UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II 8 Fall, 2014 Plane Electromagnetic Waves 8.2 Plane Waves in Lossless Media 1. Homogeneous wave equation in free space ∇2 E − 12 ∂E2 = 0 c ∂t For a time harmonic (sinusoidal) field, ∇2 E + k02 E = 0, (E = phasor) √ where k0 = ω µ0 ϵ0 = ω/c = free space wave number. In Cartesian corrdinate, 2 2 2 ( ∂ 2 + ∂ 2 + ∂ 2 + k02 )Ex,y,z = 0 ∂x ∂y ∂z 2. wavefront: set of points/positions in space with same phase plane wave: wave with planar wavefront perpendicular to the direction of propagation spherical wave: wave with spherical wavefront uniform wave: wave with constant E and H field magnitude across the wavefront 3. Now consider a uniform plane wave with constant Ex on the wavefront xy plane, → General solution in phasor form is where E0+ and E0− are complex constant to be determined from boundary or initial conditions. 4. The real-time solution represented by the first phasor term is = wave traveling in the +z direction c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-1 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 wave velocity (phase velocity up ) = 5. Real-time solution represented by the second phasor term is Ex− (z, t) = ℜ[E0− ej(ωt+k0 z) ] = E0− cos(ωt + k0 z) = wave traveling in −z direction with phase velocity up = −c - Sign of up (or k0 ) represents direction of wave propagation. - If there is only one wave in the +z direction, then E0− = 0. 6. H field can be found from E and Maxwell’s equations: ⇒ For +z wave, Similarly for −z wave, Hy− (z) = − 1 − E (z) η0 x c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-2 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II 7. η0 = Fall, 2014 Ex+ (z) = intrinsic impedance of the free space Hy+ (z) If η0 = real → Ex+ (z) and Hy+ (z) are in phase 8. Real time solution of the H field (directions of wave propagation (az ), electric field (ax ) and magnetic field (ay ) are mutually perpendicular.) Ex 8-1: A uniform plane wave E = ax Ex propagates in +z direction, ϵr = 4, µr = 1, σ = 0, f = 100MHz (a) instantaneous expression of E (b) instantaneous expression of H c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-3 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 (c) positions for postitive peaks Ex at t = 10−8 sec - E and H are perpendicular to each other and both are transverse (perpendicular) to propagation direction → transverse electromagnetic wave (TEM wave) 9. Doppler effect (see the textbook) 10. For a uniform plane wave propagating in an arbitrary direction in a lossless medium, the solution to the wave equation ∇2 E + k 2 E = 0 has the general form (from separation of variables, let E = E0 X(x)Y (y)Z(z)) E(x, y, z) = E0 e−jkx x e−jky y e−jkz z = E0 e−j(kx x+ky y+kz z) = E0 e−jk·R where R = ax x + ay y + az z = position vector k = ax kx + ay ky + az kz = wave vector |k|2 = kx2 + ky2 + kz2 = k 2 = ω 2 µϵ c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-4 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 Wavefront of the wave E(x, y, z) = set of points with same phase ⇒ k = an k = wave vector an = propagation direction √ k = |k| = ω µϵ = 2π/λ = wave number 11. For a uniform plane wave in a charge free region, ⇒ E0 is transverse to the propagation direction 12. H(R) = √ where η = ωµ/k = µ/ϵ (Ω) = intrinsic impedance of the medium, → H(R) = η1 (an × E0 ) e−jk·R → H ⊥ an and E, an is in the direction of E × H (right hand rule) → TEM wave in the an (or k) direction Ex 8-2: Find E(R) in terms of H(R) (自己看) ⇒ E(R) = −ηan × H(R) c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-5 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 13. Polarization of plane waves (偏極化, 偏振) Polarization is the time varying behavior of the orientation of the E field at a given point in space. For example, in Ex 8-1, The ”tip” of E field oscillates only along the x axis → linear polarization (linaerly polarized) 14. Now consider another wave in the +z direction, = superposition of two orthogonal linearly polarized wave with y polarization lagging x polarization by π/2. The instantaneous E field is At a given position z = 0, Locus of ”tip” of E(0, t) is )2 ( )2 ( E2 (0, t) E1 (0, t) + = cos2 ωt + sin2 ωt = 1 E10 E20 → ellipse in the counterclockwise sense → elliptically polarized if E10 ̸= E20 circularly polarized if E10 = E20 → right-hand or positive circularly polarized wave c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-6 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 15. If E2 (z) leads E1 (z) by 90◦ (π/2), E(z) = ax E10 e−jkz + ay jE20 e−jkz E(0, t) = ax E10 cos ωt − ay jE20 sin ωt • elliptically or circularly polarized wave E2 (0, t) = −ωt for E20 = E10 E1 (0, t) → left-hand or negative circularly polarized wave • α = tan−1 16. If E1 (z) and E2 (z) are in time phase, → linearly polarized 17. In general, → elliptically polarized Ex 8-3: Linear and circular waves Consider a linearly polarized wave propagating in +z direction, = superposition of a right-hand and a left-hand circular waves Note: - AM wave: linearly polarized with E field perpendicular to ground - TV wave: linearly polarized in the horizontal direction - FM wave: circularly polarized → orientation of receiving antenna should be adjusted accordingly c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-7 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II 8.3 Fall, 2014 Plane Waves in Lossy Media 1. wave equation in lossy media √ - kc = ω µϵc = complex wave number (assume µ = real) - plane wave ejkz in lossless medium becomes ejkc z in lossy medium We can define a propagation constant γ √ * For lossless media, σ = 0, ϵ′′ = 0 ⇒ α = 0, β = k = ω µϵ The Helmholtz wave equation becomes For a linearly polarized uniform plane wave in +z direction, e−αz : attenuation factor α: attenuation constant (Np/m, 1/m) (wave amplitude decresed by a factor of e−1 after traveling a distance of 1/α meters) e−jβz : phase factor β: phase constant (rad/m) (similar to the wave number in lossless media) 8.3.1 Low-Loss Dielectrics 1. propagation constant c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-8 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 For a good but imperfect insulator, ϵ′′ ≪ ϵ′ , or σ/ωϵ ≪ 1, √ √ ⇒ γ = α + jβ = jω µϵc = jω µϵ′ (1 − jϵ′′ /ϵ′ )−1/2 ≈ ′′ √ µ ⇒ attenuation constant α ≃ ωϵ ∝ω 2 ϵ′ [ ( ′′ )2 ] √ ′ 1 phase constant β ≃ ω µϵ 1 + 8 ϵ ′ ϵ 2. intrinsic impedance √ ( )−1/2 ϵ′′ µ ηc = 1−j ′ ϵ′ ϵ ≈ ⇒ Ex and Hy are not in time phase 3. phase veolcity ( ( ′′ )2 ) ω 1 1 up = ≈ √ ′ 1 − 8 ϵ ′ β ϵ µϵ 8.3.2 Good Conductor 1. propagation constant ) √ ( σ 1/2 γ = α + jβ = jω µϵ 1 + jωϵ ≈ 2. intrinsic impedance 3. phase velocity √ 2ω ω up = ≈ µσ β c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-9 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 4. example: copper ⇒ after a distance of δ = 1/α = 0.038 mm, the wave amplitude will be attenuated by a factor of e−1 = 0.368. (At f = 10 GHz, δ = 0.66µm ⇒ high frequency EM wave is attenuated very rapidly in a good conductor.) 5. skin depth or depth of penetration δ = distance over which the wave amplitude is attenuated by a factor of 1/e = = = → E, J are distributed near the surface of a conductor at high frequency. (See Table 8-1) Ex 8-4: Seawater (Summary) c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-10 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 At f = 5 MHz, σ/ωϵ = 200 ≫ 1 ⇒ good conductor, attenuation constant α = phase constant β = √ πf µσ = 8.89 (Np/m, rad/m), wavelength in water λ = 2π/β = 0.707 m, skin depth δ = 0.112 m (a) At 5 MHz, the wavelength in air is 60 m. It is very difficult to communicate with a submarine due to the small penetration depth in seawater and long wavelength in air (difficult to build efficient tranmission antenna). (b) After the real-time electric field Ex (z, t) is calculated, it is incorrect to calculate the real-time magnetic field Hy (z, t) from Hy (z, t) = Ex (z, t)/ηc . Since the complex impedance is defined in the phasor form (frequency domain), the correct formula are Ex (z) , ηc [ ] Ex (z) jωt Hy (z, t) = ℜ e ηc Hy (z) = 8.3.3 Ionized Gas (plasma) Plasma - assembly of equal numbers of positive ions and negative electrons and possibly other neutral species - electrons are much lighter than ions - motion of ions can be neglected and electrons can be viewed as a free electron gas (collision is neglected) - neutral species, if any, are not affected by electric field c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-11 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 1. From Newton’s force law, force on an electron in a time harmonic E field is In phasor form, Displacement x from the background positive ions gives rise to a dipole moment If there are N electrons per unit volume, the polarization vector is Equivalent permittivity of a plasma is - propagation constant in a plasma - intrinsic impedance c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-12 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 (a) f < fp , γ = pure real ⇒ pure attenuation of wave in plasma ηp = E/H = pure imaginary ⇒ plasma is a reactive load ⇒ no power transmission (electrons can move fast enough to screen the EM fields) √ (fp ≈ 9 N ≈ 0.9 − 9 MHz for ionosphere) (b) f > fp , γ = pure imaginary ⇒ no attenuation in plasma Ex 8-5: Communication with space ship c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-13 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II 8.4 Fall, 2014 Group Velocity 1. Phase velocity is defined as up = ω/β. In a lossless medium, β = √ ω µϵ is a linear function of ω, so the phase velocity is a constant. In cases where the phase constant β is not a linear function of ω (e.g. lossy dielectric, transmissioin line, or waveguide), the phase velocity is not a constant. Therefore, different frequency components in a wave propagate with different phase velocity. This phenomenum is called dispersion and the medium or structure is dispersive. 2. In information transmission, informatin signals are usually composed of a high frequency carrier surrounded by a signal sideband with finite bandwidth. Therefore, the information waveform with a group of frequencies will be affected by dispersion. 3. Now consider a signal with two frequency components with equal amplitude: ω = ω0 ± ∆ω, β = β0 ± ∆β. c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-14 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 (a) phase velocity of carrier, up (b) phase velocity of envelop, ug ug = group velocity of the information signal 4. ω − β diagram of a plasma Ex 8-6: Narrow band signal in lossy medium c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-15 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II 8.5 Fall, 2014 Flow of Electromagnetic Power and the Poynting Vector 1. From the two curl equaitons, it can be shown that for a simple, time invariant medium, For a volume V bounded by a surface S, ⇒ P , E × H = Poynting vector = power flow per unit area = power density vector 2. Poynting theorem ∫ ∫ I ∂ (we + wm )dv + Pσ dv − P · ds = ∂t V V where we = 21 ϵE 2 = electric energy density, wm = 21 µH 2 = magnetic energy density, Pσ = σE 2 = Ohmic power density. note: (1) P is perpendicular to E and H (P is parallel to k for a uniform plane wave in a simple medium) (2) for lossless media, Pσ = 0, and energy is stored in the electric and magnetic fields (3) in a static case, ∂/∂t = 0, all power flow into a closed region is disscipated by the ’equivalent’ conduction current (Ohmic loss) c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-16 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 Ex 8-7: Verify the Poynting vector for a straight wire Consider a section of wire with length ℓ, 8.5.1 Instantaneous and average power density 1. phasor form of field and power density ⇒ P can not be defined as E × H in the phasor form. 2. Average power density Note that ℜ[A] × ℜ[B] = 12 ℜ[A × B∗ + A × B], ⇒ c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-17 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 Consider a time-averaged power density Pav , 3. For a x−polarized TEM wave in the +z direction, the Poynting vector expressed in terms of intrinsic impedance of the medium is c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-18 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II 8.6 Fall, 2014 Normal Incidence at a Plane Conducting Boundary 1. Incident wave in medium 1 Reflected wave in medium 1 Total E field in medium 1 Boundary conditions at z = 0: tangential component of E is continuous Magnetic field cos β1 z ⇒ H1 (z) = Hi (z) + Hr (z) = ay 2 Eηi0 1 2. Average power (a) incident wave: reflected wave: total average power flow in medium 1 c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-19 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 , θη1 = − π 2 ⇒ (Pav )1 = 0 (b) Or, η1 = 3. Instantaneous expression of fields standing wave: propagation wave: 4. For a standing wave, zero of E (z, t) : 1 max of H (z, t) : 1 max of E (z, t) : 1 zero of H (z, t) : 1 (a) E1 = 0 on the surface (b) H1 = max on the surface (c) temporal phase difference between E and H = 90◦ (d) spatial separation of E and H field patterns = λ/4 c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-20 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 Ex 8-9: c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-21 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II 8.7 Fall, 2014 Oblique Incidence at a Plane Conducting Boundary 1. plane of incidence = plane that contains ki and an 2. With respect to the plane of incidence, any polarization of Ei can be decomposed into two components: Ei⊥ and Ei∥ 8.7.1 Perpendicular polarizatioin (Ei⊥ , TE wave) 1. Incident wave Hi (x, z) = η11 ani × Ei (x, z) = Eηi0 (−ax cos θi + az sin θi )e−jβ1 (x sin θi +z cos θi ) 1 2. Reflected wave (θr = angle of reflection) ⇒ Er (x, z) = = ay Er0 e−jβ1 (x sin θr −z cos θr ) Er0 and θr can be found from boundary conditions: ⇒ c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-22 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 ⇒ ⇒ Hr (x, z) = η11 anr × Er (x, z) = Eη1i0 (−ax cos θi − az sin θi )e−jβ1 (x sin θi +z cos θi ) 3. Total field H1 (x, z) = Hi (x, z) + Hr (x, z) [ = −2 Eηi0 ax cos θi cos(β1 z cos θi )e−jβ1 x sin θi 1 ] + az j sin θi sin(β1 z cos θi )e−jβ1 x sin θi Compared to a plane wave (a) In the normal direction (z), E and H form standing wave patterns described by β1z = β1 cos θi . No average power is transmitted. (b) In the transverse direction (x), E and H form propagation wave described by β1x = β1 sin θi , and (c) The plane wave in the x−direction is non-uniform (interference pattern). (d) Zeros of E1 : c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-23 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 → A conducting plane can be inserted at z = − mλ1 without 2 cos θi changing the field distribution → TE wave in a parallel waveguide Ex 8-10: (a) Current on the surface of the conductor → There is a discontinuity of H across the interface → From B.C., the discontinuity is caused by a surface current Js Instantaneous expression of surface current Js (b) Poynting vector in medium 1 – E1y and H1x are in time quadrature → no net power in z direction – (Pav )1 is a function of z because total wave in medium 1 is a non-uniform plane wave 8.7.2 Parallel polarization (Ei∥ , TM wave) c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-24 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 1. Incident wave 2. Reflected wave Er (x, z) = Er0 (ax cos θr + az sin θr )e−jβ1 (x sin θr −z cos θr ) Hr (x, z) = −ay Eηr0 e−jβ1 (x sin θr −z cos θr ) 1 B.C.: at z = 0, 3. Total wave (a) In the normal direction (z), E1x and H1y have standing wave patterns described by β1z = β1 cos θi . (b) In the transverse direction (x), E1z and H1y are non-uniform propagating wave described by β1x = β1 sin θi , u1x = ω/β1x = u1 / sin θi , λ1x = 2π/β1x = λ1 / sin θi . (c) A conducting plane can be inseted at z = − mλ1 to form a 2 cos θi parallel plate waveguide for the TM wave c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-25 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II 8.8 Fall, 2014 Normal Incidence at a Plane Dielectric Boundary 1. Incident wave 2. Reflected wave 3. Transmitted wave E (z) = a E e−jβ2 z , z > 0 t x t0 H (z) = a Et0 e−jβ2 z t y η 2 4. Boundary conditions (tangential components) 5. Reflection and transmissin coefficients η2 − η1 r0 Γ = reflection coefficient = E Ei0 = η2 + η1 τ = transmission coefficient = Et0 = 2η2 η2 + η1 Ei0 c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-26 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 - if η1 , η2 = real, → Γ > 0 or < 0 (in- or 180◦ out-of-phase) τ > 0 (in-phase) - if η1 , η2 = complex (dissipative media) → Γ, τ = complex, → phase shift in reflected and transmitted waves - 1+Γ=τ - if medium 2 is a perfect conductor, 6. In general, total field in medium 1 is 7. Pattern of the standing wave E1 (z) = ax Ei0 e−jβ1z (1 + Γej2β1 z ) For lossless media, η1 , η2 , Γ, τ = real, (a) Γ > 0 (η2 > η1 ) c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-27 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 (b) Γ < 0 (η2 < η1 ) Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) 8. Magnetic field H1 (z) = Hi (z) + Hr (z) = ay Eη1i0 (e−jβ1 z − Γejβ1 z ) = ay Eηi0 e−jβ1 z (1 − Γej2β1 z ) 1 In a lossless medium, |H1 (z)| is max (min) where |E1 (z)| is min (max) 9. Transmitted wave in medium 2 Ex 8-11: Power density in lossless media (Γ = real, Pav = 21 ℜ{E × H∗ }) (a) medium 1 (Pav )1 = 12 ℜ{[ax Ei0 e−jβ1 z (1+Γej2β1 z )]×[ay Eη1i0 e−jβ1 z (1−Γej2β1 z )]∗ } (b) medium 2 (Pav )2 = η ⇒ 1 − Γ2 = η12 τ 2 (can also be verified from Eqs. 8-140 and 8-141) ⇒ incident power - reflected power = transmitted power c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-28 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II 8.9 Fall, 2014 Normal Incidence at Multiple Dielectric Interfaces 1. Dielectric coating can be found in eyeglass, camera lens, optical communication systems, and laser systems to reduce or enhance reflection. 2. Consider the following figure. Multiple reflection occurs at z = 0 and z = d. These waves can be summarized as forward and backward waves. Assume an x-polarized incident wave, the total waves in the three regions can be expressed as H = a 1 (E e−jβ1 z − E ejβ1 z ) 1 yη i0 r0 1 H = a 1 (E + e−jβ2 z − E − ejβ2 z ) 2 yη 2 2 2 H = a 1 E + e−jβ3 z 3 yη 3 3 - The four unknowns Er0 , E2+ , E2− , and E3+ can be solved from the boundary conditions on the two interfaces: E (0) = E (0), H (0) = H (0) 1t 2t 1t 2t E (d) = E (d), H (d) = H (d) 2t 3t 2t 3t - The algebraic procedure is straightforward. But it lacks physical insight and becomes tedious when the number of interfaces increases. c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-29 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II 8.9.1 Fall, 2014 Wave Impedance of the Total Field 1. Wave impedance of total wave is defined as the ratio of total electric field intensity to the toal magnetic field intensity at a particular position z. - For for an unbound medium, Z(z) = ±η for a ± z wave for all z. - For two media separated by a plane boundary, The wave impedance of total field in medium 1 at a distance z from the boundary is At z = −ℓ to the left of the boundary, Z1 (−ℓ) = E1x (−ℓ) η2 cos β1 ℓ + jη1 sin β1 ℓ = η1 H1y (−ℓ) η1 cos β1 ℓ + jη2 sin β1 ℓ (note: Γ = (η2 − η1 )/(η2 + η1 )) - Total wave impedance is a function of both medium properties (η and β) and distance to the boundary (z and ℓ) 8.9.2 Impedance Transformation with Multiple Dielectrics 1. At z = 0+ in medium 2 and looking into +z direction, the situation is same as that of Eqs. 8-169 ∼ 8-171. Therefore η2 , η1 , β1 and ℓ can be replaced by η3 , η2 , β2 and d. ⇒ Z2 (0+ ) = η2 η3 cos β2 d + jη2 sin β2 d η2 cos β2 d + jη3 sin β2 d (η3 is transformed to Z2 (0)) c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-30 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 2. For the incident wave in medium 1, it sees an equivalent infinite medium with instrinsic impedance Z2 (0) at the boundary z = 0. Therefore the effective reflection coefficient at z = 0 is η −η - In comparison to Γ = η2 + η1 2 1 - In medium 1, Γ0 and Er0 can be calculated by the transformed impedance Z2 (0). - Fields in medium 2 and medium 3 can be calculated from B.C. Ex 8-12: Find η2 and d for anti-reflection coating ⇒ Γ0 = 0, Z2 (0) = η1 ⇒ η2 (η3 cos β2 d + jη2 sin β2 d) = η1 (η2 cos β2 d + jη3 sin β2 d) ⇒ (a) η1 = η3 , η2 = √ η1 η3 = η1 ⇒trivial solution (b) η1 = η3 , η2 ̸= √ η1 η3 (c) η1 ̸= η3 - Arbitray η2 may not be available - For optical applications, complex multiple coating is necessary for wideband or other types of filter c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-31 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II 8.10 Fall, 2014 Oblique Incidence at a Plane Dielectric Boundary 1. Snell’s law (see textbook) θ =θ (reflection) r i n sin θ = n sin θ (refraction) 1 i 2 t - n1 , n2 = index of refraction and √ n1 = up2 = β1 = µ1 ϵ1 n2 up1 µϵ β2 √ 2 2 √ = ϵϵ12 = ϵϵ1r 2r for non-magnetic media - Both Snell’s laws are independent of polarization. 8.10.1 Total reflection 1. If ϵ1 > ϵ2 (n1 > n2 ), there is a critial incident angle θc such that θt = π/2, 2. When θi > θc , there is no real solution for θt → no transmitted wave in medium 2 from a geometric point of view 3. From a physical point of view, when θi > θc , In this case, the transmitted wave in medium 2 is c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-32 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 Ex 8-14: dielectric waveguide (e.g. optical fibers) When θ1 > θc , power can be guided along the waveguide by total internal reflection. The condition for waveguiding is 8.10.2 Perpendicular Polarization (TE wave) 1. Incident wave c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-33 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 2. Reflected wave E (x, z) = a E e−jβ1 (x sin θr −z cos θr ) r y r0 E H (x, z) = −jβ1 (x sin θr −z cos θr ) r0 r η1 (ax cos θr + az sin θr )e 3. Transmitted wave E (x, z) = a E e−jβ2 (x sin θt +z cos θt ) t y t0 E H (x, z) = −jβ2 (x sin θt +z cos θt ) t0 t η2 (−ax cos θt + az sin θt )e 4. Boundary conditions: tangential components of E, Ey , and H, Hx , are continuous across the boundary E e−jβ1 x sin θi + E e−jβ1 x sin θr = E e−jβ2 x sin θt i0 r0 t0 ⇒ 1 (−E cos θ e−jβ1 x sin θi + E cos θ e−jβ1 x sin θr ) = − Et0 cos θ e−jβ2 x sin θt i0 i t r0 r η1 η2 ”phase matching” condition ⇒ Er0 = Γ⊥ = η2 cos θi − η1 cos θt = η2 / cos θt − η1 / cos θi Ei0 η2 cos θi + η1 cos θt η2 / cos θt + η1 / cos θi ⇒ 2η / cos θ E 2 t ′ t0 Ei0 = τ⊥ = η2 / cos θt + η1 / cos θi (Fresnel s eq.) - For normal incidence, θi = 0 = θr = θt - 1 + Γ⊥ = τ⊥ - Brewster angle (θB⊥ ) c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-34 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 According to Snell’s law, (For non-magnetic materials, µ1 = µ2 = µ0 , sin2 θB⊥ → ∞, θB⊥ does not exist) 8.10.3 Parallel Polarization (TM wave) 1. Similarly, θr = θi sin θt = β1 = n1 n2 sin θi β2 Γ∥ = Er0 = η2 cos θt − η1 cos θi Ei0 η2 cos θt + η1 cos θi 2η2 cos θi τ = Et0 = ∥ Ei0 η2 cos θt + η1 cos θi 2. Brewster’s angle c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-35 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 - 1 + Γ∥ = τ∥ cos θt cos θi - Γ⊥ ̸= Γ∥ , τ⊥ ̸= τ∥ unless θi = θr = θt = 0 (normal incidence) - |Γ⊥ |2 > |Γ∥ |2 except at θi = 0, → unpolarized incident wave upon reflection → more reflected power in the ⊥ polarization than in the ∥ polarization Ex 8-15: Reflection from water c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 8-36 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU Fall, 2014 8-37 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU Fall, 2014 8-38 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU Fall, 2014 8-39 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU Fall, 2014 8-40