SERVICES ASSOCIATION of Australia Limited All rights reserved. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 4 CONTENTS 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................. 6 1.1 Recommendations ................................................................................................................................................ 7 2 THE APPLICANT ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Manufacturing facilities .......................................................................................................................................... 7 3 THE PRODUCT ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Manufacturing Standards ...................................................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Nominal Size ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 3.3 Nominal Stiffness Classes ..................................................................................................................................... 9 3.4 Nominal Pressure .................................................................................................................................................. 9 3.5 Lengths.................................................................................................................................................................. 9 3.5.1 Nominal length ................................................................................................................................................ 9 3.5.2 Laying length .................................................................................................................................................. 9 3.6 Load Capacity Values ........................................................................................................................................... 9 3.7 Pipe Fittings and Accessories ............................................................................................................................... 9 3.8 Materials .............................................................................................................................................................. 10 3.8.1 Reinforcement .............................................................................................................................................. 10 3.8.2 Resin............................................................................................................................................................. 10 3.8.3 Aggregate and fillers ..................................................................................................................................... 10 3.8.4 Pipe coupling ................................................................................................................................................ 10 3.8.5 Wall construction .......................................................................................................................................... 11 4 SCOPE OF THE APPRAISAL ................................................................................................................................... 11 5 APPRAISAL CRITERIA ............................................................................................................................................. 12 5.1 General................................................................................................................................................................ 12 5.2 Quality Assurance Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 12 5.3 Performance Requirements................................................................................................................................. 12 6 COMPLIANCE WITH APPRAISAL CRITERIA........................................................................................................... 12 6.1 Compliance with Quality Assurance Requirements ............................................................................................. 12 6.2 Compliance with Performance Requirements ..................................................................................................... 13 6.2.1 Mechanical characteristics ............................................................................................................................ 13 Initial specific ring stiffness – Batch release test .................................................................................... 13 Long-term specific ring stiffness (S50) – Type test .................................................................................. 13 Initial resistance to failure in a deflected condition – Batch release test ................................................. 14 Ultimate long-term resistance to failure in a deflected condition – Type test .......................................... 14 Initial specific longitudinal tensile strength – Batch release test ............................................................. 14 Initial design and failure pressures for pressure pipes – Batch release test ........................................... 15 Long-term failure pressure – Type test................................................................................................... 15 Resistance of pressure pipes to cyclic internal pressure – Type test ..................................................... 15 Resistance to strain corrosion – Type test ............................................................................................. 16 Elastomers – Type test......................................................................................................................... 16 Joint performance – Type test .............................................................................................................. 16 Abrasion resistance .............................................................................................................................. 17 Temperature and pressure re-rating..................................................................................................... 17 Resistance to ultraviolet degradation ................................................................................................... 17 Other technical data ............................................................................................................................. 18 6.2.2 Effect on water quality – Type test ................................................................................................................ 18 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 5 6.3 WSAA Agency Network Requests ....................................................................................................................... 19 7 FITTING INSTRUCTIONS, TRAINING AND INSTALLATION ................................................................................... 21 8 PRODUCT MARKING ............................................................................................................................................... 21 9 PACKAGING AND TRANSPORTATION ................................................................................................................... 22 10 PRODUCT WARRANTY .......................................................................................................................................... 22 11 WATER AGENCY EXPERIENCE WITH THE PRODUCT OR FIELD TESTING REPORT ..................................... 22 12 DISCUSSION........................................................................................................................................................... 23 13 SUMMARY............................................................................................................................................................... 23 14 LIFE EXPECTANCY ................................................................................................................................................ 23 15 FUTURE WORKS .................................................................................................................................................... 23 15.1 Recommendations ............................................................................................................................................ 24 16 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 24 17 DISCLAIMER ........................................................................................................................................................... 26 17.1 Issue of Report .................................................................................................................................................. 26 17.2 Limits on Reliance on Information and Recommendations................................................................................ 27 17.2.1 Disclaimer of liability ................................................................................................................................... 27 17.2.2 Need for independent assessment ............................................................................................................. 27 17.3 No Updating ...................................................................................................................................................... 27 17.4 No Warranty ...................................................................................................................................................... 27 APPENDIX A – TECHNICAL DATA .............................................................................................................................. 28 AVAILABLE FROM RPC PIPE SYSTEMS OR THE FLOWTITE WEBSITE ................................................................. 28 APPENDIX B - QUALITY CERTIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................... 29 APPENDIX C - WSAA PRODUCT SPECIFICATION ................................................................................................... 32 APPENDIX D – PRODUCT SCHEDULE ...................................................................................................................... 34 TABLE D 4 Minimum initial specific longitudinal tensile strength of Flowtite™ pipes N/mm of circumference .............. 37 TABLE D 5 Average apparent initial circumferential tensile strength of Flowtite™ pipes N/mm of circumference ........ 38 APPENDIX E - NATA LABORATORY TEST RESULTS ............................................................................................... 39 TABLE E1 SUMMARY OF TYPE TESTS AND BATCH TEST RESULTS .................................................................... 40 APPENDIX E2 DOUBLE BELL REKA COUPLING QUALIFICATION TEST ................................................................ 43 APPENDIX F PIPE MARKING EXAMPLE .................................................................................................................... 46 APPENDIX G FLOWTITE TM CONTACT WITH DRINKING WATER APPROVALS ...................................................... 47 APPENDIX H - SUPPLIER CONTACTS ....................................................................................................................... 48 APPENDIX I – TAPPING PROCEDURE FOR FLOWTITE FP PIPES HOT AND COLD TAPPINGS ........................... 49 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 1 6 EXECUTI VE SUM M ARY This appraisal replaces the lapsed appraisal PA 04/06 Issue 2 that was revised and reissued in October 2006. The last Product Appraisal Report No PA 04/06 Issue 2 noted the progress made by the previous owners (Fibrelogic Pty Ltd) towards achieving Quality Endorsed Company status in compliance with AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000 and the testing of the EPS -1 polyester resin for compliance with AS/NZS 4020. In 2011, RPC Pipe Systems was established and acquired the business and assets of Fibrelogic Pty Ltd. RPC Pipe Systems now holds an exclusive Australian manufacturing and support licence for Flowtite™. RPC Pipe Systems Pty Ltd, an Australian company located in Lonsdale, South Australia have submitted for re-appraisal the Flowtite™ GRP pipe and fittings. This report notes RPC Pipe Systems has achieved Quality Endorsed Company status and has completed field trials and testing to AS/NZS 4020. The Flowtite™ GRP pipe and fittings are manufactured in a purpose built factory in Lonsdale, South Australia. Manufacturing of Flowtite™ GRP pipe and fittings commenced operation during May 2006. Two CW3000 machines form the production equipment. The CW3000 machine has the capability to produce pipe from DN 300 to DN 3000. RPC Pipe Systems also has fittings fabrication facilities at the Lonsdale site and can manufacture fittings to match the pipe product range. WSAA peer reviewers inspected the plant on 20 April 2006 and reviewed the manufacturing and testing processes and quality control laboratory. IPAM Members attending the IPAM meeting in Adelaide between 5 to 7 December 2007 were also invited to attend a tour of the Plant. Flowtite™ GRP pipe and fittings have been appraised for compliance with the requirements of the latest ISO standards for GRP pipes and fittings: ISO 10467 – Plastic piping systems for pressure and non-pressure drainage and sewerage - Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin. Flowtite™ Sewer pipes complying with this Standard are nominated “FS”; and ISO 10639 – Plastic piping systems for pressure and non-pressure water supply Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin. Flowtite™ Water pipes complying with this Standard are nominated “FP”. Note ISO 10467 and ISO 10639 have been adopted in Australia as AS3571.1 and AS3571.2 as below: AS 3571.1 – Plastics piping systems – Glass reinforced thermoplastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin. Part 1: Pressure and non-pressure drainage and sewerage (ISO 10467:2004, MOD) AS 3571.2 – Plastics piping systems – Glass reinforced thermoplastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin. Part 1: Pressure and non-pressure water supply (ISO 10639:2004, MOD) Nominal sizes of Flowtite™ products range from DN 300 to DN 3000. Nominal pressure classes for Flowtite™ products range from PN 1 to PN 32 with pressures to PN35 available. The standard pipe stiffnesses available are SN 2500, SN 5000 and SN 10000 in any combination with pressure class. Higher stiffness classes and pressure classes are available on request with SN20,000 already supplied into the Australian market. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 7 Australian made Flowtite™ GRP pipe and fittings comply with the dimensional, material and performance requirements of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2. A table of dimensions for Flowtite pipe produced in Australia is shown in Appendix ‘ D’. The “Flowtite™ GRP Pipe and Fittings Engineering Design and Installation Guide” is available on the Flowtite™ website providing a more complete description of the product. A “Future Work” item has been identified in Section 15 and when available RPC Pipe Systems will provide the information required to complete the appraisal of the RPC/ Flowtite™ product. 1.1 Recommendations It is recommended that WSAA members and associates consider interim acceptance/authorisation of Flowtite™ GRP pipe and fittings for water supply and sewerage, subject to the design, installation and commissioning being in accordance with specifications provided by RPC Pipe Systems and relevant WSAA Water Supply and Sewerage Codes and subject to RPC Pipe Systems making satisfactory progress in addressing future work items within the timetable set. 2 THE APPLI C ANT RPC Pipe Systems was established in 2011 to acquire the business and assets of Fibrelogic Pty Ltd ('Fibrelogic'), Australia's leading manufacturer of continuously wound glass reinforced plastic ('GRP') pipe and associated fittings. It holds an exclusive Australian manufacturing and support licence for the Flowtite™ GRP piping systems, technology and brand for Australia. Flowtite™ Technology is owned by the Amiantit piping group (AFIL), with 22 plants world wide. Flowtite™ Piping Systems offer over 40 years of engineering experience in the manufacture and design of GRP pipe systems. RPC Pipe Systems Pty Ltd is located in Lonsdale, South Australia. RPC Pipe Systems has supplied projects requiring GRP pipe and ducting installations for mining, power, sewer and water companies throughout Australia. RPC Pipe Systems Pty Ltd ('RPC Pipe Systems') is a South Australian company and joint venture between RPC Technologies Pty Ltd and Nuplex Industries (Aust) Pty Ltd that specialises in water surety solutions. 2.1 Manufacturing facilities A purpose built factory in Lonsdale, South Australia commenced operation during May 2006. Two CW 3000 machines form the production equipment. The CW3000 machine has the capability to produce pipe from DN 300 to DN 3000. RPC Pipe Systems also has fittings fabrication facilities at the Lonsdale site and can manufacture fittings to match the pipe product range. All Flowtite™ manufacturing plants are supplied with a complete working laboratory and automatic hydrostatic testing machines for all diameters of pipe and associated couplings. Every pipe and coupling is pressure tested during manufacture and these and all other production quality control test results are logged and recorded with full traceability. More detailed information is available in the AFIL catalogues available from RPC Pipe Systems. 3 THE PRODUCT Flowtite™ pipe and fittings are manufactured from a composite material designed to take advantage of the corrosion-resistant properties of polyester resins and glass fibres (see Figure 1). The “Flowtite GRP Pipe and Fittings Engineering Design and Installation Guide” available from the Australian distributor Iplex provides a complete description of the product. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 8 FIGURE 1 FLOWTITE™ COMPOSITE MATERIAL 3.1 Manufacturing Standards Australian Flowtite™ products are designed to fulfil the requirements of the latest Australian standards for GRP pipes: AS 3571.1 – Plastics piping systems – Glass reinforced thermoplastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin. Part 1: Pressure and non-pressure drainage and sewerage (ISO 10467:2004, MOD) AS 3571.2 – Plastics piping systems – Glass reinforced thermoplastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin. Part 1: Pressure and non-pressure water supply (ISO 10639:2004, MOD) RPC Pipe Systems has advised that water supply and sewerage pipes and fittings will be manufactured using standard RPC orthophthalic polyester resin and E or ECR glass with all pressure pipes and fittings complying with AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2. In regards to the choice of glass, ECR glass will be provided for all sewerage pipes whereas water supply pipes may be supplied in E or ECR glass. Flowtite™ GRP pipe is internal diameter controlled and therefore the external diameter may vary slightly during the production process. At least 30% of manufactured pipes will comply with spigot dimensional tolerances over the entire barrel length. These pipes will be identified as “adjustment pipe” (See pipe marking example in Appendix ‘A’) an d may be used as cut pipe on site. The tolerance on the outside diameter of the pipe does not exceed the spigot diameter by more than 2 mm for smaller diameter pipes (diameters ≤1200 mm) and 5 mm for larger diameters. This tolerance should not pose any op erational risk when using mechanical couplings, tapping bands and repair clamps given that most accommodate a range of pipe outside diameters. 3.2 Nominal Size (Ref: Clause 4.1.2 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2) Nominal sizes of Australian Flowtite™ products range from DN 300 to DN 3000: The dimensions of Flowtite™ pipe generally conform to the ISO "B1" Series (i.e. outside diameter pipe spigot controlled) providing interchangeability with other pipes in common use in Australia such as GRP pipes to AS 3571, PVC pipes to AS/NZS 1477 Series 2 and ductile cast iron pipes to AS/NZS 2280 CIOD. Flowtite™ pipe, in the range DN 300 to DN 750 are manufactured with spigot dimensions as specified in AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2 Series B1 (Table 5) in Appendix ZZ, are generally compatible with the outside diameter dimensions of ductile iron pipe and fitting for pressure applications to AS/NZS 2280. When specifying the use of ductile iron fittings with GRP pipes, care should be taken to ensure their dimensional compatibility with the GRP pipe. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 9 Other ISO or ASTM pipe sizes are available if required. NOTES: 1 Reference to AS/NZS 1477 (PVC-U) also infers equivalent sizes of AS/NZS 4765 PVC-M and AS/NZS 4441 PVC-O. 2 Refer appendix D for actual sizes. 3.3 Nominal Stiffness Classes (Ref: Clause 4.1.3 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2) The standard nominal pipe stiffness classes available will be SN 5000 and SN 10000 i.e. Series S1 of the ISO standards although other stiffness classes can be manufactured. Stiffness values of SN 20000 have been manufactured in Australia. 3.4 Nominal Pressure (Ref: Clause 4.1.4 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2) The nominal pressure class for Australian urban water industry Flowtite™ products will be PN 16, although pressure classes in the range from PN 1 to PN 35 can be manufactured. The basis for Flowtite™ pressure pipe design is the performance requirements of AWWA C950 (latest edition), which stipulates a minimum factor of safety of 1.8 on the predicted 50 year pressure strength of the pipe, and a minimum of 4 for initial burst strength. Note: Flowtite™ pipe can withstand an occasional transient pressure spike (water hammer) of up to 140% of the nominal pressure rating e.g. a 1400 kPa transient pressure in a PN 10 rated pipe. However, the steady state operating pressure in a PN 10 pipe should not exceed 1000 kPa. 3.5 Lengths 3.5.1 Nominal length (Ref: Clause of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2) Although the winders for Flowtite™ pipe are capable of producing any pipe length from 3 to 21 m, the nominal length is limited by factory layout and practical aspects, such as transportation. The standard nominal length of Flowtite™ pipe manufactured at Lonsdale is 12 m. Lengths of 6 m and 18 m are also available, although pipe lengths >12 m cannot be hydrostatically pressure tested. Flowtite™ pipe can also be supplied in shorter lengths for special orders. 3.5.2 Laying length (Ref: Clause of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2) The total length of each pipe is equal to the nominal length with a tolerance of ±25 mm. The laid pipe length is equal to the total length plus 10 mm (width of centre register of the socketed coupling). 3.6 Load Capacity Values (Ref: Clause 5.2 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2) Tables for hoop and tensile load capacity are available in the Flowtite™ GRP Pipe and Fittings Engineering Design and Installation Guide. 3.7 Pipe Fittings and Accessories (Ref: Clause 6.1 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2) Flowtite™ pipe fittings are moulded or fabricated using the same materials that are used to produce the Flowtite™ pipe. Fittings are supplied with spigot ends to suit the Flowtite™ double socketed coupling. The standard range of fittings includes: COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 10 Double bell or socketed couplings. Bends, 11¼º, 22½º, 45º, and 90º with spigoted or flanged ends. Tees, either equal or reduced with spigoted or flanged ends. Eccentric tees and flanged nozzles can be manufactured to order. Reducers, concentric or eccentric with spigoted or flanged ends. End caps are available in all Flowtite™ pipe sizes. Y’s and other fittings can be manufactured to order. Manhole couplings connectors with or with puddle flanges. See also the Flowtite™ GRP Pipe and Fittings Engineering Design and Installation Guide. 3.8 Materials 3.8.1 Reinforcement (Ref: Clause 4.2.2 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2) The Lonsdale plant uses E or ECR-glass to manufacture pipes for water supply and sewerage. ECR-Glass is a requirement for all sewer application whereas E or ECR glass can be used for water applications. Flowtite™ has provided technical data sheets for the selected glass reinforcements that are approved by Amiantit for use in Flowtite™ pipes showing compliance with ISO 2078. Both chopped strand and continuous rovings are used to provide both longitudinal and hoop strength. 3.8.2 Resin (Ref: Clause 4.2.3 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2) The Lonsdale plant manufactures Flowtite™ pipes using orthophthalic polyester resin EPS 1 supplied by Nuplex Industries of Australia to an Amiantit specification. The Flowtite™ Purchase Acceptance Standard (PAS) requires that the heat distortion temperature of the cured resin, when tested in accordance with ISO 75-2, should be at least 75°C, which allows a maximum operating temperature of 55°C. Other resins are available for specialized applications. 3.8.3 Aggregate and fillers (Ref: Clause 4.2.4 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2) Sand is used as filler in Flowtite™ pipes. The Flowtite™ PAS requires that less than 3% of the sand have particles larger than 0.71 mm and no particles be larger than 1 mm. The sand is sourced locally from a deposit in the Adelaide region. The locally sourced sand results in an “almost white’ pipe unlike other GRP products common to the Australian water industry. 3.8.4 Pipe coupling (Ref: Clause 4.2.6 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2) The standard pipe jointing system is a Flowtite™ double socketed coupling which utilises EPDM elastomeric REKA sealing gaskets and an elastomeric centre register to keep pipe spigot ends from touching. The couplings are produced on the same winder as the pipe, featuring a special design, which facilitates the milling process. The REKA gaskets are imported from a seal manufacturer in the United Arab Emirates that supplies the Amiantit manufacturing plant in Dammam, Saudi Arabia or from a seal manufacturer in India which supplies to the Amiantit European plants. Seals up to DN 600 are moulded, while those above are spliced and vulcanized. Couplings are machined in a special machine which mills grooves in the coupling cylinders using diamond-tipped tools. The REKA gaskets and elastomeric centre register are COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 11 designed to sit in machined grooves with the REKA gaskets in each end of the coupling to seal against the spigot surface. RPC Pipe Systems claim the REKA gasket has been in use for more than 75 years. The REKA Coupling Qualification Test Report (with diagrams) is included in Appendix ‘E’. The amount of angular deflection is diameter dependent, ranging from 3.0 o for DN 300 down to 0.5 o for ≥ DN 1900. For proper sealing of the REKA gasket, especially for pressure classes of up to PN 32, a smooth, dimensionally accurate outside spigot surface is needed on each end of the pipe. Flowtite™ has developed equipment which chamfers the edge of the pipe to avoid damage to the rubber gaskets, while simultaneously milling the external surface. This equipment rotates the pipe and mills both ends using water-cooled diamondtipped tools. TABLE 1 MAXIMUM ANGULAR DEFLECTON IN REKA COUPLING Nominal pipe diameter DN Pipe rating (bar) PN16 PN 20 PN 25 PN32 < DN525 3.0 0 2.5 0 2.0 0 1.5 0 DN525 - DN900 2.0 0 1.5 0 1.3 0 1.0 0 > DN900 - DN1800 1.0 0 0.8 0 0.5 0 0.5 0 > DN1800 - DN3000 0.5 0 0.5 0 - - 3.8.5 Wall construction (Ref: Clauses 4.3.1 to 4.3.3 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2) The wall of Flowtite™ pipes is built with several layers (see Figure 1): interior surface layer and liner; inner structural layer (skin); core; outer structural layer (skin); and exterior surface layer. The interior surface layer of the pipe is resin rich and depending on the pipeline application may include glass or polyester veil. The liner is built with resin and chopped glass fibres. The structural layers are comprised of the inner skin, core and outer skins. The skins contain continuous hoop rovings, resin and chopped glass, while the core contains sand fillers additionally. The exterior surface layer, or outer layer, is resin rich and depending on the pipeline use may contain glass or polyester veil. 4 SCOPE OF THE APPR AI S AL The ‘Scope’ of this appraisal includes the Flowtite™ range of water supply and sewerage pipes and fittings specified is Section 3 above and manufactured to comp ly with the requirements set out in AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 5 12 APPR AI S AL CRI TERI A 5.1 General Appraisal criteria is determined by the WSAA Infrastructure Products and Materials Network and regularly reviewed to ensure that the criteria reflect the requirements of WSAA members. 5.2 Quality Assurance Requirements The WSAA Product Appraisal Network accepts Flowtite™ GRP pipe and fittings manufactured under cover of a third party certified management system complying with AS/NZS ISO 9001 and having ISO Type 5 product certification in accordance with AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2 by a JAS-ANZ accredited Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) or by a CAB accredited by an international accreditation system recognised by JAS-ANZ. 5.3 Performance Requirements The appraisal has been conducted using the following standards as the appraisal criteria: AS 3571.1 – Plastics piping systems – Glass reinforced thermoplastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin. Part 1: Pressure and non-pressure drainage and sewerage (ISO 10467:2004, MOD) AS 3571.2 – Plastics piping systems – Glass reinforced thermoplastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin. Part 1: Pressure and non-pressure water supply (ISO 10639:2004, MOD) Note ISO 10467 and ISO 10639 have been adopted in Australia as AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2. The following Product Specifications are also relevant to this application: WSA PS – 205 Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) Pipe and Fittings for Pressure Applications – Water Supply WSA PS – 205S Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) Pipe and Fittings for Pressure and NonPressure Applications - Sewerage A copy of the above Product Specifications can be found in Appendix D or downloaded from the WSAA website. For more information on standards, see the Flowtite™ GRP Pipe and Fittings Engineering Design and Installation Guide. The appraisal includes requests and comments from the WSAA agency network, individual observations of the appraiser and the report has been ‘peer reviewed’ prior to publication. 6 COMPLI ANC E WITH APPR AI S AL CRI TERI A 6.1 Compliance with Quality Assurance Requirements RPC Pipe Systems complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 and is independently certified with certificate number QEC23699. Many Amiantit Group of Companies and licensees of Flowtite Technology have certification that addresses the manufacture of GRP pipes and fittings. Given that the Lonsdale plant was the thirteenth plant designed, constructed, equipped and commissioned under license to the Amiantit Group and given that all procedures and documentation relevant to the production and testing of pipes and fittings are supplied by the licensee, there is reasonable expectation that RPC Pipe Systems will achieve certification of their products (See Section 15 - Future Work). RPC Pipe Systems has provided assurance that internationally, Flowtite™ pipe is manufactured, as appropriate, in compliance with the requirements of the following international standards: COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 13 ASTM ASTM D3262 Fiberglass Gravity Sewer Pipe ASTM D3517 Fiberglass Pressure Pipe ASTM D3754 Fiberglass Pressure Sewer AWWA AWWA C950 Fiberglass Pressure Pipe AWWA M-45 Fiberglass Pipe Design Manual ISO ISO 10467 Plastic piping systems for pressure and non-pressure drainage and sewerage ISO 10639 Plastic piping systems for pressure and non-pressure water supply Other Standards DIN 16868 Glass fiber-reinforced polyester resin pipes BS 5480 Pipes and fittings for water and sewage 6.2 Compliance with Performance Requirements RPC Pipe Systems has submitted the Flowtite™ GRP pipe systems for appraisal by the Australian Water Industry as a fully tested, quality assured product, with documented case histories (both local and international) and certified engineering standards. Much of the following information was prepared by RPC Pipe Systems in response to questions resulting from the initial appraisal. 6.2.1 Mechanical characteristics Initial specific ring stiffness – Batch release test (Ref: Clause 5.2.1 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2) The initial stiffness of Flowtite™ pipes is designed to be above the nominal values in all cases. Initial stiffness is part of daily quality control in all Flowtite™ factories. If during quality control the stiffness is measured to be less than the nominal the product is rejected and downgraded to the next lower stiffness class. The test procedure is Flowtite™ Test P 202, which is based on ISO 7685 as nominated in AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2. Testing of pipes produced during commissioning and ongoing manufacture has indicated that initial specific ring stiffness meets the requirements of the ISO product standards. A copy of test results for a pipe DN 600, SN10000, PN 20 which was tested on 22 March 2013 shows the pipe met the requirements specified in ISO 10467. Accepted. Long-term specific ring stiffness (S 50) – Type test (Ref: Clause 5.2.2 of AS3571.1 and AS3571.2) The long-term specific ring stiffness of Flowtite™ pipe was checked using the long -term creep stiffness method in accordance with ISO 10468 and analysed according to ISO 10928, method B, measuring deflection for approximately 20000 hours. The tests are conducted in the Flowtite laboratory in Sandefjord. A type test report for a section of DN300, PN1, SN10000 Flowtite FS2.0 design pipe from Amitech Germany dated 23 November 2011, confirms that the pipe fulfils the requirements of the ISO standard. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 14 The long-term specific ring stiffness of Flowtite™ pipe has been measured in creep according to ISO 1928 and reported by Flowtite™ (nominated Test report T-2009-128) as follows: Sample Initial stiffness Stiffness at 1992 h Creep ration P05 14534 11296 0.78 P02 11988 9538 0.80 Accepted. Initial resistance to failure in a deflected condition – Batch release test (Ref: Clause 5.2.3 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2) The initial resistance to failure in a deflected condition is part of daily quality control in all Flowtite™ factories. The test procedure is Flowtite™ Test method P 202, which is based on ISO 10466 as nominated in AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2. The criteria in the Flowtite manual are as follows: Stiffness class SN Deflection, % Level A - No surface cracks Level B - No failure 2500 15 25 5000 12 20 10000 9 15 Testing of pipes produced during commissioning and ongoing manufacture has indicated that initial resistance to failure meets the requirements of the ISO product standards. Product not passing this test is rejected. Accepted. Ultimate long-term resistance to failure in a deflected condition – Type test (Ref: Clause 5.2.4 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2) The ultimate long term resistance to failure in a deflected condition has been conducted on Flowtite™ pipes in accordance with ISO 10471 and ASTM D-5365. A test for ultimate long-term resistance to failure in a deflected condition was conducted on FP2.1 pipes produced by Amitech Spain. The test samples were 300 mm long rings, DN600, PN10, SN 5000, produced on the Flowtite continuous winder at Amitech Camarles, Spain in August 2008. . A total of eight samples were tested in accordance with ASTM D5365 and ISO 10471. The average pipe stiffness was SN3975 Pa. Amiantit analysis of the results reports that by deflection according to ISO 10471 it gives a deflection of 22%, which compared with the 12.2% requirement for SN5000 in Table 12 of ISO 10467 shows good compliance. Test report T-2009-149 is a reconfirmation test for the long term testing. The original test report T-1991-101R shows testing for the full 10,000 hours and T-2009-149 shows reconfirmation for 2000 hours. Accepted. Initial specific longitudinal tensile strength – Batch release test (Ref: Clause 5.2.5 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2 - Specifies ISO 8513:2000 test procedure) Testing for the initial specific longitudinal tensile strength is part of daily quality control in all Flowtite™ factories. The test procedure is Flowtite™ Test method P 205, which is similar to ISO 10466. The minimum initial axial strength values are shown in Table D4 of COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 15 Appendix D Product not complying with these requirements is rejected and downgraded to the next lower pressure class. Comparison with Table 14 in AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2 reveals that the Flowtite products fulfil the requirements. Testing of pipes produced during commissioning and ongoing manufacture has indicated that initial specific tensile strength meets the requirements of the ISO product standards. A copy of the test results for the pipe in DN 600, PN20, SN1000, show the pipe met the ISO 8513 standards requirement. Accepted. Initial design and failure pressures for pressure pipes – Batch release test (Ref: Clause 5.2.6 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2 Specifies ISO 8521:1998 test procedure) Testing for the apparent initial circumferential tensile strength is part of routine quality control in all Flowtite™ factories. The test procedure is Flowtite™ Test methods P 207a and P 207b, which are similar to ISO 8521 method D and method B, respectively as nominated in AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2. The projected average initial strength values are shown in Appendix D, Table D5. A copy of test results for a pipe DN 600, SN10000, PN 20 which was tested on 22 March 2013 shows the pipe met the requirements specified in ISO 10467. Accepted. Long-term failure pressure – Type test (Ref: Clause 5.2.7 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2 – Specified ASTM D2992 and EN 1447 test procedure) The Flowtite pressure classes comply with the long term failure pressure requirements as specified in Clause 5.2.7 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2. The nominal pressures are based on long term (50 year) strain values determined by testing with appropriate factors of safety. More detailed information can be provided by RPC. Accepted. Resistance of pressure pipes to cyclic internal pressure – Type test (Ref: Clause 5.3 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2 – Specifies ISO 15306 test procedure) The resistance of Flowtite™ pipes to cyclic internal pressure up to 1 million pressure cycles has been verified through testing. RPC Pipe Systems has submitted two test reports summarised as follows: TÜV test report TÜV MP4/3338-90 (dated 21 March 1991) reported cyclic pressure testing conducted in accordance with DIN 19565, Part 1 on Amiantit (Saudi Arabia) GRP pipes, DN 200 / PN 6 / SN 10,000. Three specimens were tested at the rate of 15 cycles per minute for one million cycles between 0.75 x PN and 1.25 x PN with water temperature at 26º ± 2ºC. All three specimens completed the cycle testing without any seepage (leakage or weeping) or delamination and fibre break. Outer pipe surfaces were subjected to penetration liquid developer to confirm that there were no signs of crazing or micro cracks. After completion of the cyclic testing the pipe specimens were subjected to an additional hydrostatic internal pressure test of 2 x PN for 15 minutes with no evidence of failure with regard to seepage or break. The three specimens were then subjected to a final burst test in accordance with ASTM D 1599. The average burst pressure for the three specimens was 71 bar. Veroc test report 13-T86 (dated 11 June 1986) reported cyclic pressure testing of VEROC DN 150 GRP pipes, PN 12 and PN 24 conducted in accordance with DIN 19565, Part 1. The specimens were tested at the rate of 25 cycles per minute for one million cycles between 0.75 x PN and 1.25 x PN with water temperature at 23º ± 2ºC. After completion of the cyclic testing the pipe specimens were subjected to a hydrostatic COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 16 internal pressure test of 2 x PN for a short term with no evidence of failure with regard to seepage or break. Thereafter the pressure was raised to weeping or burst. The PN 12 pipe sample burst at 70-71 bar pressure and the PN 24 pipe sample burst at 170180 bar pressure. There was no weeping on either sample before the burst. Long term cyclic pressure testing of Flowtite pipes is not routinely performed as the pipes typically operate below their endurance strain limit and, therefore, are not affected by the cyclic pressure. The testing carried out in the past is still valid as the same strain limits are still used in Flowtite GRP pipes. As Flowtite GRP pipes are designed using a strain basis these tests are valid for the full range of pressure classes and diameters. However, RPC Pipe Systems is required to comply with the cyclic pressure requirements of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2 and will be undertaking testing as part of the Standardsmark product certification process. Accepted. Resistance to strain corrosion – Type test (Ref: Clause 5.4 of ISO 10467 – Specifies ISO 10952 test procedure) The strain corrosion resistance of Flowtite™ pipes has been measured at 0.66% (see Flowtite™ test report T-2011-205 at Using the equation in Clause 10.6 of ISO 10952 as specified in ISO 10467 Clause, this value can be converted to deflection and compared with the requirement. By using the thickest of t he pipes in each stiffness class the following deflections are obtained: Stiffness SN 2500 SN 5000 SN 10000 Deflection, % 14.3 11.3 9.0 Comparing these values with the requirements in Table 17 of ISO 10467 shows that these requirements are met. Accepted. Elastomers – Type test (Ref: Clause 4.2.6 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2) In accordance with the Flowtite™ Purchase Acceptance Standards (PAS), Flowtite™ GRP pipe elastomeric joint sealing materials have been shown to have met the following requirements: EPDM - EN 681-1:1996, for type WA (cold potable water supply [up to 50ºC]) and WC (cold non-potable water supply, drainage, sewerage and rainwater pipes for continuous flows up to 45ºC and intermittent flows up to 95ºC). SBR - ASTM F-477 The Reka coupling used to join Flowtite™ GRP pipe is fitted with an EPDM (hardness 55) elastomeric multiple lip type seal. The centre register is also EPDM (hardness 60). SBR compounds may be used as an alternative to EPDM. The test report T-93-102-V, illustrating the seal and centre register, is included in Appendix ‘A’. Accepted. Joint performance – Type test (Ref: Clause 7 of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2) Flowtite™ pipes are designed for flexible or rigid jointing and with or without end -load resisting capability. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 17 Clause 7.2.4 covers "Flexible non-end-load-bearing joints with elastomeric sealing rings” and a submitted test report Test Report T-2012-125 which shows compliance with Clause 7.2.4. A qualification test according to EN 1119. ISO 8639 and ASTM D4161 for a Flowtite DN600 PN10 FPC flexible joint was performed, using the guidelines of the accredited Flowtite test procedure. The coupling was a DN600, PN 10 Flowtite FPC coupling, produced by Amitech Germany and machined Amitech Poland. The pipes were DN600, PN10 Flowtite FP 2.1 specifications. The pipe was produced in Poland. The joint was tested with ΔD=3.5mm. Clause 7.3 covers Wrapped non-end-load-bearing joints and a submitted test report Test Report Test Report T-2004-127 which shows compliance with Clause 7.3. Clause 7.4 covers bolted non-end-load-bearing joints and a submitted test report Test Report Test Report T-2012-125 which shows compliance with Clause 7.3. The test reports show that in all cases the joints fulfil the requirements specified in the ISO Standards. Accepted. Clause 7.2.5 covers "Flexible end-load-bearing joints with elastomeric sealing rings”. At the time of report preparation, only test reports older than 10 years are available confirming compliance of Flowtite end load bearing joints with Clause 7.2.5. To be confirmed. Abrasion resistance Ref: DIN 19565 RPC Pipe Systems has supplied a copy of the Flowtite™ Test Report No. T -97-113-B, Abrasion Resistance Test. This test report describes an abrasion resistance test program using the Darmstadt rocker test procedure (Ref DIN 19565) performed on DN 600, PN 10, SN 5000 Flowtite™ pipes. The average abrasion loss was found to be 0.34 mm / at 100,000 cycles (See page 10 in the Flowtite™ GRP Pipe and Fittings Engineering Design and Installation Guide. The abrasion resistance of an individual pipeline material is difficult to determine because test methods do not duplicate the varied abrasion conditions in sewers. Many comparative Darmstadt rocker tests have resulted in a performance rating for plastics pipe materials that exceeds other harder pipe materials. The test results indicate minimal wear and a calculated life expectancy well beyond the requirements of most water agencies. Accepted. Temperature and pressure re-rating Temperature and pressure re-rating is described in the Flowtite™ GRP Pipe and Fittings Engineering Design and Installation Guide and nominates 35ºC and below as requiring no pressure re-rating. Re-rating is required for temperatures 36ºC to 50ºC and further rerating for temperatures 51ºC to 70ºC. Accepted. Resistance to ultraviolet degradation Flowtite™ technical data states that there is no evidence to suggest that ultraviolet degradation is a factor that affects the long term service life of Flowtite™ pipes. The exposed outermost surface will be affected by discoloration and in the longer term glass fibers will be exposed. If desired, the external surface of the Flowtite™ pipe may be COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 18 painted with two part urethane paint compatible with GRP. However this will become an item requiring ongoing maintenance. Accepted. Other technical data Summaries of the following design data and production testing are included in the Flowtite™ GRP Pipe and Fittings Engineering Design and Installation Guide: Strain corrosion testing Hydrostatic pressure testing Note: Many international and national standards for GRP pressure pipe require the manufacturer to factory hydrostatic test pipe before shipment. In support of these requirements, Flowtite™ has designed equipment to accommodate hydrostatic testing of both the pipe and couplings to twice the rated pressure (for all diameters through DN 3000). Joint testing Initial ring deflection Long term ring bending Surge testing Hydrostatic design basis Flow velocity UV resistance Poisson ratio Thermal coefficient of expansion Permissible operating temperatures Flowtite™ sewer pipe has been designed to meet the performance criteria established in ASTM D3262. Pipes intended for use in gravity sanitary sewer systems will meet the chemical requirements of ASTM D3262, which includes a minimum long-term deflection (strain) requirement when exposed to 5% sulphuric acid. Other requirements of this specification include axial tensile strength and hydrostatic soundness. Note: The information provided by RPC Pipe Systems and included in this Section (6.2.1) have been cross referenced with the AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2 notation (not mathematically checked) by the Appraisal Project Manager and found to be consistent. Accepted. 6.2.2 Effect on water quality – Type test (Ref: Clause 4.8 of ISO 10639) AS 3571.2 requires compliance with regulations on the quality of drinking water in force at the location where the components are to be used. RPC Pipe Systems have submitted samples of pipe, coupling and gaskets to AWQC laboratories for testing to AS/NZS 4020. This testing was completed successfully and final reports appear in Appendix E. Accepted. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 19 6.3 WSAA Agency Network Requests Other than specifying the requirement for conformance and Type Testing to AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2 the network asked the questions as set out below and RPC Pipe Systems has provided the following answers: Q 1. Please confirm that Flowtite™ flanged connectors can be provided compatible with the Australian water industry standard sizes to AS 4087, Figure B5. Answer: The thickness of flanges meets the requirements of BS 4994. The drilling pattern or PCD of all flanges will comply with that required by AS 4087 Figures B1, B2, B5 and B7. Q 2. Please provide details of the pipe construction layers with special reference to the inner liner / layer thickness(s) for sewerage in relation to wear and corrosion. Answer: The thickness of each layer will depend on the fluid being transported, installation requirements and pressure ratings. Q 3. For pipes that are cut in the field, what action must the constructor undertake to ensure the spigot ends of the cut pipes are suitable for jointing? Answer: Each Flowtite pipe is assessed for dimensional compliance along its full length during the manufacturing process. Pipes that meet spigot dimensional tolerances along the entire barrel are identified as ‘adjustment pipe’ (see pipe marking example in Appendix ‘A’). Constructors only need to chamfer the cut ends before jointing. Pipes that only meet spigot dimensional tolerances at each end will require field machining and chamfering before jointing if they are cut. Generally there is no reason why a constructor who manages his pipe stocks diligently will need to field machine cut pipes given that at least 30% - 70% of pipes will be “adjustment pipes” suitable for field cutting without the need for machining. Sealing of the cut ends of the pipe is not required as demonstrated by extensive testing of the Flowtite product. Long term pressure and strain corrosion testing are carried out with the cut ends untreated. Q 4. Are there any limitations on the under-pressure cut-in connection of Flowtite pressure pipe using flanged off-take clamps and the use of repair clamps? Answer: Flowtite pipes cannot be directly tapped but will require either tapping band or mechanical flanged off-take clamp, depending on the diameter of the service connection. The under pressure cut-in performed in accordance with the method described in WSA 03:2011 Appendix C – Under Pressure Cut-in-Connections to Pressure Pipe ≥ DN80 can be carried out successfully on GRP pipe using a diamond impregnated shell cutter of the appropriate diameter. Mechanical flanged off-take clamps complying with Water Industry Standard for Flanged Off-take clamp WSA 122:2009 Issue 1 are recommended. Mechanical flanged off-take clamps rated PN16 are available as Type F and Type R. Type F flanged off-take clamps that are designed for application to flexible pipes with pressure classifications ranging from PN9 to PN16, should be specified. Q 5. Please provide recommendations for drilling and tapping Flowtite pressure pipes, particularly the smaller sizes (≤ DN 375). Answer: RPC Pipe Systems has provided a 12 page “TAPPING PROCEDURE FOR FLOWTITE FP PIPES HOT AND COLD TAPPING. This document is included in Appendix ‘I’. Q 6. Is Flowtite™ pipe suitable/available for slip lining (rehabilitation) and pipe jacking? If it is please provide details of the joint used for lining and jacking. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 20 Answer: Flowtite™ Pipe has been successfully used for slip lining applications. Flowtite TM pipe is not suitable for jacking applications. Q 7. Please confirm that Flowtite™ pipe can be manufactured in outside diameter sizes compatible with AS/NZS 2280 – Ductile iron pressure pipes and fittings – to enable Australian ductile iron fittings to be used. Answer: Australian manufactured Flowtite™ pipes in accordance with AS3571.1/AS3571.2 Table 5 which is compatible with AS/NZS 2280 ductile iron fittings. Q 8. Please provide information on the quality certification for RPC Pipe System s Pty. Ltd. with regard to quality management systems (AS/NZS ISO 9001:200 8) and your future intentions regarding product certification for the Flowtite™ pipe and fittings manufactured in Adelaide. Answer: RPC Pipe Systems is certified to ISO 9001:2008. Certificate number QEC23699. Since the change of ownership of the company Product Certification has been given priority and is current being sought. Long term type testing has not been completed but is currently underway. Preliminary results show good correlation with Flowtite long term data. Q 9. Please advise transportation arrangements for Flowtite™ pipes and fittings. Answer: Flowtite GRP pipes will be packaged in scalloped timbers to protect the pipes and keep them stable during transportation. Pipes are packed into bundles to facilitate easy and safe unloading on site. Q 10. Please advise what appearance acceptance criteria will be used for inspection and batch release of Flowtite™ pipes and fittings? Answer: Appendix ZC of AS3571.1 and AS3571.2 is used as the acceptance criteria. Q 11. What are the intentions of RPC Pipe Systems with respect to the manufacture of fittings? Answer: RPC Pipe Systems manufactures a full range of fittings to suit the pipe sizes and pressure classes manufactured by the Lonsdale, SA, plant. Q 12. The Australian water industry has experienced incidences of osmotic blistering of the internal corrosion barriers (gel-coats) of other GRP pipes and to address that issue has developed requirements that limit the type of resin to orthophthalic polyester with specified properties. What comments does RPC Pipe Systems make with respect to this issue? Answer: RPC Pipe Systems is unaware of any incidences of osmotic blistering with Flowtite pipe. Our technical experts advise that osmotic blistering is primarily caused by the PVA binders used on some types of glass reinforcement, which forms acetic acid in service which migrates to the resin interface where through a process of osmosis blisters form. The E and ECR glass used in the manufacture of Flowtite™ pipes and fittings uses no such binders. In addition, osmotic blistering can be caused by poor material choice and poor workmanship. The continuous advancing mandrel process used by Flowtite produces a well compacted and cured laminate which eliminates osmotic blistering. Q 13. Can RPC pipes and fittings be colour coded? Answer: The Flowtite™ pipe manufacturing process can accommodate the incorporation of a coloured thread within the outer layers of the pipe or the use of pigmented re sin (such as purple) for colour coding pipes. Coloured threads have been used successfully for identification of multiple pressure classes on a single site whereas pigmented resin has been used to identify recycled water pipelines. Either the thread or pigmenting has the advantage of the colour being encapsulated within the wall of the pipe ensuring permanent identification. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 21 Q 14. It is understood that the Code letter "R" is marked on the pipe to indicate that the pipe is suitable for axial loading. This infers there is also pipe which is not suitable for axial loading. Please comment. Answer: The normal Flowtite pipe has been designed to be used with a rubber ring joint. Therefore the axial loads on the pipeline are reduced compared to a fully welded or restrained joint pipeline as each pipe is effectively isolated from loadings on adjacent pipes. The Flowtite pipe has sufficient axial strength (in accordance with AS3571.1/AS3571.2) to resist handling and soil loads. However, it is not suitable for restrained joints where longitudinal loads are high. Where the joints are required to be fixed, such as in high pressure process pipe work, a specially designed Flowtite pipe can be manufactured on the same equipment with more reinforcement in the longitudinal direction. This type of pipe has been successfully manufactured in Australia by RPC Pipe Systems for use in desalination plants and other process plants. 7 FITTI NG INSTRUCTIONS , TR AI NING AND INSTALL ATION RPC Pipe Systems has advised that installer training is available either as a course of instruction or on site field instruction. RPC Pipe Systems provide a comprehensive Manual titled ‘Flowtite™ Installation Guide for Buried Pipes’. This Manual includes the following section titles: Introductory Information. Shipping, Handling and Storage. Pipe Installation Procedure Jointing Pipes. Thrust Blocks, Concrete Encasement, Rigid Connections. Field Adjustments. Other Installation Procedures and Considerations. Accommodating Valves and Chambers Post Installation Alternate Installations Appendix – includes: pipe weights, joint lubrication, native soil properties, backfill soil properties, field testing native soils, compaction of backfill, a list of definitions and terminology. The Flowtite™ GRP Pipe and Fittings Engineering Design and Installation Guide also includes a section on installation complete with diagrams and photos. 8 PRODUCT M ARKI NG Marking conforms to Clause 5.5 of AS 3571.1/AS 3571.2 and includes: The number of the standard (as above); The nominal size (DN) The stiffness rating, SN; The pressure rating, PN; The manufacturers name or identification; and The date of manufacture in text or code. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 22 Refer to Appendix F for an example of the pipe marking. 9 PACK AGI NG AND TR ANSPO RTATION RPC Pipe Systems has advised that all products will be transported to site in timber cradles and storage on site by the purchaser should be as per the manuals provided. The Flowtite™ Installation Guide for Buried Pipes (see Sect ion 7 above) has a Section titled ‘Shipping Handling and Storage’. That Section provides comprehensive information and instruction complete with diagrams and has Clauses titled: Inspecting Pipe. Repairing Pipe. Unloading and Handling Pipe. Site Pipe Storage Storing Gaskets and Lubricant. Transporting Pipe. Handling Nested Pipes. 10 PRODUCT W ARRANTY The products are covered by the normal commercial and legal requirements of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), which covers manufacture to the relevant standard, and details of RPC Pipe Systems warranty is included in their terms and conditions of sale. 11 WATER AG ENCY EXPERI E NCE WI TH THE PRODUCT OR FIELD TESTING REPO RT The following table lists a number of significant projects supplied to Australi an water authorities. Year Project Authority Description 2006 Newcastle Wyong Link Main Wyong Council, NSW 2007 Wide Bay Hervey Bay City Council 2007 SEQ Water Grid Queensland Government 2008 Wimmera Mallee Pipeline 2009 Glenelg Pipeline 2009 Lower Lakes Irrigation Pipeline 2009 Loy Yang Pipeline 2009 to Adelaide Power 8.8km of DN750 PN16 State Grampians Wimmera Water Parklands Station Outfall 11.5km DN600 PN25 65km DN1000 PN16 32km DN1200 PN25 46km DN450 PN16 SA Water Corporation 12km DN750, DN600, DN525 PN20 SA Water Corporation 56km DN1000, DN900, DN750, PN20 Gippsland Water 3.3km DN600 PN25 Northern Sewerage Project Melbourne Water 12km DN1600, DN1800, DN2500 PN6 2009 Gnangara Branch Sewer Water Corporation 2010 Melbourne Geelong Interconnector Barwon Water 55km DN750 PN16 2011 Werribee WTP Melbourne Water 5.2km DN1100 PN6 2012 Eurobodalla Pipeline Eurobodalla Shire Council, NSW 2.4km DN450 PN32 COPYRIGHT 2.8km DN1200, DN600 WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 12 23 DISCUSSION The RPC Pipe Systems Lonsdale plant was the 13th in a series of standard ‘turn-key’ manufacturing plants that have been successfully constructed and commissioned throughout the world. There are now 22 plants constructed around the world. There is reasonable justification for being confident that the Lonsdale plant is capable of producing pressure and non-pressure pipes and fittings to meet ISO standards in sizes suitable for the Australian and New Zealand water industries. As a licensed Australian manufacturer of an international product, RPC Pipe Systems has been able to present considerable information on Flowtite™ GRP pipe and fittings to demonstrate a mature, widely used, tested and proven product range. The technical data presented, available on the Flowtite™ web site and included throughout this repor t is extensive. The rapid responses to all technical and other questions raised, demonstrates a willingness to cooperate and a ready availability of expertise from RPC Pipe Systems and Amiantit / Flowtite™. Amiantit provides technical expertise from Flowtite Technology AS located in Sandefjord, Norway and they were responsible for commissioning the Lonsdale plant and providing RPC Pipe Systems with technical support and oversight of the Australian Flowtite™ pipe and fittings production. Flowtite Technology AS will also be responsible for verification testing of the Lonsdale pipe to meet Amiantit and ISO Standard requirements, particularly the long-term hydrostatic pressure tests and resistance to strain corrosion. The RPC Pipe Systems manufacturing plant for Flowtite™ pipe has been equipped with a complete QC laboratory and automatic hydrostatic testing machines for all diameter pipes and associated couplings. Every pipe and coupling will be tested during manufacture and all test results logged and recorded. More detailed information is available in the AFIL catalogues available from RPC Pipe Systems. 13 SUMM ARY Australian made Flowtite™ GRP pipe and fittings are manufactured to comply with the dimensional, material and performance requirements of AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2 with some additional sizes and specific testing requirements to suit Australia and NZ. The documented international experience and expertise presented by RPC Pipe Systems and Amiantit / Flowtite™ as well as local experience provides evidence to consider Flowtite™ GRP pipe and fittings will be “fit-for-purpose” products for use by the Australian water industry. 14 LIFE EXPECTANC Y Based on the product information provided, the international reputation of the product and subject to design, installation and commissioning in compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions and relevant WSAA Water Supply and Sewerage Codes, Flowtite™ GRP pipe and fittings (FS and FP) could be expected to achieve an ‘A’ rating – Life expectancy in excess of 100 years before major rehabilitation. This rating would be conditional on the future work items being completed and should only be considered a general guide to life expectancy and may increase or decrease as a result of the quality of installation, system operating conditions, operating environment and other geographical and site specific factors. 15 FUTURE WORKS RPC Pipe Systems is required to achieve ‘Product Certification’ to AS 3571.1 and AS 3571.2 for their Australian manufacture of Flowtite™ pipe and fit tings by 1 December 2013. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 24 15.1 Recommendations It is recommended that WSAA members and associates consider interim acceptance/authorisation of Flowtite™ GRP pipe and fittings for water supply and sewerage, subject to the design, installation and commissioning being in accordance with specifications provided by RPC Pipe Systems and relevant WSAA Water Supply and Sewerage Codes and subject to RPC Pipe Systems making satisfactory progress in addressing future work items within the timetable set. 16 REFERENCED DO CUMENTS The following documents are referred to in this Appraisal Report: AS 3571.1 Plastics piping systems – Glass reinforced thermoplastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin. Part 1: Pressure and nonpressure drainage and sewerage (ISO 10467:2004, MOD) 3571.2 Plastics piping systems – Glass reinforced thermoplastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin. Part 1: Pressure and nonpressure water supply (ISO 10639:2004, MOD) 3894.1 Site testing of protective coatings - Non-conductive coatings - Continuity testing - High voltage ('brush') method 4087 Metallic flanges for waterworks purposes AS/NZS 1477 PVC pipes and fittings for pressure applications 2280 Ductile iron pressure pipes and fittings 4020 Testing of products for use in contact with drinking water 4441 Oriented PVC (PVC-O) pipes for pressure applications 4765 Modified PVC (PVC-M) pipes for pressure applications ISO 9001 See ISO 9001 ASTM D638 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics D1599 Standard Test Method for Resistance to Short-Time Hydraulic Failure Pressure of Plastic Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings D2584 Standard Test Method for Ignition Loss of Cured Reinforced Resins D3262 Standard Specification for Fiberglass Thermosetting-Resin) Sewer Pipe (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced D3517 Standard Specification for Fiberglass Thermosetting-Resin) Pressure Pipe (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced D3754 Standard Specification for Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Sewer and Industrial Pressure Pipe D4161 Standard Specification for Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe Joints Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals D5365 Standard Test Method for Long-Term Ring-Bending Strain of Fiberglass COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 25 (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe F477 Standard Specification for Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe AWWA C950 Fiberglass Pressure Pipe M-45 Fiberglass Pipe Design Manual BS 4994 Specification for design and construction of vessels and tanks in reinforced plastics 5480 GRP Pipes, joints and fittings for water supply and sewage 5750 Quality systems – Guide to quality management and quality systems elements for services DIN 19565 Centrifugally cast and filled polyester resin glass fibre reinforced (UP-GF) pipes and fittings for buried drains and sewers – dimensions and technical delivery conditions 16868 Glass fiber-reinforced polyester resin pipes EN 681-1 Elastomeric seals – materials requirements for pipe joint seals used in water and drainage applications – Part 1 – Vulcanized rubber 1225 Plastics piping systems. Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes. Determination of the creep factor under wet conditions and calculation of the long-term specific ring stiffness 1448 Plastics piping systems. Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) components. Test methods to prove the design of rigid locked socket -andspigot joints with elastomeric seals ISO 75-2 Plastics — Determination of temperature of deflection under load — Part 2: Plastics and ebonite 2078 Textile glass — Yarns — Designation DIS 7432.4 (GRP) pipes and fittings — Test methods to prove the design of locked socket-and-spigot joints, including double-socket joints, with elastomeric seals 7685 Plastics piping systems — (GRP) pipes — Determination of initial specific ring stiffness 8521 Plastics piping systems — (GRP) pipes — Determination of the apparent initial circumferential tensile strength 9000 Quality management systems – Fundamentals and Vocabulary 9001 Quality management systems – Requirements 10466 Plastics piping systems — (GRP) pipes — Test method to prove the COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 26 resistance to initial ring deflection 10467 Plastic piping systems for pressure and non-pressure drainage and sewerage- Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin 10468 (GRP) pipes — Determination of the long-term specific ring creep stiffness under wet conditions and calculation of the wet creep factor 10471 (GRP) pipes — Determination of the long-term ultimate bending strain and the long-term ultimate relative ring deflection under wet conditions 10639 Plastic piping systems for pressure and non-pressure water supply (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin 10952 Plastics piping systems — (GRP) pipes and fittings — Determination of the resistance to chemical attack from the inside of a section in a deflected condition WSA 02 Sewerage Code of Australia 03 Water Supply Code of Australia 04 Sewage Pumping Station Code of Australia 17 DISCL AIM ER This Product Appraisal Report (Report) is issued by the Water Services Association of Australia Limited on the understanding that: This Report applies to the product(s) as submitted. Any changes to the product(s) either minor or major shall void this Report. To maintain the recommendations of this Report any such changes shall be detailed and notified to the Product Appraisal Manager for consideration and review of the Report and appropriate action. Appraisals and their recommendations will be the subject of continuous review dependent upon the satisfactory performance of products. WSAA reserves the right to undertake random audits of product manufacture and installation. Where products fail to maintain appraised performance requirements the appraisal and its recommendations may be modified and reissued. Appraisal reports will be reviewed and reissued at regular intervals not exceeding five (5) years. The following information explains a number of very important limits on your ability to rely on the information in this Report. Please read it carefully and take it into account when considering the contents of this Report. Any enquiries regarding this report should be directed to the Program Manager, Carl Radford, Phone: 03 8605 7601 email 17.1 Issue of Report This Report has been published and/or prepared by the Water Services Association of Australia Limited and nominated Project Manager and peer group of technical specialists (the Publishers). The Report has been prepared for use within Australia only by technical specialists that have expertise in the function of products such as those appraised in the Report (the Recipients). COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 27 By accepting this Report, the Recipient acknowledges and represents to the Publisher(s) and each person involved in the preparation of the Report that the Recipient has understood and accepted the terms of this Disclaimer. 17.2 Limits on Reliance on Information and Recommendations 17.2.1 Disclaimer of liability Neither the Publisher(s) nor any person involved in the preparation of the Report accept(s) any liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person however caused (including negligence or the omission by any person to do anything) relating in any way to the Report or the product appraisal criteria underlying it. This includes (without limitation) any liability for any recommendation or information in the Report or any errors or omissions. 17.2.2 Need for independent assessment The information and any recommendation contained (expressly or by implication) in this Report are provided in good faith. However, you should treat the information as indicative only. You should not rely on that information or any such recommendation except to the extent that you reach an agreement to the contrary with the Publisher(s). This Report does not contain all information that a person might require for the purposes of assessing any product discussed or appraised within it (Product). The product appraisal criteria used in preparing this Report may not address all relevant aspects of the Product. Recipients should seek independent evidence of any matter which is material to their decisions in connection with an assessment of the Product and consult their own advisers for any technical information required. Any decision to use the Product should take into account the reliability of that independent evidence obtained by the Recipient regarding the Product. Recipients should also independently verify and assess the appropriateness of any recommendation in the Report, especially given that any recommendation will not take into account a Recipient’s particular needs or circumstances. WSAA has not evaluated the extent of the product liability and professional indemnify insurance that the provider of the product maintains. Recipients should ensure that they evaluate the allocation of liability for product defects and any professional advice obtained in relation to the product or its specification including the requirements for product liability and professional indemnity insurance. 17.3 No Updating Neither the Publisher(s) nor any person involved in the preparation of this Report [has] [have] any obligation to notify you of any change in the information contained in this Report or of any new information concerning the Publisher(s) or the Product or any other matter. 17.4 No Warranty The Publisher(s) do[es] not, in any way, warrant that steps have been taken to verify or audit the accuracy or completeness of the information in this Report, or the accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of any recommendation in this Report. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 28 APPENDIX A – TECHNICAL DATA AVAILABLE FROM RPC PIPE SYSTEMS OR THE FLOWTITE WEBSITE To down load a copy of the Flowtite GRP pipe systems brochures click on the following link 4%20FLOWTITE-BRO_email.pdf To obtain a copy of the FLOWTITE™ Design Guide please send an email with your details to The FLOWTITE™ Design Guide is available in hard copy and CD format. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 29 APPENDIX B - QUALITY CERTIFICATIONS Copies of the following Quality Certification Certificates are available for downloading from the WSAA ‘Members Only’ IPAM Portal Website. TABLE B1 RPC PIPE SYSTEMS PTY LTD – MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Applicants Business (Attach all QA system certificates in full including schedules and last audit report) Quality Systems Standard AS 9001:2008 Certification licence no. QEC23699 Certifying agency SAI Global First date of certification 16 May 2007 Current date of certification* 4 April 2013 Expiry date of certification** 16 May 2016 TABLE B2 FLOWTITE TECHNOLOGY AS R&D LAB– MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Applicants Business Østre Kullerød 3, 3241 Sandefjord Quality Systems Standard1 AS 9001:2008 Certification licence no. 752 Certifying agency Moody International Certification AS First date of certification 27 March 1996 Date of Issue 26 March 2012 Expiry date of certification** 16 June 2014 Note 1 Scope of Certification is Design of machinery and processes for production and testing of GRP/GRE pipe products. Training, testing, research and development of GRP/GRE products. TABLE B2– OTHER CERTIFICATES Test Laboratory Certification Flowtite Technology Sandefjord - Norway Test Laboratory Document No Test Equipment Certification Accreditation Calibration Test 190 Norwegian Accreditation (Refer to Schedule) COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 30 TABLE B3– Supplier of Gaskets Applicants Business Quality Systems Standard ISO 9001 Certification licence no. QM 06 00025 Certifying agency TUV India First date of certification 19/9/2005 Current date of certification* 9/9/2011 Expiry date of certification** 30/8/2014 Amitech Saudi Arabian for Fiberglass Co. – Amitech – SA (Jedda), certification Certificate No. 145281 issued by BVQi for management system compliance with ISO 9001:2008. (1 page) COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 31 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 32 APPENDIX C - WSAA PRODUCT SPECIFICATION WSA PS - 205 GLASS REINFORCED PLASTICS (GRP) PIPES AND FITTINGS FOR PRESSURE APPLICATIONS - WATER SUPPLY 205.1 Scope This specification covers GRP pressure pipes for water supply 1. 205.2 Requirements (a) (b) (c) (d) GRP pipes and fittings shall comply with AS 3571.2-2009 (ISO 10639:2004, MOD). Pipes and fittings shall be manufactured using type C glass reinforcement. Elastomeric joint seals shall be EPDM complying with AS 1646:2007 and AS 681.1:2008 (EN 681-1:1996). Pipes, fittings, joint seals, flange gaskets 2 and jointing lubricant shall comply with AS/NZS 4020:2005. 205.3 Quality Assurance (e) (f) (g) (h) GRP pipes and fittings shall have product certification (ISO Type 5) to AS 3571.2:2009. Elastomeric joint seals shall have product certification (ISO Type 5) to AS 1646:2007 and AS 681.1:2008 (EN 681-1:1996). Jointing lubricants shall have product certification (ISO Type 1) to AS/NZS 4020:2005. All products shall be marked in accordance with the conformity assessment body’s requirements. 205.4 AGENCY or project SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS Nominal size, DN Pressure Class 3, PN Stiffness Class 3, SN Fitting types (configurations) Joints and couplings 2 Alternative elastomeric material for joint seals Alternative glass type 1 Includes source water, drinking water and recycled water supply. 2 Flange gaskets and O-rings should be supplied to WSA PS–312. 3 Pressure and stiffness classes shall be as specified in the Project Specification or on the Design Drawings. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 33 WSA PS - 205S GLASS REINFORCED PLASTICS (GRP) PIPES AND FITTINGS FOR PRESSURE AND NON-PRESSURE APPLICATIONS - SEWERAGE 205S.1 SCOPE This specification covers GRP pipes and fittings for gravity and pressure sewerage. 205S.2 REQUIREMENTS i. GRP pipes and fittings shall comply with AS 3571.1-2009 (ISO 10467:2004, MOD). ii. Pipes and fittings shall be manufactured using type C glass reinforcement. iii. Elastomeric joint seals shall be EPDM complying with AS 1646:2007 and AS 681.1:2008 (EN 681-1:1996). 205S.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE iv. GRP pipes and fittings shall have product certification (ISO Type 5) to AS 3571.22009. v. Elastomeric joint seals shall have product certification (ISO Type 5) to AS 1646:2007 and AS 681.1:2008 (EN 681-1:1996). vi. All products shall be marked in accordance with the conformity assessment body’s requirements. 205S.4 AGENCY OR PROJECT SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS Pressure Class 1, PN 1 Stiffness Class , SN Fitting types (configurations) Joints and couplings 2 Alternative glass type Alternative elastomeric material for joint seals NOTES: Pressure and stiffness classes shall be as specified in the Project Specification or on the Design Drawings. Flange gaskets and O-rings should be supplied to WSA PS–312. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 34 APPENDIX D – PRODUCT SCHEDULE TABLE D1 RPC Pipe Systems Flowtite GRP pipe details – SN5000 (excluding coupling pipes) are detailed below. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 35 TABLE D2 RPC Pipe Systems Flowtite GRP pipe details – SN10,000 (excluding coupling) COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 36 T ABLE D3 RPC PIPE SYSTEMS FLOWTITE COUPLING DETAILS COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 37 TABLE D 4 Minimum initial specific longitudinal tensile strength of Flowtite™ pipes N/mm of circumference Minimum initial specific longitudinal tensile strength of Flowtite™ pipes N/mm of circumference Pipe size FS DN PN 1 FS and FP PN 6 PN 10 PN 16 100 81 93 112 125 96 111 133 150 112 129 155 200 143 165 198 250 172 198 238 PN 20 PN 25 PN 32 300 110 173 181 206 230 253 289 350 123 183 196 226 248 279 321 400 133 192 210 245 268 305 354 450 137 203 224 267 288 331 384 500 138 213 239 284 311 356 417 600 146 233 263 314 347 402 471 700 157 258 292 353 389 453 536 800 169 284 324 389 433 504 599 900 182 309 352 427 476 558 664 1000 194 333 381 464 518 607 726 1100 207 358 410 501 560 659 791 1200 219 383 440 538 603 711 854 1300 232 409 469 575 646 764 918 1400 245 434 498 612 688 815 981 1500 257 460 528 650 1600 270 485 555 687 1700 283 512 585 724 1800 296 537 614 761 1900 308 562 644 798 2000 321 587 672 837 2100 334 612 701 872 2200 347 637 730 911 2300 360 662 759 949 2400 372 687 789 985 2500 385 713 817 1023 2600 398 738 847 1059 2700 411 763 876 1098 2800 424 788 905 1133 2900 436 813 934 1172 3000 449 838 962 1208 Note: The values stated in the table above apply for the lowest available pipe stiffness class. The higher stiffness classes will have higher axial strength. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 38 TABLE D 5 Average apparent initial circumferential tensile strength of Flowtite™ pipes N/mm of circumference Average apparent initial circumferential tensile strength of Flowtite™ pipes N/mm of circumference Pipe size FS and FP DN PN 6 PN 10 PN 16 PN 20 PN 25 PN 32 100 355 367 421 125 422 434 542 150 488 506 645 200 614 644 843 250 735 771 1024 300 1001 1111 1614 1913 2251 2755 350 1031 1253 1808 2194 2597 3161 400 1061 1411 2027 2508 2922 3602 450 1092 1560 2358 2715 3238 3980 500 1125 1702 2483 3005 3573 4396 600 1223 1909 2852 3474 4148 5096 700 1405 2120 3290 3991 4806 5933 800 1587 2407 3763 4560 5482 6743 900 1761 2709 4167 5077 6114 7589 1000 1927 3018 4614 5646 6790 8372 1100 2092 3280 5044 6163 7448 9200 1200 2290 3583 5491 6733 8088 10010 1300 2465 3853 5963 7249 8773 10847 1400 2654 4139 6367 7766 9413 11648 1500 2869 4458 6797 1600 3036 4712 7253 1700 3207 5022 7691 1800 3389 5292 8112 1900 3587 5579 8585 2000 3760 5889 9015 2100 3942 6167 9462 2200 4124 6454 9900 2300 4306 6756 10312 2400 4488 7059 10759 2500 4694 7321 11189 2600 4852 7599 11662 2700 5034 7893 12066 2800 5240 8171 12539 2900 5414 8499 12951 3000 5580 8760 13389 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 39 APPENDIX E - NATA LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Test Reports have been made available for the purposes of preparing this product appraisal report. The information is considered to be commercial in confidence and has not therefore been made public. Should you require such information, please contact the manufacturer (Appendix G). The type testing and ongoing production testing (batch testing) confirm the GRP filament wound pipe and fittings meets the requirements of AS3571.1/AS3571.2. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 40 TABLE E1 SUMMARY OF TYPE TESTS AND BATCH TEST RESULTS Characteristics Clause Requirement Test Result Frequency CONFORMS Pipe Size Doc ID PIPES Pipe Type Tests 4.2.3 Resin Temperature of deflection 77 o Yes NA RMQ 2012-032 Pass Yes DN80 Equivalent AWQ 27579 AWQ 27042 AWQ 64287 50 yr HDB strain of 0.65% Yes 150mm and 600mm 50 yr ring bending strain of 1.3% Yes 600mm 50 yr wet creep factor of 0.60 to 0.68 Yes Material Properties 4.8 5.2.7 5.2.4 Performance 5.2.2 Effect on potable water Long term circumferential tensile stress/strain regression characteristics Long term circumferential flexural strain creep and/or relaxation factor At any new material formulation or design or every 10 years which ever occurs first Long term stiffness 600mm T-95-101-R (PF-2010-0904 R1 reconfirmation) T-91-101-R (T-2009-149 reconfirmation) T-95-103-B (T-2009-149 reconfirmation) 5.3 Resistance to cyclic pressures 1,000,000 cycles no leakage Yes 150mm 200mm 13-T86 MP4/3338-90 5.4 Resistance to Strain Corrosion 50 yr failure strain of 0.66% Yes 600mm T-99-107 (T-2011-205 reconfirmation) Pipe Batch Release Tests Mechanical Properties 5.2.1 Initial ring stiffness One pipe per batch Pass Yes 2500 5.2.3 Ring deflection One pipe per batch Pass Yes 2500 5.2.6 Apparent initial circumferential tensile strength One pipe per batch Pass Yes 2500 5.2.5 Longitudinal tensile strength One pipe per batch Pass Yes 2500 COPYRIGHT SAI Global Audit Report 291374 SAI Global Audit Report 291374 SAI Global Audit Report 291374 SAI Global Audit WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 Characteristics Clause 41 Requirement Frequency Test Result CONFORMS Pipe Size Doc ID PIPES Pipe Type Tests Report 291374 Leakage resistance at a hydrostatic test pressure of 2.0 x PN for 2 minutes Each Pipe Pass Yes 375 SAI Global Audit Report 271455 Diameter and wall thickness, Length and witness mark location, Spigot end and tolerance, Each Pipe Pass Yes 375 SAI Global Audit Report 271455 Informative Squareness of ends Each Pipe Pass Yes 375 SAI Global Audit Report 271455 Appearance 4.4 Visual Assessment Each Pipe Pass Yes 375 SAI Global Audit Report 271455 Markings 5.5 Identification Each Pipe Pass Yes 375 SAI Global Audit Report 271455 Yes NA RMQ 2012-032 Pass Yes DN80 Equivalent AWQ 27579 AWQ 27042 AWQ 64287 Pass Yes DN450, DN600 2012-audit Informative and 3 Dimensions COUPLINGS Coupling Type Tests 4.2.3 Material Properties 4.8 4.7.3 Resin Temperature of deflection Effect on potable water 77 At any new material formulation or design or every 10 years which ever occurs first Elastomeric seal characteristics COPYRIGHT o WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 Characteristics Clause 42 Requirement Frequency Test Result CONFORMS Pass Yes 1400mm T-2012-125 Pipe Size Doc ID PIPES Pipe Type Tests Performance of Flexible Pipe Joint 4.7 and 7.2 Resistance to leakage, vacuum in standard joint test configurations including draw and angular deflection Coupling Batch Release Tests Performance Leakage resistance at a hydrostatic test pressure of 2.0 x PN for 2 minutes Each Coupling Pass Yes 375 SAI Global Audit Report 271455 and 3 Diameter and wall thickness Each Coupling Pass Yes 375 SAI Global Audit Report 271455 Informative Gasket profile and hardness One gasket per batch Pass Yes 2500 SAI Global Audit Report 291374 Informative Dimensions Appearance 4.4 Visual Inspection Each Coupling Pass Yes 375 SAI Global Audit Report 271455 Markings 5.5 Identification of conformance Each Coupling Pass Yes 375 SAI Global Audit Report 271455 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 43 APPENDIX E2 DOUBLE BELL REKA COUPLING QUALIFICATION TEST COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 44 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 45 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 46 APPENDIX F PIPE MARKING EXAMPLE The label below appears on each pipe and designates the class of the pipe as well as identifies the individual pipe with a serial number (in this case 235470012) COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 47 APPENDIX G FLOWTITE TM CONTACT WITH DRINKING WATER APPROVALS TABLE G1 Flowtite™ CONTACT WITH DRINKING WATER APPROVALS Country Institute Australia Australian Water Quality Centre Austria Bundesantalt für und forschung Belgium Belgaqua China Croatia Finland Lebensmitteluntersuchung Jilin province sanitation and anti epidemic station Zagrebinspekt, d.o.o. za kontrolu I inzenjering VTT Germany DVGW Norway Statens Institutt for folkehelse Poland Panstwowy zaklad higieny Romania Romania Ministerul Sanatatii, Institutul Sanatate Publica Bucuresti, Comisia Avizare Russia Ministry of public health services of Russian federation, department of state sanitaryepidemic supervision Saudi Arabia de de NSF Slovakia Statna skusobna SKTC-110 Sverige DVGW - Germany Turkey - Hifzissihha Hygene Center reporting to: Ministry of Health - American National Sanitation Foundation USA NSF COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 48 APPENDIX H - SUPPLIER CONTACTS RPC Pipe Systems PTY. LTD 11 Christie Road, LONSDALE SA 5160 Phone: (08) 8329 1111 Fax: (08) 8329 1122 Web site: & Iplex Pipelines - Contact points Technical Sales Managers: Phone Fax (03) 9469 0320 (03) 9462 1540 13 18 40 13 18 60 03 9460 7000 03 6326 5277 02 9755 8243 02 9755 4480 08 8256 2000 08 8252 4858 03 6326 8031 03 6326 5277 08 9340 4888 08 9340 4899 07 3881 9222 07 3881 1127 08 8947 0466 08 8947 0347 Mr Michael Lancuba 7-15 Radford Rd Reservoir, Vic 3073 Customer Services Department Reservoir Victoria PO Box 312 Reservoir Victoria 3073 Chipping Norton NSW 35 Alfred Road Chipping Norton NSW 2170 Elizabeth South Australia PO Box 133 Elizabeth South Australia 5112 Launceston Tasmania PO Box 42 Invermay Tasmania 7248 Osborne Park Western Australia PO Box 1194 Osborne Park Western Australia 6017 Strathpine Queensland PO Box 5160 Brendale Queensland 4500 Winnellie Northern Territory PO Box 39429 Winnellie Northern Territory 0821 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 49 APPENDIX I – TAPPING PROCEDURE FOR FLOWTITE FP PIPES HOT AND COLD TAPPINGS COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 50 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 51 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 52 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 53 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 54 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 55 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 56 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 57 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 58 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 59 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 60 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 12/11 61 Melbourne Office Level 8, 401 Docklands Drive Docklands VIC 3008 Phone: (03) 8605 7666 Fax: (03) 8605 7612 Sydney Office Suite 1, Level 30, 9 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 915 Sydney NSW 2001 Phone: (02) 9221 5966 Fax: (02 9221 5977 COPYRIGHT