2015-16 MISD Compliance Training Documentation Employee Name Campus Ø The Compliance Training courses listed below must be completed annually by staff who work directly with students, with the exception of Sexual Abuse and Other Maltreatment of Children, which must completed by all staff. Please note there may be changes through upcoming legislative sessions. Ø Upon completion of each training session, please print and save the Certificate of Completion (be sure to set your printer for only the certificate page and not the entire slideshow). Ø Give a copy of this form (download from the MISD staff web page), to your principal by a date they will give you. Maintain all certificates in your personal file. Returning staff will have eight certificates and new staff will have five additional. Ø Courses will be listed in eduphoria, and upon receipt of complete documentation, staff members will be granted credit by the campus eduphoria representative. Date Complete Course Name Anaphylaxis-pdf Bloodborne Pathogens-pdf http://olc.region10.org/catalog/Courses/Certification-Compliance/Compliance-Training-Courses Bully Prevention http://olc.region10.org/catalog/Courses/Certification-Compliance/Compliance-Training-Courses Child Abuse-Recognizing and Reporting Suspected Abuse or Neglect of a Child Go to the following website and follow instructions. http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/Training/Reporting/default.asp Diabetes Basics (and an attached handout called (A Guide to Diabetes Management)-pdf FERPA (Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act)-pdf http://olc.region10.org/catalog/Courses/Certification-Compliance/Compliance-Training-Courses All employees with any access to educational student records Section 504 Overview-pdf Sexual Harassment –pdf Sexual Abuse and Other Maltreatment of Childrenhttp://olc.region10.org/catalog/Courses/Certification-Compliance/Compliance-Training-Courses Training must be completed by the following dates by All staff: September 30, 2015, for all K-grade 5 teachers, campus principals, and bus drivers; December 31, 2015, for all remaining teachers, campus principals, and bus drivers; and all remaining school staff Suicide Prevention (face to face with counselors) If this is missed, must complete online training on Region 10 website http://olc.region10.org/catalog/Courses/Certification-Compliance/Compliance-Training-Courses Compliance Trng Doc 4/2014 REV In addition to the above, all new staff and MISD staff who have not yet completed the following training, must do so. Pleases see the special note for TBSI. Date Complete Course Name Copyright and Fair Use for Educators-pdf Texas Behavior Support Initiative (TBSI) One time 3 hour online training for all classroom teachers, paraprofessionals, and administrators. After completing the one-time 3 hour requirement, administrators must complete the one hour overview annually. TEA is tracking this information. • Go to www.esc4.net and click on Professional Development then Professional Development Home. • Click the Sign In box in the top left corner of the page • Once signed in, enter TBSI in the Session ID or Keyword box. • Click on ID 1098115 for the 3 hour teacher course for TBSI. • Administrators take this course first, then take administrator overview in subsequent years. Texas Educators’ Code of Ethics – http://olc.region10.org/catalog/Courses/Certification-Compliance/Texas-Educators-Code-of-Ethics ______________________________________________ Employee Signature ________________________ Date Compliance Trng Doc 4/2014 REV