3/23/2011 ELECTRICAL HAZARDS DEFINED Electricity is the flow of negatively charged particles (electrons) through electrically conductive material. Electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom, located approximately in the atom’s atom s center. center The negative charge of electrons is neutralized by particles called neutrons, acting as temporary energy repositories for the interactions between positively charged particles called protons and electrons. 1 3/23/2011 ELECTRICAL HAZARDS DEFINED Basic characteristics of a material are determined by the number of electron rings and the number of electrons in the outer rings of its atoms. Each ring of electrons contains a particular quantity of negative charges. ELECTRICAL HAZARDS DEFINED A positive charge is present when an atom (or group of atoms) has too many electrons in its outer shell. In all other cases, the atom or material carries a negative charge. charge Electrons freed from an atom & directed by external forces to travel in a specific direction produce electrical current, also called electricity. electricity 2 3/23/2011 ELECTRICAL HAZARDS DEFINED Conductors are materials with many free electrons at room temperature, and can pass electricity. Insulators do not have a large number of free electrons at room temperature. And do not conduct electricity. Substances that are neither conductors nor insulators can be called semiconductors. ELECTRICAL HAZARDS DEFINED Electrical current passing through the human body causes a shock. The quantity and path of this current determines the level of damage to the body. The path of this flow of electrons is from a negative source to a positive point. Because opposite charges attract one another. 3 3/23/2011 ELECTRICAL HAZARDS DEFINED When a surplus or deficiency of electrons on the surface of a material exists, static electricity is produced. So-called because there is no positive material nearby to attract the electrons and cause them to move. When two surfaces of opposite static charges are brought to close range, a discharge (spark) occurs. ELECTRICAL HAZARDS DEFINED The potential difference between two points in a circuit is measured by voltage. The higher the voltage, the more likely that electricity will flow between negative & positive points. points • The higher the resistance—measured in ohms—the lower the flow of electrons. – Pure conductors offer little resistance to electron flow. – Insulators have veryy high g resistance to electricity. y – Semiconductors have a medium-range resistance. 4 3/23/2011 ELECTRICAL HAZARDS DEFINED The unit of measurement for electrical current is amperes (amps)—usually designated by the letter I. One amp is a current flow of 6.28 x 1018 electrons per second. ELECTRICAL HAZARDS DEFINED One ohm is the resistance of a conductor that has a current of one amp under the potential of one volt. Ohm’s law describes the relationship among volts, ohms and amps, ohms, amps stated as:. as: 5 3/23/2011 ELECTRICAL HAZARDS DEFINED Power is measured in wattage (watts), and can be determined from Ohm’s law: ELECTRICAL HAZARDS DEFINED Most industrial and domestic use of electricity is supplied by alternating current (AC). In the U.S., standard AC circuits cycle 60 times per second called the frequency, second, frequency measured in hertz. hertz Because voltage cycles, effective current for AC is slightly less than peak current during a cycle. A direct current (DC current) has been found to generate as much heat as a peak AC current 41.4% percent higher. Effective voltages are computed using the same ratios as effective current. 6 3/23/2011 ELECTRICAL HAZARDS DEFINED The path of electrical current must make a complete loop for the current to flow. This loop includes the source of electrical power, a conductor to act as the path path, a device to use the current (called a load), and a path to the ground. The earth is considered to have zero potential because of its massive size—an electrical conductor pushed into the earth is said to have zero potential. Electrocution occurs when a person makes contact with a conductor d carrying i a current & simultaneously i l l contacts the ground, or another object that includes a conductive path to the ground. ELECTRICAL HAZARDS DEFINED Typical 110-volt circuit wiring has a hot wire carrying current, a neutral wire, and a ground wire. The neutral wire may be called a grounded conductor with the ground wire being called a conductor, grounding conductor. 7 3/23/2011 ELECTRICAL HAZARDS DEFINED The hot wire carries effective voltage of 110 volts, the neutral wire carries nearly zero voltage. If the hot wire makes contact with an unintended conductor the current can bypass the load & go conductor, directly to the ground. ELECTRICAL HAZARDS DEFINED A short circuit is a circuit in which the load has been removed or bypassed. The ground wire in a standard three-wire circuit provides a direct path to the ground ground, bypassing the load. • Short circuits can be an electrical hazard if a human is the conductor to the ground, thereby bypassing the load. 8 3/23/2011 SOURCES OF ELECTRICAL HAZARDS The major causes of electrical shock are: Contact with a bare wire carrying current. Working with electrical equipment that lacks the UL label for safety inspection. Electrical equipment not been properly grounded. Working with electrical equipment on damp floors or other sources of wetness. Static electricity discharge. U i metall lladders Using dd to work k on electrical l i l equipment. i Working on electrical equipment without ensuring that the power has been shut off. Lightning strikes. SOURCES OF ELECTRICAL HAZARDS 9 3/23/2011 Electrostatic Hazards Shocks from static electricity may result from a single discharge or multiple discharges of static. Sources of electrostatic discharge include: Briskly rubbing a nonconductive material over a stationary surface. Multilayered clothing may also cause static sparks. Moving large sheets of plastic, which may discharge sparks. Static buildup in farm grain silos and mine shafts. shafts Conveyor belts may cause static sparks. Vehicle tires rolling across a road surface. Friction between a flowing liquid and a solid surface. Arcs and Sparks Hazards With close proximity, or contact of conductors to complete a circuit, an electric arc can jump the air gap between the conductors, and ignite combustible gases or dusts. A spark or arc may involve relatively little or a great deal of power and is usually discharged into a small space. 10 3/23/2011 Combustible and Explosive Materials High currents through contaminated liquids may cause contaminants to expand rapidly and explode. Particularly dangerous with contaminated oil-filled circuit breakers or transformers. A poor match between current or polarity and capacitors can cause an explosion. Overheating from high currents can also lead to short circuits, which may generate fires/explosions. Lightning Hazards Lightning is static charges from clouds following the path of least resistance to the earth, involving very high voltage and current. If this path to the earth involves humans, serious disability may result, including electrocution. Lightning tends to strike the tallest object on the earth below the clouds. A tree is a common natural path for lightning. 11 3/23/2011 Improper Wiring Improper wiring permits equipment to operate normally but can result in hazardous conditions. One common mistake is to “jump” the ground wire to the neutral wire. The ground wire is actually connected to the neutral wire. If the neutral circuit becomes corroded or loose, the ground wire voltage increases to a dangerous level. When the ground is connected improperly, improperly the situation is referred to as open ground. Improper Wiring With reversed polarity, the hot and neutral wires have been reversed. A worker unaware that the black (hot) & white (neutral) leads have been reversed could be injured. injured If a short between the on/off switch and the load occurs, equipment may run indefinitely, despite switch position. In a reversed polarity light bulb socket, the screw threads become conductors. • Flexible wiring should rarely be substituted for fixed wiring in permanent buildings. – A loose knot should be tied in a flexible cord when the plug is installed or replaced to prevent a pull on the cord from being transmitted to electrical connections. 12 3/23/2011 Insulation Failure Causes of insulation failure: Direct sunlight or other sources of ultraviolet light. Sparks or arcs from discharging static electricity, which can result in burned-through holes in insulation. Repeated exposure to elevated temperatures, producing slow but progressive degradation of insulation material. Abrasive surfaces can result in erosion of the insulation. Substance incompatibility with the atmosphere around the insulation, which can induce chemical reactions. Animals such as rodents or insects chewing or eating the insulation material, leading to exposure of the circuit. • Insects can pack an enclosed area tightly that a short occurs. Moisture & humidity absorbed by the insulation material. Equipment Failure Common types of equipment failure: Wet insulation can become a conductor and cause an electrical shock. Portable tool defects can result in the device’s housing carrying an electric current. Broken power lines carry great amperage & voltage and can cause severe disability. 13 3/23/2011 Hazardous Locations for Electrical Equipment NEC hazardous locations for electrical equipment. ELECTRICAL HAZARDS TO HUMANS The greatest danger to humans suffering electrical shock results from current flow. Some levels of current “freeze” a person to the conductor; the person cannot voluntarily release his or her grasp. Let-go current is the highest current level at which a person in contact with the conductor can release the grasp of the conductor. 14 3/23/2011 ELECTRICAL HAZARDS TO HUMANS Severity of injury depends on the dosage of current, and the path taken through the body b th by the current. t The path is influenced by resistance of various body parts at the time of contact. Skin is the major form of resistance to current flow. Current paths through the h heart, b brain, i or trunk k are generally much more injurious than paths through extremities. DETECTION OF ELECTRICAL HAZARDS A circuit tester is an inexpensive piece of equipment with two wire leads capped by probes, connected to a small bulb—most test at least 110- to 220-volts. The tester can ensure power has been turned off and determine whether housings & other equipment parts are carrying a current. 15 3/23/2011 DETECTION OF ELECTRICAL HAZARDS A receptacle wiring tester is a device with two standard plug probes for insertion into an ordinary 110volt outlet and a probe for the ground. Indicator lights show an improperly wired receptacle (outlet). DETECTION OF ELECTRICAL HAZARDS A continuity tester may be used to determine whether a conductor is properly grounded or has a break in the circuit. Continuity is checked on circuits that are disconnected from a power source. • One terminal of the tester can be connected to the equipment housing; the other terminal is connected to a known ground. – If the bulb does not light, the equipment is shown to be improperly grounded. – With a circuit, the bulb lights when a current is capable of passing through the complete circuit. – An unlit bulb of indicates a break in the circuit. 16 3/23/2011 REDUCTION OF ELECTRICAL HAZARDS The purpose of grounding is to safeguard people from electrical shocks, reduce the probability of a fire, and protect equipment from damage. Grounding ensures a path to the earth for the flow of excess current. Grounding also eliminates the possibility of a person being shocked by contact with a charged capacitor. Power surges and voltage changes are attenuated proper p system y g grounding. g and usuallyy eliminated with p REDUCTION OF ELECTRICAL HAZARDS Bonding—used to connect two pieces of equipment by a conductor—can reduce potential differences between the equipment & reduce sparking. Bonding and grounding together are used for entire electrical systems. Separate equipment grounding involves connecting all metal frames of the equipment in a permanent and continuous manner. If an insulation failure occurs, the current should return to the h system ground d at the h power supply l ffor the h circuit. i i • The equipment ground wiring will be the path for the circuit current, enabling circuit breakers and fuses to operate properly. 17 3/23/2011 REDUCTION OF ELECTRICAL HAZARDS The exposed metal parts of the equipment shown must be g grounded or double insulated REDUCTION OF ELECTRICAL HAZARDS A ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) can detect the flow of current to ground & open the circuit, thereby interrupting the flow of current. When the current flow in the hot wire is greater than the current in the neutral wire, a ground fault has occurred. The GFI cannot interrupt current passing between two circuits or between the hot and neutral wires of a threewire circuit. A GFI should be replaced periodically based on the manufacturer’s recommendations. 18 3/23/2011 REDUCTION OF ELECTRICAL HAZARDS The primary hazard of static electricity is the transfer of charges to surfaces with lower potential. Bonding and grounding are two means of controlling static. • Humidification above 65% is a mechanism for reducing static. Antistatic materials reduce electrical static hazards. Increasing surface conductivity, reducing resistance. Ionizers & electrostatic neutralizers ionize air around a charged surface, to provide a conductive path for flow of charges. Radioactive neutralizers include a emit positive particles to neutralize collected negative electrical charges. REDUCTION OF ELECTRICAL HAZARDS Fuses consist of a metal strip or wire that melts if a current above a specific value passes through it. This causes the circuit to open, stopping current flow. Magnetic i circuit i i breakers b k use a solenoid l id to surround da metal strip connected to a tripping device. When allowable current is exceeded, the magnetic force of the solenoid retracts the metal strip, opening the circuit. Thermal circuit breakers rely on excess current to produce heat and bending in a sensitive metal strip. Once bent, the metal strip opens the circuit. Circuit breakers are usually easier to reset than fuses & often provide a lower time lag or none at all. 19 3/23/2011 REDUCTION OF ELECTRICAL HAZARDS There are numerous methods of reducing the risk of electrocution by lightning. REDUCTION OF ELECTRICAL HAZARDS Some of the many methods of reducing electrical hazards 20 3/23/2011 OSHA’S ELECTRICAL STANDARDS OSHA standards relating to electricity are found in 29 CFR 1910 (Subpart S), extracted from the NEC. The NEC code should be referred to when more detail is needed than appears in OSHA OSHA’ss excerpts. excerpts • Subpart S is divided into two categories of standards: – Design of Electrical Systems. – Safety-Related Work Practices. ELECTRICAL SAFETY PROGRAM Some NIOSH strategies for establishing an electrical safety program: Develop & implement a comprehensive safety program, revise when necessary & comply with OSHA regulations. regulations Provide all workers with training in identification & control of hazards associated with electricity in their workplace. • Provide periodic retraining as necessary Provide additional specialized training to those working with or around exposed electric circuit component. • Basic as c electrical e ect ca theory, t eo y, safe sa e work o p procedures, ocedu es, hazard a a d awareness & identification, proper use of PPE, lockout/tagout, first aid including CPR, and proper rescue procedures. Conduct safety meetings, and scheduled & unscheduled safety inspections at work sites 21 3/23/2011 ELECTRICAL SAFETY PROGRAM Some NIOSH strategies for establishing an electrical safety program: – Develop/implement procedures to control hazardous electrical l t i l energy th thatt iinclude l d llockout/tagout k t/t t procedures. d • Ensure that workers follow these procedures. – Provide testing/detection equipment for those who work directly with electrical energy that ensure their safety. – Ensure that proper PPE is available and worn by workers where required (including fall protection equipment). – Conduct C d t job j bh hazard d analyses l off all ll ttasks k and d iimplement l t measures to insulate/isolate workers from electricity. – Identify potential hazards &appropriate safety interventions during the planning phase of construction or maintenance. ELECTRICAL HAZARDS SELF-ASSESSMENT To help prevent accidents & injuries from electrical hazards, safety personnel should consider check-lists supervisors can use for assessments in their areas of responsibility. ibili Are all electricians in your company up-to-date with the latest requirements of the NEC? Does your company specify compliance with the NEC as part of its contracts for electrical work with outside personnel? Do all electrical installations located in the presence of hazardous dust or vapors meet NEC requirements for hazardous locations? 22 3/23/2011 ELECTRICAL HAZARDS SELF-ASSESSMENT • Check-list items for supervisors: Are all electrical cords properly strung, unfrayed, and free of grease, oil, chemicals & other damaging materials? Are all portable electric tools & appliances grounded or double insulated? Is all conduit, BX cable, etc., properly attached to supports and tightly connected to junction boxes and outlet boxes? Are metallic cables & conduit systems properly grounded? Are all ground connections clean and tightly made? Are all fuses & circuit breakers the proper size/type for the load on each circuit, and free of “jumping” Are all electrical switches properly marked to show their purpose, properly mounted in clean, tightly closed metal boxes, and free of evidence of overheating? ELECTRICAL HAZARDS SELF-ASSESSMENT • Check-list items for supervisors: Are all electric motors kept clean and free of excessive grease, oil, or potentially damaging materials? A all Are ll electric l t i motors t properly l maintained i t i d and d provided id d with the necessary level of overcurrent protection? Are bearings in all electrical motors in good condition? Are all portable lights equipped with the proper guards? Are all lamps kept free of any potentially combustible materials? I the Is th organization’s i ti ’ overall ll electrical l t i l system t periodically i di ll checked by a person competent in the application of the NEC? 23 3/23/2011 PREVENTION OF ARC FLASH INJURIES An arc flash is an electrical short-circuit that travels through air rather than flowing through conductors, bus bars, and other types of equipment. The uncontrolled energy released by an arc flash can produce high levels of heat and pressure. • It can also cause equipment to explode, sending dangerous shrapnel flying through the air. Arc flashes are sometimes produced by equipment malfunctions,, but a more common cause is human contact with an electrical circuit or conductor. Arc flashes can ignite clothing, cause severe burns, and even damage hearing by the high level of pressure that can be released by an arc flash. PREVENTION OF ARC FLASH INJURIES The best, most obvious way to prevent arc flash injuries is to de-energize the equipment and lock or tag it out before beginning work on it. Some maintenance/service functions, such as troubleshooting require the equipment be energized. When this is the case, consult NFPA’s Handbook for Electrical Safety in the Workplace (NFPA 70E). 24 3/23/2011 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR WORKERS OSHA training requirements for all workers are contained in 29 CFR 1910, and include: Skills and techniques necessary to distinguish exposed live parts from other parts of electric equipment. Skills and techniques necessary to determine the nominal voltage of exposed live parts. Clearance distances and corresponding voltages to which they will be exposed. 25