SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 1 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 Contents INTRODUCTION: o o o o o Pages : 1 - 8 Introduction on Energy Conservation Act 2001. Bureau of Energy Efficiency. Establishment of SDA. Profile and Energy scenario of Mizoram. Energy saving potential in Mizoram. ENERGY CONSERVATION PLAN IN THE STATE: Pages : 9 - 12 o Five years Energy Conservation Action Plan. o Activities selected for 2012-13 & Financial Outlay ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN BY THE STATE DURING 2012-13: Pages : 13 - 17 1. Manpower support to SDA. 2. Workshop/Capacity building of energy professional. 3. Analysis and survey of the impact of energy conservation activities by the SDA. 4. Publicity/Awareness on energy efficiency in the state. 5. Maintenance and updation of internet platform and other database. 6. Other activities. DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS: Pages : 18 - 22 o Energy Efficient Street Lighting at Kolasib, Champhai, Aizawl . o LED Village Campaign. TIPS FOR ENERGY SAVING: Pages : 23 - 25 CONSUMERS GUIDES FOR ENERGY USES: Pages : 26 - 28 APPENDICES: Pages : 29 - 45 STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 3 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 MESSAGE H O T O P SECRETARY P&E Department Govt. of Mizoram The State Designated Agency (SDA) for Energy Conservation, Electrical Inspectorate, Power & Electricity Department, Govt. of Mizoram has been bringing out its ‘Annual Report of Energy Conservation Measure in Mizoram’ continuously for the past five years without any hitch. The present publication is the 6th issue. I am very glad to be associated with the SDA and Power & Electricity Department as a whole. The SDA was established in 2008 under the Energy Conservation Act 2001. Till date SDA Mizoram takes up and implement various Energy Conservation measures in the state, like public awareness campaign though electronic media, taking up of Demonstration project on energy efficient lighting, distribution of energy conservation pamphlet and calendar, installation of LED street light in various districts, declaring and accomplishing LED village, etc., to name a few. I wish the SDA all the success in achieving their commitment of teaching people in energy usage efficiently. I urge the State Government and different Department to take suitable measures to encourage implementation of energy conservation and efficiency in their respective jurisdiction. Dated Aizawl: The 7th July 2014 ER. LIANCHUNGNUNGA STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 5 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 Introduction on Energy Conservation Act, 2001: In today’s economy, quality of abundant power supply is very much crucial for the economic prosperity of a nation, especially more so in case of a developing economy like India. Demand for electricity and fossil fuels have substantially increased over the time due to growing preferences for commercial energy. While efforts are being made to improve availability of various energy sources, there is still a continuing gap between demand and supply of energy. For the purpose of fulfilling the energy requirement, increased generation of energy is a huge capital intensive option. By adopting energy efficient measures, consumption can be reduced to a great extent that will reduce the need to create new capacity requiring mobilization of huge resources as well as result in substantial environment benefits in terms of reduced Green House Gas (GHG) emission. To promote conservation of energy and to facilitate its efficient use in various sectors, there is need for certain statutory measures. Accordingly, appreciating the potential and importance of energy efficiency, for bridging the gap between demand and supply, reducing environmental emissions through energy saving, the Government of India enacted the EC Act to provide a legal framework that came into force with effect from 1st March 2001. Awaiting period of five years from the date of enactment is provided in the Act, during which, all the institutional infrastructures including formalities of issuing notification of Rules, Regulations and other norms at the Central and State level are to be completed besides continued endeavor for creation of awareness for efficient use of energy and its conservation among public. Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE): The Govt. of India under Section 3(1) of the EC Act established the statutory body, The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) under the Ministry of Power, Govt. of India for implementation of policy programs and co-ordination of implementation of energy conservation activities. The BEE is headed by the Director General, BEE with its headquarters situated at New Delhi. The mission of the BEE is to assist in developing policies and strategies with a thrust on self-regulation and market principles within the overall framework of the EC Act with the primary objective of reducing energy intensity aspect of the Indian economy. This will be achieved with active participation of all stakeholders in accelerated and sustained adoption of energy efficiency in all sectors. Role of BEE: As envisaged in the EC Act, BEE co-ordinates with all stake holders and recognizes, identifies and utilizes the existing resources and infrastructure. The EC Act provides for both regulatory and promotional functions of the BEE Regulatory functions: The Major Regulatory Functions of BEE include: §§ Develop minimum energy performance standards and labeling design for equipment and appliances. §§ Develop specific Energy Conservation Building Codes. §§ Activities focusing on designated consumers. STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 7 SDA Mizoram Establishment of SDA: Annual Report 2013 - 14 In exercise of powers of State Government under section 15 (d) of the Energy Conservation Act 2001, Govt. of Mizoram have appointed the Electrical Inspector, Power & Electricity Department as the State Designated Agency vide notification No. B.16012/11/2000-P&E, dated 12-02-2008 to co-ordinate, regulate and enforce provisions of the Energy Conservation Act 2001 in the state of Mizoram. (Please see Appendix - I) The objectives of SDA are: 1. To pro-actively fulfill all the mandates of Energy conservation Act in co-ordination with BEE, State Government and other stake holders. 2. To promote the cause of energy efficiency addressing all commercial energy sources. (Coal, Oil, Electricity) 3. Reduction of energy consumption in generation, transmission, distribution and end use through efficiency improvements and rational use. 4. To promote reduction of Greenhouse Gas emission in the state of Mizoram. 5. To promote use of energy efficient technologies, equipment, processes and devices. 6. To promote awareness in respect of Energy Conservation Act, energy efficiency, standards, best practices, etc. 7. To promote about Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) 8. To reduce fuel consumption in Transport sector by efficiency improvement. 9. To reduce energy consumption in domestic sector by way of educating the users. Roles & Responsibilities of SDA The Electrical Inspectorate headed by the Chief Electrical Inspector with its head office at Zuangtui, Aizawl is functioning as the State Designated Agency in Mizoram. The Inspectorate is responsible for enforcement of following Acts and Regulations in the state of Mizoram to ensure safety in electrical installations and implementation of Energy Conservation measures: The Electricity Act 2003 Central Electricity Authority Regulations - 2011 The Mizoram Electricity Licensing Regulation 2003, amended on 2012 The Energy Conservation Act 2001 Organization Chart: Chief Electrical Inspector Electrical Inspector Asst. Electrical Inspector Asst. Electrical Inspector (Inspection) (MELB, SDA) Head Assistant J.E. J.E. J.E. J.E. (Zone - I) (Zone -II) (MELB) (SDA) Divisional Accountant Account Section Establishment Section Technical Staff STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 9 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION: For drawing power to Mizoram from Central Generating Stations and other outside sources, there are 3 (three) Nos. of 132 kV line owned by PGCIL namely. a) 132 kV S/C Jiribam (Manipur) Aizawl b) 132 kV S/C Badarpur (Assam) Aizawl c) 132 kV S/C Kumarghat (Tripura) Aizawl Transmission, Transformation and Distribution network owned and maintained by Power & Electricity Department, Mizoram during 2012-13 are as below: The energy consumption in the state is dominated by domestic consumers which is about 88.2% of total consumers. Figures of power generation, import, consumption, etc during the last 3 years in Mizoram may be seen from the table given below: STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 11 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 13 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 12th FIVE YEAR ENERGY CONSERVATION ACTION PLAN The following are the activities for the 12th Five year Action Plan under SDA Mizoram during 2013 - 2017 : A. DEMONSTRATION PROJECT: To cover the following areas viz: Ø Street lighting for upcoming flyovers or centrally located park, or a place of cultural or tourism importance within the city etc. Ø Water pumping in drinking water supply in a government owned residential or office complex or in a municipality. Ø Iconic buildings like Legislative Buildings, the Secretariat, Raj Bhawans, the Chief Minister’s residences, etc. Ø Agriculture pump sets through replacement of existing pump sets with energy efficient ones. B. LED VILLAGE CAMPAIGN: To convert an entire electrified village comprising below 350 households to LEDs. Minimum 2 to Maximum 5 light points of each household may be considered for replacement. The scheme also includes converting the existing street light luminaries of the village with LEDs. C. INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF ENFORCEMENTMACHINERY AT THE STATE LEVEL: Ø To appoint / identify inspecting officers. Ø To identify accredited energy auditor, laboratory or professional organization approved by BEE who can support the inspecting officers Ø To initiate a process of empanelling the accredited energy auditor, laboratory or professional organization approved by BEE. Ø To identify centres / institutes where the inspecting officers as well as the accredited energy auditor, laboratory or professional organization approved by BEE can be trained. D. MANPOWER SUPPORT TO SDA: To undertake the following works namely:Ø Preparation of annual action plans including budget estimation Ø Preparation of annual reports Ø Interaction with other Govt. Dept. / Organizations and Industries Ø Conduct state level awards Ø Identification of demonstration projects Ø Preparation of schemes for promoting energy conservation Ø Implementation and monitoring support for different energy efficiency projects Ø Verification and documenting capacity avoidance and energy savings realized Ø Exploring new areas for implementation of energy conservation measures in the state of Mizoram Ø Finalization and vetting of Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) for energy efficiency projects STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 15 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN DURING 2013-14 AND FINANCIAL OUTLAY Sl. No. Details of Activity Budget sanctioned by BEE (INR Lakhs) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Implementation of energy efficiency measure to showcase the potential of energy efficiency through demonstration projects. LED Village campaign. Workshop/training programs involving energy professional. Analysis and survey of the impact of energy conservation activities. Publicity/awareness on energy efficiency in the states. Maintenance and updation of internet platform. STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 50.00 20.00 6.00 3.00 13.00 2.00 17 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 ACTIVITIES AS PER ANNUAL ACTION PLAN 2013 - 14 No. 1 : Manpower support to SDA: BEE sanctioned Rs. 18.00 lakhs for hiring Manpower support to SDA. Request for Proposal (RfP) being floated vide No. T-11011/81/2013-EI(SDA)/13, 132.2014 for hiring Manpower support through an agency. RfP opened on 31.3.2014. It is expected to complete on July 2014. No. 2 : Workshop/Capacity building of energy professional: Er. Lalduhzuala Sailo, Chief Electrical Inspector attended the following workshop/seminar: 1) Regional meeting for strengthening of State Designated Agencies (SDAs) on efficient use of energy and its conservation, held at Hotel Nakshatra, Guwahati on 27th – 28th February 2014. 2) Partnership summit involving all State Designated Agencies (SDAs) held on 21st and 22nd November 2013 at Pride Amber Villas Resort, 12 Mile, Vatika Mod, Jaipur. STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 19 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 Energy Conservation banner were displayed in different public/prominent places of District Headquarters on the occasion of National Energy Conservation Day 2013. Er. C.L. Thangliana, Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, P&E Derpartment delivered energy conservation speech through Doordarshan Kendra, Aizawl on National Energy Conservation Day (14th December) 2013. Energy Conservation Calendar 2014 were distributed to the public. STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 21 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 Demonstration Projects STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 23 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 2) In Champhai town 75 Nos. of 250 Watt HPSV Street lights were replaced by 90 Watt LED Street light. The project was completed on 30.20.2013. The energy saving is calculated as shown below: EN ERGY SAVIN GS TH ROU GH DEMON STRATION PROJEC T OF LED STR EET LIGHT AT CHAMPH AI TOWN, MIZOR AM 1 Project Description : Demonstration project of LED Street lighting at Champhai, Mizoram . 2 Installation Details : Replacement of existing 75 nos. 250 W att HPSV street light by 90 W att LED Street light. 3 Operating Details : Street lighting : 11 Hrs. daily 4 Cost of 75 Nos. 90W LED Street Light with brackets @ Rs. 22,870/- per light. : Rs. 17,15,250.00 5 Annual Electricity Consumption before project implementation : 75281.25 Unit 6 Annual Electricity Cost before project implementation : Rs. 3,25,215.00 @ Rs. 4.32 per Unit 7 Annual Electricity Consumption after project implementation : 27101.25 Unit 8 Annual Electricity Cost after project implementation 9 Annual Energy Savings achieved Rs. 1,17,077.40 @ Rs. 4.32 : 48,180 Unit 10 Annual Saving in Energy Cost : Rs. 2,08,137.60 11 Simple Pay Back Period : 1 yrs. & 2 months 12 Percentage Savings : 64.00% STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 25 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 LED VILLAGE CAMPAIGN Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power, Government of India sanctioned Rs. 20.00 lakhs for LED Village Campaign. Accordingly, Muthi Village having around 180 consumers was selected. Further, Muthi village is only 4.5 km away from Electrical Inspectorate Office, Zuangtui which is very much suitable for implementation as well as for monitoring the performance an actual energy saving after commissioning. Tender invited vide T-11011/66/2009-EI(SDA)/43, dt. 29.8.2013, supply oder was placed on March 2014. Supply order for the following was placed on March 2014: LED Bulb (7 or 8 W) LED Tube Light 4 Feet (20 W) LED Street Light (with Bracket) (45 W) - 550 Nos. - 198 Nos. - 20 Nos. This project is expected to be completed by May 2014. STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 27 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 SAVE ENERGY IN YOUR HOME Tips to Save Electricity LIGHTING 1. One of the best energy saving devices in your home is the light switch. Turn off lights when not required. 2. Many automatic devices can help in saving energy used in lighting. Consider employing infrared sensors, motion sensors, automatic timers, dimmers and solar cells wherever applicable to switch on/off lighting circuits. 3. Dirty tube light and bulb reflects less light and can adsorb 50% of light; clean your tube lights and lamps regularly. 4. LED tube light and LED Bulb convert electricity to visible light up to 10 times more efficiently than ordinary bulbs, fluorescent tube and thus save about 80% of electricity for the same lighting levels. 5. Replace your electricity-guzzling ordinary bulbs (incandescent lamps) with more efficient types. LED lights use up to 80 percent less electricity than incandescent lamps. 6. Ninety percent of the energy consumed by an ordinary bulb (incandescent lamp) is given off as heat rather than visible light and a 20 Watt compact fluorescent bulb produces the same amount of light as a 100 Watt ordinary bulb. REFRIGERATOR 1. Make sure that refrigerator is kept away from all sources of heat, radiators and appliances such as the oven and cooking range. 2. Refrigerator motors and compressors generates heat so allow enough space for continuous air flow around refrigerator. If the heat can’t escape, the refrigerator’s cooling system will work harder and use more energy. 3. Think about what you need before opening refrigerator door. You’ll reduce the amount of time the door remains opens. 4. Allow hot and warm foods to cool and cover them well before putting them in the refrigerator, it will use less energy and condensation will reduced. 5. Make sure that refrigerator’s rubber door seals are clean and tight. That they should hold a slip of paper snugly, if paper slips out easily, replace the door seals. 6. When the dust builds up on refrigerator’s condenser coils, the motor works harder and use more electricity. Clean the coils regularly to make sure that air can circulate freely. 7 For manual defrost refrigerator, accumulation of ice reduces the cooling power by acting as unwanted insulation. Defrost freezer compartment regularly for a manual defrost refrigerator. 8. Buy ‘BEE Star’ labelled Refrigerators to save energy. The more the stars, more the energy saved. STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 29 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 Consumer Guide on Energy Consumption by eletrical appliances STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 31 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 BEE STANDARDS & LABELING The Objectives of Standards &Labeling Program is to provide the consumer an informed choice about the energy saving, and thereby the cost saving potential of the marketed household and other equipment. This is expected to impact the energy savings in the medium and long run while at the same time it will position domestic industry to compete in such markets where norms for energy efficiency are mandatory. The scheme was launched by the Hon’ble Minister of Power in May, 2006 and is currently invoked for equipments/appliances (Frost Free (No-Frost) refrigerator, Tubular Fluorescent Lamps, Room Air Conditioners, Direct Cool Refrigerator, Distribution Transformer, Induction Motors, Pump Sets, Ceiling Fans, LPG, Electric Geysers and Colour TV). Mandatory Scheme: 1) 2) 3) 4) Frost Free (No-Frost) Refrigerator Tubular Fluorescent Lamps Room Air Conditioners Distribution Transformer Voluntary Scheme: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Room Air Conditioners Direct Cool Refrigerator Induction Motors Agricultural Pump Sets Ceiling Fans Liquefied Petroleum Gas Stoves Electric Geysers Colour TV Washing Machine Computer (Notebook /Laptops) STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 33 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 Appendix - I STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 35 SDA Mizoram Appendix - III Annual Report 2013 - 14 STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 37 SDA Mizoram Appendix - V Annual Report 2013 - 14 STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 39 SDA Mizoram Appendix - VII Annual Report 2013 - 14 STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION FUND RULES 2010 STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 41 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 43 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 45 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 47 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 49 SDA Mizoram Annual Report 2013 - 14 STATE DESIGNATED AGENCY MIZORAM 51