DIMENSIONAL CATALOG No-Hub Pipe and Fittings Service Pipe and Fittings Cast Iron Extra Heavy Pipe and Fittings DC-CI Plugs (Updated August 8, 2016) © 1977-2016 Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company Cast Iron Pipe and Fitting Dimensions Table of Contents Page No-Hub Pipe Dimensions........................................3&5 No-Hub Fitting Dimensions.................................... 4-43 No-Hub Starter Fitting Detail Drawings............... 44-50 Service Pipe Dimensions...................................... 51-53 Service Fitting Dimensions................................ 54-102 Extra Heavy Pipe Dimensions.......................... 103-105 Extra Heavy Fitting Dimensions....................... 106-119 Plug Dimensions..................................................... 120 Certification........................................................... 121 Warranty............................................................... 123 Download our Tech Tools App for dimensional info, tech calculators and more on your mobile device. Charlotte Pipe and “You can’t beat the system” are registered trademarks of Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company. No-Hub TABLE 1 DIMENSIONS AND TOLERANCES (IN INCHES) OF SPIGOTS AND BARRELS FOR NO-HUB PIPE AND FITTINGS Inside Outside Outside Width ThicknessGasket Barrel Diameter DiameterSpigot of Positioning Diameter Barrel SpigotBead Barrel Lug SizeN B J M (± .13) T-Nom. T-Min. W 1 ⁄2 1.50 ± .09 1.90 ± .06 1.96 ± .06 2 1.96 ± .09 2.35 ± .09 2.41 ± .09 3 2.96 ± .09 3.35 ± .09 3.41 ± .09 4 3.94 ± .09 4.38 + .09 4.44 ± .09 – .05 5 4.94 ± .09 5.30 + .09 5.36 ± .09 – .05 6 5.94 ± .09 6.30 + .09 6.36 ± .09 – .05 8 7.94 ± .13 8.38 ± .09 8.44 ± .09 10 10.00 ± .13 10.56 ± .09 10.62 ± .09 12 11.94 ± .09 12.50 ± .13 12.62 ± .13 15 15.11 ± .09 15.83 ± .13 16.12 ± .13 1 .25 .25 .25 .31 .16 .16 .16 .19 .13 .13 .13 .15 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 .31 .19 .15 1.50 .31 .19 .15 1.50 .31 .31 .31 .31 .17 .22 .22 .30 2.00 2.00 2.75 2.75 .23 .28 .28 .36 TEN FOOT PIPE BUNDLES NO-HUB PIPE Size Pieces 11⁄2” x 10’72 2” x 10’54 3” x 10’36 4” x 10’27 5” x 10’24 6” x 10’18 8” x 10’8 10” x 10’6 12” x 10’6 15” x 10’2 Weight 2052 12” 1906 11” 1944 14” 1922 17” 2342 20” 2120 23” 136722” 1528 26” 1908 29” 985 19” Weights are approximate and are for shipping purposes only. 3 Height No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 1 No-Hub (Standard) Coupling Size Shield Width Number of Clamps 1 ⁄22.13”2 2 x 11⁄22.13”2 2 2.13”2 3 x 2 2.13”2 3 2.13”2 4 x 3 2.13”2 4 2.13”2 5 3.00”4 6 3.00”4 8 4.00”4 10 4.00”4 1 PART NO. MDC 2 Heavy Duty (MD) Coupling Size Shield Width Number of Clamps 1 ⁄23.00”4 2 3.00”4 3 3.00”4 4 3.00”4 5 4.00”6 6 4.00”6 8 4.00”6 10 4.00”6 1 PART NO. SDC 4 Heavy Duty (HD) Coupling Size Shield Width Number of Clamps 1 ⁄23.00”4 2 3.00”4 3 3.00”4 4 3.00”4 5 4.00”6 6 4.00”6 8 4.00”6 10 4.00”6 1 4 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. HD 1 Heavy Duty Coupling Size Shield Width Number of Clamps 12 15 5.50”6 5.50”6 PART NO. NH 2 No-Hub Pipe - Ten Feet Laying Length Size Weight 11⁄2” x 10’28.5 2” x 10’35.0 3” x 10’54.0 4” x 10’71.2 5” x 10’97.6 6” x 10’117.8 8” x 10’170.9 10” x 10’254.6 12” x 10’318.1 15” x 10’492.6 PART NO. NH 4 Quarter Bend Size D Weight 11⁄241⁄41.7 2 41⁄22.2 3 5 3.7 4 51⁄26.5 5 61⁄29.3 6 7 15.0 8 81⁄223.1 4 x 3 51⁄25.5 Long Quarter Bend Size D 12 18 24 12 12 2 x 12 2 x 18 2 x 24 3 x 12 4 x 12 E Weight 41⁄25.4 41⁄28.8 41⁄210.7 5 8.5 51⁄211.2 5 N O H U B No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 4A Tapped Quarter Bend Size D E Weight 11⁄2 x 11⁄23 2 1.9 2 x 11⁄431⁄421⁄42.0 2 x 11⁄231⁄421⁄41.8 2 x 2 31⁄421⁄42.9 PART NO. NH 6 Quarter Bend with Side Opening Size 3 x 2 4 x 2 E D Weight 31⁄44 5.1 33⁄445⁄167.5 PART NO. NH 8 Quarter Bend with Heel Opening Size 3 x 2 4 x 2 D E Weight 5 27⁄85.6 51⁄231⁄47.2 PART NO. NH 8A Double Quarter Bend Size 2 3 4 D Weight 41⁄24.5 5 7.1 51⁄29.7 6 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 8B Extended Quarter Bend with Low Heel Outlet Size D 5 3 x 2 E Weight 101⁄27.8 PART NO. NH 9 Size 2 3 4 Fifth Bend D PART NO. NH 10 Sixth Bend Size 2 3 4 D Weight 31⁄42.2 31⁄23.0 313⁄165.3 PART NO. NH 12 Eighth Bend Size Weight 311⁄162.3 41⁄163.7 4 7⁄166.1 D Weight 11⁄225⁄81.5 2 23⁄41.5 3 3 2.9 4 31⁄84.0 5 37⁄87.4 6 41⁄169.1 8 5 14.9 10 515⁄1631.7 12 69⁄1631.6 15 713⁄1662.0 7 N O H U B No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 12 Size Long Eighth Bend 2 x 12 2 x 18 3 x 12 3 x 18 4 x 12 D 12 18 12 18 12 E PART NO. NH 14 Sixteenth Bend Size Weight 23⁄44.6 23⁄47.3 3 8.0 3 10.2 31⁄89.7 D Weight 11⁄221⁄81.2 2 21⁄81.4 3 21⁄42.1 4 25⁄163.4 5 27⁄85.4 6 3 6.7 8 33⁄412.0 PART NO. NH 16 Size 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 Short Sweep D Weight 61⁄23.1 7 6.3 71⁄28.1 81⁄213.1 9 17.1 101⁄231.0 12 53.4 131⁄461.3 143⁄4105.6 8 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. EZS 14 Extended Short Sweep Size 2 x 18 2 x 24 2 x 34 E F PART NO. NH 18 Long Sweep Size Weight 61⁄218 8.0 61⁄22411.0 61⁄2 3413.9 D Weight 11⁄291⁄44.4 2 91⁄25.8 3 10 9.4 4 101⁄212.3 5 111⁄218.6 6 12 23.3 PART NO. NH 18 Reducing Long Sweep Size 4 x 3 D Weight 101⁄212.4 9 N O H U B No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 20 Size D Wye F G Weight 11⁄2 x 11⁄24 6 2 2.5 2 x 2 45⁄865⁄8 23.3 3 x 11⁄245⁄861⁄8115⁄164.4 3 x 2 55⁄1665⁄811⁄23.4 3 53⁄48 21⁄44.6 4 x 2 6 65⁄8 15.1 4 x 3 61⁄2 8111⁄167.3 4 71⁄1691⁄227⁄169.1 15 5 x 2 71⁄281⁄16 ⁄168.8 5 x 3 8 911⁄16111⁄1610.5 5 x 4 81⁄2113⁄1627⁄1613.1 5 91⁄2125⁄831⁄815.1 1 6 x 2 81⁄485⁄16 ⁄29.8 6 x 3 83⁄493⁄411⁄412.5 6 x 4 91⁄4113⁄16115⁄1614.6 6 x 5 101⁄4121⁄229⁄1617.6 6 103⁄4141⁄1635⁄1619.7 1 8 x 3 913⁄16915⁄16 ⁄817.5 15 8 x 4 103⁄8117⁄16 ⁄1622.0 8 x 5 113⁄81213⁄1615⁄823.9 8 x 6 1113⁄16143⁄1625⁄1628.3 8 133⁄8171⁄833⁄436.3 3 10 x 4 1111⁄16125⁄8 ⁄432.9 10 x 6 131⁄8157⁄1623⁄1642.1 10 x 8 1411⁄16183⁄835⁄856.1 10 161⁄2211⁄251⁄1674.9 12 193⁄4251⁄253⁄497.0 15 231⁄430 63⁄4189.5 10 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 21 Size 2 3 x 2 3 4 x 2 4 x 3 4 5 x 4 6 x 4 6 8 8 x 4 8x6 Double Wye D F PART NO. NH 21A Upright Wye Size 2 3 x 2 3 4 x 2 4 x 3 4 5 x 2 5 Weight 45⁄865⁄84.5 55⁄1665⁄85.5 53⁄48 7.9 6 65⁄86.5 61⁄28 8.8 71⁄1691⁄212.1 81⁄2113⁄1615.7 91⁄4113⁄1616.4 103⁄4141⁄1627.4 133⁄8171⁄845.3 103⁄8117⁄1623.0 1113⁄16143⁄1631.3 H E F G Weight 81⁄451⁄27 2 4.8 83⁄1651⁄27 11⁄25.7 87⁄1651⁄283⁄823⁄169.5 81⁄451⁄27 1 7.7 87⁄1651⁄283⁄8111⁄1610.1 91⁄8 693⁄427⁄1612.9 9 61⁄8 8 111.0 117⁄1671⁄8123⁄423⁄419.9 11 N O H U B No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 22 Size Combination D E F Weight 11⁄243⁄453⁄8 63.1 2 x 11⁄25 57⁄8 63.4 2 53⁄861⁄865⁄83.5 3 x 11⁄251⁄263⁄465⁄85.0 3 x 2 51⁄263⁄465⁄85.7 3 75⁄16 8 88.5 4 x 2 51⁄271⁄465⁄86.6 4 x 3 71⁄481⁄2 89.5 4 91⁄410 91⁄213.7 5 x 2 515⁄1673⁄481⁄168.5 5 x 3 73⁄49911⁄1612.0 5 x 4 93⁄4101⁄2113⁄1617.1 5 113⁄4121⁄2125⁄819.7 6 x 2 6 81⁄485⁄1612.0 6 x 3 713⁄1691⁄293⁄414.7 6 x 4 93⁄411113⁄1618.4 6 x 5 1111⁄1613 121⁄223.4 6 135⁄8143⁄8141⁄1630.0 8 x 4 97⁄16115⁄16113⁄1625.1 8 x 6 12 133⁄81315⁄1635.4 8 143⁄4159⁄161615⁄1649.3 PART NO. EZS 15 Extended Combination Size 2 x 24 2 x 36 E F G Weight 63⁄16253⁄8 2412.0 63⁄1636 343⁄415.4 12 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 24 Double Combination Size 2 3 x 2 3 4 x 2 4 x 3 4 D E F PART NO. NH 26 Tapped Wye Size Weight 53⁄861⁄865⁄86.3 51⁄263⁄465⁄87.7 75⁄168 811.8 51⁄271⁄465⁄88.3 71⁄481⁄2 813.7 91⁄410 91⁄220.5 D F Weight 2 x 11⁄251⁄1665⁄83.4 2 x 2 51⁄1665⁄84.6 1 3 x 1 ⁄253⁄465⁄85.1 3 x 2 513⁄1665⁄85.3 1 4 x 1 ⁄267⁄1665⁄86.0 4 x 2 61⁄265⁄87.2 PART NO. NH 27 Tapped Double Wye Size D F Weight 2 x 11⁄251⁄1665⁄85.6 13 N O H U B No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 28 Sanitary Tee Size E F D Weight 11⁄2 x 11⁄241⁄461⁄241⁄42.9 2 x 11⁄241⁄265⁄841⁄43.4 2 41⁄267⁄841⁄23.1 1 3 x 1 ⁄25 61⁄241⁄44.5 3 x 2 5 67⁄841⁄23.7 3 5 8 5 5.5 4 x 2 51⁄267⁄841⁄25.3 4 x 3 51⁄28 5 7.6 4 51⁄291⁄851⁄28.5 5 x 2 61⁄281⁄2 58.3 5 x 3 6 95⁄1651⁄210.2 5 x 4 6 1013⁄32 611.5 5 61⁄2117⁄1661⁄212.5 6 x 2 61⁄283⁄16 59.9 6 x 3 61⁄293⁄1651⁄211.5 6 x 4 61⁄2101⁄16 612.0 6 x 5 7 111⁄261⁄215.6 6 7 121⁄2 712.9 8 x 3 71⁄2103⁄8 617.9 8 x 4 71⁄2111⁄261⁄221.6 8 x 5 8 121⁄2 724.0 8 x 6 8 131⁄271⁄224.0 8 81⁄2151⁄281⁄230.8 PART NO. EZS 16 2” x 24” Two-Way Sanitary Tee Size 2 x 18 2 x 24 2 x 36 E H F Weight 41⁄241⁄2 187.8 41⁄241⁄2 2410.4 41⁄241⁄2 3615.6 14 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 30 Sanitary Cross Size E F D Weight 11⁄241⁄461⁄241⁄23.6 2 41⁄267⁄841⁄25.0 3 x 2 5 67⁄841⁄26.2 3 5 8 5 7.6 4 x 2 51⁄267⁄841⁄27.3 4 x 3 51⁄2 8 58.5 4 51⁄291⁄851⁄211.0 5 x 4 6 1013⁄32 613.4 6 x 4 61⁄2101⁄16 614.0 6 7 121⁄2 721.0 8 x 4 71⁄2111⁄261⁄223.0 8 81⁄2151⁄281⁄237.9 PART NO. NH 31 Sanitary Tee with 2” 90° Sanitary Opening Above Center (New Orleans Code) SizeCDE FG Weight 3 3 4 4 (L) 4 ⁄26 5 81⁄256.7 (R) 41⁄26 5 81⁄256.3 (L) 5 61⁄251⁄293⁄1651⁄28.6 (R) 5 61⁄251⁄293⁄1651⁄28.5 1 PART NO. NH 32 Sanitary Tee with 2” Side Inlets Right Hand and Left Hand Size 4 x 4 w/RH & LH E F DWeight 59⁄1691⁄851⁄210.9 15 N O H U B No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 32B Sanitary Tee with 2” 45° Sanitary Opening Above Center (New Orleans Code) Size D E F G Weight 3 (L) 6 5 81⁄2 58.2 3 (R) 6 5 81⁄2 57.8 3(R&L) 6 5 81⁄2 59.1 4 (L) 61⁄251⁄293⁄1651⁄29.6 4 (R) 61⁄251⁄293⁄1651⁄29.4 PART NO. NH 33A Sanitary Cross with 2” 90° Sanitary Openings Above Center (New Orleans Code) Size C 4 5 61⁄251⁄293⁄1651⁄210.8 D E F G Weight PART NO. NH 33C Sanitary Cross with Two 2” 90° Sanitary Openings Above Center (New Orleans Code) Size C D E F G Weight 3 4 ⁄26 5 81⁄2 59.0 4 5 61⁄251⁄293⁄1651⁄211.9 1 16 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 33F Sanitary Cross with Two 2” 45° Sanitary Openings Same Side (New Orleans Code) Size D E F G Weight 3 6 5 81⁄2 59.8 4 51⁄251⁄291⁄1651⁄213.8 PART NO. NH 33G Sanitary Cross with 3” Vent and Two 2” 45° Inlets Size A B C F GWeight 4x3x4x2x2 33⁄4 51⁄4 43⁄4 101⁄2 61⁄2 24.0 PART NO. NH 34 Sanitary Tapped Tee Size D E F Weight 11⁄2 x 11⁄431⁄429⁄16511⁄162.3 11⁄2 x 11⁄231⁄429⁄16511⁄162.5 2 x 11⁄431⁄4213⁄16511⁄162.8 2 x 11⁄231⁄4213⁄16511⁄163.1 2 x 2 33⁄431⁄1663⁄83.8 3 x 11⁄431⁄435⁄16511⁄163.7 3 x 11⁄231⁄435⁄16511⁄163.6 3 x 2 33⁄439⁄1663⁄84.9 3 x 3 47⁄841⁄8 87.3 4 x 11⁄431⁄4313⁄16511⁄164.0 4 x 11⁄231⁄433⁄4511⁄164.8 4 x 2 33⁄441⁄1663⁄85.8 4 x 3 41⁄243⁄8 88.4 5 x 11⁄233⁄445⁄1673⁄166.5 5 x 2 41⁄449⁄16 89.3 6 x 11⁄233⁄4413⁄1663⁄48.4 6 x 2 41⁄451⁄1677⁄169.2 17 N O H U B No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. EZS 17 2” x 227⁄8” Extended Tapped Sanitary Tee Size H F Weight 2 x 11⁄2 x 227⁄831⁄4227⁄89.6 2 x 2 x 227⁄833⁄4227⁄89.2 PART NO. EZS 27 Size Sanitary Tapped Tee H 2 x 11⁄2 x 31 2 x 2 x 31 F PART NO. NH 35 Sanitary Tapped Cross Size Weight 111⁄43112.6 111⁄43113.6 D E F Weight 11⁄2 x 11⁄231⁄429⁄16511⁄163.4 2 x 11⁄431⁄4213⁄16511⁄163.9 2 x 11⁄231⁄4213⁄16511⁄164.0 2 x 2 33⁄431⁄1663⁄85.3 3 x 11⁄231⁄435⁄16511⁄164.3 3 x 2 33⁄439⁄1663⁄86.1 4 x 11⁄231⁄433⁄4511⁄165.5 4 x 2 33⁄441⁄1663⁄86.9 18 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. EZS 18 2” x 227⁄8” Extended Tapped Sanitary Cross Size H F Weight 2 x 11⁄2 x 227⁄831⁄4227⁄810.0 2 x 2 x 227⁄833⁄4227⁄811.9 PART NO. EZS 28 Sanitary Tapped Cross Size H 2 x 11⁄2 x 31 2 x 2 x 31 F Weight 111⁄43115.0 111⁄43115.0 PART NO. NH 35B Double Vertical Sanitary Tapped Tee Size E F G H Weight 2 x 11⁄2213⁄1693⁄441⁄231⁄44.8 19 N O H U B No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 36 Test Tee Less Plug and PART NO. NH 36S Test Tee with Southern Raised-Head Brass Plug Installed (2” through 8” only) Size IPS Tap 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 4 x 3 2 2 63⁄833⁄1633⁄163.0 3 211⁄1673⁄437⁄837⁄85.8 4 3 87⁄847⁄1647⁄169.2 5 41⁄2111⁄253⁄453⁄415.2 6 5 121⁄261⁄461⁄422.0 8 6 151⁄475⁄875⁄837.1 10 61⁄2 20 10 1059.7 31⁄227⁄891⁄2 541⁄2 8.0 E F D PART NO. NH 40 Increaser-Reducer Size F 8 8 8 2 x 3 2 x 4 3 x 4 D’ Weight Weight 3.8 4.4 5.0 20 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 40A Short Reducer Size F Weight 2 x 11⁄235⁄81.1 3 x 11⁄235⁄81.8 3 x 2 35⁄81.8 4 x 2 35⁄82.3 4 x 3 35⁄82.3 5 x 2 4 3.3 5 x 3 4 3.8 5 x 4 4 3.2 6 x 2 4 4.3 6 x 3 4 3.7 6 x 4 4 4.1 6 x 5 41⁄24.3 8 x 2 41⁄27.0 8 x 3 41⁄27.6 8 x 4 41⁄27.7 8 x 5 5 7.3 8 x 6 5 8.0 10 x 4 51⁄212.5 10 x 6 6 13.3 10 x 8 6 14.9 12 x 4 61⁄219.1 12 x 6 61⁄218.3 12 x 8 7 17.3 12 x 10 71⁄218.9 15 x 4 7 30.0 15 x 6 7 31.8 15 x 8 7 32.2 15 x 10 71⁄232.2 15 x 12 73⁄430.5 21 N O H U B No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 42 P-Trap Size D J Weight 1 ⁄26 ⁄431⁄23.4 2 71⁄2 44.7 3 9 51⁄28.9 1 4 10 ⁄261⁄217.0 6 14 81⁄233.6 1 3 PART NO. NH 42 Size 2 x 12 2 x 18 Long P-Trap D J 12 18 4 4 Weight 6.1 8.0 PART NO. NH 42A Size 3 x 2 P-Trap, Reducing D J 9 Weight 51⁄210.0 PART NO. NH 43 P Trap with 1⁄2” Tap in Heel Size C 2 3 4 4 71⁄22 4 4.7 5 9 2 51⁄210.8 6 101⁄22 61⁄218.8 D E J 22 Weight No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. EZS 9 P-Trap with 11⁄2” Tapped Side Inlet Size 2 H F Weight 53⁄1671⁄26.2 PART NO. EZS 10 Size P-Trap with 2” Side Inlet C D J Weight 2 13⁄1671⁄231⁄166.4 PART NO. NH 44 P-Trap with Tapped Inlet Size C D J Weight 11⁄2 x 11⁄231⁄263⁄431⁄23.0 2 x 11⁄24 71⁄24 4.5 2 x 2 4 71⁄24 5.4 PART NO. NH 44A Deep Seal P Trap Size C 2 3 4 4 5 6 D J Weight 71⁄27 6.6 9 7 11.0 101⁄2818.6 23 N O H U B No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 45 Running Trap with Vent Size D E F G Weight 4 61⁄241⁄2 15101⁄220.5 PART NO. NH 45A Running Trap with Double Vent Size C 4 6 61⁄241⁄215101⁄221.4 D E F G PART NO. EZS 13 45° Vented Tub Wye Size E 2 12 F G Weight Weight 51⁄4153⁄410.1 PART NO. EZS 38 Size 2 2 G Vented Tub Wye H F Weight 91⁄251⁄415 9.4 24 51⁄4291⁄213.7 24 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. EZS 38 L Size 2 Vented Tub Wye Left Hand G H PART NO. EZS 38 R Vented Tub Wye Right Hand Size 2 F Weight 91⁄233⁄4 1510.0 G H F Weight 91⁄233⁄415 9.0 PART NO. NH 48 Tapped Adapters Size F IPS Tapping Weight 11⁄2 x 11⁄225⁄811⁄21.3 2 x 11⁄423⁄1611⁄41.0 2 x 11⁄223⁄1611⁄20.9 2 x 2 25⁄82 1.7 3 x 2 23⁄162 1.0 25 N O H U B No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 50 Size Blind Plug F Weight 11⁄213⁄40.6 2 13⁄40.7 3 13⁄41.1 4 13⁄42.0 5 13⁄42.9 6 13⁄43.2 8 21⁄46.5 10 3 14.7 12 31⁄217.6 15 31⁄228.0 PART NO. NH 52 Tapped Ferrule Less Brass Plug and PART NO. NH 52S Tapped Ferrule with Southern Raised-Head Brass Plug Installed Size F 2 3 4 5 6 8 IPS Tapping Weight 23⁄1611⁄20.9 23⁄1621⁄21.9 23⁄1631⁄22.5 41⁄2 46.5 41⁄2 58.0 41⁄2 612.1 PART NO. NH 53 Single Two-Way Cleanout Size E 4 F PART NO. NH 53A Two-Way Cleanout Size 4 Weight 71⁄2 1516.0 D E F G Weight 81⁄423⁄412 61⁄215.0 26 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 54 Two-Way Baffle Cleanout Size D 3 x 3 x 4 4 x 4 x 4 F Weight N O H U B 15 9 14.2 183⁄891⁄222.0 PART NO. NH 56 Notched and Slotted Closet Collar Size 4 x 3 4 x 3 4 x 4 4 x 4 D E F A Weight 31⁄233⁄871⁄447⁄323.3 8 327⁄6471⁄44 6.1 4 43⁄871⁄449⁄644.7 8 43⁄871⁄447⁄327.0 PART NO. NH 57 Horizontal Twin Tapped Tee Size A D F H Weight 3 x 11⁄213⁄84 7 3 7.3 4 x 11⁄213⁄84 7 3 8.0 27 H F D No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 457 Vented Closet Tee with 2” Top Vent (Left or Right; Designed for use below the floor; Fitting does not require a baffle) Size BCDEF G Wt. 4x4x2x4(L) 41⁄451⁄433⁄44 101⁄233⁄412.1 4x4x2x4(R)41⁄451⁄433⁄44 101⁄233⁄411.6 PART NO. NH 458T Vented Closet Tee with 2” Top Vent and 2” Side Opening (Left or Right; Designed for use below the floor; Fitting does not require a baffle) Size ABCDEFGWt. 4x4x2x2x4(L)81⁄841⁄4 51⁄471⁄2 4 101⁄2 33⁄4 12.3 4x4x2x2x4(R)81⁄841⁄4 51⁄471⁄2 4 101⁄2 33⁄4 12.2 PART NO. NH 463 Vented Closet Cross with 2” Top Vent (Designed for use below the floor; Fitting has a baffle) Size B C D E F G Wt 4x4x2x4x4 41⁄451⁄433⁄44101⁄233⁄415.0 T Additional drawing available in Detail Drawing Section 28 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 464 Vented Closet Cross with 2” Top Vent and 2” Side Opening N O H U B (Designed for use below the floor; Fitting has a baffle) Size A B C D EF G Wt. 4x4x2x2x4x4 81⁄841⁄4 51⁄471⁄2 4 101⁄2 33⁄4 15.6 PART NO. NH 502T 4” No Hub Prison Fitting with 2” Top Vent (Designed for use above the floor; Baffle helps prevent passage of contraband between cells) Part No. Size UPC# 611942- A NH 502 NH 502 NH 502 NH 502 4 Less Tap 4 With Tap 4x3 Less Tap 4x3 With Tap 00639 00640 11119 11120 8 8 8 8 T C Additional drawing available in Detail Drawing Section 29 F 5 1⁄412 5 1⁄412 5 1⁄412 5 1⁄412 G 8 8 8 8 Weight 20.3 20.8 23.4 23.4 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. EZS 50* 10” Closet Fittings with 2” Inlet (Double, Left Hand or Right Hand; Designed for use below the floor; Fitting does not have a baffle) Part No. Size UPC# 611942- EZS 50D*** EZS 50L EZS 50R 4 4 4 04484 04476 04477 A B C D F Weight 103⁄461⁄233⁄4441⁄215.0 103⁄461⁄233⁄4441⁄212.3 103⁄461⁄233⁄4441⁄212.2 PART NO. EZS 51* 10” Closet Fittings with 2” Inlet and 2” Side Inlet (Double, Left Hand or Right Hand; Designed for use below the floor; Fitting does not have a baffle) Part No. Size EZS 51D*** 4 EZS 51L 4 EZS 51R 4 UPC# 611942- 04424 04425 04473 A B C D E F Weight 103⁄461⁄23 4 91⁄241⁄215.0 103⁄461⁄23 4 91⁄241⁄212.8 103⁄461⁄23 4 91⁄241⁄212.6 * When ordering please specify Double, Left or Right. *** Double closet fitting does not have a baffle. 30 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings HOW TO DETERMINE RIGHT or LEFT HAND CROSS-OVER With the vented end toward you, hold the fitting so that you are looking into its length with the curved side up. If the vent is on your left side, it is a Left Hand fitting. If the vent is on your right side, it is a Right Hand fitting. RIGHT HAND CROSS-OVER ILLUSTRATED Note: VENT CROSS-OVER for use with EZS-50 through 800 Series fittings. Specify Right, Left, Plain or Double. Note: Our crossovers are designed for use with EZS starter fittings, that is for the vent and stack centerline to be 61⁄2” PART NO. EZS 7 2” Vent Cross-Over, Plain (No Outlets) U.P.C. No. 611942 Size 04429 2 x 183⁄8 A 47⁄8 C 93⁄16 FWeight 183⁄8 8.1 PART NO. EZS 7D 2” Vent Cross-Over, Double (2 Inlets) U.P.C. No. 611942 Size 04430 2 x 183⁄8 A 47⁄8 B 61⁄2 31 C 93⁄16 FWeight 183⁄8 8.0 N O H U B No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. EZS 7L 2” Vent Cross-Over with Left Hand Inlet U.P.C. No. 611942 Size 04431 2 x 183⁄8 PART NO. EZS 7R 04432 B 61⁄2 2 x 183⁄8 A 47⁄8 B 61⁄2 PART NO. EZS 1 Size E C 93⁄16 FWeight 183⁄8 8.2 2” Vent Cross-Over with Right Hand Inlet U.P.C. No. 611942 Size A 47⁄8 Figure One F D Weight 2 x 11⁄233⁄167 47⁄85.3 32 C 93⁄16 FWeight 183⁄8 8.4 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. NH 25 Figure Five Double Fixture Fitting Size D E F G Weight 2 61⁄2 5 8113⁄167.0 3 87⁄869⁄16101⁄82 10.5 3 x 2 x 3 x 3 87⁄869⁄1691⁄4210.7 4 101⁄473⁄4 12115⁄1622.5 4 x 2 x 4 x 4 101⁄473⁄4111⁄2115⁄1619.8 N O H U B PART NO. EZS 6* Figure Six (Double, Left Hand or Right Hand; Designed for use below the floor) Part No. Size EZS 6D** EZS 6D** 3x2 4x2 41⁄879⁄1651⁄161137⁄1613.0 41⁄2961⁄213 4 23.1 C D E EZS 6L EZS 6L 3x2 4x2 41⁄879⁄1651⁄161137⁄1611.4 41⁄2961⁄213 4 18.0 EZS 6R EZS 6R 3x2 4x2 41⁄879⁄1651⁄161137⁄1611.4 41⁄2961⁄213 4 18.0 * When ordering please specify Double, Left or Right. ** Double fitting has a baffle. 33 F H Weight No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. EZS 8* Figure Eight (Double, Left Hand or Right Hand; Designed for use below the floor) Part No. Size C D E F H Weight EZS 8D** 3x2 41⁄879⁄1651⁄161137⁄1613.0 EZS 8L EZS 8L 3x2 4x2 41⁄879⁄1651⁄161137⁄1612.5 41⁄2961⁄213 4 19.8 EZS 8R EZS 8R 3x2 4x2 41⁄879⁄1651⁄161137⁄1612.5 41⁄2961⁄213 4 19.8 PART NO. EZS 8A Figure Eight Double Fixture Fitting, Extended** (Designed for Use Below the Floor) Size D 4 x 2 9 E F H Weight 61⁄213 8 23.4 * When ordering please specify Double, Left or Right. ** Double fitting has a baffle. 34 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. EZS 100* 16” Closet Fittings with 2” Inlets (Double, Left Hand or Right Hand; Designed for use below the floor) Part No. Size A B C D E M Weight EZS 100D 4x16 163⁄4541⁄261⁄251⁄25 22.0 EZS 100L 4x16 163⁄4541⁄261⁄251⁄25 20.0 EZS 100R 4x16 163⁄4541⁄261⁄251⁄25 21.1 M & B dimensions must be measured from the bottom of the fitting. * When ordering please specify Double, Left or Right. 35 N O H U B No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. EZS 400*T 30” Closet Fittings with 2” Inlet (Double, Left Hand or Right Hand; Designed for use in the floor) Part No. Size A B C D E M Weight EZS 400D 4x30 30 See Chart 41⁄261⁄251⁄2 See Chart 38.9 EZS 400L 4x30 30 See Chart 41⁄261⁄251⁄2 See Chart 36.8 EZS 400R 4x30 30 See Chart 41⁄261⁄251⁄2 See Chart 35.4 M & B dimensions must be measured from the bottom of the fitting. M B 12261⁄2 61⁄2 4 0 * When ordering please specify Double, Left or Right. T Additional drawing available in Detail Drawing Section 36 12 61⁄2 0 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. EZS 700*T Threaded Starter Fitting with or without No-Hub Inlets (Double, Left Hand or Right Hand; Designed for use above the floor with back-outlet water closets; Double Starter fittings have a baffle) Part No. Size A B C D E Weight EZS 700D** 4x28 0 0 51⁄228 61⁄240.0 EZS 700D** 4x28 0 81⁄251⁄228 61⁄242.0 1 EZS 700D** 4x28 23 ⁄281⁄251⁄228 61⁄242.0 EZS 700L EZS 700L EZS 700L EZS 700L 4x28 4x28 4x28 4x28 0 0 51⁄228 61⁄234.6 0 81⁄251⁄228 61⁄235.7 14 81⁄251⁄228 61⁄236.3 231⁄281⁄251⁄228 61⁄232.0 EZS 700R EZS 700R EZS 700R EZS 700R 4x28 4x28 4x28 4x28 0 0 51⁄228 61⁄230.0 1 0 8 ⁄251⁄228 61⁄234.0 14 81⁄251⁄228 61⁄235.3 1 23 ⁄281⁄251⁄228 61⁄232.0 FLOOR/CEILING A & B Dimensions must be measured from the top of the fitting. 2” inlets available * When ordering please specify Double, Left or Right. ** Double starter fittings have a baffle. Note: Trim package not included in price of fitting “O” dimension denotes the absence of the designated inlet. T Additional drawing available in Detail Drawing Section 37 N O H U B No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. EZS 800*T Threaded Starter Fitting with or without No-Hub Inlets (Double, Left Hand or Right Hand; Designed for use above the floor with back-outlet water closets; Double starter fittings have a baffle) Part No. Size A B C D E Weight EZS 800D** 4x28 16 0 51⁄228 61⁄242.0 EZS 800D** 4x28 16 81⁄251⁄228 61⁄242.0 EZS 800L EZS 800L 4x28 4x28 16 16 0 51⁄228 61⁄235.4 8 ⁄251⁄228 61⁄236.3 EZS 800R EZS 800R 4x28 4x28 16 16 0 51⁄228 61⁄235.6 81⁄251⁄228 61⁄235.3 1 FLOOR/CEILING A & B Dimensions must be measured from the top of the fitting. 2” inlets available * When ordering please specify Double, Left or Right. ** Double starter fittings have a baffle. Note: Trim package not included in price of fitting “O” dimension denotes the absence of the designated inlet. T Additional drawing available in Detail Drawing Section 38 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. EZS 710* No-Hub Starter Fitting with or without 2” No-Hub Inlets (Double, Left Hand or Right Hand; Designed for use above the floor with back-outlet water closets; Double starter fittings have a baffle) Part No. Size A B C D E Weight EZS 710D** 4x28 0 0 51⁄228 4 43.0 EZS 710D** 4x28 0 81⁄251⁄228 4 43.0 EZS 710D** 4x28 231⁄281⁄251⁄228 4 43.0 EZS 710L EZS 710L EZS 710L EZS 710L 4x28 4x28 4x28 4x28 0 0 51⁄228 0 81⁄251⁄228 14 81⁄251⁄228 231⁄281⁄251⁄228 4 4 4 4 36.6 36.6 36.6 36.6 EZS 710R EZS 710R EZS 710R EZS 710R 4x28 4x28 4x28 4x28 0 0 51⁄228 0 81⁄251⁄228 14 81⁄251⁄228 231⁄281⁄251⁄228 4 4 4 4 36.6 36.6 36.6 36.6 (Illustration Shows Left Hand) (Illustration Shows Double) A & B Dimensions must be measured from the top of the fitting. 2” inlets available * When ordering please specify Double, Left or Right. ** Double starter fittings have a baffle. Note: Not designed for use with trim package “O” dimension denotes the absence of the designated inlet. 39 N O H U B No-Hub Pipe and Fittings PART NO. EZS 810* No-Hub Starter Fitting with or without 2” No-Hub Inlets (Double, Left Hand or Right Hand; Designed for use above the floor with back-outlet water closets; Double starter fittings have a baffle) Part No. Size A B C D E Weight EZS 810D** 4x28 16 0 51⁄228 61⁄243.0 EZS 810D** 4x28 16 81⁄251⁄228 61⁄243.0 EZS 810L EZS 810L 4x28 4x28 16 16 0 51⁄228 61⁄236.6 81⁄251⁄228 61⁄236.6 EZS 810R EZS 810R 4x28 4x28 16 16 0 51⁄228 61⁄236.6 81⁄251⁄228 61⁄236.6 (Illustration Shows Right Hand) (Illustration Shows Double) A & B Dimensions must be measured from the top of the fitting. 2” inlets available * When ordering please specify Double, Left or Right. ** Double starter fittings have a baffle. Note: Not designed for use with trim package “O” dimension denotes the absence of the designated inlet. 40 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings MOUNTING HARDWARE PART NO. EZS 22 Trim Package, Support Frame Assembly PART NO. EZS 23 Trim Package, Floor-Mounted Back-Outlet Assembly (Note: Not to be used with PART NO. EZS 22 Support Frame Assembly) A B 20 9 C D 71⁄24 1—FRAME 1—LEFT LEG 1—RIGHT LEG 1—SUPPORT LEG (used for single only) 5—1⁄2” x 11⁄4” BOLTS 5—1⁄2” FLAT WASHERS 1—4” PVC Sch. 80 NIPPLE with TEST CAP 1—BOWL GASKET 2—5⁄16” x 12” RODS 2—5⁄16” HEX NUTS 2—5⁄16” FLAT WASHERS 2—5⁄16” CAP NUTS PART NO. EZS 24 Trim Package, Wall-Hung Back-Outlet Assembly (Note: To be used with PART NO. EZS 22 Support Frame Assembly) Exploded View of Support Assembly Hardware 1—4” PVC Sch. 80 NIPPLE with TEST CAP 1—BOWL GASKET 4—5⁄8” x 12” RODS 4—5⁄8” CHROME CAP NUTS 8—5⁄8” JAM NUTS 4—5⁄8” FLAT WASHERS 4—5⁄8” FIBER WASHERS 3—3⁄8” x 11⁄2” BOLTS FOR FACEPLATE 3—3⁄8” FLAT WASHERS 4—5⁄8” STAR WASHERS EZS 22 and EZS 24 Assemblies Illustrated 41 N O H U B No-Hub Pipe and Fittings TYPICAL HIGH-RISE BUILDING INSTALLATION 42 No-Hub Pipe and Fittings TYPICAL BACK-TO-BACK INSTALLATION Typical installation shows back-to-back water closets and back-outlet tubs. This system can be changed to use floormounted back-outlet water closets and bottom-outlet tubs. 43 N O H U B Detail Drawings PART NO. EZS 400D Charlotte Pipe Starter Fitting 4x30 Closet Fitting Double - M Inlet 0; B Inlet 61⁄2” 44 Detail Drawings PART NO. EZS 700D Charlotte Pipe Starter Fitting 4x28 Threaded Double - A Inlet 0; B Inlet 81⁄2” with EZS 22 Support Frame and EZS 24 Trim Package D E T A I L D R A W I N G S 45 Detail Drawings PART NO. EZS 700R Charlotte Pipe Starter Fitting 4x28 Threaded Right Hand - A Inlet 0; B Inlet 0 with EZS 23 Trim Package 46 Detail Drawings PART NO. EZS 800D Charlotte Pipe Starter Fitting 4x28 Threaded Double - A Inlet 16; B Inlet 0 with EZS 23 Trim Package D E T A I L D R A W I N G S 47 Detail Drawings PART NO. EZS 800L Charlotte Pipe Starter Fitting 4x28 Threaded Left Hand - A Inlet 16; B Inlet 0 with EZS 22 Support Frame and EZS 24 Trim Package 48 Detail Drawings PART NO. NH 458 Charlotte Pipe Starter Fitting 4x4x2x2x4 Vented Closet Tee, Left Hand, with 2” Top Vent and 2” Side Inlet D E T A I L D R A W I N G S 49 Detail Drawings PART NO. NH 502 Charlotte Pipe Starter Fitting 4” No-Hub with 2” Top Vent and 2” 45° Tap Service for Two Cells at 45° Angle 50 Service F 1/8 S R G P T A Y B Laying Length (Telescoping Length) Telescoping Length Size Y J PIPE - SERVICE* Hub I.D. A Barrel O.D. I.D. J B Nominal Thickness T 2” 2.50 2.94 2.301.960.17 3” 2.75 3.94 3.302.960.17 4” 3.00 4.94 4.303.940.18 5” 3.00 5.94 5.304.940.18 6” 3.00 6.94 6.305.940.18 8” 3.50 9.25 8.387.940.23 10” 3.50 11.3810.509.940.28 12” 4.24 13.5012.5011.94 0.28 15” 4.25 16.95 15.8815.16 0.36 FIVE FOOT PIPE BUNDLES SERVICE Single Hub Double Hub SIZE PIECES 2” 100 3” 60 4” 46 5” 33 6” 23 8” 11 10” 8 12” 6 15” 2 2” 100 3” 60 4” 46 5” 33 6” 23 WEIGHT HEIGHT 224820” 191022” 190425” 175031” 159131” 112830” 122627” 111431” 57534” 211323” 191424” 195625” 188835” 159835” * For additional dimensional information please see the Cast Iron Technical and Installation Manual. 51 S E R V I C E Service Pipe and Fittings 30” SINGLE HUB PIPE BUNDLES SERVICE 30” Single Hub SIZE PIECES WEIGHT HEIGHT WEIGHT HEIGHT 8 x 30”11 10 x 30”8 12 x 30”6 15 x 30”2 64524” 73324” 64328” 33334” TEN FOOT PIPE BUNDLES SERVICE SIZE Single Hub PIECES 2 x 10’54 3 x 10’36 4 x 10’27 5 x 10’24 6 x 10’18 8 x 10’8 10 x 10’6 12 x 10’6 15 x 10’2 2165 12” 2141 15” 2028 18” 2409 20” 2211 23” 1444 22” 1558 27” 2075 30” 1050 23” PART NO. SV 1 Pipe, 5’ Lengths, Single Hub Size L Weight 2” x 5’5’23.8 3” x 5’5’31.8 4” x 5’5’41.0 5” x 5’5’52.5 6” x 5’5’69.2 8” x 5’5’101.0 10” x 5’5’150.9 12” x 5’5’185.7 15” x 5’5’302.7 Weights are approximate and are for shipping purposes only. 52 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 1A Pipe, 30” Lengths, Single Hub Size L Weight 8” x 30”30”58.7 10” x 30”30”91.7 12” x 30”30”107.1 15” x 30”30”166.3 PART NO. SV 2 Pipe, 5’ Lengths, Double Hub Size L Weight 2” x 5’4’ 91⁄2”21.1 3” x 5’4’ 91⁄4”31.9 4” x 5’4’ 9”42.5 5” x 5’4’ 9”57.2 6” x 5’4’ 9”69.5 PART NO. SV 3 Pipe, 10’ Lengths, Single Hub Size L Weight 2” x 10’10’40.1 3” x 10’10’59.5 4” x 10’10’75.1 5” x 10’10’100.4 6” x 10’10’122.8 8” x 10’10’180.5 10” x 10’10’276.1 12” x 10’10’345.9 15” x 10’10’525.1 53 S E R V I C E Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 4 Pipe, 30” Lengths, Double Hub Size L Weight 2” x 30”25”13.8 3” x 30”241⁄2”17.6 4” x 30”24”27.1 PART NO. SV 900 Service Weight Charlotte Seal Gasket Size A D F G H 2 31⁄223⁄1621⁄831⁄8131⁄320.3 3 41⁄233⁄1631⁄841⁄821⁄160.4 4 51⁄243⁄1641⁄851⁄429⁄320.5 5 61⁄253⁄1651⁄861⁄429⁄320.6 6 71⁄263⁄1661⁄871⁄421⁄40.8 8 93⁄4813⁄3283⁄1699⁄323 1.5 10 127⁄16101⁄2105⁄161111⁄1623⁄42.4 PART NO. SV 950 Service Weight Quik-Tite Gasket Size 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 A D F G H 1 1 H F G A D Weight 3 ⁄22 ⁄162 3 ⁄41 ⁄320.3 47⁄831⁄1631⁄1643⁄813⁄40.4 53⁄44 4 53⁄1613⁄40.5 63⁄45 5 6 21⁄160.8 8 65⁄1665⁄16711⁄3225⁄320.8 10 83⁄1683⁄1681⁄221⁄21.5 121⁄4101⁄410 111⁄221⁄22.3 143⁄8121⁄412 14 27⁄83.0 1 A D Weight 3 54 H F G Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 5 Quarter Bend Size D X Weight 2 6 31⁄45.1 3747.7 4 8 41⁄213.1 5 81⁄25 16.2 6 9 51⁄221.7 8 111⁄265⁄836.5 10 121⁄275⁄857.3 12 15 83⁄482.8 (XH) (XH)(XH) 15 PART NO. SV 7 Size 2 3 4 5 6 8 Sixth Bend D X Weight 43⁄42 4.3 51⁄221⁄26.9 65⁄16213⁄1610.8 65⁄831⁄814.0 67⁄833⁄816.4 9 41⁄832.5 S E R V I C E (HX) Please see Extra Heavy dimensions 55 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 8 Size 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 Eighth Bend D X Weight 41⁄411⁄24.2 415⁄16115⁄166.5 511⁄1623⁄1610.7 57⁄823⁄813.1 61⁄1629⁄1616.6 8 31⁄832.3 3 8 ⁄831⁄244.1 105⁄1641⁄1665.4 (XH) (XH)(XH) PART NO. SV 9 Sixteenth Bend Size 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 (HX) D X Weight 7 35⁄8 ⁄83.4 43⁄1613⁄166.0 413⁄1615⁄168.8 47⁄813⁄811.6 5 11⁄213.8 611⁄16113⁄1624.6 67⁄8237.1 85⁄823⁄857.7 (XH) (XH)(XH) Please see Extra Heavy dimensions 56 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 10 Quarter Bend with Low Heel Inlet Size D 3 x 2 4 x 2 7 8 X X’ Weight 4 9 9.8 41⁄2101⁄213.0 PART NO. SV 12 Quarter Bend with Side Opening Size D 4w2LH 4w2RH 8 8 X PART NO. SV 15 Double Quarter Bend Size D 4 8 Weight 31⁄216.2 31⁄216.5 X Weight 41⁄215.0 S E R V I C E 57 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 18 Reducing Quarter Bend Size D 3 x 2 4 x 2 4 x 3 X Weight 7 33⁄87.0 71⁄241⁄211.7 81⁄843⁄89.1 PART NO. SV 23 Single Hub Return Bend Size 3 4 D X J Weight 55⁄8557⁄89.4 71⁄2611⁄3273⁄1616.4 PART NO. SV 25 Size 2 x 12 3 x 12 4 x 12 4 x 16 4 x 18 4 x 24 Long Quarter Bend D 12 12 12 16 18 24 X Weight 31⁄46.9 4 10.3 41⁄215.4 41⁄220.4 41⁄221.4 41⁄227.9 58 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 26 Size 2 x 12 3 x 12 3 x 18 4 x 12 4 x 18 6 x 18 Long Eighth Bend D 12 12 18 12 18 18 X PART NO. SV 29 Short Sweep Bend Size D Weight 11⁄26.2 115⁄169.9 115⁄1612.4 23⁄1615.6 23⁄1620.6 29⁄1631.0 X Weight 2 8 51⁄46.2 3969.4 4 10 61⁄216.6 5 101⁄27 20.7 6 11 71⁄226.6 8 131⁄285⁄837.4 10 141⁄295⁄871.5 12 17 103⁄4100.6 S E R V I C E 59 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 30 Size Long Sweep Bend D X Weight 2 11 81⁄47.6 312912.2 4 13 91⁄221.2 5 131⁄210 25.3 6 14 101⁄229.9 8 161⁄2115⁄852.9 10 171⁄2125⁄882.6 12 20 133⁄4103.5 (XH) (XH) (XH) 15 PART NO. SV 31 Reducing Long Sweep Bend Size D 12 13 3 x 2 4 x 3 X Weight 9 12.0 91⁄217.6 PART NO. SV 32 Combination Wye & Eighth Bend (Charlotte Pattern) Size G H X X’ Weight 4 57⁄1643⁄8113⁄861⁄220.3 (XH) Please see Extra Heavy dimensions 60 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 33 Combination Wye & Eighth Bend (Long Turn Pattern) Size G H X X’ Weight 2 x 2 4 33⁄8 847⁄88.6 3 x 2 43⁄16 4 953⁄411.1 3 x 3 5 51⁄16101⁄2714.8 4 x 2 311⁄1641⁄2 961⁄415.5 4 x 3 41⁄259⁄16101⁄271⁄219.2 4 x 4 41⁄271⁄2 12 924.5 5 x 2 33⁄8 5 963⁄414.6 5 x 3 4 61⁄16101⁄2821.3 5 x 4 41⁄475⁄16 1291⁄225.9 5 x 5 51⁄285⁄8131⁄21133.6 6 x 2 211⁄1651⁄2 971⁄419.6 6 x 3 31⁄869⁄16101⁄481⁄224.7 6 x 4 41⁄4713⁄16 12 1031.7 6 x 5 51⁄1691⁄8131⁄2111⁄234.3 6 x 6 53⁄4105⁄16 15127⁄844.2 8 x 2 31⁄861⁄2101⁄281⁄434.0 8 x 4 43⁄4813⁄16131⁄21140.1 8 x 5 51⁄2101⁄8 15121⁄249.6 8 x 6 65⁄16115⁄16161⁄2137⁄855.7 8 x 8 711⁄16137⁄8191⁄21785.6 PART NO. SV 35 Double Combination Wye & Eighth Bend (Charlotte Pattern) Size 4 G H X X’ Weight 57⁄1643⁄8113⁄861⁄226.0 61 S E R V I C E Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 35F Double Combination Wye & Eighth Bend (Long Turn Pattern) Size 2 x 2 3 x 2 3 x 3 4 x 2 4 x 3 4 x 4 5 x 4 6 x 4 6 x 6 G H X X’ Weight 4 33⁄88 47⁄812.0 43⁄16 4 953⁄414.6 5 51⁄16101⁄2722.0 311⁄1641⁄29 61⁄419.7 41⁄259⁄16101⁄271⁄226.5 51⁄4613⁄1612 9 36.2 41⁄475⁄1612 91⁄230.9 41⁄4713⁄1612 10 41.0 53⁄4105⁄1615 127⁄869.6 PART NO. SV 35F Double Combination Wye & Eighth Bend with 2” Cup Hub Inlet Size G G’ H X X’ Weight 4 41⁄4 10613⁄1612 9 41.7 PART NO. SV 39A Combination Wye & Eighth Bend with Side Inlet Size G’ 4w/2RH 4w/2LH 10 10 H X X’ Weight 121⁄1612 9 27.3 121⁄1612 9 28.3 PART NO. SV 41 Combination Wye & Eighth Bend with Cleanout on Main Size IPS Tap 4 31⁄2 9123⁄16121⁄418.9 G X X’ 62 Weight Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 42 Straight Tee Size 2 x 2 3 x 2 3 x 3 4 x 2 4 x 3 4 x 4 5 x 5 6 x 4 6 x 6 8 x 4 G X X’ Weight 61⁄4 813⁄47.0 7 9 21⁄29.0 71⁄2 1021⁄212.0 7 9 3 12.7 71⁄210 3 14.0 8 11 3 16.6 81⁄2 1231⁄219.0 8 11 4 19.9 9 13 4 24.0 95⁄8127⁄851⁄437.0 S E R V I C E 63 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 43 Size 2 x 2 3 x 2 3 x 3 4 x 2 4 x 3 4 x 4 5 x 4 5 x 5 6x2 6 x 3 6 x 4 6 x 6 8 x 4 8 x 6 8 x 8 10 x 4 10 x 6 10 x 8 10 x 10 12 x 6 12 x 8 12 x 10 12 x 12 15 x 6 15 x 8 15 x 12 15 x 15 (XH) G Sanitary Tee X X’ Weight 61⁄48 23⁄47.9 7 9 4 10.9 71⁄210 4 11.9 7 9 41⁄214.2 71⁄210 41⁄216.9 8 11 41⁄218.6 8 11 5 17.9 81⁄212 5 22.3 7 9 51⁄215.0 71⁄210 51⁄221.4 8 11 51⁄222.8 9 13 51⁄229.8 93⁄413 61⁄235.7 103⁄415 61⁄243.0 113⁄417 65⁄850.8 93⁄413 71⁄252.0 103⁄415 71⁄257.7 113⁄417 75⁄868.0 123⁄419 75⁄875.9 12 161⁄281⁄279.0 13 181⁄285⁄8104.0 14 201⁄285⁄8123.0 15 221⁄283⁄4113.0 12 161⁄2 10145.0 13 181⁄2101⁄8173.0 15 221⁄2101⁄4204.0 (XH) (XH) (XH)(XH) Please see Extra Heavy dimensions 64 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 44 Size 2 x 2 3 x 2 3 x 3 4 x 2 4 x 3 4 x 4 5 x 2 5 x 3 5 x 4 5 x 5 6 x 2 6 x 3 6 x 4 6 x 5 6 x 6 8 x 2 8 x 3 8 x 4 8 x 5 8 x 6 8 x 8 10 x 3 10 x 4 10 x 5 10 x 6 10 x 8 10 x 10 12 x 4 12 x 5 12 x 6 12 x 8 12 x 10 12 x 12 15 x 4 15 x 6 15 x 8 15 x 10 15 x 12 15 x 15 (XH) G Wye X X’ Weight 4 8 4 8.3 43⁄169 5 10.9 5 101⁄251⁄212.2 35⁄89 53⁄414.4 47⁄16101⁄261⁄416.8 51⁄412 63⁄420.3 31⁄89 61⁄215.3 37⁄8101⁄2719.8 411⁄1612 71⁄223.0 51⁄2131⁄2827.0 29⁄169 71⁄419.7 33⁄8101⁄273⁄423.7 43⁄1612 81⁄426.7 415⁄16131⁄283⁄429.5 53⁄415 91⁄436.5 31⁄8101⁄281⁄231.0 315⁄1612 9 33.2 43⁄4131⁄291⁄238.3 51⁄215 1041.2 65⁄16161⁄2101⁄245.4 711⁄16191⁄21113⁄1658.4 23⁄412103⁄454.0 39⁄16131⁄2111⁄855.4 45⁄1615 115⁄860.6 51⁄8161⁄2121⁄864.1 61⁄2191⁄2137⁄1686.9 8 221⁄2141⁄2111.1 41⁄8 15127⁄1669.7 47⁄8161⁄21215⁄1678.0 511⁄1618 137⁄1687.7 71⁄1621 143⁄4100.6 89⁄16 241513⁄16131.0 101⁄827 167⁄8175.2 63⁄8 15 15138.5 4 18 153⁄4153.6 53⁄8 21171⁄16187.1 67⁄824181⁄8225.0 87⁄1627193⁄16260.0 (XH) (XH) (XH) (XH) Please see Extra Heavy dimensions 65 S E R V I C E Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 50 Sanitary Tee with Left Hand Side Tap Size G 4w/2 8 G’ X 9 11 X’ Weight 41⁄216.3 PART NO. SV 50A Sanitary Tee with Right Hand Side Tap Size G 4w/2 8 G’ X 9 11 X’ Weight 41⁄216.5 PART NO. SV 50B Sanitary Tee with Right and Left Hand Side Taps Size G G’ X 4w/2 8 9 11 X’ Weight 41⁄216.3 PART NO. SV 56 Sanitary Tee with Left Hand Side Inlet Size G G’ X 4w/2 8 9 11 X’ Weight 41⁄220.2 66 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 56B Sanitary Tee with Right Hand Side Inlet Size G G’ X 4w/2 8 9 11 X’ Weight 41⁄220.0 PART NO. SV 56C Sanitary Tee with Right and Left Hand Side Inlets Size G G’ X 4w/2 8 9 11 X’ PART NO. SV 57 Wye with Left Hand Side Inlet Size 4w/2 G G’ X X’ 4w/2 Weight 51⁄410 12 63⁄423.8 PART NO. SV 57A Wye with Right Hand Side Inlet Size Weight 41⁄223.1 G G’ X X’ Weight 51⁄410 12 63⁄423.8 67 S E R V I C E Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 71A Size 4 Single Two-Way Cleanout X E’ G Weight 227⁄1693⁄8123⁄433.5 PART NO. SV 71B Short Special Two-Way Cleanout Size G X X’ Weight 4 8 12 4 16.0 PART NO. SV 72 Double Two-Way Cleanout Size 4 6 x 4 x 4 G J X X’ Weight 61⁄267⁄16135⁄871⁄231.2 61⁄267⁄16135⁄881⁄439.1 PART NO. SV 76 Sanitary Tee with Cleanout on Main Size IPS Tap 4 31⁄2 8121⁄841⁄216.7 G X X’ 68 Weight Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 79 Washington Test Tee¥ Size IPS Tap 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 2 4 4 5 6 8 10 E’ G X Weight 13⁄479 7.3 27⁄871⁄8103⁄413.1 31⁄471⁄4105⁄816.8 35⁄8 71122.5 4 83⁄413 26.9 5 11 163⁄841.6 71⁄2 11175⁄868.7 PART NO. SV 80 Cleanout Tee with Brass Plug Size IPS Tap E’ G X Weight 2 11⁄22 61⁄48 6.2 3 2 21⁄279 9.3 4 3 3 8 11 14.6 5 4 31⁄281⁄212 18.7 6 4 41⁄4 91325.3 12 8 8 13 181⁄292.2 PART NO. SV 81 Miami Test Tee, Less Plug and PART NO. SV 81S Miami Test Tee with Southern Raised-Head Brass Plug Installed Size IPS Tap 2 3 4 6 2 3 4 6 E’ G X Weight 21⁄3261⁄29 7.0 21⁄265⁄895⁄810.0 3 71⁄411 15.5 4 9 131⁄422.8 ¥ This fitting can be ordered without or with a Southern Raised Head Brass Plug installed (2” through 8” available with plug). 69 S E R V I C E Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 82 Size 4 Test Tee with Internal Tap E’ G X PART NO. SV 83 Straight Tapped Tee Size Weight 215⁄1677⁄81215.9 E’ G X Weight 2 x 11⁄22 61⁄48 5.5 2 x 2 2 61⁄48 6.0 3 x 11⁄221⁄27 9 7.4 3 x 2 21⁄27 9 8.6 4 x 2 3 7 9 12.3 4 x 3 4 8 11 14.0 4 x 4 3 7 9 15.0 5 x 2 31⁄27 9 13.5 5 x 4 31⁄281⁄21217.9 6 x 4 41⁄49 1324.4 PART NO. SV 84 Size Sanitary Tapped Tee E’ G X Weight 2 x 11⁄2213⁄1661⁄48 6.0 2 x 2 31⁄1661⁄48 5.8 3 x 11⁄235⁄167 9 8.0 3 x 2 39⁄167 9 8.1 4 x 11⁄2313⁄167 910.3 4 x 2 41⁄16 7 9 11.7 4 x 3 41⁄16 8 1113.6 70 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 85 Size G Tapped Wye X X’ Weight 3 x 2 5 101⁄265⁄810.3 4 x 11⁄241⁄29 61⁄211.0 4 x 2 41⁄49 612.7 PART NO. SV 89 Long Sanitary Tapped Tee Size 2 x 2 x 18 E’ G X PART NO. SV 91 Sanitary Tapped Cross Size Weight 31⁄161618 8.8 E’ G X Weight 2 x 11⁄2213⁄1661⁄48 11.3 2 x 2 31⁄1661⁄48 6.7 3 x 2 39⁄167 9 9.0 4 x 2 41⁄167 9 11.6 PART NO. SV 92 Tapped Double Wye Size 4 x 2 G X X’ Weight 53⁄41277⁄816.9 71 S E R V I C E Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 93 Tapped Cross Size 3 x 2 4 x 2 E’ G PART NO. SV 108 Straight Cross Size X Weight 21⁄27 9 9.4 3 7 9 13.1 G X X’ Weight 4 x 2 7 9 3 16.0 4 811317.0 PART NO. SV 109 Sanitary Cross Size 2 3 x 2 3 4 x 2 4 x 3 4 5 x 4 6 x 4 6 8 G X X’ Weight 61⁄4 823⁄410.0 7 9 4 12.5 71⁄210 4 15.6 7 9 41⁄216.0 71⁄2 1041⁄220.0 8 11 41⁄222.9 8 11 5 23.2 8 11 51⁄229.0 9 13 51⁄234.9 113⁄41765⁄8105.0 72 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 110 Double Wye Size 2 3 x 2 3 4 x 2 4 x 3 4 5 6 x 3 6 x 4 6 8 x 4 8 x 6 8 10 x 6 10 x 8 10 12 x 6 12 x 8 12 15 G X X’ Weight 4 8 4 9.7 43⁄169 512.8 5 101⁄251⁄217.5 5 3 ⁄89 53⁄416.2 47⁄16101⁄261⁄419.8 51⁄412 63⁄427.2 51⁄2131⁄2 827.0 33⁄8101⁄273⁄424.6 43⁄1612 81⁄431.8 53⁄415 91⁄444.0 43⁄4131⁄291⁄244.5 65⁄16161⁄2101⁄257.3 711⁄16191⁄21113⁄1690.0 51⁄8161⁄2121⁄873.7 61⁄2191⁄2137⁄1699.0 8 221⁄2141⁄2172.0 511⁄1618 137⁄16112.0 711⁄1621 143⁄4135.0 101⁄827 167⁄8216.1 (XH) (XH) (XH) (XH) PART NO. SV 114 Sanitary Cross with 2” Side Inlet Size G G’ X X’ Weight 4891141⁄227.0 (XH) Please see Extra Heavy dimensions 73 S E R V I C E Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 115 Double Wye with 2” Side Opening Size 4 x 4 G H X X’ Weight 51⁄410 12 63⁄431.8 PART NO. SV 134 Vent Branch SizeX X’ J 4 11 6 G G’Weight 61⁄2 4 819.6 PART NO. SV 135 Size X “H” Branch X’ J G Weight 4 x 3 123⁄1679⁄16641⁄217.0 4 1315⁄16811⁄1661⁄251⁄419.6 PART NO. SV 137 Bar Grate with Legs Size G 4 3 X Weight 43⁄42.0 PART NO. SV 141 45° Offset Size/Offset X G’ J Weight 4 x 4 4 x 6 4 x 8 11 13 15 4 4 4 4 6 8 11.6 15.0 15.6 74 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 143 Reducer Size 3 x 2 4 x 2 4 x 3 5 x 2 5 x 3 5 x 4 6 x 2 6 x 3 6 x 4 6 x 5 8 x 3 8 x 4 8 x 5 8 x 6 10 x 4 10 x 5 10 x 6 10 x 8 12 x 4 12 x 6 12 x 8 12 x 10 15 x 6 15 x 8 15 x 10 15 x 12 X PART NO. SV 144 Reducer Increaser Size X 9 9 9 9 12 9 12 12 2 x 4 3 x 4 4 x 5 4 x 6 4 x 8 5 x 6 6 x 8 8 x 10 Weight 43⁄44.6 5 6.0 5 7.0 5 6.6 5 6.8 5 9.0 5 8.2 5 9.9 5 10.4 5 10.9 6 14.3 6 16.6 6 16.4 6 16.8 6 20.0 6 23.9 6 24.0 6 26.5 61⁄232.2 61⁄234.4 61⁄237.2 61⁄238.4 61⁄252.3 61⁄255.0 61⁄255.7 61⁄264.9 Weight 9.4 8.8 11.3 15.2 24.5 12.8 24.0 44.0 75 S E R V I C E Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 147 Long Plain Increaser Size X 24 30 3 x 4 x 24 4 x 5 x 30 Weight 13.6 27.4 PART NO. SV 148 Long Tapped Increaser Size X 30 2 x 4 x 30 Weight 22.8 PART NO. SV 151 Tapped Spigot Size AWeight 4 x 2 41⁄4 4.7 76 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 153 Double Hub Fitting Size 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 X (XH)(XH) PART NO. SV 155 Pipe Plug Size 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 Weight 11⁄44.2 11⁄47.0 11⁄29.1 11⁄213.1 11⁄222.1 11⁄236.3 11⁄246.3 X Weight 31⁄21.3 33⁄42.5 4 4.1 4 6.0 4 8.0 41⁄212.4 41⁄217.7 51⁄423.3 (XH)(XH) PART NO. SV 159 Vent Cap with Set Screw Size Weight 4 2.6 PART NO. SV 169 “P” Trap Size 2 3 4 5 6 8 (XH) J X Weight 4 91⁄27.1 51⁄2 1213.1 61⁄2 1423.2 71⁄2151⁄230.4 81⁄2 1742.0 101⁄2221⁄1686.2 Please see Extra Heavy dimensions 77 S E R V I C E Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 170 Running Trap Size X 4 6 C J Weight 171⁄26 61⁄219.3 211⁄28 81⁄248.0 PART NO. SV 174 Running Trap with Single Hub Vent Vent Size Size C 3 4 5 6 8 8 3 4 4 4 4 6 5 6 7 8 10 10 J X X’ Weight 51⁄21521⁄215.3 61⁄2171⁄2328.3 71⁄2191⁄231⁄239.7 81⁄2211⁄2445.9 11 275⁄851⁄495.9 11 275⁄851⁄4110.0 PART NO. SV 175 Running Trap with Double Hub Vent Vent Size Size C 3 3 5 4 4 6 5 4 7 6 4 8 6 6 8 8 4 10 8 6 10 10 8 12 12 10 15 15 12 181⁄2 J X X’ Weight 51⁄2 1521⁄223.0 61⁄2171⁄2336.3 71⁄2191⁄231⁄242.5 81⁄2211⁄2457.3 81⁄2211⁄2461.5 11 275⁄851⁄498.8 11 275⁄851⁄499.7 13 315⁄861⁄4187.0 15 383⁄471⁄4287.6 181⁄2 45 9 460.0 78 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 180 Deep Seal “P” Trap Size X J Weight 2 91⁄26 8.1 312714.3 414829.0 6 17 91⁄240.4 PART NO. SV 184(T) Improved Running Trap with Double Cleanout and Tee Branch Vent Size SizeEGX X’Weight 4 3 51⁄461⁄4201⁄251⁄234.3 4 4 53⁄861⁄4201⁄251⁄233.7 PART NO. SV 188(T) “P” Trap with Cleanout Right Side Size X J B D Weight 4 14 61⁄21151⁄220.0 PART NO. SV 188A(T) “P” Trap with Cleanout Left Side Size X J B D Weight 4 14 61⁄21151⁄220.0 PART NO. SV 198 Size 2 3 4 (T) “P” Trap with 1⁄2” Heel Tap X J A Weight 91⁄24 4 6.8 12 51⁄243⁄813.0 14 61⁄245⁄823.1 Note: 31⁄2” IPS tap 79 S E R V I C E Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 200 Closet Bend, Plain - Less Collar Size 3 x 4 3 x 4 3 x 4 3 x 4 3 x 4 3 x 4 3 x 4 3 x 4 3 x 4 3 x 4 3 x 4 3 x 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A 6 6 6 6 8 10 10 10 10 12 16 18 16 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 8 8 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 B 12 15 16 18 18 12 15 16 18 12 16 18 16 12 14 16 18 12 15 16 18 16 18 12 15 16 18 12 14 16 18 16 18 16 18 18 Weight 11.3 12.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 13.0 13.0 17.5 16.0 15.9 20.6 22.7 16.7 12.3 11.0 14.3 17.1 12.5 15.0 16.9 14.0 18.4 19.8 15.3 18.0 19.6 19.0 14.0 14.0 20.8 19.0 22.6 24.0 23.8 24.7 27.4 80 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 206 Tapped Closet Bend with Southern Code Brass Plug Size A B 31⁄2 x 4 x 4 x 18 18 4 Weight 17.4 PART NO. SV 208 Hub-End Closet Bend, Low Hub Size A 4 4 4 4 B Weight 45⁄81214.2 45⁄81415.4 45⁄81617.5 45⁄81818.9 PART NO. SPL 217 Offset Closet Flange (To Offset 1”) Size A B C D Weight 5 4 x 2 2 6 1 ⁄8 4 x 21⁄221⁄273⁄161 5⁄8 4 x 4 ◊4 61⁄42 2 2.5 3.3 4.5 PART NO. SPL 219 Greensboro Reducing Closet Flange (Can be used to connect 4” fixture with 3” line, or 4” No-Hub) Size 4 x 3 x 3 A B Weight 31⁄873⁄16 3.7 ◊ 2” Offset 81 S E R V I C E Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SPL 220* Closet Flange, Notched and Slotted Size A B Weight 4 x 1 1 73⁄162.0 4 x 11⁄211⁄273⁄162.6 4 x 2 2 73⁄163.0 4 x 21⁄221⁄273⁄163.6 4 x 3 3 73⁄164.3 4 x 4 4 73⁄164.7 4 x 5 5 73⁄164.5 4 x 6 6 73⁄165.3 PART NO. SPL 225 Instant Set Closet Flange Size AWeight 3 x 2†2 4 x 2‡ 2 4 x 3§ 2 4 x 4‡ 4 3.5 5.6 3.0 4.0 * Caulk type to go over pipe. † Four-bolt pattern. Test cap configuration not offered. ‡ Three-bolt pattern. Available with or without test cap. § Three-bolt reducing pattern, with test cap. 82 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 228 Iron Body Cleanout Ferrule, Body Only, Less Brass Plug and PART NO. SV 228S Iron Body Cleanout Ferrule with Southern Raised-Head Brass Plug Installed ¥ Size Tap Size A Weight 2 11⁄231⁄21.3 3 21⁄233⁄42.0 4 3 41⁄43.6 5 4 41⁄44.5 6 5 41⁄45.2 8 6 41⁄211.7 10 6 41⁄216.3 12 6 51⁄425.5 (XH) (XH)(XH) 15 4 x 31⁄231⁄241⁄24.0 4 x 8 31⁄28 8.1 4 x 12 31⁄212 9.2 PART NO. SV 253 Sission Insertable Joint Size A B C Weight 214 6 67.0 3 16 8 63⁄411.6 4 141⁄2 7 612.9 5 157⁄89 57⁄817.0 6 163⁄1681⁄2 620.4 8 18 10 63⁄4 37.0 PART NO. SV 458 Vented Closet Tee with 2” Top Vent and 2” Extended Side Inlet (Right Hand or Left Hand; Designed for use below the floor; Fitting does not require a baffle) Size A BCDE Weight 4x4x2x2x4 RH 11 41⁄253⁄1649⁄1643⁄1637.0 4x4x2x2x4 LH 11 41⁄253⁄1649⁄1643⁄1637.8 Please see Extra Heavy dimensions. ¥ This fitting not available with plug installed in 4 x 31⁄2 and 4 x 8 fitting sizes. (XH) 83 S E R V I C E Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 459D Vented Closet Cross with 2” Top Vent and 2” Extended Side Inlet (Designed for use below the floor; Fitting does not have a baffle) Size A 4 x 4 x 2 x 2 x 4 11 B C Weight 61⁄443⁄447.0 PART NO. SV 460 Vented Closet Tee with 2” Top Vent (Right Hand or Left Hand; Designed for use below the floor; Fitting does not require a baffle) Size A B 4 x 4 x 2 x 4 RH 4 x 4 x 2 x 4 LH 11 11 C Weight 41⁄253⁄1635.0 41⁄253⁄1635.0 PART NO. SV 463D Vented Closet Cross with 2” Top Vent and 2" Extended Side Inlet (Designed for use below the floor; Fitting does not have a baffle) Size A 4 x 4 x 2 11 B C PART NO. SV 566 Tapped Long Sweep Tee Size 2 x 2 A Weight 61⁄443⁄443.8 B C D Weight 51⁄231⁄8 455⁄86.2 84 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 581 Double Sink Stack-1770 (Designed for use above the floor) Size 3 x 2 x 2 A BC D E Weight 123⁄441⁄265⁄841⁄253⁄418.0 S E R V I C E 85 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 581 Double Sink Stack-1770 (Designed for use above the floor) Size ABCD Weight 4 x 2 x 2 121⁄25 71⁄241⁄221.4 86 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 973R Right Hand Starter Fitting with 4” Tap and 2” Tapped “A” Side Inlet (Designed for use above the floor with back-outlet water closets) Size Inlet 4 4 61⁄2 91⁄2 A B C D E F X Weight See Chart 61⁄24 41⁄164 4 25 34.8 See Chart 61⁄24 41⁄164 4 25 34.4 INLET A 6 1⁄2 9 1⁄2 NOTES: 1. Single Vertical R.H. Offset Back Outlet Starter Fitting 2.4”Stack with 2”Vent & Inlets 3. Face Plate Package Not Included 87 S E R V I C E Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 973L Left Hand Starter Fitting with 4” Tap and 2” Tapped“A” Side Inlet (Designed for use above the floor with back-outlet water closets) Size Inlet 4 4 61⁄2 91⁄2 A B C D E F X Weight See Chart 61⁄24 4 4 4 25 39.2 See Chart 61⁄24 4 4 4 25 39.0 INLET A 6 1⁄2 9 1⁄2 NOTES: 1. Single Vertical L.H. Offset Back Outlet Starter Fitting 2.4”Stack with 2”Vent & Inlets 3. Face Plate Package Not Included 88 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 974R Right Hand Starter Fitting with 4” Hub and 2” Tapped “A” Side Inlet (Designed for use above or in the floor with back-outlet or bottom-outlet water closets) Size 4 with A Inlet A BC D EF X Weight 61⁄261⁄261⁄241⁄164 4 25 39.2 INLET A 6 1⁄2 89 S E R V I C E Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 974R Right Hand Starter Fitting with 4” Hub and 2” Tapped “A” and “B” Side Inlets (Designed for use above or in the floor with back-outlet or bottom-outlet water closets) Size 4 with A & B Inlets ABCDXWeight 61⁄21861⁄261⁄225 46.2 FLOOR/CEILING NOTES: 1. Single Vertical R.H. Offset Floor Starter Fitting 2.4” Stack with 2” Vent & Inlets 3. Face Plate Package Not Included INLET A B 61⁄218 90 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 974L Left Hand Starter Fitting with 4” Hub and 2” Tapped “A” Side Inlet (Designed for use above or in the floor with back-outlet or bottom-outlet water closets) Size 4 with A Inlet A B C D EF X Weight 61⁄261⁄261⁄2 4 441⁄1625 39.7 INLET A 6 1⁄2 S E R V I C E 91 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 974L Left Hand Starter Fitting with 4” Hub and 2” Tapped “A” and “B” Side Inlets (Designed for use above or in the floor with back-outlet or bottom-outlet water closets) Size 4 with A & B Inlets ABCDXWeight 61⁄21861⁄261⁄225 43.7 FLOOR/CEILING NOTES: 1. Single Vertical L.H. Offset Floor Starter Fitting 2.4” Stack with 2” Vent & Inlets 3. Face Plate Package Not Included INLET A B 1 6 ⁄218 92 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 975 Double Starter Fitting with 4” Tap and 2” Tapped “A” Side Inlet (Designed for use above the floor with back-outlet water closets; Fitting has a baffle) Size 4 with A Inlet A B C D EF X Weight 91⁄261⁄2444 41⁄1625 42.5 INLET A 9 1⁄2 NOTES: 1. Double Vertical Offset Back Outlet Starter Fitting 2.4”Stack with 2” Vent & Inlets 3. Face Plate Package Not Included 93 S E R V I C E Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 976 Double Starter Fitting with 4” Hub and 2” Tapped “A” Side Inlet (Designed for use above or in the floor with back-outlet or bottom-outlet water closets; Fitting has a baffle) Size 4 with A Inlet A B C D EF X Weight 61⁄261⁄261⁄2 4 441⁄1625 50.8 INLET A 6 1⁄2 94 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 976 Double Starter Fitting with 4” Hub and 2” Tapped “A” and “B” Side Inlets (Designed for use above or in the floor with back-outlet or bottom-outlet water closets; Fitting has a baffle) Size 4 with A & B Inlets A B C D E XWeight 61⁄218 61⁄261⁄241⁄1625 56.6 FLOOR/CEILING NOTES: 1. Double Vertical Offset Floor Outlet Starter Fitting 2.4” Stack with 2” Vent & Inlets 3. Face Plate Package Not Included INLET A B 1 6 ⁄218 95 S E R V I C E Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 982 Size A 18 2 x 2 Tapped By-Pass Vent Fitting B 10 C D E F Weight 61⁄231⁄23 51⁄411.3 PART NO. SV 985 Size 2 x 2 Tapped Bath Vent Wye A B C D Weight 4 ⁄165 31⁄421⁄28.4 1 96 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 1739R Right Hand Vented Closet Tee with 2” 45° Taps (Designed for use above the floor) Size ABCDEFG Weight 4 x 2 x 4 x 2 18 63⁄4 81⁄4 45⁄8 35⁄8 41⁄2 23⁄451.1 S E R V I C E 97 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 1739L Left Hand Vented Closet Tee with 2” 45° Taps (Designed for use above the floor) Size ABCDEFG Weight 4 x 2 x 4 x 2 18 63⁄4 81⁄4 45⁄8 98 35⁄8 41⁄2 23⁄451.0 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 1739 D Vented Closet Cross with 2” 45° Taps (Designed for use above the floor) Size ABCDEFG Weight 4 x 2 x 4 x 2 18 63⁄4 81⁄4 45⁄8 35⁄8 41⁄2 23⁄457.5 S E R V I C E 99 Service Pipe and Fittings PART NO. SV 1801 Size 2 x 2 x 2 Tapped Harp Fitting A B C Weight 117⁄16235⁄815.5 100 Service Pipe and Fittings MULTI-STORY INSTALLATION ➀ ➁ ③ ④ ➄ SV 1739 Left Hand Vented Closet Tee with 2” 45° Taps SV 1801 2x2x2 Tapped Harp Fitting SV 83 5x2 Straight Tapped Tee 5x10 SV Single Hub Pipe 4x10 SV Single Hub Pipe SV 206 4x4x18 Tapped Closet Bend with Southern Code Brass Plug 101 S E R V I C E Service Pipe and Fittings MULTI-STORY INSTALLATION ➀ ➁ ③ ④ SV 581 4x2x2 Double Sink Stack — 1770 SV 83 3x2 Straight Tapped Tee 3x10 Single Hub Pipe 4x10 Single Hub Pipe 102 Extra Heavy F 1/8 S E X T R A R G P T Y A J B Laying Length (Telescoping Length) PIPE - EXTRA-HEAVY* Telescoping Hub Barrel Nominal Length I.D.O.D.I.D. Thickness Size Y A J B T 2” 2.50 3.062.382.000.19 3” 2.75 4.193.503.000.25 4” 3.00 5.194.504.000.25 5” 3.00 6.195.505.000.25 6” 3.00 7.196.506.000.25 8” 3.50 9.508.628.000.31 10” 3.50 11.6210.75 10.00 0.37 12” 4.25 13.7512.75 12.00 0.37 15” 4.25 16.9515.88 15.00 0.44 FIVE FOOT PIPE BUNDLES EXTRA HEAVY WEIGHT Single Hub Double Hub SIZE PIECES WEIGHT HEIGHT 2” 84 209918” 3” 45 199820” 4” 33 196821” 5” 23 169525” 6” 18 146523” 8” 11 155224” 10” 8 157429” 12” 6 147129” 15” 2 70020” 2” 84 220723” 3” 45 200724” 4” 33 199225” 5” 23 184729” 6” 18 153528” * For additional dimensional information please see the Cast Iron Technical and Installation Manual. 103 H E A V Y Extra Heavy Pipe and Fittings 30” SINGLE HUB PIPE BUNDLES EXTRA HEAVY WEIGHT 30” Single Hub SIZE PIECES 8 x 30”11 10 x 30”8 12 x 30”6 15 x 30”2 WEIGHT HEIGHT WEIGHT HEIGHT 835 901 816 394 26” 24” 30” 19” TEN FOOT PIPE BUNDLES EXTRA HEAVY WEIGHT Single Hub SIZE PIECES 2 x 10’48 217312” 3 x 10’30 251715” 4 x 10’24 251718” 5 x 10’21 282020” 6 x 10’12 187916” 8 x 10’ 8 196821” 10 x 10’6 225225” 12 x 10’3 141315” 15 x 10’2 135320” PART NO. XH 1 Pipe, 5’ Lengths, Single Hub SizeLWeight 2” x 5’5’25.0 3” x 5’5’44.4 4” x 5’5’59.6 5” x 5’5’73.7 6” x 5’5’81.4 8” x 5’5’141.1 10” x 5’5’196.7 12” x 5’5’245.2 15” x 5’5’350.0 Weights are approximate and are for shipping purposes only. 104 Extra Heavy Pipe and Fittings PART NO. XH 1A Pipe, 30” Lengths, Single Hub Size LWeight 8” x 30”30”75.9 10” x 30”30”112.6 12” x 30”30”136.0 15” x 30”30”197.0 PART NO. XH 2 Pipe, 5’ Lengths, Double Hub SizeL Weight 2” x 5’4’ 91⁄2”26.3 3” x 5’4’ 91⁄4”44.6 4” x 5’4’ 9”60.4 5” x 5’4’ 9”80.3 6” x 5’4’ 9”85.3 PART NO. XH 3 Pipe, 10’ Lengths, Single Hub SizeL Weight 2” x 10’10’45.3 3” x 10’10’83.9 4” x 10’10’104.9 5” x 10’10’134.3 6” x 10’10’156.6 8” x 10’10’246.1 10” x 10’10’375.4 12” x 10’10’471.0 15” x 10’10’676.4 105 E X T R A H E A V Y Extra Heavy Pipe and Fittings PART NO. XH 4 Pipe, 30” Lengths, Double Hub Size LWeight 2” x 30”25”15.0 3” x 30”241⁄2”26.0 4” x 30”24”33.0 PART NO. XH 900 Extra Heavy Charlotte Seal Gasket Size A D F G H A D H Weight 2 31⁄223⁄829⁄3233⁄1617⁄80.3 3 415⁄1631⁄231⁄241⁄221⁄40.4 4 53⁄447⁄32413⁄3257⁄1621⁄40.6 5 63⁄451⁄251⁄263⁄1621⁄20.7 6 8 61⁄261⁄273⁄821⁄20.9 8 10 81⁄285⁄1691⁄23 1.6 10 121⁄2103⁄41011⁄32111⁄23 2.0 12 147⁄16125⁄8125⁄8 1432.8 F G PART NO. XH 950 Extra Heavy Quick-Tite Gasket A D Size A D F G H Weight 4 6 ⁄84 ⁄44 ⁄325 ⁄161 ⁄160.6 15 173⁄41513⁄3215 167⁄831⁄45.0 1 1 13 11 13 106 H F G Extra Heavy Pipe and Fittings PART NO. XH 5 Quarter Bend Size D X Weight 2 6 3 ⁄46.3 37411.1 4 8 41⁄215.5 1 5 8 ⁄2 518.5 6 9 51⁄225.8 8 111⁄265⁄847.0 10 121⁄275⁄880.0 12 15 83⁄4142.0 15 161⁄2101⁄4173.9 1 PART NO. XH 7 Size 2 3 4 6 Sixth Bend D X Weight 43⁄42 6.0 51⁄221⁄27.2 65⁄16213⁄1614.0 67⁄833⁄821.0 107 E X T R A H E A V Y Extra Heavy Pipe and Fittings PART NO. XH 8 Eighth Bend Size D X Weight 2 41⁄411⁄24.7 3 415⁄16115⁄168.8 4 511⁄1623⁄1612.4 5 57⁄823⁄815.0 6 61⁄1629⁄1618.9 8 8 31⁄836.2 10 83⁄831⁄259.7 12 105⁄1641⁄1690.0 15 1015⁄16411⁄16122.0 PART NO. XH 9 Sixteenth Bend Size 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 D X Weight 7 35⁄8 ⁄84.6 43⁄1613⁄169.1 413⁄1615⁄169.5 47⁄813⁄813.8 5 11⁄216.0 611⁄16113⁄1631.8 67⁄8253.0 85⁄823⁄865.0 87⁄825⁄8103.0 PART NO. XH 26 Long Eighth Bend Size D 4 x 18 18 X Weight 23⁄1626.0 108 Extra Heavy Pipe and Fittings PART NO. XH 29 Size Short Sweep Bend D X Weight 2 8 51⁄47.2 39613.0 4 10 61⁄218.2 5 101⁄27 23.8 6 11 71⁄228.4 8 131⁄285⁄857.0 10 141⁄295⁄890.0 12 17 103⁄4136.0 PART NO. XH 30 Size Long Sweep Bend D X Weight 2 11 81⁄49.0 312916.6 4 13 91⁄223.6 5 131⁄210 30.0 6 14 101⁄238.2 8 161⁄2115⁄858.6 10 171⁄2125⁄8109.0 12 20 133⁄4136.0 15 211⁄2151⁄4213.3 109 E X T R A H E A V Y Extra Heavy Pipe and Fittings PART NO. XH 33 Combination Wye & Eighth Bend (Long Turn Pattern) Size G H X X’ Weight 2 x 2 4 33⁄8 847⁄89.7 3 x 2 43⁄164 953⁄416.0 3 x 3 5 51⁄16101⁄27 18.2 4 x 2 311⁄1641⁄2 961⁄418.9 4 x 3 41⁄259⁄16101⁄271⁄222.0 4 x 4 41⁄271⁄212 928.1 5 x 4 41⁄475⁄161291⁄229.3 5 x 5 51⁄285⁄8131⁄211 33.7 6 x 2 211⁄1651⁄2 971⁄422.0 6 x 3 31⁄869⁄16101⁄281⁄230.4 6 x 4 41⁄4713⁄1612 10 38.5 6 x 6 53⁄4105⁄1615127⁄853.5 8 x 4 43⁄4813⁄16131⁄211 54.0 8 x 6 65⁄16115⁄16161⁄2137⁄870.5 8 x 8 711⁄16137⁄8191⁄2 17107.4 PART NO. XH 35F Double Combination Wye & Eighth Bend (Long Turn Pattern) Size 4 x 4 6 x 4 G H X X’ Weight 51⁄4613⁄1612 9 44.0 41⁄4713⁄1612 10 43.0 110 Extra Heavy Pipe and Fittings PART NO. XH 43 Sanitary Tee Size 2 x 2 3 x 2 3 x 3 4 x 2 4 x 3 4 x 4 5 x 5 6 x 3 6 x 4 6 x 6 8 x 4 8 x 6 8 x 8 10 x 6 10 x 8 10 x 10 12 x 8 12 x 12 15 x 8 15 x 15 G X X’ Weight 61⁄48 27⁄88.7 7 9 4 14.2 71⁄210 4 17.1 7 9 41⁄217.4 1 7 ⁄210 41⁄218.3 8 11 41⁄222.5 1 8 ⁄212 5 28.0 71⁄210 51⁄224.4 8 11 51⁄228.0 9 13 51⁄235.4 3 9 ⁄413 61⁄251.0 103⁄415 61⁄254.5 113⁄417 65⁄872.0 103⁄415 71⁄277.0 113⁄417 75⁄895.0 123⁄419 75⁄8115.0 13 181⁄285⁄8126.0 15 221⁄283⁄4173.0 13 181⁄2101⁄8180.0 161⁄2251⁄2101⁄4280.0 111 E X T R A H E A V Y Extra Heavy Pipe and Fittings PART NO. XH 44 Size 2 x 2 3 x 2 3 x 3 4 x 2 4 x 3 4 x 4 5 x 3 5 x 4 5 x 5 6 x 3 6 x 4 6 x 5 6 x 6 8 x 4 8 x 6 8 x 8 10 x 4 10 x 6 10 x 8 10 x 10 12 x 6 12 x 8 12 x 10 12 x 12 15 x 4 15 x 8 15 x 10 15 x 12 15 x 15 G Wye X X’ Weight 4 8 4 9.0 43⁄169 5 13.2 5 101⁄251⁄217.2 35⁄89 53⁄416.8 47⁄16101⁄261⁄420.6 51⁄412 63⁄423.7 37⁄8101⁄27 23.7 411⁄1612 71⁄228.3 51⁄2131⁄28 31.6 33⁄8101⁄273⁄426.8 43⁄1612 81⁄431.9 415⁄16131⁄283⁄433.8 53⁄415 91⁄441.2 43⁄4131⁄291⁄250.2 65⁄16161⁄2101⁄261.5 711⁄16191⁄21113⁄1686.6 39⁄16131⁄2111⁄872.0 51⁄8161⁄2121⁄884.0 61⁄2191⁄2137⁄16101.7 8 221⁄2141⁄2137.0 511⁄1618 137⁄16108.0 71⁄1621 143⁄4140.0 89⁄16241513⁄16180.0 101⁄827 167⁄8198.0 67⁄815 15 153.0 53⁄821171⁄16219.0 67⁄824 181⁄8229.0 87⁄1627 193⁄16236.0 103⁄4311⁄2203⁄4309.4 112 Extra Heavy Pipe and Fittings PART NO. XH 79 Washington Test Tee IPS Size Tap 3 4 5 6 8 E’ G X Weight 4 27⁄871⁄8103⁄413.9 4 31⁄471⁄4105⁄819.9 5 35⁄8 7 1124.4 6 4 83⁄4 1342.2 8 5 11 163⁄858.5 PART NO. XH 80 Cleanout Tee with Brass Plug Size 3 4 5 6 IPS Tap E’ G X Weight 2 21⁄27 9 11.3 3 3 8 11 15.5 4 31⁄281⁄212 22.9 4 41⁄49 1326.9 PART NO. XH 81S Miami Test Tee Size IPS Tap E’ G X Weight 44371⁄4 1116.0 113 E X T R A H E A V Y Extra Heavy Pipe and Fittings PART NO. XH 84 Sanitary Tapped Tee Size E’ G X Weight 4 x 2 41⁄16 7 9 14.3 X’ Weight PART NO. XH 85 Tapped Wye Size 4 x 2 G X 41⁄49 6 13.8 PART NO. XH 109 Sanitary Cross Size G 4 8 X 11 X’ Weight 41⁄227.0 114 Extra Heavy Pipe and Fittings PART NO. XH 110 Double Wye Size 2 4 x 3 4 6 x 4 6 8 10 12 15 G X Weight 4 8 4 13.1 47⁄16101⁄261⁄426.9 51⁄412 63⁄428.2 43⁄1612 81⁄439.8 53⁄415 91⁄445.0 711⁄16191⁄21113⁄16119.0 8 221⁄2141⁄2182.0 101⁄827 167⁄8295.0 103⁄4311⁄2 22384.8 PART NO. XH 143 Reducer Size X’ 3 x 2 4 x 2 4 x 3 5 x 3 5 x 4 6 x 3 6 x 4 6 x 5 8 x 4 8 x 5 8 x 6 10 x 4 10 x 6 10 x 8 12 x 4 12 x 6 12 x 8 12 x 10 15 x 8 15 x 10 15 x 12 X Weight 43⁄46.0 5 7.0 5 8.9 5 11.0 5 11.0 5 12.0 5 12.2 5 12.6 6 19.1 6 19.5 6 19.0 6 28.0 6 30.0 6 35.0 61⁄236.8 61⁄246.0 61⁄243.0 61⁄250.0 61⁄255.5 61⁄257.0 61⁄262.0 115 E X T R A H E A V Y Extra Heavy Pipe and Fittings PART NO. XH 144 Reducer Increaser Size X 9 12 4 x 6 6 x 8 PART NO. XH 153 Double Hub Fitting Size 2 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 X 2 4 6 8 10 12 15 15.8 33.8 Weight 11⁄45.0 11⁄29.4 11⁄212.0 11⁄214.0 11⁄228.0 11⁄243.0 11⁄254.0 11⁄280.0 PART NO. XH 155 Pipe Plug Size Weight X Weight 31⁄21.4 4 4.7 4 8.0 41⁄215.0 41⁄229.0 51⁄432.0 51⁄444.0 116 Extra Heavy Pipe and Fittings PART NO. XH 169 “P” Trap Size J 2 3 4 6 8 X Weight 4 91⁄27.9 51⁄21217.2 61⁄21427.2 81⁄21745.2 101⁄2221⁄16120.0 PART NO. XH 174 Running Trap with Single Hub Vent Vent Size Size C 3 4 5 6 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 J X X’ Weight 51⁄215 21⁄222.8 61⁄2171⁄23 35.6 71⁄2191⁄231⁄246.0 81⁄2211⁄24 59.0 PART NO. XH 175 Running Trap with Double Hub Vent Vent Size Size C 3 4 5 6 6 8 8 10 12 3 4 4 4 6 4 6 8 6 5 6 7 8 8 10 10 12 15 J X X’ Weight 51⁄215 21⁄230.0 61⁄2171⁄2337.4 71⁄2191⁄231⁄250.0 81⁄2211⁄2465.5 81⁄2211⁄2471.0 11 275⁄851⁄4127.0 11 275⁄851⁄4119.6 13 315⁄861⁄4193.0 15 383⁄471⁄4274.0 117 E X T R A H E A V Y Extra Heavy Pipe and Fittings PART NO. XH 180 Deep Seal “P” Trap Size X 2 3 4 J Weight 91⁄26 9.8 12 7 20.3 14 8 29.0 PART NO. XH 184(T) Improved Running Trap with Double Cleanout and Tee Branch Vent Size Size EGX X’ Weight 4 4 3 51⁄461⁄4201⁄251⁄241.8 4 53⁄861⁄4201⁄251⁄242.9 PART NO. XH 198 Size 2 3 4 (T) “P” Trap with 1⁄2” Heel Tap X J A Weight 91⁄2449.0 12 51⁄243⁄817.0 14 61⁄245⁄827.0 Note: 31⁄2” IPS tap 118 Extra Heavy Pipe and Fittings PART NO. XH 230 Size Iron Body Cleanout, Body Only, Less Brass Plug Tap Size A Weight 2(S)11⁄231⁄21.7 3(S)21⁄233⁄43.2 4 31⁄241⁄44.3 5(S)441⁄46.5 6 5 41⁄46.6 8 6 41⁄213.1 10 6 41⁄221.0 12 6 51⁄438.0 15 6 51⁄4 52.8 PART NO. XH 253 Size 4 6 Sission Insertable Joint A B PART NO. XH 549 Roof Iron Size C Weight 141⁄2 7 617.1 163⁄1681⁄2626.2 A B C D E Weight 4 107⁄1653⁄8413⁄1633⁄1621⁄28.2 (S) Size available only with Southern Raised-Head Brass Plug installed 119 E X T R A H E A V Y Plugs PART NO. PLG 410 Ohio Code Brass Plug Size 10 D H Weight 1023⁄3221⁄3210.6 PART NO. PLG 430 Southern Code Brass Plug Size D H Weight 49 11⁄2157⁄64 ⁄640.2 49 2 223⁄64 ⁄640.3 51 21⁄2255⁄64 ⁄640.4 57 3 315⁄32 ⁄640.6 57 31⁄2363⁄64 ⁄640.7 61 4 431⁄64 ⁄641.1 61 5 535⁄64 ⁄641.5 6 619⁄3217⁄322.5 8 839⁄6419⁄324.0 PART NO. PLG 440 Southern Code Countersunk Brass Plug Size D 11⁄2157⁄64 2 223⁄64 3 315⁄32 31⁄2363⁄64 4 431⁄64 5 535⁄64 6 619⁄32 H PART NO. PLG 450 Cast Iron Plug Size D Weight ⁄320.2 7 ⁄160.3 33 ⁄640.6 33 ⁄640.8 35 ⁄640.9 11 ⁄161.7 11 ⁄162.3 13 H Weight 6 635⁄64117⁄644.2 10 1039⁄64131⁄329.0 120 This is to verify that products manufactured by Charlotte Pipe and Foundry, Cast Iron Division, are manufactured in the United States and conform to the following standards: SERVICE HUB AND SPIGOT PIPE AND FITTINGS All cast iron soil pipe and fittings shall be marked with the collective trademark of the Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute (CISPI). ASTM A 74 ANSI A 112.5.1 Listed by NSF® International to the UP Code ISO 9001:2008 Certified EXTRA HEAVY HUB AND SPIGOT PIPE AND FITTINGS All cast iron soil pipe and fittings shall be marked with the collective trademark of the Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute (CISPI). ASTM A 74 ANSI A 112.5.1 Listed by NSF® International to the UP Code ISO 9001:2008 Certified HUBLESS PIPE AND FITTINGS All cast iron soil pipe and fittings shall be marked with the collective trademark of the Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute (CISPI). CISPI Standard 301 ASTM A 888 Listed by NSF® International to the UP Code ISO 9001:2008 Certified HUBLESS COUPLINGS CISPI Standard 310 ASTM C 1277 Certified by NSF® International HUBLESS HEAVY DUTY COUPLINGS Meets ASTM C 1540 COMPRESSION GASKETS ASTM C 564 CISPI HSN 85 121 P L U G S This catalog accurately reflects dimensional information to the best of our knowledge. If dimensions on your job are critical, please verify dimensional information with our factory. This dimensional catalog accurately reflects our product line at the time the catalog was printed. However, we add and delete items on an ongoing basis to better serve our customers. Please refer to our current list price sheets for an accurate listing of items offered. Charlotte Pipe® products are manufactured to the applicable ASTM standard. Charlotte Pipe and Foundry cannot accept responsibility for the performance, dimensional accuracy, or compatibility of pipe, fittings, gaskets, or couplings not manufactured or sold by Charlotte Pipe and Foundry. 122 LIMITED WARRANTY Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company® (Charlotte Pipe®) Products are warranted to be free from manufacturing defects and to conform to currently applicable ASTM standards for a period of five (5) years from date of delivery. Buyer’s remedy for breach of this warranty is limited to replacement of, or credit for, the defective product. This warranty excludes any expense for removal or reinstallation of any defective product and any other incidental, consequential, or punitive damages. This limited warranty is the only warranty made by seller and is expressly in lieu of all other warranties, express and implied, including any warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. No statement, conduct or description by Charlotte Pipe or its representative, in addition to or beyond this Limited Warranty, shall constitute a warranty. This Limited Warranty may only be modified in writing signed by an officer of Charlotte Pipe. This Limited Warranty will not apply if: 1) The Products are used for purposes other than their intended purpose as defined by local plumbing and building codes, and the applicable ASTM standard. 2) The Products are not installed in good and workmanlike manner consistent with normal industry standards; installed in compliance with the latest instructions published by Charlotte Pipe and good plumbing practices; and installed in conformance with all applicable plumbing, fire and building code requirements. 3) This limited warranty does not apply when the products of Charlotte Pipe are used with the products of other manufacturers that do not meet the applicable ASTM or CISPI standards or that are not marked in a manner to indicate the entity that manufactured them. 4) In hubless cast iron installations, this warranty will not apply if products are joined with unshielded hubless couplings. Charlotte Pipe requires that its hubless cast iron pipe and fittings be joined only with shielded hubless couplings manufactured in accordance with CISPI 310, ASTM C 1277 and certified by NSF® International or with Heavy Duty Couplings meeting ASTM C 1540. 5) The Products fail due to defects or deficiencies in design, engineering, or installation of the piping system of which they are a part. 6) The Products have been the subject of modification; misuse; misapplication; improper maintenance or repair; damage caused by the fault or negligence of anyone other than Charlotte Pipe; or any other act or event beyond the control of Charlotte Pipe. 7) The Products fail due to the freezing of water in the Products. 8) The Products fail due to contact with chemical agents, fire stopping materials, thread sealant, plasticized vinyl products, or other aggressive chemical agents that are not compatible. 9) Pipe outlets, sound attenuation systems or other devices are permanently attached to the surface of Charlotte® PVC, ABS or CPVC products with solvent cement or adhesive glue. Charlotte Pipe products are manufactured to the applicable ASTM or CISPI standard. Charlotte Pipe and Foundry cannot accept responsibility for the performance, dimensional accuracy, or compatibility of pipe, fittings, gaskets, or couplings not manufactured or sold by Charlotte Pipe and Foundry. Any Charlotte Pipe products alleged to be defective must be made available to Charlotte Pipe at the following address for verification, inspection and determination of cause: Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company Attention: Technical Services 2109 Randolph Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28207 Testing with or use of compressed air or gas in PVC / ABS / CPVC / Cast Iron pipe or fittings can result in explosive Purchaser must obtain a return materials failures and cause severe injury or death. authorization and instructions for return • NEVER test with or transport/store compressed air or gas in PVC / ABS / shipment to Charlotte Pipe of any product CPVC / Cast Iron pipe or fittings. claimed defective or shipped in error. • NEVER test PVC / ABS / CPVC / Cast Iron pipe or fittings with compressed Any Charlotte Pipe product proved to be air or gas, or air over water boosters. defective in manufacture will be replaced • ONLY use PVC / ABS / CPVC / Cast Iron pipe or fittings for water or approved F.O.B. point of original delivery, or credit chemicals. will be issued, at the discretion of Charlotte • Refer to warnings on PPFA’s website and ASTM D 1785. Pipe. 4/24/15 Charlotte and Charlotte Pipe are registered trademarks of Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company. 123 W A R R A N T Y PO BOX 35430 CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA 28235 PHONE (704) 348-6450 (800) 438-6091 FAX (800) 553-1605 LITERATURE BY FAX (800) 745-9382 WWW.CHARLOTTEPIPE.COM