IDENTIFICATION OF SUITABLE CARRIER FREQUENCY FOR MOBILE TERRESTRIAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS WITH LOW ANTENNA HEIGHTS By Robert F. Graham, Jr., 205/97 1-6725, fax: 205/97 Sponsored by Keith Science Applications International Corporation, 1-6428, email: robert.f.graham-2 Anderson, Joint Project Office, Unmanned Ground 6725 Vehicle Odyssey Systems, Drive, Huntsville, AL, 35806,ph: AMCOM, Redstone Arsenal, AL. Figure 1. A Ground to Ground Earth with No Obstructions Propagation Path over Plane Figure 2. A Ground to Ground Earth with an Obstruction Propagation Path over Plane ABSTRACT Terrestrial communication systems require reliable wireless links for mobile to base connectivi~ beyond the line of sight where both ends of the link have antennas in close proximity to the ground. Frequency sele:cti;lewill partially determine the performance of a” terrestrial communications system in an intense multipath environment. This paper is part of an experimental e~ort to examine many aspects of RF propagation and radio hardware issues and focuses on the efiects of rolling terrain, trees, and buildings on radio performance over a wide range of unmodulated carrier frequencies. Experimental data were collected using the Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology Test Bed (UGV TTB) and other transmitter/receiver test f~tures. Experimental data were analyzed to determine the sensitivities of propagation mechanisms to carrier jiequency. The experimental/analytical results along with bandwidth requirements and legal constraints indicate suitable ranges of carrier frequencies for terrestrial communication systems. INTRODUCTION The reason for determining a suitable carrier for carrier frequency for terrestrial communications is to minimize transmitter power requirements at a given desired range. Three considerations drive the selection of carrier frequency: good accommodation of required propagation performance, bandwidth, and available channel space. Similar to performance, cost, and schedule, the above considerations form a box around the selection process for carrier frequency. This paper gives first priority to good propagation performance and investigates the sensitivity of RF propagation over a terrestrial channel to carrier frequency. Accommodation of required bandwidth and available channel space refine the selection of suitable carrier frequencies, especially with respect to signals with video bandwidths. PECULIARITIES OF TERRESTRIAL LINKS A terrestrial link of modest range, for example a few kilometers, would suggest little technical challenge if the link were not from one point on the ground to another point on the ground. A 4 km link at 300 MHz would require an effective radiated power (ERP) of about 50 microwatt in space but might require as much as 500 W with antennas close to the ground. Figure 1 and 2 depict typical ground to ground configurations. Figure 1 shows a typical ground to ground propagation path with no obstructions. The obstructionless path is attenuated far below the free space level by the coincidence of the direct ray and the ground reflected ray at the receive antenna. The severe attenuation is caused by the ground reflected ray being inverted by the ground reflection, thus tending to cancel the direct ray. Figure 2 adds an obstruction to the propagation path. An obstruction such as a tree is translucent to RF and propagates an attenuated ray through the tree. Also, the portion of the direct wavefront and ground reflected wavefront (represented as rays in Figure 2) that is not blocked by the tree is diffracted around and over the tree and then passed to the receive antenna as another attenuated ray. Therefore there are three attenuating mechanisms to These consider for ground to ground propagation paths. mechanisms are reflection, absorption, and blockage. 0-7803-4902-4/98/$10.00 (c) 1998 IEEE For most signal paths, except for paths through very wooded areas, absorption is considerably less important than reflection or blockage. Compared to blockage, absorption can be viewed as a gain, because some RF is being transmitted through the absorbing medium in addition to the blocked signal that is diffracted over and around the absorbing medium. That is, blockage constitutes a worse case than does absorption. For example, if a forest was replaced with a mound of earth occupying the same volume, the signal 10SS would be made greater, because earth absorbs more completely than trees and is opaque to RF. One scenario where absorption is particularly a problem is where both ends of a link are located inside or near the edge of an absorbing medium, because the ends of the link come in close proximity to the absorbing medium where maximum blockage occurs. In the case of jungle, only an extremely powertid transmitter could support a link at 4 km. The jungle case is usually rendered irrelevant for mounted radios by the lack of mobility of a mobile unit inside a jungle. profile. In Figure 4, propagation data was collected with a 400 MHz CW signal along a nearly straight line path for 2 km on a more hilly (30 meter height difference) terrain profile. The following information is common to both Figures 4 and 5. The receiver was in a stationary vehicle at the start of the path for both runs. A marker indicating the top of a each hill was recorded in the data by the mobile operator turning off the transmitter. The marker also roughly indicates the boundary between line of sight and non-line of sight. The ERP at the transmitter was +44 dBm (10 watts with nominal stub antenna gain). The height of both antennas above their respective points on the ground was 2 meters. Also, a terrain profile is shown near the bottom of each plot. The height difference is 10 meters for Figure 4 and 30 meters for Figure 5. .. -—- r2NEJAEH–I ww-sf!~.-.: IEmcl 20 0 s s, .20 -40 COMPARISON MODELS OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND d B a m Figures 4 and 5 show both raw data and calculated data on the same plot. The raw data and calculated data are explained in separate sections below. .1 w I .120 I 1 TER AIN PRO I EQUIPMENTAL SET-UP AND RAW I I ~~,,ma DATA: Four dozen propagation data files were collected along several roads on and near Redstone Arsenal in Alabama. The distances along these roads was from 1.5 to 5 km. All roads were straight, wide, and paved except for Overlook Road, which turned into a narrow dirt road after 1 km and wound its way over the hill at the end of the road. All roads where lined with a combination of trees, buildings, and clearings. Ten frequencies were used ranging from 30 MHz to 2320 MHz. Refer to Figure 3 for a block diagram of the equipment setup for the data collection experiments. In all experiments, the receiver was located in the stationary vehicle and the transmitter was located in the moving vehicle. Stub antennas were cut for specific frequencies. In the experiments represented by Figures 4 and 5, a synthesized source with a 10 watt amplifier was used. I lLE .woo~1~1~2~ DISTANCE, METERS Figure 4. Prediction of Rideout Road at 161 MHz with an ERP or +44 dBm and 2 Meter Antenna Heights -----fum, ---- EARTH 1 ::T: ------:P::,:c- -, L-[ 20 0 TRANSMITTER Figure 5. Prediction of Overlook Road at 400 MHz ERP of +44 dBm and 2 Meter Antenna Heights with an There are two things to notice about the levels of the measured propagation data for these two data files. First, the mean signal strength within the line of sight is the same for both r?equencies. Second, several places on the plots show the raw data below the level of all predictions. RECEIVER I Figure 3. Equipment Setup for Data Collection In Figure 4, propagation data was collected with a 161 MHz continuous wave (CW) signal along a straight line path for 4 km on a relatively flat (10 meter height difference) terrain The mean signal strength at 1000 dBm for both the 161 MHz and 400 MHz of the raw data at the end of the 400 MHz than predicted by any model. The distance of the 4 km requirement, but the transmitter hill. This is an example of a situation that 0-7803-4902-4/98/$10.00 (c) 1998 IEEE meters is about -70 data runs. The level data run was lower at this point is half is behind a 30 meter has more blockage, reflection, or absorption than anticipated, because complete cancellation of the signal is always possible and zero signal is a signal strength of minus infinity decibels. a o s s, .,, A second prediction was generated from the Okumura-Hata model. This model has been used extensively for cellular network design and offers more accuracy at higher frequencies and longer distances. At 161 MHz, the OkumuraHata model is accurate within about 20 dB. At 400 MHz, the Okumura-Hata model is accurate within about 15 dB. The Okumura-Hata model is not a suitable model for short distances of 4 km or less, because it does not increase the effect of blockage with distance, and thus overestimates the effect of blockage for non-line of sight cases at short distances. .40 da B .8a -fLK DISTANCE, METERS Figure6. Comparison of Highest Frequencies at Rldeout Road and Lowest Measured Figure 6 compares experimental data along Rideout Road (terrain protlle near bottom of plot) for the highest and Note three lowest frequencies used in the experiments. contrasting features: mean level, deviation from mean level, and sensitivity to terrain variations. First, the mean level in the line of sight region (Line of sight is everywhere along the path except the end of the run.) is about 20 dB higher for the 34.2 MHz signal than it is for the 2320 MHz signal. At 1000 meters, the curve for 2320 MHz has a signal strength of-70 dBm, which is in agreement with the data curves for 161 MHz and 400 MHz in Figures 4 and 5 respectively. The 20 dB advantage for 34.2 MHz is caused by a ground surface wave that was observed for all experimental runs below 80 MHz. The ground surface wave uses the soil of the ground as a conduit for RF energy. This conduit is very lossy at high frequencies. Second, the deviation from mean level or fhst fading noise on the two curves is greater for the higher frequency. Trees md buildings have higher cross-sectional areas at higher frequencies, and thus higher frequencies contribute more scattered field to the signal level at the receiver. Third, the curve for the 2320 MHz signal shows more sensitivity to terrain variation than does the curve for the 34.2 MHz signal. The higher frequency is more sensitive to terrain variation because the shadows caused by higher frequencies are more crisply defined than the shadows caused by lower frequencies due to the shorter wavelength of higher frequencies. MODELING: Several models were used to predict the propagation loss. The models are called Free Space, Okumura-Hata, Plane Earth, and Site Specific listed in top to bottom order as they appear in Figures 4 and 5. The Free Space model, which accounts for only the spreading of the wavefront with distance, would ordinarily be accurate for space and airborne links. For the two data runs shown, the Free Space predictions are optimistic by 30 to 50 decibels (dB). The Free Space model for 161 MHz is more optimistic than for 400 MHz because free space loss increases with frequency, whereas th~ measured performance is frequency independent within the line of sight. A third model is the Plane Earth model. The Plane Earth model adds the effect of a specular ground reflection to the free space loss. The Plane Earth model gives the correct answer within about 10 dB. Note that the Plane Earth model is relatively accurate even though the terrain profile is not perfectly flat. The accuracy of the Plane Earth model indicates that the ground reflection causes most of the loss associated with ground to ground data links. The Plane Earth model predicts the LOS frequency independence and a path loss that is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the range as outlined in Burlington [1] and Bertoni et al [9]. Essentially, the ground modifies the antenna pattern such that the antenna beam lifts off the ground, which is caused by the 180 degree phase shift on the electric field of the ground reflected ray. A fourth model is the Site Specific model, which was developed in conjunction with this paper. The Site Specific model is derived from the Plane Earth model by adding terrain dependent blockage loss to the Plane Earth model. The blockage point for each mobile position along the course was found and the effect of blockage was computed using a table of a Cornu spiral representation of the received field. The Site to within about 6 dB. Specific prediction is accurate Accounting for blockage allows the prediction to be somewhat more accurate than the Plane Earth model and allows the prediction to follow the undulations of the terrain. SELECTING CARRIER GENERIC MODEL FREQUENCY BASED ON A Models predict mentioned above predict the mean level of the raw data only. Inspection of the raw data in Figures 4 through 6 shows that the signal strength at any instant in time can be considerably below the mean level. The correct mean level model will be above the raw data 50~o of the time. A generic model used to support the design of a radio link, should allow the raw data to be above the model predicted level 99°/0 or more/less of the time, depending on the error tolerance of the system containing the radio link. Thus, a fade margin should be added to the link budget to ensure the reliability of the link at moderately low signal strengths. The fade margin ensures protection of the system against errors due to thermal noise, but does not ensure protection of the system against errors due to distortion of the propagated RF in the channel. A generic model can deal with blockage by adding a shadow margin to the link budget. For rolling hill terrain, a suitable method of adding shadow margin is outlined in the second section below. FADE MARGIN: A fade margin is added to the link budget by statistically characterizing fast fading. The fade margin given at the 1’%. level ensures that signal strength is above the fade 0-7803-4902-4/98/$10.00 (c) 1998 IEEE margin 99% of the time. If the fade margin in dB is roughly doubled, the signal strength can be ensured to be above the doubled fade margin 99.9% of the time. The fast fading is truly transitory provided that the mobile vehicle is moving. The effect of fast fading for a moving vehicle is to introduce burst errors into the received data. The Rayleigh distribution is the theoretical limit for the case of a group of scattered rays having no dominant ray in the group. Statistical cumulative distributions of experimental data roughly agree with the distributions in Bullington’s “Radio Propagation Fundamentals” [1] as shown in Figure 7. Note that fade margins must increase with frequency. 10[ apply for urban terrain with terrain. COMPARISON tall buildings or extremely rugged OF FREQUENCIES: A generic non-site specific prediction can be used to help determine optimum carrier frequency. A plot of generic data was made over a 100 to 4000 meter range. The curves were generated using the plane earth model minus two frequency dependent margins, fade margin and shadow margin. Both margins are taken from Bullington [1 and 5]. The shadow margin is for a terrain variation of 200 meters and is ramped in from zero to full value over the 4 km range. The ramping of the shadow margin corresponds to the increasing probability of shadowing with distance. The Okumura-Hata model was not used, because it does not increase the effect of blockage with distance, and thus overestimates the effect of blockage at short distances. 20 0 ~’””. \\\ RAYLEIGH ““’”. s s. DISTRIBUTION .20 44 10 m d B .80 -1 m m-l .120 -440 I “’m lro I I I I I &ISTANt5E,%EYERS I m m 1 Non-site Specific Prediction Figure 8. dBm and 2 Meter Antenna Heights SIGNAL LEVEL IN DB BELOW MEAN LEVEL Figure 7. Fade Level Chart from “Radio Propagation Fundamentals” by Kenneth Bullington [1] SHADOW MARGIN: Shadow margin is an allowance for a reasonable “worst” case amount of shadow loss due to signal blockage. The amount of the shadow loss is the difference in signal strength in dB between an unobstructed path and an obstructed path. The shadow loss is directly proportional to frequency. If the frequency is raised one order of magnitude, then the shadow loss increases 10 dB. The direct proportionality of shadow loss to frequency was stated by Bertoni, et al [9] and verified in the calculation of the blockage loss in the site-specific model. A 200 meter high terrain variation gives a reasonable “worst” case for a 4 km link, because there is probably only one 200 meter hill over a 4 km range. Choosing a lesser height is too benign to represent a “worst” case, and choosing a greater height creates a scenario where there M probably less than one hill of this height. If there is less than one hill over a range, then the scenario is carried out on one side of that hill or just barely over the crest of that hill, which is also too benign to represent a “worst” case. This type of reasoning would not for an ERP of +44 The curves in Figure 8 assume an ERP of +44 dBm and antenna heights of 2 meters. Note that the curve for 1 GHz ends up at -130 dBm at 4 km. If the power at the transmitter is raised 10 dB and the antenna height at one end is raised to 20 meters for a 20 dB increase in height gain, the signal strength at 4 km for 1 GHz becomes -100 dBm. A sensitivity of-100 dBm would support low resolution real time video or high resolution non-real time video. High resolution real time video has a threshold at about -90 dBm. The message of Figure 8 is that improves as carrier frequency propagation performance However, when bandwidth accommodation and decreases. available channel space are considered, higher carrier frequencies may become necessary. The curve for 10 MHz has a 30 dB gain due to the presence of a surface wave for frequencies below 80 MHz. 10 MHz has an ambient noise floor that is at least 10 dB higher than the noise floor at 100 MHz. Thus, the advantage of 10 MHz over 100 MHz is about 20 dB. 20 dB is still a tremendous advantage, corresponding to a 100 to 1 power ratio. Unfortunately, there are no available video channels below 80 MHz; so that the ground surface wave cannot be taken advantage of without accepting a narrow band assignment requiring extreme compression of the video data rate and large antennas. There is a 20 dB spread in performance between 100 MHz and 1 GHz due mainly to fade margin. This region commonly supports video bandwidth channels and has available channel space especially at the high end. 0-7803-4902-4/98/$10.00 (c) 1998 IEEE 10 GHz appears to be out of contention as a possible carrier frequency except for the fact that high frequencies support small high gain antennas. If a commitment could be made to support the pointing of directional antennas at both ends of the link, 10 GHz might be able to perform as well as 1 GHz, because of the gain of directional antennas may over come fade margin and additional shadow loss. The higher bands may still be viable if directional antennas are used and subsystems are bought or developed to point the directional amtennas. 1. Ground communications propagation losses are as much as 70 dB higher than space communications propagation losses. 2. Within the line of sight, mean signal strength is frequency independent and antenna height dependent. 3. Fast fading iiequency. 4. Available frequencies between 100 MHz and 1 GHz are usable terrestrial video links without requirements for directional antennas or data compression to reduce bandwidth but will require elevated antennas and 100 watts or more of transmitter power for low antenna heights. 5. and shadow [1] K. Burlington, “Radio Propagation Fundamentals,” The Bell System Technical Journal., Vol. XXXVI, No. 3, pp. 593-626, May 1957. H. T. Head, “The Influence of Tress on Television [2] Field Strengths at Ultra-High Frequencies,” Proceedings of the IRE, pp. 1016-1020, June 1960. T. Tamir, [3] “On Radio Propagation in Environments,” IEEE Trans. Ant. and Prop., Vol. AP-15, pp. 806-817, November 1967. SUMMARY losses REFERENCES losses increase with Frequencies below 100 MHz require video data rates in the tens of KHz and compression factors of about 100 or better for real time video. Frequencies below 100 MHz are appropriate for audio and low data rate communications where available channels can be found. 6. Frequencies above 1 GHz require directional antennas of 10 dB gain or better and tracking subsystems for pointing the antennas. 7. The provision of sufficient link budget for a radio link ensu;es only a specified reliability against errors due to RF propagation through an intense thermal noise. multipath channel causes signal distortion at very high wide bandwidth strengths, particularly for signal waveforms. Forest No. 6, A. G. Longley, R. 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