HS 2010 Physics III Simon Lilly Chapter 2: CONDUCTORS 1. Conductors and Insulators The key difference between conductors and insulators is the mobility of the charges. In a conductor, the individual charges (i.e. the electrons) are highly mobile: in an insulator, each charge is essentially fixed in one location. The difference in the mobility of charges is about a factor of 1020 between an insulator and a conductor. Because charges can move freely in a conductor, two important things result: a) E = 0 everywhere within a conductor. If not, charges would move along field lines, and thereby reduce the field, eventually to zero. b) From Gauss' Law, this implies that the charge density ρ within a conductor is everywhere zero. The only place that there can be an excess of negative or positive charge is on the surface. In insulators, charges are fixed and it is easy, in principle, to calculate the φ(x,y,z) and E(x,y,z) etc. In contrast, a conductor will adapt to any externally applied charges, fields, or potentials, and we must be able to calculate the response of the conductor. Fortunately, although the actual response is very difficult to follow, it is usually easy to see what the final state will be, once the charges have stopped moving. 2. Conditions of a conductor We can consider some system of one or more conductors, surrounded by vacuum. Each conductor must satisfy three conditions (once it stablizes): 1. The electrical potential φ will be the same at all points within and on the surface of a given conductor, i.e. the kth conductor will exhibit φ = φk everywhere. 2. The E-field near the surface of the conductor will be zero just inside the conductor, and just outside will be perpedicular to surface with a value = σ/ε0, where is the local charge density at that point of the surface. 3. The total charge on the kth conductor will therefore be given by integrating over the surface of that conductor: Qk = ∫ σ da = ε ∫ E. da 0 Sk € Sk It should be noted that general solutions for Qk, φk, E etc may or may not be analytically tractable. Many problems must be solved numerically although there are a whole host of matehmatical tools to solve this sort of problem. 3. The General Electrostatic Problem 1 HS 2010 Physics III Simon Lilly Assuming that the conductors are in a vacuum, we need solutions to Laplace's equation with a set of boundary conditions. The boundary conditions are imposed by the situation (or by the experimenter) and can be one of three forms: a) all the φk are defined: this is known as the Dirichlet problem; b) all the Qk defined: this is known as Neumann boundary conditions; c) mixed φ and Q defined: Note that it is easy (in setting questions but not experimentally!) to over-define the problem, in which case no solutions will exist. It is worth thinking how an experimenter could set either φ or Q of a conductor to a particular value. To set Qk, we could simply transfer the required charge to the conductor using some mechanical device. The conductor would then end up with some (unknown, but calculable) potential φk, which would depend on the strength of the E fields established in the system by the charges. To set φk, we would connect the conductor to some potential source that has an inexhaustible supply of charge, using another conductor (i.e. a wire). Some (unknown but calculable) amount of charge will then flow onto or off the conductor until the E-fields in the system result in the conductor reaching the desired potential, likely producing a non-zero net charge on the conductor. A common example of this procedure is to connect the conductor to the Earth (also known as "grounding" the conductor). The Earth may be safely assumed to have an inexhaustible supply of charge at zero potential. 4. Uniqueness Theorem The Uniqueness Theorem is very powerful. It states that there is at most one solution to the general problem for a given set of applied boundary conditions. As noted above, there will be no solution if the problem is over-constrained by the boundary conditions. The Uniqueness Theorem is easy to prove: Proof: Suppose φ(x,y,z) is a solution satisfying a particular set of boundary conditions. If ψ(x,y,z) is also a solution, then because is a linear equation, a combination w = φ−ψ 2 must be a solution to ∇ w = 0 , but with all boundary conditions equal to zero (because w will by construction be equal to zero on the boundaries, because on the boundaries φ = ψ). If w is zero on the boundaries and ∇ 2 w =0 , then it is easy to see that w = 0 everywhere, since any local minimum or maximum in w would have non-zero second derivatives. Thus φ = ψ € everywhere. QED € There is an extensive mathematics of solving Laplace's equation subject to the above boundary conditions, which we will not explore in this introductory course. Rather we will look at a few simple cases and learn a few tricks to solve simple cases. If we find any solution (no matter how we do it) we can use the Uniqueness Theorem to establish that this must be the only solution. 5. Faraday Cages (a) Empty cavity enclosed by conductor 2 HS 2010 Physics III Simon Lilly Cosider an empty cavity inside a conductor. The surface of the cavity is a conductor, it must have constant potential. By the same reasoning as in Section 4, if (because there is no charge within the cavity) this implies that the potential must be constant throughout the volume of the cavity. We can then conclude that there can be no E-field within such a cavity, regardless of what is happening elsewhere, or outseide, the conductor. (b) Conductor completely surrounding a charge Now consider the case of a conductor surrounding a charge Q. We know that E is zero in the conductor. Therefore from Gauss' Law, thetotal charge inside a surface within the conductor must be zero. Charge will have rearranged itself within the conductor so that -Q lies on the inner surface ("cancelling out" the charge Q), and the outer surface of the conductor will therefore be charged with +Q (assuming the conductor had net zero charge - if the conductor carried some net charge Q', the charge on the surface would be Q'+Q). The distribution of +Q on the outer surface of the conductor will adjust itself to conform to any external boundary conditions while satisfying the three conditions in Section 2 (especially φ = constant throughout the conductor). The distribution of charge will be exactly the same as if there was no inner charge and the conductor itself carried a net charge of Q. The distribution of charge on the outer surface cannot be affected by the distribution of charge on the inner surface, or by the location or motion of the inner charge Q in the cavity. To the outside world, the conductor looks like it simply carries a net charge +Q. This is the principle of the so-called Faraday cage. Enclosing a region by a conductor (a) isolates it from all external influences, E = 0 everywhere in the region, regardless of what is happening externally. (b) shields the outside world from all knowledge of what is happening inside that region in terms of the motion of charges. Faraday cages are extensively used to shield unwanted electromagnetic radiation caused by rapidly oscillating electromagnetic fields. In this case, the "cage" can have quite large holes in it! 6. Some tricks It is often possible to use some short-cuts to obtain a solution to Laplace's equation, and then use the Uniqueness Theorem to establish that this is the solution. These tricks generally involve recognizing that some other charge distribution (possibly extending beyond the system in question) will have a field geometry that will satisfy the boundary conditions that we have imposed. (a) Mirror charges Can we place extra charges outside of the system that will, by symmetry arguments, reproduce the required boundary conditions on the boundaries? Example 1: 3 HS 2010 Physics III Simon Lilly Imagine a charge q located some distance h from an infinite conducting surface. Charge in the conductor will rearrange itself to satisfy the conditions of a conductor. In particular a total charge -q will be found on the surface of the conductor. But how is it distributed in the final state? The E-field must be perpendicular to the surface of the conductor, i.e. the surface of the conductor must have constant potential φ. This is the boundary condition to be satisfied. Now imagine a second, different, problem, in which there is no conductor, but two equal and opposite charges q and -q, separated by a distance 2h. On symmetry grounds, we can argue that the E-field on the plane that bisects the line between the charges (i.e. the "mid-plane" between the charges) will be parallel to the line joining the charges and therefore perpendicular to the mid-plane. The solution to φ, E etc in this second situation therefore automatically satisfies the boundary conditions of the first problem. From the uniqueness theorem, we know that φ, E as computed (quite easily) in the second case will be exactly the same as in the first case in the vacuum region outside of the conductor, and that this will be the correct solution. E z,q + = −qcosθ 4 π ε0 ( r 2 + h 2 ) E z,q − = −qcosθ 4 π ε0 ( r 2 + h 2 ) E z = E z,q + + E z,q − = = −2qcosθ 4 π ε0 ( r 2 + h 2 ) −q h 2π ε0 ( r 2 + h 2 ) 32 Therefore the charge distribution on the conducting plane will be σ = ε0 E z = € −q h 2π ( r 2 + h 2 ) 32 As a check, the total charge on the sheet can be obtained by integrating: Q =€ ∞ ∫ σ 2πr dr 0 ∞ = ∫ 0 −q h ( r2 + h2) 32 dr ∞ qh = ( r 2 + h 2 )1 2 0 = −q € 4 HS 2010 Physics III Simon Lilly The additional imagined charge -q that we placed outside of the system so as to reproduce the boundary conditions is often called a "mirror charge". Example 2: Another example will be explored further in a problem sheet. We want to know what happens if we place an uncharged conducting sphere into a uniform external E-field. In brief, it is easy to show that a "dipole" (formed by equal and opposite charges q separated by a small distance l) p = ql, with the direction of p being from the negative to positive charge, has a E-field and potential in polar coordinates given by 1 4 πε0 1 Eθ = 4 πε0 Eφ = 0 Er = φ= € 2p cos θ r3 p sin θ r3 (2.1) 1 p cosθ 4 πε0 r 2 where θ is the angle to the direction of p. It is also easy to see that in a uniform field E0, the potential will be given by (2.2) φ = E 0 r cosθ Both of the above potentials of course satisfy Laplace's equation (away from the origin). € If we therefore place an uncharged conducting sphere of radius R in an external uniform field, then the resulting potential on the surface of the sphere after charge redistribution within the sphere, must of course be constant. We cannot alter the external field, but adding the above potentials will make φ = 0 at r = R if, and only if, (2.3) p = 4 πε0 E 0 R 3 € The sum of these two fields, the original uniform one plus the one from a dipole of the correct size given by (2.3) therefore (a) satisfies the boundary condition at the surface of the conducting sphere and (b) satisfies Laplace's equation at all points outside of the sphere. It is therefore the correct and only solution to the problem of the field around a conducting sphere placed in a uniform field. It is then easy to calculate σ around the surface of the sphere and so on. These two particular examples are example of a general principle: If we can find any system of charges such that an equipotential surface describes the surface of a conductor, then that E(x,y,z) and φ(x,y,z) will also be the solution for the case of a conductor of that shape. 5 HS 2010 Physics III Simon Lilly 7. Capacitance and Capacitors Consider a conductor k of some size and shape and size, carrying a charge Q at some potential , relative to = 0. From superposition, it is clear that φ and Q must be proportional, i.e. (2.4) Q = Cφ € C is called the Capacitance of the conductor. The SI units of capacitance are Coulombs/Volt, which is given the name of Farad, i.e. F = CV-1. It is more usual to have two (or more) conductors in close proximity to each other, which carry equal and opposite charge, +Q and -Q and which have a potential difference V (measured in Volts). A simple case is two parallel disks of conducting material, or area A and separated by a small distance, s. If we neglect edge effects (because s << A1/2), the field between these will be given by E = (φ1 − φ 2 ) V = s s So the charge density on each plate will be € σ = ε0 E = ε0 V s and the total charge will be € Q = Aσ = Aε0 V s so the capacitance of this system is € € C= Aε0 s (2.5) 8. Energy stored in Capacitor Consider the process of "charging" a Capacitor by adding charge to it. The work dW to add a small increment of charge dq is dW = φ dq q = dq C € 6 HS 2010 Physics III Simon Lilly so the total work is just W = 1 C Q ∫ q dq 0 2 = € Q CV 2 QV = = 2C 2 2 (2.6) The factor of 1/2 is of course the same factor of 1/2 that entered in our computation of the total energy of a system of charges. 9. General capacitor systems Consider a general set of k conductors. We have seen that, from uniqueness, specifying φ1, φ2, φ3... φk defines E throughout the system, and hence also Q1, Q2, Q3... Qk, and vice versa. We can therefore imagine various different states of this general system defined by φi and associated Qi. First, imagine the state obtained by setting all potentials except φ1 to zero. By superposition, we can then write, in this instance: Q1 = C11 φ1 Q2 = C21 φ1 Q3 = C31 φ1 ......... Qi = Ci1 φ1 € Similarly, if we set all potentials to zero except φ2 we will get Q1 = C12 φ 2 Qi = Ci2 φ 2 And so on. € Now, suppose that we have a general state characterized by a particular set of φi. By superposition, the sum of the simple states considered above is a solution, i.e. Q1 = C11φ1 + C12 φ 2 + C13 φ 3 + ..... + C1k φ k Q2 = C21φ1 + C22 φ 2 + C23 φ 3 + .....+ C2k φ k i.e. the Capacitance of this general system is a matrix quantity, € Qi = Cij φ j (2.7) € 7 HS 2010 Physics III Simon Lilly whose elements can be determined through the above thought experiment of sequentially setting all the potentials except one to zero. 8