BASF Corporation Advantages of Welded Nylon for Powertrain Applications: Linear Vibration, Orbital Vibration and Hot Plate Welding Technologies Introduction Under-the-hood nylon use in North America and Europe has grown from 87,5 million kilograms to 145 million kilograms in 1995 and a projected 230 million kilograms in 2005 [1-3]. On average, each passenger car uses 15-18 kg of nylon-based plastics. Nylons (polyamides - PA) are high performance semi-crystalline thermoplastics with a number of attractive physical, chemical, and mechanical (short-term and long-term) properties. Molded nylon parts are more resistant to fatigue, creep, repeated impact, and challenging chemical environments the parts made of many less-durable thermoplastics. There are more than a dozen classes of nylon resins, including PA-6, PA- 66, PA-46, PA-12, PA-610, PA-612, etc. Details on the commercial and experimental resins are provided in [4-5]. The total numbers offered by all world-wide producers is estimated to be about 1,500. Welded nylons are used in many industrial products, the largest being the automotive. In recent years, demand has risen sharply for non-filled, filled, and fiber-glass reinforced nylon products [1-3, 6] to replace metals (steels and light alloys) and thermosets in the automotive (integrated air induction systems, power train systems, fluids reservoirs, and other uses). The design of critically stressed plastic components (including welded) requires advanced analysis of structure, noise vibration & harshness (NVH), using shortterm (including impact) and long-term (creep, fatigue, stress relaxation) strength and life criteria. Reinforced nylon plastics (with 30-35% wt.% glass-fiber) are typically used in design of air intake manifolds. Glass/mineral reinforced/filled nylon plastics (40% wt. GF/MF) are used in design of engine covers. The air intake manifolds (Figure 1a), resonators (Figure 1b), fluid reservoirs, and many others are hollow parts that may be produced by either lost core, plastic welding, or welding plus fastening/over-molding technologies. Worldwide [2-3], nearly 80% of air intake manifolds are produced by either a lost-core injection (46%) molding process or injection molding followed by linear vibration welding (32%). The lost core process is more capital intensive compared to plastics welding processes because it involves additional forming, melting and metallic core removing . It is also possible to use the hot plate welding, and infrared welding technologies for plastic hollow parts. Linear vibration welding, orbital vibration welding and hot plate welding equipment and welding tools/nests are not very expensive, and the welding process itself is not that time consuming. The welding machines are equipped with a data acquisitions system that monitored and recorded & reported the key process parameters. Fig. 1: Welded Plastic Components a a – Air Intake Manifold b b – resonator Differences and Similarities of Frictional (Linear Vibration and Orbital Vibration) and Hot-Plate Welding Technologies Different welding methods were used for joining and assembling hollow plastic parts, such as linear vibration (LVW), orbital vibration (OVW), spin (SW), ultrasonic (U/SW), extrusion, hot plate (H-P), infrared (IR), laser (LW), induction (Emabond®), etc. In the past, frictional welding (FW) processes were divided into three groups, ultrasonic, linear vibration and rotational motion (spin welding). Only five years ago orbital vibration welding was introduced [7]. LVW, OVW and H-P methods were utilized in assembling various plastic parts made from two, three, or more pieces, molded, molded, extruded, thermally formed from the similar or dissimilar thermoplastics (including nylon). These joining technologies all share the following typically welding phases: • joined plastic parts placement and gripping in specially designed tools/nests; • materials heated in areas where the joints are to be formed; • local melting in jointed surfaces areas; • surfaces contacting/pressing together for joining; • cooling in the joint interface and other areas; • welded plastic component removal from welding tool/nest and welding machine. The type of heat generation and heat transfer distinguishes these technologies. The H-P welding method presents an external heating process. The LVW (Figure 2a) and OVW (Figure 2b) is an alternative internal heating process using friction. For H-P welding technology, the joined surfaces of thermoplastic parts are melted prior to joining. It permits direct control of the pre-heating and welding temperature during the heating and fusion phases. For LVW and OVW technologies, the temperature in the interface (macro and micro) is a function of processing parameters such as time, clamp-pressure, amplitude, frequency, and meltdown, and it depends also on the physical and thermal characteristics of the polymers. Welding temperature in the interface during the LVW and OVW processes is not directly controlled and guided parameter in standard LVW and OVW equipment available from leading manufacturers of welding machines in North America (Branson Ultrasonics Corporation, Bielomatik, Inc., Forward Technology Industries, Sonics & Materials, Inc.). For optimizing LVW processing conditions (including temperature in interface of the butt joint) we used advanced thermal imaging infrared method and computerized system [8]. P 1 Vibratio R 2 In 2a a b P Fig. 2: Representative Directions of Frictional Welding a – LVW (P – Weld Pressure; 2a – Weed Amplitude; In – Weld Interface; R – Re-Melted Layers; b – OVW (1 – Orbital Motion; 2 – Elliptical Motion) Orbital vibration welding (OVW) technology allows motion to be programmed in many ways (Figure 2b), and it also provides more freedom in designing the weld areas. OVW process avoids some of the hindrances of LVW method, which has problem with unsupported walls perpendicular to oscillation/vibration direction. The LVW and OVW methods are also based on friction (FW) , which uses an electromagnetic drive to create relative motion between two plastic components (Figure 3). The orbital motion ensures that each point surface of the driven plastic part orbits a different point on the butt joint surface of the stationary part. This orbit of motion is continuous and identical for all points on the joint surface (Figure 2b). The OVW process operates at lower vibration amplitudes than LVW (Table 1). Even the pre-assembled/build-in sensitive electronic components are not damaged mechanically or thermally, contrary to other plastic joining methods. For the high performance LVW and OVW joints the following, processing and weld interface parameters are critical: • temperature: in total (part), local and weld interface areas during the melt formation phase; at start and final temperatures at hold/sealing (local cooling) phase; • time: pre-melt (heating), melting, hold/sealing (cooling); • clamp pressure (variable in process): pre-melt; hold/sealing (cooling); • welding amplitude (variable in process): pre-melt (heating), melting; • thickness of interface: of pre-heated and re-melted layer(s); melt collapse/melt-down; final thickness of interface (in local areas); • direction of oscillation/linear vibrations (Figure 4): longitudinal, perpendicular to thickness of wall/bead, by angle; • vibration frequency (typically in range from 120 to 240 Hz, nominal) and power. 1 b a 1 1 1 1 3 4 Vibration 3 2 4 Fig. 3: Similarities and Differences of Electromagnetic Driving Systems a –LVW; b – OVW; 1 – Electromagnet; 2 – Welded part; 3 – Upper Tooling (Table); 4 – Lower Tooling (Table). Typically the LVW machines combine all the advantages of vertical or horizontal & vertical design for joining of components made from the similar or de-similar plastics. The sizes of the joined parts vary from small (valves, fluid reservoirs, etc.) to very large (integrated air intake modules, cars cross-beams, etc.). When applying LVW technology, we need to be aware of the following disadvantages: • weight (of the upper fixture + nested upper part) and design limitations: in the sizes of the part placed in upper nest/fixture; • limitations on the weld plane configuration and maximum value of out-of-welded plane angle; • difficulties (to achieve optimized mechanical strength/life performance of joint) in using dissimilar nylon resins with the different melt temperatures (of 50°C); • dimensional limitations (in non-isometric melt distribution in local areas of possible gaps) in reinforced plastics and for non-optimized injection molding conditions. For semi-crystalline materials, it is necessary to reach a melt thickness (meltdown) in the range 0.7-1.5 mm [9-11]. The LVW and OVW processes are less sensitive to dimension tolerances because both methods are self-adjusting in the contact (weld) areas. It is possible to close a gap up to 5 mm wide, between two joined surfaces with weld clamp pressure. The LVW and OVW technologies are a reliable joining method for injection molded, blow molded and extruded thermoplastics, and hollow components. It is critical to keep the needed stiffness of the walls in welding directions perpendicular to wall thickness and by angle (Figure 4). The following key processing and weld interface parameters are important for the performance of H-P welded butt joints: • temperature at the heating element/plate; in local areas of materials or interface at joining; in material(s) diffusion phase; start and final temperatures at hold/sealing (local cooling) phase; • time: pre-melt, during melting, and during hold / sealing (cooling); • clamp pressure (variable in process): pre-melt and during hold / sealing (cooling); • thickness of interface/distance: of pre-heated and re-melted layer(s); melt collapse (at joint sealing phase); final thickness of the interface (in local areas). For H-P welding, it is critically important to achieve a sufficient and consistent through-thickness and local material heating during the pre-melt phase. For the semi-crystalline materials the requirements are [12]: • melt layer thickness (meltdown) of about 30% of the wall thickness (for a wall thickness < 4 mm); • sealing distance/joining displacement of approximately 60 to 80% of above mentioned melt thickness (or about 18 ∼ 24% of a wall thickness); • hot-plate / tool temperature (for semi-crystalline plastics application) should be equal to the melting peak, + 70°C. 5 3 1 2 4 Fig. 4: Representative Directions of Linear Vibration Welding 1 – longitudinal; 2 - perpendicular to thickness of wall/bead; 3 - by angle; 4 – welded component; 5 – un-welded parts The H-P technology is a reliable joining method for injection molded, blow-molded and extruded thermoplastics and hollow components. Typically, H-P machines have all the advantages of horizontal or vertical design. These include welds of small and big components (i.e. gas tanks), long/large diameter gas pipes made from the similar plastics. When applying the H-P methods we need to be aware of the following disadvantages: • design limitations: plane configuration of the joint surfaces; position tolerance (centering capability for non-stiff applications – flexible walls, etc.); • dimensional limitations (in non-isometric melt distribution in local areas of possible gaps) in reinforced plastics that are dimensionally unstable, and for non-optimized molding conditions; limitations on optimizing clamp-force/pressure (in case of welding of the small components). Welded Materials and Joints The thermoplastics used in this investigation were heat stabilized nylon 6 and nylon 66 (for nylon 46, 66/6 copolymer and high temperature resistance nylon-HTRN, limited data for LVW technology only) pigmented black (BK), typical for automotive under-the-hood components. Type of PA Nylon 6 Nylon 66 66/6 Copolymer Nylon 46 Nylon HTRN Fiber-glass (GF), % by weight 0; 14; 25; 30; 33; 35; 45; 50; 63 0; 30; 33; 35 30 30 35 Mineral Fillers (MF) % by weight 40 GF / MF % by weight 15 / 25 Melting Point, °C 40 - 16 / 24 - 261 238 290 300 223 Table 1: Composition (% by weight) of the Welded and Tested Nylon Plastics The materials have (Table 1) the following level of fiber-glass (GF) reinforcement, mineral fillers (MF) loading (% by weight). Table 1 also lists melting points [4] of these five resins. Melting points may vary because methods of measurement, oligomer contents, additives, reinforcements, fillers, and crystalline form can alter the result. Mechanical Tests Procedures In quality control and performance evaluation of the welded components and plagues tensile test and burst test methods were usually applied [2, 7, 9, 13]. The tensile strength of welded joints or specimens is a key parameter for the material selection, component design, joint performance evaluation, and welding optimization. However, at the current time, the standards for defining LVW, OW, and H-P, butt joint strength are not available. At the same time, most of the plastic weld performance data have been obtained by testing the tensile strength of welded butt joints. The tensile test results are very important also for joint design evaluation and improvement, new materials development for welded parts. For mechanical performance evaluation of weld (by tensile strength criteria) we used the recommended for the AIM’s butt joint design, consisting of two beads 4 mm and 6.25 mm thick and welded together the following injection molded rectangle plague: • 100 (or 150) mm × 65 mm × 6.25 mm; • 100 (or 150) mm × 65 mm × 4 mm. Sizes (length × width) of the welded plagues are: 100 (or 150) mm × 125 mm (approximately). The test data were obtained from rectangle tensile specimens (10 mm width, 125 mm length) cut and machined from above mentioned welded plagues (150/100 mm × 125 mm). For each LVW or H-P processing conditions a minimum of five specimens were tested using ISO 527 procedures. In most applications the weld flash/“bead” is not removed. In this study weld flash was machined off prior to a tensile test. The tensile specimen, which has a uniform butt weld at middle length, is then subject to constant displacement/strain rate. The specimen is loaded until it fails. All tensile test results were used for the performance optimization. Samples with high tensile strength were selected to perform the morphology analysis in the weld zone (interface). Welding Processing-Parameters and Machines (OVW, LVW, and H-P) The LVW and OVW of butt joints were made at Branson Ultrasonics Corporation. A modified MiniWelderII and CV-12 machine were used for LVW and OVW, respectively. The key LVW and OVW parameters are presented in Table 2. The H-P welding of butt joints was conducted at Bielomatik Inc. (North America) using a specially designed LabWeld horizontal machine. The key H-P parameters were as follows (Table 3). Linear Vibration Welding Process Optimization: Time-Temperature Profile One of the most important parameters affecting the performance of welded joints is the temperature during joining process. An advanced method [8] of thermal imaging (infrared) was applied in this study to analyze the temperature changes during the welding process. For the temperature detection in welding process we used Thermovision 900® Series System (FSI / Agema Infrared). The infrared (IR) camera continuously monitors the temperature distribution in overall and local areas. The computer electronically labels on time gates images according to the duration of time between sending and receiving a pulse. Processing Parameters Weld Amplitude, mm Frequency (nominal), Hz Melt-Down, mm Hold / Sealing / Cooling Time, sec Maximum Clamp Force, kN Driven Platen Fixture Weight, kg Direction of Vibration / Oscillation Linear Vibration (LVW) 1.02 ∼ 1.80 240 0.5 ∼ 5.0 2 ∼ 10 3.6 2 Longitudinal Perpendicular to Thickness By Angle Orbital Vibration (OVW) 0.6 ∼ 1.50 190 0.5 ∼ 2.0 2 ∼ 10 0.5 2 Orbital Elliptical Longitudinal Table 2: Welding / processing parameters for LVW and OVW technologies Processing Parameters Maximum Temperature of Hot Plate / Heating Element, 0 C Maximum Pre-Melt Clamp Force, kN Melt-Down, mm Maximum (Pre-melt + Melting) Time, sec. Hold / Sealing / Cooling Time, sec Hot Plate Technology (H-P) 380 3.0 0.5 ∼ 5.0 30 15 Table 3: Welding / Processing Parameters for H-P technology The software then converts these thermal pictures into series of thermal wave images which might also detect possible material or welding defects at various depth below the surface. During a welding, heating and melting of the same thermoplastics proceeds symmetrically. This process will be not the same, when joined components are molded of dissimilar materials. Because of differences in thermal properties, one material may melt at faster range. Some time, one of the materials may not even reach melting point / temperature at the joint interface. a b Figure 5: Time-Temperature Profile (Optimized LWV Process) in Weld Interface for PA (33% GF-Reinforced by Weight) Based Plastics: a – PA 6; b – PA 66 We measured the time-dependent temperature distribution and melt propagation in the weld interface (at five local areas with the same size) during the LVW process. The results were obtained at various longitudinal welding conditions (amplitude-pressure-meltdown), at vibration welding frequency =210 Hz for the similar or dissimilar nylon 6 and nylon 66 that were non-filled, filled, or reinforced. Shown in Figures 5 (a, b) are time vs. temperature plots for glass fiber reinforced (wt.% 33 GF) nylon 6 and nylon 66. The 2-second plastic pre-heating phase is too short for the heat to penetrate through all interface areas; an additional 4-6 seconds are needed for this purpose. The distribution of weld temperature in local areas was not isohronus; it was dependent on the flatness of welded surfaces, nest design and heat transfer-out of interface by the melted flush. Similar time-temperature data may also be obtained for the H-P technology. These temperatures were not affected by the reinforcement under optimized welding conditions. The reinforcement however was changing the heat transfer processes. For nylon 66 plastics, the coefficient of thermal conductivity may double with glass-reinforcement in the range of 0 to 40 wt.%. [4]. The temperatures of the nylon weld- melt (wt.% 33 GF) at the steady state were in the ranges above melt temperature of plastics (Table 5). When LVW machine is shut off, the weld penetration continues to increase because the clamp pressure causes the molten interface to flow until it solidifies. During the shutting off phase the interface temperature has a tendency to increase (for 40°C on average, see Figures 4 a and 4 b). The maximum temperature of the joint interface was equal to the melting point of welded polymers or blends + (85-90°C). The results in this study are slightly different from the data for the H-P technology [12]. These differences may reflect the difference in the methods, calibration, measurement procedures, and effects observed and analyzed during this investigation. Memory Effects in Nylons and Weld Interface A factor affecting the crystallization process of slowly or moderately slowly crystallizing polymers is called the “crystalline memory” and its results are usually lumped together under umbrella of “memory effects. It is manifested by the formation of a define degree of macromolecular order in the welded interface, as well as a rise of the melting temperature Tm of the semi-crystalline systems [5]. Type of PA Melting Point (Tmp), °C Nylon 6 223 Nylon 66 261 Maximum Temp.(Tmw) of Melt (in Weld Interface), °C 270 ~ 285 295 ~ 320 Table 4: Melting Point and Weld-Melt Tmperatures for PA (33% GF-Reinforced by Weight) Based Plastics (Optimized LVW Process) Memory effects reflect the thermal history of the molded part and, in addition, are affected by the melt temperature and welding time spent in the molten state. The highest temperature at which the polymer crystal may survive is the equilibrium melting point Tmo. For nylon 6 Tmo may place at about 270 °C. Type of PA Nylon 6 Nylon 6 Nylon 66 Nylon 66 Nylon 46 Nylon 46 Sample Preparation Pellets Ground 3 times Pellets Ground 3 times Pellets Ground 3 times Anneal Temperature Melting Point Glass Transition ( Ta ), °C ( Tmp ), C Temperature ( Tg ), °C 270 221,6 54,8 270 218,9 51,1 290 262 63,3 290 260,1 58,7 305 287 76,7 305 262 74,7 Table 5: Memory Effects of Various Nylons (at the Same Heat/Cooling Rate) Other Tmo values obtained for nylon6 by various extrapolations and range from as low as 215 °C to as high as 306 °C. Anneal temperature Ta (the temperature at which the melt is kept in order to remove the nuclei) must be higher than Tmo . Anneal temperatures (for nylon 6) as low as 260 °C were sufficient to eliminate memory effects, but 270 °C and even 280 °C are now recommended at temperatures at which memory effects are completely erased. In all these, it is assumed that Ta ≥ Tmo. A similar results [15,] were observed (in pellets) of several nylon (Table 5). Variations in the applied pressure of the amorphous phase of semi-crystalline polymers may affect changes in glass transition Tg ,melt Tm , and anneal Ta temperatures (Table 6). Type of PA Nylon 6 Nylon 66 Tg (°C) at Atmospheric Pressure 52 60 Tg (°C) at Evaluated Pressure (200 MPa) 99 109 Table 6: Changes in Tg of Various Nylons as Function of Applied Pressure The manufacturer’s recommended mold temperatures for various nylon compositions are presented in Table 7. These temperatures are cavity surface temperatures, which often would be essentially the same as temperature of the circulating water or other fluid used to control mold temperature. Higher mold temperatures delay freezing to facilitate filling long, thin section (this is the similar to re-melting processes in weld bead areas). They also encourage greater crystallization of the semi-crystalline resins, which affects both mechanical properties and dimensions. The more common nylons for injection molding such as nylon 6, nylon 66, nylon 610, nylon 612 often will use mold temperatures of 40 °C to 70 °C. Type of PA Nylon 6 Nylon 66 Nylon 46 Nylon HTRN Melting Anneal Melt Point Temp. Temp. (Tmp), ( Ta ), °C (Tm), °C °C 223 270 238 ∼ 270 261 290 280 ∼ 305 290 305 290 ∼ 320 300 320 ∼ 330 Temp. Max. Temp. Temp. Differences Differences (Tmw) of Melt (Weld ∆1= Tm - Tmp ∆2= Tmw - Tmp Interface), °C °C °C 270 ~ 285 15 ∼ 47 47 ∼ 62 295 ~ 320 19 ∼ 44 34 ∼ 59 0 ∼ 30 20 ∼ 30 Table 7: Processing (Molding and Welding) and Anneal Temperatures of Various Nylons Optimized mechanical performance of welded joint (Tables 8-11) were achieved at weld-melt temperature above (∆2) of crystalline melting point (in range from 35 to 60 °C). Observed values of the maximum temperatures of melt in weld interface (Tmw) are slightly higher (in range from 15 to 30 °C) that the anneal temperatures ( Ta ) for evaluated nylons (Table 7). These results and evidence conforming hypothesis of the Criterion of the Minimum Flow Rate Hypothesis. During the frictional welding processes (LVW and OVW), melt temperature in weld interface (Tmw) and crystallization-kinetics can be influenced by weld timetemperature parameters and the flow rate of the melt also. Efficiency of Frictional Welding Technologies (LVW and OVW) Tables 8 and 9 summarizes the results of the tensile strength of glass fiber reinforced, and mineral filled nylon 6 based plastics and welded butt joints (at optimized LVW processing conditions for longitudinal vibration directions). The results may also be compared with the tensile strength of the base matrix m / polymer (or to the tensile strength of the welded plastic pl), using welding factor fwm (or fwpl) correspondingly. Welding factors fwm and fwpl are equal to the following ratios (1 and 2): fwm = tensile strength of weld / tensile strength of base polymer (1) fwm = tensile strength of weld / tensile strength of reinforced or filled plastics) (2) Wt.% GF 6 14 25 33 50 63 Tensile Strength of Plastics (MPa) 85 125 160 185 220 254 Tensile Strength of Weld (MPa) 83,1 90,7 90,2 85,6 80,5 62,2 Weld Factor fwm 1,07 1,14 1,14 1,08 1,02 0,78 Weld Factor fwpl 0,98 0,73 0,56 0,46 0,37 0,25 Table 8: Influence of Fiber-Glass Reinforcement on the Tensile Strength (at 23 °C, Dry as Molded) of Weld and Reinforced Plastics (Optimized LVW Process) Wt.% GF+MF 15+25 0+40 33+0 Tensile Strength of Plastics (MPa) 138 89,6 185 Tensile Strength of Weld (MPa) 88,4 83,8 85,6 Weld Factor fwm 1,11 1,05 1,08 Weld Factor fwpl 0,64 0,93 0,46 Table 9: Influence of Mineral & Fiber-Glass & Reinforcement on the Tensile Strength (at 23 °C, Dry as Molded) of Weld and Reinforced Plastics (Optimized LVW Process) For OW technology it is possible to select among circular (orbital), straight (linear), or elliptical weld paths. The tensile strength of OW is slightly higher than that in LVW technology (see Table 5). By the nature of heat generation an orbital / circular and elliptical path is more efficient (at the optimized welding parameters) in glass-fibers re-orientation and polymer blending. Welding Technology Tensile Strength of Weld (at 230C, Dry as Molded), MPa LVW 85,6 OVW 87,2 Table 10. Mechanical Performance of H-P, LVW, and OVW Butt Joints (Nylon 6, wt.% 33GF) at Optimized Welding Processing Conditions Weldability of Similar and Dissimilar Nylon (LVW Technology) For automotive application joining of dissimilar (by type of used resins, reinforcements & fillers, levels of loading, etc.) plastics, copolymers, and blends is needed by design requirements (aesthetics, structural, noise and vibration-NVH, etc.) but only a limited literature is available in this area. Comprehensive results concerning the strength and bonding in linear vibration welded polycarbonate to polyetherimide butt joints were presented in [14]. Currently there is no published data available on mechanical performance of dissimilar (by type of nylon, level of fiber-glass reinforcement and mineral fillers) welded nylon based plastics. For the automotive powertrain parts design with nylon it is important to obtain data for the weld strength between the following dissimilar materials: • nylon 6 welded with nylon 66; • nylon 6 or nylon 66 welded with 66/6 copolymer; • nylon 6 or nylon 66 welded with nylon 46; • nylon 6 or nylon 66 welded with high temperature resistance nylon (HTRN). Joints Design Versions Similar Materials Nylon 6 + Nylon 6 Nylon 66 + Nylon 66 66/6 Copolymer + 66/6 Copolymer Nylon 46 + Nylon 46 Nylon HTRN + Nylon HTRN Tensile Strength of Weld (MPa) Similar Joints 85,6 83,2 84,9 59,8 57,5 Table 11. Mechanical Performance of Similar (by Type of Nylon and Loading of Fiberglass Reinforcement) Nylon Butt Joints (at 23 °C, Dry as Molded) It was pointed out [14] that only a limited inter-diffusion is expected at the joint of dissimilar polymers. Because of their difference in thermal properties, one material may melt faster than the other. Sometimes, one of the materials may not even reach its melting point at the interface. In all of the welds between two plagues or specimens, greater flash was seen in the nylon 6 side. This phenomenon is consistent with the lower melting temperature in these nylon materials. Due to the temperature gradient in the width of the joint and the length of the weld, the lateral flow of the joined plastics is not uniform [14, 17]. Additional experimental data is needed for optimizing the similar (Table 11) and dissimilar nylon butt joint (Table 12). Joints Design Versions Dissimilar Materials Nylon 66 + Nylon 6 Nylon 66 + Nylon 46 Nylon 66 + HTRN Nylon 66 + 66/6 Copolymer Nylon 6 + Nylon 66 Nylon 6 + Nylon 46 Nylon 6 + HTRN 66/6 Copolymer + Nylon 6 Tensile Strength of Weld (MPa) Dissimilar Joints 85,2 68,7 63,4 84,8 85,2 63,8 59,1 85,0 Table 12. Mechanical Performance of Dissimilar (by Type of Nylon) Butt Joints (wt.% GF, at 23 °C, Dry as Molded) The low tensile strength in the joints between nylon 66 / nylon 6 with HTRN has been related to the polymers mixing and weld interface thickness. At the steady state welding process, the nylon 66 or nylon 6 band thickness becomes constant, but the band thickness of HTRN continues to rise. For the dissimilar welds the final thickness of the interface is smaller than that of the similar welds (at optimized conditions). In [16] we showed positive influence of the interface thickness on the weld performance. To increase the mechanical performance of the dissimilar joints we need to achieve asymmetric heating conditions for the two halves of the joined parts. This however is not possible in the LVW or OVW methods due to the nature of the internal heating (self-adjustable process). For the H-P technology we need to design special heating equipment with two separate SPC heating elements, adjustable according to the thermal properties of the materials at the joint. Efficiency of Hot-Plate (H-P) Welding Technology H-P is not a dynamic process in terms of heat generation. It is a very attractive welding method for the evaluation of the reinforcement effects in the weld interface area. In experimenting with H-P procedures we used the same plastics. Our experiments were conducted using nylon 6 products with glass-fiber reinforcement in the range of 0 to 45 wt.% and nylon 66 with 0 and 33 wt.% GF. Wt.% GF 6 – nylon 6 14 – nylon 6 25 – nylon 6 33 – nylon 6 33 – nylon 66 45 – nylon 6 50 – nylon 6 Tensile Strength LVW Technology of Plastics (MPa) Tensile Strength of Weld (MPa) 85 83,1 125 90,7 160 90,2 185 85,6 185 83,6 208 220 80,5 H-P Technology Tensile Strength of Weld (MPa) 78,2 89,8 84,5 88,8 80,3 - Table 13: Influence of Fiber-Glass Reinforcement on the Tensile Strength (at 23 °C, Dry as Molded) of H-P and VW Butt Joints (Optimized Processing Conditions) Efficiency of Evaluated Welding Technologies Summarized results on the efficiency of the frictional (LVW, OVW) and hot plate (H-P) welding technologies are presented in Table 14. Tensile strength of welded nylon 6 (wt.% 33%GF) butt joints were conducted at room temperature conditions. LVW, OVW and H-P welding methods are very efficient by mechanical performance criterion. For all three above mentioned welding technologies is it possible to achieve tensile strength of butt joint equal to, or slightly higher that tensile strength of the base polymer (matrix). For H-P technology we repeatedly received localized reinforcement effects in nylon 6 and nylon 66 plastics (Figure 8). The best tensile strength was achieved for nylon 66 with wt.33% GF (Table 13). Performance of welded polyamides using ultrasonic welding technology [18] was three times less than the similar parameters for other frictional and H-P methods. Technology (Method) LVW OVW H-P U/SW Weld Factor fwm 1,08 1,1 1,12 0,34 Weld Factor fwpl 0,46 0,47 0,48 0,15 Table 14: Efficiency of Welding Technologies Local Reinforcement Effects in Weld Interface Details of the glass-fiber orientation in nylon’s weld interface area were presented in [16]. Optical microscopy was used to study the morphology of the samples (fibers-glass orientation, local reinforcement effects, presence of microporosity, small inclusions, etc), while image analysis was used to quantitatively characterize the fiber-glass state including diameter, length, and breakage, and positioning of the welded components (penetration, melt-down, etc.). Fibers do not cross interface Figure 6: Fiber-Glass Orientation at Non-Optimized (Standard Set-Up) LVW Conditions Fibers do cross interface Figure 7: Fiber-Glass Orientation at Optimized LVW Conditions (Local Reinforcement Effects in Weld Interface) Furthermore, a study of the weld zone fracture surfaces on both technologies by scanning electron microscopy suggested that there is no excessive breakage of fiber-glass at the weld interface. This technique allows one to determine quantitatively the effects of local reinforcement on the weld fracture surfaces. It was reported previously [10, 14, 19] that for glass fiber reinforced thermoplastics, the maximum weld strength for the butt joints is approximately equal or less than the strength of the matrix or base materials. The reduction in tensile strength was attributed to the changes in the fiber-glass orientation at the welded joint [10, 19], where the glass fibers align along the weld plane, perpendicular to the applied stresses. Figure 6 explains strength reduction effects typical for the non-optimized welding conditions. The orientations of glass fibers are found to be the following: • in the weld interface local area fibers were oriented mostly along the weld-melt flow direction; • in the bulk of the material the fiber orientation was random, depending on part design and molding conditions, etc. The effects of inter diffusion at polymer-polymer interface for amorphous and semi-crystalline materials have been reported before [5, 17]. The minor chain repetition model explained the effects of non-reinforced plastics healing and strengthening during the welding process time. In this study the effects of strength and performance improvement for welded joints were explained [16, 20] from the dynamic mode of fiber-glass reorientation in joining process time. Fibers do cross interface Figure 8: Fiber-Glass Orientation at Optimized Hot Plate Welding Conditions (Local Reinforcement Effects in Weld Interface) With the optimized welding parameters in LVW and OW, some of the glass fibers were found to orient perpendicular or at an angle (see Figures 6) to the weld plane across the interface. This local reinforcement effect for LVW and OW methods were observed for both nylon 6 and nylon 66 plastics. In reference [16] we explained the effects of fiber orientation in dynamic terms of vibration process and thickness of the interface comparable with the length of short glass-fibers. For nylon 66 plastics we achieved the performance of weld similar to that in nylon 6 for LVW and OW techniques. Conclusions • • • Comparing studies of LVW and OVW joining technologies demonstrated that the OVW process is very efficient for nylons and may be used as an alternative to LVW and ultrasonic (U/SW) technologies for welding of the small components. For both frictional (LVW, OVW) and H-P joining technologies the maximum tensile strength at weld was achieved in materials with 14 to 24 wt.% GF. Studies on heat-generation and melt propagation in weld area (time-temperature profile) in LVW processing using infrared technology (IR) have demonstrated the dynamic of temperature distribution in overall and interface areas. For joining of the similar nylons, a difference of 15 – 20 °C at the interface was found during the steady state in LVW technology and as a result the hot-plate / tool temperature (H-P technology) is recommended. The difference may be due to the accuracy of the previously applied measurement methods, the calibration procedures, and so on. The utilization of the standard IR method and Thermovision 900® Series System. (FSI / Agema) allows one to monitor the temperature distribution in overall and local (interface) areas. • • • • • Increased of melt temperature (in interface) at welding time well correlated with the “memory effects” of the semi-crystalline systems. Morphology studies using microscopy have revealed the fiber-glass distribution and orientation in the bulk of the material and at the interface. Under the optimized LVW, OVW and H-P welding conditions part of the glass fibers were found to orient perpendicular or at an angle to the weld plane, and they were also found to be crossing the interface. These local reinforcement effects were found to be very repeatable for the butt joint welded from similar (both halves are nylon 6 or nylon 66, and nylon 66/6 copolymer) and dissimilar (nylon 66 with nylon 6) plastics. At present the optimized weld performance for high temperature resistance (46 and HTRN ) nylons dissimilar butt joints is not yet achieved due to the large difference in the melt temperature and solubility of the base materials. The presented and discussed optimized weld performance data for commercially available polyamides (nylons) will allow designers to recommend LVW, OVW or H-P technology in plastic product development for welding applications and welded components manufacturing. Acknowledgements Support provided by Branson Ultrasonics Corporation, Bielomatik Inc. and FSI / AGEMA Infrared Systems is grateffuly acknowledged. Special thanks go to Shaul Aharoni for knowledge, and to Chris Roth and Nanying Jia for help in preparing this study for publishing. 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