Purdue University Purdue e-Pubs International Compressor Engineering Conference School of Mechanical Engineering 1996 Study of Accelerating Torque Requirements of a Reciprocating Compressor V. K. Rao Siel Refrigeration Industries P. S. Murty Siel Refrigeration Industries M. S. Reddy Siel Refrigeration Industries S. A. Sundaresan Siel Refrigeration Industries Follow this and additional works at: http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/icec Rao, V. K.; Murty, P. S.; Reddy, M. S.; and Sundaresan, S. A., "Study of Accelerating Torque Requirements of a Reciprocating Compressor" (1996). International Compressor Engineering Conference. Paper 1083. http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/icec/1083 This document has been made available through Purdue e-Pubs, a service of the Purdue University Libraries. Please contact epubs@purdue.edu for additional information. Complete proceedings may be acquired in print and on CD-ROM directly from the Ray W. Herrick Laboratories at https://engineering.purdue.edu/ Herrick/Events/orderlit.html STUDY OF ACCELERATING TORQUE REQ UIREMENTS OF A RECIPROCATING COMPRESSOR AUTHORS v Ko tesw ara Rao , P Sat yan ara yan a Mu rty, M Sri niv asa Red dy, S A Sun dar esa n Sie l Re frig era tio n Ind ust rie s Hyd era bad - 500 037 , Ind ia ABSTRACT Du ring sta rta bil ity tes ts, eit her 1) sta rt and run wit hou a rec ipr oca tin g com pre sso r can all or 3) tur ns ove r but doe s t any pro ble m or 2) not sta rt at not sta rt or 4) sta rts and cro sse the cri tic al poi nt and the n s sta acc ele rat ing tor que of the com lls . Of the abo ve phe nom ena , bu ilt up in the sys tem . In pre sso r dep end s on the pre ssu re the pre sen t pap er, the tor que req uir em ent s are stu die d and the per for ma nce of the the ore tic al mo tor des ign is com par ed at dif fer ent dif fer ent als o sta rtin g phe nom ena are the n vol tag es. And exp lain ed from the exp erim ent al res ult s. INTRODUCTION One of the imp ort ant par am the des ign of a mo tor for a her ete rs tha t is con sid ere d dur ing tor que req uir em ent . Usi ng thi me tic com pre sso r is the sta rtin g the low est vol tag e dow n to whi ch the com pres sta rtin g tor que , sso r can sta rt can be est ima ted . How eve r, the sta rtin g tor que alo ne is not suf fic ien t for sta rtin g and run nin g the com pre sso r. The inf orm atio n nee ded is the acc ele rat ing tor que cha rac ter ist ic of the pum p. For sus tain ed run nin g, the equ al or hig her tha n the acc ele mo tor pul l-u p tor que has to be the pum p at all spe eds til l the rat ing tor que cha rac ter ist ic of poi nt. Par am ete rs suc h as the bal com pre sso r cro sse s the cri tic al anc ed pre ssu re at sta rtin g, the rat es at whi ch the suc tio n and dis on the sys tem and ope rat ing con cha rge pre ssu res cha nge dep end fix ed for a giv en com pre sso r dit ion s. The oth er par am ete rs are fun ctio n of bot h the des ign and des ign . Fri cti on, how eve r, is a the amo unt of ref rig era nt dis sol the ope rat ing con dit ion s suc h as ved in the oil and the spe ed. For a giv en mo tor des ign , onl y the vol tag e aff ect the pul l-u p tor que win din g tem per atu re, and the . An exp erim ent al met hod is des crib ed for eva lua tin g acc ele rat ing tor que cha rac ter ist the the ore tic al mod el for est im atin ic of the com pre sso r and als o a g thi s is pre sen ted . At dif fer ent sup ply vol tag es the mo tor tor que s are com par ed wit h tor que req uir em ent s of com pre sso r and the dif fer ent sta rtin g phe nom ena are exp lain ed. 55 EXPERIMENTAL SET UP the foll owi ng item s: The exp erim enta l set up con sist s of - Tes t com pres sor with out hou sing s com pres sor sha ft - Tor que and Spe ed sen sor cou pled to sha ft - Dri ve mot or cou pled to Tor que sen sor s wit h air tigh t lid item ve abo lose enc - Spe cial hou sing to l set up is in fig 1.0 . The diag ram show ing the exp erim enta the tes t com pres sor are The suc tion and disc har ge tub es of cha rged afte r eva cua tion to con nec ted to a syst em. The syst em is mot or are con nec ted to the e norm al cha rge . The lead s of the driv ed and torq ue sen sor are spe the of s lead and pow er sup ply icat ors out put con nec ted to a con nec ted to the ind icat ors and ind mot or is ene rgis ed the spe ed stor age osc illo sco pe. When the driv e the osc illo sco pe for a giv en and torq ue valu es are reco rded in avio ur of the suc tion ·an d tim e. Sim ilar ly the tran sien t beh usin g stor age osc illo sco pe. disc har ge pre ssu res are also reco rded list ed in tab le l.O The obs erv atio ns of the· exp erim ent are not be reco rde d pro per ly The beh avio ur at low er spe eds cou ld on eno ugh to reco rd qui ck as the sen sor use d is not pre cisi cisi on inst rum ent atio n this resp ons es. How ever by usin g the pre can also be reco rded . firs t prin cip les. The Fri ctio nal Tor que is mea sure d from Pre ssu re Bac k exp erim ent is rep eate d for a Low ing s are giv en The reco rded read app lica tion com pres sor for whi ch.t he in tab le2 .0. THEORETICAL MODEL A.. STARTING TORQUE end s on the cran k ang le The sta rtin g torq ue requ irem ent dep er volu me at tha t cran k ang le, pos itio n (Re fere nce [l]) ,the cyl ind e of star ting , pis ton are a, syst em equ alis ed pre ssu re at the tim to ope n the disc har ge valv e, the dif fer ent ial pre ssu re req uire d ran t and the sta tic fric tion . the pol ytro pic inde x for the refr ige as The sta rtin g torq ue can be exp ress ed Ts = f(Pe ,V(¢ ) V(~) = Vc+Ap - (l) ,Pc, Ap, n,x) + Tf Cr{1+Cos(~)+ Cl/C r [l- ~ 1-(Cr/Cl~ ]. Tf is calc ula ted bas ed on Ref eren ce[2 56 -2 Sin (¢) ] } - {2) Ts Ap n vc Cl Pe Pc ~ Sta rti ng To rqu e Tf Fr ict ion al To rqu e Pis ton Are a v ({l)) Cy lin der Vo lme Po lyt rop ic Ind ex X Pis ton lin ea r dis pla cem ent cle are nce vol um e Cr Co nne cti ng rod rad ius Co nne cti ng rod len gth ¢ Cra nk An gle Eq ual ise d pre ssu re at the tim e of Pre ssu re in the cy lin de r to ope n sta rti ng the Di sch arg e Va lve ACCELERATING TORQUE The tra ns ien t beh avi ou r of the suc tio n and pre ssu res in the sys tem are dis cha rge cal cu lat ed usi ng Re fer enc es Ind ica ted wo rk is cal cu lat ed [3- 5] .Th e fro m the po lyt roi c eq ua tio n n-1 /n Wi = (n/ n-1 ) Ps Vs ( (Pd /Ps ) - 1) - (3) Ps Su cti on pre ssu re Pd Dis cha rge pre ssu re Vs Vo lum e of Va pou r suc ked The acc ele rat ing tor qu e is cal cu lat ed as sho wn bel ow Ta = Wi*C + Td f - (4) C Co nve rsi on fac tor Tdf To rqu e req uir ed to ove rco me Dy nam ic fri cti on He re Td f is ass um ed to be 5% of the cal cu lat ed To rqu e. DESCRIPTION OF RESULTS As sho wn in Fig 2 the mo tor sel ect ed for the HBP com pre beh ave s in the fol low ing ma sso nne r at dif fer en t vo lta ge s. At 120 r mo tor doe s no t sta rt{ No Sta V rt) at all . At 140 V mo tor sta lls (T urn s on No St art ). tur ns and At rea chi ng the fu ll spe ed. Ab 160 V mo tor sta rts and sta lls aft er ove 160 V it sta rts and run any pro ble m. s wi tho ut As beh ave s all . At sta lls . sho wn in Fig 3 the mo tor sel in the fol low ing ma nne r. At ect ed for the LBP com pre sso r 140 V and 160 V the mo tor sta 120 V mo tor doe s no t sta rt at Ab ove 160 V it sta rts and runrts and rea che s fu ll spe ed and s wi tho ut any pro ble m. CONCLUSIONS The val ues cal cu lat ed fro wi th the exp eri ma nta l val ues m the pro pos ed the ory are ma tch ing sa tis fac tor ily . Fu rth er stu thi s dir ec tio n may ext end die s in the ap pli ca bil ity of thi s the ory dif fer en t ap pli cat ion s to pre to dic t the To rqu e req uir em ent com pre sso r and hen ce mo tor s of the can be des ign ed ap pro pri ate the com pre sso r. ly to su it 57 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. er, , Ted 0. Phil and Rona ld , R. Wisning Gate cliff, G. w. rocat "Ana lytica l Pred ictio n of the Start abili ty of Recip with comp arison inclu ding comp resso rs Refri gerat ion ressor Comp of the 1976 Purdu e Expe rimen t",Pro ceedi ngs 25. 221-2 , pp. ,1974 rence Techn ology Confe a, Venk atesw arlu, K. , Rao, N. J. , Venu gopal , E. V. , Akell Comp ressor S.,"A n Integ rated Appro ach to Recip rocat ing Comp ressor e Purdu 1990 the of Desig n",Pr oceed ings -291. 282 pp. , Engin eerin g Confe rence , 19-90 mic G.T. Karts ounes and R.A. 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PRESSURE TORQUE TIME (P sia ) (P sia ) (O z-F t) (Se c) SPEED THEORE- EX PE RI- THEORE(RPM) EX PE RI- THEORE- EX PE RITICAL MENTAL TICAL MENTAL TICAL MENTAL 0 13 4.7 13 4.7 13 4.7 13 4.7 9.1 6 14 5 I 0 3.4 55 3.6 10 0 16 8.4 15 .98 2 16 .6 0.5 0 13 4 13 4 ~40 1.0 0 13 2 13 1.5 16 2 12 9 19 8 20 3 32 .45 33 .9 12 5 23 0 23 4.6 45 .04 46 .2 12 2.8 27 4 28 0 58 .31 60 .1 11 6 29 6 30 3 64 .19 66 .0 1.5 0 13 0 2.0 0 12 6 3.0 0 4.0 0 12 4 11 8 I I 8.6 ! I I I 30 5 I 93 3 I 16 00 I 25 90 I 29 00 Ta ble 1.0 COMPARISION OF THEORETIC AL AND EXPERIMENTAL DA TA OF LBP COMPRESSOR SUCTION PRESSURE DI SC H. PRESSURE TIME TORQUE (P sia ) (P sia ) {S ec} (O z-F t) SPEED THEORE- EX PE RI- THEORE (RP M) - EX PE RI- THEORE- EX PE TICAL RIMENTAL TIC AL MENTAL TICAL ME NT AL 0 69 .7 0.3 7 68 .1 0.8 9 66 .67 1.3 9 65 .2 1.9 0 63 .7 2.3 0 63 .2 90 .00 25 .7 69 .7 69 .7 69 .7 9.1 6 8.8 0 69 .2 10 8.7 11 0.4 3.0 14 6 3.1 75 68 .1 11 4.7 11 9.2 3.4 27 5 3.6 23 9 67 .1 11 .9. 7 12 4.0 3.7 54 3.9 73 0 65 .73 12 9.7 13 3.1 4.2 95 4.5 20 20 64 .5 13 4.7 13 9.8 4.5 21 6 4.7 28 00 26 .8 16 5.7 17 1.5 4.2 98 4.5 29 00 Ta ble 2.0 59 l I MOTOR SPEED VS TORQUE CURVES OF rlBP COMPRESSOR AND -------------~ --,----~------------- 200"1~--------------- lliE----* COtv1PRESSOR TORQUE J 150 \\ '\ 100 w ..--, ;:; ::c c 1000 SPEED IN RPM 3000 2000 FIG 2 AND MOTOR (CSIR) SPEED VS TORQUE CURVES OF LBP COMPRESSOR MOTOR 12 "<:f --- --- 0 X I-- LL N --- ----- --- --- 0 1-- '' ' ' \. ' ' .... 8 ... ..... ... '' E -160V ..-- -~-----------~ ... ____R_CURV ____MOTO z a: '' --- ~, ... 0 w ~ a --~- CUR~~-~:~?Y~--------------~, "' MOTOR CURVE -i40V --, ;.- --- --- --, ... __ -......:... ....... ~~--~ 120;-4 r--.;:_·___ ___ ___ ___ _ MOTOR CURV~- . ' . '\ \ \ ~\ "- ' \ --- --- --- -- ' --........ . ~-----------~~--------- C?_~B_ES_?_OR_J069U~- C\lf3Vf. _______ ;._-..=_-::-::~~~\ ""'--- 1;~-------"" !,;,.., : 0 ----- ---------- . . . ~. -- \ ' -----M -------------~--~--~--~- L---------~------------- 0 1000 ' SPEED IN RPM FIG 3 60 2000 3000