SWITCHMODE POWER SUPPLY WATER COOLED THE WORLD’S LEADING MANUFACTURER OF STANDARD AND CUSTOM POWER CONVERSION EQUIPMENT 24 Hour Technical Support and World Wide Service | UL, CSA and CE Compliant Designs Available The Switchmode DC power supply is a solid state AC to DC C power conversion system. The e system functions by first rectifying ying the AC input to an unregulated d DC voltage, this intermediate DC voltage is then switched using Pulse Width Modulation through gh an H-Bridge configuration into o a high frequency transformer. The output of the transformer is rectified and filtered to provide ea precisely controlled high current nt DC output with <2% AC Vrms content. The high switching frequency enables smaller magnetics and filters, less ripple, ple, higher efficiency and provides for a faster control loop. The water cooled design has been optimized to be as small as possible and all models come standard with a NEMA 4X enclosure suitable for corrosive e environments. Water cooled units nits come standard with a touchpad interface board allowing for advanced functions such as ramp, mp, cycle, pulse, amp-hour counterr and a program mode allowing any combination of these functions. s. Numerous standard output ratings tings for both air and water cooled are available off the shelf, with nonnstandard ratings and requirements ents designed to order. WATER-COOLED SWITCHMODE POWER SUPPLY Dynapower offers the latest generation of Water-Cooled Switchmode DC power supplies featuring an innovative design that provides users with an operational and ÃÌ>>ÌÊ>`Û>Ì>}i°Ê"ÕÀÊ water-cooled switchmode power supply is a flexible, easy ÌÊÕÃiÊÀiVÌwiÀÊÜÌ Ê£¯Ê Ê ,-ÊvÊvÕÊÃV>iÊÀ««i£]Êä°£¯Ê regulation over the operating range2 and a power factor of ä°Î°Ê"ÕÀÊ } ÊivwViVÞÊ switchmode design offers a conversion efficiency that is }Ài>ÌiÀÊÌ >ÊÃÌ>`>À`Ê- ,Ê type rectifiers with DC output V>«>LÌiÃÊvÊÕ«ÊÌÊ£xä7° Standard Features UÊ } ÊivwViVÞÊHä¯Ê UÊ Ê,««iÊVÌiÌÊiÃÃÊÌ >ÊÓ¯Ê Ê,-ÊvÊvÕÊ scale rating over the full range of output UÊ ÊÓÊä°£¯ÊvÊvÕÊÃV>iÊÀi}Õ>ÌÊÛiÀÊÌ iÊvÕÊ range of output UÊ Ê Ê{8ÊiµÕÛ>iÌÊΣÈÊÃÌ>iÃÃÊÃÌiiÊ enclosure allowing for operation in extremely caustic environments. The switchmode power supply can be mounted where a standard remote control console is located. UÊ ÀiVÌÊÜ>ÌiÀVi`Ê UÊ Ê/ ÀÕ} Ê«>iÊVÀVÕÌÊLÀi>Ê`ÃViVÌÊ UÊ ÕÊÃÌ>ÌÕÃÊ`ë>ÞÊ Options UÊ ,iÛiÀÃiÊ«>ÀÌÞÊ UÊ Ê Ê£ÓÊÀÊ Ê{8ÊÀiÌiÊVÌÀÊVÃiÊ Controls The switchmode power supplies are designed to be simple to operate and maintain. All output adjustments are made from the control Touchpad located on the front panel of the unit (wall mountable remote control available as an option). Dynapower’s Touchpad interface is a flexible platform that is easy to use, programmable, and provides users precision control of their rectifier. The digital display with alpha numeric readout and status indication offer the user an informative, easily read user interface. UÊ Ê{Ê`}ÌÊ`}Ì>ÊÃiÌ«ÌÊ>`ÊÀÕÊ`ë>ÞÊvÊ Ê volts and DC amperes UÊ Ê*ÀiVÃÊÛÌ>}iÊ>`ÊVÕÀÀiÌÊ«Õà LÕÌÌÃÊÜÌ Ê setpoint displays UÊ -Ì>ÀÌ]ÊÃÌ«]ÊÀiÃiÌ]Ê>Õ>É>ÕÌÊ UÊ ÊiÊv>ÕÌÊ>`Ê«iÀ>Ì>ÊÃÌ>ÌÕÃÊ`ë>ÞÊ UÊ Ê,>«ÊÃiÌ«ÌÊ>`ÕÃÌÊ>`ÊÀÕÊ`ë>ÞÊ UÊ ,>«ÊÊÛÌ>}iÊÀÊVÕÀÀiÌÊ`iÃÊ UÊ ,>«ÊÌÊ>ÊÃiÌ«ÌÊ UÊ `ÊvÊVÞViÊ>>ÀÊ UÊ Ê-iiVÌ>LiÊÌiÊL>ÃiÊvÊÃiV`Ã]ÊÃiV`Ã]Ê minutes, or hours UÊ Ê6ÃÕ>Ê`ë>ÞÊÌiÊÀiÃÕÌÊvÊ ää°äÊÃiVÉÉ ÀÊ UÊ « ÕÀÊÃiÌ«ÌÊ>`ÊÀÕÊ`ë>ÞÊ UÊ /Ì>âiÀÊÜÌ ÊnÊ`}ÌÊÀiÃÕÌÊ UÊ `ÊvÊVÞViÊ>>ÀÊ UÊ Ê*ÕÃiÊÃiÌ«ÌÊ>`ÕÃÌÊ>`ÊÀÕÊ`ë>ÞÊ UÊ Ê£äÊÃiV`ÊÉvvÊ«ÕÃiÊÌiÊV>«>LÌÞÊ UÊ *ÕÃiÊÊVÕÀÀiÌÊÀÊÛÌ>}iÊ`iÊ UÊ Ê ÃÕÌÊv>VÌÀÞÊvÀÊv>ÃÌiÀÊ«ÕÃiÊÜ>ÛivÀÃÊ UÊ Ê Ài>Ìi]Êi`Ì]Ê>`ÊÃÌÀiÊVÕÃÌÊ«À}À>ÃÊ UÊ Ê£ÓÊÕÌÃÌi«Ê«À}À>ÊV>«>LÌÞ]ÊÜÌ ÊnÊÃÌi«ÃÊ per program UÊ Ê-iÌ«ÌÃÊ>`Ê«À}À>Ê«>À>iÌiÀÃÊ>ÀiÊ automatically restored upon power-up UÊ Ê"«iÀ>Ì}Ê`iÃÊ>ÞÊLiÊÀÕÊVVÕÀÀiÌÞ]Ê allowing complex waveforms and reversing profiles Fault Diagnostics The power supply features a fault diagnostic protection system to automatically shut down Ì iÊÕÌÊÊÌ iÊÕiÞÊiÛiÌÊÌ >ÌÊ>ÊÛiÀ temperature or an IGBT fault condition exists. If a fault is detected, the microprocessor first verifies the fault and attempts to correct the condition. If the fault persists, the power supply will shut down. Water-Cooled Switchmode Rectifier Specifications: Output Voltage Regulation: ³Éä°£¯ÊvÊvÕÊÃV>iÊÛÌ>}iÊvÀÊ£ä£ää¯ÊvÊ unit rating Output Current Regulation: ³Éä°£¯ÊvÊvÕÊÃV>iÊVÕÀÀiÌÊvÀÊ£ä£ää¯ÊvÊÕÌÊ rating Output Ripple: £¯Ê Ê,-ÊvÊvÕÊÃV>iÊÛÌ>}iÊEÊVÕÀÀiÌÊvÀÊ £ä£ää¯ÊvÊÕÌÊÀ>Ì} Operating Temperature: £äc ÊÌÊ{äc ÊQxäcÊÌÊ£ä{cR System Protection: UÊ Ê- ÀÌÊVÀVÕÌÊ«ÀÌiVÌi`Ê UÊ Ê/Ê>ÕÌÊà ÕÌÊ`ÜÊ UÊ Ê"ÛiÀÌi«iÀ>ÌÕÀiÊà ÕÌÊ`ÜÊ Sealing:ÊÀÌ} ÌÊ}>ÃiÌÊÃi> Warranty:ÊÎÊÞi>ÀÊÌi`ÊÜ>ÀÀ>ÌÞÊÊ parts and labor, please contact the factory for details Visit www.dynapower.com for standard and custom power conversion equipment . ISO 9001 www.dynapower.com 85 Meadowland Drive | South Burlington, VT 05403 © 2012 Dynapower Corporation T: 802 860 7200