STANDARD TENDER DOCUMENT SUPPLY, DELIVERY, INSTALLATION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF: LOT I: INTEGRATED BOARD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM LOT II: INTEGRATED LEGAL SERVICES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TENDER NO.KRA/HQS/NCB-028/2015-2016 TIMES TOWER BUILDING P.O. BOX 48240 – 00100, NAIROBI, KENYA. TEL: +254 02 2817022 PREBID DATE: 24TH JUNE, 2016 CLOSING DATE: 8TH JULY, 2016 TIME: 12:00 NOON 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE SECTION I INVITATION TO TENDER………………………………...…….….……… 3 SECTION II INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS………………………………..…...…… 5 APPENDIX TO INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS ……………………… 15 SECTION III GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT……….…………………….…. 17 SECTION IV SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT………………………………..… 23 SECTION V TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS………….……….………………….…..… 27 SECTION VI SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS……………….……………………..…. 108 SECTION VII PRICE SCHEDULE …………….…………………………………….…….. 111 SECTION VIII STANDARD FORMS……………………………………………..…………. 113 8.1 FORM OF TENDER……………….…….…………………………… 114 8.2 CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS QUESTIONNAIRE FORM………... 115 8.3 TENDER SECURITY FORM………………………………………. 119 8.4 CONTRACT FORM………………………………………...….….… 120 8.5 PERFORMANCE SECURITY FORM……….…….……………..…. 121 8.6 BANK GUARANTEE FOR ADVANCE PAYMENT FORM……… 122 8.7 MANUFACTURER’S AUTHORIZATION FORM………………… 123 8.8 LETTER OF NOTIFICATION…..…..….…..…..…………………… 124 2 SECTION I INVITATION TO TENDER DATE ___________________________ TENDER REF NO. KRA/HQS/NCB-028/2015-2016 TENDER NAME: SUPPLY, DELIVERY, INSTALLATION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF: LOT I: INTEGRATED BOARD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM LOT II: INTEGRATED LEGAL SERVICES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1.1 The Kenya Revenue Authority invites sealed bids from eligible candidates for the SUPPLY, DELIVERY, INSTALLATION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF: LOT I: INTEGRATED BOARD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM LOT II: INTEGRATED LEGAL SERVICES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1.2 A complete set of tender documents may be obtained by interested candidates upon payment of non-refundable fees of Kenya Shillings One Thousand (Ksh.1, 000.00) in cash or Bankers Cheque payable to Commissioner General. Bidder may download the tender documents free of charge from the Kenya Revenue Authority website Bidders who download the tender documents must forward their particulars immediately for records and communication of any tender clarifications or addenda to 1.3 Completed tender documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked with tender reference number and be deposited in the Tender Box on Ground Floor, Times Tower Building, Haile Selassie Avenue, Nairobi, or be addressed to Kenya Revenue Authority, Procurement & Supplies Services Division, Haile Selassie Avenue, Times Tower, 25th Floor so as to be received on or before Wednesday, 22nd June, 2016 at 12:00 noon. A pre-bid briefing will be held on Friday, 24th June, 2016 at 10:00am in the Convention Centre on 5th Floor, Times Tower. You are encouraged to attend the briefing. For more information on this tender notice, details, requirements, tendering procedures and guidelines and tender documents please visit our website at http:// 1.4 Prices quoted should be net, inclusive of all taxes and delivery costs, and must be in Kenya Shillings (or any other easily convertible currency) and shall remain valid for 120 days from the closing date of the tender. 1.5 Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the Candidates or their representatives who choose to attend at the Convention Centre on 5th Floor, Times Tower. For: Commissioner General Kenya Revenue Authority 3 SECTION II - INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS Table of Clauses Page 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 (a) (b) (c) (d) 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 Eligible Tenderers…………………………………….…………….…... Eligible Goods……………………………………………….………..... Cost of Tendering……………………………………………….………. Contents of Tender Document………………………….……………..... Clarification of Documents……………………………….…………….. Amendment of Documents……………………………….…………….. Language of Tender………………………………….………………..... Documents Comprising the tender……………………………….…….. Tender Forms…………………………………………………….……... Tender Prices……………………………………………………………. Tender Currencies…………………………….………………….……... Tenderers Eligibility and Qualifications………………………………... Goods’ Eligibility and conformity to Tender Documents……………… Tender Security…………………………………………………………. Validity of Tenders…………………………………………….……….. Format and Signing of Tenders………………………….……………… Sealing and Marking of Tenders…………………………….………...... Deadline for Submission of Tender ……………………………………. Modification and Withdrawal of Tenders………………………………. Opening of Tenders……………………………………………………... Clarification of Tenders………………………………………………… Preliminary Examination……………………………………………...... Conversion to Single Currency…………………………………..……... Evaluation and Comparison of Tenders……………………….………... Preference………………………………………………………………. Contacting the Procuring Entity……………………………….……….. Award of Contract………………………………………………….…… Post qualification……………………………….………….……………. Award criteria…………………………………………………………... Procuring Entity’s Right to Vary Quantities……………….….………... Procuring entity’s Right to Accept or Reject any or all Tenders ………. Notification of Award………………………………….………………. Signing of Contract………………………………….…….……………. Performance Security……………………………………….…….…….. Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices…………………………….…………... 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 SECTION II - INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 Eligible Tenderers This Invitation for Tenders is open to all tenderers eligible as described in the Invitation to Tender. Successful tenderers shall complete the supply of goods by the intended completion date specified in the Schedule of Requirements Section VI. The Kenya Revenue Authority’s employees, committee members, board members and their relative (spouse and children) are not eligible to participate in the tender. Tenderers shall provide the qualification information statement that the tenderer (including all members of a joint venture and subcontractors) is not associated, or have been associated in the past, directly or indirectly, with a firm or any of its affiliates which have been engaged by the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) to provide consulting services for the preparation of the design, specifications, and other documents to be used for the procurement of the goods under this Invitation for tenders. Tenderers shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices. Eligible Goods All goods to be supplied under the contract shall have their origin in eligible source countries. For purposes of this clause, “origin” means the place where the goods are mined, grown, or produced. Goods are produced when, through manufacturing, processing, or substantial and major assembly of components, a commercially-recognized product results that is substantially different in basic characteristics or in purpose or utility from its components The origin of goods is distinct from the nationality of the tenderer. 2.3 2.3.1 Cost of Tendering The Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its tender, and the KRA, will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the tendering process. 2.4 2.4.1 The Tender Document The tender document comprises the documents listed below and addenda issued in accordance with clause 2.6 of these instructions to Tenderers 5 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) Invitation to Tender Instructions to tenderers General Conditions of Contract Special Conditions of Contract Schedule of requirements Technical Specifications Tender Form and Price Schedules Contract Form Performance Security Form Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment Form Manufacturer’s Authorization Form Confidential Business Questionnaire. 2.4.2 The Tenderer is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and specifications in the tender documents. Failure to furnish all information required by the tender documents or to submit a tender not substantially responsive to the tender documents in every respect will be at the tenderers risk and may result in the rejection of its tender. 2.5 2.5.1 Clarification of Documents A prospective tenderer requiring any clarification of the tender document may notify the Procuring entity in writing or by post at the entity’s address indicated in the Invitation to Tender. The Procuring entity will respond in writing to any request for clarification of the tender documents, which it receives not later than seven (7) days prior to the deadline for the submission of tenders, prescribed by the procuring entity. Written copies of the KRA’s response (including an explanation of the query but without identifying the source of inquiry) will be sent to all prospective tenderers that have received the tender document. The procuring entity shall reply to any clarifications sought by the tenderer within 3 days of receiving the request to enable the tenderer to make timely submission of its tender. 2.5.2 2.6 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 Amendment of Documents At any time prior to the deadline for submission of tenders, the Procuring entity, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective tenderer, may modify the tender documents by amendment. All prospective candidates that have received the tender documents will be notified of the amendment in writing or by post and will be binding on them. In order to allow prospective tenderers reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their tenders, the KRA, at its discretion, may extend the deadline for the submission of tenders. 6 2.7 2.7.1 Language of Tender The tender prepared by the tenderer, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the tender exchange by the tenderer and the KRA, shall be written in English language, provided that any printed literature furnished by the tenderer may be written in another language provided they are accompanied by an accurate English translation of the relevant passages in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the tender, the English translation shall govern. 2.8 2.8.1 Documents Comprising of Tender The tender prepared by the tenderers shall comprise the following components: (a) a Tender Form and a Price Schedule completed in accordance with paragraph 2.9, 2.10 and 2.11 below; (b) documentary evidence established in accordance with paragraph 2.1.2 that the tenderer is eligible to tender and is qualified to perform the contract if its tender is accepted; (c) documentary evidence established in accordance with paragraph 2.2.1 that the goods and ancillary services to be supplied by the tenderer are eligible goods and services and conform to the tender documents; and (d) tender security furnished in accordance with paragraph 2.14 2.9 2.9.1 Tender Forms The tenderer shall complete the Tender Form and the appropriate Price Schedule furnished in the tender documents, indicating the goods to be supplied, a brief description of the goods, their country of origin, quantity, and prices. 2.10 2.10.1 Tender Prices The tenderer shall indicate on the appropriate Price Schedule the unit prices and total tender price of the goods it proposes to supply under the contract. Prices indicated on the Price Schedule shall include all costs including taxes, insurances and delivery to the premises of the KRA. Prices quoted by the tender shall be fixed during the Tender’s performance of the contract and not subject to variation on any account. A tender submitted with an adjustable price quotation will be treated as non-responsive and will be rejected, pursuant to paragraph 2.22. The validity period of the tender shall be 60 days from the date of opening of the tender. 2.10.2 2.10.3 2.10.4 2.11 2.11.1 Tender Currencies Prices shall be quoted in Kenya Shillings unless otherwise specified in the Appendix to Instructions to Tenderers. 7 2.12 2.12.1 Tenderers Eligibility and Qualifications Pursuant to paragraph 2.1 the tenderer shall furnish, as part of its tender, documents establishing the tenderers eligibility to tender and its qualifications to perform the contract if its tender is accepted. 2.12.2 The documentary evidence of the tenderers eligibility to tender shall establish to the KRA’s satisfaction that the tenderer, at the time of submission of its tender, is from an eligible source country as defined under paragraph 2.1. The documentary evidence of the tenderers qualifications to perform the contract if its tender is accepted shall be established to the KRA’s satisfaction; (a) that, in the case of a tenderer offering to supply goods under the contract which the tenderer did not manufacture or otherwise produce, the tenderer has been duly authorized by the goods’ Manufacturer or producer to supply the goods; (b) that the tenderer has the financial, technical, and production capability necessary to perform the contract; and (c) that, in the case of a tenderer not doing business within Kenya, the tenderer is or will be (if awarded the contract) represented by an Agent in Kenya equipped, and able to carry out the Tenderer’s maintenance, repair, and spare parts-stocking obligations prescribed in the Conditions of Contract and/or Technical Specifications. 2.12.3 2.13 2.13.1 2.13.2 2.13.3 Goods Eligibility and Conformity to Tender Documents Pursuant to paragraph 2.2 of this section, the tenderer shall furnish, as part of its tender documents establishing the eligibility and conformity to the tender documents of all goods which the tenderer proposes to supply under the contract. The documentary evidence of the eligibility of the goods shall consist of a statement in the Price Schedule of the country of origin of the goods and services offered which shall be confirmed by a certificate of origin issued at the time of shipment. The documentary evidence of conformity of the goods to the tender documents may be in the form of literature, drawings, and data, and shall consist of: (a) a detailed description of the essential technical and performance characteristic of the goods; (b) a list giving full particulars, including available source and current prices of spare parts, special tools, etc., necessary for the proper and continuing functioning of the goods for a period of two (2) years, following commencement of the use of the goods by the KRA; and (c) a clause-by-clause commentary on the KRA’s Technical 8 2.13.4 2.14 Specifications demonstrating substantial responsiveness of the goods and service to those specifications, or a statement of deviations and exceptions to the provisions of the Technical Specifications. For purposes of the documentary evidence to be furnished pursuant to paragraph 2.13.3(c) above, the tenderer shall note that standards for workmanship, material, and equipment, as well as references to brand names or catalogue numbers designated by the Procurement entity in its Technical Specifications, are intended to be descriptive only and not restrictive. The tenderer may substitute alternative standards, brand names, and/or catalogue numbers in its tender, provided that it demonstrates to the Procurement entity’s satisfaction that the substitutions ensure substantial equivalence to those designated in the Technical Specifications. Tender Security Tenders must be accompanied with a Tender Security in the form of Cash Deposit, Bank Guarantee , Insurance company Guarantee or a Letter of credit. 2.15 2.15.1 2.15.2 2.16 2.16.1 2.16.2 2.16.3 Validity of Tenders Tenders shall remain valid for 120 days or as specified in the Invitation to Tender after the date of tender opening prescribed by the KRA, pursuant to paragraph 2.18. A tender valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the KRA as non responsive. In exceptional circumstances, the KRA may solicit the Tenderer’s consent to an extension of the period of validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing. The tender security provided under paragraph 2.14 shall also be suitably extended. A tenderer may refuse the request without forfeiting its tender security. A tenderer granting the request will not be required nor permitted to modify its tender. Format and Signing of Tender The bidder shall prepare two copies of the tender, clearly marking each “ORIGINAL TENDER” and “COPY OF TENDER,” as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between them, the original shall govern. The original and all copies of the tender shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the tenderer or a person or persons duly authorized to bind the tenderer to the contract. The latter authorization shall be indicated by written power-of-attorney accompanying the tender. All pages of the tender, except for unamended printed literature, shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the tender. The tender shall have no interlineations, erasures, or overwriting except as necessary to correct errors made by the tenderer, in which case such corrections shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the tender. 9 2.17 2.17.1 2.17.2 2.17.3 2.17.4 2.18 2.18.1 2.18.2 2.19 2.19.1 2.19.2 2.19.3 2.19.4 2.19.5 Sealing and Marking of Tenders The Tenderer shall seal the original and each copy of the tender in separate envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as “ORIGINAL” and “COPY” The envelopes shall then be sealed in an outer envelope. The inner and outer envelopes shall: (a) be addressed to the KRA at the address given in the Invitation to Tender: (b) bear, tender number and name in the Invitation for Tenders and the words, “DO NOT OPEN BEFORE FRIDAY, 8TH JULY, 2016 AT 12:00 NOON.’’ The inner envelopes shall also indicate the name and address of the tenderer to enable the tender to be returned unopened in case it is declared “late”. If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as required by paragraph 2.17.2, the KRA will assume no responsibility for the tender’s misplacement or premature opening. Deadline for Submission of Tenders Tenders must be received by the KRA at the address specified under paragraph 2.17.2 no later than ‘‘FRIDAY, 8TH JULY, 2016 AT 12:00 NOON.’’ The KRA may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for the submission of tenders by amending the tender documents in accordance with paragraph 2.6, in which case all rights and obligations of the KRA and candidates previously subject to the deadline will therefore be subject to the deadline as extended. Modification and Withdrawal of Tenders The tenderer may modify or withdraw its tender after the tender’s submission, provided that written notice of the modification, including substitution or withdrawal of the tenders, is received by the KRA prior to the deadline prescribed for submission of tenders. The Tenderer’s modification or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed, marked, and dispatched in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.17. A withdrawal notice may also be sent by cable, telex but followed by a signed confirmation copy, postmarked not later than the deadline for submission of tenders. No tender may be modified after the deadline for submission of tenders. No tender may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of tenders and the expiration of the period of tender validity specified by the tenderer on the Tender Form. Withdrawal of a tender during this interval may result in the Tenderer’s forfeiture of its tender security, pursuant to paragraph 2.14.7. The KRA may at any time terminate procurement proceedings before contract award and shall not be liable to any person for the termination. 10 2.19.6 The KRA shall give prompt notice of the termination to the tenderers and on request give its reasons for termination within 14 days of receiving the request from any tenderer. 2.20 2.20.1 Opening of Tenders The KRA will open all tenders in the presence of tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend, on “FRIDAY, 8TH JULY, 2016 AT 12:00 NOON” and in the location specified in the Invitation to Tender. The tenderers’ representatives who are presence shall sign a register evidencing their attendance. The tenderers’ names, tender modifications or withdrawals, tender prices, discounts and the presence or absence of requisite tender security and such other details as the KRA, at its discretion, may consider appropriate, will be announced at the opening. The KRA will prepare minutes of the tender opening. 2.20.2 2.20.3 2.21 2.21.1 2.21.2 2.22 2.22.1 2.22.2 2.22.3 2.22.4 Clarification of Tenders To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of tenders the KRA may, at its discretion, ask the tenderer for a clarification of its tender. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing, and no change in the prices or substance of the tender shall be sought, offered, or permitted. Any effort by the tenderer to influence the KRA in the KRA’s tender evaluation, tender comparison or contract award decisions may result in the rejection of the tenderers’ tender. Preliminary Examination The KRA will examine the tenders to determine whether they are complete, whether any computational errors have been made, whether required sureties have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether the tenders are generally in order. Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis. If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail, and the total price shall be corrected. If the candidate does not accept the correction of the errors, its tender will be rejected, and its tender security forfeited. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures the amount in words will prevail. The KRA may waive any minor informality or non-conformity or irregularity in a tender which does not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver does not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any tenderer. Prior to the detailed evaluation, pursuant to paragraph 2.23 the KRA will determine the substantial responsiveness of each tender to the tender documents. For purposes of these paragraphs, a substantially responsive tender is one, which conforms to all the terms and conditions of the tender documents without material deviations. The 11 2.22.5 KRA’s determination of a tender’s responsiveness is to be based on the contents of the tender itself without recourse to extrinsic evidence. If a tender is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by the KRA and may not subsequently be made responsive by the tenderer by correction of the non conformity. 2.23 2.23.1 Conversion to Single Currency Where other currencies are used, the KRA will convert these currencies to Kenya Shillings using the selling exchange rate on the date of tender closing provided by the Central Bank of Kenya. 2.24 2.24.1 Evaluation and Comparison of Tenders The KRA will evaluate and compare the tenders which have been determined to be substantially responsive, pursuant to paragraph 2.22 The tender evaluation committee shall evaluate the tender within 30 days of the validity period from the date of opening the tender. A tenderer who gives false information in the tender document about its qualification or who refuses to enter into a contract after notification of contract award shall be considered for debarment from participating in future public procurement. 2.24.2 2.24.3 2.25 2.25.1 Preference Kenya Revenue Authority does not allow any margin of preference. 2.26 2.26.1 Contacting the Kenya Revenue Authority Subject to paragraph 2.21 no tenderer shall contact the KRA on any matter related to its tender, from the time of the tender opening to the time the contract is awarded. 2.26.2 Any effort by a tenderer to influence the KRA in its decisions on tender, evaluation, tender comparison, or contract award may result in the rejection of the Tenderer’s tender. 2.27 Award of Contract (a) 2.27.1 Post-qualification In the absence of pre-qualification, the KRA will determine to its satisfaction whether the tenderer that is selected as having submitted the lowest evaluated responsive tender is qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily. The determination will take into account the tenderer financial, technical, and production capabilities. It will be based upon an examination of the documentary evidence of the tenderers qualifications submitted by the tenderer, pursuant to paragraph 2.12.3 as well as such other information as the KRA deems necessary and appropriate. An affirmative determination will be a prerequisite for award of the contract to the tenderer. A negative determination will result in 2.27.2 2.27.3 12 rejection of the Tenderer’s tender, in which event the KRA will proceed to the next lowest evaluated tender to make a similar determination of that Tenderer’s capabilities to perform satisfactorily. (b) 2.27.4 Award Criteria The KRA will award the contract to the successful tenderer(s) whose tender has been determined to be substantially responsive and has been determined to be the lowest evaluated tender, provided further that the tenderer is determined to be qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily. (c) 2.27.5 KRA’s Right to Vary Quantities The KRA reserves the right at the time of contract award to increase or decrease the quantity of goods originally specified in the Schedule of requirements without any change in unit price or other terms and conditions. (d) 2.27.6 KRA’s Right to Accept or Reject Any or All Tenders The KRA reserves the right to accept or reject any tender, and to annul the tendering process and reject all tenders at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected tenderer or tenderers or any obligation to inform the affected tenderer or tenderers of the grounds for the KRA’s action. 2.28 2.28.1 Notification of Award Prior to the expiration of the period of tender validity, the KRA will notify the successful tenderer in writing that its tender has been accepted. The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract but will have to wait until the contract is finally signed by both parties. Upon the successful Tenderer’s furnishing of the performance security pursuant to paragraph 2.28, the KRA will promptly notify each unsuccessful Tenderer and will discharge its tender security, pursuant to paragraph 2.14. 2.28.2 2.28.3 2.29 2.29.1 2.29.2 Signing of Contract At the same time as the KRA notifies the successful tenderer that its tender has been accepted, the KRA will send the tenderer the Contract Form provided in the tender documents, incorporating all agreements between the parties. The parties to the contract shall have it signed within 30 days from the date of notification of contract award unless there is an administrative review request. 2.29.3 Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Contract Form, the successful tenderer shall sign and date the contract and return it to the KRA. 2.30 Performance Security 13 2.30.1 Within Thirty (30) days of the receipt of notification of award from the KRA, the successful tenderer shall furnish the performance security in accordance with the Conditions of Contract, in the Performance Security Form provided in the tender documents, or in another form acceptable to the KRA. 2.30.2 Failure of the successful tenderer to comply with the requirements of paragraph 2.27 or paragraph 2.28 shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the tender security, in which event the KRA may make the award to the next lowest evaluated Candidate or call for new tenders. 2.31 2.31.1 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices The KRA requires that tenderers’ observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement process and execution of contracts when used in the present regulations, the following terms are defined as follows; (i) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in contract execution; and (ii) “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Kenya Revenue Authority, and includes collusive practice among tenderer (prior to or after tender submission) designed to establish tender prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the Kenya Revenue Authority of the benefits of free and open competition; The Kenya Revenue Authority will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the tenderer recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question. Further a tenderer who is found to have indulged in corrupt or fraudulent practices risks being debarred from participating in public procurement in Kenya. 2.31.2 2.31.3 14 Appendix to Instructions to Tenderers The following information regarding the particulars of the tender shall complement supplement or amend the provisions of the instructions to tenderers. Wherever there is a conflict between the provision of the instructions to tenderers and the provisions of the appendix, the provisions of the appendix herein shall prevail over those of the instructions to tenderers. INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS REFERENCE PARTICULARS OF APPENDIX INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERS TO 2.1.1 The tender is open to vendors for the SUPPLY, DELIVERY, 2.1.2 The Declaration of No Conflict of Interest is incorporated in the Confidential Business Questionnaire. 2.3.1 The bid document shall be charged Kshs.1,000 per set. 2.10.4 2.13.3 2.14 Bid Validity Period is 120 days from tender closing date. INSTALLATION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF: LOT I: INTEGRATED BOARD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM LOT II: INTEGRATED LEGAL SERVICES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The technical specifications are given in pages 26 to 106. Tenders must be accompanied with a Tender Security in the form of Cash Deposit, Bank Guarantee, Insurance company Guarantee or a Letter of credit. The amount of tender security required is Three Hundred Thousand Kenya Shillings (KES.300,000.00) and must be valid for 150 days after the date the tender closes. 2.16.2 The bidder must provide an appropriate written power of attorney establishing the authorization to of the signatory to the tender documents to bind the bidder. 2.17 This tender is based on One (1) bid envelope system. The bidder must submit a bid which has combined technical proposal and financial proposal in one envelope. Bids must be submitted in TWO copies. i.e. one original and one copy. Time, date, and place for bid opening are: 12:00 hours, local time, on ‘‘FRIDAY, 8TH JULY, 2016 AT 12:00 2.18.1 NOON’’. Place: Convention Centre on the 5th Floor of Times Tower Building. Street: Haile Selassie Avenue City: Nairobi 2.20.1 2.22.1 Country: Kenya Opening of tender documents will be done in public at the time of closing the tender. Bidders are expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, specifications, and other information in the Bidding Documents. Failure to furnish all information required by the Bidding Documents or to submit a bid not 15 2.22.2 2.24 substantially responsive to the Bidding Documents in every respect will be at the Bidder’s risk and may result in the rejection of its bid. The tender sum as submitted and read out during the tender opening shall be absolute and final and shall not be the subject of correction, adjustment or amendment in any way by any person or entity. The bid evaluation will take into account technical factors in addition to cost factors. The weight for price is 30% while the weight for technical specifications is 70%. In addition, the Bid shall include a DEMONSTRATION. Bidders must conform to the specific Technical Requirements in Section V. 2.25 2.27.4 2.30 Preference. KRA will not grant any preferences The evaluation of the responsive bids will take into account technical factors, in addition to cost factors. The bid meeting the minimum technical score will be evaluated financially. The bid then with the lowest price shall be considered for award The performance security required will be 10% of the Contract Value. 16 SECTION III: 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Table of Clauses Definitions……………………………………………………………....... Application……………………………………………………………….. Country of Origin………………………………………………………… Standards…………………………………………………………………. Use of Contract Documents and Information……………………………. Patent Rights……………………………………………………………… Performance Security…………………………………………………….. Inspection and Tests……………………………………………………… Packing………………………………………………………………........ Delivery and Documents……………………………………………......... Insurance………………………………………………………………….. Payment…………………………………………………………………... Price…………………………………………………….………………… Assignments……………………………………………………………… Sub contracts…………………………………………..…………………. Termination for Default………………………………..…………………. Liquidated Damages…………………………………..………………….. Resolution of Disputes…………………………………………………… Language and law……………………………………..………………….. Force Majeure…………………………………………………………….. 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 SECTION III - GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 3.1 3.1.1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 3.2 3.2.1 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.4 3.4.1 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 Definitions In this Contract, the following terms shall be interpreted as indicated:“The Contract” means the agreement entered into between the Procuring entity and the tendered, as recorded in the Contract Form signed by the parties, including all attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein. “The Contract Price” means the price payable to the tendered under the Contract for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations “The Goods” means all of the equipment, machinery, and/or other materials, which the tendered is required to supply to the Procuring entity under the Contract. “The Procuring entity” means Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), the organization purchasing the Goods under this Contract. “The Tendered’ means the individual or firm supplying the Goods under this Contract. Application These General Conditions shall apply in all Contracts made by the KRA for the procurement installation and commissioning of equipment Country of Origin For purposes of this clause, “Origin” means the place where the Goods were mined, grown or produced. The origin of Goods and Services is distinct from the nationality of the tendered. Standards The Goods supplied under this Contract shall conform to the standards mentioned in the Technical Specifications. Use of Contract Documents and Information The tendered shall not, without the KRA’s prior written consent, disclose the Contract, or any provision therefore, or any specification, plan, drawing, pattern, sample, or information furnished by or on behalf of the KRA in connection therewith, to any person other than a person employed by the tendered in the performance of the Contract. The tendered shall not, without the KRA’s prior written consent, make use of any document or information 18 3.5.3 enumerated in paragraph 3.5.1 above. Any document, other than the Contract itself, enumerated in paragraph 3.5.1 shall remain the property of the Procuring entity and shall be returned (all copies) to the KRA on completion of the Renderer’s performance under the Contract if so required by the KRA. 3.6 Patent Rights The tendered shall indemnify the Procuring entity against all third-party claims of infringement of patent, trademark, or industrial design rights arising from use of the Goods or any part thereof in the KRA’s country. 3.7 Performance Security Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notification of Contract award, the successful tendered shall furnish to the Procuring entity the performance security in the amount specified in Special Conditions of Contract. The proceeds of the performance security shall be payable to the KRA as compensation for any loss resulting from the Renderer’s failure to complete its obligations under the Contract. The performance security shall be denominated in the currency of the Contract, or in a freely convertible currency acceptable to the KRA and shall be in the form of a bank guarantee or an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a reputable bank located in Kenya or abroad, acceptable to the KRA, in the form provided in the tender documents. The performance security will be discharged by the KRA and returned to the Candidate not later than thirty (30) days following the date of completion of the Renderer’s performance obligations under the Contract, including any warranty obligations, under the Contract. 3.7.1 3.7.2 3.7.3 3.7.4 3.8 3.8.1 3.8.2 3.8.3 Inspection and Tests The KRA or its representative shall have the right to inspect and/or to test the goods to confirm their conformity to the Contract specifications. The KRA shall notify the tendered in writing in a timely manner, of the identity of any representatives retained for these purposes. The inspections and tests may be conducted in the premises of the tendered or its subcontractor(s), at point of delivery, and/or at the Goods’ final destination If conducted on the premises of the tendered or its subcontractor(s), all reasonable facilities and assistance, including access to drawings and production data, shall be furnished to the inspectors at no charge to the KRA. Should any inspected or tested goods fail to conform to 19 3.8.4 3.8.5 3.9 3.9.1 3.9.2 3.10 3.10.1 3.11 3.11.1 3.12 3.12.1 3.12.2 3.13 3.13.1 the Specifications, the Procuring entity may reject the equipment, and the tendered shall either replace the rejected equipment or make alternations necessary to make specification requirements free of costs to the KRA. The KRA’s right to inspect, test and where necessary, reject the goods after the Goods’ arrival shall in no way be limited or waived by reason of the equipment having previously been inspected, tested and passed by the Procuring entity or its representative prior to the equipment delivery. Nothing in paragraph 3.8 shall in any way release the tendered from any warranty or other obligations under this Contract. Packing The tendered shall provide such packing of the Goods as is required to prevent their damage or deterioration during transit to their final destination, as indicated in the Contract. The packing, marking, and documentation within and outside the packages shall comply strictly with such special requirements as shall be expressly provided for in the Contract. Delivery and Documents Delivery of the Goods shall be made by the tendered in accordance with the terms specified by Procuring entity in its Schedule of Requirements and the Special Conditions of Contract. Insurance The Goods supplied under the Contract shall be fully insured against loss or damage incidental to manufacturer or acquisition, transportation, storage, and delivery in the manner specified in the Special conditions of contract. Payment The method and conditions of payment to be made to the tendered under this Contract shall be specified in Special Conditions of Contract. Payments shall be made promptly by the KRA as specified in the contract. Prices Prices charged by the tendered for goods delivered and services performed under the Contract shall not, with the exception of any price adjustments authorized in Special Conditions of Contract, vary from the prices by the tendered in its tender. 20 3.13.2 3.13.3 3.13.4 3.14 3.14.1 3.15 3.15.1 3.16 3.16.1 (a) (b) (c) 3.16.2 3.17 3.17 Contract price variations shall not be allowed for contracts not exceeding one year (12 months). Where contract price variation is allowed, the variation shall not exceed 10% of the original contract price. Price variation request shall be processed by the procuring entity within 30 days of receiving the request. Assignment The tendered shall not assign, in whole or in part, its obligations to perform under this Contract, except with the KRA’s prior written consent. Subcontracts The tendered shall notify the Procuring entity in writing of all subcontracts awarded under this Contract if not already specified in the tender. Such notification, in the original tender or later, shall not relieve the tendered from any liability or obligation under the Contract. Termination for Default The KRA may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of Contract, by written notice of default sent to the tendered, terminate this Contract in whole or in part: if the tendered fails to deliver any or all of the goods within the periods) specified in the Contract, or within any extension thereof granted by the KRA; if the tendered fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the Contract; If the tendered, in the judgment of the KRA has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract. In the event the KRA terminates the Contract in whole or in part, it may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it deems appropriate, equipment similar to those undelivered, and the tenderer shall be liable to the Procuring entity for any excess costs for such similar goods. Liquidated Damages If the tenderer fails to deliver any or all of the goods within the period(s) specified in the contract, the procuring entity shall, without prejudice to its other remedies under the contract, deduct from the contract prices liquidated damages sum equivalent to 0.5% of the delivered price of the delayed items up to a maximum deduction of 10% of the delayed goods. After this the tenderer may consider termination of the contract. 21 3.18 3.18.1 3.18.2 3.19 3.19.1 3.20 3.20.1 Resolution of Disputes The KRA and the tenderer shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct informal negotiation and disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with the contract If, after thirty (30) days from the commencement of such informal negotiations both parties have been unable to resolve amicably a contract dispute, either party may require adjudication in an agreed national or international forum, and/or international arbitration. Language and Law The language of the contract and the law governing the contract shall be English language and the Laws of Kenya respectively unless otherwise stated. Force Majeure The tenderer shall not be liable for forfeiture of its performance security or termination for default if and to the extent that it’s delay in performance or other failure to perform its obligations under the Contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure. 22 SECTION IV - SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 4.1. Special Conditions of Contract shall supplement the General Conditions of Contract. Whenever there is a conflict, between the GCC and the SCC, the provisions of the SCC herein shall prevail over these in the GCC. 4.2. Special conditions of contract as relates to the GCC. REFERENCE SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT OF GCC 3.7 Performance Security The performance bond must be issued in the form of a bank guarantee. The bank guarantee must be valid in Kenya for a period of two years and shall be 10% of the bid price in Kenya Shillings. 3.9 Packaging The tendered shall provide such packing of the Goods as is required to prevent their damage or deterioration during transit to their final destination, as indicated in the Contract. All packages must be cleared labeled with description of contents and quantities. 3.10 Delivery The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the iBoard System shall be done within the time indicated in the delivery schedule by the successful bidder(s) from the date of receiving the Purchase Order (LPO). The requirements may be adjusted by giving a short notice. 3.12 Payment Terms The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) payment terms are that payment shall be made within thirty (30) days from the date of delivery and signing of receipt. However, KRA may negotiate mutually acceptable payment terms with the successful tenderer. 3.13 Prices Prices charged by the tenderer for goods delivered and services performed under the Contract shall not, with the exception of any price adjustments authorized in Special Conditions of Contract, vary from the prices by the tenderer in its tender. 3.17 Liquidated Damages If the delivery date is extended (except by mutual consent) a penalty amounting to 0.5% of the total cost will be charged per day up to a maximum of thirty (30) days. No deliveries shall be accepted after the thirtieth working day in which case the LPO will automatically lapse and be deemed to have been cancelled at the close of business on the twentieth day. 23 The Authority shall then be at liberty to realize the performance bond. In this clause, “days” means working days. 3.18 3.19 Resolutions of Disputes Any dispute, controversy or claim between the Parties arising out of this Contract or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, unless settled amicably under the preceding paragraph of this Article within sixty (60) days after receipt by one Party of the other Party's request for such amicable settlement, shall be referred by either Party to arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules then obtaining. The place of arbitration shall be Nairobi. The arbitral tribunal shall have no authority to award punitive damages. In addition, unless otherwise expressly provided in this Contract, the arbitral tribunal shall have no authority to award interest. The parties shall be bound by any arbitration award rendered as a result of such arbitration as the final adjudication of any such controversy, claim or dispute. Language and Law The language of all correspondence and documents related to the bid is: English. Unless explicitly specified in the Technical Requirements section, the key passages of all accompanying printed literature in any other language must be translated into the above language. 24 SECTION V - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 5.1 General 5.1.1 The specifications describe the requirements for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the iBoard System. 5.1.2 The tenderers are requested to present information along with their offers as follows: (i) Shortest possible delivery period of each product/service 5.2 Particulars Kenya Revenue Authority intends to procure services for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the iBoard System inclusive of the detailed maintenance contracts for the life cost of the equipment/ System as detailed in the price schedule. 5.3 Technical Requirements: This tender covers the procurement of services for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the iBoard System with detailed maintenance contracts for the life cost and disposal of the equipment/ System. The Table overleaf gives the minimum clause-by-clause technical specifications. Bidders are required to duly fill in the tables under the “Bidder’s Response” column to respond, irrespective of any attachments included. Failure to conform to this condition will render the bid being treated as non-responsive. 25 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Terms and Definitions 1. AES - Advanced Encryption Standard 2. ARO – Advocates Remuneration Order 3. BOC – Bill of Costs 4. BOD – Board of Directors 5. BU – Bring Up 6. CG – Commissioner General 7. DES - Data Encryption Standard 8. DMS – Document Management System 9. DPI – Dots per Inch 10. DSA - Digital Signature Algorithm 11. EDSA - Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm 12. ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning System 13. GET (HTTP) - one of many request/response methods supported by the HTTP protocol used by the World Wide Web 14. HOD – Head of Department 15. HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol 16. ID – National Identification Number 17. IP – Internet Protocol 18. IDEA - International Data Encryption Algorithm 19. KRA – Kenya Revenue Authority 20. MD5 - Message-Digest Algorithm 21. MOU – Memorandum of Understanding 22. PIN – Personal Identification Number (Tax) 23. PDF – Portable Data Format 24. POST (HTTP) - one of many request/response methods supported by the HTTP protocol used by the World Wide Web 25. RBAC – Role Based Access Control 26. RC4 - Rivest Cipher 4 27. RSA - Rivest Shamir Adleman Encryption 28. SHA – Secure Hash Algorith 29. SMS – Short Message Service 30. TLS – Transport Layer Security 31. UH – Unit Head 26 Background Information The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) is a corporate body which was formed in 1995 by an Act of Parliament, KRA Act Cap 469, to collect tax revenue on behalf of the Government. KRA is entrusted with the responsibility of Assessment, Collection, Administration and Enforcement of laws relating to revenue. In carrying out its mandate, KRA has a Board of Directors at its helm whose role is to make policies for the overall running of the Authority. In addition, KRA has a Team One/Top Management team, led by the Commissioner General, whose key role is to oversee day to day running of KRA operations. KRA is divided into the following Departments: Domestic Taxes Department, Customs and Border Control, Traffic Revenue Department, Support Services Department, Strategy, Innovation & Risk Management Department, Ethics and Integrity and Information, Communication Technology Department and Legal Services & Board Coordination Department. The Legal Services and Board Coordination Department comprises of the Legal Services and the Board Coordination Divisions.The Board Coordination Division is in charge of the Board Secretariat and provision of Conveyancing and Legal Opinion services while the Legal Services Division carries out Litigation, prosecution and the provision legal advisory to the Authority. Summary of the Required Solution The Legal Services and Board Coordination Department of KRA intends to implement a set of tools that will facilitate automation of its current manual processes. They include; (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Provision of secretarial services to the Board of Directors and management of Board business Preparation of legal documents and instruments (agreements/contracts, Service Level Agreements, Leases and memoranda of understanding etc.) Provision of legal opinions Ensuring compliance with statutory requirements within its mandate area Case/ Documents Management (storage, retrieval and archival) Reporting and analysis of data and information. Technical Requirements: The Technical Requirements for the supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of the Solution shall comprise the following key areas: 1. Functional Requirements. 2. Non-Functional Requirements General Category. 3. Integration 4. Security Requirements. 5. Training and Skills Transfer. 6. Support and Maintenance. Objectives 1. 2. Achieve convenience in data capture, information retrieval, storage, archival and reporting. Create efficiency and effectiveness in business processes. 27 3. 4. Raise performance standards for the department and the staff through monitoring of activities at both individual and departmental level. Enable enforcement of statutory requirements and the Internal Standards. Scope/Overview In the course of its operations, the Department generates numerous records and the volumes have grown over the years. The Department operates with a manual record keeping system to prepare, store, retrieve and distribute information, resulting to employees working with disparate information. Therefore, there is need for a system that will enable quick and easy access to information. Further, the use of iPads, Tablets and other mobile devices by the Board Members and Technical Officers in the Department in carrying out their duties requires use of an automated system. In addition, with the technological improvements within the market and by stakeholders, there is need to obtain a system that will serve the Department better. It is expected that by automating its processes and procedures, the Department will improve efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery. To achieve the foregoing, the following key functional and non-functional areas are to be automated: 1. Board Management Module - To manage the Board Meetings and corresponding Minutes as well as associated activities. i.e. 1.1 Boar Meetings Preparations, Conduct and Follow-up 1.2 Profiles and Swearing in of Board Members 1.3 Board Reports 1.4 Administration 2. Integrated Legal Services Management System The System should be support the functions of the Legal Services Functions by improve collaboration, locate knowledge sources and support reporting to enhance Departmental processes. 2.1 Document Management and Registry Automation Module To provide an automated process that allows for maintenance (recording, retrieval, storage and archival) of all documents and allow for access to the documents from other electronic devices, for example ipads, tablets, laptops etc. 2.1.1 Retention and Disposal Schedule (File Life Cycle: Opening/Referencing/Appraising and Closing of Files) – To avoid duplication of file references/different files with the same reference number and recommend files to be closed. 2.1.2 File Requisition/Retrieval – Online request of files. 2.1.3 File Tracking – To include the officer with the file and the maximum number of days an officer should have the file. 28 2.2 2.1.4 Bring Up (BU) Tracking – To facilitate tracking of active documents/correspondences on a real time basis. This will enable the Department monitor and get to know the status of each document at any given time in line with the statutory and internal standards regulations. 2.1.5 Inventory - List of all documents and files. 2.1.6 Archival – To provide a mechanism for archival of documents based on a set of rules and standards to the statutory and internal standards. 2.1.7 Repository Module – It is envisioned that this module shall provide a repository for statutes, regulations, guidelines and informative articles. The Module will have all the statutes and should be able to reflect any amendments made to the statutes. Conveyance Module - To manage the conveyance processes on a real time basis incorporating monitoring checks in relation to the statutory and internal standards regulations. It has the following categories: 2.2.1 Contracts before notification of Award. 2.2.2 Contracts after acceptance of Award. 2.2.3 Supplier Drafted Contracts. 2.2.4 KRA drafted MOUs. 2.2.5 Third Party drafted MOUs. 2.2.6 Lease/Tenancy Agreement before Notification of Award . 2.2.7 Lease/Tenancy agreement after acceptance of Award. 2.2.8 Supplier Drafted Lease/Tenancy Agreements 2.3 Case Management Module – To provide an automated process that allows for allocation, updating, follow up and review of cases. 2.4 Legal Opinions and Advisory Module - To provide for a platform where all requests for opinions received are entered and allocated to counsel, turnaround time between receipt of request for opinion and dispatch of the opinion is monitored and a platform for sharing of opinions among users. 2.5 Knowledge Base – A repository for all other document and knowledge source including electronic resources such as libraries etc. 2.6 Billings Module – To allow for processing of bill of costs for services 2.7 Calendar Module – The System should contain a calendar that will be used for diarizing activities and that will also be integrated with current lotus email calendar. 2.8 Operations Module – To provide support for achievement of the mandates of the main functions within the Department i.e. Legal Services, Board Coordination and the Registry. 2.9 Reports Module – To provide relevant reports to users. 29 2.10 Rulings Portal – An open and searchable webpage that allows a view of all cases closed with their respective information such as (Parties Involved, Type – whether tribunal, court appeal etc., Litigating/Prosecuting Officer, Revenue/Liability Implication, Presiding Magistrate/Judge/Authority etc) 2.11 Administration Module – To manage system use across the varied services and allow for configuration of parameters related to system usage for example when/who to get a notification, alerts e.t.c Key actors who will interact with the system are: 1. Board of Directors. 2. Commissioner General. 3. Commissioners/and or their Assistants. 4. KRA Top Management/Senior Management Team One. 5. Designated Legal Services and Board Coordination Departmental employees. 6. Select users from other KRA Departments. 7. System Administrators. 30 DETAILED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS General This tender covers the Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of: LOT I: Integrated Board Management System LOT II: Integrated Legal Services Management System These specifications describe the requirements for goods/services. Tenderers are requested to submit with their offers the detailed specifications. The award will be made on Lot basis Tenderers must indicate on the specifications sheets whether the goods offered comply with each specified requirement. All the specifications of the products to be supplied shall not be less than those required in these specifications. Deviations from the basic requirements, if any shall be explained in detail in writing with the offer, with supporting data such as calculation sheets, etc. The procuring entity reserves the right to reject the goods/products, if such deviations shall be found critical to the use and operation of the products. The tenderers are requested to present information along with their offers as follows: (i) Shortest possible delivery period of each product (ii) Information on proper representative including their names and addresses Bidders should state which of the components (on a clause by clause basis) are readily available in their systems thus can readily be delivered and how they intend to address the components that are not readily available in their systems. Additionally, bidders shall demonstrate how the proposed solution will achieve each of the specifications capabilities for all the Technical Requirements and how they will ensure the solution meets these requirements. 31 HIGH LEVEL BIDDER’S RESPONSE FOR EACH COMPONENT. LOT I: Integrated Board Management System Item No. High Feature Level High Level Feature Description A B Bidder’s Ability to deliver the feature immediately after Award of Contract and without further Customization [Immediate Availability] [Y / N] Please provide the Expected Timeline Required to deliver the Functionality (Immediate or Customization Timelines) 1 Meetings Module To manage the Board Meetings and corresponding Minutes as well as associated activities. 2 Profiles and Swearing in Module To manage Board of Directors, contracts and related information 3 Board Reports Presentation of various reports in reference to Board Meetings and Activities 4 Admin Module To manage system use across the varied services and allow for configuration of parameters related to system usage for example when/who to get a notification, alerts e.t.c. LOT II: Integrated Legal Services Management System Item No. 1. High Level High Level Feature Description Feature Document Management & Registry Automation The System should be able to store, retrieve and archive information pertaining to the Department and improve 32 A B Bidder’s Ability to deliver the feature immediately after Award of Contract and without further Customization [Immediate Availability] [Y / N] Please provide the Expected Timeline Required to deliver the Functionality (Immediate or Customization Timelines) Module collaboration, locate knowledge sources and support reporting to enhance Departmental processes. 2. Conveyancing Module To manage the conveyance and contract preparation processes on a real time basis incorporating monitoring checks in relation to the statutory and internal standards regulations. 3. Case Management To provide an automated process that allows for allocation, updating, follow up and review of cases. 4.1 Knowledge Management Legal Opinions To provide for a platform where all requests for opinions received are entered and allocated to counsel, turnaround time between receipt of request for opinion and dispatch of the opinion is monitored and a platform for sharing of opinions among users Knowledge Base/Reposito ry Module A repository for all other document and knowledge source including electronic resources, libraries etc. 5. Billings Module To assist the Legal Services and Board Coordination Department capture relative costs for the functions and activities they perform as per the benchmarked schedules 6. Calendar Module Assist the legal services and board coordination department diarize its activities 7. Operations Module Support the role of the Operations function. 8 Reports Module To provide relevant reports to users. 9. Rulings Portal An open and searchable webpage that allows a view of all cases closed with their respective information such as (Parties Involved, Type i.e. whether tribunal, court, appeal etc., Litigation/Prosecution Officer, Revenue/Liability Implication, Presiding Magistrate/Judge/Authority etc. 33 10 Administration Module To manage system use across the varied services and allow for configuration of parameters related to system usage for example when/who to get a notification, alerts e.t.c. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS – CLAUSE BY CLAUSE REQUIREMENTS This Section contains the detailed specifications of the proposed solution. Bidders are requested to: 1. Study each section and provide their proposals that best address the KRA Technical requirements. 2. Provide additional information, attachments/brochures to support their responses on each of the clause by clause requirements. 3. Cross reference their responses by indicating the page number (in the clause by clause bidder’s response column of the attachments or brochures) where such documents are provided. Simple statements such as “yes”, “no”, “comply” or any other similar statements will not be considered as a response. LOT I: Integrated Board Management System 1. Functional Requirements Item No Features Minimum requirements Bidders Response 1 Integrated Board Management System 1.1 Meetings ( Preparation, Conduct & Minutes) 1.1.1 Calendar of The system should support: meetings and events a. Scheduling of annual calendar of meetings and events by assigned officer(s). b. Revision of calendar by assigned officer(s). c. Viewing of the calendar (yearly, quarterly, monthly and weekly) by designated users. d. Restricted view of the calendar as per user roles or category of users. e. Auto alerts to convener (e.g. Board Secretary) on upcoming meetings and events as defined by set parameters. 1.1.2 Preparation of action The system should support: 34 Item No Features Minimum requirements Bidders Response points and dispatch a. Optional online capture of draft Action Points based on approved template and/or Uploading (in their original form or PDF). b. Modification of any part (e.g. a sentence in a page) or the whole of the action points any time before their dispatch to designated user(s). c. Tracking of the versions of the action points and viewing of the previous versions. d. Through workflow the ‘dispatch’ of the final version of action points to designated user(s) for implementation. e. Generation of Status Updates with auto alerts to designated user(s) upon dispatch of final version of action points. 1.1.3 Follow up of The System should support: Responses to Action a. Setting timelines for periodic monitoring of the provision of the Points responses. b. Capturing of any comments by the Unit Heads/ Team Leaders and Board Secretary. c. Uploading of the scanned responses (MS Word or PDF) by the Registry with alerts to Unit Heads/ Team Leaders and Board Secretary. d. Generation of a status report by the Team Leader with an alert to the Board Secretary. e. Flagging of the request as closed by the Unit Head/Team Leader. 1.1.4 Preparation Board Meetings for The system should support: a. Generation of a list of members, attendees and invitees for every Meeting based on the Meeting type. b. Generation and dispatch of ‘notice of meeting’ to the members, attendees and invitees comprising of : i. Unique standardized meeting reference. ii. Time. iii. Date. iv. Venue. c. Automatic alerts via email and SMS to the Board Members and attendees/invitees. d. Generation and dispatch of draft agenda and table of the matters arising to the Commissioner General for approval. e. Distribution of matters arising from previous Meetings to Departments in a standard format/template (see attachment). f. Capturing of responses to the matters arising in the standard template above and allow for uploading of attachments. g. Reviewing of the responses and attachments in the standard 35 Item No Features Minimum requirements Bidders Response template by the Board Secretary. 1.1.5 Other Meetings h. Generation and modification of the draft Board papers from the approved Agenda, approved Minutes, responses and attachments in the standard template and other supporting documents/Board Papers from Departments as per the agenda. i. Tracking of all versions of the Board papers and viewing of the previous versions. j. Through workflow, Reviewing and approval of the compiled Board Meeting papers by the Board Secretary. k. Dispatch of the final Board papers to the Board Members. l. Dispatch of relevant information to attendees and invitees. m. Automatic alerts via email and SMS to the Board Members and attendees/invitees. n. Confirmation of attendance of Meetings by Board Members and attendees. The system should support: a. Generation of a list of members, attendees and invitees for every Meeting based on the Meeting type. b. Generation and dispatch of ‘notice of meeting’ to the members, attendees and invitees comprising of : i. Unique standardized meeting reference. ii. Time. iii. Date. iv. Venue. c. Automatic alerts via email and SMS to the Members and attendees/invitees. d. Circulation of previous Meeting’s matters arising to different parties in a standard format/template with alerts to the parties e. Capturing and/or Uploading of responses, to the matters arising, from different parties in the standard template (See f. Reviewing of the responses and appendices in the standard template by the Secretary. g. Generation and modification of the draft meeting papers from the approved Agenda, approved Minutes, responses and appendices in the standard template and other supporting documents/meeting Papers from Departments as per the agenda. h. Tracking of all versions of the meeting papers and viewing of the previous versions. i. Through workflow, reviewing and approval of the compiled meeting papers by the Secretary. j. Dispatch of the final meeting papers to the Members. 36 Item No 1.1.6 Features Conduct meeting Minimum requirements of Bidders Response k. Dispatch of relevant information to attendees and invitees. l. Automatic alerts via email and SMS to the Members and attendees/invitees. m. Confirmation of attendance of Meetings by Members and attendees. the The system should support: a. Sending of alerts to notify members on the commencement date, time & venue of the Meeting. b. Signing in to the Meeting by the members, attendees and invitees from any device c. Confirmation of quorum or lack thereof by the Secretary. d. Recording of the commencement of the Meeting. e. Display of presentation material based on the agenda/Board papers. f. Optional locking of presentation materials during the meeting to allow participants view the same material / page / slide at the same time. g. Insertion of annotations and or comments (private and or public). h. Display of annotations and comments to the individual participant(s) during presentation but should not obstruct the presenter. i. A glance view / scroll of the annotations and or comments on a separate pane. j. Search of annotations / comments using key words, date, participant, meeting / event, subject etc. k. Optional voting on resolutions within the meeting. l. Optional real time capture of current Meeting Minutes/Notes. 1.1.7 1.2 Preparation Minutes Dispatch of The system should support: and a. Optional online capture of draft Minutes based on approved template and/or Uploading (in their original form or PDF). b. Through workflow, the ‘dispatch’ of the draft Minutes to designated user(s) for review and/or approval. c. Auto alerts to designated user(s) upon dispatch of draft Minutes. d. Modification of any part (e.g. a sentence in a page) or the whole of the draft minutes any time before the dispatch of the final minutes to designated user(s). e. Tracking of the versions of the minutes and viewing of the previous versions. f. Through workflow, the uploading of the final Minutes to the draft Board papers as per agenda. Profiles and Swearing in Modules 37 Item No Features Minimum requirements 1.2.1 Record Management The system should support: Bidders Response a. Creation and Maintenance of the current records of the Board of Directors, Commissioner General and Commissioners b. Full Names, Letter of Appointment, Gazette Notice of Appointment, Term of appointment, experience, title, region, gender, contact information (office and residential), Date of Birth, Academic and professional background, membership to other Boards and/or bodies, Personal information including copies of ID, Passport, PIN, NSSF, NHIF, date of appointment and date of expiry of appointment . c. General amendment of information in respect to members, commissioners and other staff. d. Maintenance of past history of appointments of the Board of Directors, Commissioner General Commissioners and other staff. This would include the full names, Title of appointment, Dates of appointment, Tenure of appointment, expiry date of appointment, Contacts (physical and postal address, mobile numbers). e. Uploading of the relevant Legislation, Regulations, Circulars and/or Approvals relating to rate of allowances and other benefits due to Board of Directors and Commissioners. f. 1.2.2 Management Term of Service Capturing of all meetings and activities attended by Board Members in a standard template. of The system should support: a. Sending an alert and notification to the Chairman, Commissioner General and Board secretary on a vacancy for the Position of the Chairman of the Board, Board members, Commissioner General and Commissioners. b. Sending an alert and/or notification based on a parameterized period in case of expiry of a term (weekly, monthly,) c. Sending an alert and/or notification (weekly, monthly,) based on a vacancy arising in the case of; i. Resignation. ii. Natural attrition. iii. Termination of contract. d. Revocation (where applicable). e. Uploading of the formal communication of the vacancy with the appropriate details. 1.2.3 Appointment Swearing in and The system should support a. Uploading of the appointment instrument(letter of appointment for the CG and commissioner) and Gazette Notice for chairman and BOD b. Capturing of the Gazette notice no, Date of Gazette notice / 38 Item No Features Minimum requirements Bidders Response Instrument, Full name of appointee, Effective date of appointment, Term of appointment, Summary of terms of appointment, Issuer of the Gazette notice) c. Uploading of communication to Judiciary requesting for swearing in of the appointees. d. Capturing of the date, time and particulars of the candidate to be sworn as communicated by the Judiciary. e. Sending of an email alert to the candidate on the date, time venue and other particulars of the swearing in with an alert to the Commissioner General and Board Secretary. f. The system should support a status update of the swearing in process. g. Uploading of the sworn Statutory Declaration and the capturing of relevant details such as date of swearing in. h. Sending an alert to the System Administrator to create the candidates profile. 1.2.4 Training of Board The system should support Members a. Capturing of the Annual Training Programme for Board Members. b. Generation an inventory of trainings attended by each member. c. Maintenance of an inventory of the Board of Directors training needs. d. Updating of a to c above. 1.3 Board Coordination The system should support generation of: Division Reports a. Meetings Periodical reports showing: Meeting/Activities dates, Duration, Type of Meeting/Activities (Committee, special Committee, Special Board, Monthly Board)], Agenda, Number of Meeting-eg 1st ,2nd ....nth Board Meeting, Members who attended (Present), Attendees to the Meeting (In Attendance), Apologies received. b. Directors Reports Directors name, tenure, no of meetings/activities attended(weekly, monthly, annually), allowance paid, Category (Director, Chairman, Commissioner General Commissioner, Trustees, Date of Appointment/Gazettement, Date of Swearing In. c. Historical appointment reports showing: Directors name, tenure, period of service, date of expiry of term. d. Conveyance Periodical reports based on the following variants i. Numbers drafted per period / per officer / per type or category ii. Lists of instructions received by date / month iii. Lists of allocations done by date / month 39 Item No Features Minimum requirements Bidders Response iv. Lists of conveyances vetted by date v. Lists of conveyances executed by date / month e. Customized daily activities report 1.4 Administration Module 1.4.1 User/group/workspac The system should support: e management a. Creation of user i. accounts Creation of unique users account (as per the KRA Information Security policy) Username System generated password ii. Sending of user credentials by email and / or SMS iii. Use of password security questions to aid in password reset authentications. iv. Resetting of users’ account Password security questions System generated password Sending of user credentials by email and / or SMS v. Updating of basic user details as appropriate vi. Creation of individual user workspace vii. Updating of user ‘availability’ for automatic system allocation of task status viii. Assignment of roles and permissions to users b. User accounts The system should support: management i. Enabling / Disabling of user(s) account. (Enable / Disable ii. Inheritance of user profiles across the disabled and inheriting accounts) user(s). c. Creation and The system should support: management of i. Creation of groups/workspaces/teams. groups/workspaces/T eams ii. Updating of basic group/workspace details as appropriate. d. iii. Enabling / Disabling of groups/workspaces. iv. Assignment of user(s) to group(s). Creation and The System should support: management of roles i. Creation of roles e.g. Global administrator, workspace/group administrators, workspace/group content manager, ordinary user. ii. Assignment of roles. 40 Item No e. 1.4.2 a. Features Minimum requirements Creation and management of permissions at document creation The system should support: i. Creation of permissions e.g. Create/write, update/change, delete/remove, read/view, copy, print, email etc ii. Assignment of permissions System Settings System functional The system should support configuration of parameters as per set parameters standards for instance: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. b. Bidders Response Upcoming meetings notification (value = x days before date of meeting). Scheduled meeting reminder (value = x days before date of scheduled meeting). Pending minutes i.e. to invoke minutes preparation (value = x days after date of held meeting). Pending Acton Points i.e. to invoke Acton Points preparation (value = x days after date of held meeting). Pending Vacancy (value = x days before expiry of term). Set up and configuration of options and default settings for all modules, e.g. KRA logo, organization structure, etc. Password expiry timelines (value = x days after date of creation). Configuration and The system should support: management of i. Configuration of system devices e.g. iPads e.t.c. system devices ii. Registration / Deregistration of devices to access the system. iii. Data ‘wipe’ options for ‘retired’ devices 2. Non-Functional Requirements Item No Features Minimum requirements 2. General System Requirements 2.1 Features Bidders Response The System should support : a. Custom Forms: creation of custom forms based on particular requirements, internal templates such as memos, meeting minutes template, general internal memo template, internal memo template for action points, matters arising template, BOD Profiles, BOD Contracts etc a. Video and teleconferencing. b. Various Annotation modes e.g. multicolor, highlight, note, drop pin, strike through, underline etc. 41 Item No Features Minimum requirements Bidders Response c. Support online editing of documents. d. Inbuilt email system. e. Alerts. f. i. within system ii. email iii. SMS System printing g. Maintenance of templates especially sign off pages and or standard documents’ cover pages h. Electronic Signatures: The system should support the appending of electronic signatures to all correspondence generated from the system i. A data import/export utility to import/export pre-existing data directly via multiple data formats e.g. MS Excel, CSV e.t.c j. Folder / Document / File Uploading(s) and download(s) i. singular ii. Singular and batch iii. drag and drop k. Uploading various document formats e.g. PDF,DOC etc l. Linking of the Uploaded documents to the associated captured data for referencing (i.e. Meta data creation and update and linkage to associated documents with an indices to create searchable content) m. Document versioning n. Inbuilt document viewer systems p. Folder / Document / File / Text searches using key word(s), date, participant, meeting / event, subject etc and based on applicable user appropriate access rights and permissions: i. Globally in the respective user authorized workspaces/groups and or specifically within specific document pages ii. Discussion forum(s) within groups / workspaces iii. Document Approval procedure / process within groups / workspaces q. Online display of names of logged in users. 42 Item No Features Minimum requirements Bidders Response i. Administrators are to have a ‘general view’ i.e. can view all users across the various groups they administer ii. Standard users are to view users within their specific group r. An authenticated audit trail of system transactions s. Allow access by multiple users from multiple platforms including mobile access. t. Be interactive and provide appropriate error messages u. Have a user operating manual / standard / guideline (adequate documentation that describes at minimum, the design, functionality and use of the system) v. Appropriate document management in the folders e.g. using a standard filing, naming and grouping convention w. Sending of documents to archive x. Retrieval of documents from archive based on permissions and access rights y. Offline working copy (replica) to allow for remote site usability z. Secure password protected access for each individual user and administrator of the system aa. The following features to maximise utility and security i. Electronic signatures ii. Intruder lock-out iii. Strong passwords iv. Password expiration bb. Easily understood structure in such a way as to be understood by a novice user within a short period cc. Predictive input/ menu based input functionality where possible to minimize user interaction dd. Common look and feel across modules, e.g. common placements of buttons, boxes, choices and even messages so that users are not confused. This will shorten the user learning curve ee. N-Tier Web based system and provide seamless integration with KRA's existing Domino Mail Server system (Lotus Notes) for automated reminders as well as other systems ff. Error logging - the system should have comprehensive error handling routines 43 Item No Features Minimum requirements Bidders Response gg. Running 24 x 7 continuously with minimal downtime hh. Average response time for interactive transactions should be less than 2 seconds 2.2 Scalability System modules should have the capability of being enhanced or modified with minimal impact to other interfacing modules 2.3 Business Continuity Data recovery, fall-back/roll-over mechanism as well as be able to roll back transactions 2.4 Work Plan and The bidder is expected to indicate a project implementation strategy and Methodology methodology that will allow both the bidder and the client to be part of the delivery to ensure holistic delivery of the product as well as highlight the Work Plan(s) to deliver and commission the system by highlighting the activities, deliverables and milestones to achieve this. 2.5 Demonstration The bidder is expected to be able to demonstrate the system upon request during evaluation. 2.6 References The bidder is expected to give a list of references where the solution has been implemented for a similar client. The Evaluation team may contact these references or pay them a visit to ascertain level of implementation and customer satisfaction. 2.7 Site Visit Prospective bidder is expected to visit the premises to allow for appreciation of the organization’s infrastructure and integration with the existing systems such as lotus domino 3. Integration Item No Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response 3. Integration 3.1 User Authentication The system should support Integration with KRA’s Microsoft Active Directory (AD) implementation to manage the identities, user accounts and user groups. 3.3 Alerts Notifications 3.4 Master Calendar and The system should support: a. Integration with KRA’s Domino Server (Lotus Notes) implementation for email notifications. b. Integration with SMS service for SMS alerts where necessary. The system should support integration with the Departments Master calendar 44 3.5 Document Management Integration with the Document and Registry Management System 4. Security Requirements Item No Features Minimum Requirements 4. Security Requirements 4.1 User Authentication Bidder’s Response The system should support the following: a. Each user must be authenticated with a unique user-id / username and password on the application. The User IDs / Usernames should be case sensitive. b. All user accounts must be managed with reference to and in synchronization with an authoritative central user management system e.g. identifying personal numbers in KRA’s active staff database (Active Directory, Central HR database or the ERP etc.) for internal KRA users NB: User accounts management activities include but not limited to new user creation, user maintenance, and user authentication (during login). c. All new user accounts must have a system-generated random password when created. A secure way of communicating the initial password to the user should be utilized, e.g. via an e-mail account. d. The system must prompt users to change their passwords the first time they log on to the application. e. The system must support password expiry features with a configurable frequency. This should be parameterized to allow flexibility in adjusting this value as required. f. The system should not support automatic logins to guard against brute force attacks. The login page should include a challenge which the user responds to before proceeding with the login. g. The system must implement the following Password Strength Controls: i. ii. Passwords should have a configurable minimum and maximum lengths Password must meet a configurable combination of the following 4 complexity rules: at least 1 uppercase character (A-Z) at least 1 lowercase character (a-z) 45 Item No Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response at least 1 digit (0-9) at least 1 special character (punctuation) h. These password features should be configurable to support future complexity requirements i. During password change, if the new password doesn't comply with the complexity policy, the error message should describe EVERY complexity rule that the new password does not comply with j. The solution should implement a secure self-service password recovery mechanism in the event the user forgot their password k. Any password reset/recovery mechanism option must not reveal whether or not an account is valid, preventing username harvesting l. The login page and all subsequent authenticated pages must be exclusively accessed over TLS. All active sessions must be encrypted m. The solution should support expiring of newly created accounts if not used for a configurable period of time. This should be parameterized to allow flexibility in adjusting this value as required n. The solution must support a password change notification and a configurable number of grace logins. The password must be changed after a configurable duration. This should be parameterized for flexibility o. The solution must support password lock out after a configurable number of unsuccessful login attempts. This should be parameterized to allow flexibility in adjusting this value as required p. The solution should respond with a generic error message regardless of whether the user ID or password was incorrect. It should also give no indication to the status of an existing account. The generic message should not reveal which of the authentication parameters is invalid q. The solution must expire a user account after the session has been idle for a configurable period of time. This should be parameterized to allow flexibility in adjusting this value as required r. The solution should support re-authentication for sensitive features e.g. before updating sensitive account information such as the user's password, user's email, or before performing sensitive transactions. The function(s) requiring re-authentication should be configurable/determined s. The solution must not allow the re-use of a past password until a set period of time and a set number of password changes have been 46 Item No Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response made. This should be parameterized to allow flexibility in adjusting this value as required 4.2 Session Management: 4.2.1 User session 4.2.2 Session Expiration The system should support: a. Allowance of only one session per user operating from a single computer unless a specific business case has been established for allowing multiple sessions per user. The allowing of multiple sessions to users based on business needs should be configurable b. Concurrent user logins by a user from multiple computers should not be allowed c. Capturing of all relevant session information and stored in a secure and auditable location d. The solution to implement secure session IDs, generation of identifiers (IDs or tokens) must meet the following properties: e. Session ID fingerprinting: The name used by the session ID should not be extremely descriptive nor offer unnecessary details about the purpose and meaning of the ID. The default session ID name of the web development framework should be changed to a generic name f. Session ID length: The session ID must be long enough to prevent brute force attacks, must be at least 128 bits (16 bytes) g. Session ID entropy: The session ID must be unpredictable (random enough) to prevent guessing attacks, a good PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) should be used The system should support: a. Expiration timeouts set for every session regardless of the activity. All sessions should implement an idle or inactivity timeout. The duration should be parameterized and configurable b. The solution, which should provide a visible and easily accessible logout (logoff, exit, or close session) button that is available on the web application header or menu and reachable from every web application resource and page, so that the user can manually close the session at any time c. A solution that when a session expires, takes active actions to invalidate the session on both sides, client and server. The logs should record the session expiration details d. When the user logs out of the application the session and corresponding data on the server must be destroyed. This ensures that the session cannot be accidentally revived 47 Item No Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response e. Force session logout on web browser close window events f. The session ID exchange mechanism based on cookies to use multiple security features in the form of cookie attributes such as Secure Flagging ofs, Http Only, Domain, Path, Expire and Max-age attributes g. In the solution design, backward process flows should clear all authentication fields h. The solution which should implement Role based Access Control (RBAC) profiles for authorization based on business definitions i. Roles to be granted permissions based on the principle of least privilege i.e. the solution should support an additive access model j. Access control, which must be granular to facilitate adequate separation of duties, for example: k. Functions, which should be independently available for allocation to a role l. Separation of duties e.g. data entry, authorization and final approval m. Data entry staff with the minimum access levels required to enter data n. Authorization staff with an access level that allows them to authorize but not necessarily change the data that was entered o. Provision to final approval staff should with the required access level to finalize the process /transaction p. The solution which should not access the database(s) as a privileged or administrative user. The application should always connect as a non-privileged user If the database is accessed through a common application user, that user should not own the objects in the database q. Credentials that should never be stored directly within the application code (hardcoding credentials) Credentials should always be encrypted r. The solution to perform consistent authorization checking routines when navigating on all application pages to ensure that the user accesses what they are explicitly authorized to access by their roles s. The solution to use the POST method over GET for processing HTTP requests t. The solution should log all access authorization requests to a secure and auditable location 48 Item No Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response u. Error messages to be standard and not provide information alluding to the reason for the error allowing an attacker to deduce effective attack methods v. Logs, which should not contain password information w. Copy and paste must not work for data entry when authenticating to the application x. All input fields must be validated to accept matching data types including case sensitivity where necessary y. All data entry fields must have input validation mechanisms to prevent cross-site scripting attacks z. Sensitive information must not be stored in a persistent cookie, or other location on the client computer that does not have enforceable access control mechanisms aa. Any sensitive content sent to the client machine must not be cached, unless encrypted using approved methods. The application should set the proper directive to cause the client not to cache the sensitive data bb. The solution should not present any sensitive information to unauthenticated users cc. All data exchanges between the solution and other systems should be encrypted by an approved method dd. The solution should only implement cryptographic functions selected from an approved list. Any cryptographic functions used that are not previously approved require an exception ee. Recommended algorithms (with minimum bit lengths), in order of preference, are: ff. Hashing: SHA ‐512, SHA ‐256 or better gg. Symmetric: AES256, AES192, AES128, 3 ‐DES (168 bits), Blowfish(minimum 128 bits), Twofish (minimum 128 bits), IDEA (128 bits),and RC4 (128 bits) hh. Public-Private key (Asymmetric): RSA(minimum 2048 bits) and DSA(minimum 2048 bits), ElGamal (minimum 2048 bits) or ECDSA with relatively short key & signature lengths but with same high security level to other stated algorithms (since the signature is to be incorporated on to the tax invoice issued, it needs to be short) NB: Weak algorithms, such as MD5 or SHA1 should not be used ii. Hashing should be salted and the values used for salting protected. 49 Item No Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response Only the hashed and salted value should be stored. (Passwords should be encrypted) jj. All user activities and transactions such as printing, viewing, updates, inserts and other data manipulation should capture and log to the minimum the date and time, user ID, session ID, the URL accessed and the source IP & remote IP. They should indicate the parameters necessary to uniquely identify the specific transactions done in the respective transaction tables. This should be implemented independently from the database audit trails 4.3 Audit Logs Management: 4.3.1 Application Event Logs The system should collect and log the following application event logs: a. Authentication successes and failures b. Authorization failures c. Session management failures d. Solution errors, alerts and events e. The solution start-ups and shut-downs, and logging initialization (starting and stopping) f. Use of higher-risk functionality e.g. addition or deletion of users, changes to privileges, creation and deletion of system-level objects etc g. URL of the web page(s) accessed by a user for Internet facing applications h. Modifications to the application 4.3.2 Database audits All database audits must log the following: a. Application User-ID b. Date & Time of event c. The source and remote IP address d. Type of event/action performed by the user e. Module accessed by the user f. Success or failure of the event g. Source of the event h. Before and after values (where applicable, i.e. master files) i. Account creation, lockouts, modification, or deletion j. Modifications of privileges and access controls 50 Item No Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response k. The solution should correlate application activity logs and database transactions. That is for every database transaction, it should be possible to explicitly identify the application activity responsible 4.3.3 Violation Log A violation log must exist to track any attempted unauthorized access to the application and should bear the following information: a. URL accessed by the user b. Particular activity intended/attempted by the user c. Particulars sufficient to identify targeted transactions if available d. Workstation-ID or IP address of access e. Date & Time of event f. All updates, insertions and deletions must be clearly traceable to an application user with corresponding time and source information (IP module and function) 4.3.4 Other audit logs: The system should have the following audit logs: a. Provide an interface to review and report on solution logs b. Transaction data stored should capture information that allows similar traceability, with database audit trailing implemented c. All valid and failed login attempts must be logged with meaningful information that is actionable for investigative purposes if fraud is detected. However, passwords must not be logged d. All password recovery reset attempts must be logged with meaningful information that is actionable for investigative purposes if fraud is detected e. All user and account management changes and attempts must be logged f. Database audit trails should be present for all dynamic and static tables of interest, e.g. Parameter tables, Transaction Tables, etc g. All system servers are kept in sync with a time synchronization mechanism h. All data entry and manipulations must be done through the application interfaces and never directly to the database i. Where data is supplied to the application from an authoritative source, the application must NOT allow users to modify this data j. Reference data should not be altered by users in subsequent transactions k. Sensitive information is NOT stored in hidden fields if the application 51 Item No Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response is web-based l. For web based interfaces, the solution must use a secure method to transmit data e.g. Using the HTTP POST method instead of the less secure GET method m. If the application connects to a database, application server, or any system that utilizes application IDs, it is using an account that has been granted access to only objects and functions needed for operation of the application. The application does NOT connect to a database as a privileged user, such as the SA account in SQL Server or SYSTEM account in Oracle, Postgress, etc. n. If the system directly faces the Internet, it does NOT store or cache confidential data, even for a short duration. This includes file Uploadings and downloads, source code, etc o. The system should have mechanisms/controls to guard against URL manipulation and/or targeted URL attacks p. The system should have mechanisms to guard against user impersonations q. The system should allow identified functions to be accessible from restricted networks 5. Training and Skills Transfer Capacity building is necessary to build competence and to institutionalize the usage of the iBoard System within KRA. The bidder should possess experienced trainers to be able to transfer knowledge to KRA’s staff. The successful bidder should provide a detailed Training Schedule for their solution, detailing the training approach and methods, location, and curriculum as well as indicated the cost of training in the price schedule. Item No Features Minimum Requirements 5.1 Technical Assessment Skills The bidder is expected to explicitly state the technical skills required to successfully implement and sustain the System. 5.2. Methods of Training The bidder is expected to elaborate on their proposed and Skill Transfer training methods to be used for skills transfer which will ensure that KRA has enough internal capacity to maintain and use the System. 52 Bidder’s Response 5.3. Training Curriculum The bidder is expected to provide the training curriculum to be used to train at least forty (20) business users on use of the system. These users will then train other end users (Training of Trainers concept) The training curriculum shall adhere to the functional requirements. 5.4 Admin/Technical Training The bidder is expected to provide the training curriculum to be used to train at least 10 IT technical users (administrators and support staff) 5.5 Training Materials The bidder is expected to provide all trainees with training material both soft and hard copies. 5.6 Training Evaluation The bidder is expected to provide a methodology of evaluation of the training, learning and skills transfer. 5.7 Training facility All trainings must be provided at an accredited center or laboratory. Bidders shall propose training site and location. 6. Support and Maintenance The system is expected to handle at least 100 concurrent users. After completion of the project, continuing support and maintenance activities will be required from the contractor for a period of time where the system will be on warranty where no additional costs shall apply during this period and continued support and maintenance where the support and maintenance fees are to be indicated in the price schedule. This would also include on-site support, hence the bidder must demonstrate availability of local support. Bidders are required to provide a clause-by-clause response to the specifications in the given format. All bidders are expected to demonstrate and give detailed information on how their proposed system meets the requirements identified below: Item No. 6.1 Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response System and The bidder is expected to: infrastructure Licensing Indicate the period of warranty (not less than 12 months) Hand over Intellectual Property Rights related to the customization to KRA, including all related designs and all relevant further documentation or propose an agreeable escrow contractual agreement. Grant to the KRA license to access and use the Software, including all inventions, designs, and marks embodied in the Software. 53 Item No. Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response Such license to access and use the Software shall be: Nonexclusive; Fully paid up and irrevocable (except that it shall terminate if the Contract terminates in which case the blame is on the bidder) Valid for use within the processes of KRA, within the volume restrictions of the license structure The software should be permitted to be: Used or copied for use on or with the computer(s) for which it was acquired (if specified in the Technical Requirements and/or the bidder‘s bid), plus a backup computer(s) of the same or similar capacity, if the primary is (are) inoperative, and during a reasonable transitional period when use is being transferred between primary and backup; Used or copied for use on or transferred to a replacement computer(s), and use on the original and replacement computer(s) may be simultaneous during a reasonable transitional period) provided that, if the Technical Requirements and/or the Bidder’s bid specifies a class of computer to which the license is restricted and unless the Bidder agrees otherwise in writing, the replacement computer(s) is (are) within that class; If the nature of the System is such as to permit such access, accessed from other computers connected to the primary and/or backup computer(s) by means of a local or wide-area network or similar arrangement, and used on or copied for use on those other computers to the extent necessary to that access; Reproduced for safekeeping or backup purposes; Customized, adapted, or combined with other computer software for use by the Purchaser, provided that derivative software incorporating any substantial part of the delivered, restricted Software shall be subject to same restrictions as are set forth in this Contract; The Software license shall permit the Software to be disclosed to and reproduced for use (including a valid sublicense) by support service suppliers or their subcontractors, exclusively for such suppliers or subcontractors in the performance of their support service contracts subject to the same restrictions set forth in this The Bidder‘s right to audit the Standard Software will be subject to the 54 Item No. Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response following terms: 6.2 Product upgrades The Bidder will allow, under a pre-specified procedure and solely for the purpose of auditing the Standard Software, execution of embedded software functions under the Bidder‘s control, and unencumbered transmission of resulting information on software usage. The Bidder will not include programming in Software that restricts and/or limits access to certain features, functionality or capacity of such Software subject to the Purchaser making payments or for other self-help or retaliatory At any point during performance of the Contract, should technological advances become available for Information Technologies originally offered by the Bidder in its bid and still to be delivered, the Bidder shall be obligated to offer to the Purchaser the latest versions of the available Information Technologies having equal or better performance or functionality at the same or lesser unit prices At any point during performance of the Contract, for Information Technologies still to be delivered, the Bidder will also pass on to the Purchaser any cost reductions and additional and/or improved support and facilities that it offers to other clients of the Bidder in the Purchaser‘s Country During performance of the Contract, the Bidder shall offer to the Purchaser all new versions, releases, and updates of Standard Software, as well as related documentation and technical support services, within agreed timelines. During the Warranty Period, the Bidder will provide at no additional cost to the Purchaser all new versions, releases, and updates for all Standard Software that are used in the System, within agreed timelines. During the Warranty Period, the Purchaser shall introduce all new versions, releases or updates of the Software within agreed timelines of receipt of a production-ready copy of the new version, release, or update, provided that the new version, release, or update does not adversely affect system operation or performance or require extensive reworking of the System. In cases where the new version, release, or update adversely affects system operation or performance, or requires extensive reworking of the System, the Bidder shall continue to support and 55 Item No. Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response maintain the version or release previously in operation for as long as necessary to allow introduction of the new version, release, or update. 6.3 Duration of In relation to standard software, the license agreements should be license perpetual. The support on these licenses should cover an agreed agreements period after the start of the project. After this period KRA must be able to extend the support directly with the product owner. 6.4 License numbers The bidder is expected to propose a license structure which is most suitable to KRA regarding the following figures: 100 concurrent users of the system 6.5 Support contracts Support in relation to software licenses should be on premier level (gold) 6.6 Product Upgrades At any point during performance of the Contract, should technological advances be introduced by the Bidder for Information Technologies originally offered by the Bidder in its bid and still to be delivered, the Bidder shall be obligated to offer to the Purchaser the latest versions of the available Information Technologies having equal or better performance or functionality at the same or lesser unit prices. 6.7 Cost reductions At any point during performance of the Contract, for Information Technologies still to be delivered, the Bidder will also pass on to the Purchaser any cost reductions and additional and/or improved support and facilities that it offers to other clients of the Bidder in the Purchaser‘s Country 6.8 General conditions All equipment that will be delivered by the bidder needs back-to-back manufacturer support. The goods need to be delivered from eligible countries as listed by United Nations Security Council taken under chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations 6.9 SLA The bidders shall propose a service level agreement that addresses the following: Escalation matrix Contact persons Response time (2 hours) Proof of local presence Online support from manufacturer Any other related SLA requirements 56 LOT II: Integrated Legal Services Management System 1. Functional Requirements 1. INTEGRATED LEGAL SERVICES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1.1 Document & File Management 1.1.1 Inventory – Files in registry (a) Data Capture of Legal The System should support: Services Division i. Capturing of the file details including reference number, Files parties involved, officer handling case, summary and value of subject matter and status. ii. Cross referencing of related files based on file reference numbers. iii. Capturing of security/guarantee for tax for each case. iv. Freezing and unfreezing of file details from further amendments as captured in the inventory (b) Data Capture of The system should support: Board Coordination i. Capture of the file details including reference number, parties Division Files involved, officer handling file, file type and status. ii. Freezing and unfreezing of file details from further amendments as captured in the inventory iii. Cross referencing of related files based on file reference numbers. (c) File Requisition The system should support: i. Request/Requisitioning of a file or related files by an officer with an SMS and/or email alert to the registry officer. ii. Confirmation of availability status of the file with an alert to the registry officer. iii. Dispatch of file(s) to the officer by the registry officer with set timelines for return iv. Periodic reminders (Daily, weekly) to the requisitioning officer on file return. v. Allow periodic extension of timelines for officers to hold a file (days/weeks) by the requisitioning officer with an alert to the Registry. vi. Return of file by the requisitioning officer. vii. Upon return, change of availability status with alert to requisitioning officer. (d) File Opening The system should support: 57 (e) File Closure i. Creation of a new file by capturing details including unique reference number, parties involved and/or type of file and officer handling case. ii. Upon creation of the file, automatic/sequential allocation of the file to officer with an alert to the team leaders and reallocation officer. The system should support: i. Flagging of a file for closure, with alert to the Registry and Head of Department. ii. Capturing of closing comments (including whether file is a permanent record, how long it should be maintained, how it should be disposed etc) by the officer, team leader or head of department. iii. Scheduling of disposal of closed file as per set timelines. 1.1.2 File Bring Ups (BU) and Tracking (a) BU Cycle (Self The system should support: Generated BU) i. Creation of a BU cycle by an officer. ii. Generation of an automatic alert when the BU is due to the requisitioning officer. iii. Requisition of the file by the requisitioning officer. (b) BU Cycle (User The system should support the generation of specific BU by the Generated BU) handling officer, with an automatic alert (SMS and email) to the litigation officer on due date to track bank guarantees/securities. 1.1.3 Document Scanning and Imaging (a) Scanning Documents of The system should support: a. Scanning of documents at resolutions of 100-400 DPI in half tone, gray scale modes. b. Scanning, indexing, and commit documents in batches as well as individually. c. Manual alteration of the image index to correct operation errors. (b) Viewing Documents of The system should support: a. Efficient means of document retrieval and rapid page to page transition. b. Scanned document to be rotated, moved on the screen, scrolled page by page c. Provision of security control over access to document images, scanning, print and fax operations, and over index database information. d. Handling of multiple, simultaneous requests for an imaging document, and for multiple imaging documents. 58 e. Document security features that decide which users have access to which documents f. Document archiving and Support document retention and destruction schedules and rules 1.2 Conveyancing Module 2.2.1 Contracts before notification of Award (a) Receive instructions to The system should support: draft contract from Procurement Division as a. Uploading of scanned documents, order, batch and assign them a unique reference number. per checklist (Refer Appendix I) b. Automatic/balanced allocation of the file(s) to the drafting officer(s) for drafting of the contract. c. Sending of an allocation alert to the drafting officer. (b) Re-allocation of the The system should support re-allocation instructions by the reinstructions to draft allocating officer and capture reason for re-allocation. contract (c) Drafting of the contract The system should support : a. Upload, storage, versioning and tracking of iterations e.g. first, second …nth drafts of draft documents in their original form for example MS Word and PDF. b. Automatic archiving of older versioned documents and allow for their access c. Capturing and categorizing information regarding data obtained from relevant registries including company and land registries on legal status of corporate bodies. i. ii. iii. Information obtained through this mode is categorized as ‘personal’ and ‘official’ searches. Capture the data on personal search using a pre-defined internal form (Refer Appendices II & III). Capture the data on official search and support the Uploading and storage of the physical official search report. (d) Submission of the draft The system should support through a workflow ‘dispatch’ of the contract for reviewing. draft contract (in original form and/or PDF) by the drafting officer to the Reviewing Officer. (e) Review of draft contract. The system should support insertion of annotations on the draft contract document by the Reviewing Officer. (f) Review feedback and The system should support: amendments a. Through a workflow ‘dispatch’ of the comments /annotations together with the draft (in its original form or PDF). b. Tracking of comments made by the reviewing officer. c. Uploading of documented comments from external review sources e.g. The Attorney General (State Law Office). (g) Dispatch of the The system should support: 59 penultimate contract draft a. Through a workflow the ‘dispatch’ of the penultimate draft contract (in PDF) by the reviewing officer to Procurement Division. b. Sending of an automated alert to Head of the user Department and the Procurement Division on dispatch. (h) Receive Feedback from The system should support: Procurement, Supplies a. Uploading of the scanned documents [Memo, Notification of Services Division. award, Letter of acceptance, penultimate Draft contract with or without comments], order them in a batch and link them to the earlier assigned unique reference number. b. Automatic sending of the file to the drafting officer. c. Sending of automated alerts to the drafting and reviewing officers. (i) Editing, compilation of The system should support: final contract package in readiness for sign off, a. The final editing of the penultimate draft contract package by the drafting officer. signature, sealing, stamping and tag of b. The freezing of the changes on the penultimate draft contract reference number as package, tagging it as final and printing by the reviewing closed. officer. c. Uploading of the scanned signed contract document by the Registry. d. Sending of alerts upon uploading of the signed contract to the relevant Internal Stakeholders (Finance, Procurement and user Department). e. Uploading of the scanned stamp duty paid page and linking it to the signed final contract package, capturing the details of the stamp duty and uploading copy of receipt by the Registry. f. Sending of alerts upon Uploading of the scanned stamp duty paid page to the relevant Internal Stakeholders (Finance, Procurement, user Department, supplier and assigned drafting & reviewing officers). g. Dispatch of the registered contract to Finance, Procurement, user Department and Supplier by the Registry. h. Flagging of the file reference number as closed by the Registry. 1.2.2 Contracts after acceptance of Award (a) Receive instructions to The system should support: draft the contract from Procurement Division as a. Uploading of scanned documents, order, batch and assign them a unique serialized reference number by the Registry. per checklist (Refer Appendix I) b. Automatic/balanced allocation of the file(s) to the drafting officer(s) for drafting of the contract. c. Sending of an allocation alert to the drafting officer. (b) Re-allocation of the The system should support re-allocation instructions by the reinstructions to draft allocating officer and capture reason for re-allocation. 60 contract. (c) Drafting of the contract The system should support: a. Capture of comments and uploading of correspondence (Internal memo) to the client department (Procurement) on the status of the documents received where the documents may be incomplete or where the drafting officer requires additional information before drafting of the contract with an alert to the Reviewing Officer. b. Uploading, storage, versioning and tracking of iterations e.g. first, second …nth drafts of draft documents in their original form for example MS Word and PDF. c. Automatic archiving of older versioned documents and allow for their access. d. Capturing and categorizing information regarding data obtained from company and land registries on legal status of body corporate. i. ii. iii. Information obtained through this mode is categorized as ‘personal’ and ‘official’ searches. Capture the data on personal search using a pre-defined internal form (Refer Appendices II & III). Capture the data on official search and support the Uploading and storage of the physical official search report. (d) Submission of the draft The system should support through a workflow ‘dispatch’ of the contract for reviewing. draft contract (in original form and/or PDF) by the drafting officer to the reviewing officer. (e) Review of draft contract. The system should support insertion of annotations on the draft contract document by the reviewing officer. (f) Review feedback and The system should support: amendments i. Through a workflow ‘dispatch’ of the comments /annotations together with the draft (in its original form or PDF). ii. Tracking of comments made by the reviewing officer. iii. Uploading of documented comments from external review sources e.g. The Attorney General (State Law Office). (g) Dispatch of penultimate contract the The system should support: draft i. Through a workflow the ‘dispatch’ of the penultimate draft contract (in PDF) by the reviewing officer to Procurement Division. ii. (h) Sending of an automated alert to Head of the user Department and the Procurement, Supplies Services Division on dispatch. Receive Feedback from The system should support: Procurement, Supplies i. Uploading of the scanned documents [Memo, Letter of Services Division. acceptance, penultimate Draft contract with or without comments], order them in a batch and link them to the earlier assigned unique reference number. 61 ii. Automatic sending of the file to the drafting officer. iii. Sending of automated alerts to the drafting and reviewing officers. (i) Editing, compilation of The system should support: final contract package in readiness for sign off, i. The final editing of the penultimate draft contract package by the drafting officer. signature, sealing stamping and tag of ii. The freezing of the changes on the penultimate draft contract reference number as package, tagging it as final and printing by the reviewing closed. officer. iii. Uploading of the scanned signed contract document by the Registry. iv. Sending of alerts upon uploading of the signed contract to the relevant Internal Stakeholders (Finance, Procurement and user Department). v. Uploading of the scanned stamp duty paid page and link it to the signed final contract package, capture the details of the stamp duty and Uploading copy of receipt by the Registry. vi. Sending of alerts upon uploading of the scanned stamp duty paid page to the relevant Internal Stakeholders (Finance, Procurement, user Department, supplier and assigned drafting & reviewing officers). vii. Dispatch of the registered contract to Finance and Procurement by the Registry. viii. Flagging of the file reference number as closed by the Registry. 1.2.3 Supplier Drafted Contracts (a) Receive instructions to The system should support: review contract from Procurement Division as i. Uploading of scanned documents and assign them a unique reference number by the Registry. per checklist (Refer Appendix I) ii. Automatic/balanced allocation of the file(s) to the drafting officer(s). iii. Sending of an alert to the drafting officer. (b) Re-allocation of the The system should support re-allocation instructions by the reinstructions to review allocating officer and capture reason for re-allocation. contract. (c) Perusal of the contract The system should support: i. Uploading, storage, versioning and tracking of iterations e.g. first, second and nth drafts of draft documents in their original form for example MS Word and PDF. ii. Automatic archiving of older versioned documents and allow for their access. iii. Capture and categorize information regarding data obtained 62 from company and land registries on legal status of body corporate. Information obtained through this mode is categorized as ‘personal’ and ‘official’ searches. Capture the data on personal search using a pre-defined internal form (Refer Appendices II & III). Capture the data on official search and support the Uploading and storage of the physical official search report. (d) Submission of the The system should support through a workflow ‘dispatch’ of the perused contract for perused contract (in original form and PDF) by the drafting officer to reviewing. the reviewing officer. (e) Reviewing of perused contract (f) Review feedback and The system should support: amendments i. Through a workflow ‘dispatch’ of the comments /annotations together with the draft (in its original form or PDF) the The system should support insertion of annotations on the perused contract document by the reviewing officer. ii. Tracking of comments made by the reviewing officer. iii. Uploading of documented comments from external review sources e.g. The Attorney General (State Law Office). (g) Dispatch contract of perused The system should support through workflow the ‘dispatch’ of the perused contract (in PDF) by the allocating officer to the supplier. (h) Receive signed The system should support: contract, stamping and tagging of file reference i. Uploading of the scanned signed contract document or replacement of specific pages on the final contract package number as closed with the scanned signed pages. ii. Sending of alerts upon Uploading of the signed contract to the relevant Internal Stakeholders (Finance, Procurement and user Department). iii. Uploading of the scanned stamp duty paid page and link it to the signed final contract package, capture the details of the stamp duty and Uploading copy of receipt by the Registry. iv. Sending of alerts upon Uploading of the scanned stamp duty paid page to the relevant Internal Stakeholders (Finance, Procurement, user Department, supplier and assigned drafting & reviewing officers). v. Flagging of the file reference serialized number as closed by the Registry. 1.2.4 KRA drafted MOUs (a) Receive instructions to The system should support: draft MOU from requesting department i. Uploading of scanned documents, order, batch and assign them a unique reference number by the Registry. 63 without draft ii. Automatic/balanced allocation of the file(s) to the drafting officer(s) for drafting of the MOU. iii. Sending of an allocation alert to the drafting Officer. (b) Re-allocation of the The system should support re-allocation instructions by the reinstructions to draft allocating officer and capture reason for re-allocation. MOU. (c) Drafting of the MOU The system should support: i. Uploading, storage, versioning and tracking of iterations e.g. first, second …nth drafts of draft documents in their original form for example MS Word and PDF. ii. Automatic archiving of older versioned documents and allow for their access. iii. Capturing and categorizing of information regarding data obtained from relevant registries including company and land registries on the legal status of corporate bodies. Information obtained through this mode is categorized as ‘personal’ and ‘official’ searches. Capture the data on personal search using a pre-defined internal form (Refer Appendices II & III). Capture the data on official search and support the Uploading and storage of the physical official search report. (d) Submission of the draft The system should support through a workflow the ‘dispatch’ of the MOU for reviewing draft MOU (in original form and/or PDF) by the drafting officer to the reviewing officer (e) Reviewing of draft MOU The system should support insertion of annotations on the draft MOU by the reviewing officer. (f) Review feedback and The system should support: amendments i. Through a workflow ‘dispatch’ of the comments /annotations together with the draft (in its original form or PDF) ii. Tracking of comments made by the reviewing officer iii. Uploading of documented comments from external review sources e.g. The Attorney General (State Law Office). (g) Dispatch of draft MOU The system should support through a workflow the ‘dispatch’ of the draft MOU (in PDF) by the reviewing officer to the user Department. (h) Receive signed MOU The system should support: i. Uploading of the scanned signed MOU or the system should allow replacement of specific pages on the final MOU with the scanned signed pages. ii. Sending of alerts upon Uploading of the signed MOU to the user Department. iii. Flagging of the file serialized reference number as closed by the Registry. 1.2.5 Third Party drafted MOUs 64 (a) Receive instructions to The system should support: review MOU from user i. Uploading of scanned documents and assign them a unique Department serialized reference number by the Registry. ii. Automatic/balanced allocation of the file(s) to the drafting officer(s) for reviewing of the MOU. iii. Sending of an allocation alert to the drafting officer. (b) Re-allocation of the The system should support re-allocation instructions by the reinstructions to review allocating officer and capture reason(s) for re-allocation. MOU. (c) Reviewing of the MOU The system should support: I. Uploading, storage, versioning and tracking of iterations e.g. first, second …nth drafts of draft documents in their original form for example MS Word and PDF. II. Automatic archiving of older versioned documents and allow for their access. III. Capturing and categorizing of information regarding data obtained from relevant registries including company and land registries on legal status of corporate bodies. Information obtained through this mode is categorized as ‘personal’ and ‘official’ searches. Capture the data on personal searches using a predefined internal form (Refer Appendices II & III). Capture the data on official searches and support the Uploading and storage of the physical official search report. (d) Submission of The system should support through a workflow the ‘dispatch’ of comments/ annotations comments/annotations(in original form and/or PDF) by the drafting for reviewing Officer to the reviewing Officer (e) Reviewing of comments/ The system should support insertion of comments/annotations on annotations and draft the draft MOU by the reviewing officer. MOU (f) Review feedback and The system should support: amendments i. Through a workflow ‘dispatch’ of the comments /annotations together with the draft (in its original form or PDF) (g) ii. Tracking of comments made by the reviewing officer iii. Uploading of documented comments from external review sources e.g. the Attorney General (State Law Office). Dispatch of comments The system should support: and revised MOU i. Through a workflow the ‘dispatch’ of comments, revised MOU and the MOU version with the tracked changes by the reviewing officer to the user Department. 65 ii. Sending of alerts upon Uploading of the signed MOU to the user Department. iii. Flagging of the file serialized reference number as closed by the Registry. 1.2.6 Lease/Tenancy Agreement before Notification of Award (a) Receive instructions to The system should support: draft lease agreement from Procurement i. Uploading of scanned documents and assign them a unique serialized reference number by the Registry. Supplies, Services Division as per checklist ii. Automatic/balanced allocation of the file(s) to the drafting (Refer Appendix I) officer(s). iii. Sending of an alert to the drafting officer. (b) Re-allocation of the The system should support re-allocation instructions by the reinstructions to draft the allocating officer and capture reason for re-allocation. lease agreement (c) Drafting of the lease The system should support: agreement i. Uploading, storage, versioning and tracking of iterations e.g. first, second …nth drafts of draft documents in their original form for example MS Word and PDF. ii. Automatic archiving of older versioned documents and allow for their access. iii. The system should support, capture and categorize information regarding data obtained from relevant registries including company and land registries on legal status of corporate bodies Information obtained through this mode is categorized as ‘personal’ and ‘official’ searches. Capture the data on personal searches using a predefined internal form (Refer Appendices II & III). Capture the data on official searches and support the Uploading and storage of the physical official search report. (d) Submission of the draft The system should support through a workflow the ‘dispatch’ of lease agreement for comment/annotations(in original form and/or PDF) by the drafting reviewing officer to the reviewing officer (e) Reviewing of draft lease The system should support insertion of comments/annotations on agreement the draft MOU by the reviewing officer. (f) Reviewing feedback and The system should support: amendments i. Through a workflow ‘dispatch’ of the comments /annotations together with the draft (in its original form or PDF) ii. Tracking of comments made by the reviewing officer iii. Uploading of documented comments from external review sources e.g. The Attorney General (State Law Office). (g) Dispatch of draft lease The system should support: 66 agreement (h) i. Through a workflow ‘approval’ of the penultimate draft by the HOD with an alert to the Allocating Officer ii. Through a workflow the ‘dispatch’ of the penultimate draft lease agreement by the reviewing officer to Procurement Liaison Officer with an alert to the HOD Procurement Supplies Services Division. Receive Feedback from The system should support: procurement i. Capture of comments by the liaisons officer Procurement, department Commissioners and Commissioner General and Uploading of additional information/ documentation with an alert to the drafting officer and Reviewing officer ii. The uploading of the scanned documents [Memo, Notification of Award, Letter of Acceptance, tittle documents, penultimate Draft lease agreement with or without comments], order them in a batch and link them to the earlier assigned unique serialized reference number by the Registry Officer with an alert to the Drafting Officer ,Reviewing Officer and Allocating Officer. iii. Printing of all correspondence pertaining to the drafting process. (i) Re-allocation of the draft Where the originally assigned drafting officer is unavailable, the lease agreement system should support the re-allocation of the draft lease package agreement package to another drafting officer (j) Editing and compilation The system should support: of final lease agreement i. The final editing of the penultimate draft lease agreement package in readiness for package by the drafting officer. sign off, signature, stamping and tag of ii. The freezing of the changes on the penultimate draft lease reference number as agreement package, tagging it as final and printing by the closed. reviewing officer. iii. Uploading of the scanned signed lease agreement document by the Registry. iv. Sending of alerts upon uploading of the signed lease agreement to the relevant Internal Stakeholders (Finance, Procurement and user Department). v. Uploading of the scanned stamp duty paid page and link it to the signed final lease agreement package, capture the details of the stamp duty and uploading copy of receipt by the Registry. vi. Sending of alerts upon uploading of the scanned stamp duty paid page to the relevant Internal Stakeholders (Finance, Procurement, user Department, supplier and assigned drafting & reviewing officers). vii. Dispatch of the registered lease agreement to Finance, Procurement, user Department and Supplier by the Registry. 67 viii. Flagging of the file serialized reference number as closed by the Registry. 1.2.7 Lease/Tenancy agreement after acceptance of Award (a) Receive instructions to The system should support draft the Lease/Tenancy agreement from the i. Uploading of scanned documents, order, batch and assign them a unique serialized reference number by the Registry. relevant as per checklist (Refer Appendix I) ii. Automatic/balanced allocation of the file(s) to the drafting officer(s) for drafting of the lease agreement iii. Sending of an allocation alert to the drafting officer. (b) Re-allocation of the The system should support re-allocation instructions by the reinstructions to draft allocating officer and capture reason for re-allocation. lease agreement (c) Drafting of the lease The system should support: agreement i. Uploading, storage, versioning and tracking of iterations e.g. first, second …nth drafts of draft documents in their original form for example MS Word and PDF. ii. Automatic archiving of older versioned documents and allow for their access. iii. The system should support, capture and categorize information regarding data obtained the relevant registries including company and land registries on legal status of corporate bodies. Information obtained through this mode is categorized as ‘personal’ and ‘official’ searches. Capture the data on personal searches using a predefined internal form (Refer Appendices II & III). Capture the data on official searches and support the Uploading and storage of the physical official search report. (d) Submission of the draft The system should support through a workflow ‘dispatch’ of the lease agreement for draft lease agreement (in original form and/or PDF) by the drafting review officer to the reviewing officer. (e) Reviewing of draft lease The system should support insertion of annotations on the draft agreement lease agreement document by the reviewing officer. (f) Reviewing feedback and The system should support: amendments i. Through a workflow ‘dispatch’ of the comments /annotations together with the draft (in its original form or PDF). ii. Tracking of comments made by the reviewing officer. iii. Uploading of documented comments from external review sources e.g. The Attorney General (State Law Office). (g) Dispatch of draft lease The system should support freeze of changes on the draft lease agreement agreement sent to the supplier and tag it as final. (h) Receive signed lease The system should support: 68 agreement i. Uploading of the scanned signed lease agreement document or replacement of specific pages on the final contract package with the scanned signed pages. ii. Sending of alerts upon uploading of the signed lease agreement to the relevant Internal Stakeholders (Finance, Procurement and user Department). iii. Uploading of the scanned stamp duty paid page and link it to the signed final lease agreement package, capture the details of the stamp duty and uploading copy of receipt by the Registry. iv. Sending of alerts upon uploading of the scanned stamp duty paid page to the relevant Internal Stakeholders (Finance, Procurement, user Department, supplier and assigned drafting & reviewing officers). v. Flagging of the file serialized reference number as closed by the Registry. 1.2.8 Supplier Drafted Lease/Tenancy Agreements (a) Receive instructions to The system should support: draft lease agreement i. Uploading of scanned documents and assigning them a from Procurement unique reference number by the Registry. Supplies Services Division as per checklist ii. Automatic/balanced allocation of the file(s) to the drafting (Refer Appendix I) officer(s). iii. Sending of an alert to the drafting officer. (b) Re-allocation of the The system should support re-allocation instructions by the reinstructions to draft allocating officer and capture reason for re-allocation. lease agreement (c) Uploading of supplier The system should support the uploading of the supplier drafted drafted lease agreement lease agreement (in its original format scanned and/or PDF). (d) Perusal of the lease The system should support: agreement i. Uploading, storage, versioning and tracking of iterations e.g. first, second and nth drafts of draft documents in their original form for example MS Word and PDF. ii. Automatic archiving of older versioned documents and allow for their access. iii. Capture and categorize information regarding data obtained from the relevant registries including company and land registries on legal status of corporate bodies. Information obtained through this mode is categorized as ‘personal’ and ‘official’ searches. Capture the data on personal search using a predefined internal form (Refer Appendices II & III). Capture the data on official search and support the Uploading and storage of the physical official search report. 69 (e) Resubmission of the The system should support, through a workflow ‘dispatch’ of the reviewed lease reviewed Lease Agreement (in original form and PDF) agreement (f) Reviewing perused agreement. (g) Dispatch of comments The system should support: and amendments i. Through a workflow ‘dispatch’ of the comments /annotations together with the draft (in its original form or PDF) of the The system should support insertion of annotations on the perused lease lease agreement by the reviewing officer. ii. Tracking of comments made by the reviewing officer. iii. Uploading of documented comments from external review sources e.g. The Attorney General (State Law Office). (h) Incorporation of the The system should support: recommended changes i. Uploading of final lease agreement ii. Track changes between the vetted and final document (i) Dispatch of final draft of The system should support through workflow the ‘dispatch’ of the the Lease Agreement to final draft Lease Agreement (in PDF) to the landlord the landlord (j) Execution, Registration The system should support: and Finalization i. Uploading of the scanned signed lease agreement or (Receive signed lease the system should allow replacement of specific pages agreement, stamping on the final lease agreement package with the scanned and tag of reference signed pages number as closed) ii. sending of alerts upon uploading of the signed lease agreement to the relevant Internal Stakeholders (Finance, Procurement and user Department) iii. Uploading of the scanned stamp duty paid page and link it to the signed final lease agreement package iv. sending of alerts upon uploading of the scanned stamp duty paid page to the relevant Internal Stakeholders (Finance, Procurement, user Department and assigned drafting officer) v. Flagging of the file serialized reference number as closed by the Registry. 1.3 CASE MANAGEMENT MODULE 1.3.1 Case Cycle (a) Case Capture as per the The system should support: Registry template i. Uploading of scanned documents and assign them a unique serialized reference number by the Registry. ii. Automatic/balanced allocation of the files to the litigation officers. 70 iii. Sending of an alert to the litigation officer and the team leader. (b) Re-allocation of the The system should support re-allocation instructions by the reinstructions to draft a allocating officer and capture reason for re-allocation. legal opinion (c) Seek for Instructions as The system should support: per template i. Dispatch of the pleadings and request for instruction template to the liaison officer in the client Department. ii. Automated alerts on each dispatch to the liaison officer in the client Department. (d) Case Summary as per The system should support: template i. The capture of the case summary (background, issues in dispute, the Laws applicable and the proposed strategy, guarantee/securities furnished and their expiry/ conditions or limitations)with an alert to the HOD, Team Leader and Litigation Officer. ii.Continuous updates of case summary template. This should be appended to the existing summaries. iii.Capture of personal notes and comments that are only accessible to the litigating officer. iv.A status update at each notification/iteration of the above (a-c). v. Capture guarantee/securities and related timelines. vi.Generation of a status report of the above (a-c). (e) Receiving instructions The system should support: from the client i. Uploading of scanned instructions and documents by the Department Registry. ii.Automated alerts to the litigation officer. (f) Drafting of response to The system should support: the case i. Through a workflow ‘dispatch’ of the draft response together with comments /annotations to the team leader for review. ii. Through a workflow ‘dispatch’ of the reviewed response together with comments /annotations to the liaison officer in the client Department and the team leader. iii. Tracking of comments made by the liaison officer in the client Department. iv. Uploading of documented comments from the liaison officer in the client Department. (g) Editing, compilation of The system should support: final response and i. The final editing of the response by the team leader. annexures in readiness for filing. ii. The freezing of the changes on the final response, tagging it as final and printing by the litigating officer. 71 iii. Uploading of the signed, filed and scanned documents by the Registry. iv. Sending of alerts upon uploading of the signed and filed documents (response, defense, applications e.t.c.) to the client Department, team leader and the litigating officer. (h) Case Conclusion The system should support: i. Uploading of scanned rulings, judgments/decrees, orders and their summaries by the Registry. ii. Sending of alerts upon Uploading of the rulings, judgments and their summaries to the team leader and the litigating officer. iii. Automated posting of rulings and judgments to a central portal (see requirements for rulings database). iv. Sending of rulings, judgments, their summaries and judgment/ruling advice to the Client Department and team leader by the litigating officer. 1.3.2 Post Litigation (a) Concluded cases The system should support: i. Uploading of Post Litigation schedule by the litigation officer. ii. Sending of alerts to the client Department and the team leader. iii. Setting of timelines for periodic monitoring of the implementation of the post litigation schedule (daily, weekly, monthly e.t.c.). iv. Uploading of the settlement plan from the client Department by the Registry. v. Sending of alerts to the litigation officer and team leader. vi. Capturing of any remedial action or recommendations by the litigation officer with alert to the team leader. vii. Capturing of comments from the litigation officer and team leader with alerts to the client Department. viii. Generation of a status update at each notification/iteration of the above (a-g). ix. Generation of a status report of the above (a-g). x. Recommendation of closure of file by the litigation officer with alert to the team leader. xi. Flagging of the file serialized reference number as closed by the team leader with alert to the Registry. (b) Appeals/Reviews by the The system should support: Other Party a. Uploading of scanned notice of appeal with alert to the litigation officer and team leader. b. Flagging the notice of appeal as out of date if received after 72 fourteen (14) days of judgment/ruling. (c) Appeals/Reviews KRA (d) Compliance with Decree/Order c. Uploading of the scanned copy of the stay order and sending of alerts on the ‘stay of execution’ and the attaching conditions to the litigation officer. d. Sending of alerts to the client Department on stay of execution of the court orders/decree. e. Uploading of scanned record of appeal and assign it a unique serialized reference number by the Registry with alert to the team leader. f. Automatic allocation of the file to the litigation officer with an alert to the team leader and the re-allocation officer. g. Re-allocation instructions by the re-allocation officer and capture reason for re-allocation. h. The same functionalities as listed in 3.6 to 3.9.1 inclusively. by The system should support: a. Uploading of scanned filed notice of appeal with alert to the litigation officer, team leader and client Department. b. Setting of timelines for monitoring of preparation of the typed proceedings (weekly). c. Uploading of the scanned copy of the filed application of stay. d. Uploading of the scanned copy of the stay order and sending of alerts on the ‘stay of execution’ and the attaching conditions to the litigation officer. e. Sending of alerts to the client Department on stay of execution of the court orders/decree. f. Uploading of scanned record of appeal by the Registry and assign it a unique reference number with an alert to the team leader and the client department. g. Automatic allocation of the file to the litigation officer. h. Re-allocation instructions by the re-allocation officer and capture reason for re-allocation. i. The same functionalities as listed in 3.6 to 3.9.1 inclusively. the The system should support: a. Uploading order/decree by the Registry with an alert to the team leader and litigation officer. b. Notification of the order/decree to the client Department. c. Flagging of the order/decree as outstanding. d. Setting of timelines for periodic monitoring of the status of the order/decree by the litigation officer (daily, weekly, monthly e.t.c.). e. Uploading of the feedback from the client Department by the Registry with an alert to the litigation officer and the team leader. 73 f. Capturing of any remedial action or recommendations by the litigation officer with alert to the team leader. g. Capturing of comments from the litigation officer and team leader with alerts to the client Department. h. Recommendation for closure of file by the litigation officer with alert to the team leader. i. Flagging of the order, as spent, by the team leader. j. Generation of a status report of the above (a-i). 1.3.3 Prosecution (a) Pre Investigation The system should support: a. Uploading of instructions to engage in pre-investigation process like requests for warrant to conduct raids & preservation orders by the Registry Officer assign them a unique serialized reference number with alert to the Prosecution Officer and Team Leader and capture of comments b. Uploading of orders and warrants received by the Registry Officer with an alert to the Prosecution Officer and Team Leader c. (b) Case Capture Capturing of comments by the Prosecution Officer and dispatch to the Investigation Officer through the Registry The system should support: a. Uploading of Investigation Report together with supporting documents (Covering Report, Investigation Diary, witness statements, exhibit memo) from the investigating officer together with the approvals for prosecution of the case by the Registry and assign them a unique serialized reference number by the Registry with an alert to Prosecuting Officer and Team Leader. b. Automatic/balanced allocation of the file to the Prosecution Officer. c. Sending of an alert to the Prosecution officer. d. The system should support re-allocation instructions by the reallocating officer and capture reason for re-allocation. e. Capture and/or Uploading a preliminary analysis of the case highlighting relevant offences and the elements of the offence by the Prosecution Officer with an alert to the Team Leader f. Capture of the case summary (covering report , draft charge sheet, the Laws applicable and the prosecution strategy) together with recommendations by the Prosecution Officer with an alert to the team leader g. Allow for comments, annotation and input by the Team Leader with an alert to the Prosecution Officer. h. Allow for capture of the Prosecution Officer’s recommendation on the viability of the case with an alert to the team leader and Investigation Officer. 74 i. Flagging of file as complete/incomplete with alerts to the Team Leader. j. Uploading of the recommendation memo to the Investigation Officer with status as indicated in (i) above with alerts to the Team Leader. k. Setting of timelines for periodic monitoring of the status of the file by the Prosecution officer (daily, weekly, monthly e.t.c.) l. In the case of incomplete file iteration, (a-k) will hold and the system will allow the uploading of further correspondence. vii.Capture identified potential witnesses and suspects for each case (c) Charge sheet (d) Case tracker (e) Case Conclusion The system should support: a. Capture the details of the draft charge sheet with alert to team leader b. Printing of the charge sheet for dispatch to the Investigation Officer. c. Scanning and Uploading of the Filed and Registered Charge sheet by the Registry with an alert to the Prosecution Officer and team leader. d. Amendment of the charge sheet with comments by the Prosecution Officer with an alert to the team leader. e. In the case of further amendments iteration, (b-d) will hold and the system will allow the Uploading of further comments f. The freezing of the changes on the final charge sheet, tagging it as final and printing by the Prosecution officer with an alert to the team leader. The system should support: a. Recording of a date for plea taking with an alert to the team leader b. Capture and/or Uploading details of court dates (mentions and hearings), bond and bail terms and witness summons. c. Capture details of the exhibits, the custodian and location. d. In the case of movement and change of custody iteration, (c) will hold. e. Continuous updates of case summary template. This should be appended to the existing summaries. f. Capture of personal notes and comments that are only accessible to the Prosecution Officer g. A status update at each notification/iteration of the above (a-f). h. Generation of a status report of the above (a-f). The system should support: a. Uploading of scanned order, rulings and judgments by the 75 Registry with an alert to the Prosecution Officer and Team Leader. (f) b. Automated posting of rulings and judgments to a central portal (see requirements for 4.2: reports module - rulings database). c. Capture updates of rulings, judgments, their summaries and judgment/ruling advice sent to the Investigating Officer. Prosecution Post The system should support: Litigation - Concluded a. Uploading of post Prosecution schedule including destruction Cases or release of exhibits and forfeiture by the Prosecuting officer with alerts to the Team Leader b. Capturing of correspondence to the Investigation Officer c. Follow up and periodic monitoring of actions (Daily, weekly, monthly) d. Capturing of any remedial action or recommendations by the Prosecution Officer with alert to the Team Leader. e. Capturing of comments and/or recommendations from the Prosecution Officer and Team Leader with alerts to the client Department. f. status update at each notification stage g. Flagging of the file reference number as closed by the team leader with an alert to the Registry. (g) Prosecution Appeals The system should support: and reviews a. Uploading of scanned notice of appeal with alert to the Prosecution Officer and Team Leader. (h) Prosecution Appeals/Reviews KRA by b. Flagging the notice of appeal as out of date if received after fourteen (14) days of judgment/ruling. c. Uploading of the scanned copy of the stay order and sending of alerts on the ‘stay of execution’ and the attaching conditions to the Prosecution Officer. d. Sending of alerts to the Investigation Officer on stay of execution of the court orders/decree. e. Uploading of scanned record of appeal and assign it a unique reference number by the Registry with alert to the Team Leader. f. Automatic allocation of the file to the Prosecution officer with an alert to the team leader and the re-allocation officer. g. Re-allocation instructions by the re-allocation officer and capture reason for re-allocation. h. The same functionalities as listed in 3.6 to 3.9.1 inclusively. The system should support: a. Uploading of scanned filed notice of appeal with alert to the Prosecution officer, team leader and client Department. b. Setting of timelines for monitoring of preparation of the typed 76 proceedings (weekly). c. Uploading of the scanned copy of the filed application of stay. d. Uploading of the scanned copy of the stay order and sending of alerts on the ‘stay of the execution’ and the attaching conditions to the client Department. e. Sending of alerts to the client Department on stay of execution of the court orders/decree. f. Uploading of scanned record of appeal by the Registry and assign it a unique reference number with an alert to the team leader and the client department. g. Automatic allocation of the file to the Prosecution officer. h. Re-allocation instructions by the re-allocation officer and capture reason for re-allocation. i. (i) Compliance with Decree/Order The same functionalities as listed in 3.6 to 3.9.1 inclusively. the The system should support: a. Uploading order/decree by the Registry with an alert to the team leader and Prosecution officer. b. Notification of the order/decree to the client Department. c. Flagging of the order/decree as outstanding. d. Setting of timelines for periodic monitoring of the status of the order/decree by the Prosecution officer (daily, weekly, monthly e.t.c.). e. Uploading of the feedback from the client Department by the Registry with an alert to the Prosecution officer and the team leader. f. Capturing of any remedial action or recommendations by the Prosecution officer with an alert to the team leader. g. Capturing of comments from the Prosecution Officer and team leader with alerts to the client Department. h. Recommendation for closure of file by the Prosecution Officer with alert to the Team Leader. i. Flagging of the order, as spent, by the Team Leader. j. Generation of a status report of the above (a-i). 1.4 Knowledge Management and Repository 1.4.1 Legal Opinions a. Receive instructions to The system should support: draft a legal opinion i. Uploading of scanned documents and assigning them a unique serialized reference number by the Registry. ii. Automatic/balanced allocation of the file(s) to the drafting officer(s). iii. Sending of an alert to the drafting officer. 77 b. Re-allocation of the The system should support re-allocation instructions by the reinstructions to draft a allocating officer and capture reason for re-allocation. legal opinion c. Drafting of the legal The system should support uploading, storage, versioning and opinion tracking of iterations e.g. first, second …nth draft opinions in their original form for example MS Word and PDF. d. Submission of the draft The system should support through a workflow ‘dispatch’ of the legal opinion for vetting draft legal opinion (in original form and / or PDF) by the drafting officer to the reviewing officer. e. Review of draft legal The system should support: opinion i. Insertion of annotations on the draft legal opinion document by the reviewing officer. ii. f. Circulation of the draft legal opinion to all technical officers by the reviewing officer for input. Review feedback and The system should support: amendments i. Tracking of comments from technical officers. ii. Incorporation of the comments by the reviewing officer. iii. Uploading of documented comments from external review sources e.g. The Attorney General (State Law Office). g. Dispatch of the final The system should support: legal opinion i. Through a workflow the ‘dispatch’ of the final legal opinion (in PDF) by the Head of Department to relevant user Department. ii. Sending of an alert to the reviewing officer. iii. Flagging of the file reference number as closed by the Registry. 1.4.2 Knowledge Base The system should support: Uploading of Statutes ,Finance Bills and Acts, Gazette Notices, Departmental Legislative amendments and proposals, Regulations, forms and precedents, policies, Commissioner General’s administrative directives, Reference books, Court Practice Directions, Scholarly Articles, Continuing Legal Education materials , general training materials and sensitization documents, Professional bodies regulations and guidelines, billing guidelines 1.4.3 Library and other electronics Hyper linking of important links including library resources. 1.5 BILLING & TIME TRACKING MODULE 1.5.1 Billing Report The system should support a. Setting of Time and Cost Thresholds to Monitor time and cost impact of cases b. Billing as per the Advocates Remuneration Order. c. Billing for board secretarial services as per the guidelines given by the ICPSK. 78 d. Integration with the case management, conveyance, legal opinions and board management modules. 1.6. CALENDAR/DIARY MODULE 1.6.1 Master Diary 1.6.2 1.7. The system should support: a. Scheduling of annual corporate calendar events including Board meetings, Board Committee meetings, Board of Trustees Meetings, Board of Trustees Committees meetings, Team One meetings, Corporate events e.g. Commissioner Conferences, team buildings, Ushuru FC and alert to all members of the Department b. Scheduling of Departmental events buildings, leave roster, trainings c. Scheduling of team events such as court dates and location d. Configuring of individual dates such as leave dates and individual activities e.g. court dates. e. Viewing of the calendar (yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily) by relevant stakeholders. f. Categorization of events as either mandatory or optional as per individual responsibilities g. Restricted view of the calendar as per user roles or category of users. h. Restricted access/ editing of the calendar as per user roles or category of users. i. Integration with all due dates timeline and bring ups. including team System Generated BU The System should support: a. Generation of an automated BU for files not active after a set timeline with an alert to HOD and officer handling b. Requisition of the file by the requisitioning officer. OPERATIONS MODULE 1.7. Monitoring 1 evaluation Departmental and The System should support: of the a) Uploading of the scanned Departmental Performance Contracts and related reporting templates performance contract b) Setting timelines for periodic monitoring (weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi annually, annually) of the implementation of the targets to ensure they Performance Contract with alerts to the operations officer. are achieved. c) Capturing delayed performance deliverables with alerts to the respective officers, Unit Heads and HOD. d) Capturing of any comments from the Unit Heads and HOD. e) Capturing of any remedial action or recommendations by the Operations Officer with alert to the Unit Head and HOD. f) Uploading of the evidence/information performance by the UHs and HOD. 79 in respect to g) Generation of a status implementation report. h) Flagging of the initiatives under the Performance Contract as closed. 1.7. Compilation of The System should support: 2 Scheduled and Ad Hoc Uploading of the scanned requests by the Registry with alert Reports e.g. a. to OPs. Committees, Top Management, Annual b. Capturing the specific deliverables with alerts to the Procurement Plan, respective officers, Unit Heads and HOD for. Budget Plans e.t.c. c. Setting timelines for periodic monitoring (monthly, quarterly, bi annually, annually) of the preparation of the reports. d. Capturing delayed performance deliverables with alerts to the respective officers, Unit Heads and HOD. e. Capturing of any comments from the Unit Heads and HOD. f. Capturing of any remedial action or recommendations by the Operations Officer with alert to the Unit Head and HOD. g. Uploading of the evidence/information in respect to performance by the UHs and HOD. h. Review of the report by the Operations Office and dispatch to the HOD for approval. i. Capturing any comments and approval on the reports by the Units Heads and HOD with alert to Operations Office. j. Generation of a status implementation report on the deliverables. k. Flagging of the file reference request as closed by the Operations Office. 1.7.3 Follow up on the The system should support: Commissioner Sending alerts with timelines to the Officers expected to give General’s Report and a. reports, Unit Heads and HOD. Special Purpose Reports. b. Setting timelines for periodic monitoring of the provision of reports c. Capturing of any comments from the Unit Heads and HOD. d. Uploading of the scanned reports (MS Word or PDF) by the Registry with alert to Operations Office, Unit Heads and HOD. e. Generation of a status report with alert to the Unit Heads and HOD. f. Flagging of the request as closed by the Operations Office. 1.7. Offer support and follow The system should support: 4 up issues that touch on a. Capturing of requests from staff on issues for resolution with alert to Operations Office. the operations of the Department and ensure b. Auto allocation of the request to the operations officers. 80 that they have been c. attended to promptly- Setting of timelines on deliveries with an alert to the requesting officer. d. Capturing of delayed deliverables by the operations officers with alerts to Team Leader and Section Heads e. Capturing of comments by the Section Heads and Team Leader. f. Capturing of any remedial action or recommendations by the Operations Officer with alert to Section Heads and Team Leader. g. Uploading of the evidence/information in respect to delivery with alerts to the officers, Section Heads and Team Leader. h. Generation of a status implementation report. i. Flagging of the initiatives as closed by the Operations Officer with alert to the Team Leader. 1.7. Offer support and follow The system should support: 5 up on logistics.(Air a. Capturing of requests from staff on logistics with alert to Team Leader- Operations. Tickets, imprest, transport, office supplies,) 1.8. REPORTS MODULE 1.8.1 Legal b. Auto allocation of the request to the operations officers. c. Setting of timelines on deliveries with an alert to the requesting officer. d. Capturing of delayed deliverables by the operations officers with alerts to Team Leader Section Heads e. Capturing of comments by the Section Heads and Team Leader. f. Capturing of any remedial action or recommendations by the Operations Officer with alert to Section Heads and Team Leader. g. Uploading of the evidence/information in respect to delivery with alerts to the officers, Section Heads and Team Leader. h. Generation of a status implementation report. i. Flagging of the initiatives as closed by the Operations Officer with alert to the Team Leader. Services The system should support generation of: 81 Division Reports 1.9 a. Custom reports based on the following criteria: i. New (weekly, monthly, annual) cases. ii. All cases categorized by status (concluded or pending ), outcome (won and lost), departments, revenue implication (revenue and non-revenue), officer handling, forum (Tribunals, High Court, Appeal Courts, Supreme Court) case type (Judicial Review, Civil, Constitutional Petitions), (presiding judicial officers). iii. Cases handled by specific officers. iv. Cases by and against KRA. v. Cases handled by external Counsel. vi. Closed files. b. Reports on Revenue recovered or lost (covering cases from which revenue was recovered or lost, amount recovered, when recovered or lost, installment payments. c. Report on Cases where securities/guarantees for tax have been deposited (Type of guarantee, claim amount for which guarantee is deposited, amount of guarantee/security, custodian of the security/guarantee), status of guarantees/security (active/expired). d. Report on Securities/guarantees redeemed (cases to which guarantees are related and status, amount of guarantees redeemed, when redeemed). e. Reports on Legal Opinions and the subject matter Rulings Portal Module The system should support an open portal for: a. display of all Rulings and judgments with the following information; outcome, case reference number, parties involved, case summary, revenue/ liability involved and cross references to other cases. b. Case search using the following criteria; case reference number, parties involved, judge, advocate, case year, court, case type and key words. c. Display of opinions from the Department (categorized on following criteria: subject matter, originating department, unique departmental reference of the opinion). d. Hyperlinking of important links including library resources. 1.10. ADMINISTRATION MODULE 1.10.1 User/group/workspace The system should support: management (a) Creation of user i. accounts ii. Creation of unique users account (as per the KRA Information Security policy) Username System generated password Sending of user credentials by email and / or SMS 82 iii. Use of password security questions to aid in password reset authentications. iv. v. vi. vii. Resetting of users’ account Password security questions System generated password Sending of user credentials by email and / or SMS viii. Updating of basic user details as appropriate ix. Creation of individual user workspace x. Updating of user ‘availability’ for automatic system allocation of task status xi. Assignment of roles and permissions to users accounts The system should support: (b) User management (Enable / i. Enabling / Disabling of user(s) account. Disable accounts) ii. Inheritance of user profiles across the disabled and inheriting user(s). and The system should support: (c) Creation management of i. Creation of groups/workspaces/teams. groups/workspaces/Tea ms ii. Updating of basic group/workspace details as appropriate. (d) Creation and management of roles (e) Creation and management of permissions at document creation 1.10.2 iii. Enabling / Disabling of groups/workspaces. iv. Assignment of user(s) to group(s). The System should support: i. Creation of roles e.g. Global administrator, workspace/group administrators, workspace/group content manager, ordinary user. ii. Assignment of roles. The system should support: i. Creation of permissions e.g. Create/write, update/change, delete/remove, read/view, copy, print, email etc ii. Assignment of permissions System Settings (a) System parameters functional The system should support configuration of parameters as per set standards for instance: i. ii. iii. iv. Upcoming meetings notification (value = x days before date of meeting). Scheduled meeting reminder (value = x days before date of scheduled meeting). Pending minutes i.e. to invoke minutes preparation (value = x days after date of held meeting). Pending Acton Points i.e. to invoke Acton Points preparation (value = x days after date of held meeting). 83 v. vi. vii. Pending Vacancy (value = x days before expiry of term). Set up and configuration of options and default settings for all modules, e.g. KRA logo, organization structure, etc. Password expiry timelines (value = x days after date of creation). (b) Configuration and The system should support: management of system i. Configuration of system devices e.g. iPads e.t.c. devices ii. Registration / Deregistration of devices to access the system. iii. Data ‘wipe’ options for ‘retired’ devices 2. Non-Functional Requirements Item No Features Minimum requirements Bidders Response 2. General System Requirements 2.1 Document imaging The system should support digitization of physical documents and and digitization document imaging. The bidder is expected to indicate the hardware and physical assets required, to host the system on-site and provide for a document imaging roadmap to achieve this. 2.2 Features The System should support : a. creation of custom forms based on particular requirements, internal templates such as memos, Advocates Remuneration template, general internal memo template, internal memo template, case instruction template etc. b. Various Annotation modes e.g. multicolor, highlight, note, drop pin, strike through, underline etc. c. Support online editing of documents. d. Inbuilt email system. e. Alerts. f. iv. within system v. email vi. SMS System printing g. Maintenance of templates especially sign off pages and or standard documents’ cover pages h. Electronic signatures / seal / stamp i. A data import/export utility to import/export pre-existing data directly via multiple data formats e.g. MS Excel, CSV e.t.c 84 Item No Features Minimum requirements j. Bidders Response Folder / Document / File Uploading(s) and download(s) iv. singular v. Singular and batch vi. drag and drop o. Uploading various document formats e.g. PDF,DOC etc p. Linking of the Uploaded documents to the associated captured data for referencing (i.e. Meta data creation and update and linkage to associated documents with an indices to create searchable content) q. Document versioning r. Inbuilt document viewer systems q. Folder / Document / File / Text searches using key word(s), date, participant, meeting / event, subject etc and based on applicable user appropriate access rights and permissions: r. iv. Globally in the respective user authorized workspaces/groups and or specifically within specific document pages v. Discussion forum(s) within groups / workspaces vi. Document Approval procedure / process within groups / workspaces Online display of names of logged in users. iii. Administrators are to have a ‘general view’ i.e. can view all users across the various groups they administer iv. Standard users are to view users within their specific group w. An authenticated audit trail of system transactions x. Allow access by multiple users from multiple platforms including mobile access. y. Be interactive and provide appropriate error messages z. Have a user operating manual / standard / guideline (adequate documentation that describes at minimum, the design, functionality and use of the system) aa. Appropriate document management in the folders e.g. using a standard filing, naming and grouping convention aa. Sending of documents to archive 85 Item No Features Minimum requirements Bidders Response bb. Retrieval of documents from archive based on permissions and access rights cc. Offline working copy (replica) to allow for remote site usability dd. Secure password protected access for each individual user and administrator of the system bb. The following features to maximise utility and security v. Electronic signatures vi. Intruder lock-out vii. Strong passwords viii. Password expiration a. Easily understood structure in such a way as to be understood by a novice user within a short period b. Predictive input/ menu based input functionality where possible to minimize user interaction c. Common look and feel across modules, e.g. common placements of buttons, boxes, choices and even messages so that users are not confused. This will shorten the user learning curve d. N-Tier Web based system and provide seamless integration with KRA's existing Domino Mail Server system (Lotus Notes) for automated reminders as well as other systems e. Data recovery and be able to roll back transactions f. Error logging - the system should have comprehensive error handling routines g. Running 24 x 7 continuously with minimal downtime h. Average response time for interactive transactions should be less than 2 seconds 2.3 Scalability Scalability - system modules should have the capability of being enhanced or modified with minimal impact to other interfacing modules 2.4 Business Continuity Data recovery, fall-back/roll-over mechanism as well as be able to roll back transactions 2.5 Work Plan Methodology and The bidder is expected to indicate a project implementation strategy and methodology that will allow both the bidder and the client to be part of the delivery to ensure holistic delivery of the product as well as highlight the Work Plan(s) to deliver and commission the system by highlighting the activities, deliverables and milestones to achieve this. 86 Item No Features Minimum requirements Bidders Response 2.6 Demonstration The bidder is expected to be able to demonstrate the system upon request during evaluation. 2.7 References The bidder is expected to give a list of references where the solution has been implemented for a similar client. The Evaluation team may contact these references or pay them a visit to ascertain level of implementation and customer satisfaction. 2.8 Site Visit Prospective bidder is expected to visit the premises to allow for appreciation of the organization’s infrastructure and integration with the existing systems such as lotus domino 3. Integration Item No Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response 3. Integration 3.1 User Authentication The system should support Integration with KRA’s Microsoft Active Directory (AD) implementation to manage the identities, user accounts and user groups. 3.2 Alerts Notifications and The system should support: c. Integration with KRA’s Domino Server implementation for email notifications. (Lotus Notes) d. Integration with SMS service for SMS alerts where necessary. 4. Security Requirements Item No Features Minimum Requirements 4. Security Requirements 4.1 User Authentication Bidder’s Response The system should support the following: h. Each user must be authenticated with a unique user-id / username and password on the application. The User IDs / Usernames should be case sensitive. i. All user accounts must be managed with reference to and in synchronization with an authoritative central user management system e.g. identifying personal numbers in KRA’s active staff database (Active Directory, Central HR database or the ERP 87 Item No Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response etc.) for internal KRA users NB: User accounts management activities include but not limited to new user creation, user maintenance, and user authentication (during login). j. All new user accounts must have a system-generated random password when created. A secure way of communicating the initial password to the user should be utilized, e.g. via an email account. k. The system must prompt users to change their passwords the first time they log on to the application. l. The system must support password expiry features with a configurable frequency. This should be parameterized to allow flexibility in adjusting this value as required. m. The system should not support automatic logins to guard against brute force attacks. The login page should include a challenge which the user responds to before proceeding with the login. n. The system must implement the following Password Strength Controls: iii. iv. Passwords should have a configurable minimum and maximum lengths Password must meet a configurable combination of the following 4 complexity rules: at least 1 uppercase character (A-Z) at least 1 lowercase character (a-z) at least 1 digit (0-9) at least 1 special character (punctuation) t. These password features should be configurable to support future complexity requirements u. During password change, if the new password doesn't comply with the complexity policy, the error message should describe EVERY complexity rule that the new password does not comply with v. The solution should implement a secure self-service password recovery mechanism in the event the user forgot their password w. Any password reset/recovery mechanism option must not reveal whether or not an account is valid, preventing 88 Item No Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response username harvesting x. The login page and all subsequent authenticated pages must be exclusively accessed over TLS. All active sessions must be encrypted y. The solution should support expiring of newly created accounts if not used for a configurable period of time. This should be parameterized to allow flexibility in adjusting this value as required z. The solution must support a password change notification and a configurable number of grace logins. The password must be changed after a configurable duration. This should be parameterized for flexibility aa. The solution must support password lock out after a configurable number of unsuccessful login attempts. This should be parameterized to allow flexibility in adjusting this value as required bb. The solution should respond with a generic error message regardless of whether the user ID or password was incorrect. It should also give no indication to the status of an existing account. The generic message should not reveal which of the authentication parameters is invalid cc. The solution must expire a user account after the session has been idle for a configurable period of time. This should be parameterized to allow flexibility in adjusting this value as required dd. The solution should support re-authentication for sensitive features e.g. before updating sensitive account information such as the user's password, user's email, or before performing sensitive transactions. The function(s) requiring reauthentication should be configurable/determined ee. The solution must not allow the re-use of a past password until a set period of time and a set number of password changes have been made. This should be parameterized to allow flexibility in adjusting this value as required 4.2 Session Management: 4.2.1 User session The system should support: h. Allowance of only one session per user operating from a single computer unless a specific business case has been established for allowing multiple sessions per user. The allowing of multiple sessions to users based on business needs should be 89 Item No Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response configurable i. Concurrent user logins by a user from multiple computers should not be allowed j. Capturing of all relevant session information and stored in a secure and auditable location k. The solution to implement secure session IDs, generation of identifiers (IDs or tokens) must meet the following properties: l. Session ID fingerprinting: The name used by the session ID should not be extremely descriptive nor offer unnecessary details about the purpose and meaning of the ID. The default session ID name of the web development framework should be changed to a generic name m. Session ID length: The session ID must be long enough to prevent brute force attacks, must be at least 128 bits (16 bytes) n. 4.2.2 Session Expiration Session ID entropy: The session ID must be unpredictable (random enough) to prevent guessing attacks, a good PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) should be used The system should support: kk. Expiration timeouts set for every session regardless of the activity. All sessions should implement an idle or inactivity timeout. The duration should be parameterized and configurable ll. The solution, which should provide a visible and easily accessible logout (logoff, exit, or close session) button that is available on the web application header or menu and reachable from every web application resource and page, so that the user can manually close the session at any time mm. A solution that when a session expires, takes active actions to invalidate the session on both sides, client and server. The logs should record the session expiration details nn. When the user logs out of the application the session and corresponding data on the server must be destroyed. This ensures that the session cannot be accidentally revived oo. Force session logout on web browser close window events pp. The session ID exchange mechanism based on cookies to use multiple security features in the form of cookie attributes such as Secure Flagging ofs, Http Only, Domain, Path, Expire and Max-age attributes qq. In the solution design, backward process flows should clear all 90 Item No Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response authentication fields rr. The solution which should implement Role based Access Control (RBAC) profiles for authorization based on business definitions ss. Roles to be granted permissions based on the principle of least privilege i.e. the solution should support an additive access model tt. Access control, which must be granular to facilitate adequate separation of duties, for example: uu. Functions, which should be independently available for allocation to a role vv. Separation of duties e.g. data entry, authorization and final approval ww. Data entry staff with the minimum access levels required to enter data xx. Authorization staff with an access level that allows them to authorize but not necessarily change the data that was entered yy. Provision to final approval staff should with the required access level to finalize the process /transaction zz. The solution which should not access the database(s) as a privileged or administrative user. The application should always connect as a non-privileged user If the database is accessed through a common application user, that user should not own the objects in the database aaa. Credentials that should never be stored directly within the application code (hardcoding credentials) Credentials should always be encrypted bbb. The solution to perform consistent authorization checking routines when navigating on all application pages to ensure that the user accesses what they are explicitly authorized to access by their roles ccc. The solution to use the POST method over GET for processing HTTP requests ddd. The solution should log all access authorization requests to a secure and auditable location eee. Error messages to be standard and not provide information alluding to the reason for the error allowing an attacker to deduce effective attack methods 91 Item No Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response fff. Logs, which should not contain password information ggg. Copy and paste must not work for data entry when authenticating to the application hhh. All input fields must be validated to accept matching data types including case sensitivity where necessary iii. All data entry fields must have input validation mechanisms to prevent cross-site scripting attacks jjj. Sensitive information must not be stored in a persistent cookie, or other location on the client computer that does not have enforceable access control mechanisms kkk. Any sensitive content sent to the client machine must not be cached, unless encrypted using approved methods. The application should set the proper directive to cause the client not to cache the sensitive data lll. The solution should not present any sensitive information to unauthenticated users mmm. All data exchanges between the solution and other systems should be encrypted by an approved method nnn. The solution should only implement cryptographic functions selected from an approved list. Any cryptographic functions used that are not previously approved require an exception ooo. Recommended algorithms (with minimum bit lengths), in order of preference, are: ppp. Hashing: SHA ‐512, SHA ‐256 or better qqq. Symmetric: AES256, AES192, AES128, 3 ‐DES (168 bits), Blowfish(minimum 128 bits), Twofish (minimum 128 bits), IDEA (128 bits),and RC4 (128 bits) rrr. Public-Private key (Asymmetric): RSA(minimum 2048 bits) and DSA(minimum 2048 bits), ElGamal (minimum 2048 bits) or ECDSA with relatively short key & signature lengths but with same high security level to other stated algorithms (since the signature is to be incorporated on to the tax invoice issued, it needs to be short) NB: Weak algorithms, such as MD5 or SHA1 should not be used sss. Hashing should be salted and the values used for salting protected. Only the hashed and salted value should be stored. (Passwords should be encrypted) 92 Item No Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response ttt. All user activities and transactions such as printing, viewing, updates, inserts and other data manipulation should capture and log to the minimum the date and time, user ID, session ID, the URL accessed and the source IP & remote IP. They should indicate the parameters necessary to uniquely identify the specific transactions done in the respective transaction tables. This should be implemented independently from the database audit trails 4.3 Audit Logs Management: 4.3.1 Application Logs Event The system should collect and log the following application event logs: i. Authentication successes and failures j. Authorization failures k. Session management failures l. Solution errors, alerts and events m. The solution start-ups and shut-downs, and logging initialization (starting and stopping) n. Use of higher-risk functionality e.g. addition or deletion of users, changes to privileges, creation and deletion of system-level objects etc o. URL of the web page(s) accessed by a user for Internet facing applications p. Modifications to the application 4.3.2 Database audits All database audits must log the following: l. Application User-ID m. Date & Time of event n. The source and remote IP address o. Type of event/action performed by the user p. Module accessed by the user q. Success or failure of the event r. Source of the event s. Before and after values (where applicable, i.e. master files) t. Account creation, lockouts, modification, or deletion u. Modifications of privileges and access controls 93 Item No Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response v. The solution should correlate application activity logs and database transactions. That is for every database transaction, it should be possible to explicitly identify the application activity responsible 4.3.3 Violation Log A violation log must exist to track any attempted unauthorized access to the application and should bear the following information: g. URL accessed by the user h. Particular activity intended/attempted by the user i. Particulars sufficient to identify targeted transactions if available j. Workstation-ID or IP address of access k. Date & Time of event l. All updates, insertions and deletions must be clearly traceable to an application user with corresponding time and source information (IP module and function) 4.3.4 Other audit logs: The system should have the following audit logs: r. Provide an interface to review and report on solution logs s. Transaction data stored should capture information that allows similar traceability, with database audit trailing implemented t. All valid and failed login attempts must be logged with meaningful information that is actionable for investigative purposes if fraud is detected. However, passwords must not be logged u. All password recovery reset attempts must be logged with meaningful information that is actionable for investigative purposes if fraud is detected v. All user and account management changes and attempts must be logged w. Database audit trails should be present for all dynamic and static tables of interest, e.g. Parameter tables, Transaction Tables, etc x. All system servers are kept in sync with a time synchronization mechanism y. All data entry and manipulations must be done through the application interfaces and never directly to the database z. Where data is supplied to the application from an authoritative source, the application must NOT allow users to modify this data 94 Item No Features Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response aa. Reference data should not be altered by users in subsequent transactions bb. Sensitive information is NOT stored in hidden fields if the application is web-based cc. For web based interfaces, the solution must use a secure method to transmit data e.g. Using the HTTP POST method instead of the less secure GET method dd. If the application connects to a database, application server, or any system that utilizes application IDs, it is using an account that has been granted access to only objects and functions needed for operation of the application. The application does NOT connect to a database as a privileged user, such as the SA account in SQL Server or SYSTEM account in Oracle, Postgress, etc. ee. If the system directly faces the Internet, it does NOT store or cache confidential data, even for a short duration. This includes file Uploadings and downloads, source code, etc ff. The system should have mechanisms/controls to guard against URL manipulation and/or targeted URL attacks gg. The system should have mechanisms to guard against user impersonations hh. The system should allow identified functions to be accessible from restricted networks 5. Training and Skills Transfer Capacity building is necessary to build competence and to institutionalize the usage of the iBoard System within KRA. The bidder should possess experienced trainers to be able to transfer knowledge to KRA’s staff. The successful bidder should provide a detailed Training Schedule for their solution, detailing the training approach and methods, location, and curriculum. The bidder is expected to indicate the cost of training in the Price Schedule Item No Features 5.1. Technical Assessment Minimum Requirements Bidder’s Response Skills The bidder is expected to explicitly state the technical skills required to successfully implement and sustain the System. 95 5.2. Methods of Training The bidder is expected to elaborate on their proposed training and Skill Transfer methods to be used for skills transfer which will ensure that KRA has enough internal capacity to maintain and use the System. 5.3. Training Curriculum The bidder is expected to provide the training curriculum to be used to train at least forty (30) business users on use of the system. These users will then train other end users (Training of Trainers concept) The training curriculum shall adhere to the functional requirements. 5.4. Admin/Technical Training The bidder is expected to provide the training curriculum to be used to train at least 10 IT technical users (administrators and support staff) 5.5. Training Materials The bidder is expected to provide all trainees with training material both soft and hard copies. 5.6. Training Evaluation The bidder is expected to provide a methodology of evaluation of the training, learning and skills transfer. 5.7. Training facility All trainings must be provided at an accredited center or laboratory. Bidders shall propose training site and location. 6. Support and Maintenance The system is expected to handle at least 100 concurrent users. After completion of the project, continuing maintenance activities will be required from the contractor for a period of time where the system will be on warranty and no additional costs shall apply during this period and continued support and maintenance where the support and maintenance fees are to be indicated in the price schedule. This would also include on-site support, hence the bidder must demonstrate availability of local support. Bidders are required to provide a clause-by-clause response to the specifications in the given format. All bidders are expected to demonstrate and give detailed information on how their proposed system meets the requirements identified below: Item No. 6.1 Features System infrastructure Licensing Minimum Requirements and The bidder is expected to: Indicate the warranty period (not less than 12 months) Hand over Intellectual Property Rights related to the customization to KRA, including all related designs and all relevant further documentation or propose an agreeable escrow contractual agreement. Grant to the KRA license to access and use the Software, including all inventions, designs, and marks embodied in the Software. 96 Bidder’s Response Item No. Features Minimum Requirements Such license to access and use the Software shall be: Nonexclusive; Fully paid up and irrevocable (except that it shall terminate if the Contract terminates in which case the blame is on the bidder) Valid for use within the processes of KRA, within the volume restrictions of the license structure The software should be permitted to be: Used or copied for use on or with the computer(s) for which it was acquired (if specified in the Technical Requirements and/or the bidder‘s bid), plus a backup computer(s) of the same or similar capacity, if the primary is (are) inoperative, and during a reasonable transitional period when use is being transferred between primary and backup; Used or copied for use on or transferred to a replacement computer(s), and use on the original and replacement computer(s) may be simultaneous during a reasonable transitional period) provided that, if the Technical Requirements and/or the Bidder’s bid specifies a class of computer to which the license is restricted and unless the Bidder agrees otherwise in writing, the replacement computer(s) is (are) within that class; If the nature of the System is such as to permit such access, accessed from other computers connected to the primary and/or backup computer(s) by means of a local or wide-area network or similar arrangement, and used on or copied for use on those other computers to the extent necessary to that access; Reproduced for safekeeping or backup purposes; Customized, adapted, or combined with other computer software for use by the Purchaser, provided that derivative software incorporating any substantial part of the delivered, restricted Software shall be subject to same restrictions as are set forth in this Contract; The Software license shall permit the Software to be disclosed to and reproduced for use (including a valid sublicense) by support service suppliers or their subcontractors, exclusively for such suppliers or subcontractors in the performance of their support service contracts subject to the same restrictions 97 Bidder’s Response Item No. Features Minimum Requirements set forth in this The Bidder‘s right to audit the Standard Software will be subject to the following terms: 6.2 Product upgrades The Bidder will allow, under a pre-specified procedure and solely for the purpose of auditing the Standard Software, execution of embedded software functions under the Bidder‘s control, and unencumbered transmission of resulting information on software usage. The Bidder will not include programming in Software that restricts and/or limits access to certain features, functionality or capacity of such Software subject to the Purchaser making payments or for other self-help or retaliatory At any point during performance of the Contract, should technological advances become available for Information Technologies originally offered by the Bidder in its bid and still to be delivered, the Bidder shall be obligated to offer to the Purchaser the latest versions of the available Information Technologies having equal or better performance or functionality at the same or lesser unit prices At any point during performance of the Contract, for Information Technologies still to be delivered, the Bidder will also pass on to the Purchaser any cost reductions and additional and/or improved support and facilities that it offers to other clients of the Bidder in the Purchaser‘s Country During performance of the Contract, the Bidder shall offer to the Purchaser all new versions, releases, and updates of Standard Software, as well as related documentation and technical support services, within agreed timelines. During the Warranty Period, the Bidder will provide at no additional cost to the Purchaser all new versions, releases, and updates for all Standard Software that are used in the System, within agreed timelines. 98 Bidder’s Response Item No. Features Minimum Requirements During the Warranty Period, the Purchaser shall introduce all new versions, releases or updates of the Software within agreed timelines of receipt of a production-ready copy of the new version, release, or update, provided that the new version, release, or update does not adversely affect system operation or performance or require extensive reworking of the System. In cases where the new version, release, or update adversely affects system operation or performance, or requires extensive reworking of the System, the Bidder shall continue to support and maintain the version or release previously in operation for as long as necessary to allow introduction of the new version, release, or update. 6.3 Duration of license In relation to standard software, the license agreements should be agreements perpetual. The support on these licenses should cover an agreed period after the start of the project. After this period KRA must be able to extend the support directly with the product owner. 6.4 License numbers The bidder is expected to propose a license structure which is most suitable to KRA regarding the following figures: 100 concurrent users of the system 6.5 Support contracts Support in relation to software licenses should be on premier level (gold) 6.6 Product Upgrades At any point during performance of the Contract, should technological advances be introduced by the Bidder for Information Technologies originally offered by the Bidder in its bid and still to be delivered, the Bidder shall be obligated to offer to the Purchaser the latest versions of the available Information Technologies having equal or better performance or functionality at the same or lesser unit prices. 6.7 Cost reductions At any point during performance of the Contract, for Information Technologies still to be delivered, the Bidder will also pass on to the Purchaser any cost reductions and additional and/or improved support and facilities that it offers to other clients of the Bidder in the Purchaser‘s Country 6.8 General conditions All equipment that will be delivered by the bidder needs back-toback manufacturer support. The goods need to be delivered from eligible countries as listed by United Nations Security Council taken under chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations 6.9 SLA The bidders shall propose a service level agreement that addresses the following: 99 Bidder’s Response Item No. Features Minimum Requirements Escalation matrix Contact persons Response time (2 hours) Proof of local presence Online support from manufacturer Any other related SLA requirements 100 Bidder’s Response APPENDIX I Contracts 1. Open Tender (Sub-section 68.(1)) 1.1. Section 86. (1) The successful tender shall be the one who meets any one of the following as specified in the tender document— Successful tender. (a) the tender with the lowest evaluated price; (b) the responsive proposal with the highest score determined by the procuring entity by combining, for each proposal, in accordance with the procedures and criteria set out in the request for proposals, the scores assigned to the technical and financial proposals where Request for Proposals method is used; (c) the tender with the lowest evaluated total cost of ownership; or (d) the tender with the highest technical score, where a tender is to be evaluated based on procedures regulated by an Act of Parliament which provides guidelines for arriving at applicable professional charges. 1.2. Section 135 (3) The written contract shall be entered into within the period specified in the notification but not before fourteen days have elapsed following the giving of that notification provided that a contract shall be signed within the tender validity period. 1.3. Section 135 (4) No contract is formed between the person submitting the successful tender and the accounting officer of a procuring entity until the written contract is signed by the parties. 2. Alternative Procurement Procedures 2.1. Restricted Tender 2.1.1. Same procedure as for open tender and hence need for a signed contract. 2.2. Direct Procurement (Section 104 (d)) 2.2.1. Ensure the resulting contract is in writing and signed by both parties.. 2.3. Request for Proposals (subsection 85(3) 2.3.1. The contract must be in writing 2.4. Request for Quotations (Section 105)) 2.4.1. Section 106 (5a) the procuring entity shall place a purchase order with the person submitting the successful quotation; 2.4.2. Section 1055 (5b) the person submitting the successful quotation shall confirm the purchase order in writing; 2.4.3. For value of Ksh. 500,000 and above a written contract must be prepared to be signed by the procuring entity and the supplier. 2.4.4. For value below Ksh. 500,000 a written contract may not be necessary and orders may be placed using a local purchase order or a local service order. 2.4.5. It must however be ensured that all the necessary terms and conditions of the procurement contract are incorporated. If the terms and conditions of the contracts shall include the bid document submitted by the winning bidder, then a formal contract must be prepared and signed by the parties. 101 2.5. Low Value Procurements 2.5.1. Contract not necessary DOCUMENTS REQUIRED 1. Open Tender (Goods, Works, and Services) 1.1. Soft Copy of the Tender Document 1.2. Technical Proposal 1.3. Financial Proposal 1.4. Technical Evaluation Report 1.5. Financial Evaluation Report 1.6. Tender Approval Form 1.7. Notification of Award 1.8. Acceptance of Award 1.9. Performance Bond 1.10. Delivery Schedule To be submitted within fourteen (14) days of notification - In case of submission of draft contract with notification of award 1.11. 1.12. 1.13. 1.14. Notification of Award Acceptance Letter Performance Bond Supplier/Tenderer Comments on the Draft Contract 2. Alternative Procurement Procedures 2.1. Restricted Tender (Services alone or combined with Goods) 2.1.1. Same as for open tender 2.2. Direct Procurement (Goods, Works, and Services) 2.2.1. Quotation/Proforma Invoice/Negotiations Report 2.2.2. Tender Approval Form 2.2.3. 2.2.4. 2.2.5. 2.2.6. Notification of Award Acceptance Letter Performance Bond Delivery Schedule 2.3. Request for Proposals (Services alone or combined with Goods, advisory or predominantly intellectual) 2.3.1. Soft copy of Request for Proposal Document 2.3.2. Other Documents - Same as for open tender 2.4. Request for Quotations (Goods) 2.4.1. Bidders Response 2.4.2. 2.4.3. 2.4.4. 2.4.5. Notification of Award Acceptance Letter Performance Bond Delivery Schedule 102 2.5. Low Value Procurement 2.5.1. 2.6. No need for contract Specially Permitted Procurement Procedure 2.6.1. As approved by PPOA 3. Leases 3.1. Valuation/Negotiation Report 3.2. 3.3. Notification of Award Acceptance Letter 103 APPENDIX II FORM FOR CARRYING OUT OFFICIAL SEARCHES AT THE COMPANY REGISTRIESCONVEYANCE AND LEGAL OPINIONS Kindly enter the particulars indicated in Part 1; either Part 2(a), 2(b) or 2 (c) whichever is applicable to the type of business; and Part 3. Part 1 – General 1.1 Business Name ………………………………………………………………………….. 1.2 Location of Business Premises. ……………………………………………………. 1.3 Plot No………………………………………………………………………………………. Street/Road ……………………..……………………………………………………….. Postal Address …………………………………………………………………………… Tel No. …………………………………………………………. Fax …………………… E mail ……………………………………………......... 1.4 Nature of Business …………………………………………………………………….. 1.5 Registration Certificate No. …………………………………………………………. 1.6 Details of the CR12................................................................................ 2.1 Part 2 (a) – Sole Proprietor Name in Full …………………………………………………………………………….. Age ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2.2 Nationality ………………………………………………………..……………………. 2.3 Country of Origin ………………………………………………………………………. 2.4 Citizenship Details ……………………………………………………………………… Part 2 (b) Partnership 2.5 Given details of Partners as follows: Name Nationality Citizenship Details Part 2 (c ) – Registered Company 104 Shares 2.6 Private or Public ………………………………………………………………………. 2.7 State the Nominal and Issued Capital of CompanyNominal Ksh. ……………………………………………………………………. Issued Ksh. ………………………………………………………………………. 2.8 Given details of all Directors as follows Name Nationality Citizenship Details Part 3 – Comments if any. Date ………………… Signature of Candidate ………………………………… 105 Shares APPENDIX III FORM FOR CARRYING OUT PERSONAL SEARCHES AT THE LAND REGISTRIES: CONVEYANCE AND LEGAL OPINIONS Kindly enter the particulars indicated in Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. Part 1 – General 1.1 Title Number ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1.2 Location of Premises and Acreage (size) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. b. Part 2 (a) – Registered Individual 2a.1 Name in Full …………………………………………………………………………….. Part 2 (b) Joint Ownership 2b.1 Give details of Registered joint owners as follows: Name ID NO. and Nationality 1……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………….. 2.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………….. 3.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… 4.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… Part 3 : Encumbrances Check on the Title if there are any Restrictions, Caveats etc. and list them herein below: Date...................Signature of the Clerk................................................ 106 Appendix 1: BIDDERS REFERENCE SITE FORM PROJECT SUMMARY FOR EACH REFERENCE SITE Please provide the following information on the listed reference clients; 1. Entity/Client Name: ……………………………………………………………………………… 2. Brief description of the clients business: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Brief description of the project: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………….…………………………………………………… 4. Duration of project implementation (dates): …………………………………….. 5. Value of the project: …………………………………………………………….. 6. Contacts of referee: ……………………………………………………………… 7. Contact person: ………………………………………………………………….. 8. Title: …………………………..………………………………………………… 9. Telephone Contact: ……………………….. E-Mail Address: …………………. 10. Signed and stamped/sealed by bidder: …………………………………………… 11. Name of the Authorized Person: ………………………………………………… 12. Designation: ……………………………………………………………………… 107 SECTION VI – SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS (a) Procurement Item Schedule A: No. Description 1. Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of: LOT I: Integrated Board Management System LOT II: Integrated Legal Services Management System Estimated Delivery Annual Quantity Schedule 1 4 weeks after issuance of LPO (b) Instructions on Submission of Bids i. The Tenderer must submit a one (1) – envelope bid in the following format: Proposal comprising of the following documents presented in the order given: Section A B C D E F G H I J K L M ii. Document Tender Notice/Invitation to Tender Confidential Business Questionnaire Power of Attorney Business Registration/ Incorporation Certificate Key Staff Competency Profiles Details of at least one (1) Major Client Tender Security Valid Tax Compliance Certificate Bidders Reference Site Form Reference Letter from Bank Technical Response Clause-by-Clause Combined Technical and Financial Proposal Attach Brochures, Catalogues and Manufacturer’s Authorization Sealing and Marking of the Bid: The inner envelope should be clearly marked as follows: ORIGINAL TENDER COPY OF TENDER Submit Electronic copy A B KRA/HQS/NCB-028/2015-2016 KRA/HQS/NCB-028/2015-2016 The envelopes shall then be sealed in an outer envelope and addressed to: Commissioner General Kenya Revenue Authority P.O. Box 48240-00100, Nairobi. 108 (c) Tender Responsiveness Criteria a) b) c) d) Description of Criteria Submission of Tender Documents Tender Security Duly filled, signed and stamped Confidential Business Questionnaire Power of Attorney (Sole Proprietors exempted) Manufacturer’s Authorization Evidence of International Accreditations Company Profile Attach copy of Certificate of Incorporation Proof of Financial Resources Submit: Letter of Reference from a bank Social Obligations Submit: Valid Tax Compliance Certificate (d) Vendor Evaluation Criteria The following criteria will be used in the evaluation of all potential suppliers. The documents submitted will be evaluated for suitability and awarded marks which will contribute to a maximum 10% of the total tender evaluation. Description of Criteria Maximum Score Cut Off Score 2 1 4 2 Proof of satisfactory service rendered for at least one (1) major client (comparable organization to KRA) with contracts of similar nature, value. Provide summary of services rendered, value of contract and contact person, address and telephone number 4 2 Total 10 5 Managerial and Key Personnel Competency Profiles Key Staff Competency Profiles (Attach 2 CVs inclusive of relevant technical experience of key staff in relation to the procurement), demonstrating strong competencies (total experience in Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the iBoard System). Proposed Methodology Implementation Approach, Methodology and Work Plan as required in this tender Experience/Reputation Experience in Procurement the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the iBoard System as required in the tender document 109 e) Overall Tender Evaluation Criteria The tender evaluation criteria is weighted as follows; Criteria Tender Responsiveness Vendor Evaluation Technical Specifications Financial Evaluation Maximum Score/Requirement Mandatory 10 70 20 Totals 100 110 Cut Off Mark Mandatory 5 50 SECTION VII - PRICE SCHEDULE IN KSHS LOT I: INTEGRATED BOARD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Name of Tenderer ________________________________Tender Number ________________________Page _____ of_____ 1 2 3 4 Item Description Qty Unit Price inclusive of all Taxes for the Procurement of services for Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the iBoard System. The Prices are Delivery Duty paid at the Installation points Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the iBoard System 1 1. Tender’s Signature_________________________ Official Stamp______________________ Date______________________ 111 SECTION VII - PRICE SCHEDULE IN KSHS LOT II: INTEGRATED LEGAL SERVICES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Name of Tenderer ________________________________Tender Number ________________________Page _____ of_____ 1 2 3 4 Item Description Qty Unit Price inclusive of all Taxes for the Procurement of services for Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the iBoard System. The Prices are Delivery Duty paid at the Installation points Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the iBoard System 1 1. Tender’s Signature_________________________ Official Stamp______________________ Date______________________ 112 SECTION VIII - STANDARD FORMS Notes on the Sample Forms 1 Form of TenderThe form of tender must be completed by the tenderer and submitted with the tender documents. It must also be duly signed by duly authorized representatives of the tenderer. 2 Confidential Business Questionnaire Form - This form must be completed by the tenderer and submitted with the tender documents. 3 Tender Security Form-When required by the tender documents the tender shall provide the tender security either in the form included herein or in another format acceptable to the procuring entity. 4 Contract Form-The Contract Form shall not be completed by the tenderer at the time of submitting the tender. The Contract Form shall be completed after contract award and should incorporate the accepted contract price. 5 Performance Security Form- The performance security form should not be completed by the tenderers at the time of tender preparation. Only the successful tenderer will be required to provide performance security in the form provided herein or in another form acceptable to the procuring entity. 6 Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment Form-When Advance payment is requested for by the successful bidder and agreed by the procuring entity, this form must be completed fully and duly signed by the authorized officials of the bank. 7 Manufacturers Authorization Form- When required by the ender documents this form must be completed and submitted with the tender documents. This form will be completed by the manufacturer of the goods where the tenderer is an agent. 113 8.1 FORM OF TENDER Date Tender No. To: KENYA REVENUE AUTHORITY P. O. BOX 48240 – 00100 NAIROBI. Gentlemen and/or Ladies: 1. Having examined the tender documents including Addenda Nos. ………………………………. [insert numbers].the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to supply deliver, install and commission ( …………………………………………… (insert equipment description) in conformity with the said tender documents for the sum of …………………………………………………………. (total tender amount in words and figures) or such other sums as may be ascertained in accordance with the Schedule of Prices attached herewith and made part of this Tender. 2. We undertake, if our Tender is accepted, to deliver install and commission the equipment in accordance with the delivery schedule specified in the Schedule of Requirements. 3. If our Tender is accepted, we will obtain the guarantee of a bank in a sum of equivalent to percent of the Contract Price for the due performance of the Contract , in the form prescribed by ………………. ……………….( Procuring entity). 4. We agree to abide by this Tender for a period of …… [number] days from the date fixed for tender opening of the Instructions to tenderers, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period. 5. This Tender, together with your written acceptance thereof and your notification of award, shall constitute a Contract, between us. Subject to signing of the Contract by the parties. 6. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you may receive. Dated this day of 20 [signature] [in the capacity of] Duly authorized to sign tender for an on behalf of 114 8.2 CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS QUESTIONNAIRE FORM You are requested to give the particulars indicated in Part 1; either Part 2(a), 2(b) or 2 (c) whichever applied to your type of business; and Part 3. You are advised that it is a serious offence to give false information on this form. Part 1 – General 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2a.1 2a.2 Business Name ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………….. Location of Business Premises. ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………….. Plot No………………………………………………………………………… Street/Road ……………………..………………………………….. Postal Address ………………………………………………………………………………….. Tel No. …………………………………………………………. Fax …………………………………. E mail ……………………………………………. Nature of Business, ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….. Registration Certificate No. ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… Maximum Value of Business which you can handle at any one time – USD……… Name of your Bankers ……………………………………………………………….. Branch ……………………………………………… Part 2 (a) – Sole Proprietor Your Name in Full …………………………………………………………………………….. Age ……………………………………………….. Nationality ……………………………………………………… Country of Origin …………………………………………………………. Citizenship Details ……………………………………………………………………………………. Part 2 (b) Partnership 2b.1 2b.2 Given details of Partners as follows: Name Nationality 115 Citizenship Details Shares 1……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………. 2……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Part 2 (c ) – Registered Company 2c.1 Private or Public ………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………. 2c.2 State the Nominal and Issued Capital of CompanyNominal ……………………………………………………………………………… Issued ………………………………………………………………………………… 2c.3 USD USD Given details of all Directors as follows Name Nationality Citizenship Details Shares 1……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 4. ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 5 ………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………. Part 3 – Eligibility Status 3.1 Are you related to an Employee, Committee Member or Board Member of Kenya Revenue Authority? Yes ______ No_______ 3.2 If answer in ‘3.1’ is YES give the relationship. 3.3 ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. . ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. . Does an Employee, Committee Member, Board Member of Kenya Revenue 116 Authority sit in the Board of Directors or Management of your Organization, Subsidiaries or Joint Ventures? Yes______ No______ 3.4 If answer in ‘3.3’ above is YES give details. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. . 3.5 Has your Organization, Subsidiary Joint Venture or Sub-contractor been involved in the past directly or indirectly with a firm or any of its affiliates that have been engaged by Kenya Revenue Authority to provide consulting services for preparation of design, specifications and other documents to be used for procurement of the goods under this invitation? Yes_______ No_______ 3.6 If answer in ‘3.5’ above is YES give details. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. . 3.7 Are you under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices? YES_____ No______ 3.8 If answer in ‘3.7’ above is YES give details: ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. . ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. . ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….. 3.9 Have you offered or given anything of value to influence the procurement process? Yes _____No_____ 3.10 If answer in ‘3.9’ above is YES give details ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. 117 I DECLARE that the information given on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date ……………………………………………….. Signature ………………………………………………………….. of If a Kenya Citizen, indicate under “Citizenship Details” whether by Birth, Naturalization or registration. 118 Candidate 8.3 TENDER SECURITY FORM Whereas ………………………………………..[name of the tenderer] (hereinafter called “the tenderer”)has submitted its tender dated………………..[date of submission of tender ] for the provision of ……………………………………………….. [name and/or description of the services] (hereinafter called “the Tenderer”)…………………………………………………………………………… KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that WE……………………………………… Of……………………………………………having registered office at [name of KRA](hereinafter called “the Bank”)are bound unto………………….. [name of KRA](hereinafter called “the KRA”) in the sum of ……………………. for which payment well and truly to be made to the said KRA, the Bank binds itself, its successors, and assigns by these presents. Sealed with the Common Seal of the said Bank this___________ day of 20_________. THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are: 1. If the tenderer withdraws its Tender during the period of tender validity specified by the tenderer on the Tender Form; or 2. If the tenderer, having been notified of the acceptance of its Tender by the KRA during the period of tender validity: (a) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form, if required; or (b) fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the instructions to tenderers; we undertake to pay to the KRA up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand, without the KRA having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand the KRA will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it, owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions. This guarantee will remain in force up to and including thirty (30) days after the period of tender validity, and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the above date. [signature of the bank] (Amend accordingly if provided by Insurance Company) 119 8.4 CONTRACT FORM THIS AGREEMENT made the day of 20 between ……………… [name of Procurement entity) of ……….. [country of Procurement entity] (hereinafter called “the Procuring entity) of the one part and …………………….. [name of tenderer] of ………….. [city and country of tenderer] (hereinafter called “the tenderer”) of the other part; WHEREAS the Procuring entity invited tenders for certain goods ] and has accepted a tender by the tenderer for the supply of those goods in the sum of …………………………… [contract price in words and figures] (hereinafter called “the Contract Price). NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: 1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract referred to: 2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement viz: (a) the Tender Form and the Price Schedule submitted by the tenderer (b) the Schedule of Requirements (c ) the Technical Specifications (d) the General Conditions of Contract (e) the Special Conditions of contract; and (f ) the Procuring entity’s Notification of Award 3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Procuring entity to the tenderer as hereinafter mentioned, the tender hereby covenants with the Procuring entity to provide the goods and to remedy defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract 4. The Procuring entity hereby covenants to pay the tenderer in consideration of the provisions of the goods and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the contract. IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance with their respective laws the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed, delivered by the (for the Procuring entity Signed, sealed, delivered by presence of the (for the tenderer in the (Amend accordingly if provided by Insurance Company) 120 8.5 PERFORMANCE SECURITY FORM To Kenya Revenue Authority WHEREAS …………………………………… [name of tenderer] (hereinafter called “the tenderer”) has undertaken , in pursuance of Contract No. [reference number of the contract] dated 20 to supply ……………………………………………… [description of goods] (hereinafter called “the Contract”). AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the tenderer shall furnish you with a bank guarantee by a reputable bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with the Tenderer’s performance obligations in accordance with the Contract. AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the tenderer a guarantee: THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we are Guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of the tenderer, up to a total of ………………………. [amount of the guarantee in words and figure] and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the tenderer to be in default under the Contract and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of …………………….. [amount of guarantee] as aforesaid, without you needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein. This guarantee is valid until the day of Signed and seal of the Guarantors [name of bank or financial institution] [address] [date] 121 20 ____ 8.6 To BANK GUARANTEE FOR ADVANCE PAYMENT FORM Kenya Revenue Authority [name of tender] ………………….. Gentlemen and/or Ladies: In accordance with the payment provision included in the Special Conditions of Contract, which amends the General Conditions of Contract to provide for advance payment, …………………………………………………. [name and address of tenderer](hereinafter called “the tenderer”) shall deposit with the Procuring entity a bank guarantee to guarantee its proper and faithful performance under the said Clause of the Contract in an amount of …… …………………. [amount of guarantee in figures and words]. We, the ……………………………. [bank or financial institutions], as instructed by the tenderer, agree unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primary obligator and not as surety merely, the payment to the Procuring entity on its first demand without whatsoever right of objection on our part and without its first claim to the tenderer, in the amount not exceeding …………………… [amount of guarantee in figures and words] We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the Contract to be performed there-under or of any of the Contract documents which may be made between the Procuring entity and the tenderer, shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition, or modification. This guarantee shall remain valid in full effect from the date of the advance payment received by the tenderer under the Contract until ………… [Date]. Yours truly, Signature and seal of the Guarantors [name of bank or financial institution] [address] [date] 122 8.7 To MANUFACTURER’S AUTHORIZATION FORM Kenya Revenue Authority WHEREAS ………………………………………………………… [name of the manufacturer] who are established and reputable manufacturers of ………………….. [name and/or description of the goods] having factories at ………………………………… [address of factory] do hereby authorize ………………………… [name and address of Agent] to submit a tender, and subsequently negotiate and sign the Contract with you against tender No. ………………………. [reference of the Tender] for the above goods manufactured by us. We hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty as per the General Conditions of Contract for the goods offered for supply by the above firm against this Invitation for Tenders. [signature for and on behalf of manufacturer] Note: This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the Manufacturer and should be signed by a person competent. 123 LETTER OF NOTIFICATION OF AWARD Kenya Revenue Authority P.O Box 48240 – 00100, Nairobi. To: RE: Tender No. Tender Name This is to notify that the contract/s stated below under the above mentioned tender have been awarded to you. 1. Please acknowledge receipt of this Letter of Notification signifying your Acceptance. 2. The Contract/contracts shall be signed by the parties within 30 days of the date of this letter but not earlier than 14 days from the date of the letter. 3. You may contact the officer(s) whose particulars appear below on the subject matter of this Letter of Notification of Award. Deputy Commissioner, Procurement & Supplies Services, Haile Selassie Avenue, Times Tower, 25th Floor Telephone: +254-020-2817022 Facsimile: +254-020-215809 FOR: Commissioner-General 124