ICSET 2008 A Novel Voltage-Boosting Converter with Passive Voltage Clamping K. I. Hwu, Member, IEEE, Y. T. Yau, Student Member, IEEE and Y. H. Chen, Student Member, IEEE Center for Power Electronics Technology, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan eaglehwu@ntut.edu.tw Abstract- In this paper, a new voltage-boosting converter, combining the charge pump and the coupling inductor, is presented, together with a passive voltage-clamping circuit which pumps some portion of the snubber energy to the output so as to increase the efficiency at light load. Finally, some derivations, and simulated and experimental results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed voltage-boosting converter topology. A I. INTRODUCTION generally know, there are many applications with high-voltage sources fed, such as the burn-in test plant with energy recycling, the DC-DC converter [1][2] used in the car as the pre-stage of the DC-AC converter, etc. And hence it is indispensable for low voltage to be boosted to high voltage. In general, the boost converter or the buck-boost converter is widely used in such applications. However, it is not easy for such converters to achieve high voltage ratio. In theory, the voltage ratios of these two converters can reach infinity, but in actuality about four or five, limited by parasitic component effect and controller capability. Consequently, if the voltage ratio of the converter is desired to be over five, then two-stage converter based on the boost converter or the buck-boost converter is utilized, or different converter topologies [3-15] are created. In the literatures [3-9], the Luo converter and its derivatives are presented, whose voltage lift technique is similar to that of the Cuk converter or the SEPIC converter, based on the energy transfer from one inductor via the intermediate capacitor then to the other inductor. Therefore, the transferred energy is mainly determined by the capacitance, thus causing the current stress on the capacitor to be serious. In the literatures [10][11], the voltage-boosting converter with very high voltage ratio also uses a capacitor as an energy-transferring medium, similar to the behavior of the Cuk converter or the SEPIC converter, and hence the current stress on the capacitor is also serious. In the literature [12], the voltage-boosting converter, specified with input voltage, output voltage and rated output current being 24V, 200V and 2A respectively, is presented. This converter combines the characteristics of the boost converter and those of the bootstrap scheme to achieve voltage boosting. The higher the voltage ratio is, the more the number of bootstraps and hence the more the number of diodes and capacitors. However, the surge current occurs as the energy is transferred via large capacitance, and hence the value of the capacitor can not be too large and the corresponding equivalent series resistance (ESR) should be relatively small. In the literature [13], the S voltage-boosting converter has the voltage ratio of 1/(1-2D) in the continuous conduction mode (CCM), where D is the duty cycle. And as compared with the boost converter, this converter is complicated due to four switches required. Regarding the literature [14], the KY converter is presented, but the maximum voltage ratio of such a converter is only two. As for the literature [15], the coupled-boost converter is presented, which uses a coupling inductor as an energy-transferring medium. This converter has the voltage ratio of 1+nD/(1-D). However, in this converter, suppressing the voltage spike created due to the leakage inductance of the coupling inductor is taken into account by adding an active voltage-clamping circuit which pumps part of the leakage inductance energy to the input. However, for the multi-phase to be considered, the more the number of phases is, the more the number of active voltage-clamping circuits. Consequently, in this paper, a new voltage-boosting converter combining the charge pump and the coupling inductor, is presented, together with a passive voltage-clamping circuit which pumps some portion of the leakage inductance energy to the output so as to increase the efficiency at light load. Besides, for the multi-phase to be considered, if the number of phases is N, then only additional N-1 diodes are added. Finally, some derivations, and simulated and experimental results are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed voltage-boosting converter topology. II. 409 c 2008 IEEE 978-1-4244-1888-6/08/$25.00 PROPOSED CONVERTER CONFIGURATION Fig. 1 shows the proposed voltage-boosting converter. Such a converter contains two cells. One is the charge-pumping cell and the other is the inductance-coupling cell. The former consists of two MOSFET switches S1 and S2 with two body diodes D1 and D2 connected in parallel respectively, one diode Db and one capacitor Cb. The latter is comprised of one main switch S3 with one body diode D3 connected in parallel, one coupling inductor made up of two inductances Lp and Ls which are coupled together and put at the primary side and the secondary side respectively with the turns ratio set to Np/Ns. The remainder of the proposed converter are one output diode Do and one output capacitor Co. However, there is the leakage inductance existing in this coupling inductor, especially for the leakage inductance LLK at the primary, as shown in Fig. 2. Consequently, in Fig. 3, one passive voltage-clamping circuit, containing one inductor Lsn, one capacitor Csn and one diode Dsn, is added to this converter, so as to avoid the spike voltage occurring due to LLK and hence destroying the MOSFET switch S3 eternally. Besides, if the multi-phase concept is applied to the proposed converter, say, N-phase, then the required passive voltage-clamping circuit is the same as that for the single-phase converter except that the number of Dsn diodes is N-1. Ls Db S1 Vin S2 D1 is turned off, the voltage across Lp is the input voltage Vin plus the voltage Vin across Cb, thereby causing Lp of the coupling inductor to be magnetized. Do Co S3 D2 Vin Lp Cb Vo S1 S2 Fig. 1. Proposed voltage-boosting converter without leakage inductance considered. Ls Do D2 Co Vin D3 Do S1 D1 D2 Lp Co Dsn Vo S3 D3 Csn Fig. 3. Proposed voltage-boosting converter with the proposed passive voltage-clamping circuit considered. III. BASIC OPERATING PRINCIPLES D2 S3 Co Vo D3 Based on modes 1 and 2 and the voltage-second balance, the resulting voltage ratio is expressed to be Vo Vin Cb LLK S2 S2 Lp Cb Fig. 5. Power flow of mode 2 without the proposed snubber. Lsn Vin D1 Do Fig. 2. Proposed voltage-boosting converter with leakage inductance considered. Ls S1 Vo S3 Db Vo D3 Ls Db Cb LLK S2 Co 2) Mode 2: In Fig. 5, the moment S1 and S3 are turned off and S2 is turned on, the voltage across Ls is the input voltage Vin minus the output voltage Vo, thereby causing Ls of the coupling inductor to be demagnetized. Lp Vin S3 D2 D1 Lp Cb Fig. 4. Power flow of mode 1 without the proposed snubber. S1 D1 Do D3 Db Ls Db N s 2D 1 N p 1-D (1) Above all, in mode 1, the voltage across Cb participates in magnetizing Lp, thus making the corresponding input DC current is less than that without Cb and hence causing the efficiency to be improved, especially for light load. B. Snubber Operating Principles 1) Mode 1: In Fig. 6, the moment S3 is turned off, the energy stored in LLK is released to Csn via Dsn. Db Ls Do Before entering into this topic, it is assumed that the voltage across any MOSFET or diode during turn-on is negligible, the S1 Lp D1 voltage across the capacitor Cb is equal to Vin, the operating Cb Lsn mode of this converter is in CCM, and hence the turn-on type of three MOSFET switches is (D, 1-D, D), where D is for S1 and S3, Vin Vo Co LLK Dsn 1-D is for S2 and D is the duty cycle of the S2 D2 S3 pulse-width-modulated (PWM) control signal for S3. First of all, D3 C sn the basic operating principles for the proposed converter without the passive voltage-clamping circuit are described, and next the basic operating principles of the proposed passive Fig. 6. Power flow of the proposed passive voltage-clamping circuit in mode 1. voltage-clamping circuit are illustrated. There are two modes for the former and two modes for the latter. 2) Mode 2: In Fig. 7, as soon as S3 is turned on, the energy A. Converter Operating Principles stored in Csn is pumped into the output. 1) Mode 1: In Fig. 4, as soon as S1 and S3 are turned on and S2 410 Ls Db efficiency is close to some constant over all the load current range, which is an important feature of this converter. Do S1 D1 Lp Cb Lsn Vin LLK S2 D2 Co Dsn Vo S3 D3 C sn Fig. 7. Power flow of the proposed passive voltage-clamping circuit in mode 2. Above all, in mode 2, the released energy in Csn is sent to the output, thereby causing the efficiency to be upgraded, especially for light load, as well as making the spike voltage across S3 set to some fixed value for any load. IV. SIMULATED AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Before entering into this topic, there are some specifications to be given as follows: (i) rated DC input voltage is set to 5V; (ii) rated DC output voltage is set to 48V; (iii) rated DC output current is 1A; (iv) switching frequency is chosen to be 195kHz; (v) one coupling inductor is with Lp set to 10ȝH using one T106-18 core with eight turns and Ls set to 250ȝH using the same core with forty turns; (vi) one 1000ȝF electrolytic capacitor is chosen for Co; (vii) three 330ȝF OSCON capacitors with one 22ȝF MLCC capacitor connected in parallel is selected for Cb; (viii) value of Lsn is set to 10ȝH ; (ix) product names of Db, Dsn and Do are STPS20L25, 3CTQ100 and 3CTQ100 respectively; (x) product names of S1, S2 and S3 are PHD96NQ03LT, PHD96NQ03LT and IRL3705ES respectively; and (xi) product name of one control IC is EPIC3T100. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed converter topology, some experimental waveforms shown in Figs. 8 to 14 are provided. Figs. 8 to 10 depict the gate driving signals for S1 and S2 and the currents in Lp and Ls, under 10%, 50% and 100% of rated load respectively. On the other hand, Figs. 11 to 13 show the gate driving signals for S1 and S2, the voltage on S3 and the voltage on Cb, under 10%, 50% and 100% of rated load respectively. From the results mentioned above, it is evident that the proposed voltage-boosting converter can stably operate under closed-loop control, with the voltage spike on S3 clamped to about 40V for any load. Fig. 14 displays the efficiency vs. load current. It is noted that unlike the traditional voltage-boosting converter, the proposed voltage-boosting possesses the approximately flat range of the efficiency from light load to rated load. This is because the charge-pumping cell is used, together with the energy in the leakage inductance released to the output. V. Fig. 8. Under 10% of rated load: (1) gate driving signals for S1 and S3; (2) gate driving signal for S2; (3) current in Lp; (4) current in Ls. Fig. 9. Under 50% of rated load: (1) gate driving signals for S1 and S3; (2) gate driving signal for S2; (3) current in Lp; (4) current in Ls. CONCLUSION In this paper, a converter with relatively high voltage ratio up to about ten is proposed, which combines the charge pump and the coupling inductor to realize such a circuit. Above all, the Fig. 10. Under rated load: (1) gate driving signals for S1 and S3; (2) gate driving signal for S2; (3) current in Lp; (4) current in Ls. 411 ˌ˃ Efficiency (%) ˋˈ ˋ˃ ˊˈ ˊ˃ ˉˈ ˄ ˃ˁˌ ˃ˁˌˈ ˃ˁˋ ˃ˁˋˈ ˃ˁˊ ˃ˁˊˈ ˃ˁˉ ˃ˁˉˈ ˃ˁˈ ˃ˁˈˈ ˃ˁˇ ˃ˁˇˈ ˃ˁˆ ˃ˁˆˈ ˃ˁ˅ ˃ˁ˅ˈ ˃ˁ˄ˈ ˉ˃ Load current (A) Fig. 14. Efficiency vs. load current. Fig. 11. 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