Charge Sensitive Preamplifier A2 50 STATE-OF-THE-ART • External FET allows matching to detector • FET can be cooled • Noise at room temperature ~ 100 electrons RMS • Low power (19 mW typical) Features • • • • • • • • • Ultra low noise Low power Fast rise time (2.5 ns at 0 pF) External FET (allows selection or cooling) Positive or negative signal processing Pin selectable gain Small size (14 pin hybrid DIP) High reliability screening One year warranty Applications • • • • • • • Aerospace Nuclear physics Portable instrumentation Nuclear monitoring Particle, gamma, and x-ray imaging Medical and nuclear electronics Electro-optical systems Overview The A250 is a hybrid state-of-the-art Charge Sensitive Preamplifier for use with a wide range of detectors having capacitance from less than one, to several thousand picofarads. Such detectors include silicon, CdTe, CZT, and HgI2 solid state detectors, proportional counters, photomultiplier tubes, piezoelectric devices, photodiodes, CCD’s, and others. To permit optimization for a wide range of applications, the input field effect transistor is external to the package and user selectable. This feature is essential in applications where detector and FET must be cooled to reduce noise. In all applications, it allows the FET to be matched to the particular detector capacitance, as well as to noise and shaping requirements. In larger quantities, the A250 may be specially ordered with an internal FET. The noise performance of the A250 is such that its contribution to FET and detector noise is negligible in all charge amplifier applications, i.e., it is essentially an ideal amplifier in this respect. The internal feedback components configure the A250 as a charge amplifier; however, it may be used as a high performance current or voltage preamplifier by choice of suitable feedback components. While these preamps were designed for multidetector satellite instrumentation, their unique characteristics make them equally useful in a broad range of laboratory and commercial applications. Figure 1: Typical Application COOLING (OPTIONAL) FET A250 A275 DETECTOR CHARGE SENSITIVE PREAMPLIFIER AMPTEK INC. Tel: +1 (781) 275-2242 PULSE HEIGHT ANALYZER OR A/D SHAPING AMPLIFIER 14 DeAngelo Drive, Bedford, MA 01730-2204 U.S.A. Fax: +1 (781) 275-3470 e-mail: A250 Specifications (Vs = ±6 V, T = 25 °C unloaded output) INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Sensitivity (Cf = 1 pF) 44 mV/MeV (Si) 55 mV/MeV (Ge) 36 mV/MeV (CdTe) 38 mV/MeV (HgI2) 1 V/pC 0.16 µV/electron Sensitivity can be reduced by connecting Pin 2 and/or 3 to Pin 1, thus providing Cf = 3, 5, or 7 pF. Additional external capacitors can be added for further reduction of gain. In general, the sensitivity is given by A = 1/Cf (pF) V/pC. For silicon, the sensitivity is A = 44/Cf (pF) mV/MeV. Noise Input FET dependent. See Figure 2. Noise slope Input FET dependent. See Figure 2. Data presented in Figure 2 is representative of results obtained with recommended FETs, and is characteristic of the FET and shaping time constants, rather than the A250, which is effectively noiseless. In general, the choice of input FET is based on its noise voltage specification (ηV/√Hz) and its input capacitance (Ciss). For low capacitance detectors, a FET with small Ciss should be chosen, such as 2N4416 or 2SK152. For very high capacitance detectors, two or more matched high Ciss FETs such as the 2N6550 may be paralleled to achieve the best noise performance. Dynamic Input Ca- >40,000 pF with two 2SK147 FETs and pacitance Cf = 5 pF Polarity Negative or positive Power Dissipation 14 mW + 6[Ids] Variation of Sensitivity with Supply < 0.15%/V at ±6 V. Voltage Temperature Sta- < 0.1% from 0 to +100 °C < 0.5% from -55 bility to +125 °C Operating Temper-55 to +125 °C ature Storage Tempera-65 to + 150 °C ture Screening Amptek High Reliability Package 14 Pin hybrid DIP (metal) Weight 3.8 g Warranty One year Test Board PC-250 Options RC Feedback Kit (1 GΩ resistor, 0.1 pF capacitor) Internal FET (consult factory) NASA GSFC S-311-P-698 screening Amptek High Reliability Screening A250F with internal FET (SIP Package) Other ConfiguraA250F/NF with external FET (SIP Packtions (Package) age) Pin Configuration (14 pin hybrid DIP) Pin 1 300 MΩ resistor in parallel with 1 pF feedback capacitor. Connect this pin to the detector and the gate of the FET. Pin 2 2 pF feedback tap Pin 3 4 pF feedback tap Pin 4 -6 V direct Pin 5 -6 V through 50 Ω Pin 6 Compensation (0 - 30 pF to ground) for low closed loop gain configuration (where a large feedback capacitor is used together with small detector capacitance). Pin 7 Ground and case > +2.8 V Pin 8 Output through 100 Ω Negative Clipping < -4.6 V Level Pin 9 Output direct Pin 10 +6 V through 50 Ω GENERAL Pin 11 +6 V direct f > 300 MHz with 2N4416 FET Gain-Bandwidth T fT > 1.5 GHz with two 2SK147 FETs Product See Figure 7. Pin 12 Ground and case Pin 13 Provide 2.75 mA drain current to the external FET by connecting Pin 13 to 14. (See operating current specifications.) Pin 14 Input. Should be connected to the drain of the FET. This pin is held internally at + 3 Volts. OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Polarity Inverse of input Rise Time 2.5 ns at 0 pF input load with 2SK152 4.5 ns at 100 pF input load with 2N6650 or 2SK152. See Figures 3 and 4. Output Impedance Pin 8: 100 Ω; Pin 9: < 10 Ω. Integral Nonlinear- < 0.03% for 0 to +2 V unloaded ity < 0.006% for 0 to -2 V unloaded Decay Time Con- 300 MΩ x Cf = 300 µs, 900 µs, 1.5 ms, stant 2.1 ms. User selectable T=Rf Cf Positive Level Clipping Operating Voltage ±6 V, (±8 V maximum) Operating Current ±1.2 mA plus the FET drain current (Ids). Where: Ids (mA) = 3/R (kΩ) - 0.25. As a special case, the internal 1 K resistor may be used for R, by connecting Pin 13 to 14, giving Ids = 2.75 mA. A250 Specifications (con’t) Figure 2: A250 Noise Characteristics Figure 6: A250 Configured as a Low Noise Voltage Amplifier +6V VI 13 1K FET D INPUT G RI 20 μF S 10 A250 14 9 1 300M 1pF 7,2 Vo OUTPUT 5 -6V RF Typical RF = 1M, RI = 10K; GAIN: Vo = VI(RF/RI) Noise as a function of detector capacitance, input FET, feedback capacitor, and shaping times Figure 7: A250 Small Signal Phase & Amplitude vs. Frequency Figure 3: A250 Rise Time For low capacitance FET: 2N4416 (Ciss = 4 pF, Ids = 3 mA) For high capacitance FET: 2 x 2SK147 (Ciss = 180 pF, Ids = 1.5 mA each) Output rise time versus detector capacitance and FET Figure 8: A250 Connection Diagram R Figure 4: A250 Output Response 11 12 EXTERNAL FET D G S 14 INPUT Output response with A250 configured as a charge sensitive preamplifier; 2SK152/3mA, Rf = 300 MΩ, Cf = 1 pF, Cd = 0 pF 2 3 Figure 5: A250 Output Response A250 OUTPUT 9 1K 300M 1 DETECTOR 50 0.047 13 +6V 10 Cf 8 100 1 pF 2 pF 50 0.047 4 pF 4 5 -6V 6 COMP. 7 Figure 9: A250 Mechanical dimensions. 0.100 0.500 0.870 Output response with A250 configured as a Transimpedance Amplifier (current to voltage); 2N4416/3mA, Rf = 60 kΩ, Cf = 0 pF, Cd = 0 pF 0.185 14 8 1 7 TOP VIEW 0.300 0.250 0.018 (inches) SIDE VIEW A250 Applications Figure 10: A Two Detector Telescope System. A150 PULSE SHAPING FET A250 DETECTOR A275 D400 QUAD COUNTER A150 A275 A150 A150 BLR1 COINCIDENCE LOGIC OPTIONAL COOLING A150 BASELINE RESTORER FAST TIMING A150 A150 A150 PULSE SHAPING FET A250 DETECTOR A275 μP D400 QUAD COUNTER A150 A275 OUTPUT DEVICE A150 OPTIONAL COOLING STACKED DISCRIMINATORS BLR1 BASELINE RESTORER Figure 11: The A250 Connected to a Solid State Detector. +HV 1 Meg 3 POLE SHAPING 100 nF (HV) 44 mV/MeV +6V (pole zero) 3 Meg 1 >100 Meg 13 13 14 14 A250 FET 10 nF (HV) 7 10 10 9 -6V +6V 12 1213131414+6V 2 100 pF (NPO) 5 200 ns 1.5 V/MeV 440 mV/MeV 1 + - A275 7 1.07k 10 10 +6V 10 10 +6V 121213131414+6V 9 5 47 uH 866 1 9k 9 k -6V + - 168 pF (NPO) 1.1k Solid State Detector 2 A275 7 10 10 5 1 8 9 2 9k 9k -6V Ref V1 1k 1.1k 12 12 7 8 BLR1 -6V Figure 12: The A250 Connected to a Proportional Counter. + - 4 Active Baseline Restoration HV 1NF, HV Optional Input Protection 1M, HV Proportional Counter 300 Ohm 1NF, HV 1 13 14 FET 7 + A150 Ref V2 8 9 6 -6V Figure 13: The A250 Connected to a DP5/PX5 DPP & MCA. +6V 10 9 A250 +6V To other A150s, ADC or MCA +6V 1M, HV -6V 5 9 9 6 10 10 2 6 8 5 1 +6V A150 + Detector 5 1 13 14 FET 10 A250 7 -6V 9 5 -6V DP5 or PX5 Computer Digital Pulse Processor and MCA For more information, please see AMPTEK INC. 14 DeAngelo Drive, Bedford, MA 01730-2204 U.S.A. Tel: +1 (781) 275-2242 Fax: +1 (781) 275-3470 e-mail: