1. This question paper contains 50 objective type questions.Q.1 to Q

Instructions to be followed for
Admission Test
1. This question paper contains 50 objective type questions.Q.1 to Q.50 one mark each.
2. Questions must be answered on Objective Response Sheet (ORS) by darkening the appropriate
1. This question paper contains 50 objective type questions.Q.1 to Q.50 carrying one
bubble (marked A,B,C,D) against the question number on the respective left hand columns.
mark each.
Each question has only one correct answer.
2. Questions must be answered on Optical Mark Recognition(OMR) Sheet by darkening
3. All ORS will be processed by electronic means. Hence, invalidation of Answer Sheet due to
the appropriate bubble (marked A, B, C, and D) against the question number on the
folding or putting stray marks on it or any damage to the Answer sheet as well as
respective left hand columns. Each question has only one correct answer.
incomplete/incorrect filing of the Answer Sheet will be the sole responsibility of the candidate.
3. All OMR sheets will be processed by electronic means. Hence, invalidation of Answer
4. Incorrect answers will carry NEGATIVE marks 0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong
Sheet due to folding or putting stray marks on it or any damage to the Answer Sheet
as well as incomplete/incorrect filing of the Answer Sheet will be the sole
5. Answers without response will be awarded zero mark. Wrong response or more than one
responsibility of the candidate.
response even one of them is correct will be treated as incorrect answer and negative marks
4. Incorrect answers will carry NEGATIVE marks. 0.25 mark will be deducted for each
will be awarded for the same.
wrong answer.
6. Write your registration number and name at the specified locations of the ORS.
5. Answers without any response will be awarded zero mark. Wrong response or more
7. Use only Black/Blue Ball Point Pen to mark the answers by complete filing up of the respective
than one response even if one of them is correct will be treated as incorrect
answer and negative mark will be awarded for the same.
8. Mobile phones, Calculators, Slide Rules, Log Tables and Electronic Watches with facilities of
6. Write your Application Number at the specified locations of the OMR sheet.
Calculator, Charts, Graph sheets or any other form of Tables are NOT allowed in the
7. Use only Black Ball Point Pen to mark the answers by complete filing up of the
examination hall. Possession of such devices during the examination may lead to cancellation of
respective bubbles.
the paper besides seizing of the same.
8. Mobile phones, Calculators, Slide Rules, Log Tables and Electronic Watches with
9. Mark the answers only in the space provided. Please do not make any stray mark on the ORS.
facilities of Calculator, Charts, Graph sheets or any other form of Tables are NOT
10. This question paper contains 12 pages. Please check all pages and report, if there is any
allowed in the examination hall. Possession of such devices during the examination
may lead to cancellation of the paper besides seizing of the same.
11. Please hand over the ORS to the invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall.
9. Mark the answers only in the space provided. Please do not make any stray mark on
the OMR sheet.
10. Please hand over the Test Booklet along with corresponding OMR sheet to the
invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall.