Interior for vehicles - geta

Interior for vehicles
Development . Production . Assembly
Team / three
Werk 3
Doberschütz . Deutschland
Werk 4
Stadtname . China
Werk 5
Stadtname . Russland
Company / four
Company GETA was founded by Mr. Dipl-Ing. (FH) Robert
Buhmann in 1986. As a qualified and certified producer of interior
design elements and system components for rail-bound vehicles,
we are among the market leaders for the design and production
of coated moulded parts and sandwich light-construction
GETA plant 1
Wangen . Germany
GETA plant 2
Wangen . Germany
Doberschütz . Germany
Produktionsstandorte / five
Production sites
Plant 1 GETA Headquarter
Plant 2
Development, mechanical production and assembly
Competence centre gluing and lightweight construction
Plant 3 Final assembly and logistic
Schneider Doberschütz
Competence centre floor systems
GST Baoying (CN)
St. Petersburg (RUS)
Joint-Ventures, Production sites for Railway interiors
GST plant 1
Baoying . China
GST plant 2
Baoying . China
St. Petersburg . Russia
Core competences / six
Interior for vehicles
Development . Production . Assembly
. Construction
. Mock-up production
. Ceilings and Roof roundings
. Air ducts
. Interior paneling
. Partition walls
. Cupboards
. Tables
. Floor systems
. Toilet systems
. Systems ready for assembly
Core competences / seven
Our inspiration:
Customer-oriented design,
function and quality
High-quality surface coatings
Bonding technology and adhesions pursuant to DIN6701-2, class A1
Polyurethane edge bending and polyurethane moulded parts
Processing of honeycomb systems
Development of fire-inhibiting sandwich elements
CNC processing technology for different materials
Mould and tool construction
Certification according to ISO 9001:2008 and IRIS, Rev.02
Welding certification according to EN 15085-2, grade CL4
Construction / eight
In collaboration with our co-operation partner “Ingenieus ag” we provide:
• Longterm experience in the Railways sector
• Complete interior work construction
• Support of the development process from the first design draft along the construction phase up to the final assembly
• Innovative solutions under application of the recent technology and latest basic materials
Mock-up / nine
• Design- and functioning Mock-ups
• Manufacturing by means of design drafts, sketches or models
• Complete support from the strategy to the testing phase
• Flexible implementing from the development steps to the function-optimized solution
Ceilings and voutes / ten
Ceilings and voutes
Company GETA deliver complete light construction roof systems and haunches.
Use of sandwich elements of fibre composites, coated with different materials,
e.g. HPL or aluminium sheet, enables light construction or implementation of
individual contours or forms. Furthermore, special customer requirements to fire
protection or stability are met. We draw up customised solutions with construction
and design agencies. Challenge us!
• Coating of the fibre-reinforced material with different materials like HPL or
aluminium sheet possible
• Project-specific curved or straight elements can be implemented
• Different attachment options can be integrated, e.g. for service flaps
• Complete systems, incl. lighting, available
• Perforations for even distribution of air
• System integration
• No additional insulation required, sound-absorbing („anti-hum effect“)
• Project-specific packaging concepts
Ceilings and voutes / eleven
Our ceiling systems combine
function and design
Air ducts / twelve
Air ducts
Company GETA deliver ready-to-install light construction air-duct
systems and air-distributor boxes. Using fibre-composite materials
enables light and space-saving construction because the great
insulation characteristics makes it possible to dispense with installation
of additional insulation. Furthermore, special customer requirements
to fire protection or stability are met. We draw up customised solutions
with construction and design agencies. Challenge us!
Air ducts / thirteen
Interior paneling / fourteen
Interior paneling
Company GETA draft and deliver interior panels ready for assembly from the
side wall over the window pillar up to the front wall. Integration of fashionably
mounting technology and air conduction elements. Stipulate us!
• Compact form elements
• Application of recent lightweight materials
• Surfaces made of HPL or Aluminium painted
• Highly abrasion-resistant and cleaning-friendly surfaces
• Fire-resistant materials and composite systems
Our interior panels
From the first draft
to the implementation
Partition walls / fifteen
Partition walls
Company GETA develop and produce partition walls in the passenger
compartments and driver’s cab rear panels as a symbiosis of up to date
configuration as well as technical and functional characteristics.
• Robust
• Fire safety according to the updated requirements
• Mounting friendly and sophisticated
• Design orientated
• Ergonomical and functional
• Robust and cleaning friendly surfaces
• Integration of door elements and panic locking
• Assimilated passenger information systems
• Mounting of additional components
• Development of mounting friendly interior solutions
• Finalization with side handrails, glass elements and
air conditioning systems
Tables / sixteen
Company GETA deliver tables ready for assembly, either with integrated
waste container systems or individual wall brackets. The special customerrequirements to fire protection, weight or stability are implemented. The
robust and easy-to-clean materials warrant low maintenance and service
costs. We draw up customised solutions with construction and design
agencies. Challenge us!
Robust, easy-care and resilient
•Different waste container systems and installation situations with simple removal of the container for emptying and cleaning
•Tables with folding function for quick and simple cleaning of the floor
•Individual construction and integration of crash elements
•Butterfly tables with stable, self-developed and long-term tested steel or
aluminium hinges
•Tabletop contours correspond to the customer‘s wishes
•Cup bodies available in different designs, e.g. in stainless steel or as PUR-gate
•Ergonomically shaped recessed grips for comfortable folding of the table wings
Tables / seventeen
Floor systems / eighteen
Floor systems
Company GETA develop and deliver floor components for rail-bound vehicles,
complete floor systems or individual parts to specifications. Depending on
our customers‘ requirements profile, GETA defines suitable floor systems
with its partners and presents them to our customers. In cooperation with our
customers‘ and partners‘ engineering, a customised floor is thus created for
each vehicle type. Different materials focussed, rejected or accepted. Depending
on requirements profile, this leads to the development of components made up
of sandwich elements, wood materials, aluminium or cork compositions.
• Coated plates for tram vehicles
• Universal plates for special load and fire protection requirements for subways
• Light-construction for vehicles in the high-speed area
• Application-oriented floor compositions for regional vehicles
• Heatable floors for driver seats and passenger cabins
Assembly-friendly and robust
floor systems for all rail-bound
Toilet systems / nineteen
Toilet systems
GETA deliver complete systems ready for installation with
integrated vacuum system, electrical and control unit. The washtables
are equipped with a robust surface. The entire interior toilet
equipment is a material combination of HPL, aluminium, stainless steel
and mineral materials, which guarantee a user-friendly environment.
Construction and design offices cooperate closely for customer-specific
The barrier-free toilet system from GETA
• HPL-coated wall elements, solid-coloured or decorative
• GFK floor plate with bonded flooring
• Ceiling element with maintenance flap, integrated illumination and
ventilation slots
• Door with electric motor drive
• Wash-table of mineral material and bonded stainless steel bowl
• Toilet module made of stainless steel with vacuum system
Systems ready for assembly / twenty
Systems ready for assembly
Structural components from GETA production ready for assembly
• Ceiling systems with integrated lighting, air conditioning technology, cable conduit
• Toilet modules ready for connection
• Heating floors as complete system
• Heatable floor elements and wall coverings
• Contraction of assembly times in the car
• Optimized pre-assembly
• High performance by relocation of activities
• Risk minimization by precise cost calculation
• Customer- and assembly oriented packaging- and logistic concept
Our experience - Your benefit
Systems ready for assembly / twenty-one
Cupboards / twenty-two
Company GETA deliver cupboard elements and coverings according to customer and design
demands. Cleaning friendly and sturdy surfaces belong to the standard configuration.
Consistent transformation of lightweight concepts completes the profile.
Stipulate us!
• Harmonic integration into the car concept
• Ergonomic operation
• Persistent and functional
• Current fire safety requirements
• Safe placing of technical equipment
Our cupboards and cabinet
coverings - Earmarked technology
with comfortable character
Cupboards / twenty-three
Quality / twenty-four
Our employees are
our strength
IRIS Rev.02
Gluing pursuant to
DIN6701-2, class A1
Certification - quality is our standard
• Production islands & competence teams
• Initial sample tests
• Monitored measuring and test equipment system
• Production-accompanying test plans with individual checklists
• Customer-order-specific product and process developments
• Continuous further development
Welding certification
according to
EN15085-2, grade CL4
Core competences / twenty-five
Our extensive core competencies
• Latest 5-axis CNC-milling technology with machining area
up to 8.800x2.400mm and CAD/CAM-connection
• Testing devices for material- and static load tests
• Innovative polyurethane casting technology
• Comprehensive know-how in bonding technology
• Diversified packaging- and logistic compentence
• Extensive know-how with material-, light weight- and fire safety requirements
References / twenty-six
• Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH
• Georges Halais Equipement
• DB Regio AG
• SE Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH & Co. KG
• EvoBus GmbH
GETA Interieur®
Im Unteren Feld 10
D - 88239 Wangen-Niederwangen
T + 49 |0| 75 22 7 07 84 -00
F + 49 |0| 75 22 2 05 22