The LyoS™ Control System

The LyoS™ Control System
Welcome to LyoS™
Welcome to LyoS™
Pronounced \‘lī-,ōs\.
Windows®-based platform.
Leverages GE Proficy HMI/SCADA iFIX.
Provides visualization, data acquisition
and supervisory capabilities directly to an
Allen-Bradley CompactLogix PLC.
Key Features
Automated Leak and Function Testing
Automatic Backfill / Automatic Stoppering
Barometric Endpoint Testing (PRISE)
Pirani vs. Capacitance Manometer
differential testing (PRCM)
Instrumentation Set
• Sixteen (16), Type T product temperaturemonitoring thermocouples.
• Two (2) Capacitance Manometers
(product and condenser chambers).
• Pirani vacuum transducer
(product chamber).
Optional Cycle Optimization
• SMART™ Freeze Dryer Technology
• ControLyo™ Nucleation On-Demand
Technology (optional).
Fully Validateable
• Fully configurable and fully validatable for
regulated pharmaceutical and
biotechnology applications.
• SP Scientific offers onsite control system
IQ/OQ validation support and a more
comprehensive factory-initiated System
Integration Testing (SIT) program.
Documentation and Support
• All original software is provided with the
LyoS™ control system.
• A backup copy of the LyoS™ control
system is provided.
• PLC source code is available. Requires a
signed Confidentiality Disclosure
Agreement (CDA).
Control System Hardware /
Software Comparison
Control System Feature
LyoStar™ 3
LyoStar™ II
Praxair ControLyo™
Nucleation Technology
Not Available
SMART™ Freeze Dryer
(Available June 2011)
Programmable Logic
Controller (PLC)
Opto 22
Vacuum Sensor
Configuration (Standard)
2 Capacitance Manometers 1 Capacitance Manometers
1 Pirani Vacuum Gauge
2 Pirani Vacuum Gauge
Control System Software
Feature Comparison
Control System Feature
LyoStar™ 3
LyoStar™ II
PVG/CM Differential
Feedback Testing
Standard Offering.
Not Available.
Barometric Endpoint /
Pressure Rise Testing
Standard Offering.
Not Available.
Vacuum Ramping During
Primary Drying
Standard Offering.
Not Available.
Vacuum Preseal
Standard Offering.
Not Available.
Product Driven Mode
Standard Offering.
Not Available.
Vacuum Control Using
Secondary Gauge
Standard Offering.
Not Available.
Basic Navigation
The circular icons located at the top middle
and top right corner of the screen provide
access to additional screens and functions.
Alarm Summary
Data Export
Basic Navigation
• Play. Start or continue an automatic cycle.
• Stop. Terminate an automatic cycle.
• Back. Return to the previous screen.
Basic Navigation
(Alarm Summary Button)
• The Alarm Summary button provides
access to a detailed list of all active
• The button displays the current number of
unacknowledged alarms.
• Alarms are automatically saved to the
computer’s hard drive.
The Alarm Summary Page
The Alarm Summary Page
(Alarm Print)
• Select the Alarm Print button to print
saved alarms.
• The Alarm Print dialog appears with a list
of dates.
• Alarms are printed by date. Dates are
formatted as yy/mm/dd.
The Alarm Print Dialog
• To print the Alarm
Summary, select a
date and click Print
• To close the Alarm
Print dialog, click
Basic Navigation
(Maintenance Button)
The Maintenance button opens the
Maintenance menu dialog.
• Enable Component Mode.
• Open the Configuration page.
• Open the Calibration page.
The Maintenance Menu
(Component Mode)
• Component Mode allows you to manually
control system components listed on the
Synoptic page such as the heater, fluid
pump, vacuum pump, compressors, and
associated valves.
• Click the Component button to enable.
The Synoptic page will open.
The Maintenance Menu
• Select the Configuration button to open
the Configuration page.
• Configure settings used by the software to
determine how the system will operate, as
well react to certain conditions.
• PLC version and system serial number
are displayed at the top of the page.
The Configuration Page
The Configuration Page
• Systems configured with ControLyo™
Nucleation Technology will include
additional settings.
The Maintenance Menu
• Select the Calibration button to open the
Calibration page.
• Calibrate the lyophilizer’s temperature
sensors (i.e., shelf, condenser, ambient,
interstage and product probes).
The Calibration Page
Basic Navigation
(Trend Button)
Use the Trend button to launch the
Historical Trend screen.
• Monitor real-time and historical cycle data.
• Customize active charts.
• Create new charts.
The Historical Trend Screen
Basic Navigation
(Data Export Button)
Use the Data Export button to open the
Historical Data Export page.
• Export historical data into a commaseparated value (.CSV) file that can be
viewed in any spreadsheet application.
The Historical Export Page
Basic Navigation
(Print Button)
• Print. Prints the current full-screen view to
the available printer.
Basic Navigation
(Cycle Status)
The Cycle Status pull-down is accessible
from the top left corner of the screen.
Cycle Status Pull-Down
Basic Navigation
(Cycle Status)
The Cycle Status
pull-down displays the
real-time status of
critical system
Basic Navigation
(Cycle Status)
Select the Probe Avg
button to open the
Product Probes popup window.
Basic Navigation
The LyoS™ control system includes a series
of navigation tabs located across the
bottom of the screen.
To navigate to a particular page, simply click
the tab of the page you wish to access.
The Synoptic Page
• A process flow diagram of the complete
lyophilization system.
• Individual components may be monitored
and/or controlled from this screen.
• Critical system parameters are displayed.
• Activate or deactivate individual
components with a click of the mouse.
The Synoptic Page
The Synoptic Page
• Systems configured with ControLyo™
Technology include additional process
flow items.
The Freeze-Dry Page
• The Freeze-Dry Recipe page allows you
to view and edit current recipe
parameters, and load a previously saved
• This page provides access to the Recipe
Manager function, which allows you to
create and save recipes.
The Freeze-Dry Page
The Freeze-Dry Page
Systems configured with ControLyo™
Technology include additional fields below
the Freezing/Thermal Treatment steps.
The SMART™ Page
• SMART™ technology utilizes manometric
temperature measurement (MTM).
• Automated measurements of the product
temperature at the sublimation interface
are used to determine ideal parameters for
preventing product collapse or meltback
during primary drying.
The SMART™ Page
June 2011.
The Leak Test Page
• The Leak Test page is intended to be
used when verifying the vacuum integrity
of the system.
• Leak Test results are stated in terms of the
system’s Rate of Rise, as well as its
Volume–Based Leak Rate (VBLR).
The Leak Test Page
The Function Test Page
• Verify the system’s performance against
specifications or previous test data.
• Test results include cold and warm probe
test data; shelf, condenser and vacuum
pull-down rates; lowest shelf and
condenser temps, lowest vacuum temps.,
and shelf heat-up rate.
The Function Test Page
The Semi-Auto Page
• The Semi-Auto page may be accessed to
activate or deactivate the semi-auto
functions, including Shelf (Shelf Control to
setpoint or Heat Only to setpoint),
Condenser, Vacuum Control to setpoint,
Isolation Valve, Backfill, Vacuum Release
and Defrost.
The Semi-Auto Page
The Semi-Auto Page
• Systems configured with ControLyo™
Nucleation Technology will include the
following Semi-Auto functions.
Additional Layout Items
From left to right, the top of the page layout
also includes the following:
• SP Scientific logo.
• Current security access level.
• Question Mark and Information icons.
• Date and time.
Security Access Levels
• The control system contains a multi-level,
password-protected security system.
• The standard security access levels are
identified as Guest, Operator and
Question Mark Icon
• The Question Mark icon indicates a Help
entry point.
• When selected with the Synoptic page
active, illustrated components are tagged
with descriptive callouts. This feature may
be particularly useful when operating your
lyophilizer in Component Mode.
Question Mark Icon
Mark Icon
Callout Tags
Information Icon
Selecting the Information
icon opens a window
displaying a Vapor
Pressure over Ice table.
Date and Time
The current date and time, according to the
Windows® operating system clock, is
displayed at the top right corner of the
control system layout.