SM-722: Dynamic Modelling Credits: 4 (3-1-0) COURSE OBJECTIVE This course exposes the students in mathematical tools for exploring and studying real world problems. The overall objective of this course is to provide an introduction to the process of mathematical modelling while giving students an opportunity to develop and construct appropriate models for various problem situations, analyze given models to uncover underlying assumptions, and investigate particular problems to find out what has already been done toward developing solutions. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Unit -I: System modelling, classification of models, validation and verification. Systems, reservoirs, processes, converters, interrelationships. Uses of systems models. A systems approach: systems thinking, feedback-positive, negative. Basic modelling concepts, building blocks, modelling of growth or decay-linear, exponential, logistic, overshoot or collapse, oscillation. Strategies for analysing and using systems models. Analysing a model, applying the strategy-problem definition, model validation, exploratory analysis, case analysis. Unit-II: Modelling predator-prey systems-problem definition, background information, difference equations, steady state solution. Modelling the dynamic deer-wolf system. Modelling surface water contamination-problem definition, background information, difference equations, steady state solution. Modelling the dynamic DO system. Unit-III: Modelling matter cycling in ecosystems-problem definition, background information, difference equations, steady state solution. Modelling the dynamic phosphorus system. Modelling mobile source air pollution inventories-problem definition, background information, difference equations, steady state solution. Modelling the dynamic mobile source emissions system. Unit-IV: Modelling greenhouse gases and global warming-problem definition, background information, difference equations, steady state solution. Modelling the dynamic greenhouse gas system. Modelling atmospheric chemistry and pollution transport-problem definition, background information, difference equations, steady state solution. Modelling the dynamic acid deposition system. TEXTBOOKS Deaton Michael L., Winebrake James J.: Dynamic Modelling of Environmental Systems. Springer. Brian Albright: Mathematical Modelling with excel Meerschaert, M., Mathematical Modeling, Academic Press, Fourth Edition COURSE PLAN: Week Unit 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 II 6 7 II II 8 9 II III 10 11 III III 12 III 13 IV 14 15 IV IV 16 IV TOTAL Topics Hours Lecture Tutorial System modelling, classification of models, validation 3 1 and verification. Systems, reservoirs, processes, converters, interrelationships. Uses of systems models. A systems approach: systems thinking, feedback3 1 positive, negative. Basic modelling concepts, building blocks, modelling 3 1 of growth or decay-linear, exponential, logistic, overshoot or collapse, oscillation. Strategies for analysing and using systems models. 3 1 Analysing a model, applying the strategy-problem definition, model validation, exploratory analysis, case analysis. Modelling predator-prey systems-problem 3 1 definition, background information, difference equations, steady state solution. Modelling the dynamic deer-wolf system. 3 1 Modelling surface water contamination-problem 3 1 definition, background information, difference equations, steady state solution. Modelling the dynamic DO system. 3 1 Modelling matter cycling in ecosystems-problem 3 1 definition, background information, difference equations, steady state solution. Modelling the dynamic phosphorus system. 3 1 Modelling mobile source air pollution inventories3 1 problem definition, background information, difference equations, steady state solution. Modelling the dynamic mobile source emissions 3 1 system. Modelling greenhouse gases and global warming3 1 problem definition, background information, difference equations, steady state solution. Modelling the dynamic greenhouse gas system. 3 1 Modelling atmospheric chemistry and pollution 3 1 transport-problem definition, background information, difference equations, steady state solution. Modelling the dynamic acid deposition system. 3 1 48 16 Practical 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0