Reach Maximum Energy Efficiency

Applied Industrial Technologies
Reach Maximum Energy Efficiency
Smart Choices, Easy Savings
Motor-driven equipment accounts
for 64 percent of electricity consumed
in industrial applications...
Your choice of industrial products can significantly affect
your energy consumption. Motor-driven equipment accounts for
64 percent of electricity consumed in industrial applications. With
energy costs continually rising, this is an area where Applied® can
help you identify opportunities that decrease energy usage and
ultimately impact your bottom line.
Moreover, Applied’s Documented Value Added® (DVA®) process
enables us to document your energy savings. DVA is a proprietary
software package our associates use to track and report valueadded services on a regular basis. Through the Applied DVA
process, our customers have acknowledged more than $2 billion
in documented savings, many of them energy reduction
opportunities that you also might enjoy.
Visit for additional information on energy efficiency.
A relatively small up front investment
will pay back quickly and also pay
dividends in energy savings for years
and years to come...
The average motor consumes 50 to 60 times its initial purchase price in
electricity during an average 10-year service life. As such, motor selection can
significantly impact your plant’s utility bill. And as energy costs continue to rise,
energy hogging motors will cost you more and more.
The solution? Invest in motors manufactured to NEMA
Documented Value Added®
Premium® standards. The NEMA Premium label is
A property management company requested
available through most motor manufacturers and
Applied’s assistance with the identification
helps you optimize efficiency, reduce electrical power
and replacement of an electric motor that did
costs and improve system reliability. A relatively small
not have a nameplate. Applied® identified the
up front investment will pay back quickly and also
proper motor for replacement, recognizing
pay dividends in energy savings for years and years
that a NEMA Premium model would reduce
to come. The savings are so significant, it can be
the customer’s energy consumption.
worthwhile to replace fully serviceable standard
The customer has verified an annual energy
efficiency motors.
savings of $625.
Additionally, NEMA Premium motors are made to
A manufacturer of building products
higher manufacturing standards, which typically
contacted Applied for assistance converting
results in longer life, less maintenance and reduced
their standard efficiency motors to NEMA
Premium models. While this project is
ongoing, the customer confirmed that first
You have the potential for significant savings
year energy savings reached $9,000.
when you consider NEMA Premium models:
• For new motor purchases
A beverage producer contacted Applied
• When specifying motor-driven equipment
when they needed a replacement motor for
• Instead of repairing or rewinding failed standard-
a refrigeration pump. A 150 horsepower
standard efficiency motor was replaced with
efficiency motors
• As replacements for older, operable
lower-efficiency models
a premium efficient model. Annual energy
savings, validated by the customer, totaled
Visit for additional information on energy efficiency.
Substantial energy and operating
cost savings are gained by using highly
efficient gearing...
Your choice of gearing can have a significant impact on energy usage.
Gearing is a common method of speed reduction and torque multiplication.
During this process, gearing consumes a certain percentage of power.
Substantial energy and operating cost savings are
Documented Value Added®
gained by using highly efficient gearing. 8 to 35%
A wastewater treatment plant contacted
efficiency gains are possible by upgrading to a more
Applied® to replace 10 motors and gearbox
efficient, or more properly sized gearbox and energy-
units on their primary tank. The plant’s
matched gear components (helical, cyclodial, bevel
existing gearing was only 34% efficient,
or planetary).
therefore presented a great opportunity
to increase efficiency and lower energy
consumption. Applied proposed gearing
replacements which were 95% efficient. We
were also able to specify lower horsepower
motors to further reduce energy costs.
The customer disclosed a first year energy
savings of $5,794.
Applied worked with a paper mill customer to
increase efficiency and reduce electrical costs
in a chip bin drive. Applied replaced 87%
efficient worm gearing with 97% efficient
helical gearing. The customer recognized
reduced annual energy costs totaling $2,795.
Visit for additional information on energy efficiency.
Variable Frequency Drives
Adjusting pump or fan speed to a
desired flow rate can result in significant
energy savings...
In most facilities, pumps and fans run at fixed speeds. An automatic valve or
some other mechanical means varies fluid flow rates. By using a variable frequency
drive, motor speeds can be varied and regulated electronically. Adjusting pump or fan
speed to a desired flow rate can result in significant energy savings - payback periods
are often less than one year.
Documented Value Added®
Applied® worked with an aluminum forger
to regulate the temperature of an oven
application by using a variable frequency
drive. Energy savings for the first year
totaled $500.
A boat motor manufacturer contacted
Applied about energy consumed on a die cast
machine. After the installation of two variable
frequency drives, energy savings
were calculated at $12,000.
Visit for additional information on energy efficiency.
Soft Start Controllers
Reduce mechanical stress on the
motor, decrease energy consumption
and extend the system’s service life...
A soft start is used to temporarily reduce motor load and torque during
startup. Instead of applying the full voltage available to start the motor when
powered on, a soft starter ramps up voltage according to the application.
A soft start reduces mechanical stress on the motor,
Documented Value Added®
decreases energy consumption and extends the
A lighting systems company contacted
system’s service life. Additionally, soft starts are useful
Applied® to discuss ways of increasing
for conveyors, fans, pumps and any equipment where
v-belt life on a fan application. The Applied
starting or stopping at full speed might damage the
representative recommended a soft start that
product being moved.
decreased stress on the system so significantly
that belts lasting four months are now lasting
well over a year. Total product and energy
savings totals $5,000.
Visit for additional information on energy efficiency.
Synchronous belts are approximately
98% efficient and maintain that efficiency
over a wide load range...
A properly designed belt transmission system is highly efficient, quiet and
requires minimal maintenance. Certain types of belts, however, are more efficient
than others, offering maximum drive performance.
The majority of belt drives use v-belts, which lose
Documented Value Added®
efficiency because they are not properly tensioned over
A pharmaceutical customer was reviewing options
time. Cogged belts run cooler, last longer and are about
for increasing efficiency on 44 air supply and return
2% more efficient than standard v-belts. Synchronous
fan drives. Applied® recommended converting all
belts, however, are your most efficient option. These
v-belts to Goodyear’s Eagle Pd® synchronous belts.
belts are toothed and require the installation of
Each drive realized a major reduction in energy
mating toothed drive sprockets. Synchronous belts are
consumption and a yearly cost savings ranging from
approximately 98% efficient and maintain that efficiency
$1,200 to $2,700.
over a wide load range.
The customer confirmed that energy savings for
the first year totaled $64,584.
A paper mill contacted Applied about a belt drive
application that was failing every two weeks on an
exhaust fan. Because of extreme temperatures and
inefficiency, Applied recommended Goodyear’s
Eagle Pd synchronous belt. This solution eliminated
the cost of maintenance every two weeks as well as
increased efficiency in this application.
The paper mill now recognizes an annual energy
cost reduction of $3,150.
To lower energy consumption, an Applied Account
Manager worked with his food-processing customer
to convert all v-belts on HVAC fan drives to
synchronous belts. According to the customer,
this simple change saves $17,612 in annual
energy savings.
Visit for additional information on energy efficiency.
Thread Sealants
Leakage is the major cause of inefficiency in compressed air systems.
A typical system under constant operation with only a ¼” leak can cost an average
of $8,300 per year in lost energy. Contact your Applied® Account Manager to help
conduct a compressed air system assessment at your facility.
Tools to Further Enhance Efficiency
Drive Selection Software
Goodyear’s MAXIMIZER™ Drive Selection Analysis software helps you design
Documented Value Added®
the most efficient belt drive for your application. Simply enter your required drive
specifications and sort by energy cost. Within seconds, you are provided with the
most efficient drive design, complete with part numbers, costs, belt tensioning
A large manufacturer was facing increased
information and engineering drawings. Maximizer is easy to install and use, and
costs due to energy loss and man-hours spent
helps you determine the true drive cost of ownership.
tightening contact lugs on 16 motors.
The contact lugs coming loose through
Shaft and Belt Alignment
vibration and harmonic loosening were
In addition to causing system component wear, misalignment can cause up to 5%
accounting for an energy loss of about 13%,
in energy losses. Alignment Tools can improve both accuracy and efficiency of
and were consuming as much as eight man
operation, whether installing new belt drives or maintaining existing ones.
hours per week to re-tighten them. The cost
in dollars was calculated to be approximately
$250 per motor, per year. An Applied plant
Belt Tensioning
assessment discovered the efficiency problem
Improper belt tensioning leads to inefficient power transmission, belt failure and
and the plant now saves a total of $4,000
associated increases in cost. Unless your belt is running at optimum tension,
each year.
you’re sacrificing time and money. Ask your Applied account manager about
tensioning devises that maintain efficiency and decrease energy loss.
Visit for additional information on energy efficiency.
Applied Industrial Technologies
offers the parts you need including
bearings, power transmission
supplies, fluid power components,
rubber products and MRO
supplies. Applied® also provides
technical training, engineering, design
and systems integration for industrial
and fluid power applications, and
Applied® distribution centers
customized mechanical fabricated rubber
Applied® service centers
and fluid power shop services.
Serving your needs, Applied® represents
more than 2500 leading manufacturers including
the following:
Contact Your Local Applied® Service Center
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Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Toll Free Phone: 1-877-279-2799
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