VII International Workshop on Linear Colliders Sept.29-Oct.3, 1997 Zvenigorod, Russia FOREWORD WORKSHOP ORGANIZATION WORKSHOP SCHEDULE REPORTS AUTHOR INDEX LIST OF PARTICIPANTS PHOTOS CREDITS Editors: N.Solyak, A.Sery Computer Design: A.Lunin, D.Molyavin Филиал Института Ядерной Физики СО РАН Branch of the Institute of Nuclear Physics FOREWORD The VIIth International Workshop on Linear Colliders (LC97) organized by the Branch of the Institute of Nuclear Physics was held on September 29 -October 3, 1997 at the Conference Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in a small town of Zvenigorod located 60 km away from Moscow on the bank of the Moskva river. There were about 150 participants from 10 countries: (University of Helsinki), France (CEA, CESTA, LAL), (DESY, ITE, Max-Planck-Institute, Univ. of Techn.), Tokyo Metropolitan University, Germany Japan (KEK, Ishikawajima-Harima Industries Co., Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd.), Finland Heavy Republic of Armenia (Yerevan Physics Institute), Russia (Branch of INP, Budker INP, IHEP, Institute of Applied Physics, JINR, MEPhI, Moscow State University), Switzerland (CERN), Ukraine (NSC-KIPT), USA (SLAC, LBNL, Univ.of California). Since nearly all laboratories, developing Linear Colliders projects, have prepared draft design reports, the Workshop was primarily concentrated on rather general and unresolved problems. It has been organized in five working groups covering a wide scope of subjects: WG1: Overview of conceptions and perspectives WG2: Sources, Damping rings, bunch compressors WG3: RF and accelerating structure WG4: Main linac. Be am dynamics and related instrumentation WG5: Beam delivery and Interaction region Following the traditions of previous Workshops on Linear Colliders, we have included into the Proceedings all contributions presented during the Workshop: plenary reports, summaries of the working groups, original reports. And now we have tried to start the new tradition for workshops: to publish the proceedings also on the CD-ROM. Despite some difficultes we face on this road the first draft CD-version of the Proceedings has been made just during the Workshop. Plenary reports covered the news from test facilities and status of R&D work. The main work was concentrated in working groups, proving that the LC97 was really a workshop, not a conference, in best traditions of the past. As the chairman of Workshop, I would like to thank all of the participants for their very cooperative work that led the workshop to a success. Finally I record here my best acknowledgments to the Ministry of Science and Technology of Russian Federation and to the International Center of Fundamental Physics in Moscow for their financial support. LC97 Chairman V. Balakin WORKSHOP ORGANIZATION Workshop Chairman: V.E.Balakin BINP International Advisory Committee B. Aune CEA Saclay, DESY R. Ruth SLAC V. Balakin Branch of INP A. Skrinsky Budker INP D. Burke SLAC N. Solyak Branch of INP J.-P. Delahaye CERN K. Takata KEK J. Le Duff LAL Orsay S. Tazzari Frascati H. Edwards FNAL, DESY D. Trines DESY K. Hubner CERN V. Vogel Branch of INP I. Ivanov JINR G.-A. Voss DESY S. Kazakov Branch of INP T. Weiland TH-Darmstadt Y. Kimura KEK G. Westenskow LLNL G. Loew SLAC B. Wiik DESY J. Paterson SLAC Local Organizing Committee V. Alexandrov P. Jogolev N. Solyak (vice-chairman) P. Avrakhov A. Larionov I. Syrachev V. Balakin (chairman) A. Lunin V. Teryaev A. Bazhan S. Kazakov V. Vogel V. Chashurin E. Kushnirenko Yu. Yakoubov A. Chayukov A. Sery (scientific secretary) Workshop Secretariat S. Jihareva S. Kiseleva N. N. Solyak M. Juravleva T. Skarina N. Syracheva VII International Workshop on Linear Colliders Zvenigorod, Russia Sept. 29 - Oct. 3, 1997 Scientific program September 29 Monday 9:00 - 10:00 (20') (30') OPENING 9:30 - 10:00 NLC Overview and Parameters (J.Irwin) JLC Design Status (N.Toge) 11:00 (30') Status of the CLIC Study (J.P.Delahaye) TESLA General Design Overview (O.Napoly) Status of the SBLC Study (N.Holtkamp) VLEPP Conception (V.Balakin) 13:00-14:00 (20') 16:00 (20') 19:00 September 30 Tuesday Progress in photon colliders (V.Telnov) Recent lessons lear-ned at SLC(M.Ross) October 1 Wednesday Detector for LC: (R.Settles) Invited Report (A.Skrinsky) October 2 Thursday Progress report on e-e- collider (C.Heusch) and WG everyday news and plans WG WG WG 1+4, 2, 3, 5 1, 2, 3+4, 5 2, 3, 4, 5 Coffee Break (15 min) WG 1+4, 2, 3, 5 WG 1, 2, 3+4, 5 WG 1, 2, 3, 4+5 Lunch FFTB Report (D.Burke) The CLIC Test Facility (H.Braun) SLAC RF Development and NLCTA (R.Ruth) Status of the ATF (H.Hayano) First Results from TTF (H.Weise) Status S-band Test Facility at DESY (M.Schmitz) Coffee Break (15 min) LAL Activity towards TESLA (T.Garvey) ---------------------------------------------------------------Working group organization Dinner Get Together Party WG 1, 2, 3, 4 WG 1, 2, 3, 4 WG Tour to Moscow and Zvenigorod Banquet 1, 2, 3, 4+5 Coffee WG 1, 2, 3, 4+5 October 3 Friday WG Summaries WG Summaries CLOSING CONTENTS Working group 0 Plenary reports R007 Balakin Vladimir (Branch INP) “VLEPP Conception”. R010 Burke David (SLAC), “FFTB Report”. R011 Braun Hans-Heinrich ( CERN ), “The CLIC Test Facility”. R006 Delahaye Jean-Pierre ( CERN ), “The status of the CLIC study”. R012 Garvey Terence (LAL ), “LAL Activities towards TESLA”. R015 Hayano Hitoshi (KEK), “ATF status”. R008 Holtkamp Norbert (DESY), “S-Band Linear Collider Overview”. R004 Irwin John (SLAC), “NLC Overview and Parameters”. R009 Napoly Olivier (SACLAY), “TESLA general design overview”. R018 Ross Marc (SLAC), “Recent lessons learned at SLC”. R014 Ruth Ronald (CERN), “SLAC RF Development and NLCTA Status”. R013 Schmitz Michael (DESY), “The Status of the S-Band Test Facility at DESY”. R017 Telnov Valery ( Budker INP ), “Progress in photon colliders”. R005 Toge Nobukazu (KEK), “Overview of the JLC Design Study '96-'97”. R016 Weise Hans (DESY), “Commissioning and First Results from the TESLA Test Facility”. Working group 1 Overview of conceptions and perspectives R107 Balakin Vladimir (Branch of INP) “Problems To Be Solved in the Next 2 3 Years and Program for VLEPP” R065 Bialowons Wilhelm (DESY). “Conventional Fasilities for the TESLA Superconducting Linear Collider SBLC at DESY”. R112 Burke David (SLAC) “Top Concerns X Band (SLAC)”. R131 Delahaye Jean-Pierre ( CERN ), “Discussion.”. R019 Delahaye Jean-Pierre ( CERN ), “Parameters scaling laws in linear colliders”. R095 Henke Heino (ITE), “Beat-wave transformer linac”. R114 Heusch Clemens (SLAC), “Progress Report on e-e-Collider”. R021 Loew Gregory (SLAC), “TRC Report”. R035 Raubenheimer Tor (SLAC), “A 30 GHz - 5 TeV Linear Collider”. R111 Takata K.oji (KEK) “Critical Issues for JLC”. 1 R066 Takeda Seishi (KEK) “Constructions Techiques for JLC”. R108 Trines Heinz (KEK) Problems To Be Solved in the Next 2 3 Years and Program for TESLA”. R061 Wilson Zane (SLAC),“First Results of the Reliability Program for NLC Main Linac System” Working group 2 Sources, Damping rings, bunch compressors R027 Alexandrov A. (BINP) ”High Power Test of RF Gun Prototype with GaAs Photocathode”. R123 Clendenin J (SLAC) ,”NEA Cathodes: Thermal Emittance 0” R024 Clendenin J (SLAC), “Summary of the Workshop on New Kinds of Positron Sources for Linear Colliders”. R025 Glantz Rainer (DESY), “Positron Production for the S-Band and TESLA Linear Colliders”. R048 Hirose T.(Tokyo Metropolitan University) “Experiments of Lazer Compton Scattering at KEK ATF”. R089 Hayano H.(KEK) “Beam stabilization”. R133 Kamada S.(Japan),“Emittance Monitor Issues”. R030 Miyamoto Akiya ( KEK ), “JLC Positron source”. R132 Montag C.(KEK),“Life Time Measurement at ATF”. R028 Mulhollan Gregory (SLAC), “Challenges for Polarized Electron Souces in Future Colliders”. R113 Naito Takashi ( KEK ), “SR Monitor for ATF”. R034 Omori Tsunehiko. ( KEK ), “A polarized positron source for LCs”. R023 Omori Tsunehiko( KEK ) ,“Superlattice Photocathodes for Polarized Electron Generation”. R081 Potier Jean-Pierre ( CERN ), “Status of the CLIC damping ring studies”. R130 Potier Jean-Pierre ( CERN ), “Bunch compression on the CLIC main beam”. R105 Rinolfi Louis ( CERN ), “The CLIC main beam injector complex” R103 Schreiber Siegfried ( DESY ), “Status of Injector II of the Tesla Test Facility”. R075 Settles Ronald (Max-Planck-Institut ), “Beam Driven Plasma Acceleration for Linear Collider”. R074 Skrinsky A.(BINP), Beam Driven Plasma Acceleration for Linear Collider. R109 Soliak N.,(Branch of INP) “Development of the High Voltage High Current Gun for Injector”. 2 R079 Ruth R.(SLAC), “Laser Electron Storage Ring”. R086 Telnov Valery ( Budker INP ), “Multi-gun low emittance injector” R087 Terunuma N.(KEK),” Kicker at ATF”. R033 Tsunemi Akira (Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd.), “Pico second CO for the generation of e + 2 laser system using laser-Compton scattering”. R047 Urakawa Junji ( KEK ), “Design of Positron Accumulator Ring”. R088 Urakawa Junji (KEK), “Experience on Magnets in the ATF Damping Ring”. R110 Yeremian Anahid (SLAC), “NLC Injector”. Working group 3 RF and accelerating structure R020 Choroba Stefan ( DESY ), “Planed modifications of the S-Band klystron modulator”. R037 Choroba Stefan ( DESY ), “The next 150MW S-Band test facility klystrons”. R022 Choroba Stefan ( DESY ), R134 Corsini Roberto ( CERN ), “The CLIC Multi-Drive Beam Scheme”. R051 Dolbilov Gennady (JINR ), “Design of 135 MW Klystron for Linear Collider”. R128 Dohlus M.(DESY) “X Band HOM Pickup for SBLC Structure”. R094 Dolgashev V. (BINP),“Application of Scattering Matrix Formulation for “Some remarks on the TESLA klystron / modulator. Simulation of Accelerating Structures”. R118 Funahashi K(Japan), ”The Structure Assembly Tchnique”. R100 Gardelle J., “Test Fasility for Drive Beam Generation”. R046 Gold Saul (SLAC), “Results of Design, Component Development, and Testingfor the NLC Modulator.”. R102 Henke Heino (ITE), “Millimeter-wave structures for linear colliders”. R117 Higashi K. (KEK), ”X band Accelerating Structure Fabrication”. R078 Higo Toshiyasu (KEK), “X-band structure work for JLC”. R120 Jones Roger (SLAC), “Latest Developments in Advanced Damped Detuned Structures”. R036l Kaminsky Alim ( JINR ), “Experimental observation of Mode competition and single Mode operation in JINR-IAP FEL osc”. R068 Kazarezov Ivan ( Budker INP ), “Modulator for Klystron 5045”. R073 Kazarezov Ivan ( Budker INP ), “Glass Capacitors K15-10 in Pulse High Voltage Generators”. R057 Kuzikov Sergey (Institute of Applied Physics, Novosibirsk ), “Passive Pulse 3 Compressors Based on Quasi-Optical Ring Cavities”. R092 Larionov Alexandre (Branch of INP), “Diode gun with an increased beam Convergence for powerful PPM focused X-band klystron”. R038 Mizuno H.(KEK), “Modulator for JLC”. R058 Mizuno H.(KEK), “DLDS for JLC”. R059 Mizuno H.(KEK), “Klystron Development for JLC”. R093 Pavlov V.(BINP), “Test of the Prototype VEPP 5 Preinjector”. R104 Pavlov V.(BINP), “The Accelerating Structure for VEPP 5 Preinjector”. R001 Petrov Sergey (Budker INP), “The Resonant "de-Tailing Stabilized Charging System for High Power Klystron Mjdulator”. R090 Sammy H. , “Low Power Testing of X Band Accelerator Structures”. R122 Sekutowicz J.(DESY), “Superconducting Supersrukture”. R138 Shemelin V.(BINP), “Development of overmode RF window using multimode matrix formalism”. R116 Sobenin Nicolay (MEPhI ), “Investigation of High Mode Withdrawal from accelerating section for BPM”. R045 Sprehn Daryl (SLAC), “X Band PPM Klystron Development at SLAC”. R125 Takeda S. (KEK), “Back ground and Dark Current Experiment at ATF S BAND Linac”. R044 Tantawi Sami (SLAC), “A Multi-Moded Delay Line Distribution System”. R000 Teryaev V.E.(Branch of INP) “The development of the boundary interval method for cavity RF mode analysis”. R085 Thorndahl Lars ( CERN ), “Damped CLIC transfer struktures”. R101 Thorndahl Lars ( CERN ), “CLIC drive beam generation (reference scheme)“. R002 Tokarev Yury ( Budker INP ), “The Current Type Charging Converter for Klystron modulator.” R050 Tur Yuriy (NSC-KIPT, Kharkov ), “Generating High Density Electron Beams by Magnetron Guns with Secondary Emission”. R056 Vikharev Anatoly (Institute of Applied Physics, Novosibirsk ), “Studies of Oversized Pulse Compressors with Distributed Plasma Switches”. R082 Wilson Ian ( CERN ), “CLIC accelerating structure studies”. R080 Wang Juwen (SLAC), “Status Report of Accelerator Structure R&D at SLAC”. R060 Wilson Perry (SLAC), “Mutimode DLDS Concept for the NLC”. R061 Wilson Zane (SLAC), “Results of Design, Component Development, and Testing for the NLC Modulator.”. R115 Wuensch Walter (CERN ), “The CLIC 30 GHz test linacs”. 4 R043 Yu Simon (LBNL),” Status of X Band Relativistic Klystron Two Beam Accelera for Development”. R136 Yu Simon (LBNL),” 30 GHz Relativistic Klystron Two BeamAccelerator”. Working group 4 Main linac. Beam dynamics and related instrumentation R106 Adolphsen Chris (SLAC), “DDS Wakefield Measurements in ASSET”. R031 Adolphsen Chris (SLAC), “ .Linac Experience and Design”. R083 Adolphsen Chris (SLAC), “Results from the NLC Test Accelerator R096 Adolphsen Chris (SLAC), “ Accelerator Structure Alignment Stability” R097 Adolphsen Chris (SLAC), “ Ground Motion Studies at SLAC R135 Assmann Ralph (SLAC), “Linac emittance stability with slow ground motion”. R041 Assmann Ralph (SLAC), “Emittance optimization and tolerances in the NLC ”. . ”. main linacs”. R055 Assmann Ralph (SLAC), “The use of "LIAR" for linac simulations (SLC, NLC, LCLS, JLC)”. R052 Bane K.(SLAC), “NLC Verification of the Short Range Wakefields”. R054 Bane K.(SLAC), “Wakefields due to a Rough Surface”. R098 Bane K.(SLAC),” Measurement of the Longitudinal Wakefield and the Bunch Shape in the SLAC Linac”. R053 Irwin John (SLAC), “Model Independent Orbit Alignment”. R049 Jones Roger (SLAC), “DDS Manifold Radiation and Structure Alignment”. R062 Napoly O. (CEA), “Emmittance Optimization on TESLA Main Linacs”. R063 Riche Joe ( CERN ), “Drive beam stability and focusing optics”. R072 Ross Marc (SLAC), “Beam power control”. R067 Ross Marc (SLAC), “Laser based Beam size monitor”. R064 Schulte Daniel ( CERN ), “CLIC: Main Linac Beam Dynamics”. R129 Sery Andrey , ( Branch of INP ) “Methods for ground motion analisys”. R124 Sobenin Nicolay (MEPhI ), “Design of Monitor for the Electron Bunch Length Measurement in the range of1-5mm rms”. R032 Tsakanov Vassili (Yerevan Physics Institute ), “On the emittance dilution in main linac”. R039 Van Rienen Ursula (UTD, Darmstadt ), “Recent Beam Dynamics Simulations for the SBLC”. 5 R126 Vogel V. (Branch of INP),” VLEPP Structure Alignment Test at KEK ATF”. R137 Walker Niakolas(DESY), “Tuning and stability of the TESLA BDS”. R042 Wanzenberg R.(DESY), “Status of the SBLC Beam Dynamics Study”. Working group 5 Beam delivery and Interaction region R077 Battaglia Marco ( CERN ), “Vertex tracker for the LC”. R084 Irwin John (SLAC), “Dynamic Focusing”. R003 Kushnirenko E (Branch of INP), “Estimates of the e y Conversion Background Using Generalized Poissonn Distribution”. R040 Napoly Olivier ( SACLAY ), “TESLA Beam delivery and Interaction Region”. R119 Napoly Olivier ( SACLAY ), “Luminosity monitor studies for TESLA”. R076 Schreiber Heinz Juergen (DESY ), “Muon Background at the TESLA LC”. R127 Schreiber Siegfried ( DESY ), “Bunch Size Monitor at the TESLA Interaction Point”. R029 Tauchi Toshiaki ( KEK ), “Interaction region at JLC”. R026 Yokoya K.,(KEK), “CAIN 2.1 b version”. R121 Walker N. (DESY), “Beam Size Measurement using a Gradient Undulator”. R069 Woods Michael (SLAC), “Vibration Suppression for Final Focus Quadrupoles”. R070 Woods Michael (SLAC),” Polarimetry at JLC” . R071 Woods Michael (SLAC), “Way FAST Beam Targeting Stabilization of NLC”. 6 AUTHOR INDEX A EZHOV Vadim ADOLPHSEN Chris F ALEXANDROV Alexander FATEEV Anatoly ALEXANDROV Victor FLOETTMANN Klaus ASSMANN Ralph FUNAHASHI Yoshisato AUNE Bernard G AVRAKHOV Pavel GARDELLE Jacques AZORSKY Nikolay GARVEY Terence B GLANTZ Rainer Frank BALAKIN Vladimir GOLD Saul BANE Karl H BATTAGLIA Marco HAYANO Hitoshi BAZHAN Anatoly HANNA Sammy BIALOWONS Wilhelm HENKE Heino BIELER Michael HEUSCH Clemens BRAUN Hans-Heinrich HIGASHI Yasuo BURKE David HIGO Toshiyasu C HIROSE Tachishige CASSEL Richard HOLTKAMP Norbert CASTRO-GARCIA Pedro HUBNER Kurt CHASHURIN Vladimir I CHAYUKOV Igor IAKUBOV Yury CHIBUKOV Yury IRWIN John Ernest CHOROBA Stefan IVANOV Igor CLENDENIN James J CORSINI Roberto JOGOLEV Pavel D JONES Roger DELAHAYE Jean-Pierre K DOHLUS Johannes Martin KAMADA Susumu DOLBILOV Gennady KAMINSKY Alim DOLGASHEV Valery KAZAKOV Sergey E 1 KAZAREZOV Ivan RICHE Joe Alain KUSHNIRENKO Evgeny RINOLFI Louis KUZIKOV Sergey RODYAKIN Vladimir KUZNETSOV Vasily ROSS Marc L RULLIER Jean-Luc RUTH Ronald LARIONOV Alexander LE DUFF Joel S LEENEN Martin SAKAE Hisaharu LOEW Gregory SANDALOV Alexander LUKIN Anatoly SCHEKOCHIKHIN Arkady LUNEV Pavel SCHMITZ Michael LUNIN Andrey SCHREIBER Siegfried M SCHREIBER Heinz Juergen SCHULTE Daniel MARKIEWICZ Thomas SEDYKH Sergey MASLOV Michail SEKUTOWICZ Jacek MEDVEDKO Anatoly SERGEEV Anatoly MIYAMOTO Akiya SERY Andrey MIZUNO Hajime SETTLES Ronald Dean MONTAG Christoph SHEMELIN Valery MULHOLLAN Gregory SHEPPARD John N SHIRSHOV Leonid NAITO Takashi SPREHN Daryl NAPOLY Olivier SKRINSKY Alexander O SOBENIN Nikolay OMORI Tsunehiko SOLYAK Nikolay P STOYE Thorsten SYRACHEV Igor PAGANI Carlo PATERSON James T PAVLOV Viktor TAKATA Koji PETROV Sergey TAKEDA Seishi PIKUNOV Viktor TANTAWI Sami POTIER Jean-Pierre TAUCHI Toshiaki R TELNOV Valery TERUNUMA Nobuhiro RAUBENHEIMER Tor 2 TERYAEV Vladimir ZHURAVLEV Vladimir THORNDAHL Lars TKACHENKO Nikolay TOGE Nobukazu TOKAREV Yury TRINES Heinz Dieter TSAKANOV Vasili TSEPANUK Tadeush TSUNEMI Akira TUR Yuriy U URAKAWA Junji V VALYAEV Yury VAN RIENEN Ursula VIKHAREV Anatoly VOGEL Vladimir W WALKER Nikolas John WANG Juwen WANZENBERG Rainer WEISE Hans WILSON Ian WILSON Perry WILSON Zane WOODS Michael WUENSCH Walter Y YAMAMOTO Masashi YASNOV Gennady YEREMIAN Anahid YOKOYA Kaoru YU Simon Shin-Lun Z 3 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS BY AFFILIATION Branch of INP, Protvino, Russia PETROV Sergey ALEXANDROV Victor SHEMELIN Valery AVRAKHOV Pavel SKRINSKY Alexander BALAKIN Vladimir TELNOV Valery BAZHAN Anatoly TOKAREV Yury CHASHURIN Vladimir YAKUBOV Yury CHAYUKOV Igor YASNOV Gennady CHIBUKOV Yury EZHOV Vadim CEA, Saclay, France JOGOLEV Pavel NAPOLY Olivier KAZAKOV Sergey AUNE Bernard KUSHNIRENKO Evgeny KUZNETSOV Vasily CEA, CESTA, France LARIONOV Alexander GARDELLE Jacques LUNEV Pavel RULLIER Jean-Luc LUNIN Andrey SCHEKOCHIKHIN Arkady CERN, Switzerland SERY Andrey BRAUN Hans-Heinrich SOLYAK Nikolay CORSINI Roberto SYRACHEV Igor DELAHAYE Jean-Pierre TERYAEV Vladimir HUBNER Kurt TSEPANUK Tadeush POTIER Jean-Pierre VALYAEV Yury RICHE Joe Alain VOGEL Vladimir RINOLFI Louis ZHURAVLEV Vladimir SCHULTE Daniel THORNDAHL Lars Budker INP, Novosibirsk, Russia WILSON Ian ALEXANDROV Alexander WUENSCH Walter DOLGASHEV Valery KAZAREZOV Ivan DESY, Germany LUKIN Anatoly BIALOWONS Wilhelm MEDVEDKO Anatoly BIELER Michael PAVLOV Viktor CASTRO-GARCIA Pedro CHOROBA Stefan JINR, Dubna, Russia DOHLUS Johannes Martin DOLBILOV Gennady FLOETTMANN Klaus FATEEV Anatoly GLANTZ Rainer Frank IVANOV Igor HOLTKAMP Norbert KAMINSKY Alim LEENEN Martin SEDYKH Sergey SCHMITZ Michael SERGEEV Anatoly SCHREIBER Siegfried SEKUTOWICZ Jacek STOYE Thorsten TRINES Heinz Dieter WALKER Nikolas John WANZENBERG Rainer WEISE Hans KEK, Japan FUNAHASHI Yoshisato HAYANO Hitoshi HIGASHI Yasuo HIGO Toshiyasu KAMADA Susumu MIYAMOTO Akiya IHEP, Protvino, Russia MIZUNO Hajime SHIRSHOV Leonid MONTAG Christoph TKACHENKO Nikolay NAITO Takashi OMORI Tsunehiko INFN, Italy TAKATA Koji PAGANI Carlo TAKEDA Seishi TAUCHI Toshiaki Institute of Applied Physics, Nyzhny Novgorod , Russia TERUNUMA Nobuhiro TOGE Nobukazu URAKAWA Junji KUZIKOV Sergey YOKOYA Kaoru Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy LAL, Orsay, France Industries Co., Ltd., Japan GARVEY Terence SAKAE Hisaharu LE DUFF Joel YAMAMOTO Masashi LBNL, USA ITE, Berlin, Germany YU Simon Shin-Lun HENKE Heino Max-Planck-Institut, Germany SETTLES Ronald Dean WILSON Zane WOODS Michael MEPhI, Moscow, Russia YEREMIAN Anahid SOBENIN Nikolay Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd., Moscow State University, Russia Japan PIKUNOV Viktor TSUNEMI Akira RODYAKIN Vladimir SANDALOV Alexander Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan NSC-KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine HIROSE Tachishige TUR Yury University of California, Santa SLAC, USA ADOLPHSEN Chris Cruz,USA HEUSCH Clemens ASSMANN Ralph BANE Karl BURKE David CASSEL Richard University of Helsinki,Finland BATTAGLIA Marco CLENDENIN James GOLD Saul Univ. of Techn., Darmstadt, HANNA Sammy Germany IRWIN John Ernest VAN RIENEN Ursula JONES Roger LOEW Gregory Yerevan Physics Institute, MULHOLLAN Gregory Republic of Armenia PATERSON James RAUBENHEIMER Tor ROSS Marc RUTH Ronald SHEPPARD John SPREHN Daryl TANTAWI Sami WANG Juwen WILSON Perry TSAKANOV Vasily CREDITS We would like to acknowledge and thank all the people who took part in organization of the LC97, and production of the workshop proceedings. In particular our great thanks to: Anatoly Bazhan, Pavel Lunev and Andrey Lunin who have made a great efforts to compel the computers, electronic equipment, software and, that was most difficult, the people to work together in a right way; Deniss Molyavin for his art design of the proceedings; Sergey Astakhov, Arkady Schekochihin Tatyana Luneva, and Elena Slabospitskaya for their handling of the electronic side of the proceedings, the fruits of whose work could be seen on the CD version and WWW server very soon just after the Workshop; Victor Alexandrov, Pavel Jogolev, Maria Juravleva, Svetlana Kiseleva, Tatyana Skarina, and Natalia Syracheva for their work on transferring all of the author’s transparencies to electronic type for the CD and WWW version of the Proceedings. Svetlana Jikhareva and Natalia Solyak for their work in preparation of all documents and papers for the publication; Natalia Mayoriova for her professional help in the translation of all documents and correspondence with the authors; Alexander Romanov For his efforts to get all the electronic equipment we were need; Elena Seraya for the idea of the LC97 emblem; Also we would like to thank all of the authors for their cooperation with the publishing team. And the last, but not the least, we would like to thank the publishing team of previous Conferences on accelerators, in particular the team of LINAC96, whose successful work encouraged us to try to establish a new tradition: to publish the hand-made transparencies presented on a workshop also on a CD version of Proceedings. The Editors.