Examples of EnergyPlus HVAC Simulation Features Michael Rosenberg, Jian Zhang, Yunzhi Huang Building Energy Simulation Forum • November 16, 2011 EnergyPlus – Example HVAC Simulation Features 1. Built in Energy Management System 2 Zone Air Mixing 2. Mi ing 3. Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems 2 1. Energy Management System in EnergyPlus Standard control in EnergyPlus Models typical operational strategies such as: Thermostatic control, flow control, daily and seasonal schedules, Outdoor temperature reset, economizer control, Equipment load staging, and daylighting control. T i ll predefined Typically d fi d control t l sequences with ith only l schedules and set points accessible to the user. Interactions between components are limited and are usually hard-coded in the simulation program. 3 Energy Management System in EnergyPlus Energy management system control EMS in EnergyPlus is a powerful tool to simulate complex HVAC system controls E l t the Emulates th types t off controls t l possible ibl with ith the th digital di it l energy management systems used in real buildings EMS enables control interactions between components Accesses sensor data initiates control actions 4 Energy Management System in EnergyPlus EMS Sensors (to “GET”) Temperatures Flow Status (on/off) Metered data Actuators (to “SET”) Availability on/off AvailabilitySchedules Setpoints (temp, humidity) Flow Fl Programs – E+ Runtime Language (Erl) Keywords (RUN, SET, IF, ELSEIF, ENDIF…) Operators (+, -, /, …) & Built-in functions (math, psychrometric,…) 5 Example of EMS in CBP Project DOE’s Commercial Building Partnerships (CBP) Program PNNL teamed with one of America’s largest retailers to explore energy design measures by retrofitting one of their existing stores Retrofit project goal: cutting site energy use by 30% Pre/post-renovation metering data available to calibrate simulation Detailed simulation is required: EnergyPlus 4.0 Location Building type Retail Built 1987 Area ~100,000 ft2 No. of stories 6 Virginia 1 level Building HVAC System and Thermal Zoning Built‐up air handling unit (AHU) Chilled water cooling Central system duct furnace Operates like a single zone VAV system with inputs from main sales floor (Control Zone). Other areas and zones (Slave Zones) are also served by zone heaters Control signal from main sales floor conditions OA VFD RA Sales floor (Control Zone) Storage, offices, and other (Slave Zones) 7 Salon Main office RTU2 RTU1 Supply Air Flow and Temperature Control Heating setpoint 70 ºF Cooling setpoint 75 ºF Fan speed control Temperature control 8 Modeling with EnergyPlus Standard Controls Control Zone Control Zone Slave Z Zone 1 Control Z Zone Slave Zone 2 Control Zone 9 … … Design schematic Model in E+ with standard control Modeling with EnergyPlus Standard Controls System level E+ objects and settings Problems AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem p y Coil:Cooling:Water Fan:VariableVolume Max 100% Min 30% • Slave zones become control zones Coil:Heating:Gas • Hypothetical central heating coil with zero W capacity SetpointManager:Warmest • Strategy: MaximumTemperature • Supply fan stays at minimum (30%) at heating mode AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat • Scheduled Minimum Flow Fraction at 30% • Gas reheat. Duct furnace’s capacity is proportionally split to terminal reheat coils based on design flow Zone level • Reverse damper action ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint • Deadband 70F - 75F for Control Zone • Deadband D db d 70F - 90F ffor Slave Sl Z Zones 10 • Cannot realize Heating: 34% at 1st stage, 66% at 2nd stage • Cannot synchronize heating and VAV damper positions Simulated Controls with EMS Control Zone Control Zone Slave Zone 1 Slave Zone 1 Slave Zone 2 Slave Zone 2 Design system 11 Simulated controls in EnergyPlus with EMS EMS Program Applied IF Control Zone reheat coil input, Q SET Q > = 50% capacity 2nd stage heating mode • Slave Zone reheat coil availability = YES • Slave and Control Zone min damper = 66% 0< Q < 50% Capacity 1st stage heating mode • Slave Zone reheat coil availability = YES • Slave and Control Zone min damper = 34% • Slave Zone reheat coil availability = NO Q=0 • Slave and Control Zone min damper = 30% Ventilation or cooling mode • Slave Zone damper opening fraction = Ventilation or cooling mode Control Zone damper opening fraction Sensor / Actuator 12 Hourly Results of Winter and Summer Days H ti mode Heating d C li mode Cooling d Reheating coil availability and VAV damper positions are synchronized Reheat coils input rate is not available as actuator. EMS EMS’ limitation 13 Other Examples of Use of EMS Turn on a relief fan when economizer is in use Simulate pressure control If OA > Min Ventilation Energize relief fan Reduce cooling temperature setpoint if space humidity exceeds threshold If RH > 60% Cooling C li setpoint t i t 75 72 d deg. F 14 2. Zone Air Mixing in Energy Plus ZoneMixing Simplified treatment of air exchange between zones User defined air transfer Transfers energy from one zone to another (sensible and latent heat transfer) Input parameters Source zone Receiving zone Airflow rate – flow per zone, flow/person, flow/area, ACH Schedule Delta temperature availability Outdoor air temperature availability 15 Example of Zone Air Mixing in AEDG Advanced Energy Design Guides Guidance and recommendations by building type and climate Identifies pathways to 30% and 50% energy savings g Collaboration of professional organizations and DOE Backed by technical support documents (TSDs) http://www.pnl.gov/main/publications/external/ technical_reports/PNNL-19809.pdf 16 Zone Air Mixing – AEDG Quick Service Restaurant Transfer air from dining room used as MU air for kitchen exhaust Location Building type Restaurant Built New Construction Area ~25,000ft2 No. of stories 17 Various 1 level Zone Air Mixing – AEDG Quick Service Restaurant Transfer air from dining room used as MU air for kitchen exhaust Bathroom Exhaust RTU-2 RTU 2 OA2 = 3,120 OA1 = 2,080 RTU-1 RTU 1 BX = 400 SA2 KX = 4,800 RA2 0 Kitchen 18 ZoneMixing, Kitchen_Exhaust_Fan_Mixing, Kitchen, Hours_of_kitchen_operation, _ _ _ p Flow/Zone, 1,680, Dining, 0.0; RA1 TRA = 1,680 SA1 0 Dining Area !- Name !- Zone Name !- Schedule Name !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method !- Design Flow Rate {ft3/min} !- Source Zone Name !- Delta Temperature {deltaF} Zone Air Mixing – AEDG Quick Service Restaurant ZoneMixing – Not the perfect solution Only energy balance is affected – air balance is “left to the user’s discretion” Kitchen – Need to account for actual kitchen exhaust energy – increased SP Dining - Not an issue since equivalent air flow to transfer is relieved through RTU-1. Unless ERV is also included in dining zone, then “dummy” exhaust added. Bathroom Exhaust RTU -2 OA2 = 3,120 RTU-1 OA1 = 2,080 OA2 = 3,120 SP2 = SP1 x 4,800 3,120 BX= 400 BX= 400 SA 2 RA2 KX= 4,800 0 RA1 TRA= 1,680 Kitchen Actual Design 19 RTU-2 Bathroom “Dummy” Exhaust Exhaust SP =0 0 Dining Area TX= 1,680 SA2 RA2 SA1 KX= 3,120 0 Kitchen OA1 = 2,080 RTU-1 RA1 TRA= 1,680 0 Dining Area Simulated Design SA1 3. DOAS in EnergyPlus DOAS Two parallel HVAC systems serving a single zone Decouples OA ventilation load from space loads Better control of space temperature and humidity Better control over quantity of OA Single S geO OA supp supply ya and de exhaust aus e enhance a ce e energy e gy recovery eco e y 20 DOAS in EnergyPlus Like many simulation programs E+ limit is one HVAC system per zone Only one “air loop” serving a zone Air loop can be DOAS serving multiple zones with zonal equipment providing space conditioning (ex. fan coils, heat pumps or radiant panels) Air loop can be space conditioning system serving multiple zones with zonal DOAS EnergyPlus Air Loop 21 Example of DOAS in AEDG Medium Office Location Building type Medium Office Built New Construction Area ~54,000ft2 No. of stories 22 Various 3 story Example of DOAS in AEDG Medium Office Fan Coil Units Combined with Multi-zone DOAS DOAS With Energy Recovery DOAS DOAS control – SA temperature based on OA reset schedule Fan coil control – thermostat setpoint OA EA Conditioned OA Conditioned OA RA RA Fan Coil 23 Conditioned OA Conditioned OA F C il Fan Coil Example of DOAS in AEDG MediumOffice DOAS Temperature Control SA Tem mp Deg. F. SetpointManager:OutdoorAirReset, SetpointManager:OutdoorAirReset DOAS SAT setpoint, !- Name Temperature, !- Control Variable 60, !- Setpoint at Outdoor Low Temp !- Outdoor Low Temp p 50,, 55, !- Setpoint at Outdoor High Temp 60, !- Outdoor High Temp DOAS Supply Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name DOAS Supply Air Reset Schedule 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 0 20 40 60 80 100 OA Temp, Deg. F. Fan Coil Control ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Core_bottom DualSPSched, !- Name HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heat Setpoint Temp Sched Name CLGSETP_SCH; !- Cool Setpoint TempSched Name Heating Setpoint 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 24 Cooling Setpoint 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 y Weekday 25