1. Express 42 (decimal) in 8-bit binary 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0 0 1 0 1

1. Express 42 (decimal) in 8-bit binary
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
0 1
0 1 0
NOTE: This document is not officially
endorsed by the Department of
Informatics, or the lecturers responsible
for CS1. It is simply a record of how I
would approach the CS1 exam, were I
sitting it. Thus, I cannot guaranee that
every single element is correct: as with
anything you read on the Inernet you
should double-check it’s not absolue
shit :-)
32 + 8 + 2 = 42
2. Express -42 (decimal) in 8-bit sign and magnitude
Sign 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
0 1 0 1 0
3. Express -42 (decimal) in 8-bit one’s-complement form
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1 0 1
0 1
( 214 (represened by flipping) - 256 (magnitude =
4. Express -42 (decimal) in 8-bit two’s-complement form
-128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1 0 1
1 0
= -128 + 64 + 16 + 4 + 1 = -42 (flip the bits and add 1)
5. Express 10011111 (binary) in hexadecimal digits
1 1 1 1
(split ino groups of 4, with 10 = A, 11 = B ec.)
6. Express 10101010 (binary) in ocal digits
4 2 1
(0) 1 0
4 2 1
1 0 1
4 2 1
0 1 0 (adding an extra leading 0 o make groups of 3)
7. Convert the 8-bit sign-and-magnitude form 10101010 o decimal
Sign 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
0 1 0 1 0
= 32 + 8 + 2 = 42 + sign bit = -42
8. Convert the 8-bit one’s complement form 10101010 o decimal
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 (flip the bits) = 64 + 16 + 4 + 1 = 85 (as was in one’s
complement) = -85
9. Convert the 8-bit two’s complement form 10101010 o decimal
-128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
= -128 + 32 + 8 + 2 = -86
10. Convert the fixed-point binary form 1010.1010 o decimal
Negative spectrum (2^-n or halving)
8 4 2 1 | 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.0625
0 1 0 . 1
8 + 4 + 1/2 + 1/8 = 10.625
11. Evaluae the binary sum 00110011 + 00111111
+ 001
01 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 0
(carry the additional 1s over)
(Noe that addition here is strictly in binary, so there 1 + 1 is not 2 but 1 0,
which must be carried).
12. Evaluae in 8-bit two’s complement for 64 - 31 (decimal)
Sep 1. Flip the bits of the second number and add one o it, in order o
reverse its sign.
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
31 = 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
-31 = 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
Sep 2. Add the two numbers ogether
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (64)
+ 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 (-31)
(1) 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 = 32 + 1 = 33
13. Multiply 01010101 (binary) by 11 (binary)
1 1 (multiply by each bit)
+ (0) 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 (add a 0 for each bit multiplied, ignoring the overflow)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (then add)
14. Divide the unsigned ineger 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 by 1 1
Sep 1. Line up the long division
1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sep 2. Ask if the dividend on the left fits ino each bit in turn (left o right)
of the divisor, when it does wrie a one at the op and rewrie the number
below it.
1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
Sep 3. Now subtract the newly formed row (braces from square brackets)
1 1
[1 1] 1 1 1 1 1 1
{1 1}
Sep 4. Resart the process o see if the dividend will fit ino the result of
the subtraction. If not, bring down information from above.
1 1
[1 1] 1 1 1 1 1 1
{1 1}
00 1
Sep 5. In this insance, 11 does not fit, so we wrie a zero at the op and
continue the process of brining down numbers from above until it does.
1 1
[1 1] 1 1 1 1 1 1
{1 1}
00 1 1
Sep 6. The process can now be repeaed and once your calculation is
complee, the answer is across the op:
1 1
1 01 01 01
[1 1] 1 1 1 1 1 1
{1 1}
0 0 [1 1]
{1 1}
0 0 [1 1]
{1 1}
001 1
NB: To check your answers, you can convert the numbers o decimal,
perform the division, re-convert, and see if the answers mach.
15. Display the binary represenation of 7.875 (decimal) according o the
IEEE-754 single precision sandard.
Sep 1. Convert o binary
7.875 = 111.111
Sep 2. Normalise so there is a single leading 1. (NB. You can move the
decimal point both left and right o achieve this)
1.11111 x 2^2
Sep 3. Add the bias (this is done o allow for the represenation of
negative numbers)
Biased exponent = 129 ( 2 + 127 ) = 10000001
Sep 3. Slot this information ino the IEEE754 single-precision format
sign (1-bit) | exponent (8-bit) | mantissa (23-bit)
0 (because the number is positive (this information is additional))
sign (1-bit) | exponent (8-bit) | mantissa (23-bit)
10000001 (copied directly)
sign (1-bit) | exponent (8-bit) | mantissa (23-bit)
1 1 1 1 1 (copied without the leading 1 which is
implicit and padded with 0s)
Final answer: 01000000111111000000000000000000
16. How many byes (words) of RAM can be addressed using 16 bits
Noe the rule that with n bits, we can address 2^n locations. So we can
address 2^16 = 65536 locations.
17. How many byes are needed o address 4GB of RAM?
There are approximaely 1 billion byes in a gigabye. So 4 billion in 4
2^32 is roughly 4 billion, so we will need 32 bits o address these byes.
Thus, 32 / 8 = 4 byes o address these byes.
18. If a PC with a 4GHz clock can process an average of one machine
instruction every 100 clock cycles, what is its average processing rae in
MIPS (millions of instructions per second)?
1Hz is 1 ‘cycle’ of compuation per second. If we can process 1 instruction
every cycle, then in 1Hz we can do one instruction. If we imagine that in 1Hz
we can do 1 instruction then in a mHz (1 million Hz) we can do 1,000,000
instructions (cycles). Similarly, in a gHz we (1 billion Hz) we can do 1 billion
instructions; in 4ghZ we can do 4 billion instructions (cycles), per second.
By this reasoning, if it does not ake 1 cycle o complee an instruction, but
insead 100, then our ‘millions of instructions per second’ is:
4,000,000,000 / 100 = 40 million (instructions per second)
19. Find the maximum relative error of IEEE-754 single precision
NB: Answers in square brackets are consisent with January 2012, answers
WITHOUT are consisent with January 2010/2011. This requires clarification.
Because we have a limied number of bits o represent numbers in the
IEEE format, sometimes the results of operations are of a larger precision
than the space we have o represent them.
For example, the largest decimal precision we can represent in our mantissa
in single precision IEEE-754 is 2-23 (23 bits) [plus the normalised bit, 2-24.]
We therefore want o know what is the most information we can lose if a
result of an operation is larger than 2-23 [2-24] i.e. if the result produces a
number of size 23 [24] bits+.
The answer, is simply 2-24 [2-25] because this captures the largest number by
which the result could differ from what we want. Because [2-25] 2-26 , 2-27 ec.
onwards owards infinity will always be smaller, this is accurae.
20. Find the maximum value in the IEEE-754 single precision represenation.
Recall the division of single prevision as the following:
sign (1-bit) | exponent (8-bit) | mantissa (23-bit)
Because we have o add a bias, the maximum exponent we can represent
before adding said bias is 255 (because we only have 8-bits, the maximum
number that can be represened in this space is (2^n) - 1) - 127 = 128.
The maximum mantissa we can represent is 2 - (2^-23) - why? Because we
have 1 from our implicit normalised bit, added o a summation of the
floating point numbers. So, for example:
1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 . [ 0.5 + 0.25 + 0.125 ec ec ] which roughly equals
1.99999 which is roughly equal o 2.
Our maximum mantissa is therefore 2.0 * 2^128 so 2^129
21. What happens if the absolue value of a single-precision number is
greaer than this value?
The number cannot be adequaely represened in the space available so a
floating point overflow exception occurs.
Overflow can be indicaed when the sign of the result is incorrect.
22. Find the minimum positive value in the IEEE-754 single precision
In a similar manner o the maximum represenation, the minimum positive
represenation is the smallest positive floating point number which can be
Again, due o the bias, the smallest negative exponent we can represent is
-127, because adding this exponent on will produce 0, which is the least we
can represent in the exponent bits of the IEEE format. (000 (represened) 127 (aking off the bias) = - 127).
Similarly, the minimum positive mantissa we can represent is 1.0, because
we *have* o have the normalised 1, but can add o this nothing, by setting
the entirety of the mantissa o 0.
23. What happens if the absolue value of a single-precision number is
smaller than this value?
If the result of an arithmetic operation on a floating point number is less
than the value we can represent (in this case it goes ono the negative
spectrum), we ‘underflow o 0’, which means that we simply record the
result as a negative number. This is ok, because it still sufficiently
approximaes the result.
24. List the seps that occur in the addition of two floating-point numbers
1.111 x 2^4 + 1.111 x 2^1
Sep 1. Shift the exponents so they are equal (we usually shift the smallest
one up o the biggest)
1.111 x 2^4 + 0.001111 x 2^4
Sep 2. Add (or subtract) the mantissa as normal
10.000111 x 2^4
Sep 3. Renormalise (if necessary) adjusting the exponent
1.0000111 x 2^5
25. List the seps that occur in the multiplication of two floating-point
(2.4 x 10^5) x (3.0 x 10^3)
Sep 1. Subtract a bias from the exponent (if one exists) and then add the
exponents ogether
Sep 2. Multiply the mantissas ogether
7.2 x 10^8
Sep 3. Normalise the product if necessary, adjusting the exponent
26. Distinguish between carry and overflow
Carry usually occurs in the addition of binary numbers and is the insance
in which the sum of two numbers exceeds the available number of bits in
the represenation. In this case, the extra bits are passed up o the next
higher magnitude position. If there is no higher magnitude position (i.e.
nothing afer the MSB), then overflow occurs.
27. Distinguish between borrow and underflow
Borrowing usually occurs in a binary subtraction and is the process by
which a lower order bit must request a bit from a higher order one in order
o complee the compuation. In the following example, the second 0 in the
op row must borrow from the MSB in order o complee the subtraction.
10 1
-1 1 1
In this insance however, the MSB would then become 0, and the resulting
subtraction would require 0 - 1. With nothing afer the MSB, no borrowing
can ake place and we now have underflow.
28. Name four disk-scheduling algorithms and sae which of these is likely
o exhibit the best performance under high disk utilisation.
When information is read from disk, the largest time over-head is the
movement of the desired disk secor under the read/wrie head. In erms
of optimisation therefore, we seek o reduce this time in anyway way we
can. One echnique o do this is o schedule the requests of processes o
disk in an order which reduces disk movement.
Under First come first serve, the requests by processes are atended o in
order. This is clearly the most ineffecient performance. The next most
efficient echnique is shorest seek time first which orders requests so that
the disk arm always moves o the request next in the queue closest o its
current location. This, however, could result in disk tracks which are
furthest away never being serviced.
A more complex scheduling echnique is known as the ‘elevaor algorithm’
or SCAN, which sweeps up and down the surface of the disk ‘picking up’
areas o be read as it moves, similar o how a lift moves in a ower block.
A variant of SCAN, C-SCAN, only reads in one direction, so, using the lift
analogy, if it is moving upwards across the disk and there is information o
be read below, it must first come back o the botom and then move
upwards again o read information.
LOOK and C-LOOK aler this process by not going all the way up and down
the disk, but only o those highest numbers o be read and those lowest
numbers o be read.
Under high disk utilisation, the performance of these echniques increases
in ascending order.
29. Name four eviction straegies for cache blocks or virtual memory pages
and sae which of these is likely o exhibit the best performance under
high memory utilisation.
Under fully-associative cache, we do not have a direct mapping between
main memory addresses generaed by the CPU and cache, in fact, iems
from main memory can be placed anywhere in cache.
In this insance, we need o decide on a victim block o remove from
cache. These are known as replacement policies and can be of the following
forms: random, where we simply randomly replace a block; first in first out,
where we remove the block that has been in cache the longest; least
recently used, where we remove the block with the oldest timesamp; and
least frequently used. These are lised in ascending order of performance
under high memory utilisation.
30. Deermine the maximum speed-up over the sequential execution of (a)
a pipelined instruction processing unit comprising six segments and (b) a
pipelined floating-point addition unit comprising four segments.
Pipelining is the process of atempting o speed up execution time for a
bach of asks by running them in parallel. For example, we can run the
Fech-Decode-Execue cycle in parallel o process a number of instructions
We can formalise this idea with the following equation:
( k x tp ) + ( n - 1 ) tp, where:
k is the number of segments or sages
tp is the time per sage
and n is the number of instructions or asks.
Intuitively this equation says the following: k x tp ells us how long it akes
for our first ask. If there are k sages o the pipeline (k things o ‘do’ as
part of one instruction) then the minimum amount of time is going o be
this value multiplied by tp. ( n - 1 ) tp ells us how many more time seps
we need for those parallel instructions which were not able o sart
straight away; we say that each one emerges from the pipline, so we need
( n - 1 ) * tp time o do the extra processing which could not be done
entirely sequentially.
We can rearrange this formula o read as follows: (k + n - 1) tp
Our speed up in this insance, is therefore our time WITHOUT any pipeline
sages divided by our new speed:
n x ( k x tp ) [k is 0 by default so n x tp (asks by time)]
divided by (k + n - 1) tp
Assuming an infinie number of instructions passing through our pipeline,
we actually find that (k + n - 1) ends o the value of n. Thus, we can cancel
this, its replacement value of n and tp from the op and botom our
equations leaving just k.
So speed up, is effectively EQUAL o the number of sages in the pipeline.
Thus for 6 segments we get 6 and for 4 segments we get 4.
31. Under a pipelined sysem, explain why maximum speed-up cannot be
achieved in practice.
Although it may appear that speed is entirely proportional o the number
of extra sages in a pipeline, there are several reasons why this is not
entirely true. Firstly, there is a fixed overhead of moving daa from memory
o regisers (so-called ‘pipeline sartup’) which cannot ever be compleed
reduced. Moreover, as we add more sages, the amount of control logic o
implement the pipeline increases.
Particular pieces of code, such a branching or conditional saements, also
cause issue with parallel execution. If several instructions are being decoded
simulaneously, the conditions enforced by a branch saement may be
circumvened, executing code that should not be execued. To overcome
this issue, pipeline sysems may speculae about which code will be needed
in the future in the form of speculative branching.
32. List the seps of the Fech-Execue Cycle
1. The control unit in the CPU feches the next instruction from memory by
using the program couner o deermine where this next instruction is
2.This instruction is then decoded ino a language suiable for the ALU
3. Any daa complementing or required by the instructions are also feched
from memory and sored in regisers
4.The ALU then execues the instructions and places the results either
back ino the regisers or ino memory.
33. Why are compuers ofen provided with one or more cache memories?
As we are striving for the most efficient archiectures, cache memory aims
o address the disparity of speed between main memory on the CPU by
providing a fast (yet size limied) ‘most recently accessed’ sore for daa
and instructions. Once information is processed by the CPU it is sored in
the cache, along with information which may be relevant in the future. In
this way, overall access time is reduced.
34. Why are compuers ofen provided with paged, virtual memory?
The virtual address space which a programmer uses o construct their
programs differs from the actual physical address space in which said
program resides. Physical address space is not one continuous address but
insead addresses spread over a number of different media. Main memory,
for example, is ofen oo small o hold the entirety of a program, so hard
disk is used as an exension o RAM. To mainain order within this sysem,
the units swapped in and out of main memory and the hard disk are
sored in fixed-size pages. Although such a sysem allows for an almost
arbitrary exension of main memory, access o the hard disk is dramatically
slower than o main memory.