Electromagnetic Compatibility Grzegorz Kosobudzki, Jerzy Leszczyński Low frequency disturbances immunity tests Low frequency disturbances immunity test • • • • Voltage dips, short interruption Voltage varation Power frequency variation Harmonics and intarharmonics, mains signaling 2 Test results - classification • A) normal performance within limits specified by the manufacturer • B) temporary loss of function or degragation of performace • C) temporary loss of function or degragation of performace – the correction of which requires operator intervention • D) loss of function or degragation of performance which is not recoverable 3 U<90%Unom Unom U<1%Unom Voltage interruption and dip ti ti interruption Dip (sag) 4 Voltage dips and surge U Umax Usurge=Umin 1.1Un Un 0.9Un Udip=Umin Umin DIP SURGE t 5 ITIC CURVE 6 ANSI CURVE 7 Voltage dips and inerruption tests URMS 100% Voltage fall time Voltage rising time 30% tf 0% ts time at reduced voltage tr 8 100 Unom 25%Unom Dips parameters 40ms EN 50160 10ms EN 61000-4-30 25 9 Power supply Schematic of test instrumentation for voltage dips, interruption and variations using variable transformers and switches EUT Voltmeter oscilloscope 10 Power supply Schematic of test instrumentation for voltage dips, interruption and variations using power amplifier Waveform Generator EUT Amplifier Voltmeter oscilloscope Controller 11 Power supply Schematic of test instrumentation for three-phase voltage dips, interruption and variations using power amplifier Waveform Generator EUT Amplifier Voltmeter oscilloscope Controller 12 Prefereed test level and duration for voltage dips and interruption Table 1 and 2; EN 61000-4-11 Prefered test level and duration Class Voltage dips 1 Short interruption Case by case according to the equipment requirements 2 0% during ½ cycle 0% during 1cycle 70% during 25 cycle 0% during 250 cycle 3 0% during ½ cycle 0% during cycle 40% during 10 cycle 70% during 25 cycle 80% during 250 cycle x x x x x x 0% during 250 cycle x 13 Dips immunity tests in 3 phase systems EN 61000-4-11 L3 L1 L1 L1 N N N L2 L3 L2 L3 L2 Phase to neutral testing 14 Dips immunity tests in 3 phase systems: Phase to neutral dip L2 100% 100% 100% sin 100% p 100% 30° 1-P sin(120 ) 1 1 P2 2 P cos(120 ) L1 U L1 1 P2 L2 2 P cos(120 ) 3 L3 15 Dips immunity tests in 3 phase systems EN 61000-4-11 L1 N L3 L2 Phase to phase testing – not recommended L3 L1 L1 N N L2 L3 Phase to phase testing – preffered L2 16 Dips immunity tests in 3 phase systems: Phase to phase dip L2 U L1 100% U L2 N N (1 P) 2 3 2 1 p 3 UL2-N 100% UL2-L3 sin 1 3 (1 P cos(30 ) 2 (1 P) sin(30 ) 2 U L1 N UL1-N N 1-P 100% L1 120 UL3-L1 100% 100% L3 2 U L3 L1 U L2 1 (U L1 N ) 2 2U L1 L3 N cos( 120 ) 3 60 sin 1 U L1 N sin( 3U L 3 120 ) L1 17 Dips immunity tests in 3 phase systems: Phase to phase dip L2 U L1 100% 2 3P cos(30 ) 1 3P 2 N p 100% UL2-N 120 o sin 1 P 3 sin(30 ) U L1 N UL1-N N 1-P 100% UL3-L1 100% L1 U L3 1 (U L1 N ) 2 2U L1 L1 N cos( 120 ) 3 100% L3 60 sin 1 U L1 N sin( 3U L 3 120 ) L1 18 Circuit for determining peak inrush current requirement of EUT To oscilloscope Voltage interrupt generator EUT 19 Circuit for determining peak inrush current drive capability of interruption generator To oscilloscope Voltage interrupt generator C R R- bleeder resistor 10k>R>100 C- electrolytic capacitor C=1700uF 20 Voltage variation- optional test EN 61000-4-11 URMS 100% Voltage fall time Time at reduced voltage Voltage rising time tf ts Test level: 70% td : abrupt ts : 1 cycle tr : 25 cycles tr 0% 21 Voltage Variation immunity test: EN61000-4-14 Un+10% Minimum 5s 60s 60s 5s Un 5s 60s 60s Minimum 5s Un-10% 22 Voltage Variation immunity test: EN61000-4-14 Starting voltage U T=5s+-0.5s tf 5 periods t=2s+-0.2s tr 5 periods 23 Variation of power Frequency immunity test: EN 61000-4-28 Mearuring Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Frequency Transient time variation tp No obligation No obligation ±3% +4% -6% ±15% 10 s 10 s 1s 24 Variation of power Frequency immunity test: EN 61000-4-28 f+ f tp f- f 120s tp 60s 60s f 120s 120s 60s tp 120s 120s f+ f tp 60s 120s f- f 25 Harmonics and interharmonics immunity test: EN 61000-4-13 I. Harmonics tests a. Individual harmonic b. Flat curve c. Over swing II. Interharmonics tests a. Individual interharmonic b. Sweep in frequency c. Meister curve Harmonics immunity test: EN 61000-4-13 Harmonic combination- „over swing” 1 3rd % 0f U1 /angle 4%/180o 5th %0f U1 /angle 3%/0o 2 3 X 6%/180o 8%/180o X%/180o 4%/0o 5%/0o x%/0o 400 200 u [V] Class 0 200 400 0 5 10 3 0.01 0.015 0.02 time [s] 27 Harmonics and interharmonics immunity test: EN 61000-4-13 Harmonic combination- „flat curve” function 0≤|sin t|≤0.95 0≤|sin t|≤0.9 0≤|sin t|≤0.8 0≤|sin t|≤X 200 u [V] Class 1 2 3 X 400 0 200 400 0 5 10 3 0.01 0.015 0.02 time [s] 28 Interharmonics immunity test: EN 61000-4-13 Sweep in frequency, Meister curve Freq. Range f Freq. Step f Sweep in frequency Class 3 Meister curve Class 3 tests level %U1 tests level %U1 0,33f1 to 2f1 0,1f1 4,5 4 2f1 to 10f1 0,2f1 14 10 10f1 to 20f1 0,2f1 9 4500/f (9%for 500Hz) 20f1 to 30f1 0,5f1 6 4500/f (4,5%for 1kHz) 30f1 to 40f1 0,5f1 4 4500/f (3%for 1,5kHz, 2,25% for 2kHz) 29