
Fish ple fbr four peop:e
some salrnon and some otherfish eg smoked haddock― or could be iust Salrnon(abOut
500-600 gm ofish in totaり Could add a few prawns lliked.
2 eggs(hard boiled)
couple oftomatoes
milk(abOut half a litre)― to pOach fish and then to rnake sauce
salt and pepper
l kg potatoes to boil and rnash
knob of butter/margノ o‖ ve oil
Forthe、 ″hite sauce
20grn plain flour
4ognl butter
Pie dish about 5crn deep
l Peel potatoes,cutinto pieces about golf ba‖ size,and put on to bo‖
2 Putrnilk into frying pan or saucepan large enough to lay the fisぃ
intO・ Add sak and
peppen Bttng to a simmen Add ish(面 nsed).
3 Simmerish for about 3 minutes(depends how think lis―
p‖ se
Open gently with a
knife to see ifit has changed colour alrnostto the centre)
4 Lift outfish and putin pie dish.Break into flakes.(Nottoo small) Retain the rn‖ k to
make a white sauce.Let the rnilk cool― after it's a bit cooled putitin the fridge if you can.
5 Slice eggs and tomatoes and spread evenly on top offish.
6 VVhen potatOes are soft enough,drain and then rnash,adding a knob of butter or
margarine or a little bit of olive oil.
Make white sauce― eitherin a saucepan orin a bowlin rnicrowave.Delia's white
sauce recipe looks fine― but you don't need Step l as your milk is flavoured with the
httpJAぱ ぃⅣ性deliaonline.corn/how― to― cook/sauges… and_dressings/howv― to― make― all―
in… one―white― sauce.htrnl
8 Pourthe sauce overthe fishノ eggs/tomatoes and gently rnake sure everything is
coated、 ″ith sauce.
9 Pile the potatoes on top― spread outinto edges and corners and roughen up with a
fork.Drizzle、 ″ith a little olive oil or dot a few bits Of butter on top.
10 Putin pre― heated oven― about 160… 170 C for about 25 rninutes― until potato topping
has browned.
Could add a handful offrozen peas with the sauce― to give rnore coloun